THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES (Edited Extracts) The Township held its monthly meeting on Wednesday, 6 June. Township Meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 July at 7:30 pm at the Community Centre. The president, Frank Crameri, reflected on the sad note of resignation received from Jack Nunn. He said that Jack’s resignation, due to ill health, would be a big gap to fill. Jack always did an excellent job communicating with the Shire and getting things done quickly and thoroughly. He will be sorely missed. The president said that at the recent meeting of Bypass landowners, he had talked to Edward O’Donohue MLC, on the subject of ‘Gas for Koo-Wee-Rup’. The secretary had then written to Edward and had asked him if he would address the July meeting of the Township Committee on this subject. Edward had declined, saying that he was unavailable on that date. The secretary was asked to write to Edward again and ask him to address the August meeting of the Committee. The president expressed his disappointment in the response of VicRoads to our letter about the obvious dangers of the recently built pedestrian crossing in Station Street. Dennis Divola asked why there was no wire mesh fence to guide pedestrians to the crossing and also why no fence on the refuge in the centre of the road? Our guest from VicRoads, Charlie Broadhurst, said that he would talk to his VicRoads colleagues about the reason why no fence is installed at this crossing and he will let us know the outcome. Ray Brown asked if the second roll-out for State gas projects had been finalised yet. Cr. Halligan replied simply – not yet. However he said that the Shire Council has been pushing hard trying to get a gas off-take, from the main pipeline into Bayles for a large user Company, resident in the Town. The Council is also endeavouring to get a potable water line from the proposed new water off-take in Koo-Wee-Rup at the same time. If this took place then it could be that a gas pipeline would continue to Koo-Wee-Rup. A short discussion took place about the need for continued ongoing contact with our politicians and the Minister on the subject. The secretary was asked to write again to Peter Ryan MP, Minister for Regional and Rural Development, and ask for an update on ‘Gas for Koo-Wee-Rup’. Continued Page 4

Items printed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or beliefs of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit any items, where necessary. All work associated with the production of The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish is done on a voluntary basis. Edited by C Roff email: [email protected] PO Box 64, Koo Wee Rup 3981, Tel 5997 2333 Printed by KWR Township Committee The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 DO YOU OWN A DOG?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then you need K9 Services Your local Mobile Dog Groomer and Dog Trainer. Also home of Koo Wee K9 Bootcamp, the only group dog training club in Koo Wee Rup. Contact Carol on 0412 076 095 Have a look at us on Facebook under Koo Wee K9 Bootcamp

