Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2



The Chair welcomed members to the Executive Meeting. The Chair noted the importance of the occasion with the retirement of the outgoing Executive Officer, Chris Vardon, and the appointment of the incoming Executive Officer, John Duscher.

MEMBERS POSITION Cr Jeanette Harding Mayor, South Gippsland Shire Council and SEATS Chair Cr Sue Whelan Queanbeyan City Council and SEATS Deputy Chair Chris Vardon OAM Outgoing Executive Officer John Duscher Incoming Executive Officer Gordon Charles East Gippsland Shire Council and SEATS Treasurer Mark Burnett East Gippsland Shire Council Greg Pullen Shoalhaven City Council Cr Debbie Brown Baw Baw Shire Council Cr Marianne Peltz East Gippsland Shire Council Cr Neil Burnside Eurobodalla Shire Cr Bob Wenger Wellington Shire Council

MINUTES POSITION Cavell Ferrier South Gippsland Shire Council


Cr Bob Stewart Bombala Shire Council



The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Greg Pullen Seconded: Cr Marianne Peltz Carried.




Chris Vardon addressed the group and reported the following:-

o November to February has not been the most productive time, with holiday periods and

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pending elections. Directorates of all political parties in NSW have been written to, outlining the goals of SEATS and seeking support for our projects. He noted the importance of targeting political persons who have influence in decision making.

o He is completing his duties as Executive Officer on 5 March 2015. John Duscher will take up the role.

o The SEATS website is now online. There have been significant changes with the site which includes information about meetings, presentations, reports, etc. An interactive feature is also available where questions may be posed to the Executive Officer with responses via email.

o Jindabyne Shire is enthusiastic about joining SEATS and will be a welcome addition to the SEATS group.

o Priority projects are important and need to be tracked accordingly.

o The Notice of Motion re Main Road 2 Beyond Nerriga Report is to be discussed tomorrow.

The Chair added the following comments:-

o The Labor Party representative had been invited to the meeting, however was unable to attend. Further invitations will be made in advance of SEATS gatherings.

o Danny O’Brien MLC will be attending the dinner this evening and will briefly address delegates.

Cr Debbie Brown reported that the next meeting is in Victoria, hosted by Baw Baw Shire Council and her office has invited several ministers to the meeting.


Gordon Charles talked to the Treasurer’s report, which had been circulated, was received. He noted that vigorous pursuit of outstanding fees from the last financial year had been recouped. Funds have been allowed for the transition from outgoing to incoming Executive Officer. A resolution will be taken tomorrow to determine the use of the income line item of $19,170.00. It was noted that there will be not be any refund to respective governments and the funds may be used for additional studies.


John Duscher addressed the group. He reported that the transition has commenced and he has had helpful discussions with Chris Vardon. John reported that he is pleased to have the opportunity to take up the role and will embrace the challenges with enthusiasm. He added that he is familiar with SEATS members and affiliated organizations; having been a member from the first days. He believes that SEATS is meeting its mission and vision very well, with much work still to be done.

Chair responded that it was a unanimous decision to appoint John Duscher from a group of exceptionally fine applicants. John’s passion for SEATS will give him the chance of filling the considerable shoes of the outgoing EO, Chris Vardon.

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Cr Debbie Brown queried the term of Chairperson with a maximum of two years in the role before a change.

Chris Vardon responded that for this to occur, a change to the Constitution is required. This requires 28 days notice to all members before the Annual General Meeting in August.


That the draft notice of motion to be submitted to the AGM regarding term of Chairperson (Chair and Deputy Chair) be tabled at the Executive Meeting in May for consideration.

Moved: Greg Pullen Seconded: Cr Sue Whelan Carried.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 11.45 am.

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The Chair, Cr Jeanette Harding, welcomed members to the General Meeting.


MEMBERS POSITION Cr Jeanette Harding Mayor, South Gippsland Shire Council and SEATS Chair Cr Sue Whelan Queanbeyan City Council and SEATS Deputy Chair Chris Vardon OAM Outgoing Executive Officer John Duscher Incoming Executive Officer Gordon Charles East Gippsland Shire Council and SEATS Treasurer Mark Burnett East Gippsland Shire Council Greg Pullen Shoalhaven City Council Cr Debbie Brown Baw Baw Shire Council Cr Marianne Peltz East Gippsland Shire Council Cr Neil Burnside Eurobodalla Shire Cr Bob Wenger Wellington Shire Council Bill Ellison Palerang Council Cr Paul Cockram Palerang Council John Ernst South Gippsland Shire Council Paul Stampton South Gippsland Shire Council Ken Fraser South Gippsland Shire Council Tim Tamlin CEO, South Gippsland Shire Council Phil Cantillon Baw Baw Shire Council Mike Hyde Wollongong City Council Harvey Dinelli DEDJTR Greg Hatt Gippsland Ports Cr Clare Le Serve Bass Coast Shire Council Warren Sharpe Eurobodalla Shire Cr Rob Pollock RDA – FSC Cr Patricia White Shoalhaven City Council Cr John Murray Shellharbour City Council Stuart Clark GHD Graham Brisbane GHD Cr Bill Taylor Bega Valley Shire Council Mayor Michael Britten Bega Valley Shire Council Wayne Sartori Bega Valley Shire Council Chris Hastie Wellington Shire Council Cr Denzil Sturgiss Goulburn Mulwaree Council Cr Graeme Middlemiss Latrobe City Council Phil Stone Latrobe City Council Mark Williams Sanmar Consulting Sandy Williams Sanmar Consulting Peter Francis Bass Coast Shire Council

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Cr James Wheelwright Upper Lachlan Shire Council Phil Newham Upper Lachlan Shire Council Kenn Beer Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd Brad Close Victorian Transport Association Stuart Clark GHD Graham Brisbane GHD

GUEST SPEAKER POSITION Brad Close Victorian Transport Association A/Prof Robert Faggian Deakin University

MINUTES POSITION Cavell Ferrier South Gippsland Shire Council


Felicity Sist Bass Coast Shire Council Michael Lamperd Bega Cheese Nola Bansgrove OAM Bransgrove Freight Fiona Hatcher RDAFSC Andy Beldom GHD Cr Bob Kirk Goulburn Mulwaree Council Noel McCann Canberra Airport Kathryn Scarano Canberra Airport Phil Hansen Queanbeyan City Council Cr Marianne Saliba Shoalhaven City Council Lesley Scarlett Southern Councils Group Mark Williams Sanmar Consulting Sandy Williams Sanmar Consulting David Wilson RMS Dom Figliomeni NSW Ports Cr Judy Hannan Wollondilly Council



The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 and 7 November 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record with the following amendments:-

 Add Greg Pullen and Cr Marianne Saliba to the attendance list.  Typographical error on p.20, section 11 – Minister for Roads is Duncan Gay.

Moved: Greg Pullen Seconded: Cr Debbie Brown Carried.

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The Chair expressed sadness at the retirement of the outgoing EO, Chris Vardon but was pleased to announce the appointment of John Duscher as new EO. The Chair invited Warren Sharpe to say a few words. Warren stated that Chris has been a personal mentor to him and a dear and respected friend. Chris has an OAM for his services to local government and had been Mayor of Warren’s council for several years. His leadership and ability to build relationships and strategic expertise has been invaluable in his role as EO of SEATS. Warren shared some anecdotes of his association with Chris which brought a smile to delegate’s faces. Warren acknowledged the support of Chris’ wife, Judy, behind the scenes and wished Chris and Judy all the best for the future. A copy of a press release issued by Eurobodalla Shire will be available on the SEATS website.

Deputy Chair, Sue Whelan, then addressed the group. Sue has known Chris since his Eurobodalla days. Chris leaves a great legacy in NSW in local government and in the community. Sue also thanked Judy for her unwavering support of Chris. Sue stated she would treasure her friendship with Chris and Judy. The Deputy Chair presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Chris Vardon in recognition of his dedicated service to SEATS and its membership in the south east Australian region.

The Treasurer, Gordon Charles reiterated the sentiments of Warren and the Deputy Chair and presented Chris with a gift. The Chair presented Judy Vardon with a gift of appreciation.

Tim Tamlin, CEO of South Gippsland Shire Council briefly addressed the delegates. Tim acknowledged the traditional owners of the land; past and present. Tim thanked all delegates for coming from far and wide to attend the SEATS event and he hoped that there would be an opportunity to see some of the natural beauty of the Prom and region.

Chris Vardon responded to the delegates, thanking all the speakers for their kind words and jokingly reporting that he has decided not to retire! Chris expressed his gratitude and love for his great supporter, his wife, Judy. Chris thanked everyone for the courtesy extended to him and his wife. The next two weeks sees him end a 54 year working career. Chris expressed delight that John Duscher has taken on the role and is confident that SEATS will progress further under his guidance. A copy of Chris thank you notes had been circulated.

The Chair expressed thanks and acknowledged the emotion of the occasion.


The Chair introduced John Duscher, the incoming Executive Officer.

John added that Chris has been a great leader of SEATS, his guidance and zest for getting things done have drawn on his personal skills and knowledge and has taken SEATS to a new level where SEATS is sought out for advice and direction and this is an absolute credit to him.

John added he is looking forward to stepping up to the role and challenges of the future. Having been a foundation member of SEATS, he has a well-developed appreciation of the value of SEATS.

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The Executive Officer’s Report had been circulated.


That the Executive Officer’s Report be accepted, as presented.

Moved: Mike Hyde Seconded: Ralf Kastan Carried.


The Financial Report had been circulated.


That the Financial Report be received:-

Moved: Gordon Charles Seconded: Cr Sue Whelan Carried.


The Recission Motion was held over for discussion tomorrow when delegates from respective councils concerned will be in attendance.


John Ernst from South Gippsland Shire Council presented on Gippsland’s Safe Freight Network. A copy of the Presentation will be available on the SEATS website.


The VicRoads report, which had been circulated, was received. Harvey Dinelli spoke briefly to the report.


The RMS-Southern Report, which had been circulated, was received. Chris Vardon presented the report on behalf of David Wilson who was absent due to other duties.

Greg Pullen added that two programs were announced last Friday under the Heavy Vehicle Safety Program and Fix the Country Roads Program. These announcements will be available on the website.


The meeting was adjourned at 2.45 pm on 19 February 2015.

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Delegates then enjoyed a 2 hour cruise, with afternoon refreshments, on the catamaran, Nooramunga before gathering for dinner at the Pier Port Hotel in Port Welshpool.

Guest speaker at the dinner was Richard Elkington, Chairman, RDA - Gippsland, who presented on the Gippsland Food Plan and Mr Danny O’Brien MLC briefly addressed the delegates.


The meeting resumed at 9.20 am on Friday 20 February 2015.


Agricultural Industry Transformation – Gippsland – Associate Professor Robert Faggian, Deakin University. A copy of this PowerPoint presentation will be posted to the website.

