Restaurant Review: Couple 14 Men's Soccer: Drink of the Week: serves up 011, Spartans lose 2-1 Cool down with Colombian y to crosstown rivals Chocolate Coffee Cream favorites Page 5 Page 6 N Page 3 AIWRIMIIIIMMENOMEM* rter - start SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934

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rter- \V\VN\ .1 1112,SP:1; said VOLUME 123, NUMBER 14 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 rters lord) new one her." Bill mate Cosby speaks at Event Center both Kassing said. said. joked. dust Comedian visits 3j3U topromote Kassing thanked Hill for his "passion for Hill said his players Cosby explained his reasons for coming to n 44 literacy," which Kassing said resulted in Cos- would go with Morgan SJSU. urn- by's visit. State University foot- "I was some pl.tce ... minding my own busi- Read-2-Lead Football Classic Kassing then introduced the mediator for ball players to various ness.- Cosby said. "Somebody told me '(Hill) shaw the event, Kevin Brown, host of KBLX 102.9's elementary schools near wants t see you.' He brought his wife, too, so the actor, entertainer and comedian tell stories ichi- By Ken LOtiCh morning show, titled "The Kevin Brown campus today to read to f',1 think he was a nice *IV '.r something." about his life, and express his opinions about .rgan Show." young students. C. said today's athletes have a lot //tray Managing Editor public schools, politics and the promotion of more Brown said he was proud to be the mod- Brown then intro- to look hirward ti unlike CI .liege's literacy. his foot- ainst erator for the evening and thanked Cosby and duced Cosby to the au- COSBY ball team. A conversation was slated to occur between Cosby managed to keep the audience in lute - Hill for their efforts to promote literacy. dience. "Our team was sad WC were. like, ... Bill Cosby and San Jose State University foot- his hands the entire time laughter occurred Aims Brown then introduced Hill to the crowd. Cosby decked out in an ,)st sweatshirt, and ... 27 or soniething ... and that was iust in ball head Fitz Hill Thursday night, but it when he told a joke, and silence was felt when Hill said that professional sports have sweat pants and cap, wore sunglasses and san- inc season," Cosby said. -We were, like. I ended up turning into "The Cosby Show." he touched upon A more serious subject. bier enormous drawing power, and thus the po- dals with white socks. sion 12, and none of 'sir helmets match,: "The Cos" was in full effect Thursday night, Newly Appointed SJSU interim President ssing tential to incorporate other entities, such as He received a standing ovation from the body would cut the grass either. So when wed AS ticket holders of Saturdays Read-2-Lead Don Kassing took the podium and addressed , and education. audience. bend over we couldn't see other." Football Classic flocked to the SJSU Event the audience to begin the evening. "The purpose of the 'Read-2-1.eaff is to "Thank you for coming here tonight," Cosby emphasized that in order for sto Center for "A Conversation with Cosby." "As interim president. .par I'd like to extend a take the platform of sports and use it to pro- Brown said. A near-capacity crowd was on hand to see warm welcome to a great man, Dr. Bill Cosby," wide mote academics, literature and education," Hill "Well, I had nothing better to do," Cosby (' ()Sin' . 4 1' has laved

bet s the Suspected gas leak a false alarm Indian ate, ram. By John Myers DatIt .(1ZJE Eghtol novelist It A light od,a on the sixth floor oi Duncan Hall at San Jose State I 'met say prompted a call to the San Jose Fire Is 555 Department Thursday night. A fire otti cial said. captivates "Someone probably smelled some thing strange and panicked because thes Were in A (chemistry) area," said Dave Salazar. a captain with Engine .3B of the fire department. audience The chemistry laboratories are in, the sucth floor, where the odor was tirst By Ruth C VVamuyu thought to exist. 'Ito After an investigation be the Haz- ardous Incident Team using gas -sniffing a strike ot the gavel, tl... devices yielded HO leaks, firefighters de- that , AMC to listen to li.diat. clared the building to be site. tra liatieriee 1/ivak.irma was Officials said the building had been world of self-ctra, humor in, .111310 evacuated. but people continued to trickle tetpretation out during the incident's nearome-hour I hyakaruni to kled the audience duration. ing her mother dreamed ot a snaki. Captain Salazar said his firelighters she was horn and knew she waited for the Hazardous Incident Team, daughter. because firefighters "can't just go up there. 'Then the snake bit tier and she knew she would get .1 &Joel:ter like Illf: 'lie sal, IMMO We have to wait tor the proper guys." he said. Divakaruni talked bet latest Tim - ,.irsdas The incident team would he more el, -Queen or Ihear I it A le, properly equipped and trained hi handle rine held at the 111 \i I .; king Ti any gas leaks, he said. hunt Libra's The building has been evacuated in the past. an SJSI I faculty member said. ,d1501,..2,.. - 1 .rilt.4 : s . I "We were evacuated for the earth- net quake in 119 ... and tin odors in the sits global stud,. ex (chemistry) wing," said Sally Veregge, ten,led studies de p ai .:T The tudieme t. chair ot the SJSU biological sciences cle,,mi I silt I1ails Stall partment. Vereg,ge said she had returned gel room. and II i ,.1113111. Salazar, left, and Kyle Carter, right, from San lose Fire Department look for a gas leak around 10 pm. Thursday outside Duncan to the building to get some paperwork At Dave and firefighters declared the building to be safe ter attending an on -campus event. Hall at San lose State University. Gas -sniffing devices detected no leaks, \ 1.111()R. Campus response to Marching bands rally support for weekend game By Janet Pak said SJSU Marching Band Director Scott said was VIM Senior Stall Pierson. Pierson he Friday classes mixed that their bus driver dropped them ,'ti at than San Jose State liniversity toot - San Fernando Street rather major," said Ehong Chao. A soph- San Salvador brunt of Dun ball team got early support TlitusdaY Street in OM( ire majoring in mmobtulogyi can had NW By Kevin Yuen at the ReatI-2-Lead Football Classi, Hall. It was unfortunate they "but Id like to have tale." to Daily Staff Writer rally. featuring performances by the walk ActOSS CArnplis, he said. On Fridays, Chao attends two Dressed blue jeans. Mot SJSU Marching Band and the I\ lot in baggy it's ... Thursday lectures, Chinese And chemistry. gun State T-shirts and orange Thank God, on State Magnificent Marching Mm' "Chemistry is held on Mon- caps, Morgan line mem 'Thursday tithe new Friday,' said chine drum line. State's drum day, Wednesday and Friday, so if tiers danced drunis ni Raymond Fernando, a sophomore The rally, held at the Ass., isle.) and struck their I floss one class that's one-third of a series of motions. television, radio, film and theatre Students recreation area. us,, featured the class," he said. "Chinese meet, mai-died up and major, referring to the weekly three- pertinniances by the Spartan Dam e The drummers every day, but it's hard. so I have to down les or in a day weekend for many students. Team and the Spartan !spectrum. and around in in show up. I trans wouldn't (be here line, constantly motion. During one Since seemingly the beginning Dance Team. The SJSU ,lieerleml in of time, San Jose State University otherwise)." routine, they heat their sticks on then mg team and the gyninastus team en students have struggled with the Ernesto Fong. A tieshman ma- drums AS thee marched ba, k and birth. tertained the crowd with %Mlle IICCI, Friday classes: Should joring in computer engineering, swaying their heads sideways. The enigma of hei; fir Morgan State's Magnin:nit should they not be taken? takes human understanding and cymbalists, while positioned down on they or Marching Machine made its was to development Friday mornings, lie the grass, clapped their cynibals back Given the choice, niost students the rally Haani Mei, a senior lives in the dorms, but returns to his And forth and around. would not, said Motg-an State, Imusosteci in Baltm Hire. Cara Hoverer Dub "Litt hometown of San Francisco during KSJIS 90.5 tbs, jockey and emcee majoring in physics. Md.. includes a drum line considered the weekends. Ramon Johnson introduced A.S. Pres Members of the Morgan State Magnificent Marching Machine drum line "Of course, given the choice. I tune of the mint famous and widels "(Fri.),., ..1.1Sses Ate) A waste Of ,,lent Rachel Greathouse and intent, perform in front of the Associated Students recreation area Thursday would not take them," said Jafri, known bands in the I tinted States Its taking two classes on Fri- my tinie, I e.g said. "I could go President Don Kassing. during the Read-2 -lead Football Classic rally. who is referred to As the Magnificent Mai.), home earlier oi the afternoon." Greathouse said this rails. was A day: electrodynamics and quantum ing Machine because it consist. ..1 ICil mechanics. "But with my major, I Freshnian J.dinny Lee. an elec- WAV to IliAtIttt tOOthall and get the .iut the was he wanted. "To see ditterent organizations unisersity students. according t., a lust of students and come out to classes Of else I trical engineering major, is also in crowd going. The event