Case Given Ovations, but N J Chamber Cool to Gov. Meyner's Talk
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«i«nt,$MO. An Independent Newspaper Under Sam* Ownership VOLUME 82, NO. 121 IMU«4 Dtllr. Wurtur throgsh Frld»r. tatend u Stcrni! Cltu Htnir 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE U Uw ra« OlOc* M IU« SSnk. K. J.. uadir Uw Act cl Much 1, tm RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY S. 1M0 Substation Plan Case Given Ovations, Will Be Studied FAIR HAVEN — An application for a variance to construct a But N J Chamber Cool substation on choice Ridge Rd. Syrians residential property was held over for a month's study last night by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Making the 'request was Jersey To Gov. Meyner's Talk Blame Central Power and Light Co. Oliver 0. Bennett,- supervisor of rights of way'for the utility, WASHINGTON (AP) — said the firm would like to erect Mix—p Sen. Clifford P. Case (R- Israel the outdoor, electrical equipment Ml), an unannounced caa^ DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -The 400 feet north of Ridge Rd., ap- for re-election, re- military commander in Syria proximately ISO feet east of the charged Israel today with "fresh intersection of Ridge Rd. and Cooksey to Resign; ceived two standing ova* deliberate provocations" to Hance Rd. tiona Uut night at a meet- spread hostilities all along the It would be on a one-acre site, tense Syrian-Israeli armistice part of the Lovett Nursery tract, jngj of New Jeraey buslnftw line. / In October, Borough Council Mayor Is Vindicated eiders. voted to' deny Jersey Central a KEYPORT — Police Patrol- Case came "But I want to announce to the variance to build a substation George Cookaey V Myrtle whole world that we are on the near the site now sought. COLONIAL'S NIW HOMf—Shrewsbury Mayor laniard I. Wiito performi ribbon State Trooper Diet . ve. will wlgVhlapott tomor- alert all along the 70-mile fron- This came after the zoning cuffing duties at opening yesterday of Colonial Lifo Insurance Co. office at 777 tier, ready to repel any aggres- fit Parkway Crash board .had.recommended approv- Irood St., Shrewsbury. Left to right are Lorne Irown, superintendent of agencies; the for sion," said Ma). Gen. Gamal Fai- al, with a set of stipulations. HOLMDEL - An efHety chambw of Commerce. nl, commander of the United The matter evoked considerable Richard Evans, president of ordinary agencies for Colonial Life; Donald W. MaeCon- The eveat. held In the Statlar Arab Republic's 1st Army. controversy here* nalli resident superintendent of «g*neiet; Mayor Whit*; Raymond F, Ry«n, Jr., Hilton, waa billed primarily at M, loclal but wat charged with poll- The Israelis claimed Syrian assistant resident superintendent, and W. Thomas Fiquet, vice president of ordinary strongholds fired on an Israeli Nsar aasrdi Land patrol yesterday near the Israeli Mr. Bennett said the new site agencies for the company. settlement of Shaar Yashuv and Is 400 feet north and to the rear that one Israeli aoldier waa slight- of the piece of land sought'the waa ly wounded. Today - .< the car. first time. It is adjacent to the *M at a broken neck A Syrian army spokesman Nativity Catholic Church proper- In Washington _ bit Mo.a Ask $9.6 Million lilinp oocktatll VMQ tnty WH$ claimed an Israeli armored car He aaid the substation Is "ur- waa aleae ia Ms ear. He was pushed into the demilitarized zone By The Associated Prate ealttd to me Senate floor (or a gently needed.1 «m 41 feet by the taped and fired on Syrian outposts. It SENATE late evening rail cad vote. ~ laid the Syrian gunners did not While the first substation was •f •" toW CftHU ' *••, •BO^IBK While Cue was gone, the oaly to have a three-sided wall of colo- In recess until Monday. For Signal Post nurad near the Keypert open up until a second Israeli Rules Committee hears At- announced candidate for his Set-. armored car moved in and be- nial design, Mr. Bennett said the exit "'; ' •"' ate sett this November, Robert, one proposed now would be bare. torney Gen. William P. Rogers WASHINGTON - The Defense locate the funds for construction gan firing. The Syrians said they on plan for court-appointed ref- Morris, of Point Pletient. moved damaged one of the cars and that He aaid the utility plans to Department yesterday requested of research, development, test •ee for six ytart, Kebiaak waa from table to table shaking haada no Syrians were hurt. landscape the equipment "in such erees to protect Negro voting Congress to authorise spending and community facilities and statieaed at the Halmdal Bar- a manner as to effectively blend rights, $9,80J,000 at Fort Monmouth, troop housing. and chatting with everyone bt The U. N. armistice