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DEMOGRAPHY AS A DETERMINANT OF AN EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR JAPAN, NIGERIA AND SOUTH AFRICA AUPA ERNEST MOLETSANE B.A.(UNISA), B.Ed.(UNISA), SEC. PTC Mini-dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Magister Educationis in Comparative Education in the Graduate School of Education in the Faculty of Education at the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education Supervisor: Mrs. S.c. Steyn Co-supervisor: Prof. H.J. Steyn Potchefstroom 1996 DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my late father, Isaac Lesita-Ia'Malienyane Moletsane. my mother Louisa, my late brother Buti Andries and my late sister Mamokhele Moipone Christinah. A special word of dedication goes to my aunt Elizabeth Stoffel. my brothers and sisters and all the teachers whose work is always influenced by the demographic conditions. This work is finally and most especially dedicated to my wife Mamarumo Elizabeth, my two daughters, Seapehi and Mosa and my son Thato. AE. Moletsane ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to: * Mrs S.C. Steyn and Prof. HJ. Steyn for their guidance, motivation and criticisms which ultimately led to the completion of this study. * Mrs. S.c. de Bruyn, for typing the drafts of this document and finally the text so neatly and perfectly. Prof. W.R. Willies for editing this document. * The staff of the Ferdinand Postma library for their understanding and patience. * Friends, relatives and colleagues for their motivation and understanding that at times they had to do without me. * My wife, Mamaruma Elizabeth, two daughters, Seapebi and Mosa and my son Thato for their understanding and the sacrifices they had to make. * All my former teachers who inculcated in me directly and indirectly the desire to be a learner at all times. * Above all to God, the Almighty for enduring me with good health, perseverance and ability to complete this study in spite of temporary setbacks. ABSTRACT This research is aimed at looking into demography as a determinant of the education system of Japan, Nigeria and South Africa. The various manifestations of this phenomenon as it affects the afore-said countries are looked into in order to derive lessons South Africa could learn from Japan and Nigeria. The main purpose of an education system is to meet the needs of the target group for which it has been designed. Demographic needs are but one of the few needs of the target group that have to be addressed. The literature study has been used in order to gain a better understanding of the demographic issues with regard to the countries in question. Chapter 2 presents some theoretical guidelines with regard to demography as a determinant of the education system. Chapter 3 presents demographic issues pertaining to Japan and how the Japanese system of education takes cognisance of such issues. Subsequently, lessons which could be learnt by the South African education system are highlighted. Chapter 4 is devoted to the presentation of the demographic issues as determinant of the education system of Nigeria and how the Nigerian education system takes cognisance of such issues. Subsequently, lessons which could be of value to South Africa are mernioned. Chapter 5 concentrates on the description of the demographic conditions in South Africa and how these conditions are taken cognisance of by the education system. Chapter 6 presents the summary of the preceding chapters. Findings are presented and recommendations are made with a view to improving the South African situation. OPSOMMING Die doelstelling van hierdie navorsing is om die invloed van demografie as determinant van die onderwysstelsels van Japan, Nigerie en Suid-Afrika na te gaan en te vergelyk. Die wyse waarop demografie die onderwysstelsels van Japan en Nigerie belnvloed het, word ondersoek sodat rigtinggewende tendense vir die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel geidentifiseer kan word. Terselfdertyd moet onthou word dat die onderwysstelsel bedoel is om die onderwysbehoefte van sy teikengroep te bevredig. Demografiese behoeftes is maar een van die behoeftes van die teikengroep wat in berekening gebring moet word. Daar is van literatuurstudie as navorsingsmetode gebruik gemaak om die invloed van die demografiese aspekte op die bogenoemde lande se onderwysstelsels te bepaal. Hoofstuk 2 stel enkele teoretiese riglyne met be trekking tot die demografiese faktore as determinant van die onderwysstelseL Hoofstuk 3 verduidelik die demografiese kenmerke van Japan en hoe die Japanese onderwysstelsel deur hierdie kenmerke belnvloed word. Tersaaklike riglyne vir die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel word beklemtoon. In hoofstuk 4 word aandag gegee aan demografiese kenmerke as determinant van die Nigeriese onderwysstelsel en hoe die Nigeriese onderwysstelsel hierdie sake verdiskonteer. Riglyne wat vir Suid-Afrika waardevol is, word hieruit afgelei. Hoofstuk 5 konsentreer op die beskrywing van die demografiese toestande in Suid Afrika en hoe hierdie toestande deur die onderwysstelsel in berekening gebring word. In hoofstuk 6 word die voorgaande hoofstukke saamgevat. Bevindinge en aanbevelings word gemaak ten opsigte van die wyse waarop die demografiese probleemsituasie in Suid-Afrika hanteer kan word. CONTENTS ABS'TRAcr .................................................................................................................................. i OPSOMMING ............................................................................................................................ ..iiii LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................. xii CHAPTER 11:: INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUcrORY REMARKS .............................................................................. 1 1.2 MOTIVATION............................................................................................................. 1 1.3 PROBLEM ISSUES OF THE RESEARCH .......................................................... 2 1.4 AIMS OF THE RESEARCH .................................................................................... 2 1.5 METHOD OF RESEARCH ..................................................................................... 3 1.5.1 Literature study ........................................................................., .................................... 3 1.5.2 Interpretation of the data ............................................................................................ 3 1.5.3 Evaluation of data ........................................................................................................ 3 1.5.4 Scientific writing ........................................................................................................... 3 1.6 PROPOSED CHAPTERS.......................................................................................... 4 1.7 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................................ 4 CHAPTER 22:: DEMOGRAPHY AS A DETERMINANT OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: SOME THEORETICAL GUIDELINES "-2.1.... 2.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5 2.2 EXPLANATION OF CONCEPTS ........................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Education system .......................................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 Components of the education system ........................................................................ 7 Educational system policy ........................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Education system administration ............................................................................... 7 2.2.4 Structure for teaching .................................................................................................. 8 2.2.5 Support services ............................................................................................................ 9 2.3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 10 2.4 DE1'ERMINANT ...................................................................................................... 10 2.4.1 Internal determinants ................................................................................................ 10 Internal determinants of an educative nature ........................................................ 11 Internal determinants of an interactive nature ...................................................... 11 Internal determinants of a historic nature .............................................................. 11 2.4 .. 2 External determinants ................................................................................ ,.... ,......... 12 2.5 DEMOGRAPHy ....................................................................................................... 12 2.5.1 Numbers as an aspect of demography ..................................................................... 13 2.5.2 Space as an aspect of demography .......................................................................... 14 2.5.3 Movement as an aspect of demography .................................................................. 15 2.6 CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................