FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Ashley Berke Alex McKechnie Director of Public Relations Public Relations Coordinator 215.409.6693 215.409.6895
[email protected] [email protected] THE RISE OF DIGITAL DEMOCRACY: EXPLORE SOCIAL MEDIA’S ROLE IN THE WORLDWIDE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM Timely discussion to take place at the National Constitution Center Philadelphia, PA (March 29, 2011) – As people around the world watched the protests that toppled Tunisia’s longstanding dictator, 50,000 Facebook members “liked” a post by Google’s Wael Ghonim inviting Egyptians to a similar protest in the streets of Cairo. How did social media harness the democratic fervor in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and beyond? How are Facebook, Google, and Twitter changing the global political landscape? The National Constitution Center, in partnership with the Kal and Lucille Rudman Media Production Center at Temple University and the Kal and Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies at Drexel University, will explore social media’s role as an accelerant in the push for democracy worldwide during The Rise of Digital Democracy , an interactive program on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Center’s F.M. Kirby Auditorium. The panel discussion will include Tony Burman , Al Jazeera’s Head of Strategy for the Americas; Rick Kaplan , Executive Producer of CBS Evening News with Katie Couric; Charles Sennott , Executive Editor and co-founder of GlobalPost, an internet journalism site devoted to international newsgathering for the digital age; Susannah Vila , Director of Content and Outreach for; and Nadine Wahab , former administrator of the “We Are All Khaled Said” Facebook page, who will be participating via Skype.