Transport Issues in Gippsland and south east region – Brad Close, Victorian Transport Association. Brad addressed the group focusing on five main areas including:-

1. National Reform While National Heavy Vehicle legislation has been introduced, notionally improving administration, various State legislation is still in place. This has in effect increased red tape and continues to affect productivity. The Industry is seeking from regulators and statutory bodies a consistent approach despite borders or jurisdiction, example inconsistencies when crossing borders a PBS approved Truck & dog in Victoria loads to 57.5tn on approved network, crosses into NSW and is automatically back to 50.5tn or enters SA and is back to 54.5tn same truck with approval for PBS yet up to 7 tonne in difference in capacity. How does an industry deal with such variances and remain sustainable? 2. Doubling of the Freight Task The freight task will double over the next 20 to 30 years. Containers through the Port of will almost triple. The Port will likely reach maximum capacity by 2028 and new arrangements will need to found. Empty containers being returned to Asia are now the biggest export. Containers are only 4% of the metro freight task; in 30 years will only be 10%. Changes to configurations will see the freight task move from current status of +66% of freight moved in metro area on tray trucks (less than 22.5tn GVM) to semi-trailer/multi trailer combinations to around 42% from the current 30%. This trend is similar in regional areas. The doubling of the freight task cannot be simply doubling the amount of trucks on the road network – more is required by all in the supply chain to address this challenge Rail and coastal shipping are possible alternatives and should be explored to ease congestion on an already stressed road network. 3. Infrastructure Governments do not have enough money to fund required infrastructure. Private road operators are becoming more prevalent and in times of shortages of funding opportunities governments are turning to Private operators to build the infrastructure to service the needs. This in turn leads to communities and taxpayers and road users being left with the choice of further congestion or toll roads with most agreements in place for road operators in excess of 30 years. Governments need to seek out different funding options or be forced to do the same thing and get the same result. Move to Larger Vehicles Higher Productivity vehicles will be desired as part of the solution in order to meet productivity requirements and increasing congestion. But it will need agencies and government to look closely at asset preservation techniques especially life expectancy of SEATS Meeting Minutes – 19/20 February 2015 Page 8 of 12

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assets such as bridges and roads and consider the options again more of the same or less trucks carrying more? Industry will accept technology to allow access be it Intelligent Access Programs (IAP) or smarter trucks with the ability to sense changes in conditions and environment already major manufacturers are producing safer trucks that “see” traffic example Mercedes Benz & Volvo 4. Fueling the growth The increasing freight task in metro areas will pull many drivers from rural areas. How will regional areas attract and keep drivers? What initiatives can be implemented to ensure the transport & logistics industry becomes an employer of choice for school leaver and career changers? Driver profiles to be improved +$750K equipment cost to furnish new B double add cost of freight this is not a cost that should be left to lower socio/economic class and thus should be promoted as a career not just a job. 5. Challenges for Industry into the future regardless of geographic position (metro or regional/country) · People · Profile · Profitability · Community · Environment · Confidence/Investment


Members discussed, at length, this motion with concerns being raised for Palerang Shire Council and the ongoing issue of the unsealed Braidwood section. Cr Paul Cockram from Palerang spoke against the motion. Warren Sharpe from Eurobodalla spoke in support of part of the motion but also in support of Palerang Shire’s concerns. Cr Denzil Sturgiss from Goulburn Mulwaree Council and Greg Pullen from Shoalhaven City Council spoke in support of the motion. Given the complexities of the discussion a further motion was raised by the Deputy Chair.


Moved that that standing orders be suspended to allow members to have further discussions on this motion.

Moved: Cr Sue Whelan Seconded: Gordon Charles Carried.

The meeting adjourned for morning tea with a view to considering a new motion after further communication between the respective stakeholders

The meeting resumed at 11.38 am with further discussion on the motion.

Greg Pullen report that consensus had been reached.


To withdraw the previous motion, taken at Shoalhaven Heads.

Moved: Paul Newham Seconded: Cr Sue Whelan Carried.

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Shoalhaven City Council proposes the following motion to be put to SEATS today as an alternate to the motion proposed by Upper Lachlan Shire Council:- a) SEATS accept and endorse the “Beyond Nerriga Route Options Study – Corridor Options Report” as submitted to SEATS as a technical document. b) SEATS continue to work with member Councils and Government Agencies to advance the freight corridor “beyond Nerriga” with emphasis on Stage 1 – Nerriga to Tarago (via Sandy Point) c) SEATS encourages member Councils to use the report and further analysis to form partnerships and project proposals to be submitted to SEATS for consideration as “priority projects” and to pursue grants under the various funding programs that may be applicable to improve the transport network, (i) SEATS specifically invites Palerang Shire Council to submit a SEATS Priority Project application for upgrading of the MR92 link (Nerriga-Braidwood) and pursue grant funding opportunities. d) Seats allocate the unspent funds to be used by the Councils for further analysis tasks. e) SEATS thank the participants in the study - Goulburn-Mulwaree, Palerang, Shoalhaven, Upper Lachlan and Yass Valley Councils and Transport for NSW as well as the consultant, GHD.

Moved: Greg Pullen Seconded: Cr James Wheelwright Carried.

The Chair noted that an important decision has been made with this motion.


Ralf Kastan, Kastan Consulting  Outlined his intention to set up a meeting with A/Prof Robert Faggian to look further at expanding the information presented today to other councils in NSW.

Phil Cantillon, Baw Baw Shire  project with VicRoads is progressing well and will provide a significant public transport connection and hopefully improved rail service from Melbourne.  Awaiting announcement of Heavy Vehicle Program and Heavy Bridge Program for two projects identified through SEATS which will hopefully be on the list.  Road Maintenance contract of 8 years duration finishes on 30 June. Tenders for new model has been developed.  Working with other parties, MAV members, to create regional road groups in an effort to harmonize asset information, systems, etc.

Chris Hastie, Wellington Shire Council  Upgrades between Sale and progressing well. Further works to be done after this has been finished.  Engaging with VicRoads re upgrades.

Pas Monacella, VicRoads  Pas thanked Chris Vardon for his outstanding contribution to SEATS which has resulted in some fantastic outcomes across the Gippsland region.

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Paul Stampton, South Gippsland Shire Council  Street reconstruction of Gray Street, (special charge scheme).  Road rehabilitation of Henrys Road, Nyora  Black Spur, Koonwarra – , $211,000 planning study, late 2015. Cost of $40-60m with a business case to be presented.  Leongatha Heavy Vehicle Alternative Route – final detailed design with a change to right of way.

Phil Newham, Upper Lachlan Shire Council  Working on sealing last km’s of MR 54, which is progressing well with stage one almost complete. Stage 2 planned for next financial year.  Developer funded works on MR 56.almost completed.  Successful with a $1.5 m allocation from State and Federal Governments for a boundary bridge with a neighbouring Shire.

Cr Paul Cockram, Palerang Shire Council  Captains Bridge works with thanks to RMS for this piece of infrastructure.

Cr Sue Whelan, Queanbeyan Council  RMS Extension Program

Mark Burnett East Gippsland  Next round of black spot funding applications for three locations; Scriveners Road in Lakes Entrance, some road in Omeo and another in Lakes.  Heavy vehicle parking area in Cann River  Bridges – 243 bridges in various states of disrepair – inventory on Fitzgerald Bridge – level 2 inspection. Bridge may need to be closed. This affects five properties.

Cr Marianne Peltz, East Gippsland Shire  Country aerodrome and native vegetation issues. Need for support for public facilities such as aerodromes and telecom towers, particularly in remote areas in cases of emergency situations.

Mike Hyde, Wollongong City Council  Fowles Road extension from Dapto into major multi-lot development in Wollongong area. Expensive project exacerbated by flooding issues and indigenous concerns. Latest estimate from GHD for the project including bridge and ancillary works is $93.5m, however this will flood-proof Dapto.

Kenn Beer, Safe System Solutions Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd has partnered with VicRoads to develop a training program aimed at road designers, engineers and operators that highlights the needs of heavy vehicles. The training will be rolled out in Victoria from April and advertising will be sent to local councils and VicRoads offices.

Peter Francis, Bass Coast Shire Council  Talks re a bypass around continue.  San Remo road slips have been resolved.  Integrated transport study as per VicRoads report.  Koo Wee Rup bypass also significant.  Abattoir upgrading truck movements.

Warren Sharpe, Eurobodalla Shire Council  Currently starting work on the Link Road.  Still working with RMS for intersection solutions with the Princes Highway. SEATS Meeting Minutes – 19/20 February 2015 Page 11 of 12

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 $850,000 to relocate a water supply.  Running a Fit for Purpose session in March.  Warren also added his sentiments again re the retirement of Chris Vardon, and shared his press release regarding Chris’ career and community service.

Graeme Brisbane. GHD  Echoed the sentiments of Warren Sharpe re Chris Vardon’s contribution to SEATS.

Greg Pullen, Shoalhaven City Council  Capital expenditure this year is $107 m with $55 m being road related, creating in excess of 500 jobs. Appreciative of State and Federal government funding for the support.  NSW Productivity grants with $7.2 million for road corridor through South Nowra commencing April/May.

Wayne Sartori, Bega Valley Shire Council  Focused on east-west links; Snowy mountains Highway leading to Canberra (tourism and freight route) will result in closure for a week or so.  Council supporting developments of airport and port transport routes.


Item held over to next meeting.


MINUTES SECRETARY The Chair stated that SEATS need a Minutes Secretary and asked if anyone would like to nominate for the position. No assistance was forthcoming and it was determined that this task would be the responsibility of the host Council and be included in the list of requirements for hosting SEATS meetings. It was agreed that this matter be further discussed at the AGM.

AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION – GIPPSLAND The Deputy Chair noted that several delegates had been very impressed with A/Professor Robert Faggian’s, presentation on Agricultural Industry Transformation – Gippsland.


Investigate with Associate Professor Robert Faggian, options for further studies re Agricultural Industry Transformation.

Moved: Cr Sue Whelan Seconded: Cr Bob Wenger Carried.

THANK YOU John Duscher reiterated his delight at being involved again with SEATS. He thanked everyone for an excellent attendance and reminded all that the next meeting will be held in May in Canberra, hosted by GHD (first time hosting). Venues for 2016 meetings are being explored and suggested have been welcomed. The Executive Officer thanked the Chair and South Gippsland Shire Council for hosting a successful and productive meeting.

The Chair thanked everyone for attending and wished all a safe journey home.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 12.23 pm.

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SouthSouth EastEast AustralianAustralianPolicy & Resources TransportTransport Committee 14 April StrategyStrategy 2015 - Item 2 Inc.Inc. SEATS NEWSLETTER March 2015

Economy boost ‘under noses’

ocal councils are always looking for the next L big thing to stimulate their economies and create employment,’ said Associate Professor Robert Faggian of the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures (CeRRF). ‘Yet the answer could be right under their noses.’ His presentation to SEATS delegates in February created great interest. The CeRRF team has looked at the effect of climate change on various agricultural industries to 2050 in sev- eral Victorian case studies, including in Gipp- sland, largely at the request of local councils. ‘With a changing climate we can’t assume that what we grow today can be grown in the fu- ture. But if we think strategically it becomes ap- parent there’ll be increasing agricultural opportu- Modeling shows ’s river flats have the potential for nities in south east Australia,’ he said. more intensive agriculture to 2050. Photo Travel Victoria ‘In general, regions are looking for opportu- nities to diversify or intensify their agricultural sec- crete, that’s it. It’s not coming back and the long tor. Immediately that means more employment, term economic opportunity is gone. There’s the e.g. vegetable production can substantially in- concept the market will decide but those deci- crease employment from a typical farm unit. Well sions are often not informed.’ planned agricultural areas and associated value- He said having identified areas that might chains can present strong economic opportunities be good for producing food and fibre to 2050, for regions.’ they then look at associated infrastructure impli- Professor Faggian explained their work was cations including transport and irrigation. not geared to achieving particular outcomes, but He presented Orbost as a case study. ‘Our rather to looking at what was possible given a modelling shows its irrigated area could be sub- variety of climate scenarios. stantially expanded with infrastructure implica- ‘It is well documented now that some areas tions, especially for transport and water.’ may be adversely impacted by a changing cli- In response to interest from NSW dele- mate. We try to present our modelling outputs in gates, Professor Faggian said it would be possi- a way that highlights the opportunities by identi- ble to do similar studies for south east NSW. fying those areas where conditions will remain ‘Most of the data we need is available and we good for agricultural production for many years, have all the models,’ he said. ‘It would just be a regardless of what the climate does. matter of tapping into the knowledge and exper- ‘In this way we can identify prime agricul- tise of farmers in south east NSW to ensure the tural land that should be protected. We can apply models reflect local conditions.’ overlays of important environmental assets and SEATS will explore with Professor Faggian areas that could be impacted by extreme weather the possibility of involving all SEATS region in events. Whatever is left should be allocated for such studies to benefit future infrastructure plan- urban expansion. Once good land is under con- ning. His presentation is on SEATS website.

