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PAGE TEN \ Average Daily Net Press Run 8ATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1967 For ths Week Ended' July 27, 1857 Ths Weather iKtmrtrfBtpr lEni^ninB iS^ralb Fereeaet ef D. 8. WeatlMr Bb h m the poor monster really yearns for 12,002 Fair, much eooler tealght. Law About Tomu Is a return to the good old days llifrg. Kelson Loses Member ef the Audit in mid 50*. exciapt mM 40a tai eat* Heard Along Main Street (you see, he's basically a tradi­ Marchuk'Wyrus Wedding Bureau ef arenUUou lying sections. Tueadsy, CUr, The weddinr of Iflu Jane Burr, tionalist) when all he had to do Most Avoirdupois reel. High 76-78. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charles was devour a cave man now and Manchester— A City, of Village Charm a Burr, 102 Adelaide Rd., and And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets, Too then, and spend most of his time Richard S. Massey, son of Mr. and cavorting In the Jungle, or in the At the mtuithly bualneaa meet­ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 266 Mrs. Samuel J. Massey of New sea, or in outer space, with his MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1957 And Never the Twain ; fand south, ran west and eventual­ fellow monsters. ing of Manchester WATB8 held (CUssified Adrertlalag on Page 1») PRICE FIVE CENTS Hsven. will take place this after­ A Manchester friend of a for- ly crossed each, other. Tuesday evening, it was announced noon at 3 o'clock in Center Conjre Instead, this poor r.ionster has gational Church. mer resident here, tells of a most The Manchesterite who reports to run around In. tir.e 20th century that lAVerne Kelson la again top unusual, and certainly, coincidental this story admits it's quite a coin­ dodging blasts from disintegrator occurrence In which her friend cidence, but she believes it. winner for the month wl^h a Karp to Join The Lithuanian Sons and Daugh­ rays until the fearless young weight loaa of S% pounds. was involved recently. scientist destroys him and saves ters Society wlU hold its annual It seems that the friend, a Oh Where, Oh Where Emily Fracchia was a close sec­ AFL-CIO picnicpicnic tomorrow at Ham__ Oarl i..anlcind. It’s really too bad, be­ ^W anted’ woman who moved Away from A lost and frightened cocker cause monsters aren't really bad ond with a six-pound loss. Mrs. Litigants in Park, Broad Brook,,from 12 noon Manchester a few years ago, had spaniel Is wandering somewhere to 0 p.m. All are invffod. been corresponding with another at heart, but Just" misunderstood. TKelson heads the list of the so- in the vicinity of Manchester. Now, if we were allowed to called “Top Ten” for the year with Ribicoff, woman who likewise left town at That Interpret The Judges Dispute To Weigh Cpl. David P. Krinjak, sv i of "Eelisse.". as she is called, had direct a science-fiction picture, a losa of 48 H pounds. about the same time. One of the an operation around July 1 so that we'd psychoanalyse .pur monster I There will be no meeting at the Wishes Of The Fainiljr To Be Honest Mrs. Caroline Krinjak. 53 Eldridge women was now living in New she could not have any moie pup­ St., has completed schooling as a Jersey; the other in Baltimore. instead of destroying him. A I Italian American Club next Tuea- Judge Jules Karp of Man­ pies. Ever since then, she has been monster free from psychoses ought Iday. Inatead, all members are in­ Jet plane mechanic a t Cherry Point, As vacation time drew near, the afraid of everything.. The owner of JOHN B. BURKE Waihington. Aug. 12 (/P)—Former union leader Anthony chester will become a litigant N. C., and has been assigned to the women decided to spend their time to be a real boon t<> society. vited to a picnic to be hald at the in.the State Supreme Court Practices the kennel where she had been op­ home of Miss Gladys Seelert, 233 FUNERAL HOME Doria said today racketeer Johnny Dio actually wanted to Orgo Transport Squadron. He will together. They rented a cottage erated on wanted to find a good of Errors judgeship case be­ Chicago, Aug. 12 (iiP)—Top be making flights all over the Unit­ near the ocean at a point about And They Knew Better Spencer St. Each will bring her forget his criminal record and became an honest Labor leader home for her. Charles Mathlason own picnic aupper, and a fireplace TEL. MI S-flSflS cause of the “new questions Labor leaders went into a con­ ed SUtes and to Africa and midway between their respective was offered the dog. He is living There were two - end only two • 81 EAST CENTER ST. but “society wouldn’t let him.’’ Doria gave the appraisal of Europe. He entered the service in homes. available parking places on Hart- I will be available. An evening of Dio in testimony before the Sen-^------:------^______that have been raised,” it was ference today to consider Session Call alone at 56 Valley St. now that AMBULANCE SERVICE January 1056. ford's Main St. one day this week. fun will follow. The picnic win be ate Rackets Investigating Com­ announced today. After enjoying their week to­ his three children are grown and held rain or shine. mittee. •liousecleaning and other prob­ gether they bade each other a fond married. And, as usual, these two spots Judge Karp, who Is one of the lems. were quickly taken by cars which Doria was imtii last Msrrh sec­ Lay Off Ahead four newly appointed interim farewell,.; realizing that it would On Thursday, July 25, he brought retary-treasurer of the Allied In­ The 29-member AFL-CIO Bxec- probably be quite some time be­ the buff colored dog home. Some­ were part of the heavy influx of jridges affected by the dispute, hs.s i utive Council met around a long fore they would get together afternoon traffic in the Capital dustrial Workers Union, formerly how she managed to slip loose the old AFL United Auto Workers not, technically, been Involved in i table In an air conditioned meet- NNE PHARMACY again. from her collar. Mathiason has not city. As it happened the drivers of For This Man the case until now. He and Judge; Ing room In the Drake Hotel. New Pafley TTiey left the cottage and, once both of these cars were set on see­ Union (UAW). •84 CENTER ST.—Ml S-9814 seen her sinCe. "I .was going to Doria left the union under pres- Wesley. C. Gryk. whom he had been ! The season wart closed to press on the main highway, one woman ing the late afternoon showing of Los Angeles, Aug. 12 'MP\ ■ named to replace, entered a stipuls-I and public. But President George headed north toward her New name her ‘Pal’," he said. Tills was a fl^m at a theater not far from THE ARMY and NAVY aure. Questions as to his htnesa to OPEN ALL DAY the name of another spaniel he hold union office had been raised Here’s -a—wtfe who's against tion binding them to abide by the j .Meany arranged to hold a news Jersey home while her friend head­ where they parked. overtime for her hiiabsnd. derision handed down by the high | conference at ita conclusion, To Be Held ed -south. owned which was run over by a Emerging from the theater some In the AFL-CIO, partly because of SUNDAY car. Mathlason hopes someone Doris's associations with Dio. Mrs., Virginia Scales, 34, was court. In the meantime. Judge No agenda waa announced be- After driving about. 40 miles, knows the wherabouts of the dog three hours later, the two car own­ bonked yesterday on suspi­ Karp la continuing to .serve as fore the meeting began, but some- the Marylander decided to . stop and returns her to him. ers became highly disturbed to There was testimony last week cion of assault w ith's deadly deputy judge while Judge Gryk aita ; time during the 44-day parley the for lunch at the' Intersection of find that their cars were not that Doria agreed to resign on con­ weapon. as jtidgA,*;... I group it expected to' receive In- Tom orrow two highways where several res­ dition that the union pay him 180,- Put ‘It’ on the Couch where' they had left them. As it She walked into an electvon- Lesaner Starts .\ctIon | lerim reports on corruption in GENERAL taurants were located. turned out. the. Hartford police 000 and give him a CadIHac car. .Ics plant where her-husband, ..The announcement that Judge i uniona from the- orgsnlza- Hartford, Aug. 12 (jP)— It was with a great deal of ' Science-fiction has become - an liad the autos in the area towed He has been paid $2.5,000 and con­ John, was working overtime. accepted form of literature today, BINGO tends the union still ;owea him $65,-' Karp will become a litigant waa i‘‘“J}'* etWeak practices committee Gov. Ribicoff and Republican astonishment that, as she entered away in . accordance with a "no Police said she hit his boss, The AFI.-CIO chieftains met TV SERVICE and has even invaded the movies. parking from 4 to 6 p.m." ordin­ 000. I made bv Atty. George C. I.essner, leaders of the LSgislature ap­ one of the restaurants, she met EVERY SAT. N IG H T --N E W TIME 8:00 P.M. Frank B. O’Brien, 41. over the of the firm of Les.sner, Rottner; while the Senate Committee In­ 0«ys f f OK A Can her friend from New JOrsey. The "coming attraction" posters ance. Doris said he Is now s resident head with a 2-by-four when he vestigating Labor - Management parently moved a step nearer Nights on the State Theater recently ad­ The two men reported to the po­ of Enclno. Calif., and is helping Karp and Groobert. of which Judge « A s9 a Fins Farts The two persons had. somehow, turned his back on her.. Karp la a member. Le.ssner said practices resumed Its hearings in to a special session of the Gen­ TEL. MI 8-84S2 gotten themselves onto highways vertised. in . addition to that old lice station and, after receiving a develop mining properties in Ari- "Sure. I hit O’Brien in the Washington. • eral Assembly today as they which, ibstead of heading north atandby, Frankenstein, another J1 parking violation ticket and •ona. he will institute an action in order head." officcra quoted her. "He to determine who Is entitled to the There waa no pre-season com- spent an hour and a.half dis­ picture titled "X — the unknown." paying a.|5 towing charge, they Doria told the Senators how should be hit every day. He's f This seems to be another In a Dio took over lotal 102 bf the judgeship of the Manchester Town ' nient from the Chicago conferees cussing the effects of the received their respective automo­ stealing m)- husband from me. ! Court. I nn reports that aome Labor lead- long line of, "Creatures" (which biles. UAW-AFL sometime after 1952 My husband's working too drought on Connecticut farm­ come from beneath the sea. the The lieutenant on duty at the when the;'4orat was chartered for j long." j Lessner. who returned last week '‘rfflniT a shift in AFL- ers. Black Lagoon, outer space), "Mon­ police station where the two re PLEASE NOTE! a drive to organize New York City ‘ j from a Burojiean vacation, said to- i policy from cooperation with ANNUAL O'Br ien was treated at a hos­ I day he feels that new questions j the Senate committee to opposi- Though no specific decision for sters" (also from beneath the sea, ported was slightly amused at taxi drivers. ' I pital for s head laceration. calling such * session was made, from the Puilile Jungle, and vari­ learning the occupation! of the OUR OFnCE WIU. K I have,,been raised by the State $u-' tion to the committee. It is that local whicli the rackets Whether' the company will ; preme Court's action in requesting There also was no authoritative the comments of the Governor 'a POUSH-AMERICilN PICNIC ous and Sundry other undesirable pair. committee has produced testimony lay off the overtime assign­ Democrat, and of the Republicans, places) and "Things" and "lU." One was an off-duty police sar- I new arguments and new briefs j advance information as to wheth- to show became a nest of hood­ ments in Scales' esse—or just ' in the case. He also said that there er .the executive council would act whose party controls both Houses Science-fiction movies have also geant; the other, a police reporter CLOSED A t NOON lums which fanned out into a lay him off. period was not of the Legislature. led observers to firmly established a stock line in for an area newspaper. I ----- against one of ita members. Mau- Sunday. August 11 series of Teamsters locals, especial­ learned. I (CoaWniied nn Page *r>lrteea)----1 rice—HntClTeaon^ a vice (eel that the Assembly will be dialogue; "Doctor, that creature ^W SATURDAYS ly chartered to elect a man picked a vice president convened. has been extinct for thousands of They Both Lost Edwin Busker Photo of the AFL-CIO and president of Three definite decisions Were MRS. ALEC MARCHUK by James R. Hoffs, Mlf’ vest boss | the Carpenters Union. SreRRYT RLEN, Fnnck RA, Belton years." We can be thankful that Man­ DURING JULY and AUGUST of the T.'si. sters Union, to con- I reached at the 'conference which Basically, what you, have in a chester is o'ne town that doesn't trol Teamsters affairs in the New ' Hutcheson invoked the Fifth the Governor described as a aclence-ficUon picture is a mon­ allow old political campaign post­ South Methodist Church was the^shealh dress trimmed with lace i Amendment when he appeared be- "thoughtful, frank discussion of aU REFRESHMENTS • DANCING scene Friday al 8:15 p.m. for the appliques and s’hite accessories. York City area. ster who really doesn't want to ers to hang around very long. EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE TTie committee contend, there j fore the Senate' Public Works -the problems involved.” be around in the 20th century, but marriage of Miss Nancy Ann Wy^ Mra. Marchuk wore a blue and Blizzards Interrupt Committee in an inyeatigation 'of EvaryoM it Wclcomt —- Frtt Admission We remember the last election rus, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Har' PHONE M l 9-4539 was an alllan''e between Hoffa and 1... Another conference will be who has been brought back to life when Police Chief Herman O. uhlte print dress with white ac­ Dio aimed at enhancing Hoffa's reports. that he and others had {held tomorrow, at 10 a.m. on the by meddlesome acientista. What old Wyrus, 59 Autumn St., to Alec cessories. Both mothers had cor­ ’ profited from sale of land to the issue of tax relief for farmers, *an Schendel put his foot down about Marchuk, son of Mr?. Sophie Mar­ sages of pink roses. power on the Hkist Coast. poliUcal signs. He wanted them Hoffa now a.bpeara in line to I State of Indiana along the right ; issue that dates back to the regv- removed within a reasonable time chuk, 75 Autumn ' St., and Wasil A reception for about 100 guests Alpine Rescue of 3 I of way of a pi-ojected highway. [ lar session of the Legislature early Marchuk, $01 Main St. succeed Dave B ^k as internation­ after the election, and threatened took place In the chapel of the Fogarty Brothers, Inc. al president of the Teamsters; The. AFL-GIO has a policy : th.lp .Year,-, before the drought Tlje Rev, Fred R. Edgar of the South Methodist Church immedi­ j. struck. „ DAYS THURSDAYS OPEN 5 DAYS arrest If they weren't. The signs 319 BROAD StREET w a Id. Swltr.erlaod {'against union leaders taking Ih? j2A4HG down. South Methodist .C^Kh officiated ately following Ihe ceremony„.Tlie , rCMttntiled ) 2, Federal (Officials in Washlng- and black plaid F u tio n . ; . p i i l i i ® ' - aperalion for a' group of Alplii- a drive arftWJKinirtfdrd one nightlAn altar, d' ibrated Wllh'’ mixed dress wTtlrwhite accessories when ■ Nothidg . was known of the-| Hutchinson, and two other Car- Ty WH«t Odifiheetlcut...... „ .... the couple left oh a trip to Rhode l»ta trapped on the north wall I whei^bouts of the two Germans penter chiefs. Vice President O. able its farmers to purchase sur­ this week. We noticed plenty of white: flowers. Music was. provided of the Eiger Mountain was offl- signs still calling on the voters to by Philip Treggor, church organist. Island. Tbey wiU live at 38 Devon in the party who left the rocky William Blair, and Treasurer plus grain at a discount. Dr. upon their return Aug. 17. GOP Struggle! fdaily abandoned today. ' ledge W’here they haddcam ped for Mary Arbuckle of Toronto, slater of Mrs. Albert Blacker who died in the crash of s Maritime Cen­ 3. Agricultural Commissioner "Vote for Pat Ward for Senator." Given in marriage by her father, The 80 volunteers from seven Frank Chapman, were charged The Main Street Stores Listed Below And before anyone gets the idEa the bride wore a floor-length gown The bride is a 1955 graduate of several days to try to their with participating in a S-waJy spilt tral Aimaya plane nw r Quebec, weeps a t Maiton airport in Toronto where she awaited her slater’s Joseph N. Gill WiU make a sur­ Manchester High School and is nations who took part ia the way to the summit, the: I. disap return from a vacation overaeat. (CP Wirephoto). vey of the extent of the draught we are being one-sided, there were of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle Indicated for rescue operatton were ordered of $81,500 In quick profits made on still signs pushing Paul Amenta over satin. The fitted basque bodice now employed as a clerk-typist pested. \ the sale of. land earmarked for problem and will report to th* in the engineering department of off the mountain by rescue party The Germans. Huenther, Governor and LegialaUv* leaders for the same post. had a scalloped Sabrina neckline Thief. Peter Frel, .who said th’e 27, 1 Indiana highway construcf/ih. There is nothing as old as old trimmed with iridescents and ta­ Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. The Gelssllngen. ahd Goetz Meier, 26 The executive council was ex- on what needs have been created Senate Lealleiv three other members of the Rottweii, were beliaved at the i by the' draught. Hla report wlU news. People trotting to the pered sleeves cohilng to a point at bridegroom attended HowelL | NOTICE _____ . gfenp were undoubtedly dead. f- 4 , i pectsd to act upon a recommMida- ui polls last November saw ' signs the wrist. The bouffant skirt of Cheney Technical School. He exhaustion point, at feast one of|t(o„ t^e ethical pracUcea-com- i include recommendations a* to hanging on some telephone polls nylon tulle with set-in panels of served two years with the U.S. Washington. Aug. 12 OPi- TTie; „ , ^ . them is suffering from severe' mittee, with inspect to President Canada Plane Toll 79 ■ how these needs can be met. in Hartford from the previous Army and is now employed in the expected annoufacement of Sen. 1 *'1?