Seven Years in Tibet”
AN ANALYSIS OF HEINRICH HARRER’S CULTURE SHOCKS IN THE MOVIE “SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET” PUBLICATION PAPER BY: DIEN RATNA BUDIATI 07360225 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG OCTOBER 2013 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bismillahirrohmanirrohim Alhamdulillah, the greatest thanks belongs to Allah SWT for giving health and blessing, the researcher can finish this thesis. Sholawat is also presented to the beloved prophet Muhammad SAW for bringing brightness. There are many persons who involved in the processing of completing this thesis. Therefore, she would like to express her attitude to the following persons: 1. Her advisor, Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si as her first advisor and Dr. Mas’udi, M.Ed as her second advisor, who has provided guidance and patience in completing this thesis. 2. Her beloved parents, Kamtur Sulaiman and Asmainah who always give advice and pray. Her lovely sister and brother, Galuh Ema Wijayanti and Arif Trifah Reza. Special gratitude also delivered to her beloved Johan Wahyudi, who always caring and helping. 3. Thanks to Denis, Mbak Cicik, Putri, Mia, Ratih, Sandra, Luli, Mbak Ira, Galuh, Bang Roni, Bapak Supriyadi, M.Pd, Bapak Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto, M.Si, BAA team, and all of whose name cannot be mentioned one by one. Special thanks also delivered to her lovely family in Katamati and Cremona for the supporting and caring. Malang, 28 October 2013 The Researcher, Dien Ratna Budiati TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ..............................................................................................
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