SENATE-Thursday, January 20, 1977

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SENATE-Thursday, January 20, 1977 January 20, 19 77 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1859 By Mr. CORMAN (!or himself, Mr. AN­ Armed Forces. law enforcement officials, and, 13 or .15 _of title- 88, United States COde, or DERSON o! California, Mr. BLOUIN, as authorized by the Secretary of the Treas­ the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 Will be Mr. DR:INAN, Mr. DUNCAN o! Tennes­ ury; licensed importers. manufacturers, deal­ considered as a. finding of disability under see, Mr. F'LOR:IO, Mr. HAM:ILTON, Mr. ers, and pistol clubs; to the Committee on any of such programs, and for other pur­ HANNAFORD, Mr. HARR:INGTON, Mr. the Judiciary. poses; jointly, to the Committee on Ways HOWARD, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. LEGGETl', H.R. 2279. A bill to incorporate Recovery, and Means, Veterans' Affairs, and Interstate Mr. LENT, Mrs. MEYNER, Mr. MINETA, Inc.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Foreign Commerce. ?,41'. MOFFETT, Mr. RoD:INO, Mr. Ros­ H.R. 2280. A bill to prohibit commercial By Mrs. HOLT (for herself, Mr. DICK­ ENTHAL, Mr. RoYBAL, Mr. ST 0ER­ fiights by supersonic aircraft into or over the :INSON, Mr. MARTIN, Mr. RoUSSELOT, MA:IN, and Mr. SCHEUER) : United States until certain findings are made Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. BYRON, Mr. BUR­ H.R. 2270. A bill to amend XVIII of the by the Administrator of the Environmental GENER, Mr. 5:rKON, Mr. DEVINE, Mr. Social Security Act to provide for the cov­ Protection Agency and by the Secretary of WAMPLER, Mr. CLEVELAND, Mr. VAN­ erage of certain psychologists' services utl­ Transportation, and for other purposes; to DER JAGT, Mr. RUDD, Mr. JOHN T. der the supplementary medical insurance the Committee on Public Works and Trans­ MYERS): benefits program established by part B of portation. H.J. Res. 188. Joint resolution to amend such title; jointly, to the Committees on H.R. 2281. A bill to amend chapter 1 of 26 the Constitution of the United States to re­ Ways and Means, and Interstate and Foreign U.S.C. to allow a deduction to tenants of quire a balanced Federal budget; to the Commerce. houses or apartments for their proportionate Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CORMAN (for himself, Mr. share of the taxes and interest paid by their By Mr. VANDER JAGT: JOHN L. BURTON, and Mr. SISK): landlords; to the Committee on Ways and H.J. Res. 189. Joint resolution proposing H.R. 2271. A bill to amend XVIIl of the Means. an amendment to the Constitution of the · Social Security Act to provide for the cover­ H.R. 2282. A bill to extend to all unmarried United States; to the Committee on the age of certain psychologists' services under individuals the full tax benefits of income Judiciary. the supplementary medical insurance bene­ splitting now enjoyed by married individuals H.J. Res. 190. Joint resolution proposing fits program established by pa.rt B of such filing joint returns; to the Committee on an amendment to the Constitution of the title; jointly, to the Committees on Ways and Ways and Means. United States providing for the election of Means, a.nd Interstate and Foreign Com­ H.R. 2283. A bill to amend title 42, United the President and Vice President; to the Com­ merce. States Code, chapter 7, subchapter II to in­ mittee on the Judiciary. By Mrs. HOLT: crease to $7,500 the amount of outside earn­ By Mr. YATES: H.R. 2272. A blll to amend chapter 44 of ings which (subject to further increases H.J. Res. 191. Joint resolution prescribing title 18 of the United States Code (respecting under the automatic adjustment provisions) model regulations governing implementation firearms) to penalize the use of firearms in is permitted each year without any deduc­ of the provisions of the Social Security Act the commission of any felony and to increase tions from benefits thereunder; to the Com­ relating to the admln.istra tion of social serv­ the penalties in certain related existing pro­ mittee on Ways and Means. ice programs; to the Committee on Ways and visions; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 2284. A bill to encourage increased Means. H.R. 2273. A bill to a.mend title 38, United use of public transit systems by amending By Mr. DELANEY: States Code, to authorize a. program of assist­ chapter 1 of title 26, United States Code, to H. Res. 151. A resolution to designate ance to States for the establishment, ex­ allow a. credit against individual income January 22 as Ukrainian Independence Day; pansion, improvement, and maintenance of taxes for funds expended by a taxpayer for to the Committee on Post Office and Civil payment of public transit fares from his or veterans cemeteries, and t9 provide for trans­ Service. her residence to his or her place of employ­ portation of bodies