was also part "There were here like the dance team and have take Friday gun State's band Web site. Fong's Friday morning class, of the Spartan Pride Campaign, me it was invigorating." Nguyen said. "It (tin) the Los Gatos High School to wouldn't he able to graduate." Arriving 10 minutes late, Morgan students agree with Jafri1 "I'm used to Friday classes from 01 Greathouse% goals for the campus. gets me pumped up for the game." come to campus hit A greater cause ... Other States hand made its way to the .1 S sentiment. high schodl," said, "but it would Spartan Pride is designed to increase Nguyen said though he wasn't on that's Spartan Pride," he said. recreation area. the planning board fin the rally, he Pierson, SJSU never had a semester with school spirit on campus. Marching Band "(I've Morgan State's band Was late be a biology we FRIDAY, page A.S. !Director of Legislative Affirm promoted it by word of mouth and at Fridays off) because I'm cause of a problem with the dire, nom. Mike Nguyen said the event turned his A.S. voter drives. uy RALLY. page 4 PAGE 2 SPARTAN DAILY OPINION FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 EXPLETIVE DELETED Players, fans both at fault in chair-throwing incident What? Did that just happen? Are you kidding me? Again, that isn't a reason to throw a chair. That isn't even a wane than what those two men did during their last NHL be piled on to make sure this woman gets every penny she can All were questions that ran through my mind late Monday reason to spit at the fan. But it is a reason to call security and games. Francisco crossed a line that a player should never cross, out of everyone involved? nikht as I sat in my room and turned on ESPN's "SportsCen- have the fan removed. and now certainly won't be able to cross back. Francisco should just pay her off right away so that none of ter only to see a white folding chair Ay out of the hands of a If what the attorney said is true, then the Francisco let his frustration go too far, and us have to be subjected to her vomit-inducing spiel about how player and into the stands of Network Associ- fan broke a cardinal rule and should be banned for that I would hope he is out of this game for she was so afraid, when her husband said he was one of the ates Coliseum in Oaldand. from the stadium, but for all we know its just quite awhile. people who initiated the argument in the first place. My mouth agape, I tried to figure out what could have hap- speculation. The best suggestion I have heard is that he The main problem with people like Bueno is that she will pened, but the truth is, whatever led up to Texas reliever Frank What is known is that Francisco then de- should be suspended until 2006, incur a fine not stop with suing until she has fished that river dry. Francisco doing what he did is irrelevant. cided to retaliate by throwing a chair wildly into from in the millions Francisco is first, and rightfully so, but then you know she What is known at this time is that fans were not throwing the stands. Ile had no target, but only a desire and be banned from baseball at any level until will go after the Texas Rangers, then the A's, then the people anything onto the field, but only razzing the Rangers, as one to hit an A's fan. he is reinstated on the first day in 2006. who own and operate the stadium, then the security personnel. would expect an fan to do when Rangers And that he did. Ile will not Dee jail time, but another stiff Would it really surprise anyone in this day in age if she sued second baseman Alfonso Soriano just hit a in the Jennifer Bueno, 41, is the woman who was fine from the state and several years of proba- Francisco's parents for raising him wrong, or his old coaches top of the ninth to tie the game. hit square in the face with the arrant chair, now tion. for telling him to be intense? The fans were allegedly saying something to the effect of, giving interviews with a considerably large ban- Enough for Francisco, and now back to It has all turned into a jnite. "Who's going to lose it for you guys? Who's going to get the dage on her face covering her broken nose and a Bueno. hopefully sometime soon she and Francisco will be in that loss?" large_ bruise around her left eye. After seeing her on television last night. I same category of the woman who accused Kobe Bryant of rape After that, another Texas reliever, , began to First off, this woman is a victim of a clear lost all respect for her and her cause. and Ryan Leaf and they can get lost together. yell back at the Oakland fans, who are only separated by a crime. This is not something one could sweep MARK CORNEJO She gave a press conference where she is three-foot wall just a few feet away down the foul line. under the rug as a part of sports. quoted saying, "I feared for my life," and that So, after Brocail had to be restrained by several teammates Hockey players Todd Bertuzzi and Marty was before the chair came hurling toward her. and coaches, including Francisco, the group of Rangers then McSorlev.both have had to go to court for their acts of vio- She said that when the Rangers and fans began to fight began to argue with the fans. lence on the ice. Both acts which I believe should have been along the fence, she Was afraid that the players were going to Francisco's attorney said later he was grabbed by a fan on handled by the National I hickey League and not the judicial begin killing fans. his left arm, his non-pitching arm, and that it could have in- system could easily he swept away as "part of the game." Does anyone else realize how much this doesn't make Mark Cornejo is the Spartan Daily !ports editor. jured him. What happened on Monday night in Oaldand was far sense? Does anyone else just smell all of the manure that will 'Expletive Deleted' appears every Priday.

THE THROWBACK CREEP ON CAMPUS AIDAN CASSERLY Only one local baseball team to slide into the postseason With less than three weeks remaining in the 2004 baseball less than a MI record won't get the job done. season, only one of the two Bay Area teams will be playing four If they sari pull that off the ( ;jams have a chance, but I just weeks from now. don't see it. The St. Louis Cardinals have built an insurmountable lead The (jiant.' pitching stall has been ridden hard all season in the National League Central division.The same goes for the long. The bullpen has been overworked, but at least 1)ustin in the Central. I icrinatisssui has proven himself as a reliable . The and the are almost The starting five have been anchored by Cy l'oung Award - certain to advance to the postseason as well. The Los Angeles candidate Jason Schmidt all year long, but ever sins e he pulled Dodgers and also each figure to quality tor his groin a iliontil ;ago, even Schmidt has been A little shaky. the.playriffs. left fielder Barry Bonds is still in A league sit his own, but That leaves two spots open and, as of Wednesday after - who else will step, imp cI, ,wti the stretch and s AM this trans into noon, the Giants and As currently occupy the isLipstt, 5l, 5,1 st the saber teams in those two spots. vinileisrinti have vvveral dangerinis sluggers San Francisco is clinging to the slim- up and down the lineup. mest of margins, up by half a game on the The Cubs have SA1111111 Sosa, Nloises Chicaki Cubs, after Wednesday's games. Aloll aald Notilar ;arciapaira. The Astro. The f louston Astros, San Diego Padres have lassie Berkiliall.Jeti Bagwell And Car- and Florida Marlins are also in the hunt, l.. Beltran. meaning the Giants will have to outperform The Giants have Barry 11.,thls several teams down the stretch. a great AS he is, alone he isist won't be Oakland holds a two-game lead over the enough. Anaheim Angels and a four-game lead over All that being .aid, the Astro% will con - the Texas Ratifiers. The rest of the Ameri- Mille to st.11* hot and claim the National can league fell out of the postseason picture League wild ard. The Red Sox will tad tc weeks ago. atch the Yankees but will set ure thr Amer That s the main reason why the A's will it Ali I .Cagtif Wild t aril. forge their way into the plariffs for the Die soils.. saill priihably tiffer their fifth straight season and the Giants will fifth t MIK:little first round plass iff loss at fall short. the hands rut either 11404011 or Ness York. R.I.P The A's stay within their division the rest Bekire the, season eeeli began, it Was All of the way with two series against the Angels and Seattle Mar- Attila the battle Mr supremacy between the Red StiN and Van JOHNNY RAMONE iners and one against the Ranger.. The A's close the season at kee.. New York swooped in and took Alex Rodriguez alter home against Anaheim, meaning that if the Angels still trail Boston failed to make A deal with TeXil, to get him John Cummings: Oct.8, 1948- Sept. 15, 2004 going into the final week, they would probably have to win at Novv, itionth later, the story remains linciltilitra. Alitl these least three out of Mur in Oakland to get by. teens Will meet again in the Annerit Ali League hampionship Oakland Mark Mulder, rim Hudson and Burs Series Zito will not let that happen. St. Amp. Will defeat the Winner cot that series to Win thc The A's pitching is AI. solid As usual, and the bullpen issues %Voris! Series. that plagued the team befiire the trade deadline appear tip have lowever, despite their sus