
CHAPTER 2 Ancestral sequence reconstruction as a tool to understand natural history and guide synthetic biology: realizing and extending the vision of Zuckerkandl and Pauling

Eric A. Gaucher

2.1 Historical context opportunity to ‘‘replay’’ the molecular tape of life The recent accumulation of DNA sequence data, (Gould, 1989). combined with advances in evolutionary theory It is probably appropriate that any discussion of and computational power, have paved the way for ancestral sequence reconstruction be placed within innovative approaches to understanding the ori- a historical framework. By doing so in this chapter, gins, , and distribution of life and its con- I hope to convey how the field has made recent stituent biomolecules (Pauling and Zuckerkandl, advances, and emphasize the need to continue this 1963; Benner et al., 2002; Gaucher et al., 2004). progress so that our concepts enjoy wider recog- One approach to understanding ancestral states nition and create greater impact than the achieve- follows a present-day-backwards strategy, where- ments to date. The chapter will begin with a brief by genomic sequences from extant (modern) account of the field during the 1990s. I will con- organisms are incorporated into evolutionary tinue with a discussion on one of the resurrected models that estimate the extinct (ancient) character gene families that has been studied, and then states of genes no longer present on Earth (Fitch, conclude with a discussion on future directions in 1971; Shih et al., 1993; Benner, 1995; Koshi and the field, with a particular emphasis on evolu- Goldstein, 1996; Schultz et al., 1996; Cunningham, tionary synthetic biology. 1999; Omland, 1999; Pagel, 1999; Schultz and In 1963, and Churchill, 1999; Chang and Donoghue, 2000; published an intriguing article entitled ‘‘Chemical Thornton, 2004; Hall, 2006). These inferred ances- paleogenetics molecular restoration studies of tral gene sequences act as hypotheses that can be extinct forms of life’’ (Pauling and Zuckerkandl, tested in the laboratory through the resurrection of 1963). In it, they put forward the notion of recon- the ancestral themselves (paleogenetics). structing sequences of ancestral pro- Results from functional assays of the prod- teins by virtue of a comparison between sequences ucts from these ancient genes permit us to accept of related proteins found in contemporary organ- or reject null hypotheses about the sequences isms and subsequent synthesis (and thereby res- themselves, or about their interactions, bind- urrection) of these sequences in the laboratory. ing specificities, environments, etc. And beyond While limits in technology prohibited the actual narratives relating ancient and resurrection, Zuckerkandl and Pauling presented a environments, paleogenetics provides the unique sequence reconstruction of ancient mammalian

