Annual Report Fy2014 April 1, 2013—March 31, 2014

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Annual Report Fy2014 April 1, 2013—March 31, 2014 ANNUAL REPORT FY2014 APRIL 1, 2013—MARCH 31, 2014 CONTENTS LETTERS OF SUPPORT 04 DR. CYNTHIA NEWBILLE, CITY OF RICHMOND 05 CANDICE STREETT & VERONICA FLEMING, LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION (LISC) INTRODUCTION 07 ABOUT STOREFRONT 08 TIMELINE PROGRAMS 10 DESIGN PLAN PROGRAM 14 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 18 MIDDLE OF BROAD (mOb) 23 DESIGN EDUCATION OPERATIONS & DEVELOPMENT 24 MEDIA + CLIENT FEEDBACK 26 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 28 STAFF 30 FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR FY2014 3 LETTER FROM THE HONORABLE DR. CYNTHIA NEWBILLE, RICHMOND CITY COUNCIL, EAST END 7TH VOTER DISTRICT Supporters of the Storefront for Community Design, Since our founding in 2011 in Richmond’s East End community, the Storefront for Community Design has conducted 131 pro bono design plan consultations for individuals, organizations, and businesses throughout the City of Richmond. We’ve assisted 7 neighborhoods through the design, facilitation and implementation of community visioning workshops and we have provided more than 30 educational opportunities free to the public. Whether helping an elderly neighbor walk through the guidelines for adding a new porch to her historic home, deciding what type of streetscape fits the vision for a neighborhood, or assisting a new home owner with the historic tax credit process, Storefront volunteers have been second-to-none lending their expertise for the betterment of our city as a whole. As one of the founders and supporters of the Storefront for Community Design, I understand the importance of meeting people where they are, and helping bring vision and direction to grassroots ideas that continue to make Richmond a place people want to live and raise their families. I invite you to learn more about Storefront for Community Design, through this, our first annual report, and consider becoming a volunteer, donor or supporter. With thanks, Cynthia Newbille, COUNCIL MEMBER, CITY OF RICHMOND 4 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTER FROM CANDICE STREETT & VERONICA FLEMING, VIRGINIA LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION Friends of Storefront, Virginia Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is dedicated to helping community residents transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy and sustainable communities of choice and opportunity—good places to work, do business and raise children. The design and organizing abilities Storefront brings to the city makes them a good partner for our efforts in North Richmond. We were pleased to offer Storefront financial support to continue the organizing and commercial corridor improvement initiatives that have been a part of their portfolio from their founding in 2011. Since our work began together in the North Side, we have seen monthly community clean-ups initiated by local neighborhood watch members (with more than 100 bags of trash collected to date), re-engagement from business and property owners, closer partnership with the Richmond Police Department, the development of a business directory, and the neighborhood’s first large scale piece of public art installed. A façade improvement initiative and shop local strategy is also underway. We look forward to what the next year brings and congratulate Storefront on their inaugural annual report. In Support, Candice Streett, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Veronica Fleming, SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER LETTERS OF SUPPORT 5 ABOUT STOREFRONT Storefront for Community Design is need for people in her district to have access to Plan program is a consultation during which Richmond, Virginia’s community design center. information about the benefits and parameters volunteers provide guidance to applicants on Founded and assisted by a dedicated group of historic district designation at state and local projects ranging from building a shed to designing of public servants, architects, designers and levels. Although this served as the impetus of a logo. Community Engagement programs include planners, Storefront is an open resource to any Storefront’s design assistance programs, the public workshops, community organizing, and individual, community, neighborhood, organization project types we take on are far-reaching and streetscape improvement events. The Design or business in Richmond. always free. Burt Pinnock, Principal at Baskervill Education program reaches area youth, Storefront The idea for Storefront had been floating and Storefront’s Board Chair puts it in this context: volunteers, and the general public to highlight around Richmond for decades. Many leaders For the legal community you have legal aid architecture, history and planning related issues. in their fields saw the need for a community services, for the medical community you have free Lastly, mOb—a thriving partnership with Virginia design center that was accessible for everyone