‘**^’“'**’ SwIUerland, Aug. burns, caused when a rope slipped ' ; The (Soveraor told newramen that matching lace had a back interest Khowland (R-Catlf.) ‘th a th e w lliP * Hope of rescuing three throygh his hands. James G, Cross of the 160,000- election. \/e recall seeing sfgns of cascading tulle tiers. Her finger­ production engineering department Usoudum. Qu«., Aug. 12 (F)—f The Persons Who waded of Pratt and Whitney. seek the California governorship j m mar wn ^he _ north wall The fourth —— s#s 1.1 s as man, s cas s • (Jlaudio1 Cs tJ V$$$r a .|»syOordl ■ sg |. Searchers probed-‘swamps’ - -farm­ niniirT^nfaMiyi'?eer^lM i ^ ------through d somersaulted. •- Republicans said they consider­ cascade bouquet of white split car­ The rescue attempts was inter­ An angry taxpayer called 153 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. Know’land.-has announced he win A rescue column carrying Cordi glne DC4 airliner w-ere found way home. j Each motor had dug a IS-foot ed drqught-reUef legislaUon the the nations. w not seek re-election to the Senate rupted by' new snows yesterday Six Americans yesterday after the chartered No. 1 problem. Town Hall last week. The bride was attended by her dow’n from the summit was forced He brought the plane up the St, i hole which quickly filled with wa- next year. He has Indicated he in after a fo'.rth member of the to pitch camp In the shmv during : 1 3 _ 11 _ —a. 4 ^ 1 - — plane crashed in a thunderstorm. Although the Governor and th* She said that the garbage man sister, Mrs. William Haberem, 149 climbing party was hauled to the -----Lawrenc*.. -River — valley SSIin •uKiiijeunnyiter 1 wi uuvbut ulcthe uumbulk ui of uicthe wTec)ciige wrcvtutKC — -— — had taken her cucumber and she tends to hang on to his GOP leafi- the night and resumed the difficult' X JallA n l It was carrying veterans and their wenther. makiqg the preecrlbed had been pitched about 5()0 ftet' vP"****®*"* differed a* to which Florence St., who wore a waltz- er's post, however, until his term ! summit In a daring Alpine feat. families home from a vacation in the two problem* I* the mor* wanted tt back. length gown of white frosted or­ descent at dawn. radio checks. At 2:07 p.m. he re- farther In the ,Une of impact, A big, fat one picked by a rep­ CLOSED ends. Further attempts to rescue the Cordi’s dramatic rescue was car- BrlUln when ft fell about 18 miles ported passing over Quebec. preaalng. the aUnoephera in th* ganza over Nile green taffeta. Her But if Knowland becomes a can­ three missing men today appeared southw-est of Quebec City. One twisted propeller was found •kecutiv* office appeared much resentative of the garbage service fitted bodice with its scooped neck­ lied out by Alfred Helepart. a Passport Rule Canon Alexandre DeBioir, out about a quarter of a mile away. from his own garden and present­ didate for the Republican nomina­ unlikely. The snow had blanketed German guide who was ■ lowered Only one complete body, an in­ visiting sick parishioners at Ste. more amicable than on Friday line was trimmed with a pleated tion for governor and is faced with Bits of clothing and equipment when Ribicoff accused th* GOP ed at her door wouldn't do. ahe the upper wall by dawn a id showed three times on a winch-operated fant's, was found last night. An' Croix about five miles from the decked trees at the edge of the cummerbund. She wore a niatching a campaign fight, some of his col­ no signs of aba ling! cable. No one has ever before Moscow, Aug. 12 (jPt'-Slx young ankle - deep mud field and nearby crash sbene, said he saw the plane leaders of handing him an ultima­ said. She wanted her own cu­ picture hat of straw and carried a PINE VACATION Americans balked today at turn­ clearing. Parta of bodies were cumber. leagues doubt he will want to be "To go dowTi the wall in this climbed down the north wall - an timber Were to be eearched today. nying very low when it ran into f^ b le in the mud. tum and said he wouldn’t diocusa cascade bouquet of yellow and tiefi down in Washington’ next much snow wrould be suicidal folly operation similar to clambering ing over their passports to Red The toll of S3 men, 41 women a summer thunderstorm. Lightning, Oie legislative praposal* with them A Non. green carnations. PHARMACY MONDAY. AUG. 12 Thru FRIDAY, AUG. U Chinese authorities hut stIU want "Kainsay had been with Mari­ on that basia. -f 664 Center St— Tel. MI 9-9814 spring. that would help ro one." one guide down the aide of New York’s Em­ and five children, including six lashed this farm area on the south Charles Kuzis of. East Hartford California primary battles iis- refoarked. pire State Building. to make the trip to thq Communist crew members, surpassed Cana­ bank of the St. Lawrence. time tw-o years. A Canadian He referred to the Republican EARLY PIO IRON served as best msin. Ushers were Transport Department Inquiry tislly are a 80-day affair, carried The only climber whoso position On the first two attempts, Hele­ land nith 42 other Americans. da’s previous casualty high of 62 "When I returned to Ste. Croix, sUtement that they wiU take About, 1867 pig Iron was first Harry Klmlow and Richard Fon- Fred Grab of Alexandria, Va.. Board suspended his' license for steps to have the Legiaiatur* con­ I produced-on the West Coast, near PINE LENOX OPEN FOR BUSINESS AS USUAL on in April and May before the Is known to the rescuers is Stefano part came do«-n too far to. one side person? aboard a plane that dis the nuns who work in the presby­ tanelis, both of Manchester. . June test at the polls. This is about j Longhl, 44. Leceo. Italy. Longh! who ia acting as a collection agent appeared last December in the tery said they had seen a plane fly­ six months late in 1854 after vene itHelf in special seasion if th* DAYS Portland. Mrs. Wyrus wore a French blue ON SATURDAY and had to be hauled up again. blaming him for negUgence in the Governor declines to call it. This the time Congress' begins to gel I n as injured in a rock fall several On the third attempt rescuers in getting the passports together, Rockies. It wasn't found until ing very low-. Seconds'later there A V. Me . y-*1— _ _ .J _ .. — — — . PHARMACY . days ago. He has remained dan- said the six preferred not to give had been a frightening blast," t h e - ? " ’' ■ Trans-Canada Supei^ , never haa been done, but is poasl- 288 E. Center St.—BO 8-0886 busy considering major legislation. at the lop heard him eay over hie May. TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY If Knowland w-ere forced to 'gllng from a ro,ne some .300 feet portable radio: “Further, further, the Chinese authorities their docu­ The Maritime Centra) Airways parish priest said. ” ' :Conatellatlon near Brampton, 6nt ble under the Constitution. campaign against GOP Gov Good­ below the ledge where the others I can see him now." ments. plane left London for Toronto on "They thought it was a highway *' Canadian Air Lines Pilots’ Republicans aaid today th*y win J. Knight he w’ould have little hed been ..beltering 1,200 feet from Later. Helepart me.ssaged that "Instead they put pertinent In­ a flight chartered by the Imperial crash." . jAssn. said pilot's fatgue was re- would not make such a move until time to spend handling his leader­ the summit of the 13,686-foot i Cordi was too weak to make the formation on a separate paper," Veterans Division of the Canadian There waa no 3 p.m. radio report eponaible for that non fatal crash, after the three etep* decided on a t ship duties at a criticnl period. peak. i climb alone and that he had tied CIrab said. "The Chinese said Sun­ Legion’s Ontario Command. to Montreal, the next check point * Maritime officials described Ram- this mornlng‘s conference hav* ICE PLANT OPEN Knight has given no sign'he will Csvered with Snow ; the rescued man to his back. It day they must- have actual pass­ Many.of the men were former aiong the plane’s route. For sev-1 »*y •* * "good-well-trained pilot." been taken. AND THURSDAY TILL 9 step out of . the wa.V for Knowland. Longhl was reported still alive took one hour and four minutes to ports and we won’t know until to­ British servicemen who had moved eral hours the plane waa listed as j Tht Post House Travel Bureau The Governor has said he doesn't .veaterday- b:.t the Eiger rescue haul th* two to the summit. morrow if these separate papers to Ontario. They had ta'ken their arranged the charter with Mari- (Cmtinued oa Page Thirteen) WEEKDAYS - 8 A.M. to 8 P.M, want to run for the Senate. headquarters said today he is now Cordi mumbled his thanks and j families for a month’s visit to Then the pilot of a plane oper- time, a Charlottetown, Prince Bd- But a Knowlo-id announcement believed_ , dead .. of exhaustion.------asked far water on reaching the' Grab declined identify the their former homes. ated by a subsidiary of Maritime ward Island, company with most would be likely th bring « state­ Telescope observers saw his body , top. Then he collapsed. i Americans. sighted burning wreckage. A ■ of its business in Canada’s Mari- CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY SU N D AYS-8 A M. to 1 P.M. ment---- from------\---- ice President------Nixon-- swinging upside down and mbtlon-; Eiger Mountain has one of the The America: have been in . ^*‘m?"*****" ‘Force plane ; time provinces^ Another similar ASHFORD LAKE m from Tranton, Ont., dropped ^ re e {excursion preceded It and a third These hove been end will continue to be our sfeiv hours. i^at he is supporting the Senator. I '*»» O'* end of a length of rope, stee^at rock faces’ in the AI I Moscow for i^ rly three weeks for Bulletins CRUSHED ICE •nUs is on th* theory that Know- completely covered with j _ _ _ , *’ '! the Comnumist-sponsored World para-rescue men at tk« scene. They i group of veterans was to‘ have 1 News Tidbits ■"••■•Fed'' I left London last night. from the AP Wires WE KNOW that a constant policy of Monday closing is an IL O C K ICE land would be the atronger can- Guides said a shift of the j (Continued on Faxe Flvel I Youth Festival. Others tn the 150- dtdate and that Nixon feels it i s ' a » i membeyu.S. delegation were leav­ . Ciilled from AP Wires "There are no survivors.” I ' -Two “ of the passengers Were advance to^all concerned; eliminating confusion on the u t IC E CUBES necasaary to keep California In ing Moscow today for home or Maritime officiali said they had: Charlottetown and the rest were, part of the shopping public and permitting all employes to Republican hands If the OOP ia to pojm In western Europe. “absolutely no idea of what caused I veterans and their wive* from On- JOB TOTALS AT RECORD get the most of a planned two-day holiday. win in 1960. e 48 who are remaining have th^ plane to crash.” Itario, mostly around Toronto. i Washington,'Aug. it (/P)—Th* Sen. 'Kiichal (R-Caiif) and Yosemite Park rangers rescue nation’s employment rose to an .^^Sultan^s Troops Take accepted invithtlons of the Com­ 6-year old boy from cliff ledge... all-time high of 67J(00,0e0 for majority of the 17 GOP California munist Cliinese gove-nment to Dave Beck and son attend Green- Janat’s Milliiary Regal’s Men’s Shop L. T. W OOD CO, Congressmen could be expected to mske s tour of the .Chinese main­ July, the government announced 817 MAIN 8T. — nne up behind Knowland also irirh pnrty, meet Senate Rackets Would End 7-Year Break today. The increase of 709JH)0 f*' . 801 MAIN ST. 51 BISSELL STREET—PHONE MI 3-1129 ' land. U.S. government passports Committee Council Rbbert K*n- workers over the June total was Blssell Street Runs East Off Main Street Faced with «nyauch opposition are not issued for traveling there. nedy. attributed mainly . to the oon- some poiiUcians think Knight Omani R e^l Capital The number planning to make Tropical storm Bertha touches At State Theater Building might fljnd it th* better part of tinued hiring of young people in the trip increased by one today off rain* over Northeast Texas,., summer Jom and a slight In- political, valor to switch to the when Nina Landau and Dayid Hol- U.S. PondeiFs Renewing E. A. JohRson Paul’s Paint Manama. Bahrain. Aug. 12 (JFr ■ b: pmall bands of armed tribes- Polish (jommuiiist party end* na­ creaae In farm work sourced Tho Senate contest: -Supporters of the aulUn of Mus­ ister. both of New York, put their tionwide' serie* of meeting* to Joint report wa* made by Sec­ And Wallpaper Supply In Sacramento, Calif., .Knight me names on the list. One American. 045 MAIN STREET cat and Oman searched the barren prod members to action. j retary of Commerce Weeks and Paiit Co. declined the comment, ’ . mountains behind Ntrwa fo r hold­ A^heikh Firq estimated the | Bob Walz (hometown, unavailable)' California man kill* self, wife, | Secretary of Labor MltchelL 7*8 MAIN 8T. Bathing Real If he facee.no mqjor primary out rebels today after capturing hard - core i^ens'th'of the Imam’s j-withdrew from the list of those son. daughter, and son-in-law, j Ties with Red Bulgaria battle. Knowland can be expected the mud 'viilage. bian. But Robertson w anting to go ahd it seemed-llkel.v with home-made dynamite bomb ; _____ TRA1.N CRA.1H KILLS SIX to continue as Senate GOP leader. The goal of Britiah-Ied native J r h'8* posaibl.v only one-! others may withdraw before the * * ■ Frlvate detective says Clark i |»_. n i ty.w d KiniUioveii, Netherlands, Aug, Shorwin Williams There would be no challenge among forces was achieved peacefully qum^f as many, trewer reported, {train carrying the group on an 8- Gable, Ava Gardner. Joan Craw-i break with Russia as Yugoslavi* 1* l:W—At least six people 881 MAIN 8T. and Senate Republicans. Even if yesterday when they swept into V*®* Marshal Laurence ; day trip to Peiping leaves Iste fbrd m sv 'h^ itnhHnmMJii Ki? A m ■ ” GOiiin^ton, 12 iJP )- S oitig had done. were killed today Ip m train MaRshasior S t i l k E / / Summer Knowland himself electa to remain Wncmir ^ c e iv e d '$ message here !'Wednesday afternoon. There w-as fense in^ Confidential m iinrfni ^ Rdministration olf'ficiaU are These purge charges againtt al-j Nlzwa. for four weeks capital of triaT Confidential magazine looking into the iwsiiblllty of re- crash near .Acht, between Eind­ as leader and turn, the job over the rebellious Imam of Oman. at BritiBi ' Persian Gulf head- no reason given for Wslz'a with- leged traitors'sometimes included] hoven and Beat. South Holland. Plumbing & Supply to his assfatant while he campaigns Imam Chalab ben All, religious qi;arters front S.;ltan Said bln drswsi, , . Welfare Secretarv Fnt«nm | establishaig diplomaUC relations charges against the United States' An estimated 50 people were In­ 875 MAIN ST. Shoor Jawelars leader of thi mountain people who Taimur exjiressjng hia "gratitude The hometowns of 11 Chiita- pornt, ra m S e "^ studTque?:! Communist Bulgaria or its diplomats. jured, eeveral seriously. Boating (CoBttsued OB Page TThree) and deep appreciation" fpr British TTie last time congressional lead­ 877 MAIN ST. Living sought sn independent state, was tion of education beyond high ers -were sounded out on such s In the- case of Bulgaria charges ' believed to have fled to the Izki aerial and ground supp ort, | (Continued on Page Three) school, ..Evangelist Billy Graham of interference in the counti-y'sj 8 DIE IN PLANE CRASH Britain, which It allied to the ^ ------. oDens week' nf aermnna I move, months ago. the State De- area east of Nizwa. S& e”y. P«rtm«nt drew a completely nega- internal affairs were-made against The Hague, Aug. 12 (,TU_ Marlow’s Democral.s Puzzled Sam Pope Brewer, New York independent s',;ltan, used rocket-, v-. A l l - • ■ - live reaction and the matter wax U.S. Minister Donald R. Heath in Eight persons were killed today Sloan Bros. Shoos Times correspondent reporting for fir ngjetfighterssnd-w'hentheae r ra n e e Adcl.S 2 0 ^ British submarine breaks loose connection with the purging of when a Alartin Mariner sea­ 887 MAIN ST. the Ameriean press from the col­ failed to intimidate the rebel from moorings sinlcing two flsh- “‘ri‘ art?..,-. plane of the Royal Dutch Navy 855 MAIN ST. By Butler^ Charge troops in taking action to the end the 7- umn that took Nizws, radioed that bomber:; and ground T < l o«* ^ " 8 ''****ls a t Great Yari.'iouth year-pld break is now developing. The Bulgarian government de­ crashed shortly after takeoff the Imam and hia firebrand young­ ^rces backing oapKlng up the sultan’s o^vn ■ * ~* f U n.M ^--- O------li a r-- , British onusn Hor.'.e nor.'.