American Cowboys Association 2018 Miss ACRA Queen Contract

1. I will hold the ACRA pageant, ACRA Directors and representatives, including all sponsors and advertisers, not responsible from any and all legal liability from any damages resulting from my participation as Miss ACRA. Initials______

2. I will be truthful and forthright in all my dealings relating to my duties as Miss ACRA. I will not lie nor deceive the directors or association in anyway. Initials______

3. I will inform the pageant directors of any changes of my address or phone number within 24 hours of such change. I understand that the pageant directors must be able to contact me to arrange for appearances and I will make every effort to inform them of my whereabouts. Initials______

4. I will attend one summer Rodeo for each that has an ACRA first approve Rodeo with a minimum of eight first approved ACRA appearances with approved appearances consisting of Friday and Saturday night. I will attend three pre-approved and a minimum of six rodeos of my choice. Initials______

5. My entry fees for a State Miss Rodeo Pageant or Miss Rodeo Teen Pageant or Miss Rodeo USA will be paid ($250-300) if I so choose to compete. My entry fees will only be paid if and only if I have attended the minimum rodeos and all my allotted requirements for the following January for MRUSA. Initials______

6. I will travel at my own expense, unless prior arrangements have been made with individual committees. Contacting the rodeo committee's will be miss ACRA's responsibility. Initials______

7. I will make every effort possible to accept all appearance requested submitted by a rodeo committee. If I am unable to accept appearance request, I will not be allowed to attend that rodeo for any reason. Initials______

8. I will notify each stock contractor four days prior to the rodeo I will be attending. At this time Miss ACRA should discuss with the stock contractor what extra duties the contractor would like her to perform (presenting flag during national anthem, push cattle out of Arena during roping/timed events, interaction with funny man, local queen pageant participation, parades, etc.) Initials______

9. I will participate in all grand entrees, when making Rodeo appearances. Initials______

10. At any and all appearances, I will wear the crown, sash, belt buckle, and if appropriate trophy saddle, that has been awarded to the title holder by the ACRA. Initials______

11. I understand that the ACRA queen chaps are the property of the ACRA and not my own, and will be returned to the ACRA at the end of my queen reign. Before the Miss ACRA Pageant in 2018, the chaps must be cleaned and in good condition. The queen is responsible for the care of the chaps. If chaps are lost or damaged it is the responsibility of the queen to have them replaced at her own expense. Initials______

12. I will dress in a modest western style while making appearances as miss acra. I understand that Rodeo dress code will be followed; hat, long sleeves, jeans, belt, and boots. If my wardrobe is deemed inappropriate for any appearance, I will change immediately. Continued infractions of this may be grounds for dismissal. This decision is solely the pageant director's and or Board of Directors. Initials______

13. I will arrive and leave rodeo grounds in official dress. This means that at all times when I will be making an appearance as Miss ACRA that I will come to the Rodeo completely ready and leave before I change. Initials______

14. Miss ACRA will be expected to arrive at all events in a timely manner and ready for photographs at anytime she is making appearances. This means that hair will be done and make up will be already applied upon arrival. When making appearances at rodeos it is acceptable to arrive early and get ready at your horse trailer, however it is not acceptable to be walking around the rodeo grounds in curlers, or half dressed. While in the view of the public please be sure that you are completely put together. Hair should be curled. If inclement weather occurs hair can be placed in a ponytail. Braided hair is unacceptableunacceptable, we are rodeo queens first and foremost. Your horse or the horse you will be appearing with needs to be sound, clean and well groomed. Your tack needs to be cleaned and in good condition. Initials______

15. All appearances must first be approved by the queen directors. I will have an appearance sheet signed at each rodeo performance by the event secretary. Appearance sheet must then be mailed or emailed to the pageant director by the following Monday. Initials______

16. If I have any pierce body part, other than the standard 2 to 4 earring piercing (naval knows eyebrow etc.) I will agree to remove earrings (or in the case of the Naval, conceal) whenever appearing as Miss ACRA. This also applies to concealing any tattoos. Miss ACRA will not be allowed to make any appearances if she has a "hickey". This is very inappropriate in setting a good example for the association. Continued infractions of this will be grounds for dismissal (this is applicable for any and all of the above markings or piercings). Initials______

