Portland Daily Press: March 13,1882
PORTLAND DAILY " MARCH 18, 1882. ESTABLISHED JOE «. ,862-TOL. 19. PORTLAND. MONDAY teORNIKG, A Brutal Contest. WANTS. MEDICAL. THE PBESS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, THE BUYERS GUIDE. MISCELLANEOUS__ Published every day (Sundays excepted,) by tho The Smyths' Disgust at a Newspaper Wanted. MONDAY MOKNINO, MAIM II 13. in the Report. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., TRADE CBRCULAR. SITUATION as salesman, to travel A states of Vermont ami New Hampshire, by a in a At »7 Bxchanoe St., Portland. yotng man who has had 12 years experience MAR. 20. & CO’S country store. Best of references given if desired. ELECTON, MONDAY, [Our Continent.] NPLELLAN Vt. Terms: Eight Dollar* a Year. To mall subsenb DRESSER Address JOHN E. CLEMENT, Barnet, — The between Jones and Brown ers Seven Dollars a Year, if paid In advanoe. RETAIL TRADE marll prize fight I’Olt TIAYOU, STRONG was just over, and it was Tally reported in the THE MAINE STATE PRESS Man Wanted. evening paper. Mr. Smyth was lying on the None hut a OF mo take care of horses cow and garden. the ts published every Thursday Morning at $3.60 PORTLAND, ME., F. LIBBY sofa when Mrs. Smyth picked ap journal SALE. A tirat-class men with tlrst-class references need CHARLES a BOOK if in advanoe at $2.00 year. for the of over It. year, paid Address J. C., this office. marlldlwf purpose glancing not to visit Port apply. FACTSt inch of tho 25P*Partics prepared “X see there has been another disgusting Rates of Advertising : One space, land, order from tire follow- The Tariff Commission.
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