cr.., the Cardinal. trio ot SPARTA GUIDE been solved. bert l'ujols, Jim Ednittlitis anti St suit Riolell tonie lip elitists The A's offense has exceeded expectations all sear. Env in the liardWare department. As a I ;Lints tali, it pains me to different players have hit 19 or more home runs, while Ertl sal' this, but I third bAselli.111 AtITIAll Brine shicidil bid Durazo, Scott I latteberg and Mark Kotsay Are A111011;4 the named the Most c aluable Plas-er in the National I .Cagtic Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and stall members. The deadline for entries is noon league's top hitters. Barre realized his potential this season and has carried three working days before the desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the Spartan Daily office in '['he American League West is on the verge of hero !!! i ii g the I Nklgers through the 'es 'stub halt ot the season, leading Dwight Bente! Hall, room 209. Entries can also he e -mailed to titled "Sparta Guide." two-horse race. Texas is ready to fidl by the wayside -- all the the league in 110111C finis, placing third in batting average. and Space restrictions may require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. A's need to do is keep the Angels in the rearview and A postsea titurth in Mils batted in. son date with the Yankees or the Red Sim will he their reward. Ili time Arrient MI league, !QUM% R.11111117 And DASul I Ii The Giants, sin the other hand, have A SIM Id- teams on Tr, .4 the Red Sox make strong c otteleavels. but both have TODAY information, Sister Marcia Krause at 938-1610. their heels. severe kirtc timings on detelist. Alia that slicicald sonsidered After being picked by many to go to the World Series, (Los Sheffield, tit It .Alela Ms slrsgueei. has Matr the difference itu School of Art MONDAY the Cubs have struggled hut are in the thick of the wild card New York and that should ran, him an !SDP alsara, too. A Student galleries art exhibition will take place hunt. NI iiiii emita pother Johan Santana Will steal the Anielit an from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art building. -For more After being left for dead one month ago, the Iloustim League Cs Young AWAra Nlark Mulder. Santana leads Academic Affairs truss are on fire, being only two games bel i lll the Giants after the league in , earned tun arerage and is second ill information, call the gallery office at 924-4330. A student and faculty honor code forum will take Wednesday's action, The Padres continue to hang Molina Jild Wins, loll Can't argue With that. place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Umunhum the World Champion Marlins are still lurking. W'hile the ( ;Lints' Jason s, limidt should win the National Career Center room in the Student Union. Free Pizza will be Even if the Giants perform well down the siren h against league Cv Vow% Award, Roger Clemens will risk the .1strii.' A resume discussion group targeted at disabled provided. the Padres. Astros and Dodgers, they'll have to hope that itile hot Mush to Another assail students will take place from 10:311 a.m. to 12 p.m. ot the other four teams doesn't get on A row The two things in the Giant.' favor are that the, are still III in the Career Center. For more infOrmation, call Jill Catholic Campus Ministry Perez at 924-6055. front and their next three series are All At lit some. A %tic, essfill tan Ros WPM, ,!/(1 Daily mass will take place at 12:10 p.m. in the home stand is critical to the Giants' playoff...tunics. Anything 'Mt 0101,1,1141-' appears evert, I ,dai, Catholic Campus Ministry Chapel. For more Catholic Campus Ministry information, call Father Mike Carson at 938-1610. Daily mass will take place at 12:10 p.m. in the Letter: Aviation students need to learn at an airport Catholic Campus Ministry Chapel. For more Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library information, call Father Mike Carson at 9311-1610. A documentary titled "Books not Bars" will he Ikar editor, Airport Coliiiiiissioner Catherine I hardly think it is comforting to 'Ilittipklyatil Graham clicl speak up Mt think of future students of ftt aircraft shown from 2 p.m. to 3:10 p.m, in the Dr. Martin Medical students need to learn tiled students sin is As did aviation 'rodents ititistruction learnt:1K absnit the parts SUNDAY Luther King Jr. Joint Library, room 255/257. The icine in a hospital, and aeronautical and fas ult y. sit an aircraft by reading a teXtbOalk in film thcuses on the growth of the prison students need to learn about aviation at It Was Ilitetestilig that iiiir elect c ramped s lassn or .11I imi Dudley Ice Skating Club industrial complex. For more information, call an airport. ed stucletut leader. Were lig twilcre to be head Hall, %bile the aclnuinistnatus mum A season kickoff meeting will take place at 6:30 Library General Collections at 808-2397. 1 he decision by university admin found during the commission meeting, irries ahollt tat kiln'', sleds. p.m. at Gordon Biersch. For more information, call 'warms to seek the rellWatioll of the Altholigh unite ,rf thein, slit h as 'Mike to Nguyen, boasted about 650-996-8489. department of aviation the main how at liVe they Sandy Schaal at Pride of the Pacific 1%1411,1, campus is unrealistic and Is further would be when it cattle tsu ('its I hall is - A Polynesian dance practice will take place from demonstration of the lack of vision and sties Atiet ting students SIS11 Catholic Campus Ministry 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Spartan Complex East, room direction within the university. It is impcirtant that we have a well fames Ro "Faithful Citizenship" will take place at 6 p.m. at 75. For more information, call Courtney Tarifa at One of the prograin's Assets is A 747 department of aviation at Sall Graduate Student the SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry. For more 924-2221. jet plane. I, that witig near ToWilr I hall' Jose State I iliversits Urban Planning

SPARTAN DAILY ADVISERS I Richard Craig and Jan Shaw, News; Dennis Dunleavy, Photojournalism; Tim Burke, NEWS ROOM 408.924.3281 OPINION PAO. POI Ill keatler are MOM:Wed 10 Productirm Chief; Tim Hendrick, Advertising egress thelliselVes oil the Opinion page Willi A letter to the JENNIFER Mc LAIN Executive Editor FAX 408.924.1282 editor STAFF WRITERS [Jute Amaral; John Paul Arde; Monica Nagata; KEN LOTICI1 Managing Editor Lauer; Emmanuel Lopez; Yasiwo A letter tO the Calla it is A replIIISC ifl it, ,ssmie I Pt a 1nsit,t Of Leah Nakasaki; Anna Molin; Dan Reyes; Kenneth Sell; Sara Spivey; Wong; Ruth C. ADVERTIsim; 408.924.3270 view that has Appeared si the Spartan LAL.A 5 Opinion Editor ERIK Wamuyu; Arnaya Wiegert; Kevin Yuen hilt letter. between 200 to 400 words will be considered MARK et iiiNt is Sports Editor SPARTAN 1 fAll ISPSe509 IIIN MYER., ACM Editor SENIOR STAFF WRITERS I Mansur Mirovalev; Janet Palc; Ian Ross; Stacey Ruesch; Maria 48m is published every vi SilhIllissittlis time Spartan Villalobos; Natni YitStle day for (full At AMR teat / S-10 hemline property ot I tilly Alla KARIN lin St:INS Photo Editor may be edited last h,irstN grammar, libel and length. and (semester) S25 Peru al. FtilAtirlliNialYF:c Production Editor/ STAFF KR rf( It iRAPIIERS Submissions utmost contain the author's liatile, address, I Catherine Burmeister; Cara Bowyer; Amanda Brittingham; Ashley postage IMO at San JsAr. Mail Culture Editor phone number, signature .11111 Major Bess; Shaminder Dulai; Benjamin Favela; Jason Fithian; Eliza Gutierrez; Adam Heyman; Don tiptifili at a epted On a RON PANISKAC Production Editor Hoekwater; Megan Kung; Robert Spading; Lorry Thomas; Tomonii Tsuda; Julia Weeks relliallitiet of semester basis Stibillissititi, IllaY be placed in the !Aircrs to the Editor RAnt IEJ is GARCIA Assistant Spartan Daily, San IlKe State box at the Spartan lkily Hist’ III 1)Wight Aiwrirr isiSa ; I Sarah OW; Dana Eugenio; Brian Freia; Production Editor Andrea Goakey; Michel hie Washington koliin 209, sent by tax to (44)8) 924 i237. e niall at spartall McCammon; Canh Nguyen; lyen Nguyen; Angela Scully; Robert Soto; Shigeyo Suzuki; tiallyttet ASA sisti.eali or mailed to the Spartan Daily /pinion CARTY Ri of.N Copy Editor Square, San Jose, CA 95192 0149 Matthew Tichenor; Nfangee Wong Elite. Si list,1 sf Journalism and MA, ('u,mnut,mmmmmc CI.AIKFTAYI,tik Copy Editor Na,, Pew State I Inivensity, (hie Washington Square, Sall ARTISTS Konstantin Abadjiev, Cartoonist; Aidan Casserly, Cartoonist; 111 tSTNIASTER s..etit. at..ress1A1 Kevin Nguyen, ft ( 'A 95192 0149. JANINE STANIIOPE Online Editor Illustrator changes to the Spartan Dads,, Editorials are written by and GIANM PG1 SERRIListO Advertising Director San Jose State I Iniversity, ( are the consensus id the Washington Square, San Jose, CA Spartan Daily editors, not the staff MEldssn BiwirixilS Creative Director THE SPAR IAN DAILY I oNi W \ sIIINO'FON SQPARE I SAN JosE, CA 95192 95192 0149 Published opinions and advertisements do tiot tie, essarily STEFAN() GIRIMA1.01 Art Director retle, t the view. ot the Spartan Daily, the School of NINA HURD National Director (408) 924-3281 I SPARTANDAll VOI't 1, SPARTANDAITYADSOCAM.SPIU.LUI Journalism anti Nitis COITIlliiiillt atititis or NISI!. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 NEWS SPARTAN DAILY PAGE 3 AUTHOR I 7 had to do some serious clubbing.'

