Table of Contents Activities Corner

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Table of Contents Activities Corner Commander’s Input for American Legion events that you would like to see in the Roll Call must go through Vince Britton Corner by the 12th of the month preceding the event (vincebrit- [email protected]). Vince needs your information in order Friends and Legionnaires, to schedule and organize the many Post duties he is in charge of. Vince will then pass your information on for inclusion in The Adjutant and I attended the De- the Roll Call. He is the Events Coordinator — please do not partment convention in Puerto Penas- forget to get your information to him as early as you can. co last month; the meetings were productive and informa- tive. We were impressed with how much they’ve improved their facility and increased their membership. Kudos Com- Thank you, mander Mike La Barge! The next department convention Tim Stern, Commander will be in Antigua, Guatemala June 12, 13, 14. The National convention this year is in Reno Nevada, August 18-24. I en- courage anyone interested to attend. You meet other Legion members from around the world and learn what happens on a national level. The National Vice-Commander, Paul Espinoza, is visit- ing our Post this month from April 6-10. He is holding Table of Contents Activities Corner .................................................................27 a presentation on the April 7 at 1 p.m. Plan to attend — he Ad Rates for Roll Call .........................................................33 will be sharing some good information for us and all veter- Adjutant Notes ......................................................................7 ans. Please invite any and all veterans so they can benefit Commander’s Corner ...........................................................1 from this presentation too. Consulate Visits to Post #7 Schedule ..................................31 Crossword/Crossword Solution .....................................26/31 Important Contact Numbers ................................................31 WE ARE MAKING Membership Categories ........................................................7 A BIG PUSH FOR Post Officers/Contact Information ........................................5 MEMBERSHIP. Restaurant Menu .................................................................36 We instated a five-year program, and I’ve amended my Roll Call Staff — To Place an Ad .........................................8 Commander’s Challenge to make two renewals equal Service Officer ....................................................................31 Sudoku/Sukoku Solution ...............................................11/31 one new member (also see Adjutant’s Notes on Page 7 for details). It is important that we all work as a team to Features: ask past members to renew and eligible veterans to join. We A Soldier’s Kind Act ........................................................6 need to reach goal before our June meeting, when we start Book Review: Sweet Spot ............................................. 10 renewals for 2018. Cancer Victim Creates Oncology Shampoo ....................5 Free Concert: Our Universal Yearning ..........................29 Free Online Spanish Courtses ..........................................9 We are raffling off our 42” Heavens to Murgatroyd ...................................................4 TV in the smoking area for Horoscope: April ............................................................30 only $50 pesos a ticket. We Profile: Bernard P. Sawatski ..........................................28 will be using the proceeds to Let’s Travel .........................................................................34 Military History: ...........................................................24 buy a larger TV. If we can make Missives from Mexico ..................................................13 enough money, we would like Profile: Bernd Sawatzki-Photographer ..........................28 to make improvements to the RCAF Association #904 Lake Chapala Wing ...............24 sound system too. We use the system for holiday events, an- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 ..................................25 nouncements, sports activities such as the Super Bowl and Sports: Women’s Hockey Team Wins Gold in Iceland ....35 This I Believe: Science Nourishes the Mind & Soul ............8 horse races, music and more. Buy raffle tickets and help us Triumphant Trip by Harriet Hart ...................................12 elevate your legion experience. For more information see Tuck in Your Napkin ......................................................32 our advertisement in this issue of the Roll Call in the cen- VW Beetle Has Become a Historical Mural ..................23 terfold section. Cover Photo By: Bernd P. Sawatzki - 1 - forces crossed the 38th parallel on October 1, and ten days later captured Wonsan. On October 26 South Korean forces reached the Yalu River at Chosin, 120 miles north of Pyong- yang. The Battle of Chosin Reservoir, also known as the Chosin (The information in this article was taken from Reservoir Campaign (the Chosin Reservoir is a man-made Internet sources and by Dan Williams) lake located in the NE of the Korean peninsula) ,was a deci- Korean War: sive battle in the Korean War. Shortly after the People’s Re- public of China entered the conflict, the People’s Volunteer The Battle of Chosin Reservoir Army (9th Army) infiltrated the northeastern part of North Supported by a UN resolution, President Harry S. Truman Korea. On 27 November, the Chinese 9th Army surprised directed