Feb. 14, 1939. E
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Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. ZA PARKA 2,147,360 AIRPLANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filed Feb. 16, 1933 7 Sheets-Sheet Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. ZA PARKA 2,147,360 AIRPLANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filed Feb. 16, 1933 7 Sheets-Sheet 2 &tkowys Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. zAPARKA 2,147,360 ARP ANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filed Feb. 16, 1933 7 Sheets-Sheet 3 Wr a NSeta ?????? ?????????????? "??" ?????? ??????? 8tkowcA" Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. ZA PARKA 2,147,360 AIRPLANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filled Feb. 16, 1933 7 Sheets-Sheet 4 Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. ZA PARKA 2,147,360 AIRPLANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filed. Feb. l6, l933 7 Sheets-Sheet 5 3. 8. 2. 3 Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. ZA PARKA 2,147,360 AIRPANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filled Feb. 16, 1933 7 Sheets-Sheet 6 M76, az 42a2/22/22a/7 ?tows Feb. 14, 1939. E. F. ZAPARKA 2,147,360 AIRPANE CONTROL APPARATUS Original Filled Feb. l6, l933 7 Sheets-Sheet 7 Jway/7 -ZWAZZ/JAZZA/ Juventor. Zff60 / Ze/7 384 ?r re? Patented Feb. 14, 1939 2,147,360 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE AIRPLANE CONTRO APPARATUS Edward F. Zaparka, Baltimore, Md., assignor to Zap Development Corporation, Baltimore, Md., a corporation of Delaware Application February 16, 1933, serial No. 657,133 Renewed February 1, 1937 4. Claims. (CI. 244—42) My invention relates to aircraft construction, parting from the spirit and scope of the appended and in particular relates to the control of aircraft claims, equipped with Wing flaps which Operate in the In order to make my invention more clearly Zone of optimum efficency. understood, I have shown in the accompanying 5 Heretofore, where devices for increasing the drawings means for carrying the same into prac- s lift and efficiency of wings were used, the reduc tical effect without limiting the improvements in tion in Speed with which the air flowed acroSS their useful applications to the particular con the controlling surfaces had a deleterious effect structions, which, for the purpose of explanation, upon the sensitivity of control, and the plane have been made the subject of illustration. 10 Would tend to respond sluggishly to the controls. Referring to the drawings: 10 The greater the lift coefficient was increased, the Figure 1 is a top plan view of an airplane show more ineffective the controls became because of ing in dotted lines the mechanism for operating the resulting slow speed and other factors, and the wing flap and for operating spoilers located there was a danger of losing control of the plane, on the top surface of the air foil at approximate is one of the very features which the increased effi ly the position of the maximum ordinate; 5 ciency in lift was designed to correct. Moreover, Fig. 2 is a diagrammatic illustration in side elle heretofore, the features of construction which ac vation of a wing section showing the Spoiler and complished increase in lift coefficient tended to flap in effective position in the construction shown produce air currents which in and of themselves, in Fig. 1; - regardless of the decrease in air speed of the Fig. 3 is a diagrammatic illustration showing 20 plane, tended to render ineffectual thie controls. a spoiler located on the top surface of the trail An object of my invention is to greatly increase ing edge of the wing, the spoiler and flap being in . the lift coefficient of wing surfaces while main the effective position; taining great sensitivity of control of the plane. Fig. 4 is a diagrammatic illustration showing a Another object is to provide flexible and pow spoiler located at the nose of the wing on the top 25 *25 erful control while retaining high stability and surface thereof, the spoiler and flap being in the uniformity of performance at varying angles of effective position; attack. Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic view of a modification Another object of the invention is to permit showing a spoiler in effective position located on 30 slow flying of a plane while providing powerful, the nose at the under side of the wing, the spoiler ao control action at greatly reduced speeds. and the flap both being extended; . A further object of the invention is to cause the Fig. 6 is a modification diagrammatically show operation of the system which reduces the flying ing a spoiler located on the under side of the speed to augment the action of the control sur wing at approximately the position of the maxi 85 faces by its correlation thereto. V- Still another object of the invention is to pro mum ordinate; both spoiler and flap being in ex- 85 vide sensitivity of control of a plane, equipped tended position; with wing flaps arranged for operation in the Fig. 7 is a modification diagrammatically show zone of optimum efficency, ing a spoiler located in effective position at ap 40 A still further object. of the invention is to in proximately the position of the maximum ordi crease the effective action of spoilers by increas nate and on the upper surface of the wing, as 40 ing the flow over the spoiler surfaces while at well as a spoiler on the opposite lower surface of the same time increasing the lift coefficient o the wing, the lower spoiler being shown in inop the Wings. erative pòsition; . s Yet another object of the invention is to in Fig. 8 is a diagrammatic view partly in CrOSS crease the fayorable yawing moment produced by section of a modification showing a bleeder ar- ºº spoilers while greatly increasing the lift coeffi rangement in combination with a flap; cient of the Wings. Fig. 9 is a diagrammatic view of a wing section With these and other objects in view, which partly in cross section of a modification show so may be incident to my improvements, the inven ing a spoiler located on the upper surface of the 50 tion consists in the parts and combinations to be wing at approximately the position of the maxi hereinafter set forth and claimed, with the under mum ordinate cooperating with an adleron lo standing that the several necessary elements com cated above the trailing edge in conjunction with . prising my invention may be varied in construc a flap; . stion, proportions and arrangement, without des Fig. 10 is a top plan view of a modification - s 2 2,147,860 perpendicular to the datum line of the wing sec showing a floating aileron in combination with tion. As the flap is lowered, its trailing edge is a wing flap; lowered, but its trailing edge always stays ap Fig. 11 is an end view of Fig. 10 showing in proximately within this locus of lines which is dotted lines the various positions of the floating perpendicular to the datum line of the wing sec aileron, and the effective position of the flap; tion and passes through the trailing edge of the Fig. 12 is a diagrammatic view showing the wing. This feature of my construction is of the wing flaps located on a biplane construction in greatest importance since a flap so constructed which there is an aileron located between the Operates within the Zone of optimum efficiency. Wings; The above description is intended to take care 0. 10 Fig. 13 is a diagrammatic view showing a wing section in which there is an aileron located in of a wing which may have a curved lower sur advance of the nose of a wing, in combination face, as Some of them do. Another way to define with a flap; the location of the flap and its operation is to Fig. 14 is a diagrammatic illustration of a Say that the trailing edge of the flap must lie, either while being retracted or in any of its ex 5 15 modification showing a wing fiap with an ad tended positions, within the perpendicular to justable wing nose to change the camber of the the projected chord of the wing. All of this has Wing; - no relation at all to the position of the air foil Fig. 15 is a top plan view of a modification in the air, but I am definitely referring to the showing an extensible wing tip with a wing flap; projection of the wing when it is looked upon in 20 20 Fig. 16 is a top plan view of a modification its position of greatest area, and to the chord showing a collapsible wing tip for increasing the referring to that projection. effective wing area in combination with a flap; In Order to illustrate the ideal position of the Fig. 17 is a fragmentary view showing dia trailing edge of the wing flap with respect to the grammatically an airplane wing having a wing wing section, I refer to Figure 22 which shows a 25 flap and a warpable wing tip to change the cam wing section having a flat lower surface. The ber of the wing; - Fig. 18 is a cross Sectional view of a wing datum line is shown and a line perpendicular to broken in the middle, showing the location of the datum line passing through the trailing edge the parts for operating the spoiler and the flap, of the wing. It is to be noted that the flap the Spoiler being shown in its retracted position; which is shown in the extended position has its 30 Fig. 19 is a detail showing the operation of the trailing edge lying within the line drawn perpen Spoiler in its raised position; dicular to the datum line and passing through Fig.