:all cwitinuedfrom page 1

of room only liW "This is the biggest turnout I have the had for a global studies lecture," said Michael Conniff, director of the glob- vill international she aalIldsn'exdteiensdeinds studies. pie The talk was part of a series of global studies lectures that take place ied ntsvi s,tito d times a semester. Con- hes This particular lecture was brought

hat to the King Library by a coUaboration between the global studies program cmand the CommonwealthClub of Sili-

y"This is an opportunity for Com- monwealth Club members to come hear people they usually do not hear," said Trish Newfarmer, the leCyommonwealth Club of

Silicon Valley, Newfarmer said members of the , Mb are very interested in global and mitional security issues. " 'Queen of Dreams' asks what it means to be a good American." Diva- kiruni said, "and whether that chang- nianda liritionihain I hilly stall ,-- when times are bad." 11 Eliza Gutierrez I Daily Staff Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, best-selling author of "Sister of My Heart" The novel is set in a post -9/1I and The Vine of Desire," signs books for An order of empanadas, made of beef and potatoes wrapped in corn dough, sits ready to be served as Fremont and addresses the experi- her audience after speaking Rinconcito Colombiano Restaurant co-owner Dorian Sanclemente prepares plantains in the background. San- emes of the South Asian commu- Thursday afternoon in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library. clemente and husband Marcos have been chefs of the restaurant since its opening four years ago and have nity, she said. ters was a popular disc jockey. color to horizons open to them. been the owners less than a year. "MY community was looked at as "I had to do some serious club- "Materials from their lives these being suspicious," Divakaruni said. bing," said Divakaruni, a mother in are stories that need to be told." she She said Sikhs were particularly her late 40s. said. singled out because of their turbans She said she recruited her niece, Some professors from the so,, al and beards. Quaint Colombian cuisine who asked her to stay in a corner and science and creative arts departments still "They were victims of hate not to ask Any questions. had also assigned the lecture Mr their crimes," she said. "So that became an "She tried to teach me the latest classes, but some students were al- tra- important part of my book" dance moves, but it did not work," ready familiar with the author. iled Linda and Dayna Barnes, a ninth- she said. "I like that she has a provocative ? er .ind daughter from Berkeley, said Some students at the lecture said style." said Shanniin NitIler, but served in authentic meals Into they were attracted to Divakaruni's her sense of humor resonated with creative arts 111.ti.II. She paints imag- vorite. 4 III Rustos and Sanclemente are 610.95). The house specialties also work because of the strong women them. ers really well. She unveils the charac- Fly Carly Roden Kers equally warm, popping out of the include Colombian versions of Latin figures and different female relation- "I know many of you have been ters slowlt." . Lido kitchen to chat with regular customers American classics, such as "arroz con ships she writes about. dragged here kicking and screaming," Miller said she has read two ot the 'uses and check on others. polio" and tamales. "We have been passing around her she said. author's novels. trip. I . ,.1s, .loinbian In addition to various sodas and For a meal that samples the tra- stri;:dk. i s in our pro- "I did not know Al,,t In- Af - family," Dayna Barnes Jennifer Rycenga. An associate I 1,t. beers imported from Colombia, the ditional Colombian flavors, try the fessor of comparative religious stud- dian culture before that.- the sand k III Nati _lose, and its i. restaurant offers A variety of fruit juic- sod, "bandeja tipica" (111.50), a fairly large Divaicaruni said she had also done ies, said she assigned the talk to her I)ivakaruni said that even 1hom.111 I , yellow blue stripes will es 31.45). be which Are prepared fresh plate that combines a little of every- children's books and had gained status students because they were learning she writes so that she sIll ('I-sIde be imp! tritest 111 sour mind forever. in the store. Fruits like blueberry or thing. The best parts of this dish are at home when she used her children's how to balance many. cultures within South Asian immigrants wTtl, sv it N, hO- guayabana (a tropical citrus fruit) are the "chorizo," a flavorful but not-too- TWITS Mr the characters in her book their identities. explore their identities, she li,,pc,1 iiet NIA! blended with sugar and water, or can spicy sausage, the "Arepa," a small. "The Conch Bearer." "I am hoping that the talk will in- writing would create a bridge Li to CULTURE be made with milk to create a creams, let 4. dense cake made from Colombian 4111 now the favorite parent," spire them to buy and read her work," communities. smoothie -like taste. corn, and the irresistible sweet plan- she said. she said. "There is .1 114 We *an .1., heir Start vour meal with one of the tains, which nick in your mouth. Also Div-alumni said she researches her Rycenga said the fact that Diva- viduals to tight prejudice," -! at many delicious "antojitos" (appetiz- Thu tootii ClIiTii to the paint included are A serving of finely shred- books meticulously and had to reelit karuni started writing late in her life "That is how we , flange ,, k ers) such As "tostones con hogao," . ; devora ded beef, pork rind, avocado, rice and het V.1.1111 because one of the char., woUld eXp.,,e students and women If all smashed plantains deep-tried and beans. dial colors sill Meatless "bandeja Vegetarian:1" topped with a sauce of sauteed onions ($14.45), substituting cassava and salad. tter .1 'Ills "little Co- and tomatoes. is also available. lonilc1.111 -I I, ,wever, tucked leV These golden treats are crispy on No Rinconcito meal would be awn in a . enter. this hid- * * * * * * * * 41111 the outside and slightly softer in the * * * * * den gem is home Cl a cultural won- complete without A Strong cup of pip- center, and taste like a cross between a derland 11111h b bigger titan its name ing hot Colombian coffee (111.75) and the squash and A potato. V,rt11111 Sti4erSt dessert. While treats like "Ham" Va- one order 43.251 comes with four NI 11 . 4 'pilaw walls is covered nilla custard glazed with caramelized pieces, pts t 'Ali, a itv neat (o - and is just enough to take the sugar, and rice pudding are hard to re- l' ,t Ind the home - edge off your hunger without spoiling sist. challenge your palette and try one tour ...wt. , Avner, I)..rian appetite. of the more unique items. "Brevas con features A %Witty iii y ques.."44.45) is twin pieces Bush- .r '1 lemente. The The menu also AreqUipe led litisho .1 and ,witr Trani began work soups and stews in lam ($9.95) and of fig served with small slices of un- tow, .0. het, in the restaurant shiurtis- small (14.50) portions. The "Ajiaco de salted cheese and a heaping spoonful It lit 111..villA. to the United State*. 111 polio" is a creamy blend of chicken. of thick caramel. The slightly tangy fig )r .1..1 de,Ided i but the business rice. capers. Avocado, corn and po- and milky- caramel go surprisingly well iVe tatoes. And pairs well with just about together, and the cheese keeps the fla- Cii 1 :Jr It' it, the Inlet 11011 SAki, ant entree. Heartier selections, such vor from becoming too sweet. in 111111`14 and thailitlIS that AS "Cald0 de CC-Orilla: beef rib stew Rinconcito Colombian. Restau- all III,ss11,11.1 the speakers. its the Rol: - with avocado and rice, Are meals on rant is located at 2106 Almaden Rd. Ids on. INJ oatt that sets the has kdriJp for their own. and is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ill V.011 Meal. The II lendly streets base If you're feeling adventurous, try Sunday, Monday, Wednesday And stroll:, knowledge ot Colombian cui- the beef tongue in salsa with rice. Thursday, and from 10 a.m. to Di 1.11 r ...1 l.i[b[b5 t I .111Wer beans and plantains, or the liver p.m. Friday and Saturday It is u,,omeini a personal Li' with rice. CASSAVA and potatoes (both Tuesday.

1: RI DAy I Some people prefer classes.five days a week

cor1irrimv/./r9m page 1 least three or Iiiur years Ago, he said. Cause there's less people here (on cam- "The primary reason is to give sni- pus): he III t. to has e .1 three - dav weekend dents more flexibility to work and go Even naysayers who dislike their 1"Ver, week." to school at the Same time." he said. end -of-the -week courses tan adnut \. m.ietusii senate policy states that "The only negative is that the ani- there are upsides to coming on Fri- ..1 clepirtIllents Call switch versity's facilities are grossly under- days. ir..tii .1 NI..1,,las %Vednessfay - Fri- utilized." "Mn' CLOW*: are More separated," iii, Tiiesdat Thursdav salleallik to A Academic planner Runt disagrees. Fong said, "so I have more tnne to do TilesdAV-ThUrS saying that classroom usage is At an homework." his, Fum, It also states optimum level thanks to the aid of Added Mire. "Parking is great on that tot ever s lo three Milt ,,,,,,,,,, computers. Fridays. It's AIWAyS been that %VW: Wednesday, in the process of (adding People- Freshman Jorge RiarrAIAAn. 111A1.,t- tue deratment Ii, Isis, It I iiiiSt 4,11 Soft) with the Fall 2001 term, we also ing in mechanical engineering, starts 1101t1 one three unit FridaS put into place room scheduling soft- his Fridays Off At 7:10 A.M. and ends "Basis alit. there Was a study done. ware that optimizes the use of rooms," them at 4:50 It , on time ellate’s agenda," said Ron said. "Si, we're getting better use "I like it because, since I go to karlo R. iti. threettit of .1, admit- of rooms than we ever have before. school. I don't have to WOrk on I"ru- planning. "They asked tor .1 lot of "Are there TOOTS available on Fri- days I usually work tioni 1-10 data at that paltlanlaf tilite tip see iloW day? Yes, there are. But many times p.m. during the rest of the week)." Thing., Were being +Archie& There they are in use. Friday afternoons said Barragan. "If I didn't have .1 iob. Were slirVeS, Anti the Tres ,,,,, I that give the opportunity to schedule other I would never want to Clinle. Next se eVerWille Was getting was that people things that otherwise wouldn't be Able mester I'll probably try to take Fri want tuic, ilTue to tattling** IS kW &Ws to he scheduled. like review sessions, days off." as p..ssiluk" fraternities and sororities sonietimes Lecturer DeVincenzi said he finds Physics pi,tess.of Park k I laniall use then)," she said. that twice-- a -week classes iove more teAelles one FOILS' alas.. alit1 SAS% that "I don't think you'll ever find (a time fiat academia. 