Cross-Border Phd Mobility Application Form 2019-2020 Open Call for Uclouvain Fucam Mons
Cross-border PhD Mobility Application form 2019-2020 Open call for UCLouvain FUCaM Mons Framework of the mobility grant: In the Interreg project TRANSUNIV (2018-2020), six academic partners join forces to better integrate the labour markets in northern France, Wallonia and Flanders. The project is coordinated by CoMUE Lille Nord de France and has KU Leuven Campus Kulak, Ghent University, UCLouvain FUCaM Mons, the University of Mons and the University of Namur as other partners. The TRANSUNIV project stimulates cross-border cooperations between the partner universities and the socio- economic actors in the French-Walloon-Flemish region. Students and young researchers from the partner institutions will be able to participate in numerous activities (workshops, seminars, mobility,...) that prepare them for cross- border labour mobility. Within this project, mobility funding is foreseen to encourage PhD researchers to conduct part of their research in academic or public institutions and non-academic organizations in this cross-border area. Goal of the mobility grant: Funding for interregional mobility of PhD researchers. PhD researchers can apply for funding for a research stay in an academic or non-academic organisation, e.g. a research group at a university, a laboratory in an R&D company, a traineeship in a non-governmental organisation etc. The host organisation should be located in one of the following arrondissements: • France: Cambrai, Douai, Dunkerque, Lille, Valenciennes, Arras, Béthune, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Calais, Lens, Montreuil-sur-Mer, Saint-Omer, Avesnes. • Vlaanderen: arrondissementen Brugge, Kortrijk, Diksmuide, Oostende, Roeselare, Tielt, Veurne, Ieper, Gent, Oudenaarde. The funding aims to promote mobility in the cross-border area as well as to enable to gain a precise apprehension of the modes of action and systems in place outside of their university and beyond their research objective.
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