SEATS - South East Australian Transport Strategy Inc. 36 Turner Street, Wonthaggi Victoria 3995 ~ Ph: 03 56721072 Mob: 0488 026 435 ~ Email: [email protected] Website: www.seats.org.auCopyright © 2015 SEATS - South East Australian Transport Strategy Inc. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

SEATS honours Chris Vardon SEATS Chairman speaks...

outh Gippsland Shire Coun- S cil hosted February’s SEATS meeting which was attended by over 40 delegates each day. The highlight really was a farewell and appreciation of

Chris Vardon’s outstanding con- Cr Jeanette Harding tribution to SEATS over the last 12 years as Executive Officer. Many people spoke; it was quite emotional actually. I am delighted though that John Duscher is our new Executive Officer. He has had a long New SEATS EO John Duscher, SEATS deputy chair Cr Sue association with SEATS and I know he will do Whelan and Chair Cr Jeanette Harding with retiring EO Chris Vardon at last month’s SEATS meeting at Port an excellent job. Welshpool. Photo courtesy ‘The Great Southern Star’. The overall ‘theme’ of the presentations at the February meeting was probably ‘food and hris Vardon OAM has retired as long time transport’. Again they showed that when we’re C Executive Officer of SEATS. Tributes flowed transporting from one state to another, the bor- at the last SEATS meeting, including one by for- ders should really be done away with. Cross mer SEATS committee member and Eurobodalla border issues has been the focus of much of Director Warren Sharpe. SEATS’ work and will continue to be so. ‘During his 12 years of unprecedented lead- Our speakers were again very stimulating. ership of SEATS, Chris helped build SEATS into As a result, SEATS will be exploring options for an organisation highly respected by Government possibly extending some of the work done for and industry alike,’ Mr Sharpe said. Gippsland into south-eastern NSW — that out- He outlined Chris’ career from teacher, to lined by Associate Professor Robert Faggian Eurobodalla Councillor and Mayor and NSW (see page 1) and the success of the Gippsland Shires Association President, his appointment by Safe Freight Network (see page 3). the then Labor government to review Councils The meeting also highlighted that the M92 across NSW, and more recently with SEATS. - Beyond Nerriga links need further analysis and ‘Chris leaves many legacies including an discussion before it is again discussed at our appreciation of the importance of service to our next SEATS meeting. community, integrity and helping those struggling The fantastic news of the Coalition’s to help themselves,’ he said. pledge of $70m for the upgrade of Gocup Road, ‘As Mayor, Chris would also gently ask between the Hume Highway and Tumut, came members of staff about themselves and their just after our last meeting. This is a priority families and this built self-esteem, confidence SEATS project and beyond the budgets of and a sense of caring for our community. When councils. The sooner we get it fixed the better. asked how he was going, Chris’ simple reply, al- I look forward to the next SEATS meeting ways with a smile and a slight lift of tone, was which will be in Canberra in May, hosted by 'I'm always well'. GHD. Cr Jeanette Harding ‘With his health now failing, I say a huge Chairman thanks to my dear friend and mentor Chris Var- don, and his ever supportive wife Judy, for a life dedicated to serving our community and caring SEATS welcomes new EO for the welfare and personal growth of others.’

EATS new Executive Officer John Duscher Beyond M92 needs more S is excited about his appointment and looking forward to building on what SEATS has already engthy discussion among various stake- achieved. He has had a long association with L holders about the Beyond Nerriga M92 op- SEATS, including a stint as deputy chair, had tions for an alternative route from Nowra to the extensive experience in local government at Hume Highway resulted in an earlier motion be- Bass Coast Shire Council including as mayor, ing rescinded. Further studies are needed before had a career in education, and held major roles any clear cost benefit can emerge. See SEATS in many organisations. website for more information. SEATS March 2015 Newsletter page 2 Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2 Freight industry improves road safety

ippsland’s freight industry G has reduced the incidence of truck rollovers from one a fortnight to only three a year. This has saved lives, reduced injuries and also resulted in con- siderable savings particularly to the industry. This result is attributed to the Gippsland Safe Freight Net- work and was outlined at SEATS last meeting. The ‘gaps’ attracted great interest. Aspects of this Network had been discussed at the pre- This truck was travelling from Deniliquin to Port Welshpool and rolled over less vious Victorian SEATS meeting than 10km from its destination. Photo courtesy South Gippsland Shire Council. and mentioned in SEATS Sep- tember newsletter, especially rapport between everyone and interest at the SEATS meeting in the ‘light up a truck’ campaign that is invaluable.’ looking at these missing links and the subsequent reduction in Ernst told SEATS dele- and developing local Safe crashes involving trucks. gates that through the Network Freight Networks along all Last month’s presentation the industry had taken owner- freight routes in SEATS area. on the Freight Network by John ship of the road safety problem ‘The whole of task plan- Ernst of South Gippsland Coun- and ownership of the solution. ning is a requirement of Occupa- cil went further. ‘Every accident is ana- tional Health & Safety, where ‘In Gippsland the Network lysed to determine just why it everything is examined from brings everyone involved in happened; it’s not a matter of when a truck backs in for load- freight together around the table attributing blame,’ he said. ‘It's ing through to leaving its final on a regular basis to discuss an ongoing discussion. The destination,’ he said. road safety issues,’ Mr Ernst change in the way log trucks are ‘Having similar Freight said. ‘That includes livestock loaded came out of this process. Networks in these areas, bring- carriers, bulk liquid and fuel car- ‘The industry also feeds ing local knowledge to the table, riers, aggregate and grain carri- information back to road engi- would enhance road safety and ers, to VicRoads and local coun- neers. We’ve moved road safety greatly assist drivers and logis- cil road engineers, to Victoria away from just road design. ‘ tics operators in route planning. Police’s highway patrol and lo- Some day to day freight ‘We’ve basically got all of cal police. issues are also raised at these Gippsland as well as Cardinia ‘There’s now tremendous meetings, such as the residual and Casey within the Network, alcohol issue raised by police. but we’re missing those local NSW election promises ‘Truck drivers are sup- government areas in NSW and posed to be double zero but all Canberra for some kind of ongo- he NSW elections are on the old formulas are inaccurate. ing discussion. T Saturday 28 March. Major Police alerted operators to the ‘The same model we use parties have received informa- fact it takes several days after a in Gippsland could be applied to tion about SEATS priority pro- heavy night for residual alcohol NSW as well,’ he said. jects. SEATS will follow up to go from the body. Within 48 ‘Certainly east Gippsland with successful candidates. hours that information had got could extend as far as Bega Some encouraging an- back to drivers via ‘tool box’ which would be a manageable nouncements have already meetings with a considerable area of involvement, but pushing been made of a new bridge at reduction in such offences.’ beyond Bega and Bombala Batemans Bay (Princes Hwy), The Network has recog- would be difficult. money for south Batemans nised the gaps for the total ‘You would still have juris- Bay, repair of Nelligen Bridge freight task which might start in dictional issues between (King’s Hwy), another bridge South Gippsland and finish say VicRoads and NSW Roads and at Nowra, and for the upgrade in Canberra or vice versa. Maritime Services. NSW Police of Gocup Road. There was considerable would also need to be on board.’ SEATS March 2015 Newsletter page 3 Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2 Gocup Road promised $70m upgrade What is SEATS?

South East Australian Transport Strategy (SEATS) aims to stimulate and facilitate investment in transport and infrastructure in south eastern NSW, eastern Victoria and the ACT. Its 52 members represent councils, industry and other organisations from Wollongong to Dandenong.

Contact SEATS new EO John Duscher’s contact details are SEATS EO, 36 Turner Street, Wonthaggi Vic 3995. Phone 03 5672 1072, 0488 026 435. [email protected] At current work on Gocup Road for announcement - Gundagai Mayor Abb McAllister (left) and GM Phil McMurray, Tumut Mayor Trina Thomson, Minister for Primary Industries Katrina Hodg- kinson, Member for Wagga Wagga Darryl McGuire, Chris Sutherland of Sutherland Transport, Berry to Bomaderry RMS Regional Manager Lindsay Tanner and Tumut GM Bob Stewart. Photo Tumut Shire Council. The contract for the detailed design of the Princes Hwy upgrade Berry to ing lanes and major road widen- he NSW Government last Bomaderry was awarded to ing to be completed by 2019. month guaranteed $70m Hyder in January 2015. Property T This pledge is the culmina- over five years to complete the acquisition continues. full upgrade of Gocup Road, the tion of many years lobbying by busy freight route between Tu- Tumut and Gundagai Shire Nelligen Bridge options mut and the Hume Hwy via Councils and SEATS. Roads and Maritime should have the Gundagai. Its upgrade is a Both Councils were both information needed to determine SEATS priority project. surprised and delighted at the preferred options for the Kings High- The long called for up- amount and to hear it was not way Bridge at Nelligen by mid 2015. grade will ease the increasing contingent on the leasing of pressure on this road from NSW’s electricity assets. SEATS meetings trucks mainly to and from Visy’s The upgrade will make the 21– 22 May: Hosted by GHD in Pulp and Paper Mill at Tumut. Gocup Road a serious transport Canberra, ACT. The $70m will be invested corridor and would also benefit 20-21 August: Hosted by Baw Baw over five years, with $8.6 million tourism and agriculture. Shire Council at Warragul, Vic. to be spent before the end of Both councils have also 12-13 November: Hosted by Goul- June. That is on top of the $10m welcomed the jobs that will be burn-Mulwaree Council at Goulburn. currently being spent at the created during the construction 2016 Gundagai end of Gocup Road. phase and the flow on benefits to 18-19 February: Victoria. TBA. The work includes extra climb- their local economies. 18-19 May: Hosted by Shellharbour City Council at Shellharbour Industry needs key issues tackled SEATS Executive he Victorian Transport Association’s Brad Close outlined the Chairman Cr Jeanette Harding major issues facing the transport industry in Gippsland and the T (South Gippsland), Deputy Chair- south east region, at SEATS February meeting. They included: man Cr Sue Whelan OAM Continuing inconsistencies between states despite the intro- (Queanbeyan), Sec. Cr Graeme Mid- duction of National Heavy Vehicle legislation which has actu- dlemiss (La Trobe), Treasurer Gordon ally increased red tape, still restricting productivity. Charles (East Gippsland). Doubling the freight task over the next 30 years in means Victorian representatives: Cr Bob more Higher Productivity vehicles. Rail and coastal shipping Wenger (Wellington), Cr Deb Brown should be explored as possible alternatives to ease the al- (Baw Baw), Cr Marianne Pelz (East ready stressed road network. Gippsland). Governments need to find different funding options for infra- NSW representatives: Cr Bob structure, apart from private operators. Stewart (Bombala ), Cr Neil Burn- Need to promote careers in the transport and logistics indus- side (Eurobodalla), Greg Pullen try in rural areas to meet the increased demand for drivers. (Shoalhaven).