75 -minute periods twiir a week is too schedule) that's perfect." she said. "During Monday-Wednet, o It III 1 Ail)t 4 I' ng of .1 Tile t, ask stlidents ti/ C011- "We aren't 2 campus of' strictly three- day SO-minute Classes, it In, vet, .1,11, . cliff ate unit, three-hour classes. We have such cult to get into discussion, , last pie 'k 1,1b - -111 fill 11a1 -Three , lasses a week fur 50 min- III1Xed hag of different types of class- sentations. Thereiust isn't etioiich lutes Apiece Is Minh better," he said. es that no matter what you do to write time," he said. "With the !Mond ii 0( MO 44 '1,4411 Rt t UV "It's stupid thatt this university goes an Academic policy, you wouldn't he Wednesday, Triesday-Thursdas I,, A tollf claV a -week operation. It's Able to fit them perfectly." niinute format, you can get int.. 1,1 -V' 11,A " I 41111111411193121 or pedagiigy, as Well AS A Waste .1f For %little students, such AS Beth stuff without rushing in and out . nair' ." Emma= itun7 Iii dines, and is hieiumg clone pomart- Ashworth. A senior majoring in fi- the professor's point ot VIM., sou gel Mr 3000 com ly lit 14..114 Who Want hi reduce the nance, Friday classes are a boon, as better product. tunic spent on cal111/11S, and IS based well AS a convenient way to avoid And what about the student ism), oll A flawed opinion poll that WAS tak crowds. of view' At least for ThIllekday loVet en several sears ago which Cc/nein& took it) because it WAS A class Raymimd Fernando, he agrees with HITS THEATRES eil that *ancients would rather go to I Wanted to take ant. it 6..t into my DeVincenzi ion of school tour days a week than five." schedule," said Ashworth, whose Fri- "I will never, ever, ever take A Fri William I). 1)eVincenzi. an At-- day finance session was oflered on Jay class." he said. "They are A pain Cl/tinting and finance lecturer, last other days of the week. as Well. "Be- ... They're not in my schedule l'e EVERYWHERE SEPT. 17 taught .1 i lass that met on Friday at sides, I kintl if like Friday classes be nod." PAGE 4 SPARTAN DAILY NEWS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 RALLY I 'I think this event was a huge success.' Housing Services considers continuedfrom page 1 director, introduced his band and started off with several fight songs while waiting for the Morgan State band to arrive. roommate pairing options SJSU's Marching Band also per- formed Santana's "Evil Ways." The By Joe Amaral roommate matching," Tran said. science major, who was satisfied with band members stood both stoically Daily Staff Writer "We have heard from students his roommate. and in unison while playing their in- that's what they would like," she said. "I picked my roommates because struments. For students living on campus, and Tran said if students would like to I lived here on campus last year," said The SJSU dance team, dressed with the new Campus bring back roommate matching, she Kenny Beecher, a sophomore aero- in glittery blue tank tops and black Village opening fall, roommate matching would welcome the feedback. Students space engineering major. pants, waved their gold pompoms in next on cam- pus could be beneficial or painful. can give feedback by calling University Tran said more about the benefits the air. The team danced to the Roll- Diana Tran, community relations Housing Services. of having a roommate. ing Stones' "(I Can't Get No) Satis- coordinator for University Housing "It really helped them get connect- faction," chanting "S, J, S, and Services, said there are two ways stu- ed to campus and meet new people," "San Jose State," also rallying the dents can get a Tran said. crowd to join along. The Spartan roommate: by filling Wtfirst I wa's kind out an application and having San Jose Iran said if students have a con- Spectrum Dance Team danced to Ja- -,13411a. llniversity flict with their roommate, they should net Jackson's "Just a Little While." State choose someone ran- Atnanda Brittingliam / Daily Staff domly or by picking their own. of nervous about first talk to their roommate and work The cheerleading team also led "Either you fill out your form, you out the problem. If nothing is work- the crowd in a cheer shouting, "Beat Interim President Don Kassing thanks the Associated Students Board turn everything in, or we randomly moving to the dorms ing out, students could contact the the Bears," and "Go, Go, State," en- of Directors for organizing the Read-2 -Lead Football Classic rally match based on the type of housing resident director and get a room gaging the audience to cheer along. Thursday evening next to the A.S. recreation area. you choose," she said. because I was afraid change. Johnson introduced Kassing, who She said that, three weeks into ev- undergraduate degree, this was the band play was the main attraction. Iran said the other option students told the crowd how SJ.Sll's drum line ery semester, there is a system called first time she felt connected. "I was anxious to see them and have is for two people to fill out an ap- "sounded good" and asked the A.S. I wouldn't like my a room change process that allows "It makes me feel more of an what kind of stuff they would do," plication saying that they want to be Board of Directors to conk to the students to switch roommates. She SJSU student, and it includes peo- Stronach said. "It looks like a lot of ro o Twn eiadt eosn. front. Kassing thanked the board Mr said the room change forms were ple who wouldn't normally see some- work goes into it and it shows a lot in 't do roommate matching," roommate." organizing the rally. due Sept. 13 and the residential di- thing like this," she said. their routine." Tran said. rectors will inform students of their Tommie Smith, who made an ap- Some student athletes, such as Al- Darius Kurbiel, a Los Gatos "In the past, we did do roommate statuses. pearance at the rally, said it was nice ana Lelia, said they came to enjoy the High School senior, said his school's matching where we would ask ques- Tran said roommate matching for to be home. rally and see the drum line. Leila, a marching band came to watch SJSU tions," Tran said. Emerald Perkins, the new Campus Village is under dis- Smith was an SJSI.1 student in member of the swim team, said she and Morgan State's bands play. "We found Actually that it did not cussion, but said they would likely use 1968, the same year that he WAS a was there with about a dozen of her Kurbriel described the event as decrease the number of roommate student the same systeni used in the current track and field Olympian in Mexico teammates. "sick," because he had never seen conflicts that we would have in a given residence halls. City. He and teammate John Carlos "The highlight was the Morgan many other marching bands per- year," Tran said. Students' rents in the Campus Vil- stood on the Olympic podium with State drum line," Leila said. "It was form. One student discussed the problem lage would include a meal plan, Tran their heads down and their fists up all amazing." "Most marching bands just stand of having a roommate. Iran also discussed the benefits of said. Students living in off-campus in the air to protest against racial in- Tracie Kavalec, a member of the still and don't do much," Kurbriel "Polar opposites," said Mike Sonni, having a roommate. housing may purchase a meal plan for justice and poverty., according to an gymnastics team, said she was there said, appreciative of the high energy a junior majoring in management in- "Most students said that when they A fee, she said. SJSU flier. to show pride for SJSU sports. of Morgan State's band. formation systems, with regard to his were freshmen, they appreciated hav- Other students gave negative opin- Heather Crawford, a graduate "It was nice to see the team and Andrew Peterson, a meniber of Pi randomly chosen roommate. ing a roommate," Tran said. ions about their roortimAte %ituation, student in education, said being at support athletics," Kavalec said. "We Kappa Alpha who was cooking ham- "He was totally nuts. lie never Some students said that they do "I don't think we should have to the rally helped bring her closer to showed a lot of school spirit." burgers and hotdogs, said he came showered," Sonni said. "11w resident like living with their roommate. pick. I wouldn't Want to be with toy SJSU's community. Kavalec said she enjoyed see- out to help A.S. director had to have a shower schedule "I like it because I got vi choose my friends atimay," said Andre "It was nice having an evening ing the Morgan State Magnificent "I think this event Was a huge suc- with him. He had to shower at least own roommate, so I knew what I was Kink,, freshman biology major. event," said Crawford, as most events Marching Machine drum line. cess," Peterson said. "I think it was once a week, usually showered on Sun- getting into," said Dexter Washington, "I get that privacy when I want happen during the day:. She said the "I just liked their enthusiasm And well advertised and organized. It was days by force. We had to drag hunts in to a freshman majoring in biology. it ind poi could study as late as y11 rally gave her a chance to get to know the way they performed," Kayalec a great way to prepare tin the football shower, and there is sortie stutt I can- "At first I was kind of nervous like," said Josh Marx, A freshman ani- the school rather than just going to said. "They were very entertaining." game and A great way to start off the not comment about." about moving to the dorms because I mation major who is living in a room class and going home. For Erica Stronach, a baritone football season." "The random system is pretty cra- was afraid I wouldn't like my room- by himself. She said the campus lacks a com- player with the SJSU Marching Peterson estimated that 1,000 zy." he said. "I didn't like it. mate," said Emerald Perkins, an on - As tar as I lniversity Housing Ser- munity teel and, since finishing her Band, getting to see Morgan State's people attended the rally. Despite the conflicts. Tran said declared freshman. "When I got tu. vice, and roommate matching go, there is a chance that SJSI I might know her .o'er the weeks, she was re- Tran said her department's its bring back roommate matching. ally c..01." "us that we provide students with an "We have been discussing the pos- "We have a lot in common," said envir.knment where they can really COSBY I Offers personal stories, advice sibility of bringing it back and doing Robbie Meneses, a freshman excel." continuedfrom page 1 likely to hate lobs. 1lien they can a call to stop the foolishness." Cosby begin to hang out with the wrong said. "Like a friend of mine used to dents to succeed, it is crucial that crowd," Cosby said. say, 'The truth will set you free, but they have support from the people in Cosby said these kind of young first it will piss you off." their homes. Cosby said individuals are far too "If you're not getting backup from often content with" ... being the vic- home, what you do at school is not tim." going to work." "gyou're not "Victims continue to play that role Cosby said his mother was a huge they need to take it upon (them- influence on his love for reading. getting backup selves) to make it grow," Cosby said. 