Page 2 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 KOO WEE RUP BYPASS PROJECT UPDATE Charlie Broadhurst, Project Director, and Rob Pearson, Team Leader, Project Delivery, representing VicRoads, made a presentation to the Township Committee. With the aid of a large map plan of the Bypass route, they described the project progress to date. It is proposed that the Koo Wee Rup Bypass will follow close contact with the land owners of properties that will an alignment linking Healesville/Koo-Wee-Rup Road with require acquisition. Rossiter Road, running to the south and west of the Koo- Anticipated dates are as follows: Wee-Rup Township.  Planning report and draft planning scheme In the 2012 State Budget the Victorian Government amendments: mid 2012. provided an additional $16 million for the Bypass. The  Land acquisition: early-mid 2013. increase was required due to construction and  Construction start: mid 2013, taking full advantage environmental complexities. The Total Estimated Cost for of the summer months. the Bypass is $66 million fully funded by the Victorian  Project completion: late 2015. Government. Questions from the floor: The Koo Wee Rup Bypass will include: - Q. How confident are you that there is enough money . A single lane in each direction between for the project? Healesville/Koo Wee-Rup-Road and the South A. The new design is now seen as complying with Highway. budgetary constraints even though most of the required 9 . New intersections at Manks Road and Rossiter Road. metre land-fill will have to be imported. There is also an  An A-grade intersection at Railway Road. The design allowance for escalation risk. of the Railway Road intersection is still to be Q. Will the unused land be returned for community finalised. purposes? . A new 260m bridge with 9 spans across the Bunyip A. Possibly ... but it will be sold back. River drains. Q. What is the difference in cost if the Bypass road went . A roundabout at Rossiter Road and the South straight over Rossiter Road directly to the South Gippsland Gippsland Highway. highway without a round-about?  The overall length of the Bypass is 3.4km. A. A substantial difference; acquisition cost alone would  A ‘T’ intersection leading to Station Street. be in the region of $4m.  Extensive precautions against water flooding. Q. How do you propose to force trucks to use the Bypass A Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) is required to and not use Sybella Avenue? reserve the necessary land in the Shire of Cardinia A. We have not looked at that situation yet. VicRoads is planning scheme and this process requires environmental conscious of the fact that most people will choose the approval by the Commonwealth Department of Bypass, including truck drivers. The situation will be Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and assessed when it arrives. Communities (DSEWPaC) and the Victorian Department of Q. If the railway line is re-opened will this impact on the Planning and Community Development (DPCD). Bypass and fauna control? The PSA process has been delayed due to requests for A. No. We have received expert opinion on bandicoot additional and more detailed information by DSEWPaC behaviour and the construction of culverts to allow for particularly concerning impacts to some threatened fauna their movements along the corridor. species, such as the Southern Brown Bandicoot, the Q. How wide is the Bypass road? Growling Grass Frog, the Australian Grayling and the A. There will be 2x3.5m traffic lanes, each with a 2m Swamp Skink. A detailed fauna management plan has hard shoulder and a 2m wide verge behind the shoulder. recently been submitted to DSEWPaC for approval. For your information, the height of the bridge is 4m over The PSA is expected to be put on public exhibition in mid access tracks with a fill of 6-7m required. 2012. Documentation will be made available and a copy Q. Will there be a noise problem? can be downloaded from the VicRoads’ web site. A. There will be no substantial noise. However, there is The Bypass is expected to require some land acquisition one property where noise barriers may be required. from 10 private properties. In 3 of these cases it is Q. Will the Bypass be suitable for B Double trucks? expected that VicRoads will be requested to acquire the A. Yes. The Bypass will cater for B Double trucks. entire property. Charlie explained the land acquisition At the conclusion of Charlie and Rob’s presentation the and valuation processes with the necessary action to be president thanked both gentlemen for the information taken. After the report is approved by the planning they had given and for their time in attending the minister there will be two public meetings in July 2012 for meeting. landowners to make submissions. VicRoads will be in