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RMS Southern February 2015

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

RMS Southern SEATS Report February 2015

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RMS Southern SEATS Report February 2015

1 Summary Roads and Maritime Services are currently working on 22 projects. There are:  15 proposals in development, including two in conjunction with local councils  5 project currently under construction  2 projects recently completed

1.1 Proposals in development  Berry to Bomaderry Upgrade  Princes Highway Albion Park Rail Bypass  Princes Highway Nowra Bridge  Princes Highway Dignams Creek  Wilton Junction  M1 Princes Motorway Climbing Lanes  M1 Princes Motorway Interchange at Mount Ousley  Princes Highway Burrill Lake Bridge  Princes Highway, Termeil Creek  Ellerton Drive Extension, Queanbeyan (in conjunction with Queanbeyan City Council)  Batemans Bay Link Road, Batemans Bay (in conjunction with Eurobodalla Shire Council)  Kings Highway Nelligen Bridge  Cooma Creek Bridge  Bemboka Bridge  Bulli Pass

1.2 Projects under construction  Gerringong Upgrade – Mount Pleasant to Toolijooa Road  Foxground and Berry Bypass – toOlijooa Road to Schofields Lane  Kings Highway Road Safety Review  Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas  Dalgety Bridge

1.3 Recently completed projects  Crookwell Creek Bridge  Princes Highway, Kinghorne St to Forest Rd, South Nowra

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2 Proposals in Development

2.1 Berry to Bomaderry Upgrade Following the display of the Review of Environmental Factors in late 2014, Roads and Maritime has undertaken amendments to the project design, and finalised the environmental approval and concept design for this 11.5km proposed upgrade of the A1 Princes Highway. Design for the proposed upgrade continues in 2015 with a contract for the detailed design awarded to Hyder in January 2015. Property acquisition is continuing. The NSW State Government allocated $10million for the project in the 2014/15 State Budget. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/berry-to-bomaderry/index.html

2.2 Princes Highway Albion Park Rail Bypass In the 2014/15 NSW State Budget, $1million has been committed for ongoing planning for the future upgrade of the Princes Highway between Yallah and Oak Flats. A review of the corridor identified on local environment plans has been undertaken, and the suitability of the corridor was confirmed. Roads and Maritime is continuing public consultation and discussion, particularly with Councils, and users of the Croom Regional Sporting Complex impacted by the planned future upgrade. Roads and Maritime have appointed a Hyder/Cardno Joint Venture for concept design and environmental assessment services. Roads and Maritime lodged a State significant infrastructure application with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. The purpose of this application is for Roads and Maritime to advise the Department of Planning and Environment its intention to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. The lodgement of the State significant infrastructure application is in accordance with statutory planning processes. The environmental impact statement is expected to be displayed in late 2015 for community comment. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/illawarra/albion-park-rail-bypass/index.html

2.3 Princes Highway Nowra Bridge Following public consultation in late 2014, the NSW Minister for Roads and Freight endorsed an option to replace the existing southbound crossing of the Shoalhaven River immediately to the west of the existing concrete bridge. Planning is now underway for a new bridge that will improve conditions on the Princes Highway, including intersection improvements near the bridge. Prior to the recent Federal election, Ms Ann Sudmalis MP, Member for Gilmore, pledged $10M to the planning of a new crossing of the Shoalhaven. In the 2014/15 NSW State Budget, $2million has been committed to the project. In December 2014 Roads and Maritime completed community consultation requesting feedback to help determine the the long term future of the old Nowra Bridge. The project team is currently collating all the ideas and feedback. A consultation report will be available mid 2015. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/nowra-bridges-shoalhaven-river/index.html

2.4 Princes Highway Dignams Creek In September 2014 Roads and Maritime awarded the contract for the detailed design of the project to GHD Pty Ltd. The 2014/15 State Budget allocated $1.8 million to the project. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/dignams-creek/index.html

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2.5 Wilton Junction The Roads and Maritime is continuing to work in conjunction with TfNSW and with the developers of Wilton Junction in regard to traffic modelling and infrastructure requirements.

2.6 M1 Princes Motorway Climbing Lanes Roads and Maritime is planning to upgrade the M1 Princes Motorway, by adding climbing lanes at four uphill locations between Picton Road and Bulli Tops. The proposal will provide four new climbing lanes, two in each direction, at some areas with steep grades between Picton Road and Bulli Pass. Roads and Maritime is continuing to refine the concept design for the project. SMEC Australia has been awarded a contract for the preparation of environmental studies. The Australian Government and the NSW Government have confirmed a joint funding arrangement as part of the Infrastructure Investment Program (previously the Nation Building 2 program). Construction work has been finalised on the northbound acceleration lane from the Picton Road intersection which was open to traffic on 17 September 2014. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/illawarra/mount-ousley-road/slow-vehicle-climbing-lanes/index.html

2.7 Princes Highway Burrill Lake Bridge Roads and Maritime has developed and displayed a preferred option for the future Burrill Lake crossing on the A1 Princes Highway at Burrill Lake. Key features include:  A 290 metre long bridge spanning the lake on a new alignment to the east of the existing bridge.  Roundabouts on either side of the crossing to connect the A1 Princes Highway to local roads.  A pedestrian and cycle path on the new bridge, connecting to new paths on both sides and linking to the Ulladulla cycle path.  Pedestrian paths underneath both ends of the new bridge. There would be a total of five locations where pedestrians can safely cross the highway.  The new bridge and highway would be higher than the predicted 1 in 100 year flood level and reduce the impact of flooding.  Complete removal of the existing causeway and bridge. The concept design has been developed following a range of technical, economic and social investigations and community considerations. Roads and Maritime is currently finalising the submissions report on the project for publication. A contract for the detailed design has been awarded to SMEC Australia Pty Ltd in October 2014. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/burrill-lake-crossing/index.html

2.8 Princes Highway, Termeil Creek Following project planning approval in late 2012, Roads and Maritime progressed the planning for the 1.6 km realignment and bridge replacement on the Princes Highway. Roads and Maritime has largely finalised pre-construction activities including detailed design, utilities design and relocation and the finalisation of property acquisitions. Roads and Maritime has invited tenders for the construction of the project. Tenders closed in late 2014 and construction is anticipated to begin in early 2015, and will take approximately 12 months to complete. The 2014/15 State Budget allocated $5 million to the project http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/termeil-creek/index.html

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2.9 Ellerton Drive Extension, Queanbeyan The NSW Government and Australian Government recently announced joint funding of $50 million for the planning and construction of the Ellerton Drive Extension in Queanbeyan. The works are part of Queanbeyan City Council’s program to provide for future traffic in the city and to provide an alternative route around the CBD. The route would provide flood free access in the event of a 1:100 flood. Roads and Maritime will be providing development and governance oversight to the project. The REF for the proposal went on display for community comment on 12 December 2014.

2.10 Batemans Bay Link Road, Batemans Bay The NSW Government has announced $10 million funding for the Batemans Bay Link Road to relieve congestion in the Batemans Bay CBD, especially during peak holiday periods. Roads and Maritime will continue to work with Eurobodalla Council to improve the intersection of the Batemans Bay Link Road and the Princes Highway and progress this work.

2.11 Kings Highway Nelligen Bridge Roads and Maritime is investigating options for the future of Nelligen Bridge over the Clyde River at Nelligen, following a 2011 review which identified deterioration of the reinforced concrete piles under the bridge during routine inspections. Structural engineers have assessed the strength of the bridge and found it is still able to safely carry normal highway loads. The bridge will require significant future maintenance. Roads and Maritime is currently undertaking a cost benefit analysis of the major rehabilitation and new bridge options for the crossing of the Clyde River at Nelligen. The outcome of this analysis will assist Roads and Maritime to decide the best way forward. To assist in this decision, a number of investigations, including a preliminary environmental investigation (PEI), are currently being carried out. The PEI will be made available for public viewing shortly. The PEI assesses the planning and environmental constraints including, biodiversity, visual impact, noise and vibration, heritage, and land use for a range of 'repair or replace options'. Underwater bridge inspections were performed in late 2013. Roads and Maritime expects to have the information needed to make a decision on preferred options for the bridge in mid 2015. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/kings-highway/nelligen-bridge/index.html

2.12 Cooma Creek Bridge Roads and Maritime have begun planning for the strengthening of Cooma Creek Bridge on Sharp Street, Cooma. The strengthening work will consist of building additional supports beneath the bridge to improve the lifespan of the bridge. The existing bridge is able to carry current traffic loads but work is needed so the bridge can meet future traffic demands. Roads and Maritime is planning to undertake the majority of the strengthening work during the summer months to minimise the impact on the community and winter tourist industry, with works on site delayed and expected to begin in late January/early February 2015 taking approximately three months to complete. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/cooma-creek-bridge/index.html

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2.13 Bemboka Bridge Roads and Maritime is planning to widen the bridge over the Bemboka River on the Snowy Mountains Highway at Moran's crossing, approximately eight kilometres south-west of Bemboka. The works will enable safe continued use of the bridge by Higher Mass Limit (HML) vehicles and will include work on the approaches. A REF has been finalised and is available on the project website. Roads and Maritime has begun initial preparation work at the site, which is expected to be complete in October 2014. Major constructions expected to follow these activities and to be complete in mid 2016. Funding for this project is part of the NSW Governments Bridges for the Bush program. The initiative is a commitment from NSW Government to improve road freight productivity by replacing or upgrading bridges over the next five years at 17 key locations in rural and regional NSW. The NSW Government has allocated $50 million to the Bridges for the Bush program in the 2014/15 Budget, including $5 million for the Bemboka Bridge project. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/bemboka-bridge-upgrade/index.html

2.14 Bulli Pass Roads and Maritime is investigating the potential of an improved escarpment crossing by way of upgrading Bulli Pass as a possible efficient and safe alternative route to Mount Ousley Road. The NSW Government is funding planning investigations. There is no current funding or timeframe for construction of the upgrade and investigations are continuing.

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3 Projects Under Construction

3.1 Gerringong Upgrade – Mount Pleasant to Toolijooa Road The upgrade of the Princes Highway between Mount Pleasant and Toolijooa Road, funded by the NSW Government, continues to progress well. The $329 million upgrade is for the 7.5km upgrade of highway to include two new interchanges, at Gerringong and Gerroa. A major traffic switch was undertaken with highway traffic now travelling predominately on the future northbound carriageway. Twelve bridges on the northbound carriageway are complete and the new rail overbridge will be completed in early 2015. Construction is past the half way point with completion expected in mid 2015, weather permitting. The 2014/15 State Budget allocated $76.5 million to the project. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/gerringong-upgrade/index.html

3.2 Foxground & Berry Bypass – Toolijooa Road to Schofields Lane The Foxground and Berry bypass is the second stage in the Gerringong to Bomaderry series of projects. The project is fully funded by NSW State Government. The project will bypass the Foxground bends and the township of Berry, improving road safety and travel times for motorists and reducing traffic congestion within Berry. Fulton Hogan was awarded the contract to undertaken the work in June 2014. Property acquisition, utilities and environmental monitoring tasks are currently underway. Fulton Hogan has installed their site management offices in preparation for the start of construction expected early 2015. The 2014/15 State Budget has allocated $80 million to the project. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/foxground-berry-bypass/index.html

3.3 Kings Highway Road Safety Review The NSW Centre for Road Safety and Roads and Maritime have undertaken a road safety review of the Kings Highway between the Princes Highway roundabout at Batemans Bay and the easternmost part of the ACT border just south of Bungendore. The review was finalised and released in May 2013. The report has now been released and can be found on the following link; http://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/downloads/kings_hwy_safety_review.pdf

The NSW Government has allocated $16 million over the next two years as part of a three year road safety improvement program with a total allocation of $20 million. Works near Larbert Road and Doughboy have recently been completed. Construction of an eastbound overtaking lane is currently underway east of the Shoalhaven River. Construction of several road safety treatments is proposed to start during 2014. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/kings-highway/index.html

3.4 Dalgety Bridge Roads and Maritime is undertaking a major rehabilitation of the Dalgety Bridge. Rehabilitation is required to minimise future maintenance costs and prolong the life of the Dalgety Bridge which crosses the Snowy River on the Jindabyne - Dalgety Road. The NSW Government has allocated $4.5 million for this essential work. Work on the rehabilitation started in January 2014 and is expected to continue until mid 2015. There are currently no road closures in place and Roads and Maritime will keep the public advised of any construction impacts. Roads and Maritime Services will continue to update the community about this project as it progresses. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/dalgety-bridge/index.html

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3.5 Heavy vehicle rest areas The NSW and Australian governments joint funded $8.7 million to construct five new heavy vehicle rest areas on the Princes Highway between Sussex Inlet and the Victorian border. This will ensure compliance with the National Transport Commission (NTC) fatigue management guidelines and improve stopping opportunities for the heavy vehicle operators.