* Office urrice snnoui announces Diplomatic authorities ' are re­ clared Heath personally unac­ from .Merauke Airfield on Dutch Washington, Aug. I2 Lead­ er brother Taleb were, believed to British-officered native troops. ------, t h s t secre.tvy to Hungarian ceptable and' ordered him out o f. New Guinea, the Navy Infonna- Reg. $1 ing Democrats said today they ported to feel that on balance the the country. ■ j tton Service said. be with Chief Sufeimsn Bin Sinclair, who is in over-all com-: Paris, Aug. 12 (Fi Lines of 1 charge d’sfftlraj In London asks United States woulil gain, by re­ Miehaols iowolors Thom McAn Shoo are puaaled by the complaint of Hayma, another leader of the re­ mand of merat'ons against the ^ " ’*rlcsn tourists went to- French; for political aeylum. The United States reacted by National Chairman Paul M. Butler storing normal relations. denouncing the accusstioni; 841 MAIN ST. volt. rebels, Tionferrdd with th e s u l t a n *'9”*r* (or I" New Zealand Prime Minister One of their chief arguments la FLU V.ACt'PlE RELE.ASBD that' a cliqife of party members is After being held up two days at Of Muscat and Oman tbdav nn ' (•'■"cs today and came away with \ Holland announces reUrement In against Heath and breaking off! Washington, Aug. 13 oP\— Cleaned that the American government diplomatic relations. TTifs final : trying to undercut him in-his job. Firq on the approaches to Nizws. the next pUsM of 'the ea^M lgn': P’"**'* October , . . Recent Budapest should have repreaentatives in con­ The firat 503,000 doses of the Butler told a partv rally In Los tniciat Oman scouts and British Also stteudlng were Brig'Robert--I Fiench government, needy Cqmmunist .ampaign against step ■ followed the exchange of a new vaccine to eombat Astatie Angtles Saturday night that a I tact with, all the ... Soviet „ satellite -series of notes between IVashing- Twooi’s THIS WEEK troops under Brig, J. A. R. Robert-^ son.A...J HI... the ws British___ . field .. vwsuAUMJiUei,commander S' (o«ign rui frs*. rency. '♦fees Awas vM.as.ir..;.. giving riesi 70 persona charged with plotting (lu were released today by the 738 MAIN ST. and group of men "who would weaken son captured Ffrq at dawn yester- and Sir Bernard Burrows, British francs more for the American dol- against U.e government extended " ***t*n' Europe in i ton and Sofia coneering Bulgarian Public Health Servloe for mil­ CHOICE BUILDING SITES FOR SALE the preatige and the Influence at lai'. Over the weekend. Finance ^ U o n to observe cfoeely develop-1 treatment of Americin legation itary and civilian use, .Surgeon 768 MAIN ST. ONLY day. political lesl-Jent in the Persian yesterday witli accusations against menti throuR^hout the Eeuropoftii [ pcrsonriGl. the office of natiofsl rhglrman to Brewer said what appeared to Gulf. , . Minister Felix Gaillard put a 20 nine more. l:«ro.v E. Burney said the re­ tain their ends'i is trying to cap­ per rent premium on the rate of Damssc. s magazine bints si Premier Anton leased vaccine consisted' of be American style hand grenades Furthermore, the advocates of‘| YugoV, the present head of the AUG. 12-17 COTTAGES FOR RENT AND SALE ON EASY TERMS ture control of the party. were found In rebel strongpointaIed sightin)f th*"'sultM^*red' *’^P*'""** tourists. 330.000 do*e* made by National Butler aaid these "saboteurs St Firq. The find strengthened flying over Fort Tanuf and Urug Co.. Philadelphia, and Shop WsttiaiBrolhen within our party" aim to "fiom- 182.000 produced by Lederle P75 MAIN ST. suspicion^ that^the Imam has been j Karut, south of Muti. Karut Inate tte I960 national convention supported by Saudi Arabia, which attacked by rocket planet Laboratories, New York. OFF ROUTE 44—26 MILES EAST OF MANCHESTER—ASHFORD, CONN. and dipate the nomination of our receives American military aid. have gotten I being too far to Right, MANCHESTER presidential and vice presidentiel day. The Sultan’s northern col- better than the official 350 to 11 Northern Ireland government Ington. State Department officials GENEB.AL FACES Gl'lLLOTlNE Nizwa leaders surrendered to iimn was reported In contact with ■At that time, lass than two years showed interest but decided after candidates." the advancing troops. Brewer said fleeing rebels. on the black market. ’ j impose* night curfew on parts of after the Yugoslav break with Saigon, South Viet Nam, .Aug. Butler's speech named no aperifle The Increase in the rate of ex- border with Ireland to combat IRA sounding out congressionsi' senti­ 13 (iSV—A military court today WiiltoR’s Bift Shop In each vlllag* occupied to far Patrols pushed toward Briket el Stalin’s {tussia, the sateUite coun­ ment that the move would dra\?- 864 MAIN ST. DRY CLEANINe peraen, and a party committee leaders have assured the aulUn's change for tourisU came Satur-1 violence . . . B47 Stratojet file* tries wore c*ught up in political sentenced former Gen. Nquyea Mauz tpool of l i a n a s I northeast day when Gaillard announced ai nonstop from Guam little or no support. Van Thanh of the Oao Dai rell- 93 WELLS STREET— M l 3.7254 ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, Sales Agent* forces, that inhabiUnts wars com- to .Morocco, turmiol. harassed by fear* of Tlto- Two recent developments have (OMiUauedjMi Pag* Three) hours, 50 minute*. for deaertion and for being an DAYS AND THURSDAYS TILL 9. OPEN S DAYS SAME DAY SERVICE— FREE DaiVERY 875 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL Ml 3.5440-MI 9.5938 they called plots to get th«m to (OoatiBned ea Paga Three) necomplio* to high trenaenl I t ' .4 % V A 1 I / . f \ ■ • ■ \ V ■■


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST 12,1967 Andover Coventry P A G E T H H n Silk Town Sultanas I'roops Take rale from 4.5 per cent to 6 per cent, 4 ^ Sheinwold on Biidge Building PermiU and Iti rate for advances on se­ Would End 7-Year Break Rain Cancels Instructions curities from 5 per cent to 7 per G O P Struggle Six Americans Sought for New cent. ISoies^ Quotes Omani Rebel Capital 1967 Sheinwold on Bridge < The Nations! Credit Council was Indicated for 9th Carnibar^ Set on Voting rr SOMETIMES PAYS North dealer Apartment Unit to meet later In the day for tech­ U.S. Ponders Renewing Balk at China nical meaiurea whose effect, among ((kmUnoed trora Page One) TO B E U E V E TH E E N E M Y Neither tide vnlnereble House, Lebanon, Thursday from By Alfred SlUnwold NORTH A n application for a building others, will be to restrict install Senate Leader Set ior 17th Machine Use 2'to 5 p.m^ Those attending will A C 4 2 ment buying by requiring larger Passport Rule By EARL YOST of Nlcwa ahd 10 miles fromJ. Iski. Bridge players are familiar with permit to build a 74-unit garden have the opportunity to inspect V Q 8 2 apartment at Park and Chestnut down payments and full payment Ties with Red Bulgaria ...... y' Robertson's forces suffered no the saying: I f both sides lead the (Continued from Page, One) Andover, Aiig. 12 (Specie!)—Tlw (Coventry, Aug. 12 (Special)-r- this historical residence, now A A J 6 Sts. was submitted to Building In­ within one year on major Hems. (Continued from Page One) casualties yesterday. But 13 to 16 owned by the DAR. I t is fur-- same suit, one side is crazy. Just A A K 19 5 The government, aware that ninth, annual Camiber o f the An­ 77ie use of voting machines will .the same, there are times when It spector Griswold Chappell by the (Continued from. Page One) rebels were killed In the Ftrq bat­ nished in Colonietl style. ' - WBST EAST any benefit from Its new program such an arran^jement: probably NAtionslist regime on Formosa bound Americans not available pre­ dover Volunteer Fire Department "Highlight of my recent trip'to|s6nally met James Zellarbach, am- be demonstrated at three voter­ pays you to lead the suit that had (jhostnut Pork Oorp. today. tle. They took away their wound' Sellers Back Home A Q 10 8*. A K 9 7 • wqpid be apeedlly wiped out If would be ' acceptable to hit sen­ and maintaining maxihvum polit­ viously; were given out today, “^ e y Europe was an audience with Pope bassador o f the United StatesT to been opened by th e ‘opponents. V 10 7 8 4 VAJ6 The original application for a served to fo6us attention on the ical and economic pressures on the was poetponed becauae o f rain Sat­ making sessions in the pext sev­ ed In their retreat. Horace W. Sellers breemd back prices continue an upward spiral, atorial colleagues. are: Pius XU at St Peter's Cathedral Italy. The Navy Band played West opened the four of hearts, 48782 4*8 variance to biJld the apartmenU situation afresh in recent weeks. regime kt Peiping. urday. I f will be held this Satur­ eral weeks. home early Saturday morning was granted Nov. 19. 1966 by may fix the price of wheat. Sahag Aveditian, New York: In the Vatican City,” Atty. George American muaio and this add«M) a and declarer played low from the A«* AQJ18 Knowland ordinarily doesn't do Avery Bnindagn of Chicago, an However, State Department of­ The Imam's Claro representative, from a week's trip through Ckma.: French farmers have been cam­ Morris BIctek, N ew York; Stan day from 6 p.m. to midnight. Lessner o f 44 Robert Rd. said in touch of home to our visit." Also, Ths sessions will be held on dummy. East quite properly fi­ SOUTH • the Zoning Board of Appeals. At things that way, however. Friends amateur sports authority, sought ficials say that such considera­ Mohamed el Harsy, claimed rebels 6a with friends. They visited that time, the Chestnut Park COrp. paigning for a price of 83,484 think he would feel that he ought Fukson, L o i Angeles; Ninel Gold­ Firemen had hustled to errct the describing his first Journey to Eu­ while in Rome, the local couple Aug. 24 at North Oventiy Fire­ nessed the jack, and South won A A J 6 and' eventually won passport tions do not apply In the case of stein, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sheila killed 150 of the Sultan's troops Montreal, Quebec ajid Prince Ed­ V K 9 8 aslsed for a waiver of the normal francs (slightly, lers than 810 at to step out If he an't give his majority o f the booths Friday eve­ rope. Arrangements, for admit­ attended an open air opera which house; Sept. 14, at.South Coven­ with the king. clearance to attend a meeting of Bulgaria. Greenberg. New York; Betty Ham­ tance to the audience were made near Fahoud. This was the first re­ ward Island among other places. 4 K Q 1* 4 120-day period In which to begin .the 360 rate) for 200 pounds full time to the job. ning when their monthly meeting drew 10,000 spectators. An ifivl- lift International Olympics Com­ ilton, Paris and New York; Char­ through the Rev. John Hannon, try Firehouse and Oct. 5 in the port of a major battle at Fahoud, No sign of drought there, he Declarer saw that he could win eonstruotion. A delay of 160 daye whereas Gaillard has proposed was held at the ^rehouse. tation to the Queen’s Party at the says. A * 8 8 As assistant leader, Sen. Dirk- mittee in Sofia this fall. Brunda'ge lotte Lubln, New York; Albert and Town Clerk's office. Hours of the .site of oil exploration west' of one spade, one heart (already was granted, and was to have ex 3,300 francs (about 89.40) for 200 Throu^eiit Saturday morning pastbr of St. James' Church. Less- Buckingham Palace in England North Rest Sonth Weet sen (R -Ill) Is the obviousL^elr ap­ is chairman of the committee. David Maysles, brothers of Boston, M-Schenleq first two sessions will be 9 a.m Nizwa and reportedly a British Mrs. Aaron to Teach taken), four diamonds, and two pired May 19.1 pounds. Extended Forecast and afternoon they waited for had to be passed up, Lessner re­ clubs. The total came to eight 1 4b Peee 2 NT Pese parent. Dlrk'sen made every effort T h e other incident occurred Mass.; Larry Schwartz, Utica, to 8 p.m., respectively. base of operations. < Mrs. Elwood Aaron, daughter On April 3. the developers Meanwhke trading was extreme­ when Yugov was asked In aii in­ ahowera to cease, hoping that clear ported. He plans another Eu­ tricks, and he needed one more I NT Peee Pese Peee to establish himself as an Eisen­ Mich., and Patty Tyler, Great 171# third session, which will be Harsy also said Britain extract­ of Mr. and Mrr. Flojfd A . F ^ l asked for another extension due ly, slow and cautious on the Paris terview last month what his gov­ Hartford, Aug. 12 (47— Bhttertded weather would prevail for the ropean Jtrlp at a future date. trick to fulfill his contract. ' ' Opening leed— V 4 hower Republican in last year's Neck, N. Y. • • • a special meeting limited to those ed concessions from the sultan be­ of Gilead, has been hired to teach "to the indefinite period of time Bourse, or stock exchange, as campaign 'when he won re-election ernment's attitude waa toward re­ 5-day forecast. Tue.4day through event However, a heavy down­ Which suit should he tackle for whose rights mature between Sept. fore going to his aid. One was that in Q>lcbester this fall, required for financing.” An ex­ brokers opened for business this in Illinois. lations with Washington. He said Saturday, Aug. 13-17: The tem­ Almost all the otheF-tAmericans pour just before 8 p.m. dashed Peter LoMaglio, director of ath the ninth trick? There was a leUcs at Hillyer College in Hart­ 14 and the date of the town elec­ the United States not be permitted Mrs. Aaron attended the sum­ tension of 210 days from May 10 morning. Up to noon, very few Sonie of the original Bhsenhow- the government wanted "formal peratures in Ckinnecticut during who came tb the youth'festival but their hopes of holding it that night. fair chance to develop an addition­ This shows IS or 17 points, with ford, has purchased a home in tion, will be held from 3 p.m. to to reopen a consulate in Muscat mer session at WUlimantic State was granted. shares had been exchanged. er supporters have not forgotten, diplomatic relations.” A State De- this period will average two to four who are not going, to Red China AL.FO.\ Bvenbi Listed al trick In clubs, and a remote flat distribution and all unUd left Moscow by train today for Manchester at S3 Hoffman Rd. He 5 p.m. closed many yeara ago, Harsy said. Teachers’ College this summer. The owners and developers of One ii^ e d is t e effect of Gall- however, that Dirkaen fought hard ment spokesman said at the time degrees below normal. The normal Ihe Andover Lake Property As- bhance to develop an extra trick suits well stopped. Ijeningrad. Warsaw, Prague, Ber­ KSmiT lltllUIIS 10., S.T.L ILUIII «EISIT, H »l*0F, 45X lUIS EH im W ttl^ is a form er Ivsad coach o f baseball . Public Records The other concessions were' for She and her husband are spending the tract, Abner Rosenberg of lard's-program w as'to topple the for the late Sen. Robert A. Taft time that'”Che>e Is nothing active mean temperature in the Hartford aoclation (A L P O A ) has listed the In spades. South might have gone Ckipynght 1957, General Fea­ lin or London. and baaketbkU at Hillyer. ' oil operations, Harsy said. The U.S. the week visiting the latter’s par­ Woodbridge, and Dr. Philip A. Gold Napoleon from Friday's of Ohio in 1952. on the subject at this moment.” but area during this period is 72 de­ following program to be h.eld at Warrantee deeds filed In the after either o f these if nothing bet­ tures Corp.). Stanley Mumford, 21-year-old Newton and Maude Taggart of 39 State Department has denied any ents In Eldorado. 111. figure of 3.900 francs to 3.M0 Dirksen stirred one of the up­ added that the qtiestion is under grees, rsn^ng from a high of 83 the Red Bam this week; Bingo, to­ Town Clerk's office recording ter had been available. Winston of Great Neck, L.I., N.Y., theology student from Walnut Woodland St. will mark 44 years conflict between American and Mrs. Klrkham In Maine francs by noon. roars of that year’s convention constant review. to a low of 60.' morrow, 8 p.m.: movies for young property transfers include the fol­ said that the buildlhgs would b4 Creek, Calif., who was detained by VACATION M O N ir PLAN of married life on Aug. 22. They lowing: C«rie N. Shipmaker to Mrs. H arry H. Klrkiiar.-.. nurse lip-off from East when he pointed his finger at (^ v . Bulgaria is one of two principal people, "The Man with the Oun," British oil Interests In the area was subcontracted, and built by four (Cooler Tuesday (uid Wednesday Soviet police twice, left by train have three sons, Newton, a mem­ at the school here and also at the Actually, his best cliance was tn C.M.LOEWS builders. Thomas E. Dewey of New York Communist countries with which starring Robert Mltchum and Jan William J. Ausburger, Lebanon, in involved In the rebellion. followed by. rising temperatures for London with the British delega­ ber of the Manchester Police De­ one m Marlborough, has sent hearts. The tip-off came from and accused him of leading the Re­ the United States has no direct of­ Sterling, Wednesday, 8 pjn.; and Fdne Lake Shores development'. The apartment development vrill Democrats Puzzled Thursday and Friday, then cooler tion. The Soviet newspaper Liter­ partment for, the paat 16 years, Tri-State Realty Co., Inc., to Marie cards from Schoodlc Lake, M^ne. East’s play of the. jack of hearts publicans "down the road to de­ ficial , contact and to which travel dancing for young people, Friday, contain four separate units. The again on Saturday, ary Gazette had dubbed him a spy Calvin and Roger. . Ray Gorman, Perazella, trustee for Frank Pera- where she is vacationing. She says at the 'flnrt triclc. buildings will be of contemporary feat.” Dewey, who remains one of by American citizens Is offlcally 8 p.m. H e b r o n By Butler’s Charge Precipitation during the period 'after he waa caught scaling the chairman o f the annual Kiwanis zella, in Tri-State Camps tract she will be home early In Septem­ I f East held the ten o f hearts design, constructed of brick veneer Eisenhower's beat political friends, forbidden. The oUier is Communist No events have been Scheduled ^ MnJNT|iiNflKl*MtwiNvTON^ will on the average total generally wall of a Soviet factory. Club Peanut Sale, has announced Mabel G. and William A. Loeser to ber to resume her post. H er place as well as the jack, he would play from the ground to the second has not forgotten nor forgiven.' China. There Is no thought in high for the weekend because o f the that Ralph Kryzak will captain less than two-tenths of an Inch, oc­ The 34,000 delegates from all Joseph and Mary Tomasek, in Rubbers Needed; in lieighbortiood work has been the 'ten o f hearts- at the f ir s t ------floor level, with wood siding above (Continued froin Page One) quarters here of altering United Camibar. the Navy team and Jack Shea will curring as scattered showers Fri­ over the world got a flag-waving Gerald Park subdivision; Frances taken meanwhile by Mrs. Daniel trick. His failure to do so meant IN COM>R! that. States basic policy toward Com-: Regional Board to Meet lead the Army team! The sale will day or Saturday. sendoff at' the festival yesterday. E. K elly tq John Bousfield, Man­ G. Horton. Mrs. Horton Is a reg­ that he didn't hold the ten of The apartments will contain aide here said the chairman did not munist China. Here*$ Low Cott Guanmtms The Regional District 8 Board of take place in the fall. Umbrella, Too hearts. 