Oatober1977, Nurnber 57 The Delius Society Full Membership[3.00 per year Students€1.50 Subscriptionto Libraries(Journal only) f2.00 per year President Eric Fenby OBE, Hon RAM Vice Presidents The Rt Hon Lord BoothbyKBE, LLD Felix Aprahamian Roland GibsonM Sc,Ph D (FounderMember; Sir CharlesGroves CBE Chairman MeredithDavies MA, B Mus, FRCM, Hon RAM 16 SladeClose, Walderslade, Chatham, Kent Secretarv StanfordRobinson OBE, ARCM (Hon), Hon CSM J K White 3l Lynwood Grove,Orpington, Kent BR6 OBD Treasurer G H Parfitt 5 WestbourneHouse, Mount Park Road. Harrow. Middlesex Editor ChristopherRedwood 4 Tabor Grove,London SWl9 4EB Telephone: 0l-946 5952 The DeliusSociety Journal Contents Editorial ... 3 Sonata for String Orchestra by Robert Threlfall ... 4 A Students, Appalqchia 6 Delius's SecondBurial by Peter Vernon 8 The Reinterment: A PersonalMemory by Norman Cameron 9 The Le,avingof Livellool by Gordon Lovgreen r2 Delius on Recondby Lyndon Jenkins 2l News from the Midlands . ... 23 2,5 Book Reviews: "Delius ' A Life in Pic,lures" Hassan at the Minack .Theatre 26 Forthcoming Events 27 (c)The DeliusSociety, 1977. .Cover Illustration F Delius by Dawn Redwood(after Kupp) Publishedquarterly, in January,April, July and October Additional copiesof this issue50p each,inclusive of postage ISSN-0306-0373 EDITORIAL Christmas is co,ming, and even though your geese may not be ge,tting very fat, I feel sure that the pile of past issues of. The Delius Society lou,rnal on your shelf is. What better Christmas present, then, to request than having these back-numbers bound in a single volume? One of our recently-joined me,mbers,Mr.
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