20 EXTENDING ZUCKERKANDL AND PAULING’S VISION 21 hemoglobins. The duo then suggested that a future simulations and experimental were resurrection of ancient hemoglobins assayed for used to differentiate accuracy and consistency dioxygen affinity and pH dependence would between distance-based (e.g. neighbor-joining) generate higher-order inferences of biological and character-based (e.g. parsimony, likelihood, interpretation. Or, more broadly, the joining of and Bayesian) approaches to phylogenetics. Fur- chemical, biological, and structural models to ther, several discussions about reconstructing natural history would provide a more accurate ancestral character states were also appearing in description of macromolecular behavior beyond the literature during this time. For instance, that supplied by studying individual molecules a symposium lead by Cunningham, Oakley, disconnected from the selective forces governing Omland, and others on behalf of the Society of their evolution (this approach is also termed Systematic Biology focused on this topic (Omland, planetary biology). 1999). Meanwhile, Pagel, Goldstein, Yang, It is important to note the significance of and others were independently developing max- Zuckerkandl and Pauling’s proposal. Molecular imum-likelihood approaches based on Bayesian reconstructions and experimental resurrections are statistics (called ML or empirical Bayesian recon- fundamentally exercises in theory/computation/ struction; Yang et al., 1995; Koshi and Goldstein, algorithmic development and technological 1996; Pupko et al., 2000). These authors advocated advances, respectively. Proposing these approa- the use of maximum likelihood over parsimony for ches would have been sufficiently significant. But inferring ancestral states (see Pagel et al., 2004, and Zuckerkandl and Pauling realized the potential of Schluter, 1995, for a criticism of previous work on creating a paradigm that attempted to connect resurrected proteins). Similarly, Ronquist, Huel- chemical structure to at the senbeck, Schultz, and others were developing molecular, cellular, organismal, population, and hierarchical Bayesian for character- planetary levels. state inferences (Schultz and Churchill, 1999; The first examples of molecular resurrections Huelsenbeck and Bollback, 2001; Ronquist, 2004). were performed on artiodactyl pancreatic ribonucle- A fuller discussion of methods for ancestral ases and lysozymes (Malcolm et al., 1990; Stack- sequence reconstruction is presented in Chapters house et al., 1990; Jermann et al., 1995; see Chapters 4–9 in this volume. 1 and 18 in this volume for further discussion). The Regardless of the growing literature, it remained former study was particularly notable in that it not unclear at the time which approach would best only put Zuckerkandl and Pauling’s theory into guide an experimental design of ancestral practice, it did so in a manner that connected sequences. Maximum likelihood’s superior per- chemical reactivity (RNA hydrolysis), molecular formance under certain models of evolution was biology (single- versus double-stranded RNA- apparent from numerous simulation studies and binding affinities), organismal evolution (bacterial laboratory evolution experiments with viruses fermentation and foregut digestion in ruminants), (Bull et al., 1993; Zhang and Nei, 1997). Hier- and planetary biology (diversification of grasses archical Bayesian methods could theoretically during the Oligocene cooling, and the ability of outperform likelihood approaches, although only artiodactyls to digest and extract nutrients from Yang’s empirical approach was available to us at these grasses via bacterial fermentation). These the time. Ideally, a hierarchical Bayesian approach connections were the first to exemplify Zuck- accounts for uncertainty from phylogenetic hypo- erkandl and Pauling’s proposed paradigm, and by theses (these include uncertainty in the topology, the late 1990s we were intent on extending the branch lengths, and any other parameter esti- paradigm as far back in history as possible— mates). A heuristic work-around, however, could ideally to the earliest life forms on Earth. take advantage of an empirical Bayesian approach Successful studies on ancestral reconstruc- in which alternative models, parameters, and tions require a sufficient base of knowledge in topologies could be analyzed separately. The out- evolutionary theory and models. Computational put from these separate analyses could then be 22 ANCESTRAL SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION combined with the expectation of resolving Recent discussions over which of these two uncertainty or bias arising from any of the individ- sequences introduces less bias during the recon- ual analyses alone. struction procedure have resulted in lively The heuristic hierarchical Bayesian approach exchanges, and will undoubtedly continue to do so was initially applied to the alcohol dehydrogenase for the next few years. The center issue remains (ADH) gene family (the same approach was later unresolved: under what phylogenetic and evolu- applied to elongation factors (EFs) and seminal tionary conditions will the two sequences be ribonucleases). Ancestral character states were biased and thus no longer able to capture the true inferred from the ADH phylogeny using multiple ancestral behavior/function? To what extent do models each for DNA-, codon-, and amino acid- sequence divergence, episodes of adaptive evolu- based evolution, all for two competing topologies tion (e.g. high nonsynonymous/synonymous (Thomson et al., 2005). The results from these ratios or heterotachy), heterogeneous processes, separate analyses required that 12 putative ances- etc., lead to bias during the reconstruction process? tral genes be synthesized to account for the dif- For instance, consider an ancient gene- ferences (or uncertainty) at individual sites among duplication event resulting in neofunctionalization the various analyses. Although this approach did whereby the novel behavior is determined by not eliminate all uncertainty and bias associated amino acid replacements at two sites only. Each of with the ancestral reconstruction methods, it was the two sites experiences an alanine-to-serine an improvement in the ability to capture the true replacement along the branch leading to the new ancestral state. function. Reconstructing the ancestral sequence at During our gene synthesis experiments of the node representing the common ancestor of the ancestral ADHs, Chang and colleagues had for- paralogs infers alanine at 80% and serine at 20%. mulated a similar heuristic hierarchical Bayesian The MPAS would correctly