
Table • Introduction – Free-living amoebae – Symbiosis • Importance of amoebae Legionella – as reservoir, training ground, … and • Legionellales amoebae-resisting microorganisms • Mycobacteria • Rickettsiales Prof. Gilbert GREUB Institute of Microbiology • Chlamydiales University Hospital Center Lausanne, Switzerland • Giant virus • Conclusions

Introduction: free-living amoebae Introduction: free-living amoebae

Acanthamoeba palestinensis Acanthamoeba palestinensis

Acantham oeba polyphaga Acantham oeba polyphaga

Acanthamoeba castellanii Acanthamoeba castellanii

Acanthamoeba rhysodes Acanthamoeba rhysodes - 11300 species Acanthamoeba lugdunensis - 11300 species Acanthamoeba lugdunensis Acantham oeba sp. Vazaldua Acantham oeba sp. Vazaldua

Acantham oeba royreba Acantham oeba royreba

Acanthamoeba triangularis Acanthamoeba triangularis

Acanthamoeba griffini Acanthamoeba griffini - amphizoïc Acantham oeba pearcei - amphizoïc Acantham oeba pearcei Acanthamoeba hatchetti Acanthamoeba hatchetti Acantham oeba stevensoni Acanthamoeba sp. Acantham oeba stevensoni Acanthamoeba pustulosa Acanthamoeba pustulosa

Acanthamoeba culbertsoni Acanthamoeba culbertsoni

Acantham oeba healyi Acantham oeba healyi - cosmopolite Acanthamoeba com andoni - cosmopolite Acanthamoeba com andoni Acanthamoeba tubiashi Acanthamoeba tubiashi

Balamuthia mandrillaris

Mastigamoeba invertens Mastigamoeba invertens

Endolimax nana Endolimax nana

Phreatamoeba balamuthi Phreatamoeba balamuthi Vannella anglica Balamuthia sp. Vannella anglica Filamoeba nolandi Filamoeba nolandi

Gephryamoeba sp. Gephryamoeba sp.

Hartmannella verm iformis Hartmannella verm iformis - water Echinamoeba exundans - water Echinamoeba exundans Paraflabellula hoguae Paraflabellula hoguae

Rhizamoeba sp. Rhizamoeba sp. Interfaces, Leptomyxa reticulata Interfaces, Leptomyxa reticulata Saccamoeba limax Saccamoeba limax -soil D.thorntoni -soil D.thorntoni Vahlkampfia aberdonica Vahlkampfia aberdonica

Paratetramitus jugosus Paratetramitus jugosus

Tetramitus rostratus Tetramitus rostratus biofilms Vahlkam pfia enterica biofilms Vahlkam pfia enterica Vahlkampfia lobospinosa Vahlkampfia lobospinosa -air Vahlkampfia avara -air Vahlkampfia avara Vahlkampfia inornata Vahlkampfia inornata

Vahlkampfia damariscottae Vahlkampfia damariscottae

Naegleria andersoni Naegleria andersoni

Naegleria minor Naegleria minor

Naegleria jam iesoni Naegleria jam iesoni

Naegleria fowleri Naegleria fowleri

Naegleria lovaniensis Naegleria lovaniensis

Naegleria australiensis Naegleria australiensis

Naegleria italica Naegleria italica

Naegleria gruberi Naegleria gruberi Vahlkampfia ustiana Naegleria sp. Vahlkampfia ustiana P.lanterna P.lanterna

Entamoeba coli coli

Entamoeba chattoni Entamoeba chattoni

Entamoeba polecki Entamoeba polecki

Entam oeba ranarum Entam oeba ranarum

Entamoeba gingivalis Entamoeba gingivalis

Entamoeba hartmanni Entamoeba hartmanni

Entam oeba terrapinae Entam oeba terrapinae

Entam oeba sp. Entam oeba sp.

