The London Gazette, May 15, 1900
3074 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 15, 1900. The Limerick Qity Artillery (Southern Division), Francis Cowper Finch, Gent., to be Second Warren De la Fonce Wright, Esq., is re-ap- Lieutenant. Dated 5th May, 1900. pointed Captain. Dated 4th May, 190:). 3rd Battalion, the Devonshire Regiment, Major The Londonderry Artillery (Southern Division}. R. A. Moore-Stevens is granted the honorary John Conyngham McClintock, Esq., to be rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 16th May, Captain. Dated 3rd May, 1900. 1900. Thf Northumberland Artillery (Western Division). 3rd Battalion, the Prince Albert's (Somersetshire Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel C. C. Light Infantry), George Rogers, Gent., to be Edwards resigns his Commission on account of Second Lieutenant. Dated 3rd May, [900. ill-health, with permission to retain his rank, 4/7* Battalion, the Prince Albert's (Somersetshire and to wear the prescribed uniform on Lis Light Infantry), Henry Bradshaw Popham, retirement. Dated 16th May, 1900. Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 5th The Duke of Connaught's Own Sligo Artillery May, 1900. (Southern Division), The seconding of Captain 3rd Battalion, the Prince of Wales's Own (West and Honorary Major J. D. A. Roberts for Yorkshire Regiment"), Captain and Honorary service with the Royal Artillery, announced in Major J. M. Benson is seconded for service in the London Gazette of 8th May, 1£00, is South Africa. Dated 16th May, 1900. cancelled. 3rd Battalion,the Leicestershire Regiment, Kenneth The South-East of Scotland Artillery (Southern Trevor Stewart, Esq., to be Captain. Dated Division), John Willington Pepper, Gent, to 3rd May, 1900. be Second Lieutenant.
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