have alanines at these approach towards the resurrection of ancestral two positions. Sequences sampled from the pos- rhodopsins (Chang et al., 2002), and later with terior distribution, however, would only have fluorescent proteins (Ugalde et al., 2004). Although alanines at these two positions 64% of the time their analysis did not account for alternative (0.8 Â 0.8). Therefore, one-third of the sampled topologies, they did consider various models of sequences would have a behavior not analogous to sequence evolution and their effects on the ances- the ancestral behavior, making it nearly impossible tral state inferences. to generate accurate interpretations from the We should note that the choice of individual sampled sequences. amino acid residues at sites in an ancestral Alternatively, lack of phylogenetic signal and sequence remains under debate to this day. For parallel/ may cause the instance, Pollock, Goldstein, and colleagues have MPAS to be biased away from the true ancestral suggested that selecting the ancestral residue behavior. Here, ancestral states can be driven by with the highest probability at each site (most- the evolutionary models themselves when the data probabilistic ancestral sequence, MPAS) can lead fail to provide sufficient signal to extract the true to erroneous inferences of the ancestral states ancestral states. Any bias associated with the (Williams et al., 2006; see Chapter 8). These authors evolutionary models (e.g. preponderance of advocate the synthesis of random sequences hydrophobic residues) may be propagated weighted from the posterior distribution. For throughout the inference process, ultimately instance, consider a pentapeptide in which each influencing the inferred protein behavior away site in the ancestral sequence has a posterior from the true ancestral state. We tend to expect this probability for alanine of 80% and serine of 20%. for sites that are more rapidly evolving (e.g. coils The MPAS would be a penta-alanine (i.e. on the protein surface) although simulations are AAAAA), whereas the average weighted sample required to confirm this notion. We anticipate that from the distribution would generate four alanines many of these issues will be addressed in the and one serine (e.g. ASAAA). near future through extensive computational EXTENDING ZUCKERKANDL AND PAULING’S VISION 23 simulations that exploit biologically realistic 2.3 EFs models of protein evolution as well as experi- EFs are G-proteins that present charged aminoa- mental phylogenetics studies. cyl-tRNAs to the ribosome during translation. By no means do the above paragraphs serve as a Because of their relatively slow rates of sequence definitive account of the field. Many other people divergence, most character states of ancient EF were involved in the development of reconstruc- sequences can be robustly reconstructed for pro- tion theory, evolutionary models, algorithms, and teins from deep nodes in the Bacterial phylogeny. software development. Rather, it serves as one Further, the optimal thermal stabilities of EFs historical account intended to convey the dynamic correlate with the optimal growth temperature of growth occurring within the field. the host organism. Thus, EFs from mesophiles, In fact, approximately 20 narratives have emerged thermophiles, and hyperthermophiles, defined as to date where specific molecular systems from organisms that grow at 20–40, 40–80, and >80C, extinct organisms have been resurrected for study in respectively, and represented by of the laboratory (Sassi et al., 2007). These include Escherichia, Thermus, and Thermotoga, have tem- digestive proteins (ribonucleases, proteases, and perature optima in their respective ranges. This is lysozymes) in ruminants and primates to illustrate consistent with a previous study based on a large how digestive function arose from non-digestive set of proteins in which a correlation coefficient of function in response to a changing global ecosystem, 0.91 was calculated between environmental tem- fermentive enzymes from fungi to illustrate how peratures of the host organisms and protein- molecular adaptation supported mammals as they melting temperatures. displaced dinosaurs as the dominant large land Figures 2.1a and 2.1b show the two topologies animals, pigments in the visual system adapting to used to reconstruct ancestral sequences at the node different environments, steroid hormone receptors representing the hypothetical organism lying at the adapting to changing function in steroid-based stem of the Bacterial . The number of sequen- regulation of metazoans, fluorescent proteins from ces in the outgroup, 3–20, did not affect the amino ocean-dwelling invertebrates, enzyme cofactor acid reconstructions at these nodes: ML-stem evolution, and proteins from very ancient bacteria (maximum-likelihood tree for the stem bacteria) helping to define environments where the earliest and Alt-stem (alternative tree for the stem bact- forms of bacterial life lived. eria). The ancestral sequence at the node repre- 2.2 Temperature conditions of senting the most recent common ancestor of only early life mesophilic bacterial lineages was also recon- structed, and named ML-meso (maximum- By the end of the last decade, the most ancient likelihood tree for mesophiles only). This node paleomolecular resurrections had traveled back in captures one feature of models that have con- time only c.200–300 million years. This had left cluded that the last common ancestor of the untouched many of the most widely discussed Bacteria was mesophilic. In all, these reconst- questions about the of early life on Earth. ructed ancestral sequences did not appear to be We identified and concluded that the EF-Tu influenced by long-branch attraction or non- family had the greatest potential to address these homogeneous modes of , such questions. Further, this gene family could generate as changes in the mutability of individual sites in a robust statistical reconstruction in conjun- different branches of the bacterial subtree (see ction with biological interpretations (correlation Chapter 9 for further discussion of this). between protein thermostability and optimal A BLAST search was then performed to identify growth temperature of the host organism) and the most similar extant sequences to the inferred planetary integrations (correlating the temperature ancestors. ML-stem and Alt-stem are most similar histories of early life from molecular and geologic to the sequences of EFs from Thermoanaerobacter records; Gaucher et al., 2003). tengcongensis (a thermophile) and Thermotoga 24 ANCESTRAL SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION

(a) Maximum-likelihood topology(b) Alternative topology

Proteobacteria Proteobacteria

Spiro- Cyanobacteria chaetes

Deinococcus-Thermus Spirochaetes Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes (green sulfur) (green sulfar) Mesophiles only stem bacteria Firmicutes (ML-meso) Firmicutes

Stem bacteria Cyanobacteria Stem bacteria (Alt-stem) (ML-stem) Actinobacteria (high G+C) Actinobacteria (high G+C)


Thermotogae Thermotogae Archaea Archaea Eukarya Eukarya

0.1 replacements/site per unit of evolutionary time

(c) Thermostability assay

1 1 ML-Meso Thermus Alt-stem ML-stem E.coli 0.8 0.8 Thermotoga

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 Relative GDP bound 0.2 0.2

0 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Temperature (°C)

Figure 2.1 The two un-rooted universal trees used to reconstruct ancestral bacterial sequences. Archaea and Eukarya serve to provide a node within the bacterial subtree from which ancient sequences can be inferred. Lineages containing thermophiles (as known at the time of the original study) are highlighted in Italic. (a) Maximum-likelihood topology used to reconstruct the stem elongation factors (EFs) from bacteria (ML-stem), or most recent common ancestor of bacteria, and the ancestral sequence for mesophilic lineages only (ML-meso). (b) Alternative topology used to reconstruct the stem elongation factors from bacteria (Alt-stem). (c) GDP-binding assay to test thermostability of ancestral and modern EF proteins. The amount of tritium-labeled GDP bound at 0C was subtracted from all other temperature values for a given protein. Shown is the relative amount of GDP bound compared to the amount bound at the optimal temperature for each protein. EF thermostability profiles for Escherichia coli, Thermus aquaticus, and Thermotoga maritima are shown with the three ancestral EF profiles. Reprinted from Gaucher et al. (2003) Inferring the paleoenvironment of ancient bacteria on the basis of resurrected proteins. Nature 425: 285–288. EXTENDING ZUCKERKANDL AND PAULING’S VISION 25 maritima (a hyperthermophile), respectively, and ancestor of modern mesophiles lived at a higher differ from each other by 28 amino acids. ML-meso temperature than any of its descendants (Figure is most similar to the sequence of EF from Neisseria 2.1c). This result shows that the behavior of an meningitides (a mesophile). We expect that the ancestor need not be an average of the behaviors of identities of these best-hits will change as the its descendants. databases themselves expand. If we had assumed, The observation that tree-based ancestral however, that similarity in sequence implies simi- sequence reconstructions can give results different larity in thermostability, it might have been pre- from consensus-sequence reconstructions may be dicted that the stem bacterium was thermophilic or general. It underscores a fact, well known in hyperthermophilic, whereas the ancestral node Structure Theory, that physical behavior in a pro- constructed without considering thermophiles was tein is not a linear sum, or even a simple function, a mesophile. To test these predictions based on this of the behavior of its parts. This, in turn, implies under-substantiated assumption, genes encoding that an experiment in paleobiochemistry can yield the ancestral sequences were synthesized, expres- information beyond that yielded by analysis of sed in an Escherichia coli host, and purified. The descendent proteins alone. thermostabilities of these ancestral EFs, and three A short side note on the names of the ancestral representative EFs from contemporary organisms, EF proteins used in this study: an examination of were then assessed by measuring the ability of the GenBank entries for ML-stem, Alt-stem and each to bind GDP across a range of temperatures ML-meso will reveal their alternative names: (Figure 2.1c). BLANKET1–3. This acronym for bacterial-lineage Each resurrected protein behaved similarly. Both ancestral reconstructions served as a small tribute ML-stem and Alt-stem EFs bound GDP with a to Pauling. It remains to be determined, however, temperature profile similar to that of the thermo- if this was indeed a service to his name. philic EF from modern Thermus aquaticus, with  optimal binding at approximately 65 C. Although 2.4 Conclusions from EF studies the sequence similarity was higher between Alt- stem and the modern hyperthermophilic T. mar- This study pushed the experimental paleogenetics itima, the temperature profile of Alt-stem was not research strategy back to at least 3 billion years, to similar to that from T. maritima, which is max- the most primitive ancestors from which descend- imally active up to approximately 85C and has a ants can be traced. Accordingly, the ambiguity broad optimal temperature range typical of encountered is substantial, and available sequence hyperthermophiles. The observation that the data may not be sufficient to manage it convin- amino acid sequences of ML-stem and Alt-stem cingly. Here, the ambiguities do not depend pri- shared only 93% identity but displayed the same marily on the details of the model used to infer thermostability profiles suggests that inferences ancestral states. They seem to arise rather from the of this ancestral property are robust with uncertainty of the joining the respect to both varying topologies and ancestral protein family members. character-state predictions. Based on these given It is noteworthy, therefore, that reconstructions evolutionary models, this suggests that the can be made at all. Further, if the large-scale paleoenvironment of the ancient bacterium was sequencing of random bacterial , as approximately 65C. undertaken by Venter and his group (Venter et al., Inferences were then drawn from a resurrected 2004), continues, there is good reason to hope that EF whose sequence was reconstructed from the the reconstructions will improve. Indeed, the last common ancestral sequences of contemporary temperature history of Bacteria is already begin- organisms which, for the most part, grow opti- ning to be defined by follow-up studies. mally at mesophilic temperatures. The tempera- Adding interpretations from the geologic and ture profile of the ancestral protein, which molecular records to the results of ancestral displayed a maximum at 55C, suggests that the EF proteins provides the necessary planetary 26 ANCESTRAL SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION integrations to fulfill the goals of Zuckerkandl and An additional application of ancestral reconstruc- Pauling’s molecular-restoration paradigm. Here, tion tools for biomedicine consists of generated geologic evidence based on low d18O isotopic predictions regarding the tolerability of amino ratios in 3.5–3.2 billion-year-old cherts from the acid replacements from single-nucleotide- Barberton greenstone belt in South suggests polymorphism data for disease-causing genes that the ocean temperature of early Earth was (Gaucher et al., 2006). 55–85C (Knauth, 2005). This result is remarkably The next logical extension of molecular resur- consistent with the inferred optimal growth tem- rections beyond natural history and biomedicine is perature of the microorganisms hosting the to biotechnology and synthetic biology. Not sur- ancestral EF proteins. Inferences from the evolu- prisingly, synthetic biology means different things tion of amino acid frequencies, as well as other to different scientific disciplines (Benner and studies, suggest that the last universal ancestor Sismour, 2005; Endy, 2005). Surprisingly, however, lived in a hot environment, further supporting the biologists seem to have taken a back seat to chem- thermophily notion of early life (see Chapter 17). ists and engineers in the development of this field. It is important to note that these studies do not It seems apparent that synthetic biology would address issues related to the origins of life. The stand to benefit if so-called molecular reconstruc- origins of bacteria and the last universal ancestor tionists contributed to its progress. In this way, an were undoubtedly complex microorganisms far evolutionary synthetic biology is formed. A few removed from life’s origins. These studies do, examples come to mind: synthetic DNA/protein however, provide clues to the environment that libraries, tools for gene integration, cellular hosted life’s most recent common ancestors. machines, and recombinant genomes.