'THE PRINCE and either one or 4wo bedrooms, a care to elS'bor..te. Stricklanids Here, In general, the State Depart­ * * • chester, In Waterfront Manor; W il­ istered nurse. 1849 F R E N C n STAM PS FIR.<<)T Education will meet at 8 o'clock to­ South therefore led the three of living room, dining room, kitchen, Senate Democratic L e a de r ment’s present view on recognition Shoes with built-in heatsrs to liam E. Orcott to (Tharles T. Ckjnk- Rev. Johnson on Vacation THE SHOWGIRL" The first French postage stamps PGR A CARB-PRBI VACATION night at the Hebron Elementary Aaaistant city editor, of The Hetron, Aug. 12 (Special)—A hearts from his liand and finessed and bath. Off-street parking will Lyndon B. Jn'.nson of Texas,-who Going to Finland is that the decision on whether it wear while walking on a cold day Un, Am ltyville, N. 1'., on W right’s The Rev. Sumner iW, Johnson, MARILYN MONROE were issued January 1, 1849. To those who «rsnt that fooling of M n g oMo to moot any BiAool. Herald Is Alexander Girelli of S3 quiet, gentle rain fell here Saturday dummy’s eight of hearts. He knew be provided for 1,000 cars, some of snubbed Butler's Inritatlon last is granted or withheld should be are a novelty in Paris. Lilac St. A native of Providence, M ill Rd. interim preacher for the t'wo 0>n- roasonablo omoryoncy, wo nuko this practlesi fuggsotlpai morning. It was a pleasure to have that this would either win the them In the apartment's 39 base­ year to become a member of a Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Strick­ made' in the light on the major Advertlsement— Olvelli graduated from Boston Uni­ Also, Felix P. and Ethel P. gregational Churches here. Is on trick or force out the ace. "•LACK WHIP" ment garages. parly Policy Advisory Committee, American interests to be served. 1. Com* te eur effles before yeur vaoetlen atarts and borrow $ioa A'vnr. OBOBOE LESSNER versity and joined The Herald on to hunt up an umbrella and put on land, 168 Main St., had aa their If ydu don't opond It, ratum It as seen as you eems hems. Our Drivers fo r siUiooI buses yratt Poctus to Gilbert A. Swanson and vacation. Guest ministers are offi­ East had to take ace of hearts, COLEEN GRAY Arnold. I^wrence Is the arcKi- .said he doesn't know whom In the case of Red China. Secre­ Sept. 24, 1951 as a general newa Jenne F. Berard, in Hemlock Point ciating during his absence. guests today their son, Frof. F. elisrsss srs ONLY for ths EXACT NUMBEK of DAYS you lieep the a-m. to 9d)0 a.m., 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 ner, n practicing attorney for the rubbers to get to the post office. and now dummy’s queen o f hearts tect. Butler is talkinfr abbi.t. tary of State Dulles has made it money. If you hoop H for 3 woolis the ohargo wll) bo only SZ.UL reporter. Prior to his promotion development; Waterfront Realty Cowles Strickland and his family p.m. Call Manchester M I 9-4215. paat 28 yeara, waa accompanied Western TTrlp Leaves provided the ninth trick. Johnson, who has been men­ of Menlo Park. Calif. Prof. Strick­ clear that he thinks there Is more E If you spend the SlOO, wa'H Wva you a your te repay It at o he covered the .municipal news Co. to Charles D. Jr. and Irene M. Wednesday: Gary Cooper by his wife. Also, ths local coU' Young men^and young women, Manchester E v e n in g Herald tioned as a possible presidential land, head of the speech and drama to be lost than gained by recogni­ Closed For Vacation monthly payment o f... SIO.OS. beat. . Dr. Frederick England, son Doily Question “VERA CRUZ” Manchester Evening Herald 'An­ pie m et Mr. and Mrs. Secondo Lowrey, In Waftrfront Manor; Air too—went West yesterday. Hebron correspondent. Miss Susan aspirant in 1960, made it clear he department of Stanford Univer­ tion In view of the broad United of Mr..and Mrs. Fred England of fred Picard to Robert Squier, in Partner opens with one club, and France Adds 20% Nere It praetieal Fioontioa humraoee Ihr either: dover oorrespoodent, BCra. John AgosUnsUi of 240 Oak St. in Rome Eight local youngsters, together Peeidleton, telephone AOademy "SITTING BULL” doesn’t care Wljo heads or con­ sity, arrived by plane at Bradley States purpose of supporting the 172 School St., has opened hts of­ Pine Lake Shores; Rlchsrd and 8-3454. the next player passes. You hold: $ 2 .10 ... or. . . monthly paymont of $10.09 Veotnans, t e l^ o n e PIlgrhB 2-7279. and both couples visited the Pope. with four New York boys and three Dale Robertson trols the national committee at Field and is en route to Helsinki, 0 fice for the practice o f medicine in Alice M. Sullivan to Alexander J. Spades — A Q 6; Hearts— K J 3; Fessws Insfudss oW Hsspsa hsMdsoprsoiaf sssnfAlprwsssieif, "Pppe Pius is realty a man of the adults, set out under the leadership T o Tourist’s Dollar this time. _. Finland, where he has been en­ ACE ELECTRIC Oxnard, CaUf., Dr. Engli^id is a and Nancy Pearson, In Gerald Ehamonds — K Q 10 4; Clubs — UR8ER AUOUNTS F9g LONOER TIMES... IR PROPORTION poople," Lesaner aald. " I t waa a of the Rev. Douglas F. Pimm, rec­ NEW OFFICERS ELECTED Sen. K ef stiver (D-Tenn). the gaged to set up a training program graduate of Manchester Uni; Park; Sylvester J. and June O. Cheshire, Aug. 12 (dPi — Michael J 3 2. What do you say ? terrific sight and vary thrilling..' tor of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, CHILDREN (Continued from Page One) 1956 vice presidential nominee, for young professional actors, un­ MOTOR and SUPPLY W ellke to say. And to moot requests do eaT*lAws.£en 4 1 4 * Robert A. and Gloria T. Doggart, The Herald has arranged to re­ East Haddam. vice president; "T h e Pope is a man o f men,” Chicago. He la m arried. ahd - the ceive news of the trip from one of Tp discourage adverse trade bal­ campaign to get him out,” Ke- been spending the past week with 0 | » » » Aten. Tiioi.. Wsd„ frt. fitO fo SiJO » TINrsder SM *s S « CIsssd Ssfs»^|(l[ri George added. "When he appear­ rear Ripley Hill Rd, Helda M. Douglas Post, Hartford, secretary relatives In Ps.ssalc, N. J. The fam­ father of four children. His wife is the participants. First-hand re­ ances^ Gaillard leried a 20 per fauver said. “ Aa far as I'm con­ FUEL ed in the great cathedral he waa Knapp to Galle W. and Delilah M. and Joseph Jacaruso, Norwich, cent tax on nonessenlial imports. ily will sail on Aug. 14 for Hel- lOBNR MAMR fO UHSIMRMTS OR A ti atAMMT laW llO the former Dr. Florence Olson o f ports on the group’s progress and cerned. he’s doing a creditable job. applauded continually until he Megonlgle, property of John Hand; treasurer. sin! ', where Susan; a high school South Dakota. its experiences will appear In this PROGRAMS The youthful, new finance min­ H e’i working hard, and trying reached thd altar. When he spoke William Rublnow to Milton C. and sophomore, and Teddy will attend * * * column approximately once a week. ister has put - Uus program Into hard.” cwpKMiniiEEwnMininEiaiaiiNiitBiiaiwwnwMEBinininnEiMimiBiigiainiBiniiiiiyiwiiBMiainwiwiMBBiaHRUB— M B llIR lia i you could have heard a pin drop.. Priscilla P. Baxter, In Lake Wan- school and have the opportunity of Chamber Made, organ of the Sliver Tea Thursday effect to help preserve France from Qen. Manifield (D-Mont). an as­ He has humility, tact and diplo­ gumbaug, Inc. area. studjing foreign" languages and Manchester Chamber of Com­ Mrs. Albert W. Hllding, chair­ economic collapse. He hopes to de­ sistant chairman of the National OIL macy and he made non-CathoItcs crease quickly the. nation's foreign traveling in Europe for a j^ar. merce, made its Initial appearance man of the Governor Trumbull Committae, said it waa newt tq RANGE OIL feel both welcome,and at home.. on the desk^thls paat .week. A num­ M axekfeter Eveaiiig Herald Cov. SOLID MAPLE . . FEATURED IN KillTH'S House committee for Col. Henry -J ■ -trade hlm^ thaJ’--iJ¥Jlfek^''waa trying 'lo I was particularly Impressed with entry oorrespondent. JWrt. F . Pau­ ber o f interesting items about this Champion Chapter, D AR ,'has'An- Galllard’s nie«'"gtep is to kw>^' gfet''’ct)ntf'ol ^ the Commif6Sb< his final words to tte audience, City o f Village Charm were In­ line Little, tele|]66ne P I 2-6281. - . domestic prices dowTj. He contends bh—-a,„ll'bUr^';:^'i‘i; ribunced th it therq.,vyill,be a silvi „ ~?bs relations bekpMn Mr. cluded; s]-1g^«Cm em ber»:j^'^®ja)^ ■ - - at the'■ JorSUSStt’- Triimbi; ' ' " ' ‘' 'thitBlnce essen'fliiiare' ^^I^ljiuid the. ffiei(ribim'^i'Cbn-' Chamber Include realtor Wnuun empt from the 20 per cent tax on gfets have been cordial and' co­ Leasilers visited the surviving IMMUNIZA-nON PLANNED , Belfiore, contractors R o y (3onycrs foreign produce, there it no excuse operative.” Mansfield said. "P er­ Mlrncls mnln- members of the Diana family, and Ray Damata, Stewart Dillon New Haven, Aug. 12 (87—Nearly . for speculative boosts in the cost sonally I think he is doing a good A U tO BODY tprliig guar­ three girls, in Serecina. Other of Dillon's, Richard Kalagtan of 3,000 municipal employes will re­ anteed M nev­ A IR CONDITIONED of basic items in the family bud­ job.” OIL COMPANY members of the Diana family were Friendly Ice Cream, civil engineer ceive free immunization against get. 7k WELDING er break. Is now nvnll- killed when the Andrea Doris col­ Hayden Griswold. . Insuranceman Asistic influenza, Mayor Richard Gaillard is reported ready to 7k AUTO BODY and able fer most watches. 369 CENTER ST. lided with the Stockholm. Phil Holway, Dr. Irvin Kove, Her­ C.‘ i Leo disclosed Saturday. TTie take stem action against spe^l^ 'W 'ww^yF'W'wyirw'W'm. The second biggest thrill for the bert Appleton of I> A L Motor flnst shots will be given shortly af­ STATE FENDER REPAIRS Tel. Mi 3-6320 tors. ToiMorrow 3 Lessners was a party at the Sales^ Neno Pagan! of Fagani's ter Labor Day, he said. "We'll put the price-mongers In 7k COMPLETE CAR American Emhasay grounds on Caterers. Breakfast Special 24-Hour Burner Service TOMORROW Jail,” one ministry official was PAINTING DEWEY- July 4. "W e noUced an item in Ray Qulsh of the Quish Funeral DOORS O PE N 1:80 quoted as saying. Ham, One E gg Any Style, an American paper published in Home. Tom Coila, owner of the Buttered Toasts—2 . I.ACIQUER and E N A M E L I or Hlirnrr Si rNiit <>nl\ ELECTRONICS The government also set In mo­ Rom e that ail Americana were in- Red Ember Restaurant, service L E T S 0 0 . . . RICHMAN CaU M l 9-2CE9 or M l 3r48A0 .vJted and we attended. We per- station owner James Ruflni, brok­ tion measures to tighten up credit. r - 8 Griswold Street 767 6IAIN ST. LABORATORIES The Bsnque de France, official er Edward Krasenlcs, Harry Wet- EASTWOOD Lunch Date Tuesdaf Tel. M I-9 5025 bank of issue, raised its discount Arthur Drug Storai stone of the Wetstone Tobacco P*« Boast Jurt Gaysor Buslnessmen’a Iiuicheona Ctorp., Stanley Gill of the White "BERNADINE" deserve (and get) our special 277 BROAD Eagle .Restaurant, builder Frank CinemGSropo Asd Calor attention. ITy oor Wood, Sidney Schwarti of Yan­ RADIO kee Aluminum Door, Ray Beller of McNally P e tt y Caatla T E I £ V I S I 0 N the Music Shop, contractor Russell "H^'s Cmsroads" ' NEW ENGLANDER ChMiel S N«w Hatcb. Cobs. Miller, Atty. Donald Richter and l:3e4;SS-S:4e (n-St> ACTION TONIGHT Vegetable soup, c h ilM grape­ ClUkual It HiuifoN, Ccam. Atty, Herman Yiiles. Cluiuel tt SBTiArfieW. Mam . fruit or tomato Juice. S=H ( S> T.'S'X.®*" Come in anid ‘‘PERFORMANCE TEST” a new « * • WED.t "NIGHT PASSAGE" ClMBBei M KewnritJUB, Caaa. (IS) th o s e ' WHITING OIHL8 Chaamal 81 Waterbary. Coaa. (M-H) TWENTY-ONE Official opening o f the LuJon Barbecue Beef and Cluuuidl 68 Halyoke. Mait. (U) PANTOMIME QUIZ Salon of Beauty, owMd and oper­ (H) TV TBKATEB ated by Lu and John scarlato, \\’ill Coleslaw on Toasted Roll S:N ( S) LAWBENCE WELK SHOW take place Thursday at 61 E. Cen­ (IS-U) KICHABD DIAMOND, Potato chips. PBIVATE DETECTIVE ter St.. Eight years ago last COLUMBIA "The Bljr Score" month Dr. Andrew Thomas joined Tea, coffee or orange drink. (M-H) DANCE PABTY (Color) Dr. Edmund Zaglio tn the practice u BICYCLES One.l.; Ben Bine, Zw Zm of orthopedic surgery.. .Physi­ rnWfiOiwMANSFIELD ITT St mUmSmfistr Onbor Arnold Stans nnd Sales and Service Kilo Stnartl cians who noted their 5-year an­ ALL IN COLOR! t (U) BOXING niversaries In Manchester last lt:SS (1S4S) STUDIO ONE BUMMEB ELVIS PRESLEY Sixes 20 to 26 THEATEB ’-The Unmen­ month Included Dr. Robert But­ 'LOVING YOU" tionable Bine.” INTERNmONAL terfield, Dr. Robert Walden Jr. 8 5 ^ (>^M) AMATEUB HOUB and Dr. William Stroud---- Ray — PLU S — BILL'S TIRE and «S:M ( SI NEWS BEFOBTEB AND Cooper of Birch jJt. Rd., Bolton, W EATHER '^PAWNEE" ■ fU M A a p ( » ) MAN CALLED X has been appointed Eastern sales REPAIt SHOP (H) STATE TBOOPEB manager of the.industrial Products Wt4„ "AFFAIB TO XEMEMBEB” 180 Spnioe St.—M I 9 -0 ^ U ;U ( S> WORLD’S BEST MOVIES Dlvlalon'of the Cooper Tire A Rub­ “ And Then Them Wore Nona” ber Co. o f Findlay. Ohio. In his iO R IIfO d t S:M ( S> BANDSTAND U:N (ISM) NEWS new position, Ckioper will direct (IS-U) BIG PAIfUFF (St) FINAL EDITION (»-IS) MATINEB TSUEATEB (H) WEATHEB the sales efforts of Cooper Indus-, (^ lor) trial representatives covering the Sits (IS-U) BOB CB08BX territory east of Ohio and S:tt (M) OPEN HOUSE a o n § 4:tS (IS) BBIOUTEB DAT Kentucky. (tMS) qUEEN FOB A D AY • • • OUT WEST FGt Ola Scala 4:15 (U ) SEOBET STOBM City hall reporter for The Her­ Lee J. Cabb ald is Miss Kay Maxwell of 637 W. **BEBNApiNC'» Located Vi Mile off Onklnnff t:M (Ul KDOB OF NIGHT ' .Ja CetorScope "GARMKNT 4:4S (n-SS) MODEBN BOMANCE8 Middle Tpke. A native of New at'NOLE** Street on Tolland Turnpike (sSS ( S) M IC K E Y MOUSE CLUB S ilt Rochelle, N. Y., she was educated (U) AMOS AND ANDY (Ml THE FIB8T SHOW in N ew Rochelle schools and gradu (M) COMEDY TIME atecj 'from Wellesley College In WED.: “NIGHT PASSAGE” (U) FEATUBE MOVIE TH E E A H LY SHOW EVENINGS AIR CONDITIONID M A T IN E E "Love I. New.” ;CONTlNL’OUS (IS) THE BIG SHOW TO D AY (HI rOPEYE THE WHITING FROM 8:30 2 P.M. Solid Maple' S ;N ( S> rO F X T E STATE „ (Ut TWIUOHT THEATKB CORPORATION i;t* ( i) THE NEWS TODAY a;2S ( 8) NPQBTSCOPE « W EATHXB Antomntie HcBting Spednlista f ;M ( S) STAOB S 244 hfaln 8L— TeL DO 4-1144 > “ The Indirect Approach - (M) BIG PICTCBE Famous 'Hartford House'' pining Pieces S:U.(S> NEWS 11 lU (H ) BADGE NO. 714 U :l* (IS) WEATHER AND S'FOBTS (SAM) WEATHEB Solid Rock Maple irijnellow, antiqued j'inish . . . at money saving August Sale prices! Perfect for Nichols U lU (IS) MILUON OOLLAB MOVIE sad T.njr Carii. la ,„„"T h e Bnehwaeheri” your diningroom 6r dinette, in a big selection of Open Stock pieces of idl sizes that enables you tp se­ "S w eet Smell o f Success” Monchnsfer TIRE Inc. lect just what you require. Exclusive with Keith’s , . . with all the quality features you expect in w c amN - no * ona» ■ AKtHiM. MMt. AIm> D ari. Dawllaa la finer furniture. "BUNNINQ TAKOET” BIG KIDDIE SHOW TUESDAY 2 P.M. GOODYEAR Sliavr Slarla W IN D S O R c h a i r ;. HITCHCOCK ARM CHAIR, At S.IS $ 2 2 * 5 0 , TIRES TUESDAY, AUG. II arrow back ...... lib e r U M '( S) NEWS WINDSOR CH AIR, LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR ^ Store and Plant 295 Broad St. (ISM) VALIANT LADT ' Cf>,/Jren-UnJtr 12 FflEE (SAMI n o TAK DOUGH spindle back ...... $ 2 7 * ’ ^ TEL. Ml 3-5179 U lU ( 8-lSM) LOVE OF LIFE U:M ( S> BUGS BUNNY WINDSOR ARM CHAIR. LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR (18) 8E AB C F FO B TO M OBBOff (M M ) IT COULD BE YOU spindle ...... TOPS FOR IsSS ( SI S B E B IF F tiF OHIMIHISE (U) MID-DAY MOVIE (IS) 7 O'CLOCK BEPORT U ;H (U) THE OUIDINO LIGHT HITCHCOCK CHAIR, <3) WEATHEB CAPTAIN’S SHAIR MANCHESTER (M) NEWS a WEATHEB IiM ( S} HOLLTWOOD BEST fib e r s e a t ...... KAY MAXWELL D h iv c - (H I CARTOON CABNIVAL (IS) n e W s (M) AT HOME WITH K lT n rectangular d r o p l e a f 7iM (tt) 8POBTSCAST- (M> T E X AND JIN X TABLE, $ ^1 ^.5 0 OVAL EXTENSION TABLE. 1943, majoring In English. She “COFFEE 7:M (H) WEATHEB ItU (U) STAND UP AND BE New (M den Aneleereery IN7CINATIONAU renfe Inm Pichupe le IJ.000 Iba OVW dn-wiwelen. 44” closed, opens to ^ a t ten .. ItU (ISM) DOUGLAS BOWABD8, COUNTED 38” w ide closed, opens to a generous size continued study for her master’s Main Feature Shown 1st Ollier INTI.SNA7IONAU, te *4,000 Ibt. OVW, reend net werld'i mo.t cnaplsie line. NEWS IlM (IS) AS THE WOBLD TUBN8 MAPLE HUTCH CABINET ROUND EXTENSION TABLE, degree at Teachers College, Co Tonight ' (»M ) JOHN DALY NEWS (M ) NEWS ^ $ 1 4 9 - 5 0 lumbla University; Prior to join­ (N> F ILM *|M (ISM ) OUB MISS BBbOKB with shelf, 37 inches in w idth . 48” diam eter closed, opens to seat ten . . ing T.le Herald Kay worked on T:M (AM) WIBE8EBVICE (M) CLUB M (color) Yeup vary first drivn in • new Golden BREAKS” “ ProfUe on Ellen Oslo” your own cAoosing—the meet rugged lo­ MAPLE HUTCH CABINET daily papers tn Dallas and H I t:M (ISM) HOUSE PABTT BUTTERFLY DROPLEAF TABLE TONITE and TUESDAY NEWS with shelves in.44” width.. spoon feet, center extension, flexible fam ily are at EUist Orleans and Dr. *lN OSM) BURN8 AND ALLEN But jtut to be sure you are really con­ And as you test the truck, remember Thomas Healy and family are at Cheerful Coffee Shop SHOW - (U-M) THE CHARLES FAB- vinced, we have set up what we call our that, over the years, I ntibnational BUDGET South Chathaifa-. both on the Cape, ' BELL SHOW "French "Perfonnance Tfest” for vacations. The James Perrys I Lavd” ’thicks (X)8t least to pwn—cost records TERM5 afe at Black Point. S tH ( US) BOLD aOCBNEY FIBHEB rUB STOBAOR prove it! OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. fo 6 P.M. m B n o d St. M l S-7U1 Thia conaists of takifig a new Golden O M B ) T A U bS t IKX>CT8 ' Hundredt Of SAT. TILL 3 P.M .-^LO SED ALL DAY SUNDAY Anniversary IiraEBNAnoNAL to places of Tkke our "Perfonnance Ihet” any time I Exciting Anguit GUNSLINGER OPEN ’TIL Bale VMues Are Charge NORMAN'S. 445 Hartford Rd. A Available To eith Furniittr Your You On Liberal Prascrlptions COFFEE Keith Budgrt MANCHESTER'S FAVORITE INfERNATIONAL TRUCKS cost least to own I Terms. Plan To Ilqie *44*444444' 1115 MAIN ST. EVERY Open An Account SHOP APPLIANCE STORE Tomorronr— PINE PHARMACY CAVEY’S45 EAST CENTER STREET Share Tho . MANCHESTER M4 Oeirter SL—W 4-M14 PHONE Ml 3-1824 NITE Q GARRITY BROTHERS, Inc: Savings! ROUTE 1 i TALCOTTVIUE. CONN. -I