the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff to authorize pursuit the US X Corps commanded by Major General Oliver P. of the retreating North Korean forces, and on October 9 Smith. the Eighth Army crossed the 38th parallel near Kaesong. American and South Korean forces entered the North Ko- On 27 November, the Chinese 9th Army surprised the US rean capital of Pyongyang on October 19. Far East Air X Corps commanded by Major General Edward Almond at Force (FEAF) B-29s and B-26s continued to bomb surface the Chosin Reservoir area. A brutal 17-day battle in freezing transport lines and military targets in North Korea, while B- weather soon followed. In the period between November 27 26s, F-51s, and F-80s provided close air support to ground and December13, 1950, 30,000 United Nations troops (later troops. FEAF also furnished photographic reconnaissance, nicknamed The Chosin Few) under the field command of Ma- airlift, and air for medical evacuation. For example, on Oc- jor General Oliver P. Smith, were encircled and attacked by tober 20 the air force’s troop carriers delivered 2,860 para- approximately 120,000 Chinese troops under the command troopers and more than 301 tons of equipment and supplies of Song Shi-Lun, who had been ordered by Mao Zedong to to drop zones near Sukchon and Sunchon, 30 miles north- destroy the UN forces. The 3rd Division, positioned near east of Pyongyang. Hungnam with X Corps, was sent inland to open the road and protect the withdrawal of the Army and Marine Corps units. The airborne troops by-passed strong defenses established On Dec. 11, X Corps completed its move to Hungnam, and by the North Koreans, and taken by surprise, the enemy American and ROK Army forces began their evacuation to troops abandoned their positions to retreat further north- Pusan the same day. Tenth Corps, which became part of (8th ward. Meantime, on the east coast of Korea, the ROK US Army) EUSA, completed the evacuation Christmas Eve. -2- (Continued from Previous Page: Military History) the Wyoming Bulge, ground suitable for a strong defense. During the fighting withdrawal the UN Forces were able to inflict crippling losses on the Chinese forces. But the The Static War Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) attacks and successive As the fighting lapsed into patrolling and small local clashes, withdrawals had weakened EUSA, and General Walker’s armistice negotiations began on July 10, 1951, at Kaesong. accidental death on December 23, was another dispiriting The opposing delegations agreed that hostilities would con- blow. Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgway, who arrived tinue until an armistice was signed. Except for brief epi- from Washington, D.C., on December 26, took command of sodes, action along the front for the next two years never EUSA. Despite Ridgway’s hurried efforts to brace the de- regained the momentum of the first year. On November 17, fensive line across the peninsula, he and his men could not the two delegations agreed that a line of demarcation during contain the CCF’s New Year’s offensive. Seoul fell in early the armistice would be the existing line of contact provided January 1951. Ridgway pulled EUSA’s entire front below an agreement was reached in 30 days. the 38th parallel. On November 12, Ridgway ordered Van Fleet to cease of- When the CCF Offensive faltered in Mid-January, Ridgway fensive operations. Fighting tapered off to patrol clashes, was ready to resume the offensive and adopted a strategy raids and small battles for possession of outposts in no- to inflict maximum casualties on the enemy with minimum man’s land. The battlefield stalemate was periodically in- losses to his troops. Ridgway proposed a war of maneuver, terrupted by artillery duels, ambushes, raids and costly slashing the enemy as it withdrew and fighting delaying small-scale hill battles such as Old Baldy. The battlefield actions when the enemy attacked. Land gains became less lull enabled the Army to return the 1st Cavalry and 24th important that damaging the CCF/NKPA (North Korean Infantry Divisions to
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    Luminos is the open access monograph publishing program from UC Press. Luminos provides a framework for preserving and reinvigorating monograph publishing for the future and increases the reach and visibility of important scholarly work. Titles published in the UC Press Luminos model are published with the same high standards for selection, peer review, production, and marketing as those in our traditional program. Making Things Stick Making Things Stick Surveillance Technologies and Mexico’s War on Crime Keith Guzik university of california press University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions. For more information, visit University of California Press Oakland, California © 2016 by The Regents of the University of California This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license. To view a copy of the license, visit Suggested citation: Guzik, Keith. Making Things Stick: Surveillance Technologies and Mexico’s War on Crime. Oakland: University of California Press, 2016. doi: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Guzik, Keith, author. Title: Making things stick : surveillance technologies and Mexico’s war on crime / Keith Guzik. Description: Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2016] | “2016 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2015040252| ISBN 9780520284043 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780520959705 (electronic) Subjects: LCSH: Crime prevention—Mexico.
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