Page 3 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES (from Page 1) From the floor a complaint yet again about the state of the road surface of Moody Street, in particular outside of the Primary School. Although there has been no specific reply to our letter of complaint, the potholes were filled in but are now as bad as ever. Cr. Halligan said he had spoken to Paul Richardson, Manger, Assets and Development, and he had said there was an unresolved conflict about who should pay for sealing this short stretch of roadway. At present the Council wants the residents to pay 1/3 and the council will pay the other 2/3 of the costs. Cr. Halligan said that he had asked for a report on the progress and he will advise the outcome at our next meeting in July. The president introduced to the meeting Charlie Broadhurst, Project Director, and Rob Pearson, Team Leader, Project Delivery, representing VicRoads, their report on the proposed Koo Wee Rup Bypass is detailed on page 3. Introducing Cr. Halligan and his report, the president welcomed the Councillor back to the regular meetings of the Committee after an absence of three months. Cr. Halligan commenced by giving the meeting news about the proposed removal of the Railway House in Cochrane Park. He said that the intended removal to Bayles Fauna Park had generated lots of ‘red tape’ from the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and could not be located to the Park. It is now proposed to put the house on a council property for the Fauna Park Committee’s use. The house would be operated by the Park Committee and rented at a peppercorn rent; the Committee will have responsibility for its upkeep. Cr. Halligan noted that the house had had a fire break out in it recently and, although there was not too much damage, the cost of repair was not known at this time. Cr. Halligan advised that the Shire Ward boundaries have been changed by the Electoral Commission and have now been gazetted. The area of Port Ward is now 2/3 of the whole Shire and will have two councillors representing it on the Shire Council which will consist of nine councillors. Port Ward now covers over 800sqm and roughly combines the areas of the old Port and Bunyip Wards. Frank reported on the Shire volunteers’ special reception evening, held recently in Pakenham. He said it was very well received and was a good evening enjoyed by all. During this meeting, Frank said that he had spoken to Boon Law, the Community Strengthening Officer, who had told him that he would not be attending any more of Koo-We-Rup Township Committee meetings because of other commitments. Frank said that this is indeed very disappointing news. Frank welcomed the news (via the correspondence, ‘in’ and ‘out’) about the construction of two new footpaths; one footpath being outside of the Petrol Station, the other between Charles Street and Sybella Avenue on Rossiter Road. The Police Report this evening was presented by Sen. Const. Steve Hoy who introduced himself to the meeting and explained that he had been stationed in Koo Wee Rup for 10 months. He commented on a list of crimes during last month:-  The netball club building was broken into but nothing stolen.  A burglary from an unlocked garage between the 2nd and the 6th of May. Steve advised everyone to make sure all possessions and doors are locked up. We should make it very hard for anyone to break into our premises, he said.  On the 29th of May there was an attempted robbery at the bus interchange. A resident of is now in custody on this and other charges. Steve added that if you see anything that is suspicious, ring the police immediately on triple zero. Although the Koo-Wee-Rup police station is a 16 hour station, sometimes all of the members are out on police business but a call to the unattended station will be diverted to police mobile phones or to the police headquarters in Pakenham. However a triple zero call is preferred.  A tyre slashing incident near the fire brigade running track alongside Cochrane Park.  There was a fire at the bus interchange toilets and in a bin at the Woolworths’ store. Two young persons passing through the town had been apprehended and both had made full admissions when they were approached. Sen. Const. Hoy advised the meeting that police were concentrating on speeding and other traffic offences on the local highways and other roads, especially during the forthcoming long weekend holiday. He asked everyone to take extra special care when driving on our roads. Sue Van Gaal related an incident outside of her home where young people had to direct traffic until the police arrived to take over. Is this OK, she asked? Is there any liability if things go wrong? Steve replied that there was no liability if there is a reasonable need for directing traffic at the time and, in this case, there was a need. She also asked about ‘B Triple trucks’ using Sybella Avenue. Steve explained the rules and regulations in use and said no, they couldn’t but ‘B Double trucks’ could. Gus Moore complained about the noise nuisance from motorbikes using the new walking track. Steve said the police will take action on this problem. Steve concluded his report by advising the meeting to contact the police about anything they thought or saw was untoward. Continued next page