2.5 Ancestral resurrections and 2.5.1 Synthetic DNA/protein libraries evolutionary synthetic biology As the cost of DNA-synthesis technology dimin- Zuckerkandl and Pauling’s proposal to connect ishes, the constraint of resurrecting a few ancestral chemical structure and reactivity to cellular, organ- nodes on a phylogeny or a few variants at any ismal, and planetary interpretations using resur- node is released. Suppose, for instance, that the rected ancestral sequences was remarkably novel protein identified by Skovgaard et al. (2006) prophetic. Nearly all implementations of this pro- only existed in sequence space that was slightly posal have followed the natural history paradigm removed from any of the given nodes connecting laid out in Zuckerkandl and Pauling’s seminal and gila monsters. Ancestral resurrections discussion (1963), and will undoubtedly soon be of these particular nodes could have failed to extended to developmental biology (Colosimo reveal a protein with interesting properties. An et al., 2005). But exceptions to this paradigm exist. exercise in directed evolution intended to capture Most notable is the application of resurrected phylogenetic information, however, may be more proteins to connect chemical and molecular successful in revealing the desired properties. reactivity to human health by Kodra, Liberles, and Directed evolution is a powerful technique for coworkers (truly applied molecular evolution; improving the activity, specificity and/or stability Skovgaard et al., 2006; see Chapter 3). The driving of proteins. It has been applied to a wide range of goal in their study is not to elucidate the evolu- proteins with uses in therapeutics, agriculture, and tionary history of the insulin-response pathway chemistry. per se, but rather to search ancestral functional My research group have developed a new sequence-space in hopes of developing innovative method for designing libraries to include the therapeutics. Regardless of the outcome from this functional diversity of large, highly divergent study, the prospects of similar research aimed at protein families while still maintaining a high integrating molecular evolution and biomedicine proportion of active members. The strategy is to using ancestral resurrections are highly energizing. include only those changes that are associated with EXTENDING ZUCKERKANDL AND PAULING’S VISION 27

