Mhchen > 4 1 4 * Robert A
f' ^'^*9 ■ PAGE TEN \ Average Daily Net Press Run 8ATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1967 For ths Week Ended' July 27, 1857 Ths Weather iKtmrtrfBtpr lEni^ninB iS^ralb Fereeaet ef D. 8. WeatlMr Bb h m the poor monster really yearns for 12,002 Fair, much eooler tealght. Law About Tomu Is a return to the good old days llifrg. Kelson Loses Member ef the Audit in mid 50*. exciapt mM 40a tai eat* Heard Along Main Street (you see, he's basically a tradi Marchuk'Wyrus Wedding Bureau ef arenUUou lying sections. Tueadsy, CUr, The weddinr of Iflu Jane Burr, tionalist) when all he had to do Most Avoirdupois reel. High 76-78. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charles was devour a cave man now and Manchester— A City, of Village Charm a Burr, 102 Adelaide Rd., and And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets, Too then, and spend most of his time Richard S. Massey, son of Mr. and cavorting In the Jungle, or in the At the mtuithly bualneaa meet VOL. LXXVI, NO. 266 Mrs. Samuel J. Massey of New sea, or in outer space, with his MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1957 And Never the Twain ; fand south, ran west and eventual fellow monsters. ing of Manchester WATB8 held (CUssified Adrertlalag on Page 1») PRICE FIVE CENTS Hsven. will take place this after A Manchester friend of a for- ly crossed each, other. Tuesday evening, it was announced noon at 3 o'clock in Center Conjre Instead, this poor r.ionster has gational Church. mer resident here, tells of a most The Manchesterite who reports to run around In.
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