'As a child, I saw my mother read, Cosby explained what he thinks and I thought, '1 want to do that,'" is the difference between two types Cosby said. "When I got to kinder- from home, what of "tired." garten, I knew how to read and write "There's a tired of being tired of already. My teacher told me, 'You you do at school is failure," Cosby said. " ... But when don't belong here.' Now, being black, you're tired because you've succeeded, you usually hear something like this not going to work." there's nothing like it." in a negative tone." Brown asked Cosby if he would Cosby jokingly said his mother come back next year, to which Cosby "didn't ever think (he'd) make it," and answered, ... of course the answer when she died she left him $411,000. is 'yes.'" He said in the will it stated," '... so he Bill Cosby Cosby wasn't done. He stood tip can have something to fall back on.'" and came to the front of the stage. At the time he got this money, he He ended the night by encouraging was making $7 million a year. Cos- men can find women who will accept young men and women to have safe by said. them for who they are and they will sex, be responsible and stop blaming After Cosby went on for roughly eventually have kids and then the others fin their own actions. 20 minutes, Brown asked the ushers man often leaves. The crowd rose to its feet and if they had any questions from the Cosby said when that man be- gave Cosby his second standing rlVA- audience. comes unhappy with his life, he may tion of the night. The ushers collected the ques- "take it out on a woman." tions, which were written on the back Cosby criticized the music videos of agendas and slips of paper. he sees on television today, showing As the ushers brought the ques- the "glorification of the pimp, 'the man with the h sand h..'" tions to the stage for Brown to re- cameran al Cosby said videos that show men ceive, Cosby stopped mid-sentence 4111 94A-11.1.. with multiple women in their beds and proceeded to fetch the handful of =11 one SI 998 "Mr paid by the guys behind the cam papers himself. KM While Cosby was busy retrieving era, and it is an unrealistic goal fir the papers, Brown asked the ques- young, susceptible men. tion he had originally asked Cosby Cosby explained to the audiens rie cue el what he thinks a real man consists if to Hill. NOMA Rill Of GMCE "How can we inspire young peo- "My manhood is not in punch ing (a woman) and cursing her out or vieirry Fein _ _ ple?" Brown asked. WOO Illf 00 IN BON Hill went on to answer his first slamming the door," Cosby said. reilisuoe 01110AME and only question from Brown. Cosby said he wants schools to "We have to build trust, and work enlighten new incoming teacher, WOO MO on developing the whole student," about some of the problems their 5th - eirr come a tante ernmsoseow Hill said. "Kids need to know we dents may face at home. He said he had a friend who was , care about them and we will work to me use make them successful on and off a teacher and ended up retiring at SI years old. Cosby said he asked her roc AIOCAlvSt the field." to Pass.- Cosby handed the questions to why she had retired at such a young SIN/SO Brown and sat back down. He then age. OrM,Mill 41 N Snots Cruz 19S 020 asked Hill if he had ever read Edgar "She said 'I had a student that weeetnio« didn't know his anatomy,' " Cock Rice Burroughs' "Tarun." sum kit "Did you get that down there (re- said. "She was trying to (direct) one faring to Hill's upbringing in the of her students, and he said, 'B-- -11. South)?" Cosby asked. Cosby said will cut your d- -k offf " the story of "Tartan" was funny be- Cosby reemphasized the need for O SOLI w, N,P. cause, "An 11 -year-old teaches him- literacy to be taught to our young , :4 self to read what is that about? people, noting that while many know how to curse, they are unable to read. That is what is great about being lit- ? 14, erate you're able to see mistakes of Brown then asked Cosby to re- people." spond to the criticism he received so many NMI! Brown asked the next question, for comments he had made earlier MOS nn relating to problems public schools this year. face. Cosby came under controversy tor 'Ilk 1 Cosby then turned very serious, a speech he gave at the 50th anniver Is Y UR BABY'. and then went on to describe a cycle sary of 'Brown vs. Board of Educa he said he has seen in many troubled tion' to the National Association fin youth. the Advancement of Colored People "When somebody quits school, in May. they have no credentials, and are not "People got upset be, Ante I 11,4.1,. 7

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 SPARTAN DAILY PAGE 5 04 SPORTS Spartans fall short of goal in 2-1 loss A's avoid Texas sweep By Kevin Yuen Associated Press Soriano was hurt in an awkward base Daily Staff Writer headfirst slide while stealing third OAKLAND Rich Harden and in the eighth inning. His left foot got caught under his right leg, and he left The San Jose State University men's soccer team's Bobby Crosby hadn't even started high the game after consulting with train- record dropped to 1-4 after losing to Santa Clara school the last time Kenny Rogers lost ers. He'll undergo tests Friday University 2-1 on Thursday night at Buck Shaw at the Coliseum. good," manag- Stadium in Santa Clara. The Athletics' youngest regulars "It doesn't look very were the er Buck Showalter said. "But we won't with The Spartans held the game to a 1-1 tie until the biggest contributors to Oak- land's 5-4 victory over comment until the MRI." Broncos scored off of a deflection by Spartan de- the Texas Rang- ers on The series began Monday night CALM fender Chris Mackey in the 49th minute. Thursday, with Harden pitching into the seventh inning and Crosby with an ugly confrontation between said The Broncos struck early with a goal in the fifth aer0- hitting a three -run double. the Rangers' relievers and a heckling minute, a header by Ryan PureeII off of a corner kick Texas reliever Frank Francisco on the left side of the field. Neither Rogers nor the A's cared fan. much about the left-hander's streak threw a chair into the stands, breaking 111:fits "The first goal we land of gave up early, and that of 18 victories and 35 appearances a woman's nose. kind of put our heads down," SJSU forward Johnny There was no ruling from the com- fleet- Gonzales said. in Oakland without a loss stretch- )ple," ing back to Aug. 7, 1994. The play- missioner's office Thursday on a sus- Spartan head coach Gary Sr. Clair said the Bron- off race is a bigger concern for both pension for Francisco. But a penalty is cos' goal should have been a foul. con- teams and with a much-needed likely to be imposed Friday possibly "The first goal, the guy pushed (defender Dylan tould win, the A's maintained their slim about 10 games. Pender) in the back, hands out, right in front of eV- work AL West lead. Doug Brocail, the other Rangers erybody," St. Clair said. "The linesman, the referee cork- "You try to put it aside, but it's al- reliever prominently involved in the didn't see it. Referees are paid to see things, at least ways in the back of your mind," said fracas, got loud boos when he took r the once in a while." MOM Harden, who had seven strikeouts the mound in the fifth. But there was St. Clair added that despite his problems with the while becoming Oakland's fifth 10- no visible trouble in the sun-baked refs, he was proud of how the team played. ev- game winner. "It's coming down to the crowd. "I think this is the first game all year where I ailed last few series here, and everything is Harden allowed six hits while im- thought there was atrocious refereeing OWS and really magnified." proving to 7-1 since the All-Star break made a negative impact in this game," St. She Clair said. Crosby, who was 14 when Rogers and more importantly, sending the "Other than that. I think our players played were pretty last lost in Oakland, provided a clutch A's on a nine-game road trip against well. 1 di - fifth-inning hit that allowed the Ath- their three division rivals on a good St. Clair said, even their though the Spartans have now letics to salvage a split of the four- note. fallen in three straight matches, he expects the team game set. He and Harden (10-6) were "You can't say it's a must-win, but to go on as for usual. teammates at Triple-A Sacramento it's as close as you could get to it." A's it nerves on you, losing three games in row like dis- last summer, but they're thriving in a Ken Macha said. "It's going this.