TANFIELD Is a Parish and Parochial Chapelry, and Chapel at Town Head, Erected in 1890
• 532 SW.ALWELL. DUliHAM [KELLY,.~ Ramsay George H. & Co. fire brick Skilbeck William, grocer, Market la Watson Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper .. makers. T N 6g Blaydon Smiles .Ann(Mrs.),shpkpr.45Napier rd Crowley road Reay Margaret (Mrs.), greengrocer Smiles J ames, Elephant inn Williamson William George,insurance Bobinson Joseph, timber merchant, Smith Edward Davison M.B., B.S. agent, Crowley road The Forge Durh. physician & surgeon,Leven ho Wilson Thomas, brass founder. T N Bobson George .A. farmer Snaith Ralph, farmer, North farm 3 Whickham Bobson Jsph.Wm. shopkpr.Railway st Snowball Brothers, fire brick makers. Wood Brothers, farmers Bobson Thomas, butcher, Front st T N 44 Blaydon Wood & Fairweather,lamp black mfrs Rutherford Henry G. cycle dealer, & Soulsby Charles Wm. Crowley hotel Young Thos. farmer, Woodhouse fm post office, Front street Spencer James William, draper Ryle Edward Robson, gro. Napier rd Swalwell Co-operative Society Limited DERWENTHAuGH. Byle John Hood, confectnr. Front st (John Thompson, manager) Armstrong John, shopkeeper Byle Joseph, grocer, Whickham road Swalwell Co-operative Society Read Consett Iron Co. Limited,coke manu Scott John, Three Tuns inn ing Room & Library(Joseph Thorn facturers. T N 42 Blaydon Seckel John, pork butcher, Market la ton, librarian) Daglish Isabella (Miss), provision dlr Shepherdson Mary Jane (Mrs.), Sun Swalwell & District Social Club Hughes Bolckow & Co. Limited, scrap inn, Whorlton street Limited (William Blackbird, sec) iron merchants. T N 55 Blaydon Shield Brothers, builders Thompson John, dairyman, Market la Raine & Co. Limited, iron manufr&· Shield Rt. & Wm. spade & shovel mas Tnrbitt Mary (Mrs.), farmr.South fm Taylor George Pike, Skiff inn TANFIELD is a parish and parochial chapelry, and chapel at Town head, erected in 1890.
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