3.5.1 Southbound rest areas  Jerrawangala, 2 kilometres south of Sussex Inlet Road – completed.  Waldrons Swamp, 7 kilometres north of Moruya – completed.  Near Christopher's Road, 32 kilometres north of Bega - 12 month moratorium in place.

3.5.2 Northbound rest areas:  Near Dummetts Lane, 28 kilometres north of Bega – completed.  Near Broulee Road, 7 kilometres south of Mogo – completed. Two rounds of monitoring have been conducted at the three recently opened HVRA sites. The monitoring included placement of traffic counters, noise monitors and a CCTV camera to assess what noise, traffic and user behaviour impacts are occurring in the heavy vehicle rest areas and their surrounds. Roads and Maritime is assessing the information retrieved from this monitoring to address the issues raised by community members around the Christopher's Road proposal. Advice to the community is expected by the end of 20d14. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/heavy-vehicles-rest-areas/index.html

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4 Completed Projects

4.1 Crookwell Creek Bridge A replacement for the 110 year old timber truss bridge over the Crookwell River located between Crookwell and Binda was recently opened to traffic, and a Ministerial visit occurred in August 2014. The replacement bridge is:  A three span 39.37 metre long pre-cast concrete plank bridge  Located approximately 15 metres downstream from the existing bridge  Designed and built to meet current bridge standards (including HML capability). The bridge approaches were also improved as part of the project. Removal of the old bridge is expected to start in February 2015 and take four months, weather permitting. The works were funded through the NSW government’s Bridges for the Bush initiative. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/crookwell-bridge/index.html

4.2 Princes Highway, Kinghorne St to Forest Rd, South Nowra The $62million 6.3 kilometre Princes Highway upgrade at South Nowra was officially opened by the Minister for Roads and Ports and the Member for South Coast on Saturday 29 March 2014. The project now provides for improved traffic flow for both local and 'through' travelling motorists on this busy section of the Princes Highway. In addition to the highway upgrade work, Roads and Maritime completed a new road shoulder on the highway between Parma and Forest roads (in the northbound direction). The work was finished in mid- August 2014. The completion of this upgrade is part of the governments’ commitment to provide two lanes in each direction from Waterfall to Jervis Bay Road. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/south-coast/south-nowra/index.html

5 Miscellaneous actions

5.1 Mt Ousley maintenance process Roads and Maritime has initiated a coordinated maintenance program for works on the M1/Mount Ousley/Picton Road portion of the network. The programme provides for full night-time closures of parts of the network to allow for a range of coordinated maintenance activities to be undertaken in a safe and efficient manner. Closures are advertised widely to all road users including freight stakeholders, and have proven successful to date. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/illawarra/mount-ousley-road/index.html

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February 2015


2014-15 Victorian State and Federal Budget Announcements

The May 2014 State and Federal budgets included significant investment in road infrastructure across Gippsland.

The 2014-15 overall VicRoads “Roads Program” is valued at approximately $1.7 billion. Of this, the allocation for network improvements, maintenance and planning is approximately $1.4 billion, including $517M for Network Maintenance, $135M for Network Safety Programs, $59M for Network Improvement Programs, $639M for Projects and $14M for Planning.

The investment in network improvements, maintenance and planning in Gippsland will be approximately $144 million during 2014-15. Summarised below is a snapshot of some of the more significant projects.

Princes Highway East - Traralgon to Sale Duplication

The duplication of the Princes Highway between Traralgon and Sale is a joint Federal Government ($140m) and State Government ($35m) project under the Nation Building Program (2009-2014). The project is expected to duplicate approximately half of the 43km of undivided length of the highway between Traralgon and Sale.

In February 2011, the Federal funding was re-profiled to extend the current funding and completion of anticipated works to the 2015-2016 financial year in order to assist with flood recovery in Victoria and Queensland.

The status of construction contracts for the next stage of works under the current Nation Building program are:

° Stammers Road to Minniedale Road. Contractor commenced work onsite on 9 September 2013. Works are expected to be completed in e a r l y 2015.

° East of Denison Road to East of Nambrok Road. Design and construct contract was awarded on 12 September 2013. Works are expected to be completed in mid 2015.

° Flynn to Rosedale. Design and construct contract was awarded on 21 March 2014. Construction commenced onsite in M a y 2014 and i s expected to be completed in mid 2016. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

° Fulham - Wurruk to W est of Sale- Heyfield Road. Design and construct contract was advertised in September 2014 and is expected to be awarded in early 2015.

https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/planning-and-projects/regional-road-projects/princes- highway-east-upgrade-traralgon-to-sale

Princes Highway East – Sand Road Intersection

As part of the Victorian State Government budget, funding of $31.2 million was announced for the replacement of the existing at-grade intersection with the construction of a full diamond interchange. This project is jointly funded between the Victorian State Government and Federal Government.

Preconstruction has commenced with detailed design, geotechnical investigations and service proving underway. A contract for the works is scheduled to be advertised in the first half 2015 with construction anticipated to start in late 2015. This initiative was a SEATS priority project.

Princes Highway East - Road Safety Route Treatment Project

In November 2010, $36 million was allocated under the TAC Safer Road Infrastructure Program (SRIP) to deliver a range of road safety improvement projects along the Princes Highway between Longwarry and the NSW border.

The projects under the $36m PHE Route Safety program include both traditional road safety treatments and new innovative treatments on various sections to target the specific crash types occurring along the entire length of the highway.

As of January 2015, $30 million of this funding has been implemented as detailed below.

Longwarry to Traralgon: This roadside hazard removal and protection project was completed in January 2013. These works included significant tree removal and safety barrier installation along this 80km stretch of Freeway/Highway.

A separate Contract was also undertaken in 2013 for ‘enhanced delineation’ works along this section of Freeway/Highway. This works include upgrades to guide posts, reflective pavement markers, signage and audio tactile edgelines and were completed in November 2013.

Stratford to : Works on the first stage of the project finished in mid 2012. Large overhead Electronic Variable Message Signs (VMS) became operational in early 2013 displaying interactive and engaging road safety messages to road users while also providing information during emergency events.

An evaluation on the effectiveness of the driver fatigue treatments has also been completed to determine the most effective messaging displayed.

Bairnsdale township: The creation of ’Gateways’ including electronic 50km/h speed limit signs on each approach to the CBD form part of this project to improve speed compliance and provide a safer environment for pedestrian and is expected to be completed by mid 2015. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

East of Orbost: The ‘mass curve treatments’ involving safety barrier installation, hazard removal and enhanced delineation works between Orbost and Cann River were completed in late 2012. ‘Stage 2’ of the project which includes similar treatments from Cann River to the NSW border plus minor curve realignments and widening to isolated curves commenced in January 2014 with works expected to be completed by early 2015.

Lookout Rd/Hotel Rd, Kalimna: Funding for improvements to both Lookout Road and Hotel Road intersections with the highway was also approved as part of the Safer Road Infrastructure Program. These works which include construction of left and right turn lanes commenced in February 2014 and fully opened in mid 2014. Final surfacing of the entire intersection is to occur during the 2014-15 summer.

Township Projects: The remaining two projects under the PHE $36million Road Safety Program are for ‘Gateway’ treatments and ‘Mass Pole’ treatments which aim to improve speed compliance and remove roadside hazards throughout townships located on this section of the Princes Highway. These projects are soon to be developed and are planned to be completed in 2015-16. http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/RoadProjects/RegionalVictoriaRoadProjects/Prince sHighwayRouteSafetyProgramLongwarryToNewSouthWalesBorder.htm

Strzelecki Highway – Overtaking Lane between & Mirboo North

The construction of a southbound overtaking lane between Morwell and Mirboo North, near Smiths Road was announced by the Deputy Premier and The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Peter Ryan on 11 July 2014. This project is jointly funded between the Victorian State Government and Federal Government for a total estimated cost of $4.27 million. The works were tendered in late October 2014 and construction is expected to commence in early 2015.

Princes Highway – Overtaking lanes between Nowa Nowa and Orbost

On 29 August 2013, the Federal Government announced it would partner the Victorian State Government to invest $11 million in the construction of three overtaking lanes between Nowa Nowa and Orbost. The overtaking lanes will be constructed in the eastbound direction near Hospital Creek and Dinner Creek, and westbound near Wombat Creek

Formal budget approval was announced as part of the 2014-15 Victorian State and Federal budget.

The Contract for the construction of these three overtaking lanes was awarded in October 2014 and works commenced in November 2014. Completion is expected by early 2016. http://www.peterryan.com.au/press_releases/state-and-federal-coalition-plan-for- princes-highway

Leongatha Heavy Vehicle Alternative Route

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

As part of the Victorian State Government budget, funding of $5.12 million was announced for the implementation of this project. This project is jointly funded between the Victorian State Government and Federal Government.

The planning study has been completed and the route was endorsed by South Gippsland Shire Council in December 2013. The route travels along the existing South Gippsland Highway (Anderson Street), Roughead Street (Strzelecki Highway) and Long Street. Intersection works are required at the connections to the South Gippsland Highway. South Gippsland Shire Council will now also progress the planning and design of amenity improvements within the Leongatha town centre.

Detailed design is nearing completion and pre-construction activities have commenced with construction works scheduled to be tendered mid 2015 with a view of commencing construction late 2015. This initiative was a SEATS priority project.

Safe System Road Infrastructure Program (SSRIP)

In March 2013, the Victorian Government announced a $1 billion investment in safer roads as part of Victoria’s 10 year Road Safety Strategy (2013-2022). The Safe System Road Infrastructure Program (SSRIP) is the centrepiece of Victoria’s unprecedented attack on the road toll. SSRIP is funded by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and VicRoads manages the program.

Key safety improvements will be undertaken at the following locations in Gippsland totalling nearly $40M:

° Bass Highway – South Gippsland Highway interchange to Gurdies – St Helliers Road ($3.2M) ~ Run-Off-Road treatments Construction works commenced in April 2014 and it is anticipated that works will be completed by February 2015

° South Gippsland Highway – Bass Highway to Bass River ($5.4M) ~ Run-Off-Road treatments Construction works commenced in April 2014 and it is anticipated that works will be completed by February 2015

° Drouin–Korumburra Road ($3.9M) ~ Run-Off-Road treatments Construction works commenced in Jan 2014 and reached completion in November 2014

° Bass Highway – Cashin Street to Korumburra–Inverloch Road ($4.4M) ~ Intersection treatments Construction work commence in November 2014 and is anticipated to be completed mid 2015

° Paynesville Road / Eagle Point Road / Forge Creek Road ($2.4M) ~ Intersection treatments Construction work commenced in October 2014 and is expected to be completed by April 2015

° PHE – Village Avenue ($1.4M) ~ Blacklength treatments Construction works commenced in August 2014 and it is anticipated that works will be completed by mid 2015 Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

° Main Neerim Road ($2.4M) ~ Blacklength treatments Construction works were tendered in November 2014 and are expected to commence in March 2015

° South Gippsland Highway - Stony Creek and Foster ($4.5M) ~ Run-Off- Road treatments Construction work commenced in November 2014 and is expected to be completed mid 2015.