- St. Clair said, "even though they are three y use na- major league race this fall. to make Texas' road a little tougher. tionally ranked teams. We'll just have to go back to trent "It's incredible for a rookie to be We're going to feel good about our- work tomorrow." in this tspie of situation." Crosby said. selves on the plane ride up (to Se- Gonzales answered hack tin- the Vil- Spartans with a "I'm not even thinking about it. I'm attle)." score on a pass from into Tran Mackey an empty net in just taking it like it's the middle of the The A's had lost seven of 10 enter- the 17th minute after the goalkeeper was opus drawn rnit season, is regular old (at-bat)." ing the finale of their 10-game homes- rit his box. n for Iiimomi Isiida / [tails ',Litt Crosby was unaware of Rogers' de- rand, and Texas built a 4-1 lead enter- "I grit behind the kielen..e and the goalie and put cade of dominance at the Coliseum. ing the fifth before Crosby cleared the Spartan Pin- it through his legs. I saw the god ripen and hit it with midfielder Frank Mata (20) slide tackles Santa Clara midfielder Keith DeVey (13) during "Sometimes it's better not to be bases with two outs on Rogers' 103rd my lett I. it the right the fhoncos' fls. into ,inner," inzales said 2-1 victory Thursday night at Buck Shaw Stadium. aware of' that stuff,* he said with a pitch. to "The kind otpilt us lia, kin the game." grin. "That can put bad thoughts in Rogers (16-8) allowed nine hits III "I thought it Was a good garnt we played vers. I my After halftime, Santa Clara scored the game win your mind." and five runs in his shortest start since ',Ott Ve dominated the first well," Gonzales said. "They're the Ni. ; trim in idre her till. II111111rett Ihni the second halt ritt detle, th The Rangers had several disap- Aug. 8, The All-Star is 1-3 over his from Mitt key', leg tti itt the right sole it the field halt. . .r in the second hall too lackadaisical the nation, but it sure didn't look like it. I think we pointments in the finale of the four- last six starts. ando dlii the ball like we did in the picked up the want think we were in there the first halt tor the sosess first ball real well, better than the past two game set. In addition to the end of had a 4-1 lead, and I let it get tniist part. In the second half the hall didn't go our halt didn't get the Aliie oppotnInities." games, and if we keep it lip. I think we'll do well in Rogers' streak and a wasted chance to away from me," Rogers said. Lni- way." tlirward Tito Mc Knolev said ,leties ii I. Pid the, should fare well once conference play." move within three games of the divi- When asked about his incredi- .001 Viii ..'an't it, antthing bold that " conterhh. r. begins it they can repeat the kind of SJSU will next take on the University of San sion lead, Texas might have lost Al- ble Oakland streak, Rogers shrugged Pencler said the Spartans did not have is uimii. Ii ri t din put birth one of the best teams in Francisco at 5 p.m. on Sanirday at Buck Shaw Sta- fonso Soriano with an injury to his and said: 'I guess I just have to start Ser- contrel i it the game in the sciond .it dium. left leg. again." go, ''ion h an PHN: 408-924-3277 rally FAX: 408-924-3282 Email: [email protected] CLASSIFIEDS Online: The SPARTAN DAILY ATTENTION SJSU STUDENTS RECREATION JOBS AT THE TEACHERS AIDE: Jr A. 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' Santa Clata Private School F unStudentWork corn School F T/PT Sue 286-9609 SHARED HOUSING Mae, irst 5 qualified 49 Mamas boy as a garden revolio. M F 3prri 6pm SIO 00/hr Fax !FALL EXPANSION! ROOMMATE NEEDED: aps i tree 3 -month 50 Convoy chasers Coup 4- 42 Miniature resume to 408 247 0996 GENERAL HELP: Small GROOMER'S ASST/KENNEL par, , c. s free copy of ihyph 1' FUCIOUS chicken Mattress Store close to SJSU help needed for small exclusive Must NI 10 positions Furnished Apt between Valley immediately! No phone work. Fair & Westgate Call ML . their lohilt 52 Video game no Divide the pie 44 Got Me gold FITNIESSAANGUAGEMANCE/ FT/PT/Flextime Will Train shop & kennel PIT Tues-Sat 57 Mr Diamond 11 Priscilla s suitor 45 Viking letters SPORTS INSTUCTORS NEEDED informal atmosphere JEANS OK Must be reliable honest able Great money/paid weekly 408 244.7415 Evening No Exp Nec Training provided LOOKING FOR A HOUSE/ 58 Highlander 1.1 Cancels 46 Is an acaximpliCe For adult & children classes Computer skills a plus Steady to do physical work Prefer exp AN APARTMENT", A 60 0o -well capper 14 Brickell or 47 Aim Mimed openings PT Flex Work Steady Pay Ed 984-4020 working sitt dogs hot will train Call now for an interview LOOKING FOR A 1-408-377-0777 ROOMMATE' ROOM SPARTAN DAILY of note McClurg 49 Poses for Hrs $20-25/hr plus bonus' Pteat oppty for dog lover Can CLASSIFIEDS artist 408971- 61 Mediterranean 20 Natural an Need car Fax res to Fax resume to 408-377-0109 landmark resource 51 Woe is We 4761 or call 408-971-4760 to or Call 371 9115 62 Charged partcles Forbidden thing appointment 72 Not e en once 52 make 53 Pedro s parent 24 Alleyways thyph o4 Mach 1 breakers 26 Youth orq 03 Gouda ;aileron DELIVERY DRIVERS PORN /AGENCY PATENLAu.408-924-3277 Zero Party rental business DAILY CLASSIFIED - LOCAL RATES 55 Navy noncom 27 Sheik s 54 Students, 66 Type of shark 28 Perry Ma.. 55 Quaint weapon% Perfect for portray+, Hydro. rival Earn $250 every weekend, Print your ad here. Line is 30 spaces, including letters, numbers, punctuation & spaces between words. 56 truck DOWN 29 Cleanng 59 Badge wearer Must have reliable or vise- van Heavy lifting is required 1 Turnpike exit 30 Tiara 408-292-7876 C1000000LICIC10000000000000000JOUU 11 W,orte " WELCOME SACK SPARTANS/ CIOLICIDUOOCICIC1000000000000000UOUGI Local valet rnmuyiny needs enthusiastic & eriergeta indi victuals to Core at nearby malls 00000UUCE:10000000JOCICILICIUOG100CIUJ private events A rountry clubs FT/PT available We will work CIZIGICE7C100000000000000000LICIZIOGIGIU around your busy school schedule Must have clean DMV Lots of fun & earn good Ad Notes: 3 -fins minimum KIM Please check money Call 408-8677275 One Two Three Four Five eleameil one classification: Day DRYs Dors DSY5 Days UNI er41 Fount' %ma Haub% "An SS $I St Sit $I 3 Cie s Owe le war Certain advertisements in 9wrad mous% Rate octailes $2 for *mil addricinal line per ike Arnsunallmmas these columns may refer the Iblal Emma reader to soectfk telephone Kale increases 52 re, own *weer* :Sy Cmmus Clubs numbers or addresses for Se nd checti or money order to (No Credit Cards Accepted) Omni hoettottrt Swwas additional information FAL1311111110.11111111IS: neallAlkmay Classified readers should be 20 consecuire issues reeee 10% 011 Sponse Wily Cllieelltade _Ewa WWI reminded that when making 40 03neetueve NUNS receive 20% 0/1 San Jae We . Yoram these further contacts they 50 cOnarecutive *Sues reeetve 25% Off _FP OM _Insuramo n requirec seozng lete San Asia Ol1iev111712 Sr.Idnbefore Upset men Noy Is SimIs Clefs county sivewleers Dwight OMAN Had, Ram 9111WaW _EMMOvnent swit &HU ehideres. Hee Welty II Camino dna a bosom in SOB for goods or cervices In add, Doadlino 1000 am mu weekdays atom oubliosem _ Wows lion readers should carefully First is it bold Icy no extra charge up 10 25 spaces investigate all firms Merino . M sel ME :MOW No refunds an canceled ads _.laWantiell _TIMMS amitionet wares may be set in NMI type at a per Mos or*, Prounar9 employment listings cir rout SO chine of $3 per weel Ross tor consomme auto:moon _Opplamis _WOO pons tor discount vacation, CIUMITIONST CALL MOM 11144277 gurs.... or merchandise SJSU STUDENT RATE 25% OFF Hale,2 applies lo Wale petty ads orty, no ctscount for Ads be pieced parson al DON 209 from 10ernahrpmPiltISOftelttlUIREO 09/I 7/04 sire 1 Lost I Found ads ars offered free as a service to the campus community ura PAGE 6 SPARTAN DAILY A&E FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 Calendar Drinkof the Week 'Sky Captain' pilots to victory By Claire Taylor Daily Copy Editor Music By Ling-Mei Wong For coffee drinkers seeking a creamy alternative to the watery standard, the Chocolate Coffee Cream Daily Staff Writer Meiji University Mandolin ($4.25) from Great Bear Coffee in Los Gatos might just be the perfect caffienated beverage. Concert will take place at You don't need to be a science fiction fan 7 p.m. on Friday in the Music to enjoy "Sky Captain and the World of To- building Concert Hall at San ITIOITOW." REVIEW Jose State University. Admission Commonly referred to as the CCC by staff and regu- is free. For more information, REVIEW lars, this drink is the perfect blend of Ghiradelli ground call (408) 924-2900. chocolate, vanilla ice cream and Great Bear's special "Bear It's 1939, and the world has been taken Cap," a blend of condensed coffee and low-fat milk, with tow over by an army of flying, attacking and an optional dollop of whipped cream. A variation called Rork Against Rush ering robots. the "gritty" CCC ($5) is also available with the addition of all over the world, featuring Anti-Flag, Midtown, The robots go stomping poppy seed-shaped flecks of espresso beans. taking resources like New York City's genera- CCC is a wonderful way to kill two The Nightwatchman, Strike The 16-ounce .1..111. tors. All who stand in their way are subjected birds with one atone satisfy both a caffeine craving Anywhere, Epoxies and Mike to their heat-ray glare. and a sweet tooth. Park will take place at 7 p.m. Their leader is a mysterious Totenkopf; Unlike its major rival, the icy Starbucks Frappuci- who is bent on destroying the world. thicker on Sept. 21 at The Fillmore Photos courtesy of Paramount Pictures no, the CCC is not only more flavorful, but Defying incredible odds, Sky Captain and creamier. Store Tickets are in San Francisco. saves the day. director and coffee $15 and available through Sound familiar? Above: Jude Law, left, and Gwyneth Paltrow star in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow." roaster Jeff Dube Ticketmaster by calling This is a retro sci-fi movie that was enjoy said the drink is able, but may not be for everyone. Below: A plane takes off to avoid explosions in a hanger. (408) 998-TIXS. the "Frappucino for For one, the entire MMie is shot against Along the way, Sky Captain calls upon old everyone who isn't blue screen, with a few props for the actors to Hattie Franky Cook, played by Angelina Jolie, near a Starbucks," will perform hold, such as bottles. New York Dolls :Ind her Amphibious Squadron. because inany peo- ple come into the at 8 p.m. on Oct. 3 at The The wonders of blue screen make the Am- coffeehouse looking San Francisco. phibious Squadron fantastic to see. Fillmore in for the trademark "There:c a love triangle, The shins of the Squadron breathtak- Tickets are $25 and are available are drink. ing.Their airplane landing strip floats in mid- through Ticketmaster by calling Owner Sue Ann 7.