Scratch Pad 20 Based on the non-Mailing Comments section of The Great Cosmic Donut of Life No. 9, a magazine written and published by Bruce Gillespie, 59 Keele Street, Victoria 3066, Australia (phone (03) 9419-4797; email:
[email protected]) for the December 1996 mailing of Acnestis. Contents 1 A TASTE FOR MAYHEM: PRELIMINARY NOTES 3 BOOKS READ SINCE AUGUST 1996 by Bruce ON iAIN BANKS’S NON-SF NOVELS by Bruce Gillespie Gillespie A TASTE FOR MAYHEM: Preliminary notes on IAIN BANKS’S NON-SF NOVELS Presented as a talk to the Nova Mob, Melbourne’s SF discussion group, 6 November 1996. At the same meeting, Race Mathews gave a talk about Iain Bank’s SF novels, which I’ll reprint as soon as possible. The legend sitting room was only about six or seven feet away so I Banks, Iain with or without a middle ‘M.’, is the stuff of handed my drink to one of the people (I think they were legend. from Andromeda Bookshop in Birmingham) cause I’d The legend runs that he had published three novels spotted a loophole, you see, because I wasn’t actually before someone told him he was an SF writer and climbing. This was about the third or fourth storey, and dragged him along to a convention. The legend adds it was actually a traverse; I wasn’t actually gaining any that he decided to join the SF community and write real height. So I did this, but unfortunately at the same time SF books when he discovered the capacity of the British as this there was a burglar taking things next door and fan for putting away booze at conventions.