(a) Generates a library that captures all diversity

Red Yellow Green Blue Violet

(b) Generates a library that captures only adaptive diversity

Red Yellow Green Blue Violet

(c) (d) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 Peptide (pmol) 4 2 0

EF-Tu EF-Tu Thermus No EF-Tucoli coli ML-stemAlt-stem No mRNA Thermotoga Meso-stem


Figure 2.2 Ancestral sequence reconstruction as a tool for synthetic biology. (a) Accepted-diversity approach for the synthesis of DNA libraries intended to expand protein functionality. A library built using the approach integrates all the diversity found within extant sequences. (b) REAP approach for library synthesis. Note that a library built using this approach attempts to capture only sequence diversity responsible for differences between the five fluorescent subfamilies. (c) The amount of peptide synthesized from a reconstituted in vitro translation system that makes use of modern and ancestral EF-Tu proteins. E. coli EF-Tu was purified from both the Jack Szostak (Harvard Medical School) and Gaucher laboratories to compare purification protocols. (d) Resurrection of the ancestral . 28 ANCESTRAL SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION new activities during the evolution of a protein numerous homologous sequences to generate an family and to exclude the much larger set of articulated phylogeny. Further, the phylogeny changes that do not lead to new functions (pheno- needs to represent a family of sequences with typically neutral). In other words, the approach diverse behaviors, otherwise the extracted amino identifies the amino acid changes that were asso- acid patterns may not generate novel behaviors. ciated with functional divergence during the evo- When the appropriate information is available, lutionary history of a family and builds libraries however, REAP is predicted to have a number of containing only those specific changes. The new significant advantages including the incorporation method is referred to as reconstructing evolu- of information from highly diverse family mem- tionary adaptive paths (REAP). bers into a highly functional library and no To illustrate this strategy, consider a hypothet- requirements for information regarding protein ical case of fluorescent proteins. There are five structure or the mutability of sites (mutagenesis families with individual fluorescent spectra. Each experiments) to guide the library design. family contains five sequences and all five families We anticipate that the REAP approach will make share a common ancestor (polytomy). We would substantial contributions to synthetic biology. For like to generate a fluorescent protein with novel instance, DNA libraries based on the REAP properties by incorporating information contained method may generate polymerases with high within these 25 sequences. fidelity towards non-standard nucleotides and/or The standard approach (accepted diversity) takes protein variants capable of supporting unnatural advantage of processes governed by natural selec- amino acid incorporation during protein synthesis. tion. Here, amino acids present in modern (extant) The resulting biopolymers will then serve as the sequences are combinatorially used to generate a information (novel coding systems) and catalysis library. Highlighted in Figure 2.2a, patterns of (novel side-chain chemistry) components of an amino acid residues that evolved either within a expanded biology. family (boxed regions) or along the branches that gave rise to the individual families (circled regions) 2.5.2 Ancient transposons as tools for are recorded. Most of the amino acid patterns gene integration observed in modern proteins presumably arose within the families (boxed regions) and thus have Transposable elements are pieces of DNA that little to offer in terms of generating novel properties. have the ability to jump around an organism’s These amino acid patterns arose mostly from neutral genome. In their simplest form, these mobile elem- evolution, assuming a lack of selective pressure to ents code for a protein that excises their encoded diversify within a given family. DNA from one chromosomal position and reinte- The REAP approach is based on a model of grates it at different location in the genome. molecular evolution that attempts to eliminate Terminal repeats flank the coding sequence and amino acid patterns predicted to have minimal provide the necessary regulatory information for contributions to novel protein behaviors. This is transposition. The mobile properties of these elem- achieved by reconstructing the ancestral patterns ents have considerable potential as tools for that arose during the evolution of ‘unique’ prop- molecular biology and therapeutic gene delivery. erties compared to the last common ancestor of the For instance, a member of the Tc1/mariner fluorescent proteins (circled branches only), and family has been resurrected from salmonid fish ignoring the amino acid patterns that arose within pseudogenes using a consensus approach, as a family (see Figure 2.2b). In doing so, we increase opposed to a true phylogenetic reconstruction of the unique behaviors captured using the accepted- ancestral states (Figure 2.3a; Ivics et al., 1997). The diversity approach, while decreasing the noise aptly named Sleeping Beauty (SB) element was associated with its approach. shown to be active in transposition, and, equally The REAP methodology is not predicted to be important, it was active in non-fish species. ideal for all library designs. The approach requires Follow-up mutagenesis studies have produced a (a)

Sleeping Beauty transposon Salmonid fish (consensus approach)