Entamoeba insolita Entamoeba insolita

Entamoeba dispar Entamoeba dispar

Entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba m oshkovskii Entamoeba m oshkovskii

Hexamita sp Hexamita sp 0.1 0.1 © by authorNeurology 1991; 41:1993-5NEJM 1994

Introduction: symbiosis Introduction: symbiosis ESCMID1879 De Bary Concept Online of symbiosis (lichens) Lecture1879 De Bary Concept ofLibrary symbiosis (lichens) Green moss (= plant) 1974 Drozanski Lysis of free-living amoebae due to bacterial infection Lichens = 1975 Proca-Ciopanu Endosymbiont of amoebae Fungi: 1978 Krishnan-Prasad Amoebae as a reservoir - provide water/min. salt to algua - protect algua from dessication + Algua: - provides glucides elaborated through photosynthesis

« life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking… » Margulis & Sagan, 1986 cooperation, interactions, mutualistic dependency = key factor in evolution

1 30.08.2013

Rickettsiales (Holosporaceae) Rickettsiales (Rickettsiaceae) Caedibacter Rickettsia-like symbionts

Observed since 1985 in Acanthamoeba Observed in Acanthamoeba Fritsche T. 1993 J Clin Microbiol. 85.4% similarity with R. sibirica

Fritsche T. 1999 Appl Env Microbiol. Taxonomic position confirmed by 16S sequ + FISH

Close to symbionts of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum: Distribution ? Caedibacter Holospora Prevalence ? caryophilus obtusa Host range ? Caedibacter acanthamoebae 93.3% 85.8% Human pathogenicity ? Paracedibacter acanthamoebae 87.5% 84.5% Interactions with amoebae ? Paraceadibacter symbiosus 86.5% 84%

Horn M. 1999 Env Microbiol

Rickettsiales (Holosporaceae) Odysella thessalonicensis Cytopathic effect

550 Isolated from an air conditionning system in Greece 500 Hall 25°C 450 3 Neg. 25°C 30 to 37°C: amoebal lysis after 7 and 4 days, resp. 400 Hall 28°C 350 Neg. 28°C

AMOEBAL PATHOGEN per mm Hall 30°C 300 22°C: stable symbiont for at least 3 weeks Neg. 30°C 250 Hall 32°C ENDOSYMBIONT 200

Number of living of Number Neg. 32°C Birtles 2000 Int J Syst Bact; 150

A. polyphaga Hall 35°C Beier et al. Appl Env Microbiol 2002 100 Neg. 35°C Hall 37°C Parachlamydia also 50 Neg. 37°C 0 lytic versus symbiotic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 according to the incubation temperature day Endosymbiontic

Greub et al 2003 NY Acad Sci Lytic © by authorGreub et al. Ann NY Acad Sci 2003

Importance of amoebae Importance of amoebae ESCMID Online LectureA reservoir for LegionellaLibraryspp. Rowobotham 1980

Legionella & Acanthamoeba Lausanne Amoebae feed on bacteria … hospital Some bacteria (such as legionella) evolved to resist Amoebae No amoebae to amoebae Samples positive 33% 3% (p<0.001) AMOEBAE-RESISTING BACTERIA for Legionella

Thomas and Greub, Appl Env Microbiol, 2006

2 30.08.2013

Importance of amoebae Importance of amoebae … also a reservoir for mycobacteria … also a reservoir for Parachlamydia

Mycobacterium massiliense in Acanthamoeba polyphaga Adekambi et al. JCM 2004

Lausanne Amoebae No amoebae hospital Samples positive 47% 18% (p=0.009) for mycobacteria Parachlamydia acanthamoebae

Thomas and Greub, Appl Env Microbiol, 2006 Greub et al. Clin Microbiol Rev 2004

Importance of amoebae Importance of amoebae A protective armour A protective armour

Trophozoites Kyste Encystment Biofilm Légionelles

waterEau waterEau

Disencystment © by author

Importance of amoebae Importance of amoebae A training ground A training ground ESCMIDSelection of Online Lecture Library virulence traits

Mouse model of infection with Mycobacterium avium


Adaptation to macrophages

Lower respiratory tract

Adapté de : Greub et al. Clin Microb Rev 2004 Cirillo et al. Infection & Immunity 1997;65:3759-3767

3 30.08.2013

Importance of amoebae Importance of amoebae A Trojan horse Adaptation to macrophages