° Strzelecki Highway - north-east of Leongatha ($3.8M) ~ Run-Off-Road treatments Construction works are expected to commence in late 2015

° Inverloch-Venus Bay/Tarwin Lower Road ($0.42M) ~ Intersection Improvements Construction works are expected to commence in early 2016

° Inverloch-Venus Bay, Tarwin Lower ($2.4M) ~ Run-Off-Road treatments Construction works are expected to commence in early 2016

° Strzelecki Highway/Mardan Road(0.36M) ~ Intersection Improvements Construction works are expected to commence in late 2015

° Princes Highway/Rosedale-Heyfield Road ($0.36M) ~ Intersection Improvements Construction works commenced November 2014 and expected to be completed early 2015

° Princes Highway/Willowgrove Road\Mirboo North-Trafalgar Road ($0.2M) ~ Intersection Improvements Construction works were completed in December 2014

° Morwell-Traralgon Road (McDonald Street and Jane Street bridges ($1.03M) ~ Safety Improvements Construction works are expected to commence in early 2015 with completion mid 2015

° Princes Highway/Clydebank Road/Montgomery Road ($1.01M) ~ Intersection Improvements Construction works are expected to commence in early 2015 with completion mid 2015

° Bass Highway/Inverloch-Venus Bay Rd ($0.67M) ~ Safety Improvements Construction works are expected to commence in early 2015 with completion mid 2015

° Tyers Road - ($1.71M) ~ Run-Off-Road treatments Construction works are expected to commence in late 2015

Princes Highway East – Truck Stop/Rest Area Upgrades

McKenzie River Facility (West of Cann River): The project involves upgrading pavement and sealing with designated parking bays for eight B-double trucks, improving the entrance and exits points, and the installation of street lighting. The project will result in immediate benefits by providing heavy vehicles with a safe area to stop, which will improve safety and help reduce driver fatigue.

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

The project budget is $1.25 million including $625,000 from the Victorian State Government and $625,000 from the Commonwealth Government (through the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program).

Construction works were completed in March 2014 and the site is now operational. Pre- construction planning is well progressed for the provision of toilet facilities at this site and are expected to be completed by mid 2015.

Murrungower Road (East of Orbost): As part of the Victorian State Government budget, funding of $3.38 million was announced for the construction of a major rest area approximately 20km east of Orbost. The project will provide a strategic and vital rest area for drivers of heavy freight vehicles to stop, rest or sleep.

Pre-construction planning works have commenced and construction works are scheduled to be tendered by mid 2015 with a view of commencing construction in late 2015.

This initiative is supported by the Infrastructure Constraints – Priority Projects identified in the SEATS Region Cross Border Study (2013).

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

Koo Wee Rup Bypass Project

VicRoads has completed a planning study for the development of Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road between the Pakenham Bypass and South Gippsland Highway, including a bypass of Koo Wee Rup, as shown in the figure below.

The Victorian State Government has committed $66 million in funding for the Koo Wee Rup bypass. This is the first stage to upgrade the Healesville – Koo Wee Rup route between the Pakenham bypass and the South Gippsland Highway. The new 3.4km bypass to the west of the Koo Wee Rup township will include:

° A single lane in each direction between Healesville – Koo Wee Rup Road at Manks Road and the South Gippsland Highway.

° A new 280m bridge across the Bunyip River drains.

° New roundabouts at the South Gippsland Highway and on Rossiter Road.

° A new roundabout at Manks Road with a realigned connection into Koo Wee Rup township.

A contract valued at almost $42 million was awarded to Abigroup (now Lend Lease Engineering) in August 2013 for construction of the Koo Wee Rup Bypass.

As at the end of December 2014, almost all of the main earthworks have been completed. This included the placement of additional fill (surcharge) over the higher embankment approaches for the bridge over the Bunyip River Drains, to hasten the consolidation of the underlying weaker soils. Regular settlement monitoring below the surcharged embankments has shown that the settlements had stabilised to acceptable levels and the surcharge materials have now been removed allowing for the construction of the pavements to commence in these areas.

Works for the bridge over the Bunyip River Drains were unable to be commenced until late April 2014 but the establishment of high quality all weather access arrangements allowed the contractor to maintain very good progress throughout the winter and spring periods, such that the bridge should be completed within the next month or two.

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

The project’s critical activities for the completion of the bypass are now the construction of the roundabouts at both the northern and southern ends. Recent traffic switches on both Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road and the South Gippsland Hwy have provided the contractor with new areas to continue construction with minimal disruption to traffic. Further amendments to traffic arrangements will continue to be required until these roundabouts are completed.

With the good progress being made by the contractor it is hoped that the bypass can now be opened by June 2015, well ahead of the contractual completion date of late 2015.

To enable the local community to celebrate the project as it nears completion, VicRoads and the contractor have commenced planning a community event for late March or April where people may have an opportunity to walk or ride along the central section of the project, including over the Bunyip River bridge, before the full length of the bypass is completed and opened to traffic.

http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/RoadProjects/RegionalVictoriaRoadProjects/KooW eeRupBypassKooWeeRup.htm

$130M Repair and Restore Package

On 26 April 2014 the Victorian Coalition Government announced that a further $130 million would be included in the 2014 State Budget over four years for the repair and restoration of roads across Victoria. The funding includes $50 million of capital restoration works and $80 million of road maintenance and resealing.

These works will be above base funding levels and will ensure that high priority sites across Gippsland will be treated. It is expected that approximately 26 pavement rehabilitation sites will be treated with a combined cost of nearly $12M. Pre-construction planning works have been completed and 3 construction contracts awarded and works are expected to be completed by March 2015.

South Gippsland Highway (Koonwarra) - Project Planning

In 2014, the Federal Government announced it would partner the Victorian State Government to invest $211,000 to undertake a planning study for the South Gippsland Highway, realignment through the blackspur, south of Koonwarra. The planning project forms part of the Australian Government Road Freight Initiatives Program.

The proposed highway realignment will ensure its longevity as a major strategic link in Victoria's rural road network. The highway links important industries including dairy, timber, live stock, the oil and gas industries, as well as being a major tourist destination (Wilsons Promontory etc). The planning study will enable VicRoads to prepare and submit a full business case to the State Government for consideration of funding for the construction of the realignment. The planning study is scheduled to be completed by late 2015. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

Tyers Road - Bridge - Project Planning

In September 2013, the State Government announced funding of $300,000 for a two year planning study to investigate options and develop a solution to replace the aging Tyers Road, Latrobe River Bridge. The bridge was built in 1936 and has previously had minor strengthening upgrades to address ongoing load capacity issues.

The bridge currently has a 30 Tonne load limit. The structural integrity of the bridge is nearing the end of its asset life and a technical review indicates that any maintenance undertaken on the bridge is a 'band aid' treatment and therefore full replacement is required to the latest road design standards and load limits.

The planning study is nearing completion where a preferred bridge replacement and minor road realignment has been adopted. The total estimated cost for this proposal is in the order of $9M. VicRoads will complete planning permit requirements and public consultation during March 2015.

A funding submission has been made to the State Government for consideration as part of the 2015-16 State budget.

Phillip Island Integrated Transport Study - Project Planning

The Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure and Bass Coast Shire Council have recently completed the Phillip Island Integrated Transport Study (PIITS). The study was adopted by Council on in May 2014.

The Study provides a community vision for the transport network on Phillip Island and surrounds. The vision is one of ongoing development into a year round destination in a safe, prosperous and sustainable way, providing all residents, businesses and visitors the opportunity to access, enjoy and share in Phillip Island’s unique attractions. The major direction for initiatives identified in the Study includes road safety for all road users, equity of access on to the arterial road network with the emphasis being access to Phillip Island Road as the Island’s key arterial link and promotion of cycling and walking.

VicRoads is investing $100,000 during the 2014-15 to further progress the planning, project development and stakeholder consultation in order to establish robust scope and cost for key intersection improvements along the Phillip Island Road between San Remo and Cowes. It is anticipated that these proposals will be submitted to State Government for funding consideration as part of the 2016-17 State budget.

Transport Solutions – Project Planning

As part of the 2014-15 State budget, VicRoads was successful in attracting $1.96M over 2 years for the scoping/development of the next range of Transport Solutions projects. The following initiatives have been targeted for Gippsland:

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

Bass Highway & Korumburra-Wonthaggi Road Intersection:

The proposed project is located in Wonthaggi at the intersection of Bass Highway and Korumburra-Wonthaggi Road/Korumburra Road. Currently the site operates as a give-way controlled cross road intersection.

It is proposed to upgrade and formalise the existing give-way controlled intersection to a signalised intersection with three approach lanes on all approaches and fully controlled right turn movements. Signalising the intersection will provide benefits across multiple road user groups such as freight, pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and general traffic. The proposal aims to improve safety, efficiency, productivity and amenity and will cater for the proposed population growth resulting from Wonthaggi being promoted as a peri-urban centre.

A proposal has been submitted to State Government for funding consideration as part of 2015-16 State budget. The total estimated cost for this proposal is in the order of $3M. In addition, Bass Coast Shire Council have committed to a contribution of $725,000 towards the project.

Moe Glengarry Road - Waterloo Road Intersection / Level Crossing:

The project will investigate road infrastructure improvements for the Moe- Glengarry Road and Waterloo Road railway level crossing/intersection. The project will provide road safety and network accessibility improvements.

Moe-Glengarry Road (Lloyd Street) is an arterial road located south of Moe and runs parallel with the . Waterloo Road is a local road located along the opposite (northern) side of the Gippsland Railway line. The Waterloo Road railway level crossing connects between Moe-Glengarry Road and Waterloo Road. The current issues at this location include queuing and short-stacking for semi-trailers and B-Doubles, freight blockage at railway crossing, crash history and traffic delays.

Princes Highway East - Rest Area\Truck Facilities:

Eastern Region has recently revised the Princes Highway East Corridor (Longwarry to NSW border including Bruthen detour) Rest Area Route Plan. It will provide strategic direction regarding rest area\truck facility management, planning and installation along the Princes Highway East within Gippsland.

The Plan identifies current rest area deficiencies for each road user type, light vehicles (cars) and heavy vehicles (trucks), and provides the next rest area \ truck stop priorities for the Princes Highway East.

Priority locations for further investigation have been selected in the Straford and Cann River area, following stakeholder consultation and feedback, review of crash and fatigue related data togther with their strategic location. A funding submission has also been made to the State Government for consideration as part of the 2015-16 State budget for a high standard minor rest area at the Moe off ramp, with facilities for freight. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2


February 2015



New Victorian State Government Department

In November 2014 the incoming Victorian State Government introduced a new departmental structure with a reduction in the number of Government departments from nine to seven.

Transport is now in the newly created Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR). The Department is led by Richard Bolt – Secretary with Gary Liddle - Secretary Transport. The transport portfolio supports:

Minister Luke Donellan, Minister for Ports and Minister for Roads and Road Safety; and Minister Jacinta Allan, Minister for Public Transport and Minister for Employment.

The new Department has a specific focus on economic development and job creation – in addition to transport, it also has portfolio responsibility for investment, agriculture, energy/resources, tourism and ports.

Victorian State Government priorities that affect the SEATS Region

Melbourne Metro - impact on the Dandenong Rail Corridor

Fifty rail crossing grade separations – impact on the Dandenong Rail Corridor

Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund

Regional Infrastructure Development Fund

Additional passenger rail services on the Gippsland Line

Gippsland Logistics Precinct, Morwell - $10 million funding committment

The Government has also committed to a $1b country roads program and prompt construction of the Westgate Distributor, a new road which will divert port-bound trucks off the Westgate Bridge.

Integrated transport planning Infrastructure Victoria and Projects Victoria will be established to independently plan and deliver large scale transport projects, with a particular focus on long term, strategic and coordinated planning.

