Snails of Medical Importance in Southeast Asia
SNAILS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA by TROPMED TECHNICAL GROUP SEAMEO Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Project (SEAMEO-TROPMED) and Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. TROPMED Technical Meeting Thailand: Mr. VIROON BAIDIKUL, Department of Participants Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok. Malaysia: Dr. CHAMLONG HARINASUTA, SEAMEO Dr. P.F. LAI, Institute for Medical TROPMED Project, Mahidol Univer Research, Kuala Lumpur. sity, Bangkok. Dr. H.S. YoNG, Department of Zoology, Dr. VIROJ KITIKOON, Department of University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Tropi cal Medicine, Mahidol University, Philippines : Bangkok. Dr. BAYANI L. BLAs, Schistosomiasis Dr. MALEEYA KRUATRACHUE, Depart Control and Research, Palo, Leyte. ment of Biology, Faculty of Science, Dr. GLORIA L. ENRIQUEZ, Department of Mahidol University, Bangkok. Zoology, University of the Philippines, Dr. CHANTIMA LoHACHIT, Department Quezon City. of Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Bangkok. Mr. RoBERTO B. MONZON, Institute of Public Health, University of the Dr. DENISE C. REYNOLDS, SEAMEO Philippines, Manila. TROPMED Project, Mahidol Univer sity, Bangkok. Indonesia : Dr. SANTASIRI SoRNMANI, Faculty of Dr. MAHFUDZ DJAJASASMITA, Museum Tropical Medicine, Mahidol Universi Biologi Bogoriense, Bogor. ty, Bangkok. Dr. PINARD! HADIDJAJA, Department of Dr. PRASONG TEMCHAROEN, Faculty of Pathology and General Pathology, Public Health, Mahidol University, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bangkok. Indonesia, Jakarta, Dr. SucHART UPATHAM, Department of Dr. MoHAMAD SunoMo, National Insti Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol tute of Health Research and Develop University, Bangkok. ment, Ministry of Health, Jakarta. Ms. SUKSIRI VICHASRI, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol World Health Organization University, Bangkok. Dr. FERGUS McCuLLOUGH, Division of Dr. VITHOON VIYANANT, Department of Vector Biology and Control, WHO, Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol Geneva, Switzerland.
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