# the world ending and a air, above the clouds. When their planes hit (408) 998-TIXS. Van Epps, who de- the ocean, it looks like they're crashing, while scribes the drink hero to save the day." they're actually turning into submarines. as a "genius coffee 'Resides Performing Arts having impressive special effects, milkshake," said the the acting also brings the movie to life. CCC was created by The trailers make the film look like a big- I firector Kern' Conran expected unknown her former business The White Murder Case will budget movie with slick computer graphic, actin-. Ti. star in his first movie. years ago, aloof and larger-than-life character as Sky Robert Sparling / Daily Staff partner 13 continue its run until Sept. 26 at and no plot. Instead, after showing a six-minute short and said the cof- Captain. For the most part, the \V rid of1 .morrow to producer Jon Avnet. Avnet was able to en- feehouse serves be- the Lucie Stern Theater in Palo The movie looked believable. The cos- The "gritty" Chocolate was not obviously fake. lie Oscar -winning talents of Jolie and tween 50 and 100 Alto. Tickets range from $18 to tumes, background and speech were distinctly Coffee Cream is a frosty treat When Sky Captain. played by Jude Law, Palti CCCs every day. of vanilla ice cream, ground $29 and are available by calling takes on the digitally rendered robots In- The 'ix- minute short showed the be- of the1930s. On any given The optimism -about the future was chocolate and condensed (650) 329-0891. weaving perilously between them in his plane, ginning sequence of the movie, which weekday, most of the effect is believably stunning. Isis .1 blimp landing on the Empire State true to the period, before World War II coffee with low-fat milk. the CCCs made are "Sky Captain" does have a ph i it. While it Bin ding. and the Great Depression. The belief that sold after the nearby One Hundred Years of Political seems to be infatuated witl ti iii 1 n,,ik refer- Each of the principal actors were shown technology could overcome any prob- Los Gatos High School lets out, store director Brianna Theatre, a festival of short ences and classic movies, it 11AS Milid elements the short And then signed on to act. lem was prevalent, which is reflected in Donahue said. the fantastic toys brought to life in the plays, will continue its run that form the movie. They understood that they would be Donahue said the "Bear Cap," which is similar to an There's a love triangle, the world ending shooting in front of a blue screen and movie. iced cappuccino with a nxidy (cold coffee) is :ilso often or- until Sept. 26 at the Eastenders and a hero to save the slay. Its its ipl.iusih'le. but looked completely natural interacting with While the movie lags in the middle, with dered. Also popular is their iced coffee drink, which she Repertory Company in the movie is a fun suspension of belied thin air. the interminable search for Totenkopf going said is brewed cold as opposed to how many other cofke- Oakland. Tickets range from The lighting is deliberately .lassi,. When PaltrinV's comedic timing was surprising. too long, the movie makes up for it with A houses typically brew the drink hot and then put it on ice. funny ending. $10 to $20 and are available by reporter Polly Perkins, played by I iwyneth she has huniiirolis scenes where her clum- Great Bear Coffee is approximately 15 minutes from Paltrow, stands in A rows', she's while sille,s luin its linexpes ted consequences. Overall, the film is worth watching campus, located at 19 N. Santa Cruz Ave. in Los Ga- calling (510) 568-4118. the other people in the .rowd are in the shad- flit akin% to use physical humor isn't for beautiful special effects and excel- tos. It is open Monday through Thursday from 6 cm. ows. .1,vittiis from Paltrow's previous works, such lent acting. to 9:30 p.m., Friday front 6 A.M. to 10:30 p.m., Satur- The Black Rider: The Casting Sky Captain and Polly join Mrces to find as -Shakespeare in Love." Paltrow's comedic "Sky Captain and the World of Tomor- day from 7 p.m. to 10:30 pits. and Sunday from 7 a.m. row" is currently in theaters. to 9:30 p.m. of Magical Bullets will con- Ttitenitopf inrlormance was a good foil to Law's more tinue its run until Oct. 3 at the Geary Theater in San Francisco. Tickets range from 'Hearts' provides timely Luc $20 to $80 and are available hi calling (415) 749-2228. Vietnam War critique Heretics, Harlots and Heroes will be pertOrmed by the Film remembers iistiallt iwed ilieti i As either servile Magical Acts Ritual Theater on allies MXII the South or corrupt and cowardly guerillas from the North, 17,22 and 23 at Oct. 15, 16, conflict's lessons movie crin. Robert K. Brigham wrote. Belladonna in Berkeley. Ticket A !Miner French foreign minister prices range from $16 to $26. s "Messes that the United States of- By Mansur Mirovalev For more information, call !errs' Into two atialliC bOr1111S tO solve Dully Soil, 5h/// It //iv the pvililenis in hid' china. An elder - (510) 540-9105. Is undertaker trom South Vietnam ex- Vietnam would he very pretty it it plains that the smaller coffins are for Act wasn't tor its people. .1 former prison little J.Iiildren, while I.S. (;eri. er of war tells wide -eyed di liken in .1 %Vest orrelat id concludes, "the ( )riental Catholic school. 14.52.. rattle In in ihs on does not put the same high prisT life Art Car Feat will take place villages and spray jungle with a lethal As does the Westerner." A fanner wlor Sitting from noon to 7 p.m. Saturday at chemical mist :\ (L5. sOltlier s110.4s A I, st his 9 -year -old daughter slots", wheekhaii Vietnamese teenager in the head, And "Nisi ti murderer!" this episode was ered lucky the Museum Plaza of the San The President Lyndon B. utters ei hoed in "Fahrenheit I." Jose Museum of Art. Admission that the ultimate victory depends on In many ways, the history of graduate r is free. For more information, hearts And minds of the people. "I baits And :shod," preceded the by a drunk call (408) 271-6840. Anti slitTeSS of 1/411C11:1e1 Jill WA Nliiiire's film. Interviews and nonage from San REVIEW lin "I feats and NIIIIits" Were Center, Art of Zinn 04 will continue its el in 1172 ui,1 1971 in Vietnam, the The 2: And Minds,- a 1975 ( Iscar run until Oct. 31 at the San Jose "Hearts I !lined states and Paris, Ai ...Ming Ti, ated last U winning documentary about the Viet Mass COM1 Museum of Art. Admission is 111,Wir rah .1,1.1101 liiI nam War, has been restined And will be Alt 1.11I111.41 I IH I While free. For more information, call rerd,,I by the %, Arm, rij, riV.11 iII Mis I97-1, the film training k chive on Sept. 24. Digital ie. Iambi (408) 271-6840. nit and s ontroversv At the liriglo I,c Harvey LI gies helped SIMI% C up the hided iing .lebate "Vet the IIIVOIVeltleflt ill the Jill's h inal, 110W AlPither veneration it and I 'Tilted StAtt, ’ killed insti Comedy War protesters Itsri rel. ly injured, reinforce its ;MCI ! Jill inje Lewis Mack will perform fisni by wars hing 111 ' this chassis Anti- "7'hirty years ago, tonight and Sunday at the war film. 411,11MI. AIM the Improv in downtown San Check out Cherrywood today. Discover why we are Thirty years director Peter Davis AI, 11111,11C Jose. Tickets are $23 and $27 Ago, dire, tor Pe sAW the film and are available by ter 1)avis flared flared up controversy in N1.11.1, 197; preferred by San Jose State University Students! up s oVerst' (408) 280-7475. Davis use of with two hours of with two hours of silo, king .ioin condensed sto, Is terjonnt. ever.ii Classic Setting Calculate the Benefits fiiotage, news re Em 'Tooth nig ..tory WW1s cherrywoodapartilrenls cum ports and inter condensed stock lines and quick teen Wen 'seats maintainer; axon views with Hit' Cineniayaat, also known as iiits 9lui ed up by Ses% I Ilqrn a siork, oi I bottom, frooi ia.,- clans, Vietnamese footage, news reports quote, troth Ifol- 3-liediourti Soot piso ideal to slating Festival, will the Arab Film civilians, parents lywa ii ''vies Ac take place Oct. 5 through 8 at of soldiers and and interviews with And p pular tunes day Ain Camera 12 Cinemas in San soldiers theni - was repeited l's Schedule Your Personal Tour Today! downy] selves. The result- N1,144" ),,, , first toi Jose. For more information, call I I is, vout convenience Ctietrywood is ow 1 Oava a week ing kaleidoscopic politicians, Vietnamese dor, not sto Califon k 1,, mi., ve. !loridaY% 11 an (415) 564-1100. chronicle became sun t Comfortable Amenities lic or Call today In nuke in appornimpol ivrth One of our Leasing an emotional, civilians ... and illte.111 tuses The yet thoroughly seeniinglv his to old, i Mise, backed -up, exam- 'punted (408) 266-8070 k= entranc soldiers themselves." episodes ination of the 10- that recreate the the sidi NunOry Non s 1 eaYerj P lelit WO Dien' AMUR' Siete The Oblone College Super year war that cost kgtinind 'it at., 4 .59 Street I Flea Market will take place America 600,000 lives. the WM, Its NMI, And its impact iii, Convenient Locadal rant as The losses of the Vietnamese were Amen, a. The from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on ' ,kP to Liole KW Utio* effl!SC I was among was hel, much higher, and Davis 'lime first u asi iAlty WIT Is truth, die WA/ it Oct. 9 at Ohlone College in Wa freeways anti Almalm f 1114411413 the first to show the grief Anil anger last Is Me111.41: I tIVIs wpm. in the lin t,,k.M5i alma*. elan awl a ,areiv of rwaitn, 1 1. Jose M: Fremont. Admission is free. of average Vietnamese i itiveris, along et note, to die reielease "I karts and ifirla II OW neXttleXIIX, Cllilone fitness f.. APAR IMENTS Dalis 01 For more information, call with their humanity And humiliate tia N1111(1,." I )on'i 1711S% the digital sinneha. k int1 We% Agency "Hearts and Minds" oven tlw film that proves it wrong. mony, a (510) 659-6285. the me -dimensional Ion-fiat il 'it tin. "Ile tits Niiii11," Will hit Richan: Vietnamese in Mt. I S us.1,,, Ii Sept. 2.1 This