fO U B KAWCBESTIB BVKNIVO HBRALD, MAKCHpSTER, OONN, MONDAY, AlfG^ST 12. 195T MONDAY, AUGUST 12. 1957 PAGE n V K Bolton ■eptlon for IVeeke Announce New Way To A reception in honor of Ernest Blizzards Interrupt AFL-CIO Democrat Unit N «. 1 1 * • m Hm , M4«|it«(l fr»m »k* "Orcwlk Wh«r« OrawHi Cvuntt" fiwlilltliaj by Hi* CannacticHt Dally Nawt|ia|Mra A#aatla*iaa. ■B. Week*, resigning principal of The Baby Has ^4^^ Vernon Elementary School, will be Shrink Painful Piles Slates Picnic held Aug. 28 at 8 p.m. at the school It waa learned today. 'The Rural Alpine Rescue of 3 ToWeigh ' ScieiMio Finds Healing Substance That Dom Both— Vernon School A.Mrs. Clayton Puller, 80 Charter Oak Margaret Thoms, property on Ver­ «e/a fho Mato and othort outtido Ht bounderht, the plans when construction was Ml.ss Arcand told the court she In the relay race for boys 14 to 16 and pvldentl.v- wa.s no longer cap­ entry: Thomas Sheridan, .3 Hollis­ year. 'LOAN FROM beneficial St. w e has a brother, John Rankin Jr., 11 months; and a sister, non Rd.; Marie P. Jensen to Niel started. met a young man in Maine who re­ years of age. Jack Cralty. David able of sufficient movenrent to ter St.; Mrs, Daisy Wierman. 44 "iTie executive council waa ex­ that claim a part of Connoctievt at boing In thok turned with her and will marry JOhndrow, Peter Edmondo and Fairview St.; Mrs,-Isabelle Ter- pected to hear finet reports on Sen- Leans 8281* 8i*8 eti Signature Alans Deborah Lynn, 3. Herbert and Louisa Jenien, prop­ New plana have since been brush the snow from his face. erty on West St. primary viowing oroa. Aeeopting thoir dalmt, and her, but Judge O'Loughlin decided Jim Davie made up ^he team. The pilot found no sign of the hune, Windsorvllle; Francis Mc- ste Committee testimony that M* MAIN ST., 2nd FI., Over Woolwarth**, MANCHESTDI drawn up by Bowe-Albertson As­ shSi-naeded confinement. ■ Irene Kolanko won the free Oann, 41 Chestnut St.; Airs. Ethel Mltehell 8-4U8 . M far th* YES MANagtr Truman Praak Jr^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman P. Schle- Catholic Women Meet sociates, Ne\t(; York, because the two missing Germans. President Anthony Valente and attuming that you wuld afford to buy timo an aK style race for girl* under 10. there­ Varszegl, RPD 2; Paul DiPazIo, Secretary-Treasurer Lloyd Klehert OMN TNUtSDAV IVCNINCS UNIIl I AM. hofer, 37# Windham Rd., Willimantic. He was bom Aug. 3 in There will be a meeting tonight closing of the textile mills af- Traffic Cases Heard U«ri MB* H mt6aiH *f gll Nvm X Willimantlc. Hla maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pred- at 7:30 o'clock at St. Maurice In other cases, a Weatpprt man by maintaining her undefeated 144 Main St.; Robert Yetz. B(ling- of the 90,000-member United Tex­ A (*M *t Silt mil iH M «6mi giaaifttf toaaH hi 71 ttatioru , , . turvoyt thaw thah fected the Bltratlon plant needs. II tiiiwtiw ■iRihiF Iwitlhowni at fffjf aMh* erlck D, Smith, 30 H. Fairlleld St., and his paternal grandparents Church Hall to plan the member­ Indicated he may appeal a speed­ record for the season. Cathy ton; Miss Sharon Jonea, 124 Wash­ tile Wprkera Union misused some However, the federal government Weeks placed second. ington St. i'x a w i Mr. and Mrs. Prank SeUAofer. Chaplin. ship drive for the Rockville Dis­ has billed the rity for the unused ing conviction and bond was set 8100.000 in union fuitde. * . e » • trict Council of Catholic Women. at 375. Donald B. Cooper, 56, a Hospital Notes Hospital Notes A plans and it is felt action might be Discharged'Saturday: Mrs. Rob­ Meany waa expected to announce * - ' Deborah Lyna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Contois. The presidents and memberahip started to collect the bill when financial consultant, was arrested a shift in setting for the December chairmen of all parish sodetlea of by State Policeman Thomas J. Mc­ erta Chadbourne, 99 Grand Ave.; Patient* Today: 153. • SO summer 8 t She was bom July 29 at St. Prancla Hospital. • construction on the plant begins. Hilbert Chamberlain, RPD 2; Ke­ Group Stijige^ls AFL-CIO convention. Arrange­ f.l. Her matamal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Wilbrod Fortier. the district' have been Invited to DURING THE BEST TV EVENING HOURS AT LEAST Donnell June 30 on Rt. 15. ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs NANCE CO Estimated cost of the plant Tlie accu.sed was represented by vin Ballasy, 3. ments for a meeting Dec. 4-10 at ■— Baltic, and her paternal grandmother is Mr*. Tyonne Contois, 29 attend. Patricia Hutchinson. 183 N. Elm Miami Beach were canceled by •■rulTHI •COAtPANY*rOAII*AfUV THAT l/JCfSl/FH TO SAY TCS . Summer S t The Rev. Richard ,J. Baldwin of 49% OF ALL CONNECTICUT FAMILIES Bowe-Albertson Is New Haven attorney Edwin Raf- A d m I't t e d ' yesterday; Mrs St.; William Hackett. 83 W . Mid­ Latlirop for Post 8700.W If federal grant could flle Jr. who contended his client's Thomas Shettle, 10 Robert Rd dle Tpke.; Mrs. Edith Gardner, 73 William Schnltzler. AFL-CIO eec- St.' Peter and Paul’i Church of reUry-treastirer last week. Norwich and Mrs. James Mcber- DO NOT HAVE THEIR SETS TURNED ONI ta obtained it would cover about admitted speed of about 65 m.p.h. Birth yesterday: A aon to Mr. Florence St.; Mra.„ Edith Wick­ The Manchester Insurance Joaaae RUsaboUi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs’. Joseph Rivosa, one-third of the cost. was not unrea.sonable and stated and Mra. Ensel Morris, Winder- No reason waa given l^iami r 872 N. Main S t She was bom Aug. 3 at Manchester Memorial mott of Uncosvllle, D(ocsssn mam- ham, 1326 W. Middle Tpke.; Mr*. Agents Assn, is recommending bership chairman. Will assist In Corporation Counsel Harry that the highway wad. built for {mere Village. Christine Sankey, 434 Summit St.; Beach hotelmen at the time. Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mrs. Prances Mac- Charles W. Lathrop to take the No action was expected at the fmr fu u i « o 4 . . . . romumtitr K*d Ktmttr planning the drive. Hammer has contacted Congress­ speed. The officer testified he { Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Ida Robert Yetz, Ellington; Mrs. Mar­ place o f Arthur A. Knofla on the Neeiey. lAraanis. Maas., and Joseph MacNeely, 34 Strang St., and > DURING MOST DAYTIME HOURS OVER 85% OF ALL clocked l o ...... the motorist at.. 70 m.p.h. in Weber. 31 Tolland Ave. current session with respect to the her pal Personal Notes man Ante •.! N. Sadlak in an effort garet O'Reilly. 38 Lancaster Rd.; town's Insurance Advisory Com­ We're tenal grandpsirenU are Mr. and M n. Bvasio Rivosa. 45 to find out whether the federal heavy traffic. Teamsters Union whose president. Eldrldge St She has two sisters, E3len Mary, 8, and Nancy The Rev srid Mrs. Theodore Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, 90 Benton St. mittee. Alr- Chandler and aons, Douglas. Bruce CONFfECTICUT FAMILIES DQ NOT HAVE government will press.for i^yment Thomas Michael, 63. .South Advertlaement— ADMI’TTED YESTERDAY: Jo­ Dave Beck, has been accused of Ann. 2 ^ . Windsor, w^s sentenced to two Knofla, who wa* aerving a 5-year misapplying 8400.000 iii union Condltloned and Scott, returned late Saturday of the old unused plens. Sadlak Driver* for »chool buaea 7:30 seph PloBsay, 36 Birch Stl; Wil­ term to expire Aug. 15, 1958 on the after spendi,ng s week at Camp THEIR SETS TURNED ONI hae .contacted the Housing snd months in jail on a common a.m. to 9:00 a.m., 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 liam Richter, 43 EIro St.; Robert fundi. The Ethical PracUce* Com­ . Winiam Stoae, aon o f th* Rev. and Mr*. C. Arthur Bradlev, drunkard charge. He waa fined 812 committee, ha* left the inatirance mittee has set a hearing for the RD 3, Manchestm*. He was bom Aug. 1 at Hartford Hospital. Wlhakowi, Northfleld, Vt. Home Ptnanee Agency and expects p.m. Call Manchester MT 9-4215. Ferguson, Vernon; Sherry Dosch- field. to have a complete report soon. for intoxication. er. Vernon; Clifford-Wagner, South Teamsters for Aug. 28. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. E. Robett Carter, New Tork Mr. and Mra. V. Chandler Pos­ Edward Schoenharl, '23, of 60 Lathrop, a Manchester native, Is ter and children, Bruce and Rette. If the government In.sists on Vernon and Taleott ville new* Windsor: Mrs. Shirley Webb, 44 Nevertheless, the IH-nUlUon City, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Arthur E. Doanc St., Manchester, was fined the operator of the Charles W. member Teamsters' Union, biggest Bradley. Obertln, Ohio. of South R({l.. have returned from payment it would increase the Item* are handled through The Drive B; Rudolph (jormler, 47 830- on a charge • of . Increasing Herald’* RoekvUle Bureau, 7 W. Lathrop Agency at 172 E. Center in the AFL-CIO - family, waa ex­ RESTAURANT a' week's visit with Mra. Poster's THI TYPICAL VIIW INO PATTERN estimated J7C0.000 cost by 818.500 Hale St. E ^ Rock»’illf. St. He liveaefa Bolton. BOX and could mean about a mill on the speed while being passed. He Main St., telephoqe‘ T r e m o n t BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son pected to come up fSr-liome dis- -m m . a t Mr. and Mre Jam— Wheetnn, ntA Mr. and Mrs. Gaorg* SHOWN HRE lUUSTRATES pleaded innocent. A former eecreUry of the local and COC-KTAIL LOUNOS ^ 4. mlth of Lake Linnisquam, N. H. TYPICAL TV tax rate according to Hammer. 5-8136. ------4o Mr. and Mee,— Ralph Prince. cusBlon, particularly regarding ac­ «• RPD t, Manchsster. He waa bora July 37 at Hartfbrd Hospital. Prosecutor Harry H. Lugg com­ Insurance agents' association, he tivities of James R. Hoffa, odda- routes H A and 6, bolton, conn., tel Mitchell 9-4A45 ICa maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alton Porter, East WHAT IS M e a n t . The only other recourse for the Storrs; a daughter to Mr. and mented the charge could have has also been president of the on candidate to succeed Behk aa top J; Hartford, and his paternal grandmother is Mrs. Nellie Wheaton, Maaetaater EvesUiv HaraJd Rot VIEWINO MTTERN city would he to trj- to reach a Mrs. Robert Judge. 124 Spruce OPEN TUE.SDAY thru SATURDAY 4:00 PM. ta lrf)0 A.M. W l eompror.t'se or go to court. been speeding as Stale Policeman St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manchester Board of Realtors and man next month. Willimantlc. ton eorrespeDdant Loots Dim- McDonne testified the youth In­ exalted ruler of the Manchester SUNDAY.S, 12:00 NOON to 9:00 P.M. (CIom^ M ond^) Of tho total numbor of TV familiot, thot frac­ , Court Case* About Town Ward. 230 Lake St. Hoffs recently has cr|Ucized the BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE ock Jr„ telephone Mlteliell a-attt. creased his speed to 70 m.p.h. when Lodge of Elk.s, No. 1893. He has 9-963S. A klanchester girl, given a BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son AFL-CIO leadership for what he EDDY "Velvet Touch" REED At the Piano NigfaUy Daniel BrenaaB, aoii o f Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Haugh, 71. tion with thoir toft turnod an mutt bo dividod the officer attempted to pass. to Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan, been in the Insurance business for Garden S t He waa bom Aug. 2 at St. Pranda Hospital. His 4 0 « chance to avoid a criminal record The annual Scavenger Hunt termed "concentrated, power,” at­ In Chty Court two months ago, Istvan Scran. 22. Hartford, a Vernon; a son to Mr. and Mrs. 30 years and is a graduate of the tacked the council's policy denounc­ nataraal grandmotber la Mra. John J. Brennan. Bristol, and hia WATER MAIN BREAKS again, of eaurto, among tho numbor of da- recent Immigrant from Hungary, conducted by the (Recreation De­ was , ordered confined when pre­ John Poliansky, Laure] Rd., Rock­ Aetna. Insurance Co. training ing labor chiefs who take the Fifth patemal grandmother la Mrs. Samuel Jl Haugh, Washington S t Stafford Springs, Aug. 11 UP)— was fined 823 for operating a mo­ partment at each, of the eleven lloiM that may bo r.ocoivod in a giron aroa. sented in court today. ville; a son to Mr, and Mrs. school in Hartford. Amendment, plpmped for an Jto'has nmr Brothers, Samuel J. Jr., 18. Johi), 13. Gerald. 4, Stafford Springs- rcsidenU were tor vehicle without a license. playgrouqd* will be held tonight Joseph Mangiafico, Coventry-; a If approved as a member of the Tliomas, '8; and three ataters. Julie. 15, Nancy, 9, and Margaret 7'. asked to Use water sparingly when sot Marilyn Arcaud. i6 of .56 Chest­ A compatriot. Paul Jankovlach, beginning at 6:45. All children In- amalgamation of unions , in the GLASS CRACKS” ^ ARCme JO£ nut St. was sentenced to an In­ son to Mr, and , \lrs. Norman Insurahcc Advisory Committee by transport industry, and takes aides a break in the main water line be­ / 20, was fined 830 for speeding and U:-e*ted in participating ahould Fillet. 19 Cambridge St the Board of Directors,, L,athrop 1 Jr., o f Mr. and Mrs. WilUani Correia, 4 Center tween , two reservoirs sharply re- definite term at the Connecticut ;o lp,^the_ilaygrqimd.n(6aTerf their in. the craft-ahop" Jurisdidtlonal fnt tt om«i: iHjfcaBrxw • 125. for OMriiypa"'^ jhter.lo j'fw t tro.9eo55f-^.-, ^ • -tV-. 'w>h»**''SaiVss^ y •Mra! ager,,^;|(|iurtihae'7<>r tn’e 'tank trtfii6Hr*»nd tank track* '■ ...... - atecaeasN ^f her-•g?liS!jfific> "w'aa 151 gnaOpItiiMsian Mr'and uTdai^p^sein- that both youths' have Dirice ac- the winners at each playground. Cooper Hill St. Aldo Pagani, chairman off fkskUje > IrKDo* orvv V as •.*. araet Maas., and hia paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. neighboring' communities were suspended provided she enter St f i r e IULL6 MAN IN BED quired licenses. DISCHARGED SATURDAY: committee, was recently replaced Joseph C orr^ Somaiset loaded from streams and pond* and Agnes Hone in Hartford and re­ Also fined for speeding was Mr. and Mrs. Jar.iea L. Thomson, 'Thompsonville, Aug. 12 —(Ah — main there for eight months. Ardam Shiiska, 83'4 Charter Oak by George Graziadio'when his term Willard H. Hickey, 43, of Hart­ placed on an emergency alert Re­ George H. Parrish, 56, of this city. 113 Porter Sl„ returned home 'expired. The new chairman Is ex­ J.A.WHITE Wi The girl wrs involved In St.; Mr.*. Anna Gottfried. Colches­ ford, a vicUm of asphyxiaUon, v^aa Oaorge m , aon of Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Case Jr., pairs were completed yesterday. He was fined 812. Saturday from a tw’o months' ter; Palmer S. Miller. 68 Bigelow pected to 'be John N. Lapperi. who GLASS CO. SST Woedbridge 8t Ha was bora Aug. 1 at Manchester Me­ found dead in a charred bed in a Clifford Sokolis. 51. Ellington, vacation spent in Scotland. Making St.; Julius Fox. 31 Edgerton St.; haa the highest seniority on the 5- ISTH6 B e*TI ^ morial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. their headquarters In Town Hill hotel room here Slinday. A med­ THE FAimiLY IS THE UNIT THAT ADVERTISERS WANT TO SELL I was fined 815 for intoxication. William Hackett, 83 W. Middle m_an board with the resignation of Rayimmd A. Longtln, 857 Woodbrldge S t. and his paternal grpnd- A 825 bond was forfeited by where they were both born, they ical examiner said Hickey appar- Now Many Wear Tkpe.; Thonia.s, J. , Harvey. 38 Knofla. enUy dropped a lighted cigarette ^pareitts are Mr. and Mr*. Warren G. Case, Pleasant'Valley Rd., Raymond J. Fournier, 21, Bridge­ spent considerable time traveling Liberty St.; Mrs. Bernadette Neal, ScstUt'Windapr. Whot t« tha tailing im p^ of TV on Connocticut Personal Notices into other parts of the country. onto the bed clothing. Who con toll how many mombors of o family oro port, charged with failure to drive High Manor Park, Rockville: Alex­ SAIINDEILS DEAD AT 36 FALSE TEETH to the. right. ” They also took part in homecoming ander MacDonald. 41 S. Alton St.; t fHury Edward, son of Mr. and Mra. Vahan Kalouatian, Brian FomHiot? Solot con.ba mod# by TV only to that# week in Dunfermline’ the last New Britain. Aug. 12 (Ah—Wil­ With Mora Comfort watching TV, ovon though tho sot it tumod ont Card of Thanks Gordon E. Wood. 18, Springfield, Mrs. Alice Ouelette. Am.ston; Lee liam G. Saunders. 