Stephen Goss Francisco Rodriguez Overview

- Game Boy - Z80 - Game Boy Advanced - ARM7TDMI - Dual Screen - ARM946E-S & ARM7TDMI - Nintendo Dual Screen 3D - ARM11 & PICA200 GAME BOY

Nintendo started prototyping in 1987 a device that was not to use the latest cutting edge technology, but instead to use a processor that was less expensive and designed for mobility.

Thus , Nintendo designer, chose the to be implemented in their . A processor that was on the market since in 1976.

Prototyping took 2 years until the Game Boy hit the market in 1989. ZILOG Z80 - HISTORY

Zilog was started by Ralph Ungerman and Los Altos, CA in 1974.

Undgerman and Faggin both worked for and left due to recent changes at Intel.

In 1975 Exxon Enterprises decided to finance Zilog for the Z80 project.

By July of 1976 Zilog put the Z80 on the market. It took about about 1 year and 2 months.

The Z80 was the chip that started Zilog. ZILOG Z80 – IMPLEMENTED DEVICES

Since the Z80 has been manufactured it has been used in a variety of systems.

The systems ranged from fax machines, photocopiers, TI graphing , credit card machines and desktop like the Commodore 128.

In many music systems, the Z80 has been used as a realtime audio codec and a MIDI controller.

In game systems, the Z80 has been used in coin- operated arcade games, several systems, and of course the Gameboy. ZILOG Z80 – ARCHITECTURE

For the minimum requirements to run a Z80 CPU are: - A Single 5V Power Supply - External Memory (RAM, ROM, PROM) - A Simple Oscillator - An I/O Circuit ZILOG Z80 – MEMORY

The Z80 had: - Stack Pointer - Two Index Registers - Program Counter - Register - Refresh Register The Game Boy had: - 8KB Internal RAM - 32KB Cartridge ROM ZILOG Z80 – ISA

The Z80 is a 8-bit CISC architecture.

Very similar to the .

158 Different Instructions (Including all 78 from 8080) Nintendo Modified the ISA for the Game Boy

Instructions fall into one of eight categories: - Load and Exchange - Block Transfer and Search - Arithmetic and Logical - Rotate and Shift - Bit Manipulation - Bit Manipulation - Jump, Call, & Return - Basic CPU Control - Input/Output ZILOG Z80 –

The Z80 had one interrupt line.

The interrupt devices are daisy chained with the highest priority give to the device closest to the power line. ZILOG Z80 – MODERN

Moog Memorymoog, Minimoog, Memorymoog Plus


Intoxilyzer 5000EN


The Gameboy Advance was released on in 2001.

The processor used (the ARM7tdmi) was on market for 7 years before the GBA was manufactured. ARM7TDMI - HISTORY & ARCHITECTURE

Part of the ARM7 family, manufactured in 1994.

Supported both 32-bit and 16-bit instructions depending on the mode. (This change in mode was how backwards compatibility was possible between Gameboy and GBA games).

32bit RISC CPU, 16.78MHz, 32bit opcodes (GBA) Z80/8080-style 8bit CPU, 4.19MHz (gameboy)

"The ARM7TDMI core has a Von Neumann architecture, with a single 32-bit data bus carrying both instructions and data. Only load, store, and swap instructions can access data from memory." -ARM ARM7TDMI – MEMORY

The ARM7TDMI had: - 31 general 32-bit registers - 6 status registers - 16 KB BIOS ROM - 32 KB internal RAM (IWRAM) unified The GameBoy had: - 256 KB external (to the processor) work RAM - Up to 8 MB of GamePak ROM ARM7TDMI – ISA

ARMv4T architecture 2 different modes ARM instruction Move- 8 Arithmetic- 14 Logical- 6 Branch- 3 Load- 14 Store- 11 Swap- 2 Coprocessors- 5 Software interrupt- 1

Thumb instruction Move- 4 Arithmetic- 19 Logical- 6 Shift/Rotate- 4 Branch- 18 Load- 13 Store- 8 Push/Pop- 4 Software interrupt- 1 ARM7TDMI – INTERRUPTS

The ARM7TDMI had an interrupt register called 4000130h

The GBA used this register as KEYINPUT - Key Status (Register) ARM7TDMI – MODERN

Claimed to be the most widely used 32-bit risc

Used in: iPods phones Routers Sirius Satellite Radio JuiceBox (portable media player) SEGA Dreamcast and the Roomba 500.. NINTENDO DS

- Released Nov. 21, 2004 - Processor Released in 2000 - Dual Screen Technology - Voice Recognition Capabilities - 802.11 Wireless - Processors Used 1x ARM946E-S, 66 MHz 1x ARM7TDMI , 33 MHz ARM946E-S - ARCHITECTURE

32-bit RISC

Moved from Von-Neumann Architecture to Harvard Architecture

Uses 5 Stage Pipeline

Floating Point Hardware Support ARM946E-S – MEMORY

Cache from 4KB 1MB

Split Cache with Independent Size


ARMv5TE 32-bit with DSP Extension Move - 4 Arithmetic - 13 Branch - 4 Logical - 6 Store - 4 Swap -2 Coprocessor - 5 Breakpoint - 1 Software Interrupts - 1 ARM946E-S – INTERRUPTS

Capable of IRQ and FIQ ARM946E-S – MODERN

Lexmark Genesis

TI DM6446

TI DM355

Wavecom Q26 Extreme


Released Feb. 26, 2011

Processor used- - Dual ARM11, 266 MHz - Main Processors - PICA200, 133 MHz - GPU

2.4 GHz WPA/WPA2 - IEEE802.11 b/g CONCLUSION

Game Boy Game Boy Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Advanced Release Year 1989 2001 2004 2011 Processor Zilog Z80 ARM7 ARM9 ARM11 Speed 4.19 MHz 16.78 MHz 66 MHz - 266 MHz 133MHz

Processor 1976 1994 2000 2007 Release Year

Memory 8kB 288kB 4MB - 16MB 128MB

Processor Discontinued Discontinued Available Available Availability Internal Flash None None 256kB - 256MB 2GB - NAND NAND