17. No cell phones will be on or visible during any and all appearances! Initials______

18. I will not use nor imply that I use illegal narcotics. Nor will I partake or suggest that I drink alcoholic beverages to others while reining as miss acra and if I do, I will immediately forfeit my title, crown, saddle and all awards. If it is discovered that the titleholder participates in these activities and is under age, her parents will be immediately notified. This will be at the sole discretion of the pageant director's. I will not be seen at parties which illegal drugs or alcohol are consumed or used. Initials______

19. Social media – Facebook/Twitter/instagram/Snapchat etc. RULES: I will not use any photograph taken of me in crown and sash or use my title on my Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat etc. without specific permission by the directors. At no time will I post negative comments or comments that cause concern for my mental health i.e. promoting suicide, "someone come kill me ""I want to die ""my life is useless quote or similar statements. I understand that my social media accounts will be seen by others and I will refrain from allowing any posting or pictures that contain nudity, profanity or any other inappropriate postings that would reflect negatively upon me as a titleholder in anyway. This includes any suggestions regarding smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, sexual activity or illegal actions. If you would not want your parents to see it, don't allow it on social media. I will notify the queen director of all social media accounts and will give access to view all accounts. Initials______

20. I will not violate the laws of the state of Oklahoma, or any other state of the United States, (only minor traffic violations permitted). This includes misdemeanor crimes such as driving without a license. I will remember that I am setting an example for the youth and members of the ACRA in my actions. Initials______

21. I will not participate in any form of slander, gossip, or verbal belittling (whether it be in person, via telephone calls or in writing) of anyone including fellow contestants, title holder, number of the ACRA or sponsors. I will not make derogatory comments or actions regarding any potential contestant, title holder, member of the ACRA or sponsor. This shall include any unwanted physical contact (hitting, slapping, pinching etc.). Foul language is not acceptable at any pageant activity or appearances. Any incidents will be investigated by the pageant directors and may lead to dismissal. Initials______

22. The ACRA reserves the right to retrieve my title should I not uphold a respectable image for the ACRA pageant, Rodeo or association by my actions, public behavior and private image. At anytime while making appearances, is the title holder allowed to have any physical contact with the opposite sex, specifically boyfriends or "friends" handholding, hugging, kissing, lovey-dovey affection in public is not acceptable and there is to be no pictures of such on any social media while holding title. Initials______

23. After the reigning year is complete as Miss ACRA, I will not use any pageant photo of myself depicting the crown and/or banner, to accompany distasteful, semi nude or nude photos in any publication and I agree not to mention having held the title of Miss ACRA are to be printed along with such Photos for publications. Any such conduct on my part in this regard, or any of use of such pageant photograph or mention there of, including the Miss ACRA pageant may result in legal ramifications. Initials______

24. I agree that I will not incur, nor am I authorized to incur any Debt on behalf of the Miss ACRA. Initials______

25. I also agree that I will not solicit or except any prizes, gifts or money in the name of the ACRA title/pageant it anyway unless approved by the directors. Initials______

26. In the event that I should Marry, become engaged, promise of engagement, become pregnant, take up residence with the opposite sex, or if my conduct is in anyway damaging or in question to the Miss ACRA pageant or association, I will forfeit the crown, the title and all awarded prizes immediately. Upon information received about any of these situations that may have occurred or occurred all cases will be investigated. Initials______

27. I understand that the 2018 queen reign begins once crowned and will end on the last day of the 2019 ACRA finals. Initials______

28. I will make myself available and assist the directors during any and all dates pertaining to the pageant health in 2018. Initials______

29. It is my responsibility to read all posts and information the directors may post on the ACRA queen Facebook page to keep myself informed and to be able to inform others. Initials______

30. Reigning queen will be required to raise $200 during the next years pageant fundraising to help offset cost of stalls and hotel room during finals. Initials______

31. I under stand I will receive only three warnings unless otherwise stated above, after three warnings if any other issues arise I will be required to forfeit my title. Initials______

I, ______, Parent and/or legal guardian have read and understand all the terms and conditions listed above in representing the ACRA as the 2018 Queen.

2018 Miss ACRA Queen:______

2018 Miss ACRA Signature:______

Parent Signature:______

ACRA QUEEN Directors:______&
