
Human Paleogenetics

Laurent Excoffier Mathias Currat Nicolas Ray

Zoological Institute University of Bern, Switzerland

Paris, June 2005


• Some facts about genetic diversity • Different scenarios of human evolution • The transition between and modern • Ability to distinguish between different scenarios of human evolution, and finding the geographic origin of modern humans

1 Early modern humans sites

40,000 30,00030,000

100,000 65,000

130,000- 160,000


120,000 >40,000 ? Homo sapiens idaltu

Non- molecular diversity

Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman 2003 Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994

120 alleles (blood groups, immunological and markers)

2 Extent of molecular diversity on different continents

Tishkoff and Williams 2003

Analysis of 53 complete mtDNA sequences

Global TMRCA = 171.5 KY +-50 KY

TMRCA * = 52 KY +-27.5 KY


Ingman et al. 2000

3 Y chromosome worldwide diversity

1009 men 166 SNPs +YAP

TMRCA = 59 Ky


Underhill et al. 2000

Age and location of ancestral sequences

Excoffier 2002

4 Alternative models of human evolution Europe Africa Asia Europe Africa Asia Europe Africa Asia

Recent African Origin Multiregional evolution Recent African Origin (RAO) with local hybridization Europe Africa Asia Europe Africa Asia Africa Asia Europe

Recent African Origin Out of Africa, again Recent African Origin with with old bottleneck and again, and back range expansion and subdivision

Use more realistic models of human evolution

• Spatially explicit models • Take environmental information into account • Model interactions and potential competition between populations

5 Environmental variables affect migrations and demography

Current and past vegetation


Hydrography and coastlines

Environmental information can be translated into:

Carrying capacity Relative Friction

0 20 50 0.1 100 0.2 200 0.4 500 0.6 individuals / 10,000 km2 1

6 Demographic simulations

Density per generation

500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 Number perpeople of cell 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1'000 Generations

Number of emmigrants per generation North 30 South 28 Eas t 26 West 24 22 20 18 16 Demographic 14 12 data base 10

Emmigrants per generation 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Generations

Simulating genetic data

Demographic data base

Migration rates population densities

Backward in time

Observed genetic data at Simulated genetic data the same sample location Comparison through summary statistics

Inference, parameter estimation

7 replacement in Europe • Successors of H. erectus • Evolution over more than 400,000 years • Final morphology around 120,000 BP

Neanderthal Modern

Klein, 2003

Expansion of modern humans into Europe • Arrival in Europe around 45-30 Ky BP • East to West Colonization • Originated from Near-East? • Simultaneous retreat et disappearance of Neanderthals


Mellars, 2004

8 Neanderthal genetic remains


W E Ancient mtDNA 300-750 KY S


Krings et al. 2000 MDS of HVR1 mtDNA sequences Neanderthal mtDNA "Cro-Magnon" is very different from (24,000 yr old) modern mtDNA

Confirmed by Serre et al. Neanderthals (2004) with the addition of 4 Modern Neanderthals & 5 “Cro- Humans Magnon” sequences Caramelli et al. 2003

Estimations of hybridization rate between Neanderthals and modern humans Observation: Total absence of Neanderthal sequences in modern humans

Compatible with up to 25% Neanderthal initial introgression into modern gene pool under a simple demographic scenario

Africa A. B. C. Near- Europe East HS HN HS HN HS HN

HS HS HS HS Contemporary Contemporary Contemporary humans humans humans

Previous models : Our model : - Instantaneous admixture - Spatial expansion - Unsubdivided populations - Progressive hybridization - Subdivided population Nordborg, 1998 ; Serre et al. 2004 Currat & Excoffier 2004

9 Simulation conditions Neanderthal range Human range

-40’000 yr. Present

Uniform Environment

3,500 demes 7,250 demes K=10-25 females K=40 females Density=0.015-0.03 ind./km2 Density=0.06 ind./km2

Simulating colonization and interaction

Population A Each generation: 1. Hybridization (admixture) 2. Logistic regulation (including density-dependent competition) 3. Migrations

Deme Cohabitation period


Population B

10 1- Demographic simulation 1’600 generations ago (~ 40’000 years) Neanderthals Unoccupied Cohabitation


Modern H. Modern Humans origin Past Present

2 - Genetic simulation Present: 4,000 mtDNA sequences in 100 demes (100 samples of 40 genes) Local admixture rate: 0.01 Modern Humans Unoccupied


Modern HS


Modern genes

Neanderthal genes

Present Past

11 Genetic simulations used to estimate admixture proportions Data >4000 monophyletic modern human sequences

Simulation Genealogy of 100 samples of 40 genes distributed uniformly over Europe, for different demographic scenarios and different admixture proportions

Estimation of the likelihood Proportion of simulations for which the genealogy of the 4000 sampled genes is monophyletic (does not contain MRCA HS Neanderthal genes)

Upper limit of Neanderthal contribution

0.035 Likelihood

Total number of hybridization: 120 1863

Neanderthal initial contribution to modern gene pool : 0.09% 1.33% 400x smaller 20x smaller

12 First conclusions

ƒ Absence or very low levels of hybridization between Neanderthal females and modern men ƒ Implies sterility or lower fertility of hybrids if mtDNA is neutral ƒ Support for the Recent African Origin model ƒ Same phenomenon would be expected for interaction between H. erectus and H. sapiens in Asia. ƒ Does not completely exclude the possibility of gene flow through male Neanderthals

⇒ Need to look at nuclear markers

STR data set 377 STR loci in 22 populations

Rosenberg et al. 2002

13 Short Tandem Repeats (STRs)


Tested scenarios of human evolution

14 25 potential geographic origins

25 simulated origins

22 population samples

Multiregional scenarios

Equal continental sizes, equal migration rates

Equal migration rates between continents

Africa send more migrants than it receives

15 Assignment scores for different scenarios 25 potential origins

ρj1 Dsim (1) 1. Compute observed genetic distances (FST) between all ρj2 Dsim (2) pairs of populations → Dobs D j j = 1 ... 25 obs 2. For geographic origin , ρji

1.Simulate 10,000 genetic data sets (1, 20, or 377 Dsim (i)

STR loci) and Dsim (i) ρ10,000 2.Compute the correlations between the observed Dsim (10000) and the simulated genetic distance matrices ρji =

corr(Dobs, Dsim (i))

3.From the distribution of ρji , take the 90%

quantile value (R90) as the assignment score for the j-th origin ριj R90 3. Select the evolutionary scenario with the largest

assignment score (largest R90), thus giving the best fit between observed and simulated data.

Ability to recover a scenario Unique origin vs. multiregional

1 locus

20 loci 377 loci377 loci

16 Scores of different scenarios

Simulated data with ascertainment bias Possibility of STR ascertainment bias: STR loci chosen for their high diversity in Europe

Conclusions and perspectives

• Multiregional scenarios are clearly rejected • Best fit with a unique and East-African origin • But… – Relatively low correlation – Even more complex scenario required! • Competition • Dynamic environment •Culture • Neolithic transition • Selection • Need to integrate simulations into a an inference framework ⇒ Approximate Bayesian Computation : ABC (Beaumont et al. 2002)

17 Acknowledgements

Pierre Berthier

Swiss NSF