36. head of a . Rd.. Wapping. H e 'was born Aug. 1 at Hartford Hospital. HU Mass., forfeited a 89 bond for fail- week in June, when Thomson waa * PASTSTTH, it - plssSaat aUudlae who viow programs oi^ con idontify tho tpenter. Webb. Buckland; Robert Varney, production and planning depart­ , '^ l^etM L l grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Donlg Devphanlan. Porhopt tj|io only viowor it o fiyo*yoon«id, whilo tho Mr. And Mr* Oiarie* D Hill, jg-,! ure to atop at a stop sign. interviewed by the local press. 40 Fairfield St.; Mra. Lticille Cole, BEER.WINES lafVaUMraalleid. and hid paternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. (Bon-aetdl posratr. hoMa talM t*«t* ment at the Stanley Works fk'c- mors amir. To sad talk In non Rockyllli'. tormerly o f' Oul-of-state speeders forfeited 46 S. Alton St.: George Molitoris, tory, died Saturday at a hbhpltal. 'J ' R icluM Kalouatian, Watertown. Maas. He has a brother, eopuort. lust aprilfklo a Uttl* FAS- Survoyt show thot of t^ total numbor of TV fomi- rost of tho fam ily it following othisr purtuHt. And Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Mun­ LIQUORS I /)1/RRO/7S A U / t- UL4J C T K R H on jou r pUtM. No fum m i. I'lll.'."*'rSamVdaV^ i *153... Continued RFD 3, Rockville: Janis Kalacis, He leaves hla widow, a daughter, B«*1d,S. thankA to ihpi son, 33 Homestead St., are spend­ l;00 A.M. to 11 P.M. F u RN! ru n t aooor. pootr taot* or fotllns. Chocks Kot, only o small proMrtion viaw any spodf ie pre> . - -- fririirti. rriat'ivW''allii' cases of Fred J. Pratt. 82 Main St.: Stanley Mason. Cov- a son and his parents. 1/9 7322 ■ c/cass n/n /.nci. ■, <.v. ■tss1n*nPlato odor" r4*nok*««*m(donturo ■ bm----a th),*- s An* Oot no ono it ovor turo who wotchos during tho eommor* .N®"' Haven, charf^d with ing a two weeks' vacation at At­ ' 'Eabta Lanlae, daughter o f Mr. and Mra PrancU Chafaat. 39 PABTESTB S t ani drut eountar. l^cd* I passing on the right tp be heard lantic City and „Canoe Island [^ M P A N Y j S/K)mj.^<,'/Au ,'i, /. 'litdifleld S t She waa bom Aug. 3 at M t Sinai Hospital. Her from . . . and only o vary small porcontoga of thot# ciol... that momont whon to many TV viowort turn Kk thpfn In oh^prvAncr Lodge. Diamond Point, Lake Mn'l? *11 “f i'lllcll jhey Aug. 26 and I.out.s A. Flechsig. .56, -matamal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Wiley. Hart­ eepl> Appr^clAtp ^ * Weigold Rd.. Tolland, charged George. N. Y. 3 ! BtSSei.L.Synut MAMCHBST£/t (^7^^ ford. and her paternal grandfather U Theodore W- Chareet East ton cerroctly idontify tho sponsor. othor octivitlot. If thoro It no sponsor idontifita* Hartford. LISTEN TO tion, thoro It littio choneo of o solo. Anantto Michele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. “TODAY ON WALL STREEF Hanaon, 6 Quarry Rd„ RockviUa She was bora Aug. 8 at Man- • UEL OH chesto' Memorial Hoapttal. Her maternal grandparenU are Mr. OASOLINf MONDAY Through FRIDAY, 6:05 P.M. and Mrs. PrancU J. DauplaUe. Maple Hill Rd.. Rockville, and her Station WDRC— 1,360 on Your Dial paternal grandmother U Mrs. Louise Hanson, 5 Quarry Rd., Rock­ ville. She has a brother, Mark Andrew, 33 months. CONNECTICUT DavM Brtaa, aon o f Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Anderson, 37 Edg- BANTLY OIL DAILY NEWSPAPERS REACH hearson ammill erton St He was bora Aug. 8 at Manchester Memorial HesliU- I .iMI' V\\ . |\i tL ON S , H $ Co. tal. HU maternal grandmother U Mrs. Josephine Butler, 331^ * Mombori Now Yer6 Sfodc (ndtatigB Elm S t, Rockville, and ]|iU paUrnal grandparenU are Mr. and ■I M M\ iKI M ^ 913 Moin Street, Mancheitar • MHchall 3-1571 Mrs. Helmar G. Anderaon, 39 Edgerton S t He has a brother TEl Mitchell 9 4595 Alan Butler, 3; and a aUter, Cheryl Lynn, 31 months. 1957 ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 EVERYBODY ^ EVERY DAY! Kevin MiqhaeL son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Shaw. Bolton Notch. He was bom Aug. 4 at Manchsster Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are! Mr. and Mrs. WalUce J- Balkus, BRAND NEW" Bolton Notch, and hU paternal grandparenU are Mrs. Elisabeth ‘SET ALL THINGS IN Bha\y of Hartford and Thomas Shaw of New York City. He has SPECIALIZING IN two brothers, David, 6, and Wayne, S; and two sisters. Holly Jean, THEIR OWN 4, and Debra Cay, 3. PECULIAR PLACE" CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Wnyne John, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Charlos J. Van Dsuaen, - •(Author'* Kama Below) — Andover. He waa born Aug. 5 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ StoHstics show tho doily nowspopdr to bo GENERAL CONTRACTING tal. His maternal gtudparents are Mr. and Mra. Anthony Ko- Your health has been - REMODELING and REPAIRING eum, 35 Westminster Rd.. and his paternal grandparents are Mr. Iplaced by most proper laws dominant in oyory Connocticyt community — and Mrs. Charles Van Deuaen. Andover Lake. ■into .the care of physicians ^ MERCURY

PACE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY. AUGUST 12,1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 12,1967 PAGE SEVEN eat ray of hope that has arrived one of' America's moft reputable IHanrlfpstpr firms In tha field that It was giving lane walUng to make a left turn his family had given up hope. When returned here. She would not aay on this dark scene eince I have Droodles WKNB—S40 . WHAY—SIO been In the White House," to quote up the - production of the wonder Skvwatch Schedule OF MANCHESTER Coventry Driver into N. School St. when Sessions, Steeves Faces the heard he was alive, Rita com­ why sha left Steevee. COSMETICS J Ettpning IfpraUi By ROGER BRICE FLETCHER CUSS GOs Mitchell tVDBO—I860 Daily Radio WTIO—1080 driving over the center line, col­ mented; PUBUaHKO BT THIS the President, and "perhaps the Insectlcldea, because it had come WUl Face Court lided with him. > Wife’s Actio^ “I don't think a wife, deep down, OD OODNOn. TO MEET AN tlM fop Hu m a miiBAt.n printing CO.. INa most significant proposal in terms tq judge that the continued use of WCOC—«»0 U BlaMlI Street Tuesdsy, Aug. 18 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE E aaten Daylight Tima WPOP—1410 David A. ITovencher, 18. of* 64 ever really J;ivea up hope." Hartford, Aug. 12 (#7—State "W a dolivar*'^ Maecheeter. '^onn. of peace that I. think haa been them would be fatal for mai^lklnd. Midnight - 2 ...... • Volunteers Needed On Liquor Count Drive B, backed out of a driveway Steeves and Rlt# were re-united Civil Defense Director t«o J. Mul- } THOMAS rFiCRGUSON 2 a.m. . 4 a.m. , . CORNER DURANT 87 and struck a parked pickup truck In Divorce Case New York before newspaper and cahy said Saturday th« State Civil WALTUR R. FERGUSON made In recent history, perhapA This sort of thing goes hard with • • • ...... Volunteers Needed Tha foUowlng ptogriam ached-$osu— PubUMiers ever," to quote Mr. Dulles. those of us who have an instinc­ 4 a.m. - 6 a.m...... • > • Volunteers Needed ulsB ara auppUed by the radio WHAY-NIght Watch owned by George H. Donnelly, 26, t^vlsion cameras.. Defense Council will hold Us first ^Arthur Dnis Sioru j rouBtled October I. IMtt 6 a.m. - 8 a.m...... Eleanor HembrechtJ, Henry Hem- NEW LARGER QUARTERS WTIC—NIrtt Una Arthur J. Gustafson, 53,-of Cov­ of 3 Drive C. Provencher told po­ Fairfield, Conn., Aug. 12 week later,, the couple 'went to meeting today in the state capitol. The theory in back of these tive worship of invention and 8 a.m. 10 a.m. , managementa and are subject to Tonight entry, was arrested Saturday night Lt. David Steeves, who survived 54 PulHlilnS Brery ttTciilni Bxecpe • •••••...... Bredhts PLENTY OF FRONT ANH REAR PARKING ^ WPOP—M^ern Bound* lice that his vision was obscured Celitomia, leayinK their 15-month- Under a law passed by the 1957 statements is that if the open scientific, progress. The one thing Roger Winter change irlthout notice. and charged with operating a as he backed out and he could not' days in a California wlldemsss af­ old o^^bter, Lisa, with Rita's General Assembly, thb Council kiadure and Holktaya. Eatered at the 'wHAY™Ni|fhl Wntch motor vehicle while under the In­ Poet QtSca hi Kancbeeter. Coon., aa skies proposal can be adopted, it We are never content to do is to 10 a.m. - Noon ...... Thomas Hickey, The Stephens 4;< sec the truck. ter bailing out of his plant, may be mother.Xnaro weeks after that, Rita must meet at least once a month. Read Herald Advs. ieeoodOaaa MaU Matter.___ Noon - 2 p.m. . . . AUTO GLASS INSTALLED 'WHAY—Vaka'Way fer lluilc WTIC—Mufle 4 fluence of Intoxicating liquors or Damage was negllgibls and po­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES will encourage' a growth of in take our world aa we find it and ...... Norma Pickering WDRC—Aum Naughton druga. He was involved in an acci­ divorced by his wife, a lawyer says. Payabla la Adrance tematlpoal confidence which .will leave it that way. It seems almost 2 p.m. - 4 p.m...... W. Joseph Leidire B Sound! lice made no arrest. masanaw'mm IH«1 4 p.m. - 6 p.m...... James Galenek, Garry Sutliffs GLASS FURNITURE TOPS WTIC—Roaa lllllar dent on Charter Oak St. Paul CuHinan, a Bridgeport law­ Qae Tear . .. . make progress on othfr phases of heresy to ask us to believe that WDRU— Kolby Police aaid Unit Gustafson was ma KoBtha ... 6 p.m. - 8 p.m...... Joseph Carlin. Roger Winter WFOP—Wax Worka yer, told a reporter MIrs. Rita Thraa Ifaiittia disarmament possible. • of Manchester Police Station, PICTURE FRAMING (oN typM) WJCNB—P.M. . WHAY—Night Watch Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal WTIC—1060 Radio Lana WTIC—Music St. Bousfield was the second car Warraate« Deeds conceivably could end In divorce.” MIPIBBR OP formal agreement. aster. But the alarms being WDRU—Ual iUHby WDRO—Russ Naughton in a line that Gustafson forced over Robert G. Baker and Juliet O. < 0 THE ASSOCIATED PRhSB Bulldipg on Monday. Wednesday or Friday from i to 5 p.m. WINDbW and PLATE GLASS WPOP—Hound Dog "I have to analyze the problem But if that theory is valid, and sounded are genuine. WPOP—Wax Worka 14:14- as he weaved over the road, accord­ Baker to Robert W. Bird.and Bar- and make a recommendation to The iUaaclatad Preaa ts cxcluelTeljr ‘Uniform for a Prison Barber' bara L Bird, property a t 596 Gard­ eetltled la the use or republlcaUoo or we hope for so much from the opei proud of being called a "Roosevelt JALOUSIES: IBstollatlon U Quick, Easy and EconomleiO. ‘ ■ WHAY—Batw I^ o a ll WHAY—Night Watch ing to police. her." he said. "Then It will be up all news diapatches credited to It, or The novel suit which I’ve so ac­ brought him hers when he was a WCCO-Racord Ravua WnC—Music ner St.. to her.” not otherwiee credited In thle paper skies proposal, it would seem re curately drawn in this Droodle is Democrat,” won the interim elec­ boy. He was educated In the city’s WDRC—R u m Naughton Police said that Gustafson's car and atio the hieal newa pabUehed here, CONTRACTORS: .WE HAVE IN STOCK WKNB—P^ . . WPOP—Hound Dog suffered an estimated 8200 worth Camillo GambolaU to John A. Mrs. Steeves, 21, would neither Ah rlahla of mpuMlcatloa ot aftecia) quired that we begin the hoped actually a pair of custom-tailored tions .— in 1940 and 1944. public schools. He later became WTIC—1080 Radio Lana I«;t4- Hempstead and Alma E. Hemp­ A Thouglit for Today Zebra Skin Pajamas that were active In the operation of several MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS WDRO—Cal Kolby WHAY—Night Watch of damage. confirm nor deny the report. dlepatebee herein are flao raaerred. for progress toward ‘mutual con­ Koppleman was a consistent WPOP—Wax Worka Leonard J. Kanehl, 32, of 23 stead, property on Hilliard St. The Gulbransen Sponsored by the Manchester given to me by my colleague. Dr. supporter of President Roosevelt's Jewish institutions. WTIC—GUeat Star "I don’t want to say anything Pun aemoa cUeat at N. B. A. Sere, fidence” either by tailoring the OPEN SA7TUJBDAYS — OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS WDRC—R u m Naughton Hathaway leme, was arrested and Herman Dvorak and Marlys I; lee^ Inc. Connell of Churches SchWlne. They’re nice, but I have­ poUcies, and clashed frequently He leaves his widow, a sister, *■ WHAY—Batty Kimball WPOP—Hound Dog Dvorak to Louis DellsFera and until I can give a complete state­ Publlahere RepraaeatatlTee; 1 open skies proposal so it does not ES'nMATES GLADLY GIVEN WCOU—Raoord Ravlavr 14:44- charged with reckless driving after ment,” she said at her mother's n't worn them since the morning with Mississippi's Congressman two brothers and several nieces an accident on Charter Oak St. last Irma P. DellsFera, property at 252 Julliu Malbewe Special Aaency — N confer military advantage upon ITpwanl I stepped out on the back porch to John E. Rankin over Koppleman’s and nephews. WKNB—P.M. ^ WHAY—Night Watch Green Rd. home here. York, Chleaso. Detroit and Boaton. WTIC—lOm Radio Lana WTIC-rGueat Star night. Lt. Steeves, 23, balled out of his CADET Mi’^.MBJSR AUDrr BUREAU OF ua alone, or by balancing it with 'Tie said get the milk and the man from the backing of the "New Deal.” W ORO-^ Kolby ' WDRC—Russ Naughton Police said that Kanehl crossed Marriage Ucensrs ClRCULeATlONa our own Rcceptance of aome other we live on Lake 'View Heights Animal Shelter threw a lasso As a member of the Connecticut WPOP—Wax Worka WPOP—Hound Dog Ronald Gilbert 'Wlttman, Coven­ air force plane May 9 into the S'66— tl;4a- .1 the center of the road as he lit a frozen wastes of the high Sierras. The Herald PrtnUns Oorapany, Inc., proposition which is tilted in Rus­ Although at. the foot of the hill. around me. But I can always General Assembly, Koppleman ' WHAY—Raoord Rodao WHAY—Night W atch cigarette and struck an oncoming try, and Bety-Ann Long, 25 Jordt brings the joy of aeiumea no flnaiKdal reeponcIbOlty lor count on Dr. Schwine for an un­ W T lC —N e w a St„ Aug. 24, Second Congregation­ He trudged back .to civilization 54 typocrapMcal errore appearina in ad- sia's favor. Otherwise, our Imagi But to get to the "heights'’ achieved a pro-labor record which WCCO—Raoord Ravlaw car being driven by Frederick 'V. We must climb a steep grade usual and unique gift. On my last helped elect him when the new WKNB—P.M. ------al Church. days later, s/ter he had been of- rertuamenta and other readies matter nary panel of hard boiled military WTICj-N«wa _ Horseman, 68, of Stafford. ftcally declared dead and all but music to your home ta The Itancheeter Bhrenias Herald. Using strength as well as will. birthday he presented me with a Roosevelt administration took of­ WDRO—Newa Reporter 11:14— Kanehl was released under 8100 Benjamin Harris Foreman, Cov­ experts would aay, nothing is go­ beautiful monogrammed Nylon slip fice in 1932. . WHAY—Night Watch entry, and Barbara Jean Swanson, Dlapiay anrertielns cloelac bourai Most life begins WPOP—Wax Workk Wnc—Sports bond for his scheduled appearance Por Konday—1 p.m. Friday. ing to happen at London. like our house on the Heights! cover for my Ketchup bottle. And Koppleman was named to the l:U— WDRC—Russ Naughton in Town Court Aug., 19. 50 W. Mlddle^ Tpke., Aug. 17, St. For 1\reedae—1 p.m. Kaoday, this past Christmas he gave me a WHAT—Raoord Rodeo WPOP—Hound Dog James Church. Wadneeday—I p. m. Tuoaday. . We start at its lowest plain State House of Representatives in WCUO—Record Review iitta- Martha A. Gorman, 40, of Port­ Pbr Ttaraday—1 p. ai. Wadneaday. And, if we succeed. Facial Slide Rule sp I can measure 1913 and to the State Senate in WKNB—P.M. WHAY—Night Watch for only Another Stain WTIC—Rom Miller land, driving east oh Tolland A-TE.ST CALLED OFF AGAIN Tor TrttKf^ p. m. nmiaday. We must raise our sights my sideburns and get them even 1917 and 1819. WTIC—Starilght Serenade iTpke., went off the road and —Give your children th r oppor­ Pbr Saturday—I a m. IVtday. when I shave. I-appreciate all this WDRO—Cai Kolbr - ■ WDRC—ROla Naughton Atomic-Test Site, Nev., Aug. 12 Claaalflad deadftM; 10:ai> a.m. each At hia last press conference Over and over again. Before that, he served as s WPOP—Nawi WPOP—Hound Dog struck two fence posts early Sun­ tunity for self-expregaion and tey ot pubt a BL Preeldent Elsenhower revived an member of the Hartford Common day morning. She told police that uled to have gone off this moriilng is not to be happy with ease. .Schwine would give me just a plain Council from 1904 to 1912. He suc­ WHAYi-Road Show she was unfamiliar, with the road. character-development that issue that seems to have been side­ old ordinary-type gift. Like money. WCUO—Record Review “ f e i i 2 r ’fli.."'ai'r5nada has been postponed another 24 comes with playing the piano. Monday, Auguat 13 Though we need to take time for ceeded in reducing the fiood men­ WKNB—Rooudit Matloea WDRC—Night Owl No. arrest was made. hours. It l3 the 15th time the blast tracked by the prese of other Con­ rest; ace in the city's east aide by bring­ WTIU—IUW Radio Lana Reg, $695.0C Own this handsome Gulbransen W DRO-^ Kolby A’*Vritten warning was Issued has been delayed. gressional business. The Issue is We must plan and struggle. ing about improvements In the WPOP—Newa to Lloyd Sessions, 19, of East The Atomic Elnergy Con-.misaton Cadet at a big saving of 9246.00. Who Gets The Drop? the proposed revision of immigira And work, if you please. Koppleman Dies, sewer system.' 