Page 4 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES (from previous page) Frank Crameri, the president, commented on the sad news of Jack Nunn’s resignation from the Township Committee because of health problems. Over many years Jack has been a great asset to the town with lots of contacts, a great sense of humour and a hard worker for the community. He will be sorely missed. Frank then asked if there was anyone who would like to volunteer to take Jack’s place as Maintenance Coordinator. Ray Brown suggested that the position should be advertised in the ‘Blackfish’ with a call for a volunteer. Frank Crameri reiterated his comments about a lack of contact with the Shire Council for the Township Committee. We need a Strengthening Officer who can attend our meetings and if Cr. Halligan cannot attend any more, then perhaps we should invite Cr. Graham Moore of Bunyip Ward to attend. Cr. Halligan said he would ask him to see if he would do this. Frank replied that in Cr. Halligan’s absence it is important that we have a Council presence of some kind at our meetings. Ray Brown brought up the subject of allocated money for the upgrade of Cochrane Park; in particular the Avenue of Honour and the Labyrinth. He said that he thought a sub-committee should be formed to help and advise the Shire Council with these features. He said he had received advice that if a group unrelated to the committee were formed it would have more impact in its dealings with the Shire Council. Ray will investigate the viability of this and report his findings to the next Township Committee meeting. Richard Roach reported on the recent meeting of a number of Koo-Wee-Rup Traders to try to officially re-establish the Traders Business Association. No one wanted to take on the roles of president, secretary, etc; hopefully at the next meeting on the 12th of June 2012, these executive roles will be appointed. He added that some newer business owners would be attending. The fait accompli of the construction of the pedestrian crossing in Station Street was again discussed and Richard Roach presented a photograph that clearly showed the dangers of vehicles now parking almost right on it. Although the original parking bay markings have been removed, there are no “No Standing” signs being displayed relevant to and/or adjacent to the pedestrian crossing refuge. The secretary was asked to write to VicRoads, enclosing a copy of the On My Selection photograph, and asking that suitable legal signs be erected. Cr. Halligan advised that a further copy of the letter and the My life has taken a whole new direction, photograph should be sent to the Cardinia Highway Patrol in In training I am, for Olympic selection … Pakenham. Each night I dream, of makin’ the team, Val Walker reported that the potholes outside of the shops As my wife pats my head with affection. in Bayles have not been repaired. Also the power supplies to An’ I want you to know, I’ll have a good go, the barbecue area and to the Tennis Club have still not been If I crack that Olympic selection, connected. Cr. Halligan said he will follow up these items. I’m as fit as a trout, (apart from the gout), CAN YOU HELP? So my gait is just short of perfection! Following the retirement of Jack Nunn from his role as If I am sent, I’ll try each event, Maintenance Co-ordinator for the Township Committee, we need Including the Marathon race, someone to fill his substantial shoes! An’ if pain should stab, I’ll ride in a Cab, The role requires someone to keep an eye out around town for Then sprint the last bit at full pace! any maintenance issues that need addressing (damaged footpaths; unlit street lights; overhanging trees; gardens edging onto the My training has led, to one kilo I’ve shed, pavement; damaged telecom and drainage lids; damage to As I strive for Olympic selection, children’s playgrounds; graffiti; rubbish; potholes; overgrown An’ let’s not forget, if I raise a sweat, verges; etc) and report them to Council or VicRoads for resolution. I’m equipped with that roll-on protection! It wouldn’t hurt to have someone who can fix minor issues without reference to Council (or can persuade someone else to fix them). Bikes I could pedal, in quest of a medal, If it sounds a little daunting; Jack would be happy to mentor you (With a decent pain-killing injection), through your apprenticeship. But if some disaster, should leave me in plaster, For all this work, you will receive the same salary that Jack has Would you kindly take up a collection! taken over many years (which is absolutely nothing) but you will be But news came today … They won’t let me play … performing an important service for the Township Committee and Which isn’t that bad, on reflection … for your community. If you are interested, please contact Frank Crameri, I’m still in my prime, so maybe next time Township Committee President, on 0427 564 367 or 5997 2145 I can boast of Olympic selection! for further information Mal Function … the Poet Larrikin

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Koo Wee Rup Senior Citizens Club Annual General Meeting Will be held on Monday 9 July At 1.30pm At the club rooms