Endoplasmic reticulum

golgi apparatus late endosomes

lysosome bacteria


early endosome

Cirillo et al. Infection & Immunity 1997;65:3759-3767

Importance of amoebae Moliner et al. Amoebae as a melting pot FEMS Rev 2010 for genes exchange Adaptation to macrophages Amoebal microorganisms Relatives Relatives Louse-borne pathogens

C. burnetii L. drancourtii A. baumanii AYE + 50% 1,995,275 bp 4,169,142 bp 3,936,291 bp A. baumanii SDF 3,421,954 bp L. pneumophila F. tularensis -5% A. baylyi ADP1 3,461,078 bp 1,892,616 bp 3,598,621 bp Coxiella burnetii: ± 115,392 bp survive to acidic pH + 50% P. acanthamoeba of the lysosome ~ 3 Mbp Chlamydia sp. Candidatus 1,134,536 bp B. henselae B. quitana ‘P. amoebophila’ ± 95,694 bp 1,931,047 bp 1,581,384 bp 2,414,465 bp - 18% + 15% R. bellii Rickettsia sp. 1,525,528 bp 1,298,322 bp B. duttonii B. recurrentis ± 3,452 bp ± 186,826 bp 1,574,910 bp 1,242,163 bp Legionella pneumophila: - 21% + 65% prevent the fusion of mimivirus Virus R. conorii R. prowazekii phagosome & lysosome 1,181,404 bp ≥ 407,339 bp 1,268,755 bp 1,111,523 bp

- 12% © by authorGene content reflects the ecology of a bacteria

Protochlamydia amoebophila: genes exchanges Protochlamydia amoebophila: genes exchanges ESCMIDA 100 kb genomic Online island: Pam100G Lecturetra operon is encoding a putativeLibrary DNA conjugative transfer system


pNL1 (Sphingomonas)

F factor (E. coli)

A genomic island encodes a potentially functional F-like conjugative DNA transfer system

First evidence of a possible conjugative system in chlamydiae (and in strict intracellular bacteria)

Greub et al BMC Microbiol 2004 Greub et al BMC Microbiol 2004

4 30.08.2013

Protochlamydia amoebophila: genes exchanges

Tra operon Nucleotides transporters also present in: Chlamydia - Parachlamydia acanthamoebae Greub et al PLoS One 2009 - Simkania negevensis (on a plasmid) ADP

Myers et al, oral communication ATP NTP ntt1 ntt2 - Rickettsia belii (a rickettsia that may grow in amoebae) Protochlamydia Waddlia amoebophila chondrophila

ADP ADP H+ ntt5 ntt5 ADP GTP/ATP ntt1 NTP? ATP UTP ATP UTP Likely functionnal & likely transferred in amoebae H+ H+ NAD+ NTP ntt3 NTP? NTP ntt3 ntt4 ntt2 ntt2 Ogata et al. PLOS Genet 2006 ntt4

Moliner et al. Amoebae as a melting pot FEMS Rev 2010 Chlamydiae-Planctomycetes common ancestor for genes exchange 1

Cyanobacteria Ancestral gamma-proteobacteria Amoebal microorganisms Relatives Relatives Louse-borne pathogens Uncharacterized transporter 2 C. burnetii NDP L. drancourtii A. baumanii AYE + 50% 1,995,275 bp NTP = non-specific nucleotide transporter 4,169,142 bp 3,936,291 bp A. baumanii SDF Gene ntt2 Duplicated in an duplication 3,421,954 bp 3 L. pneumophila F. tularensis -5% Ancestral Chlamydiales A. baylyi ADP1 ancestral Chlamydiae 3,461,078 bp 1,892,616 bp ADP NTP 3,598,621 bp ntt2 Transfer to ± 115,392 bp 1.3 billion years ago NAD+ Gene Rickettsiales duplication + 50% 4 P. acanthamoeba Transfer to plant Ancestral ADP ~ 3 Mbp ADP NTP 7 Rickettsiales Chlamydia sp. Horizontal B. henselae B. quitana plastids ntt1 ntt2 Horizontal Candidatus 1,134,536 bp 5 transfer ATP NAD+ 1,581,384 bp ntt4 transfer ‘P. amoebophila’ ± 95,694 bp 1,931,047 bp NTP Gene 2,414,465 bp ADP duplication - 18% Gene + 15% ATP duplication Ancestral 9 8 R. bellii Rickettsia sp. plastid 1,525,528 bp 1,298,322 bp B. duttonii B. recurrentis CTP ? ? ± 3,452 bp ± 186,826 bp 1,574,910 bp 1,242,163 bp ntt5 ATP GTP BTP tlc2 +3 Species tlc1 tlc5 tlc4 divergence ADP GTP - 21% ntt1 ADP ntt3 + 65% 6 ATP NTP NAD+ ntt2 Arabidopsis ntt4 plastid Species mimivirus Virus R. conorii R. prowazekii 10 Gene divergence Species 1,181,404 bp ≥ 407,339 bp 1,268,755 bp 1,111,523 bp duplication Gene divergence Other loss Chlamydiaceae plastids Protochlamydia - 12% amoebophila ADP CTP ADP ATP Greub & Raoult. AEM 2003;69:5530-5535 ATP GTP NTP ? ATP ntt1 ntt2 + NTP Gene content reflects the ecology of a bacteria Greub et al, unpublished NAD © by author

