FINANCIAL STABILITY FSB BOARD Addressing the regulatory, supervisory and oversight challenges raised by “global stablecoin” arrangements Consultative document 14 April 2020 The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is established to coordinate at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies in order to develop and promote the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory and other financial sector policies. Its mandate is set out in the FSB Charter, which governs the policymaking and related activities of the FSB. These activities, including any decisions reached in their context, shall not be binding or give rise to any legal rights or obligations under the FSB's Articles of Association. Contacting the Financial Stability Board Sign up for e-mail alerts: Follow the FSB on Twitter: @FinStbBoard E-mail the FSB at:
[email protected] Copyright © 2020 Financial Stability Board. Please refer to: Addressing the regulatory, supervisory and oversight challenges raised by global stablecoin arrangements Background The G20 called on the FSB in June 2019 to examine regulatory issues raised by “so- called global stablecoin” (GSC) arrangements and to advise on multilateral responses as appropriate, taking into account the perspective of emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). This consultative document (i) describes GSCs and how they may differ from other crypto-assets and other stablecoins; (ii) analyses the potential risks raised by GSCs; (iii) considers existing regulatory, supervisory and oversight approaches to GSCs and (iv) identifies issues that regulators, supervisors and oversight authorities may need to address; (v) considers the specific challenges arising in a cross-border context, including the need for cross-border cooperation and coordination; and (vi) makes high-level recommendations for regulatory, supervisory and oversight responses, including multilateral actions.