in clinics, for the design, architecture and planning Commonwealth University’s School of the Arts— Richmond—a place where anyone could access communities—you have Storefront. adds the pedagogical and experimental flavor information, resources and expertise. Storefront Storefront matches design talent with to Storefront that has enticed so many people to opened its doors on Valentine’s Day 2011 after design needs through four programs directed walk through its doors, and learn about the design Richmond City Council Representative Cynthia by staff, but supported largely by a growing assistance process. Newbille made a push for it in response to a network of more than 120 volunteers. The Design It’s all for the love of our city. Storefront’s ribbon cutting FOR THE LEGAL COMMUNITY YOU HAVE LEGAL for the Broad Street location allowed every community AID SERVICES, FOR THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY member to cut one of several ribbons made from various YOU HAVE FREE CLINICS, FOR THE DESIGN, materials as an illustration ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING COMMUNITIES— of the level the organization strives to engage the citizens YOU HAVE STOREFRONT. of Richmond. ABOUT STOREFRONT 7 TIMELINE Since Storefront opened its doors on Valentine’s Day in 2011, our presence in Richmond neighborhoods has expanded significantly, 131 Design Plans have been completed, and eight community workshops and several educational events have been held. Here are some highlights from the last three years. 205 EAST BROAD (2010) 205 EAST BROAD (2014) FEBRUARY 2011 MAY 2011 OCTOBER 2011 JANUARY 2012 MARCH 2012 SEPTEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 2012 FEBRUARY 2013 MAY 2013 AUGUST 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 JANUARY 2014 FEBRUARY 2014 MARCH 2014 DESIGN PLANS first design plan 34 design plans 59 design plans 96 design plans 131 design plans completed completed completed completed completed COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Green Park Workshop Eastview Community Carver Neighborhood Springhill Community Scott’s Addition Broad Street Block Robinson Street City Stadium Public Vision Workshop Workshop Workshop Community Workshop Blitz Streetscape Engagement St. Elizabeth’s Site Improvement Workshop Design Workshop EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Graphic Design American Planning EarthCraft Virginia Chamber of #untoldRVA Playlab, Inc. visits Education Series with Association begins Sustainable Building Commerce Community Design mOb + Storefront Ansel Olson Young Planner’s Lecture Series Begins HYPE event on Cipher Group Quarterly Tactical Urbanism Ryan Rinn invited to Design Film Series meetings serve as panelist at Begins at Storefront Association for Community Design conference in Detroit TOURS Trolley Tour of “Whatever Happened “Retail and Detail” “City Walks” with “City Walks” with Richmond with T. Tyler to Shed Town?” Urban Design Walk Collegiate High Thomas Jefferson Potterfield Design History Tour with School High School with the Valentine T. Tyler Potterfield and Richmond History Mark Olinger Center OPERATIONS & DEVELOPMENT Giles Harnsberger Operational funding Broad Street location 501c3 Public Charity Ryan Rinn hired as Storefront Raises $8K LISC support received mOb receives VCU Tyler King hired as hired as Program received from opens with first Status Obtained Executive Director in Community for work in Highland Quest Innovation Fund Program Manager Manager City of Richmond semester of mOb Foundation Park Grant Operational Funding “Amazing Raise” Received from City of Richmond RECOGNITION Richmond Recognition Ryan Rinn named one Award from of Richmond’s Richmond City Council “Top 40 under 40” TIMELINE Since Storefront opened its doors on Valentine’s Day in 2011, our presence in Richmond neighborhoods has expanded significantly, 131 Design Plans have been completed, and eight community workshops and several educational events have been held. Here are some highlights from the last three years. 205 EAST BROAD (2010) 205 EAST BROAD (2014) FEBRUARY 2011 MAY 2011 OCTOBER 2011 JANUARY 2012 MARCH 2012 SEPTEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 2012 FEBRUARY 2013 MAY 2013 AUGUST 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 JANUARY 2014 FEBRUARY 2014 MARCH 2014 DESIGN PLANS first design plan 34 design plans 59 design plans 96 design plans 131 design plans completed completed completed completed completed COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Green Park Workshop Eastview Community Carver Neighborhood Springhill Community Scott’s Addition Broad Street Block Robinson Street City Stadium Public Vision Workshop Workshop Workshop Community Workshop Blitz Streetscape Engagement St. Elizabeth’s Site Improvement Workshop Design Workshop EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Graphic Design American Planning EarthCraft Virginia Chamber of #untoldRVA Playlab, Inc. visits Education Series with Association begins Sustainable Building Commerce Community Design mOb + Storefront Ansel Olson Young
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