ESCMIDConclusion Online LectureOther amoebae-resisting Library bacteria

• may (like Legionella) resist to amoebae

• might also survive to another phagocytic cell: the human macrophage

• are good candidate as agents of pneumonia of unknown etiology

Co-culture to discover new pathogens Greub; Clin Microbiol Infect 2009 (amoebae-resisting micro-organisms)

5 30.08.2013

Importance of amoebae: a cell culture system Importance of amoebae: a cell culture system

Investigated sample Investigated sample No lysis serial dilutions serial dilutions

Estrella Photo Photo Lyse/non lysées Lyse/non lysées


Lysis Rhabdochlamydia Amoebal co-culture Amoebal co-culture crassificans

Adapted from Lamoth & Greub, FEMS Microbiol Rev 2010; Greub, Clin Microbiol Infect 2009; Corsaro et al 2007. Adapted from Lamoth & Greub, FEMS Microbiol Rev 2010; Greub, Clin Microbiol Infect 2009; Corsaro et al 2007.

Genome of Criblamydia: detoxification Genome of Criblamydia: detoxification

Bacterial Plasmid Chromosome Size 2’968’813 bp 89’525 bp GC content 38.2 % 40.8 % Nb of genes 2’674 101

Criblamydia megaplasmid

13% of the proteins are of phagic origin mostly within the Proteobacteria clade Efflux pump and other transporters - Several efflux systems and multidrug transporters - Orthologues in the genomes of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Protochlamydia amoebophila

Criblamydia sequanensis within Acanthamoeba sp. Thomas et al. Electron microscopy. Bars: 2 μm (A, C), 0.2 μm (B, D). Env Microbiol 2006 © by authorBertelli & Greub, unpublished

Genome of Criblamydia sequanensis ESCMIDCriblamydia Onlinemegaplasmid LectureMimivirus Library encodes an arsenate operon arsC arsB arsR arsM

Arsenate Arsenite Arsenical Arsenite reductase resistance resistance methyltransferase protein operon (transporter) repressor


arsR As[V] arsCarsC

As[III] Trimethylarsenite arsM (volatile) arsB As[III] La Scola et al Science 2003 Bertelli & Greub, unpublished

6 30.08.2013

Infectious particles recovered using 0.22 µm filtration

Thomas et al. Env Microbiol 2011 Thomas et al. Env Microbiol 2011

Conclusions: Acknowledgments David Baud Free-living Claire Bertelli amoebae Antony Croxatto Marie De Barsy Nicolas Jacquier Tool (culture) Carole Kebbi Linda Muller Trestan Pillonel Ludovic Pilloux Reservoir Brigida Rusconi Sébastien Aebi Training Joel Gyger ground Selection of virulence traits Many collaborations: Prof D. Raoult (Marseille), Prof T. Soldati (Geneva) Prof A. Goessmann (Bielefeld), …. Genetic exchange Legionella, Rickettsiales, Amoebae & Chlamydiales… intracellular micr-organisms © by author ESCMID Online Lecture Library