Rasbora Tetraodon

Ancestral reconstruction space Xenopus laevis

Rana Polypterus Danio Pleuronectes Xenopus tropicalis Petromyzon Oryzias Drosophila Anopheles Caenorhabditis elegans Haemonchus 0.1


Transposon disrupts Recombinant transposon Transposon enhances tumor-supressor gene transformed in exogeneous cancer-promoting chromosome gene (oncogene)

(c) Transposase DNA sequence gene for gene therapy


Figure 2.3 Ancestral transposons as tools. (a) Phylogeny of Tc1/mariner family of transposable elements. Sleeping Beauty (Ivics et al., 1997) transposon generated by the consensus approach is shown along with ancestral sequence space of interest to our laboratory. (b) Schematic of an engineered Sleeping Beauty transposon that serves as a tool to identify genes involved in tumor suppression/growth. Adapted from Weiser and Justice (2005). (c) Transposons can be engineered as a vector for gene therapy. Inverted-repeat/direct-repeat elements (IRDRs) are regulatory/binding regions for transposition. 30 ANCESTRAL SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION variant of the SB element that displays enhanced small-compound drug or protein synthesis (Martin transposition activity. et al., 2003; Noireaux and Libchaber, 2004). We One application of the SB variant has identified anticipate that ancestral reconstructed sequences genes involved in mouse tumor suppression/pro- will provide much of the foundation of genetic motion (Collier et al., 2005). Here, the transposase information for these machines in the future. As a gene was replaced with a murine stem-cell-virus first step, we have demonstrated that ancestral EF (MSCV) promoter, a string of poly(A)s, and slice- proteins can participate in a reconstituted transla- acceptor/-donor sites flanking the promoter and tion system in vitro designed to incorporate terminator signals. This transposon construct was unnatural amino acids (Figure 2.2c; Josephson et al., then integrated in the mouse genome. Transposi- 2005). Further, experimental evolution studies of tion was carried out by a transposase gene sup- these ancestral genes introduced into laboratory plied in trans. The arrangement of splice sites in organisms will enhance our biological under- the transposon, and the location of the transposon standing of adaptive and sequence landscapes and either upstream or within an endogenous mouse allow us to ask whether replaying the molecular gene, dictated whether the mouse gene was trun- tape of life is repetitive (Gould, 1989; Elena and cated or displayed increased expression. In this Lenski, 2003; Lunzer et al., 2005; Weinreich et al., way, the transposon was used to disrupt tumor 2006). This work will have obvious extensions to suppressors or enhance expression of cancer- natural history and the origins of (early) life. promoting genes (Figure 2.3b). Ancestral reconstructions will undoubtedly The utility of the resurrected SB transposon is include larger and larger segments of a genome in apparent. We are currently probing whether other the near future. As a first step in developing the ancestral sequences of the Tc1/mariner family appropriate technology to support this vision, the have expanded utility (Figure 2.3a). Our motiv- Venter Institute is in the process of constructing a ation stems from the notion that a consensus minimal synthetic Mycoplasma genome (H. Smith, approach may only capture evolutionary infor- personal communication). Once the technology is mation in a heuristic manner. Reconstructions that available, why not construct a complete ancestral utilize phylogenetic methods with explicit models biochemical pathway (e.g. operon) or an ancestral of sequence evolution are more likely to recapitu- genome (Figure 2.2d)? The ancestral reconstruction late the ancestral form. field would no longer be confined to single-gene Overall, resurrected transposable elements have reconstructions (Blanchette et al., 2004). Develop- demonstrated their value by identifying genes ing narratives based on resurrected pathways and involved in tumor growth. The next step is to genomes will have profound effects on our develop a transposon capable of serving as a vec- understanding of evolution (natural selection/ tor for gene therapy (Figure 2.3c). This will require biodiversity) and biomedicine. It is also quite that researchers overcome hurdles associated with possible that our understanding of what con- the current limitations of these transposons (size of stitutes a sustaining minimal genome required to gene insert, site-integration specificity, etc.). support life will be altered through ancestral reconstructions. In this way, homologous genes performing two different, but related, functions 2.5.3 Cellular machines and recombinant may share a single common ancestor that per- (ancestral) genomes formed both of these functions, albeit with less In the interest of space limitations, let us briefly efficiency or specificity. introduce the two remaining topics. We anticipate that the ancestral reconstruction Cellular machines have a broad range of field will drive synthetic biology once the tech- potentials; from simple expression of heterol- nology permits us. We will then find ourselves in ogous genes for laboratory analysis or environ- the center of the debate on artificial life, which will mental detection of explosive compounds such as raise even more debate both within and outside of TNT, to the synthesis of minimal artificial cells for our field. Until then ... EXTENDING ZUCKERKANDL AND PAULING’S VISION 31