commiS' racks, headquarters tar tae the installation with the aurround- HOUSE N. J. • For Hexageaf state pence Mrit ta charge of sionso far had only a counter- ing area." He waa aot Introduced formally reply from Israel to the commis- In recess until Monday. All told, the department asked A Fort Monmouth spokesman patrettag the pk to the gathering. Mr Bennett aaid plans call for Science and astronautics Com- Congress to approve five mili- KaMaak waa the sion's demand, that both Syria mature' trees and shrubs to be said this morning the Signal in- Motile, former counsel for mo and Israel withdraw all armed mittee continues space hearing. tary projects in the state total- stallation hat made requests for fewcMMno. used in the landscaping. ing $10,9M,000. Senate Internal Security Subcom- forces, armed civilians and weap- Committee on Un-American the projects asked by the depart- mittee, hit the endorsement of ons from the disputed tone. But no sooner did he get fin- Activities continues investigag - Fort Monmouth—which would ished presenting hia plan than ment, but couM not specify ex- strongly conservative New Jtr- tt. Col. Jacob Monbas, deputy tion of CommunisCi t activitii y be earmarked tor the lions share actly what the $9,103,000 would Missile tey Republicans. opposition began: to come forth. youth froupt« of the appropriation—would at director of the Israeli foreign Ma). Gen. George L. Van Deu- include. Thescene soon shifted to Caitv ministry's armistice department, sen, (USA-Ret) Fair Haven Rd., He said a fiscal program Firings OK, however, who returned from the reportedly replied with a demand strongly opposed the. plan, saying drawn up at Fort Monmouth. Senate Just In time to deliver the for the Immediate withdrawal of goes to the Office of the Chief slgnation to Police Chief LeRoy hi had prepared for the Syrian troops from the xone and it would downgrade the area and p pp surrounding properties and Asbury Board's SuitSignal Officer in Washington, Sproulao that the governing body occasion. Wililama wat less for* a statement that Israel has only where it is usually trimmed, and One Fizzles may act on it at IU meeting border police in the area and change the character of the ana. haste. The party broke up b> Area'ObJectieaaMs' then on to the Defense Depart- VANDENBERG AIR fore ha got back. feels entitled under the armistice C l to keep them there. He aaid,. too,: it would make Goes to Jury Monday BASE, CaUf. ,(AP) - U. S. mia- * «" haa not yel the whole area. •'objectionable." The spokesman said he thought iMit t f W»b Mbt heS t. MtejWA* declared hit Intentions, hu left* The Israeli foreign ministry an- part of the funds might be for HtUe doubt that he wlU seek re- nounced It had offered to meat Gen. Van Deuaan. said Jersey FREEHOLD - T* tour*eek- afar and aecretary. had w Caatra hit come p with an old fraud trial brought by the done in Asbury Park schools vements to and any place? to discuss border iimp new plan, AtbuiAtt y ParPkk BBoardotEdueattod UBdttan projectjts whiohihh exceede eeded $I peace "aa hag as nothing per- the Army Signal Retaart Base yesterday. •'You're only trying to main agataat its former business man- without public bidding. The law and Development Laboratory. ' The Discoverer IX satelll He taining to the demilitarized zone ager and aecretary Floyd G. at that time required bidding west of the boundaries I* raised." A former Fort Monmouth com- L Should the funds be authorized racket left Ha pad at Vandenberg with Wa'attorney JohnC.Ohm Gov. Robert B, Meyner of Now HoekwlU go to the Jury Men- on work ia excess of $1,000. for the Hexagon project, ft would ra.ftne form. But Air Force of- Red Bank' tad that Mr. Oivnt This fulfilled only part of the mending general, he accused the 1 •eraey, ponctunea measlonod at utility of "trying to fool the*** mean bringing most research and ficert announced later that the advised-him ike proper action • dark horse candidate for the U. N.' demand, and presumably 16 days of trial before neither the Syrians nor the UN. troops" with it* plan. The development projects under, one racket failed to achieve orbital to take would be to resign Democratic presidential nomina- County Judge Edward J. Ascher Mr. Hook's defense hu been commission would consider it an Harold Dowstra, Buena Viita that he was acting as an agent- roof. They are now spread out velocity. await the next Civil Service • tion, also received a standing ova- acceptance." (See SUB-STATION, Pg. 2) ended yesterday. in different parts'of the country. They said they lacked Informa- tion at the dinner. Board attorney Joseph Demp- of the bwrd and was carrying out board policy, and that all ex- Other tion on whether the second stage (See COOKSIE,.