North Dakota TOUR2

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North Dakota TOUR2 North Dakota TOUR 2 In April 1805 after wintering with LEWISLEWIS & CLARKCLARK the Mandan tribe, Lewis and Clark STATESTAATETE PARKPARKK were eager to head West. The Corps New TTownown of Discovery set out in canoes and FOUR BEARS SCENIC pirogues to their date with the Rocky BYWAYBYWWAAYY SSanisSanishsh 37 83 INDIANN HILLS FORT STEVENSON Mountains… and history… RECREATIONRECREAEAATIONTION Mandareeee THREEHR STATESTATE PARKPARK AFFILIATEDAFFILIAATEDT D AREAR Garrisononn TRIBESES AUDUBONAUDUBON NATIONALNAATIONAL Today, you and your family can KILLDEER MUSEUMMUSEU WILDLIFE REFUGE MOUNTAINSOUNTAINS FT.FT. MANDAN make your own history with a great HISTORICALHISTORICAL SITE GARRISONGARRISONAARRRRIISONSSOOONN DAMDAAM Killdeer 1806 LEWISLEWIS & CLARKCLARK get-away vacation where horizons LAKELAAKKE SAKAKAWEASAAKKAAKKAAWWEAEAA INTERPRETIVE CENTER KILLDEER STATESTSTATTE PARKPAARK stretch seemingly to infinity! BATTLEFIELDBAATTTLEFIELD 200 WASHBURNWASHBURN HISTORICALHISTORICAL LAKELAKE ILOILO Beulah SITE NATIONALNAATIONAL SAKAKAWEASAKSSAAKKAKAKAWAWEAA SCENICSSCCENICC BYWAYBYWYWAAYY WILDLIFE Washburn – North of Bismarck on US 83 is the RESERVE FT.FT. CLARKCLARK CROSSCROSS RANCHRANCH site of the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center and KNIFE RIVER HISTORICALHISTORICAL 83 STATESTAATETE PARKPARK INDIANINDIAN VILLAGEVILLAGE SITE the re-created Fort Mandan, one of the key stops HISTORICALHISTORICAL along the entire length of the Trail. The combined SITE Mandan facility brings alive the story of Lewis and Clark and BISMARCK the Corps of Discovery. The Center has recently undergone a complete exhibit redesign and a 9,000 North Dakota square foot expansion. A rare complete set of TOUR TWO • WEST CENTRAL REGION the printed artworks of Swiss artist Karl Bodmer 94 is displayed at the Center. Restored Fort Mandan FORT MANDAN • LAKE SAKAKAWEA recalls the days when the Mandans welcomed the Corps and hosted them during the winter of 1804- 1805. It was here that the famed explorers met the young Shoshone woman Sakakawea who played Lake Sakakawea – On US 83 and ND 1804 and Powwows are held throughout the summer. For such a key role in their journey across the Conti- 1806. The massive 140-mile long lake to Williston more information on the Three Affiliated Tribes, nental Divide and reaching the Pacific Ocean. For includes Garrison Dam. Pick City and Riverdale please go to: more information go to: straddle the dam and have visitor facilities. The Killdeer Mountains Four Bears Scenic Byway – Audubon National Wildlife Refuge is at Coleharbor. On ND 22 from New Town to south of Killdeer. The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center Garrison – On ND 37. Features the Heritage Tour includes New Town’s attractions plus the and Fort Mandan in Washburn, North Dakota Park Museum and the North Dakota Firefighters Little Missouri State Park which features Badlands Photo Courtesy of the Fort Mandan Foundation Museum plus the World’s Largest Walleye statue. trail rides plus the Killdeer Mountain Battlefield Fort Stevenson State Park – West of Garrison. State Historic Site where 6,000 Sioux fought Includes boat ramps, fishing boat rental, boat General Sully’s 2,200-man command in 1864. storage, 175 campsites, cabin rental, visitor center Beulah – On US 200. Energy and coal mine tours, and picnic shelters. the Pfenning Wildlife Museum and the Mercer Lake Sakakawea State Park – Offers 192 camp- County Museum. sites, cabin rental, visitor center, marina, picnic Sakakawea Scenic Byway – Return to Washburn shelters, boat ramps, fishing boat and canoe rentals. on ND 31 /200A. This Byway includes the Lewis Indian Hills State Recreation Area, ND – and Clark Interpretive Center, Fort Mandan Provides cabin rental, visitor center, picnic shelters, Historic Site, Cross Ranch State Park, and the Fort boat ramp, fishing boat and canoe rentals, hiking Clark State Historic Site. The Byway also includes and biking trails and horseback riding. the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site near Stanton which offers a wonderful look at New Town – On ND 23. Four Bears Bridge and early 19th Century Plains Indian life. the Three Affiliated Tribes Museum on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, home of the Arikaras, For more information on the great attractions Mandans and Hidatsas. Visit the Mandan Hidatsa and parks along the Lewis and Clark Trail, go to: Arikara Earth Village, offering hiking, biking, kayaking, canoeing and cultural interpretation. lewisan dclar kcou nt THIS PROJECT WAS FUNDED IN PART BY A GRANT FROM THE LEWIS AND CLARK STEWARDSHIP ENDOWMENT : A NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE LEWIS & CLARK EXPEDITION BICENTENNIAL LEGACY PROJECT. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION AT: WWW.LEWISANDCLARK.ORG ADDITIONAL FUNDING HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY : North Dakota Fort Mandan Lewis and Clark Trail National Park Service Tourism Foundation Heritage Foundation Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail
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