2.6 Conclusions Any discussion with Steve about his work on organic reactivity, biochemical pathways, stereo- The reconstruction field has made tremendous selectivity, non-standard nucleotides, or protein- strides since 1963 (Thornton, 2004). We anticipate structure prediction always lead to biological that the past 40 years will go down in history as interpretations within a Darwinian framework. our lag-phase period. It is necessary then, as we enter the exponential phase and as technology harnesses our power, that we do not forget the References importance of biological integration and natural Benner, S.A. (1995) Reconstructing ancient forms of life. history that Zuckerkandl and Pauling promoted. J. Cell. Biochem. 200–200, suppl. 19A. Some scientists have noted that the field of molecu- Benner, S.A. and Sismour, A.M. (2005) Synthetic biology. lar biology had this connection but lost it in recent Nat. Rev. Genet. 6: 533–543. decades. For example, Woese has noted that Benner, S.A., Caraco, M.D., Thomson, J.M., and Gaucher, E. empirical reductionism is suitable in our quest to A. (2002) Planetary biology–paleontological, geological, understand the broader context of biological sys- and molecular histories of life. Science 296: 864–868. tems (Woese, 2004). Fundamentalist reductionist Blanchette, M., Green, E.D., Miller, W., and Haussler, D. approaches toward molecular biology, however, (2004) Reconstructing large regions of an ancestral trivialize the natural world and are therefore mammalian genome in silico. Genome Res. 14: paralyzing. It is important that we do not reach 2412–2423. such a stationary phase in our quest to understand Bull, J.J., Cunningham, C.W., Molineux, I.J., Badgett, M.., and Hillis, D.M. (1993) Experimental molecular evolu- biological systems and diversity through ancestral tion of bacteriophage-T7. Evolution 47: 993–1007. reconstructions. In a field full of narratives, con- Chang, B.S.W. and Donoghue, M.J. (2000) Recreating sider this as merely one more. ancestral proteins. Trends Ecol. Evol. 15: 109–114. Chang, B.S.W., Jonsson, K., Kazmi, M.A., Donoghue, M.J., 2.7 Acknowledgments and Sakmar, T.P. (2002) Recreating a functional ancestral archosaur visual pigment. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: This work was funded in part by a National 1483–1489. Research Council/NASA Astrobiology fellowship Collier, L.S., Carlson, C.M., Ravimohan, S., Dupuy, A.J., and grants from the NASA Exobiology program and Largaespada, D.A. (2005) Cancer gene discovery in and NIH. solid tumours using transposon-based somatic muta- 436 I would like to thank David Liberles, David genesis in the mouse. Nature : 272–276. Colosimo, P.F., Hosemann, K.E., Balabhadra, S., Villarreal, Ardell, and Giorgio Matassi for organizing the G., Dickson, M., Grimwood, J. et al.(2005)Widespread inaugural ancestral reconstruction conference held parallel evolution in sticklebacks by repeated fixation of in Sweden in 2005, and for overseeing the pub- Ectodysplasin alleles. Science 307: 1928–1933. lication of this book. I would further like to thank Cunningham, C.W. (1999) Some limitations of ancestral all of the contributors to this book for their character-state reconstruction when testing evolu- enthusiasm to make our field as rigorous and tionary hypotheses. Syst. Biol. 48: 665–674. fascinating as possible. Thanks to Mike Thomson, Elena, S.F. and Lenski, R.E. (2003) Evolution experiments Slim Sassi, Michelle Burgan, Jack Szostak, and Kris with microorganisms: the dynamics and genetic bases Josephson for their assistance with our research, of adaptation. Nat. Rev. Genet. 4: 457–469. and to my undergraduate advisor (George Endy, D. (2005) Foundations for engineering biology. 438 P. Smith) for introducing me to Nature : 449–453. Fitch, W. (1971) Towards defining the course of evolu- in the early 1990s. tion. Minimum change for a specific tree topology. A special thanks to Steven Benner for adopting Syst. Zool. 20: 406–416. me into his laboratory as a graduate student. The Gaucher, E.A., Thomson, J.M., Burgan, M.F., and Benner, parallels between Pauling and Benner in their S.A. (2003) Inferring the palaeoenvironment of ancient adroit abilities to integrate physical sciences bacteria on the basis of resurrected proteins. Nature and natural history should not go unnoticed. 425: 285–288. 32 ANCESTRAL SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION

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