Answers Research Journal 4 (2011):127–159. Ancient Egyptian Chronology and the Book of Genesis Matt McClellan,
[email protected] Abstract One of the most popular topics among young earth creationists and apologists is the relationship of the Bible with Ancient Egyptian chronology. Whether it concerns who the pharaoh of the Exodus was, the background of Joseph, or the identity of Shishak, many Christians (and non-Christians) have wondered how these two topics fit together. This paper deals with the question, “How does ancient Egyptian chronology correlate with the book of Genesis?” In answering this question it begins with an analysis of every Egyptian dynasty starting with the 12th Dynasty (this is where David Down places Moses) and goes back all the way to the so called “Dynasty 0.” After all the data is presented, this paper will look at the different possibilities that can be constructed concerning how long each of these dynasties lasted and how they relate to the biblical dates of the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel, and the Patriarchs. Keywords: Egypt, pharaoh, Patriarchs, chronology, Abraham, Joseph Introduction Kingdom) need to be revised. This is important During the past century some scholars have when considering the relationship between Egyptian proposed new ways of dating the events of ancient history and the Tower of Babel. The traditional dating history before c. 700 BC.1 In 1991 a book entitled of Ancient Egyptian chronology places its earliest Centuries of Darkness by Peter James and four of dynasties before the biblical dates of the Flood and his colleagues shook the very foundations of ancient confusion of the languages at Babel.