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f' ^'^*9 ■ PAGE TEN \ Average Daily Net Press Run 8ATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1967 For ths Week Ended' July 27, 1857 Ths Weather iKtmrtrfBtpr lEni^ninB iS^ralb Fereeaet ef D. 8. WeatlMr Bb h m the poor monster really yearns for 12,002 Fair, much eooler tealght. Law About Tomu Is a return to the good old days llifrg. Kelson Loses Member ef the Audit in mid 50*. exciapt mM 40a tai eat* Heard Along Main Street (you see, he's basically a tradi Marchuk'Wyrus Wedding Bureau ef arenUUou lying sections. Tueadsy, CUr, The weddinr of Iflu Jane Burr, tionalist) when all he had to do Most Avoirdupois reel. High 76-78. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charles was devour a cave man now and Manchester— A City, of Village Charm a Burr, 102 Adelaide Rd., and And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets, Too then, and spend most of his time Richard S. Massey, son of Mr. and cavorting In the Jungle, or in the At the mtuithly bualneaa meet VOL. LXXVI, NO. 266 Mrs. Samuel J. Massey of New sea, or in outer space, with his MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1957 And Never the Twain ; fand south, ran west and eventual fellow monsters. ing of Manchester WATB8 held (CUssified Adrertlalag on Page 1») PRICE FIVE CENTS Hsven. will take place this after A Manchester friend of a for- ly crossed each, other. Tuesday evening, it was announced noon at 3 o'clock in Center Conjre Instead, this poor r.ionster has gational Church. mer resident here, tells of a most The Manchesterite who reports to run around In. tir.e 20th century that lAVerne Kelson la again top unusual, and certainly, coincidental this story admits it's quite a coin dodging blasts from disintegrator occurrence In which her friend cidence, but she believes it. winner for the month wl^h a Karp to Join The Lithuanian Sons and Daugh rays until the fearless young weight loaa of S% pounds. was involved recently. scientist destroys him and saves ters Society wlU hold its annual It seems that the friend, a Oh Where, Oh Where Emily Fracchia was a close sec AFL-CIO picnicpicnic tomorrow at Ham__ Oarl i..anlcind. It’s really too bad, be ^W anted’ woman who moved Away from A lost and frightened cocker cause monsters aren't really bad ond with a six-pound loss. Mrs. Litigants in Park, Broad Brook,,from 12 noon Manchester a few years ago, had spaniel Is wandering somewhere to 0 p.m. All are invffod. been corresponding with another at heart, but Just" misunderstood. TKelson heads the list of the so- in the vicinity of Manchester. Now, if we were allowed to called “Top Ten” for the year with Ribicoff, woman who likewise left town at That Interpret The Judges Dispute To Weigh Cpl. David P. Krinjak, sv i of "Eelisse.". as she is called, had direct a science-fiction picture, a losa of 48 H pounds. about the same time. One of the an operation around July 1 so that we'd psychoanalyse .pur monster I There will be no meeting at the Wishes Of The Fainiljr To Be Honest Mrs. Caroline Krinjak. 53 Eldridge women was now living in New she could not have any moie pup St., has completed schooling as a Jersey; the other in Baltimore. instead of destroying him. A I Italian American Club next Tuea- Judge Jules Karp of Man pies. Ever since then, she has been monster free from psychoses ought Iday. Inatead, all members are in Jet plane mechanic a t Cherry Point, As vacation time drew near, the afraid of everything.. The owner of JOHN B. BURKE Waihington. Aug. 12 (/P)—Former union leader Anthony chester will become a litigant N. C., and has been assigned to the women decided to spend their time to be a real boon t<> society. vited to a picnic to be hald at the in.the State Supreme Court Practices the kennel where she had been op home of Miss Gladys Seelert, 233 FUNERAL HOME Doria said today racketeer Johnny Dio actually wanted to Orgo Transport Squadron. He will together. They rented a cottage erated on wanted to find a good of Errors judgeship case be Chicago, Aug. 12 (iiP)—Top be making flights all over the Unit near the ocean at a point about And They Knew Better Spencer St. Each will bring her forget his criminal record and became an honest Labor leader home for her. Charles Mathlason own picnic aupper, and a fireplace TEL. MI S-flSflS cause of the “new questions Labor leaders went into a con ed SUtes and to Africa and midway between their respective was offered the dog. He is living There were two - end only two • 81 EAST CENTER ST. but “society wouldn’t let him.’’ Doria gave the appraisal of Europe. He entered the service in homes. available parking places on Hart- I will be available. An evening of Dio in testimony before the Sen-^----- ------------------:------- ^_________ that have been raised,” it was ference today to consider Session Call alone at 56 Valley St. now that AMBULANCE SERVICE January 1056. ford's Main St. one day this week. fun will follow. The picnic win be ate Rackets Investigating Com announced today. After enjoying their week to his three children are grown and held rain or shine. mittee. •liousecleaning and other prob gether they bade each other a fond married. And, as usual, these two spots Judge Karp, who Is one of the lems. were quickly taken by cars which Doria was imtii last Msrrh sec Lay Off Ahead four newly appointed interim farewell,.; realizing that it would On Thursday, July 25, he brought retary-treasurer of the Allied In The 29-member AFL-CIO Bxec- probably be quite some time be the buff colored dog home. Some were part of the heavy influx of jridges affected by the dispute, hs.s i utive Council met around a long fore they would get together afternoon traffic in the Capital dustrial Workers Union, formerly how she managed to slip loose the old AFL United Auto Workers not, technically, been Involved in i table In an air conditioned meet- NNE PHARMACY again. from her collar. Mathiason has not city. As it happened the drivers of For This Man the case until now. He and Judge; Ing room In the Drake Hotel. New Pafley TTiey left the cottage and, once both of these cars were set on see Union (UAW). •84 CENTER ST.—Ml S-9814 seen her sinCe. "I .was going to Doria left the union under pres- Wesley. C. Gryk. whom he had been ! The season wart closed to press on the main highway, one woman ing the late afternoon showing of Los Angeles, Aug. 12 'MP\ ■ named to replace, entered a stipuls-I and public. But President George headed north toward her New name her ‘Pal’," he said. Tills was a fl^m at a theater not far from THE ARMY and NAVY aure. Questions as to his htnesa to OPEN ALL DAY the name of another spaniel he hold union office had been raised Here’s -a—wtfe who's against tion binding them to abide by the j .Meany arranged to hold a news Jersey home while her friend head where they parked. overtime for her hiiabsnd. derision handed down by the high | conference at ita conclusion, To Be Held ed -south. owned which was run over by a Emerging from the theater some In the AFL-CIO, partly because of SUNDAY car. Mathlason hopes someone Doris's associations with Dio. Mrs., Virginia Scales, 34, was court. In the meantime. Judge No agenda waa announced be- After driving about. 40 miles, knows the wherabouts of the dog three hours later, the two car own bonked yesterday on suspi Karp la continuing to .serve as fore the meeting began, but some- the Marylander decided to . stop and returns her to him. ers became highly disturbed to There was testimony last week cion of assault w ith's deadly deputy judge while Judge Gryk aita ; time during the 44-day parley the for lunch at the' Intersection of find that their cars were not that Doria agreed to resign on con weapon. as jtidgA,*;... I group it expected to' receive In- Tom orrow two highways where several res dition that the union pay him 180,- Put ‘It’ on the Couch where' they had left them. As it She walked into an electvon- Lesaner Starts .\ctIon | lerim reports on corruption in GENERAL taurants were located. turned out. the. Hartford police 000 and give him a CadIHac car. .Ics plant where her-husband, ..The announcement that Judge i uniona from the- orgsnlza- Hartford, Aug. 12 (jP)— It was with a great deal of ' Science-fiction has become - an liad the autos in the area towed He has been paid $2.5,000 and con John, was working overtime. accepted form of literature today, BINGO tends the union still ;owea him $65,-' Karp will become a litigant waa i‘‘“J}'* etWeak practices committee Gov. Ribicoff and Republican astonishment that, as she entered away in . accordance with a "no Police said she hit his boss, The AFI.-CIO chieftains met TV SERVICE and has even invaded the movies. parking from 4 to 6 p.m." ordin 000. I made bv Atty. George C. I.essner, leaders of the LSgislature ap one of the restaurants, she met EVERY SAT. N IG H T --N E W TIME 8:00 P.M.