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 2

Warragul Station Precinct

The Warragul Station Precinct project consists of the construction of a new road underpass under the Gippsland Railway to connect Queen Street to Alfred Street in Warragul, and construction of a new car park and bus interchange for station users on the south side of Warragul Station. Total project cost is $26 million.

The car park, bus interchange and pedestrian bridge have been completed. The remaining works the rail underpass and Queen St / Normanby Place intersection will be completed by May 2015.

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 5 Attachment A Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6 Attachment A Currambene Creek Boating Infrastructure Strategy - Submission Comments - File 43319E

Sender Name Boat type / Comments Document Maintain facilities; disabled access; fuel and water in Woollamia; temporary dinghy access; does not support use of kayaks and SUPS from Huskisson Wharf due to inexperience of users at times; disabled access or pontoon for Woollamia Wharf; unauthorised maintenance on site; long term berthing needs and access by boating building industry; safe and legal transport to industrial yard; parking needs upgrading; sheltering of ramp for strong tide and wind; need of a slipway due to catamaran - 10 metre/ costs of transporting to industrial estate and illegal activity Resident D13/294668 therefore double size of existing wharf and parking area - Resident Please keep the community updated regularly Better access for yachts at the wharf which is the only one for Resident Bounty yacht yachts with deep keals. Commercial catamarans take up too Resident Secure car storage please Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

Upgrade at Husky Wharf to include a ramp into water for dingies and non-motorised craft. Ramp to allow for new ferry service to drop front to take on bicycles, golf clubs and wheelchairs and must be constructed at same time as the wharf upgrade, not later. Consider a designated area for dingies to be locked while people are on land. Improve facilities at Woolamia with double ramp into water and more wharf space to the west of existing. Fuel and pump at Woollamia plus hard stand area and slipway. Link Woollamia Boat Ramp Resident Stand up paddle to Huskisson via shared pathway along shore Restrict commercial boats to existing numbers; restrict number of moorings to existing numbers; install fuel facilities to avoid spills which occur on regular basis; install a harbour master or Anonymous enforce regulations with current authorities Resident Stand up paddle Safe ramp access to the water at Huskisson Wharf What is impact of recent change to DCP54 thrught he re- zonign of 15 Field St to B2; walkway from Huskisson Wahrf to Lady Denman Museum; what changes will be made to low tide access for the changes at end of Dent Street for stand up paddles and kayaks; if access is made for small vessels will Resident this enable the pond at Lady Denman to have a 'gated' acess Restrict number of commercial boats that operate from Huskisson Wharf; provide wheelchair access to boats from Anonymous public wharf; enforce restricted use of public wharf for Resident Ocean Trek - 18 metre Suggestion is great so please build it Ambulance access; slope angle of floating wharf access ramp Sailing Cat - 4 metre (stretcher access) Haulout - wash down service area at Resident inflatable Woollamia car park Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

Easer access to boats; safer for Huskisson Ferry and emergency personnel; please do not turn into a marina as they tend to be exclusive and deny public use for social activities; worried about expansion clogging up Currambene Creek; are any additional boats for visitors or residents, if for residents ten Resident this is not really a facility for them Fishing Boat Woollamia Wharf is inadequate as a regional ramp as is too Recreational - 5.3 small. Need a 2 in and 2 out ramp; the wheelchair access Resident metres goes underwater at high tide; need extra tie up facilities while

Resident Yacht - 12 metre Increase the depth of entry into creek by removing rock. Supports provision of small fuelling faciliity at Huskisson Wharf and pump out should be available at both Huskisson and Woollamia wharves; a slip facility or travelling lift for non- trailerable boats is needed to allow maintenance in safe and environmentally friendly manner - for up to 14m lenth, 2m draught, and 15 tonnnes weight. Creek and inlet should be dredged / deepened to allow less limited access to boats up to Resident D13/254047 2m draugth. Funds to be sought from RMS Consideration to slipway for haulout of vessels up to 35 foot to enable hull maintenance and re-fueling because there are no Resident D13/257853 facilities for this in Jervis Bay. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

Need for slilpway/hardstand and dry storage for non trailerable vessels in Jervis Bay is noted - location possible at Woollamia BLR; Strategy could consider suitability of a slipway facility at Huskisson Wharf; Dept does not support Council's proposed rezoning of land adjoining the Council Reserve at Frank Lewis Way Woollamia to provide a slipway / hardstand facility under Draft LEP because land is identified for addition to Jervis Bay National park and Council has not obtained NPWS/OEH agreement for proposed rezoning; Could include a travel lift facility at Woollamia and Huskisson. Water quality, waste management and minimising impact on neighbouring residents would be key issues to be addressed if Council considers NPWS/OEH to pursue the proposed use of adjoining National Parks Estate for slipway / hardstand facility; noted that 'boat building and repair facilities' are proposed to be permitted with consent in Council's existing public reserve at Woollamia under Planning NSW D13/260253 proposed RE1 Public Recreation Zone under draft LEP 2013. No dredging; public access is vital; wharf belongs to all people Resident Yacht - 7.6 metre and more feedback later please. Woollamia - boat ramp is landlocked and protected and land on cnr Coulon St & Frank Lewis Way is subject to a land claim so cannot create interest in this land while under Aboriginal Land Claim - if it is granted the Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Land Council will be the new freehold title holder for the land. Myola BLR is subject to land claim and if granted Jeringja will be new freehold title holder for that land. Crown does not object to funding (tenure or fee for use of public terrestrial or water land or structures thereon for private benefit), including storage of Crown Lands D13/249753 water craft and use of public infrastructure servicing private Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

Woollamia should be priority of funding and provision of infrastructure; better definition of the word "sustainability" within the paper please; no safe anchorage, betthing or handstand facilities provided for keel yaechts and cruises; no real increase in economy due to both whale watching companies utilising out of town buses (fly in fly out) - perhaps charge a levy to cover local infrastructure to boat companies; economically speaking the needs of the private boating industry need to be prioritised over other less certain demands on Currambene Creek Infrastructure budget and facility planning over the next 5 - 10 years. Too much emphasis on budget allocation to upgrading Huskisson Wharf due to current heightened commercial demands and conflicts noted in report - it is possible that the wharf will never be large enough to contend during peak demand. Far better to upgrade Woollamia & Myola wharves e.g. fresh water taps, 15 am electricity supply; effluent pump out; dredge water depth adjacent to each wharf; increase lenth of down stream wharf and include floating pontoon with disability access ramp; create concrete hardstand at suothern en dof existing car park (wash down & gross pollutant traps); travel lift to the east funded by boat owners cooperative. Also non trailerable boat maintenance facilities - problems with power lines at Woollamia Industrial Estate for vessels with fly bridges. Reference to part 4(i) is incorrect and should be deleted. PRM Architects D13/267182 Existing hard stand wash down at both Woollamia & Callala priorities are to improve facilities for temporary birthing of visiting vessels to boost tourism; construct floating pontoon at Huskisson providing access for handicapped and launcing of non powered craft & safe berthing for ferry; ensure ferry service is continued; Myola training wall is important and needs Resident D13/277393 funding for maintenance; Myola boat ramp car park - seal car Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

with a suitable landing facility the company would consider calling into Jervis Bay - would need to anchor within 3 miles of Carnival Cruises D13/246583 facility using onbard tender boats. Presently the boats are too Requires a boat haul out facility capable of handling the variety of craft in the local area; travel or trailer lift if a slilpway is not Resident D13/279852 moreforthcoming; ferry services improve will Woollamia increase congestion;Boat Ramp Huskissonbecause Wharf needs disabled access; non powered watercraft clog the creek entrance and owners have little maritime rule knowledge; existing NO SWIM / NO DIVE signs are ignored and not policed - move the 4 knot speed zone further out to reduce risk of collision and enlarge signage as well as signage for strong current; feasibility study to provide maintenance facilities at Woollamia is supported in order to protect creek from innappropriate practice and polluting waste disposal; provide permanent refuelling facility at Husky Wharf for both diesel and Resident D13/281634 Breakpetrol; wallslipway at Woollamia at Woollamia Ramp clear to assistof BLR with and fast use moving of Admiralty tides and winds; wash down area too close to ramp; refuelling station at Huskisson Wharf; safe area needed to secure and store tenders which are currently chained to trees west of wharf; supports a slipway to cope with larger vessels and handle toxic waste; inadequate parking at Woollamia and drainage issues; closer taps for fresh water; expand the wharf at Woollamia west rather than east due to shallow tides; need a floating pontoon at Huskisson; move kayakers etc away to Resident D13/295029 supportsthe car parking the proposal area in by Dent Jervis and Bay Coulon Cruising STreet Yacht where Club a rampfor improved facilities for non trailerable vessels; lack of space to pick up guests and crew at Husky Wharf; supports moorings vessels; safe storage of kayaks etc when guests paddle down Paperbark Camp D13/295866 creek to Huskisson and they want to get out and explore etc. Anonymous User pays system and use of rates to improve facilities etc Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

Supports development of facilities at Woollamia boat ramp to assist with trail able boats and those wanting to access moored vessels; toilets with showers; taps with fresh water for wash down well clear of launch / recovery area; facilities for anti- fouling work; signage warning arnglers that temorary mooring of boats at wharves adjacent to launch ramp has prioirity over people fishing; supports changes to allow private access to Marine Rescue wharf for obarding of passengers to take Resident D13/298799 pressure off Huskisson Wharf Floating pontoon the full length of Rotary Wharf joinng the Dolphin Wild Wharf with access ramp for disabled access at 100% of all tides; repair existing ramp and include 3 morroing poles to allow Husky Ferry to handle passengers safely; also Huskisson Ferry D13/298991 suitable for kayakers, SUP etc to launch vessels. Concerns with parking around admiralty crescent which is not Resident D13/299656 zoned commercial; suppports building a marina Estuary health needs to be maintained; suitable environmental safeguards; concerns with dredging - degradation of animal, vegetation microbial communities that live in sediment - reduced capacity for nutrient cycling, primary production and habitat provision flow on effects up the food web; increasing the tidal area, wave height & water velocity, results in bank erosion & macrophyte shifts that potentially threatens endangered ecological communities; please consider climate change impacts including sea level rise - planning to follow a NSW Office of Environment & Heritage WollongongD13/299754 risk management framework includng hazard assessment & Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 6

Safe access to water for stand up paddleboard/kayaks/small human powered craft; level access to water is necessary for low level access; safe small marina style cove so human powered access can be safe without large boat impedance; proposal does not allow for safe unimpeded access to water; limit on commercial boats to 1 per operator to restrict too much Resident Ski / Kayak movement; invovle local recreation groups more needs to be balance between needs / wants of private users and commercial users; user pays principal should apply rather Resident than ratepayer subsidised. Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 9 Attachment A Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 9 Attachment A Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 9 Attachment A

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 10 Attachment A

Location for new DA

Location for current DA

Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 10 Attachment B Prepared: Goldie Consulting Revision: 2 Resource Recovery Park

Master Program ID Task Name Start Finish Duration PredecessorsSuccessors 2015 2016 2017 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 4 18 1 15 29 13 27 10 24 8 22 5 19 2 16 2 16 30 13 27 11 25 8 22 6 20 3 17 31 14 28 12 26 9 23 7 21 4 18 1 15 29 14 28 11 25 9 23 6 20 4 18 1 15 29 12 26 10 24 7 21 5 19 2 16 30 13 27 13 27 10 24 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 14 28 11 25 9 23 6 20 1 1 OVERALL MANAGEMENT Mon 9/03/15 Tue 9/06/15 65 d 9/03/15 OVERALL MANAGEMENT