1:44— Public Will View Hartford, after he had struck an­ WATKINS Until we achieve our best. WHAY—Swing Kaay said the early morning wind pat­ It^s an instrument rich in tone It would be vary helpful to world Uon leglalatlon to increase the He wsjfc born May 1, 1880, In WCCO—Record Review other car on N. Main St. Satur­ tern was unacceptable today. A and beauty, backed by over half —P. Q. Brooks Odessa. Hussis. His psrsnts WKNB—P.M. Arts and Crafts day. meeting was called, for this after­ naderatandirtg of diaarmament entry into thia country of both State Democrat WTIC—UMU Radio Lana centuiy of piano craftsman- talka and propoaitloiuhdf wa could WDRO—Oal Kolby . Police sajd that a car driven noon to deUrmine if tlie below- SEMI-ANNUAL quota and non-quota Immigrants. S INJURED IN CRASH WPOP—Wonderi of the World The annual arta and crafU ex­ by Nathan Seriff, 27, of Brooklyn. nominal tower Shot can be fired p. $46.50 down . two years have a panel - of dtalntereated Hartford, Conn., Aug. 12 (>P) —- Bi response to a question, the Westbrook, Aug, 13 (JP)—Patricia Herman Paul Koppleman, former N.D.S. l:ia— hibit held by the Recreation De­ N. Y., was stopped In the proper at 5 a.m. (PDT) tomorrow. »y the balance! niUtary experta rendering a tech- WHAY—Dateline partment will be on display Tues­ President said he still feels that Watts, 16. Old Greenwich, was in­ Democratic Congressman from AVAILABLE WCCC—Good Kventnx Good Muelo - Slcal judgment on each propoaal tha McOarran-Walters Act should jured critically yesterday when her Connecticut and participant in WKNB—Today in Sporta day through Friday of this week M It cornea along. car skidded, left the road and plow­ what is regarded as the longest WTIC—Newk in the window of Watkln’a Bros. be amended to make it "more rep- WDRO—Newa Reporter Each week during the summer HOME FURNISHING ed into a construction shack. Two contest fqr a single political seat Run>down WPOP—Newa r . We would have auch a panel resentaUve of the humanitarian season there la a major craft and passengers, Andria Ward, 14, and in the,state's history, died last l;ia— kept buay anaweiing the queatkm; InaOncU of the United States " and Patricia Doff, 15, both of West­ night. He was 77. because of WHAY—Sporu three minor crafts for each play­ OPEN THURSDAY Who haa the drop on whom, If auch more In accordauice "with oqr tra­ Your clothas wash cleaner when the soap is divided into WCCO—Good Kvcnlng Good Muiio ground. A variety of crafts which brook, escaped with miner injuries. Hia first election to the United WKNB—Huelcal Echou have been made by the children Slid auch a pna^ al la accepted? ditions aa a haven -Watts lost control States House of Representatives two or more parts. In our laundry, we WTIC—StrlcUy Sporu & FRIDAY NIGHTS of the car. WDRO-J. Zalman at each of the playgrounds will be Then we would have a very eaay refugees.” came in 1932. Between then and TIRED BLOOD? firit water. A t the soap works, the water gets dirty. W e WPOP—Lawrence Welk in tbii display. V SALE a guide to uae In appraising Ameri- However, It ia far from a cer 1946 he served a total of • five Some of the articles to be dis­ during sale WAGES TO BE DISCUSSED terms. Takp Faat-AcVng WHAY—Serenade ean or Russian propoaltiona. If an tainty that remedial legislation dump this dirty water and put the second part of soap to WCOC-Oood Eveninx Good Muala played are wooden name pins, Hartford, Aug. 12 UP>— The His 10-year political battle for WKNB—Mualcal Echora gimp bracelets, felt. beanies, Americao proposal failed to retain will be enacted by the Congrese In State Labor Department announc­ the state’s First Congressional work in clean water too. It'i best to tend.your washablet WTIC—Cote Glee Club pocketbooka, paper mache animals, the "drop” for America, we could this session. Sen. Eastland's Judi­ ed today it will hold a hearing seat with the late William J. Mil­ G ERnO L WDRC—Muklc a la Carta FEEL STRONflER FAST to the laundry that gets more good out of the soap and WPOP—Top 40 Time atenoiling, molds, stuffed animals know that our statesmen were not ciary Committee haa been hearing and then act on a report recom­ ler, a Republican, began in 1938, 4:44— and pot holders made from jersey onljr nagotiating in good faith, testimony from so-called patriotic mending minimum wage increases after Koppleman had served three wHMnJdaya ormonayback! more dirt out of the clothes. WHAY—People'! J»re« Conlerenca loopers. up to 90 per cent for abdut 1,300 WCCO—Good aveoina Gooo Muaio but perhaps being a little aoft. groups who paint a dark picture consecutive 2-ycar terms. WKNB—Musical Echoea. beauty shop em{i1oyes. The re­ Miller, who lost both legs In a WTIC—Three Biai caua But if any proposal of ours aaamed of the fate that would befall port was submitted by the Beauty World War I flying mishap and WDRC—Lowell Tbomaa Blanton Dies; to increase our military advantage America if the immigration law Shop Wage Board whose members campaigned from a wheelchair, SWISS LAUNDRY WPOP—Meet the ArUet represent thq employes, .employ- lls# fm* I;ia- -'of were tduHigCd.-- won .that year and aga;ln in 1942 WHAY—Jakl Alley , ,rrV' Ex-Congrie^snian '.-r‘f'ft ant)* - . • - ■ - ■ a J Uie RtisaMifiK'fW"H06 uld .be a»Tf; that, w1th'‘fis poputa- -WKNR'^dtfe^^M'.Mchoea''- ^ to Judge, that our aUteamra were Upn already growing at the rate of BRANCHES: SO WARD ST.. ROCKVILLE WTIC—Dick Bertel Albany, Tex.. Aug. 12 setting*" a long way from any real bargain­ • jM n a r , H A Ijr HOUR LAUNDRY. 40 WINDSOR AYE., ROCKVILLE WDRC^Amoa and Andy Former U.S. Rep. Thomas L, 3,000,000 a year, the United States WTOP—Fulton Lewla Blanton Sr. died yesterday. He was ing. And the eame yardstick would JOHN F. 485 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST, MANCHESTER GREEN 1:14— would be Inviting economic chaos *0m !• Inn mntmlm MI 8-1351 WHAY—Jaia Alley 85. lllumlnata Russian propositloiu not to mention Communists WCCC—Evening Muato Weldon Drag Company w nu—Mualc Blanton served in Copgress of your choice realisUcally. If it let down'lthe bars. They say 901 MAIN ST.—MI 8-5331 WDRO—Amoa and Andy from 1917 to 1936 and practiced that the law should continue to WPOP—Ed. P. Morgan ____ _ law in 'Washington until 1938. Tha advices of such a panel TIERNEY 1:64- Matthewa Blanton, a son, said 144.50 might also prove a. rather realistic favor Immigration from northern WHAY—Jau Alley WCCO—Evening Mnalo hia father had ^been confined to giiidd whether to expect actual re­ and western Europe, whose peo­ FUNERAL HOME WKNB—Cryaul Pbrk hit home since completing a law ple generally are not inUreeted In WTIC—Newa case 15 weeks ago. He said he sults from a conference such m WDRC—Amos and Andy that going on at Liondon. coming here. Instead of from eaat- riNBHT MODERN FACILITIES WPOP—Top 40 Tima died in hia-sleep diiring the night. 1:44— He ii survived by hie widow, Suppose, then, we make an em and southern Europe and OFF-STREET PARUNG WHAY—Polka Party three other sons, and a daughter. Asia, whose people do want to WCtXl—Good Evenuig Good Mnalo Im a^nsry effort to convene such .(( QUIEt RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD WKNB—Mualcal Ikbnes a panel of 'military experts, and come. WTIC—Life and the World question it with regard^ to various The arguments that the present tit W M T CENTER BT. (Just Want nf MeKen St.) All the HOT WATER WDRC—Chariea Colllngiwood WPOP—Say It With Music economy could absorb almost 4:40- > proposals in tha air a t London. WHAY—Polka Party The. panel verdict on some of the any Inflow of immigration, that WCCO—Qooo evening Good Muato aI nut WKNB—Swing Eaay London proposals might go as fol­ seryjng as a haven for refugees WTIC—Boston Pops Orchestra 17.95 lows: from fear and want and hopelbsa- WDRC—Robert Q. Lewi, WPOP—True Detective WATKINS- Spice finish Duties Air Inspection Propoeal: heaa is in one of this country’s you need... 4:U- 6 pieces FOB THE VERY FINEST IN WHAY—Polka Party Ttlted In favor of the United finest traditions • and that the WCCC—Good Evening Good Muato WEST 6 pieces .50 United Statea has become great QUALITY USED CARS WKNB—Swing Eaay States because (1) protection WTIC—Boaton Pops Orchestra largely because of the refugees It ALWAYS SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION WDRC—Robert Q. Lewis 2 8 9 0 0 against surprise is more our need ^ ^ ^ ^ WPOP—True DetacUve Faitfal Service than Russla'i; (3) Ruaaia'a geo­ has already taken In—theie argu­ .ALW AYS AT LEAST 50 CARS Going modem. Then you’ll like the ments have iittle effect on the WHAY—Polka Party Onnoad J. Weet, Olreetor graphy probably has more secrets TO CHOOSE FROM WTIC—Night Lina light “apice” finish u s^ on the wal­ than ours; (3) our widest proposal witnesses the Eastland Committee SEDANS, COUPES, STATION WAGONS, CONVERTIBLES WDRC—Rusty Draper 142 East Center |St. WPOP—Modem Sounds Mltekell »-219< nut veneeTs of thik group. Choice of would cover all bases from which haa been hearing. . . ^ A U OUR CARS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED 4:44- the 48-inch buffet or 36-inch china However, it can be hoped that WHAY—Polka Party A new Russia might latmch attack on ua, BANK FINANCING UP TO 36 MONtHS WTIC—Night Line ' sketched. 34 x 48-inch table opens to but excluda many American for­ they do have an effect' on Con­ OPEN TILL 9 EVENINGS WDRC—Rusty Draper WPOP—Modem Sounds 60 inches. Reg. $229.00. eign baaes from .which we could gress. That body ts on its way to 1:44- Manchester'c Oldeet Colonial wiping one ation from the Ameri­ BARLOW MOTOR SALES WHAY—Night Watch with Flaeet FaeUltlee launch attack on Russia. wnc— Line Off-Street Parking Regular $94.50 Ceasation of nuclear bomb tests: can reputation In its apparent WINTISOR AVE., ROCKVILLE—PHONE* TR 6-SSS8 WDRO—R^rld Tonight EiraL.. pieces from an exciting new collection readiness to pass the first civil WPOP—Modern Sounds Eatabliih^ 1874 Tilted only In favor of humanity, China Cabinet 79.95 ^o u p of solid cherry Colonials . . . n-ith no real ad\'antage or handi­ rights legislation since the Re­ Television Progrsms in mellow brown coloring. Buy sepa­ cap for either aide from the scien­ construction days. Perhaps now Jt On Page Two rately at the Semi-Annual Sale prices, tific or military point of view. will turn its attention to wiping or in complete dining room or dinette Agreement to ban nuclear war: out another stain by liberalizing wkW'iwr.sawaijSM groups." Tilted, fro m the military point of the discriminatory iihmigration view, in favor of Russia because law to make it "more representa­ 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - (1) our miUUry esUbllshment is tive of the humanitarian aspects ALUEO FACTOBY ADTBOBIZEO speedily becoming more and more of the United States." TV SERVICE NOTICE e A Per House Call heavily devoted to prospective use Q I O V Plus Parts of atomic weapons; (3) the atomic Progress Or Disaster? BU 9-0080 25.75 w-eapon la our best means of reach­ A recurrent alarm, -to the effect BAKE ■ervlag All Maariwatar Area ing Russia proper; (3) we prob­ that some of our modem scientific ably have the bigger atomic stOck- miracles may prove boomerangs CORNELL SHOP plle. which increase to disaster propor­ 449 HARTFORD ROAD Reduction of conventional arma­ tions the very pestilences they GENERAL ments and military manpower: were designed to combat, has been T V SERVICE Tilted In favor of budget economy, sounded again, this time .by the WILL BE CLOSED but without sharp military signifi­ United Nations World Health Or­ ) CO OK A Call 116.50 31.50 cance for either side unless nuclear ganization. » Nights $2a9S< OAsafU Pins Parts war should be outlawed, in which Its latest survey finds alarm­ TEL. Ml 8-6483 * MMliaVWvO • • • mV VWWsW ' case the tilt would be our way. ing things happening in the insect AUGUST 12 to-19 Question of Germany; A back­ world. We have now had our mir­ fim hamt-laving ground element In • the London acle modern Insecticides a t work FOR VACATION .•uyitt talks of major Importance, the for about a decade. They were Are Your Oar military tilt being toward the hailed as giving man mastery over RE-OPEN AUGUST 20—7 A.M. to 8 P.M. fot-thoft-KahHity United Slates if Germany remains the insect. But now what is actual­ pratocrion In NATO, toward Russia if Ger­ PaymautsToo Hish? ly happening seems to be that the Seeurity.'convenience and many la put in a neutral zone. insects are developing immunity Taking these appraisala . from thrift Are three big Advan­ to our Insecticides, emerging with tages of our 1-policy home •ur Imaginary panel of millUry stronger survival powers than axperta, wa find the •'negotiadona protection plan. Y o u may ever,' and using this stronger aur- save as much as 20% of Mahogany at Lhndon shaping up exactly as, rival power to expand their num­ what separate policies for hard l o ^ Would indicate. We are bers and the areas in which they for the open-akiee proposal, and fire, theft and liability flourish and carry disease. would co at. . . or get more will take nothing else and offer C h o ice of The lurid prospect is that man’s tomafllas protection than they’d pro­ nothing else unleks we get it. Rus­ use of what he accepted as ulti­ vide. Call us for detail^ sia la for anything, cesiatlon of mate weapons against the insect " pieces 8 9 ^ 0 testa, or banning of nuclear bombs, world may have the result of hand­ W a wHI poy off your bol- or neutralization of territory ing the ultimate victory to that anca in ftili and offar a which will lessen Russia's fear of Limited stock of these .mahogany veneered Insect world. complota soioction of 18th Century pieces. Set of 6 chairs as group­ the atom, and Russia la not likely To Interpret the situation rudely to give ua anything we w ant un- oMar modal guarantOad ed around the table ...... \ ...... 8 9 .6 0 and frankly, what has begun to 40 X 60-inch Duncan Phyfe Table as leaa Russia gets something Russia happen 1s this; The Insect world cars. wants. No Monty Down Pay As Little As |3.71 A Monlh shown ...... 89.50 is much stronger a«d more danger­ Wa a lso buyNiy fortor cash 34-inch China cabinet, 67 inches tall . .79.50 In short, Russia favors those ous today than it was when wq 5 Years io Pay %iings which would Increase Rus­ began to use the wonder dusts Allowance For Your Old Heater oil ty p M of Iota con. Numerous other pieces at 79.60 and 89.50 sia's drop on ua, and we favor against It. Regular $99.50 those things whicb would increase Prompt, fast, roliabla One device now being used to ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS MAKE ALL OTHERS OLD FASHIONED! bur own relative military dpral- try to preserve the upper hand for buying sorvica. China Cabinet 79.50 I' aance, or security. mankind is the use of a combins- ‘ C'-' ^ This looks like a stalemate, and tion of insecticides, so that if im­ Tel. so it la. Barlow munity to one has been developed, SEE YOUR MASTER MI 3-1126 President BUaenhower and Secre­ another will stUl do the job. PLUMBER. APPLIANCE MOTOR SALES tary Dulles, It la to be noted, both - But there was In the news not 175'E ast DEALER or CALL PHONE TR 5-2538 take the stand, rather fervently long ago another axQ^mors sober 146 HARTFORD RD. Center St. exprseaed, that (be open aklea pro- kind of answer, to the problem, Ml 3-5181 ' WINDSOR AVE. poina, standing alone Ja “the great-, contained In the aimouneement of ROCKVILLE, COHN. I' ■ Opm TUI 9 EYcnings ■ ■ . A ■ ., W O F M A N pH EST ER V

PAGE EIGHir MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1967 PAGE M ir a BUGS BUNNY tax'the barbers tl each annually, was working for $3 a weak in a j won’t it work a hardship on them ? store, and at the end of five years j =\ m A T Native—'They can easily scrape ACCOUNT. 1 owned the atore. Answar to Pravious PunI* Sense and Nonsense up the money. Warren-Lpng Wedding m M »r Nephew—Yeah, but you can’t Fashion Notes ItlU Saftiuelson-Webster Wedding do that now. They’ve got cash n f i LJIH m NOOOUGH, BUT Uncle—When I was your age I m40VM THAT J A wCE'.5 P Uij r chid., ' light pink daisy chrysanthemums. LET'S OF MY HONORABue 52 Entrance to r Jam es M. M artin o ' Anokai, iN'TMe MOOSE,vj'e The ,majd of honor , wore a ball- Live FAMILY,YCO CCDvJS.''-^ a mine IT tf r f r I” Minn., first cousin of the bride­ e e T T e C tMRAYJ STRAWS DANSEI?- '*53 Withered e tha-lcnglh jjown ot orchid chiff­ FOR SEf^TCY T xjry TRUE MV BROTHER IS' groom, waa beat man, and uahen OOSLV.'-»- LIBERAL iN HlSTHlNK- 54 Nothing W% U on with a V-*hapc(l neckline and were Peter N. Webster of Wert YlE'LL w are o p - 55 Pitcher Maglie fiostirtg panels attached to the WITM ALL O O R t W EAR MY" IN G --H E MIGHT Borrow T M. PwL Oa Hartford, brother of the bride: WATCH TO A SHIRT STUD -~ BUT • hv MCA ta and "My Gal" C~ n n hack. SW also wore a picture hat Capt. Richard Gillespie of Weat SOLD FILLlMSS 66 Ireland of miktchlng shade. She caiTled a AND I'M AT HEART HE'S STILL A "It has bean a dismal failure in solving some problems Point, N.Y., and Gerald Roaan- A LISMT 57 Female saint B IT" bourfuet/of yellow camation.s. zweig of Minneapolis; Minn. ■ HOOPtE-~ANDOUR . (ah.) 9 M0TT0IS"FIDESET — b re a k in g up th a t g a n g around tt.e water cooler, ,1 The mother of the bride wore a The mpther of the bride cfios* 3USTITIA.'X~ for in s ta n c e !" dg-ss of white embroidered French an ice blue lace over taffeta dre« organdy with while arccaaories and MRS. DERRICK WILLIAM SAMUe\ s ON with corsage of lig*t pink rose* a while orchid corsage. The bride- and the mother of the bridegrooai. PRISCILLA’S POP Exactly! BY AL VERMEER : groom’s mother wore a 'blue nylon a dusty rose chiffon and lace dreaa dress with white, accessories and Fallot Photo VDU NEVER WHY HARDLY A DAY *- with conssige of dusty rose rose* a white orchid coraage. MRS. JOSEPH C. BRUNOLI Following the ceremony a re­ z A S R E E D O N WENT BY WITHOUT SOME A reception for approximately POLITICO! YOU t e r r i b l e a r g u m e n t . ^llaa Eilecii Aides Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. I.o * , McCann. 