to national cemetery; a. ment and from his or her place of employ­ to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. ment to his or her residence; to the Com­ PRIVATE Bn.L.S AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. YATES: mittee on Ways and Means. H.R. 2274. A b111 to establish in the De­ H.R. 2285. A bill to amend title 42, United Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private partment of Housing and Urban Develop­ States Code, to include qualified drugs, re­ bills and resolutions were introduced and ment a direct low-interest loan program to quiring a physician's prescription or certifi­ severally referred as follows: assist homeowners and builders in purchas­ cation and approved by a formulary commit­ By Mr. JOHN L. BURTON: ing and installing solar heating (or combined tee, among the items and services covered H.R. 2289. A bill for the relief of Teresa solar heating and cooling) equipment; to under the hospital insurance program; to the Rodriguez De La Torre; to the Committee on the Committee on Banking, Fina.nee and Ur­ Committee on Ways and Means. the Judiciary. ban Affairs. H.R. 2286. A bill to amend title 42, United H.R. 2290. A bill for the relief of Ma Ho H.R. 2275. A bill to establish a. national States Code. chapter 7, subchapter II to re­ Lui; to the Committee on the Judiciary. adoption information exchange system; to duce from 20 to 5 years the length of time a H.R. 2291. A bill for the relief of Carmen the Committee on Education and Labor. divorced woman's marriage to an insured in­ Cecma Blanquicett; to the Committee on the H.R. 2276. A bill to designate the Indiana dividual must have lasted in order for her to Judiciary. Dunes National Lakeshore as the "Paul H. qualify for wife's or widow's benefits on his By Mr. TRIBLE: Douglas National Lakeshore"; to the Com­ wage record; to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 2292. A bill for the relief of Boulos mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Means. Stephan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 2277. A bill to amend subchapter H.R. 2287. A bill to establish a policy for By Mr. YATES: XVIII, chapter 7, 42 U.S.C. to provide for the the management of oil and natural gas in H.R. 2293. A bill for the relief of Phyllis T. administrative and judicial review of claims the outer Continental Shelf; to protect the Pontrelli; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (involving the amount of benefits payable) marine and coastal environment; to amend which arise under the supplementary med­ the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act; and ical insurance program; to the Committee for other purposes; jointly, to the Commit­ PETITIONS, ETC. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. tees on Interior and Insular Affairs, the H.R. 2278. A ·bill to prohibit the importa­ Judiciary, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Under clause 1 of rule XXII. tion, manufacture, sale, purchase, transfer, and Science and Technology. 33. The SPEAKER presented a petition of receipt, or transportation of handguns, in H.R. 2288. A bill to provide that a finding Dennis L. Nygren, Royal Oak, Mich., relative any manner affecting interstate or foreign of permanent and total disability under title to the Child and Family Services Act; to the commerce, except for or by members of the II or XVI of the Social Security Act, chapter Committee on Ways and Means. SENATE-Thursday, January 20, 1977 <Legislative day of Wednesday, January 19. 1977) The Senate met at 10: 15 a.m., on the dedication; We pray especially for our God," striving to set forward Thy king­ expiration of the recess, and was called President and for him who will preside dom on Earth. to order by the President pro tempore over this Senate. Give them an under­ We pray in the name of our Redeemer (Mr. EASTLAND). standing of our times, wisdom beyond and Lord. Amen. themselves, and health of mind and body PRAYER sufficient for their tasks. May the truths of the Bible on which their hands are THE JOURNAL The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward placed be the guide of this Republic in L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following the years to come. And may the oath of Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, I ask prayer: ' office taken by two men be for every citi­ unanimous consent that the Journal of God of our Fathers, and our God, make zen a new pledge of allegiance and a the proceedings of Wednesday, Janu­ sacred to all of us this solemn day of fresh dedication to "one nation under ary 19, 1977, be approved. 1860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 20, 1977 The PRESIDENT pro tempare. With.. EC-445. A communication from the Presi- Cabinet nominations which are noncon­ out objection, it is so ordered.
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