2 1.1 Project Manager / Planning Consultant Mon 9/03/15 Tue 9/06/15 65 d 9/03/15 Project Manager / Planning Consultant 3 1.1.1 Prepare Scope of Work Mon 9/03/15 Fri 27/03/15 3 wks 5 Prepare Scope of Work 4 1.1.2 Prepare Tender Document Mon 9/03/15 Fri 20/03/15 2 wks 5 Prepare Tender Document 5 1.1.3 Tender Period Mon 30/03/15 Tue 28/04/15 4 wks 4,3 6 Tender Period 6 1.1.4 Evaluate Wed 29/04/15 Tue 5/05/15 1 wk 5 7 Evaluate 7 1.1.5 Recommendation Wed 6/05/15 Tue 12/05/15 1 wk 6 8 Recommendation 8 1.1.6 To Council for consideration Wed 13/05/15 Tue 2/06/15 3 wks 7 9 To Council for consideration 9 1.1.7 Council approval Tue 2/06/15 Tue 2/06/15 0 d 8 10 10 1.1.8 Appoint Project Manager / Planner Wed 3/06/15 Tue 9/06/15 1 wk 9 Appoint Project Manager / Planner 11 2 RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK Mon 9/03/15 Mon 23/10/17 676 d 9/03/15 RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK

12 2.1 Approvals Mon 9/03/15 Thu 22/10/15 162 d 9/03/15 Approvals 13 2.1.1 Existing DA Mon 9/03/15 Wed 8/04/15 21 d 9/03/15 Existing DA

14 Finalise advice on withdrawal Mon 9/03/15 Fri 20/03/15 2 wks 15 Finalise advice on withdrawal 15 Withdraw existing DA Wed 8/04/15 Wed 8/04/15 1 d 14,17 Withdraw existing DA 16 2.1.2 New State Significant DA Mon 9/03/15 Thu 22/10/15 162 d 9/03/15 New State Significant DA

17 Obtain SEARS Mon 9/03/15 Tue 7/04/15 4 wks 18,15 Obtain SEARS 18 Prepare EIS Wed 8/04/15 Tue 28/07/15 16 wks 17 20,19FF Prepare EIS 19 Prepare DA Wed 1/07/15 Tue 28/07/15 4 wks 18FF 20 Prepare DA 20 Lodge DA Wed 29/07/15 Wed 29/07/15 1 d 19,18 21 Lodge DA 21 DA Determination period Thu 30/07/15 Wed 21/10/15 12 wks 20 22 DA Determination period 22 DA determined Thu 22/10/15 Thu 22/10/15 1 d 21 33 DA determined 23 2.2 Procurement Mon 9/03/15 Fri 6/05/16 295 d 9/03/15 Procurement 24 2.2.1 Complete EOI process Mon 9/03/15 Mon 30/03/15 16 d 9/03/15 Complete EOI process

25 Council internal advice Mon 9/03/15 Fri 20/03/15 2 wks 26,30,31 Council internal advice 26 Prepare letters to successful companies Mon 23/03/15 Fri 27/03/15 1 wk 25 27 Prepare letters to successful companies 27 Shortlist for Tender Mon 30/03/15 Mon 30/03/15 1 d 26 Shortlist for Tender 28 2.2.2 Tender Process Mon 23/03/15 Fri 6/05/16 285 d 23/03/15 Tender Process 29 Document Mon 23/03/15 Tue 16/06/15 60 d 23/03/15 Document

30 Finalise scope of work Mon 23/03/15 Tue 19/05/15 8 wks 25 31FF Finalise scope of work 31 Finalise tender document Mon 23/03/15 Tue 16/06/15 12 wks 30FF,25 33 Finalise tender document 32 Tender Period Fri 23/10/15 Fri 6/05/16 133 d 23/10/15 Tender Period

33 Release Tender Fri 23/10/15 Fri 23/10/15 1 d 31,22 34 Release Tender 34 Tender Period and Questions Mon 26/10/15 Wed 27/01/16 12 wks 33 35 Tender Period and Questions 35 Tenders Close Thu 28/01/16 Thu 28/01/16 1 d 34 36 Tenders Close 36 Evaluate Fri 29/01/16 Thu 25/02/16 4 wks 35 37 Evaluate 37 Negotiations Fri 26/02/16 Fri 26/02/16 1 d 36 38 Negotiations 38 Recommendation Mon 29/02/16 Fri 1/04/16 5 wks 37 39 Recommendation 39 To Council for consideration Mon 4/04/16 Fri 6/05/16 5 wks 38 40 To Council for consideration 40 Council approval Fri 6/05/16 Fri 6/05/16 0 d 39 42 41 2.3 BOOT Contract Mon 9/05/16 Mon 23/10/17 381 d 9/05/16 BOOT Contract

42 2.3.1 Appoint BOOT Contractor Mon 9/05/16 Fri 20/05/16 2 wks 40 43 Appoint BOOT Contractor 43 2.3.2 Design Mon 23/05/16 Fri 12/08/16 12 wks 42 44SS+3 wks,4 Design 44 2.3.3 Possible amendments to DA Mon 13/06/16 Fri 23/09/16 15 wks 43SS+3 wks 45 Possible amendments to DA 45 2.3.4 Construct Tue 25/10/16 Mon 23/10/17 52 wks 94,44,43 46 Construct 46 2.3.5 Start Operating Mon 23/10/17 Mon 23/10/17 0 d 45 47 3 NEW ANIMAL SHELTER Mon 9/03/15 Mon 24/10/16 416 d 9/03/15 NEW ANIMAL SHELTER

48 3.1 Acquire Site Mon 9/03/15 Tue 6/10/15 150 d 9/03/15 Acquire Site

49 3.1.1 Planning advice to confirm site suitability Mon 9/03/15 Tue 7/04/15 4 wks 50,51,54 Planning advice to confirm site suitability 50 3.1.2 Purchase land Wed 8/04/15 Tue 6/10/15 26 wks 49 54SS+8 wks,8 Purchase land 51 3.1.3 Allow for possible Rezoning Wed 8/04/15 Wed 8/04/15 1 d 49 Allow for possible Rezoning 52 3.2 Approvals Wed 3/06/15 Tue 3/11/15 110 d 3/06/15 Approvals 53 3.2.1 DA Wed 3/06/15 Tue 3/11/15 110 d 3/06/15 DA

54 Prepare DA and supporting documents Wed 3/06/15 Tue 11/08/15 10 wks 49,50SS+8 wk55FF Prepare DA and supporting documents 55 Submit DA Tue 11/08/15 Tue 11/08/15 0 d 54FF,72 56 56 Assessment period Wed 12/08/15 Tue 3/11/15 12 wks 55 57 Assessment period 57 DA determined Tue 3/11/15 Tue 3/11/15 0 d 56 80

Critical Task Milestone Complete Milestone Deadline Non-Critical Task Summary Split Task Progress

Date Printed: Mon 16/03/15 Page 1 of 2 RRP Policy & Resources Committee 14 April 2015 - Item 10 Attachment B Prepared: Goldie Consulting Revision: 2 Resource Recovery Park

Master Program ID Task Name Start Finish Duration PredecessorsSuccessors 2015 2016 2017 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 4 18 1 15 29 13 27 10 24 8 22 5 19 2 16 2 16 30 13 27 11 25 8 22 6 20 3 17 31 14 28 12 26 9 23 7 21 4 18 1 15 29 14 28 11 25 9 23 6 20 4 18 1 15 29 12 26 10 24 7 21 5 19 2 16 30 13 27 13 27 10 24 8 22 5 19 3 17 31 14 28 11 25 9 23 6 20 58 3.3 Design Mon 9/03/15 Wed 23/09/15 141 d 9/03/15 Design 59 3.3.1 Appoint Design Consultant Mon 9/03/15 Wed 10/06/15 66 d 9/03/15 Appoint Design Consultant

60 Prepare Scope of Work Mon 9/03/15 Fri 20/03/15 2 wks 61FF Prepare Scope of Work 61 Prepare Tender Document Mon 9/03/15 Fri 27/03/15 3 wks 60FF 62 Prepare Tender Document 62 Tender period Mon 30/03/15 Tue 28/04/15 4 wks 61 63 Tender period 63 Tenders Close Wed 29/04/15 Wed 29/04/15 1 d 62 64 Tenders Close 64 Evaluate Thu 30/04/15 Wed 13/05/15 2 wks 63 65 Evaluate 65 Recommendation Thu 14/05/15 Wed 20/05/15 1 wk 64 66 Recommendation 66 To Council for consideration Thu 21/05/15 Wed 10/06/15 3 wks 65 67 To Council for consideration 67 Council approval Wed 10/06/15 Wed 10/06/15 0 d 66 68 68 3.3.2 Preliminary Design for DA Thu 11/06/15 Wed 29/07/15 35 d 67 11/06/15 Preliminary Design for DA

69 Detailed survey Thu 11/06/15 Wed 1/07/15 3 wks 72 Detailed survey 70 Geotechnical investigation Thu 11/06/15 Wed 15/07/15 5 wks 74 Geotechnical investigation 71 Develop / Confirm user requirements Thu 11/06/15 Wed 1/07/15 3 wks Develop / Confirm user requirements 72 Prepare sketch design Thu 2/07/15 Wed 29/07/15 4 wks 69 55 Prepare sketch design 73 3.3.3 Detailed Design Thu 16/07/15 Wed 23/09/15 50 d 16/07/15 Detailed Design

74 Prepare Schematic Design Thu 16/07/15 Wed 12/08/15 4 wks 70 75 Prepare Schematic Design 75 Prepare Detailed Design Thu 13/08/15 Wed 16/09/15 5 wks 74 76FF+1 wk Prepare Detailed Design 76 Prepare Tender Document Thu 27/08/15 Wed 23/09/15 4 wks 75FF+1 wk 79 Prepare Tender Document 77 3.4 Construction Thu 24/09/15 Mon 3/10/16 260 d 24/09/15 Construction 78 3.4.1 Tender Thu 24/09/15 Mon 25/01/16 80 d 24/09/15 Tender

79 Finalise tender document Thu 24/09/15 Wed 30/09/15 1 wk 76 80 Finalise tender document 80 Tender period Wed 4/11/15 Tue 1/12/15 4 wks 79,57 81 Tender period 81 Tenders Close Wed 2/12/15 Wed 2/12/15 1 d 80 82 Tenders Close 82 Evaluate Thu 3/12/15 Wed 16/12/15 2 wks 81 83 Evaluate 83 Recommendation Thu 17/12/15 Mon 4/01/16 1 wk 82 84 Recommendation 84 To Council for consideration Tue 5/01/16 Mon 25/01/16 3 wks 83 85 To Council for consideration 85 Council approval Mon 25/01/16 Mon 25/01/16 0 d 84 87 86 3.4.2 Construction Tue 26/01/16 Mon 3/10/16 180 d 26/01/16 Construction

87 Appoint Contractor Tue 26/01/16 Mon 1/02/16 1 wk 85,50 88 Appoint Contractor 88 Mobilise to site Tue 2/02/16 Mon 15/02/16 2 wks 87 89 Mobilise to site 89 Construction Tue 16/02/16 Mon 26/09/16 32 wks 88 90,91 Construction 90 Demobilise Tue 27/09/16 Mon 3/10/16 1 wk 89 Demobilise 91 Occupation Certificate Tue 27/09/16 Mon 3/10/16 1 wk 89 93 Occupation Certificate 92 3.5 Relocate Existing Facility Tue 4/10/16 Mon 24/10/16 15 d 4/10/16 Relocate Existing Facility

93 3.5.1 Final fit-out Tue 4/10/16 Mon 10/10/16 1 wk 91 94 Final fit-out 94 3.5.2 Relocate Tue 11/10/16 Mon 24/10/16 2 wks 93 45 Relocate

Critical Task Milestone Complete Milestone Deadline Non-Critical Task Summary Split Task Progress

Date Printed: Mon 16/03/15 Page 2 of 2 RRP