Registered Charity No: 272098 ISSN 0585-9980 SURREY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY CASTLE ARCH, GUILDFORD GU1 3SX Tel/ Fax: 01483 532454 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Bulletin 335 January 2000 ■■1 Front de taille w Ik w- IF d6chets vers rentr6e de "SWT Bedlams Bank direction d a s f a i l l e s PARTie EXPLOiTEE m INACCESSIBLE M\W y vers rentr6e d'Ockley Wood Reigate Stone Quarries at Merstham/Chaldon The Reigate Stone Research Project Paul W Sowan Introduction Members of Subterranea Britannica and the Wealden Cave and Mine Society have been working with the Historic Royai Palaces Agency in research on Reigate Stone and the underground quarries from which it was worked from the late Saxon period until the 19th century. The Historic Royal Palaces Agency has the care of the Tower of London, Hampton Court, and several other properties with large quantities of Reigate .Stone from the east Surrey quarries, and much is now badly weathered. HRPA are anxious to arrest further decay of the stone, and secure fresh samples of unweathered stone for scientific study in order to investigate the feasibility of quarrying new stone for repairs. There are, however, several practical problems in making progress with these objectives: 1. Reigate Stone is not a limestone or a sandstone; nor is it, as it is usually described, a calcareous sandstone, as very little of its silica is in the form of detrital sand grains. It is, in fact, a unique building stone type in Britain, and established conservation measures for sandstones, calcareous sandstones, or limestones may not always be appropriate.