69 Pleasant St., aister of -Ki-TK the bride, wore a -waltz-length a - 'i. . _ Some cooks UkisSte'cover egn • 9«t Of «•< ••MM, oa. r light, blue cryatalette gown,, and when they * baking them ia the bridesmaid, Mrs, John Graham shirred egg dishes. A. slow (325 de­ BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS of South. Windsor, also a sister of grees) oven temperature should be the bride, 'wore a similar gown of used. Bl^Z SAWYER BY ROY CRANK a darker shade of blue. Both car­ T)Wk)0aM6 ried pink roses. MIT MERE, 'AND WHO, X WONDER, HERE THEY COME! Layer thinly sliced pared and ~6aOK4N5MMr. m m i F Janies Martin of New Jersey waa oered apples with sugar and but­ w u -u te io ) ; B THE MYSTERY FMSSN6ER 'GREAT scon/LOOK'S best man, and John Graham of, mSSINGIR XORKA IS PICKING OP LIKE A MOVIE ACTOR... ter bi a oaaserole- Cover and bake South Windsor was usher. in a moderate over until the apples K READY; )K>,AY0UNEAMB..SUT Die motlier of the bride wore a . WHAT WOULD AN ARAB are tender—about 48 mtnutea for blue shantung costume suit and tart cooking-apple variaUea. « r doing HCKf f the mother of-the bridegroom, a dress with pink apd gray floral de­ Be sure i\utmeats ar* fresh be­ sign. Both had orchid corsages. fore adding ^bem to oak^ or cook­ Immediately after the wedding, a ies. SUie nut»wlU .spoil the flavor reception.wRs held at the home of ^ DF^ford- l>«ehcrt Photo of your baked product ' the bride's parents. MRS. RICHARD SARGENT MASSEY ’ MRS. GERARD ROBERT CHAPDE l Ju NE*'’ The bride's traveling costume on t>am frozen ‘pearties and rasp- a wedding trip to an unannounced Gladioli and chry*anthem um s| with (Jacket. After tpelr return on Sept. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Massey will The marriage of Miss Nancy Ann Leonard, daughter of Maurieo becriee for a delightful fruit des­ ctesUnation wa.s a yellow linen formed the setting at the Center Leonard of Columbia, and Gerard Robert Chapdelalne, son of sert. sheath dress with' white accessor­ Congregational Church at 3 o’clock reside in New Haven, .Edward (Diapdelaine, 101.Spruce SU took place last Saturday The brlds is a grad u ate; of St, ies. lA fter Sept. I the couple will Saturday afternoon for the wed­ morning in St. Cjolumba’s Church, Columbia. ’ Both Mr. and Mrs. Ten ounoes of froaen green peas reselde in Clinton. Margaret's School, Waterbury, Chapdelalne are graduates of the University of Ckinnecticut. He ding of Miss Jane Burr, daughter and Bouve-Boston School affiliated is the equivalent of two pounds of Thp-bride is an elementary school is employed at Hartford Machine Screw. fresh green peas. BY PETER HOFFMAN teacher in Madison and the bride­ of Mr. and Mrs, 'Diaries S. Burr. With Tufts University, Medford groom is assistant production man­ 192 ' Adelaide Kd„ and Riehard Mass. The bridegroom graduated ' IVE ALSO G(JT A SNEAKY SUSPICION eUT, SIS, these WELL, I MUST MICKEY FINN Hardly! BY LANK LEONARD MRS. WARREN LESLIE'HILL ager for Shore Line Industries. Sargent Massey, aon of Mr. and from Hopkins Grammar School THEY FIGURE WE'RE NOT THE INNOCENT, HOMBRES (^AME ADMIT THEY DON'T and Yale College. He plans to at­ eoicthing vo Mrs. Samuel J. .Massey, New LOVAetE FELUS WE REALLY ARE.' ALONG REAL LOOK LIKE I PICTURED ! NfVCR riAVfP r rrs T ^ THATIUASA tend Yale University Graduate Eschmann-Edwards Wedding PEACEFUL LIKE.' THEM, BRONKO... ESPEC­ , MfCRRCORy WOaON'mnMONTDUR SHAME, tW Hi-ven, The Rev. Clifford O. Simp­ - kJM M K W S WOEET BNEMY, LOCAN/ School in the fall to work for his THEY CAMT BE THE IALLY THE TALL ONE' -BUT-AH-TRY son, minister, of the church, offi­ M. A. in teaching. WE LOOK LIKE A’COUPLE CRITTERS YOU'I .SOOPrWN'BAD?/ DUFFY MAY FULL-nr TOFORSETTHAT RaU'Dennler Wedding ciated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Judith Lois Edwards, OPTHUGSANOYOU K)WW IT' EXPECTIN': ' The soloist, Willjam Fleming, sang daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jesse C. G rid's "1 Love Thee," "Because" E u g a g e d Edwards. 148 Hawthorne St., be­ Miss Mary A, Dennler, daughter and "The- Lord’s Prayer." ■ came the.bride of .Robert H. ESeb- of Harold <5. Dennler of 989 Neip- Miss Anne Burr, 102 Adelaide mann, son of Mr. and Mra. Rudolph slc Rd.; Olaetonbury, became tpe Rd., was her sister’s maid of Eschmahn,. 58'Ashworth St., In bride of WaKer C. Rnu, aon of Mr. honor. Bridesn'.alds were Mrs. Sputh MeUiodlst Church Saturday. and Mr*. Frank W. Rau of Church Richard V. Hartz of Rochester, 'Die double ring ceremony was per­ fit. Vernon, in a double ring cere­ N.Y., another sister of the bride. formed a t 2 o’clock by the Rev. mony a t 10 a.m. Saturday in St Miss Betsey Colgan of Hartford, Fred R. Edgar befoig an altar'dee- Paul'a Church, Glastonbury. The Mrs. Vfcary Mahler of Indianapolis, oratOd with white pompons. Rev. Robert fiullivan, pastor, per Ind,, and Mrs..‘'Thomas Bitar of -Presented in marriage by her. formed the ceremony, Fairfield. father, the bride was attended by Given in marriage hX her father, Miss Judith A, Beer, 281 Centar. John Yavrib of New Haven was St. Bridesmaids ware Mias Pau­ the bride had as her'maid of honor. best man; Roger . Adamy and M iu Nancy ficHer of Olastohbiiry. lette Edwards and Mias Cheryl Ed­ George A. Eagleson, both of Man­ wards, sisters of the bride. BrldeamaJds were the Misses Kay chester, Michael T. Melchione of BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS F’RIENDS Hidden Threat Vanning, Edwlna Verrillo, Cynthia Rudolph Eschmann, of Hartford, BY MERRILL BLOSSEB Fort Wayne, Jnd.. and -Richard V. brother of the bridegroom, waa Lefack and Sandra Taylor, all of Hartz of Rochester were ushers, Ba z o o / , Mf ^5 45CfT A NASTY HERVe / N4MM / t l W . 00,SMELi_ Glastonbury. Miss Carol Scott of best man. Ushers were William t 'fd r gime m e , n u n t j Manchester was junior bridesmaid The. bride',, who was presented Edwards. 148 Hawthorne St.; FLOYEBS t o )THe BEAST.' In marriage by her father, was at DAISY SWEMP I l!M STILL EASY./ 1,-ONLY , and Miss SHaroh Dennler, niece brother of-the bridef and'Robert of the bride, waa flower girl. tired in a gown of pure silk taffeta Edwards of (Joverttiy. cousin Of FK5AA'GUESS / MAD AT o e u v e g E o 'e m / with open neck, short sleeved em­ the bride. YVHO/* HIM.' Best man was Eldward Rau of RockvilleT brother of the groom. pire bodice embroidered with, rows The bride's gown of ChantUiy Ushers were Bernard Dennler, John of seed pevls and tight midriff lacs and nylon tiiile over taffetsi CofleU, Edward Moylas, all o.f Glas- with bell shaped skirt-flowing into was fashioned with a scalloped, tonbury, and Thornes Henderson of .' .Ail a bustle train. ILf French illu­ neckline, a fitted lace bodice, and i- Warehouse Point Jody Jordort of sion veil was attached to a half short sleeves. 'The floor-length Cape Elizabeth, Maine, was ring- bat of French Chantilly lace edged bouffant skirt had tiers of Chan- with seed pearls. Bhe carried a tiUy lace. Her fingertip veil was bearer. Geraldine Oanitl The bride was attired in an all- \ ' J." ' . V bouquet of shasta daisies, Yose elf, draped from a crovsp' of peafla an4- baby'g breath and ivy. sequlni. She carried a prayer bk white gown of Imported hand- Mrs. and - Mrs. Joseph (3sruU, clipped Chantilly lace and nylon The maid of honor and bride? ofi which a white orchid rested and tulle, longsleeved elongated-bodice, liiaida were' dressed alike in deep New allerina-length gowns of engagement of their daughter, were attached. bouffant rfdlnghte-effect skirt, pure silk dawn pink organza. Blou- Geraldine, to < Robert W. MokulLS, The maid of honor 3vore. a balle­ e IfT Pf mA9tnln, fc*. TJl ItA Pw. OH ± a i chapel train, and she wore a flflger- son tops bound in satin topped their son of Mrs. Anthony W. Mokulis, rina-length gown of , yeitow net t)p veil of imported French illusion full skirts. The maid of honor over taffeta with a atrapleaa bodice BY DICK CAVALLI THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE The Raid BY WILSON SCRUGGB caught in a matching cloche and carried a bouquet of purple asters 82 W. C enter,St. and matching Jacket. A nose veil CHOP lYXl lUSCt THBRC-CEWC trimmed with iridescent sequins and stephanoUs, and the brides­ Miss Garuti Is employed by the was held in place by a matching YOU MIGHT SUnley Works, New Britain; and rr.' your WITH \0utHiUjD6 up/ VOJR NAME? and seed pearla Her pouquet was maids, bouquets of purple asters croM'n. She carried a caacad* of A5WBX5T0P ,a cascade of white roses and w ith baby’s breath and Ivy. Mokulia is employed at Cpok’s green pompons. FOLLOWING baby’s breath. Oarage. The bridesmaids wore mint green LEE-JXNLBE.„ Mrs. Burr chose a mint green ■jtff'-" '4> MEAROLJNa The maid of honor wore a white imported linen gown, with ci-ystal A February wedding is planned. costumes idenUcal to that df tha -yaUTIOOfTKNOW maid. of honor. They carried cas­ DM NOT GONG notmm'Boutthe nylon velvray byer coral talThta embroidery outlining the neckline, waitx-length gown with empire Try Flavors cades ot yellow pompons. TOPUTTHB STU..JUST HUNDK matching accessories and a yellow APPLE ON waist and trimmed In velvet. Her rose corsage. Mrs. Massey chose A drop or two of almond extract Mrs, ^w ards wore a beige linen SQU8RB.S- headpiece was a croWn of horse­ sheath ureas with, white secessortes ■'■A AIYHEAP uoubstJ an ice blue pure silk gown with improves dishes made with peaches hair with pehrl trim, circular nose and a corsaga of white pompons. 5 4 h ■ pearl and sequin tHm, matching or apricots. ok a few thin allces veil and stie carried a basket of apeessories and a pink rose corsage. The mother of the groom wore assorted flowers.' . of lemon with the iyrup when a navy blue ahantung shaath dreaa, After the csrhmony a reception Shasta daises and rose elf dec­ canning or stewing pears; it adds with write accessories snd s white orated Woodruff Hall where a re­ was held at the American Legion to their flavor. VanlUa and leioon pompon corsage. MRS. ROBERT H. ESCHMANN*^” ^ Home in Glastonbury, Ellery, a. Kinston Photo' ception fpr 280 guests was held fol­ extract in equal quantities, with a A reception for 125 guest* la tha MRS. WALTER C. R ^U lowing the ceremony. The bride’s'traveling attire was few dropa of almond extract added, church parlors followed ths wed­ har traveling costume. The couple The bride’s traveling costume, gives a delicious and. distinctive ployed by the Travalars Insuranoe • blue shantunir suit with pink and ding. will live at 158 Keeney S t upon Co. The bridegroom la a graduate ; wUte accaiaoHea. when leaving on a wedding trip to flavor Lo angel or sponge cajfe and 7716 bride selected a brown aearch department of the United at tha United Aircraft'a their return Aug. 26. of tha Howell Oieney Technieel brlda ia employed in the ; New Hampshire,, Canada, and moat egg dissserts. But too much shantung sheath dreaa trtmmad ia The bride la a graduate of Man­ Aircraft and the groom ia enj-1 > project. Maine, was’.* blue sheath dress School and la employed by the WO. flavoring ia not good. whits with white aocaaeorlaa for chester High School and la em-^co Machlna and'^To^ cik

* ■ . ; r ./) PACT TEH MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 12,1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 12,195T PAGE ELSVSlf Mihmukee’s ‘Big Four’ Has Braves SVs Games in Front I aemiTAngie Bros. Surprise Bristol Plumbers 6rl 4 . . • By Physical Condition Key Major Leaguo Dodgers Lose Twice; Where There^s Smoke There*s Fire PAT BOLDUC =Leoders===;! Assistant Sports Editor Hedlund, Notches Win; Handsome Dick Mayer National I,a>ague In Amateur Golf Event BatUny (Based on 2.50 at batal Yankees Boost Margin Local, Stale and National Sports Aaron, Milwaukee. .338; Miislal Additional coaches are n^ded in the Midget Football Moriarty Leads Attack Makes $SQf000 Killing St. Louis, .332; Mays, New York League this ^season and interested persons may con­ Brookline, Mass., Aug. 12— Physical condition may play a and Groat, Pitts'urgh, .330; Rob­ New \ork, Aug. 12 (/P)— There’s a pennant race missing in tact Jim Herdic tonight after 6 o’clock at the East Side Rec. leading role in the outcome of the forthcoming National Ama­ inson, Cincinnati, .329. Chicago, Aug. 12 (IP)— Handsoin'(» Dick Mayer, who became Runs—Aaron, Milwaukee. 87 the National League today and the chief suspects are Conley, A lso tonight from 6:00-8:30 at the Rec, .youngsters planning Jackie Hedlund’s strong four-hit pitching, backed up by-i teur Golf Championship, an announcement made Yesterday the year’s richest golfer by winnfiig' Jiial two toumamenta— Maya, New York and Blasingame, Spahn, Burdette„ and Biihl. Milwaukee's Big Four and Noxii to participate in the grid loop this fall will be weighed in by 13-hit attack, enabled Moriarty Bros, to defeat Bristol’s indicates. The 57th tournament will be played at The Coun­ St. Louis, 8 l; Robinson, Cincin­ Heubney Plumbers 6-1 in a Farmington Valley League con­ the National Open and the $101,00O^World”— had a chanca try C3ub in the six-day period he-*' More has the Braves 514 games in front of a pennant scram­ members of the Police & Firemen’s Junior Athletic Assn. nati. 77; Mathews. Milwaukee, 76, ble that Is quickly changing from f Boys are reminded to bring alongf> test at Page Park in Bristol yesterday afternoon. The win to become even richer today by the strbke of the pen, ’ ginning Sept. 9 and concluding Only three times since the re­ Runs Batted In—Aaron, Mil­ was- Morlarty's fourth in five*- Onetime Wail Street investment^ . v - - ■ i-i^ £ept. 14. a riddle into a romp with no sign the applicatioii blank which ap- sumption of the National Amateur waukee and Musial, St. Loliis. 87; o f a letup. I peeredd in the ' Herald for the past TTie first annual Kerry HcQuire league starts and boosted their broker, 3a-yesr-old Mayer of Lt TViunuiment orficlala revealed Memorial Softball game will match coff. but when th* playoff daftia, Championship after World War II Crowe, Cincinnati, W; Mays, New Lanky Gena Conlej', veteran I three days. overall mark to 14 wins against Jolla, Calif., made a 150,000 kill- Middlecoff proved a apent ghtfor yesterday that it will be. played on the New Haven Columbus Bears, nine setbacks. T he loss wa.s^Bris- ing” yesterday In the "World” has It been played on longer lay- Yorki, 72; Flnnis, St. Louis, 69. Warren Spahn, controversial Lew Sixty-four candidates attended United States and Mayer druljhed 'him 73 to 79. a course which for length has had oiits. The longest was S a ti c o n Hits—Aaron, Mlwaiikee, t 147; Burdette and strong-armed Bob I the previous registration, includ defending North Atlantic Regional tol’s first in second round play as with th* same sort of sleeper few equals in the long history o( against three victories, finish which Mayo shot a 387 in the All-Amer­ Valley in Bethlehem, Pa„ where Schoendieiist. 'Milwaukee. 144; Buhl. . . they have done it all in ing 32 of the 57 boys eUgible to re champs, against the Ra.vbestoa nniah which gave him the ican at Tam laat week. the event. the 1951 tournament was played. Robinson. 'Cincinnati, 142; Musial, the Braves' two-week breakaway turn for another year . . . Man- Cardlnala, world champions in 1956. Jim Moriarty with two hits, Chalk Up Win prestige-loaded IJ.S. 0()en title In drove in four runs to boost his June. "When yesterday'* final' world The length of the Anniversary .Saucon Valley measured 6,979 St. Louis, 141; Mays, New York. that has left the four other NL I rhestertte Donnie Simmons, who The contest will be played at the round started," he said, "I was Juat Course, designed especially for yards, The Country Club of De­ 139. pretenders U g^ng in the dust. performs with the Aircraft. Is the new' Burnside Field in East Hart­ season's RBI mairk to 14, one Today, Mayer decides whether behind team leader Alan Cole. hoping to finish in the top 10. Rut next month's tournament has been troit (1954) and the OMahoma DoublM—Musial, St. Louis. 31 Since July 28, the Big Four has fourth leqdlng batter in the HIAL ford on Friday night, August 23 Over England , to sign an exhibition contract with when I reached the 69th tee, Jimmy Roach came up with three "World" .. tourney promoter, announced at 6.84.S yarda The Ciy Golf and Coimtry Club (1953) Hoak, Cincinnati, Schoendienst. drawn 13 consecutive starting as­ with an even .400 average. Other starting at 6:15, All-American thought to myself that if I eoutd first nine holes will measure 3,1X0 were both longer than the An­ Milwaukee .and Bor.chee. Phila signments and come away with 12 Dick Surkoff will pitch for the singles to drive in two of the George May, which could produce American League leaders include Alsn Cole'l Morlar- Sewlckley. Pa.. Aug. 12 (SV-The get two birdies in th* laat (our yards, the second nine, 3,735 niversary Course by 80 and seven delphia, 26; Spencer, New York, victories. I ty’s), eighth with a .343 mark and Bears while Johnny Spring, a six- winner's rub*. Also collecting an additional $50,000—by making W. L. Ret G.B. United States celebrated another holes, I might have a chanca (or yards. yards respectively. 25. Free of Arm.Miseries Andy Maneggia (Moilarty’.al, 13th time All-American, will be on the a maximum of 50k appearance* at the big prize.' It was the rejuvenated Conley's New York . .72 .655 — Wightman (^ip victory today—it* $1,000 each. Triples-(Maya, New Ifork. 16; Chicago ,.. .66 with a .322 average . . . Baaed on mound foi' the classy Cardinals, 21at straight since 1930—but ten Fourth place was shared by Oene Bruton, Milwaukee. 9; Schoen­ turn Sunday and the 6-8 right­ .606 3 4 performances over the past three who also boast another All-Ameri­ Blggeet (Msb Prize hander, free again of his arm Boston . . . , .60 ,545 12 nls people hailed a big, gawky Littler and big Georgs Bayer, oadi dienst. Milwaukee. Thomson, New Baltimore . .53 years the top 10 local male bowlers can In first baseman George Adam British girl as the future queen of Mayer, now leading th8 play-for- with 381 for $5,500 apiece. - miseries, turned in a steady seven- .486 18