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Page 8 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 ST JOHN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL During second term there have been many fun and exciting activities and events that have taken place at St John’s. We were fortunate to have many students who competed in the District, Divisional and Regional Cross Country Carnivals. We would like to congratulate all of our students for the hard work and dedication they showed towards training for these events. We are also very fortunate to have one of our students, Matthew Voss, who has made it all the way to the State Cross Country Carnival which is being held in Bundoora over the school holidays. It is a great achievement to reach this level of competition and we wish Matthew all the best. During our sport classes this term we have had a major focus on skipping. The students have enjoyed the variety of activities involved and have shown their support by joining up and raising money for the Jump Rope for Heart Foundation. The money the children have raised will be used to fund research into heart, stroke, and blood vessel disease and research. To end our skipping program the children enjoyed our ‘Jump off Day’ where students participated in a number of activities and showcased the skills learnt throughout the term to their parents and teachers. Our Junior School students recently enjoyed a very creative day constructing wind chimes they had designed during their Integrated Studies unit 'How Do Things Work?’. Students and their families collected a range of materials to make the wind chimes which produced some lovely sounds. Many parents volunteered their time to join in on the construction day which helped make the day a great success.

Also this term we had 15 students who made the Sacrament of Confirmation. The lead up to this special event involved students participating in workshop activities with their parents and teachers as well as a reflection day. We would like to sincerely thank Father John Allen who confirmed the children as well as Maree Wright and Marlene Scanlon who helped the children prepare for the sacrament. Justin Greenwood (Deputy Principal) MARYKNOLL GALLERY OPENING AND MEET THE AUTHOR EVENTS Maryknoll Store is launching their new exhibition space. Hosting monthly exhibitions of both local and visiting artists with artist meet and greet sessions planned for the first Sunday of the HAVE YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? month. This is a great opportunity to support local artists and business. Have you got some news, or an opinion you want to 8th July hosts the first meet and greet session with authors and artists share with your community? Alison Lester and Lachie Hume. Why not say it in the Blackfish? Just drop me a line at [email protected] Contact Maryknoll store for exhibition bookings and enquiries: (03) post to PO Box 64, KWR or phone 5997 2333 5942 8242 Caroline Roff, Editor

Page 9 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012

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Page 10 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 KOO WEE RUP PRIMARY SCHOOL The end of term two is almost here and we have continued to be busy through to the end. Term three curriculum has been planned and we look forward to an equally busy and vibrant school in the coming months. Cross Country Results Congratulations to all the students who have represented the school at various levels of competition. Their results are shown below. District event (Top 20 placegetters) Division event Zone event Indiana Boswell (13th), Sam Cox (14th), Jett Williams (17th), Lachlan (3rd) Lachlan (54th) Megan Bachelor (2nd), Bianca Hameeteman (1st), Nikita Gibbs (10th), Ryan (16th) Annie (69th) Rachel Bachelor (13th), James Miftode (5th), Lachlan Caig (11th), Annie (9th) Madi (11th) Lachlan Williams (15th), Madi Dowson (7th), Tash Ardley (6th), James (12th) Tim (70th) Trinity Wantenaar-Morris (11th), Tim Miftode (2nd), Jack McDonald (12th), Tim (7th) Bryce Font (13th), Blake York (19th), Ashlee Hameeteman (5th), Madi (10th) Jaymee Donnelly (16th), Lachlan Taylor (1st), Ryan Smith (6th), Ashlee (11th) Bailey Willams (12th) and Annie Hone (8th) Tash (11th) Italian Cultural Day Italian Day was a great success. The four Italian activities all children rotated through included Tombala (Bingo with Italian numbers), Italian Flag creation, pasta constructions and pizza making. The children then enjoyed an Italian lunch of pizza and gelato. Disco The Junior School Council is to be commended for organising a Disco Evening for their friends and classmates recently. With Harry the DJ providing the music, the students danced and socialised with lots of energy. The JSC also provide drinks and snacks. Over $400 was raised and will be spent by JSC in the near future. This is one of approximately 8 events the JSC run throughout the year. National Anti-Bullying Day The school recently participated in National Anti-Bullying Day. We dressed in purple (the colours of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation) and participated in a range of activities to support our ‘School Buddies’ and ‘Bounce Back’ programs. It was a fun way to heighten awareness of the effects bullying behaviour. The school has renewed its focus on the skills and understandings in this area. The Bounce Back program develops student capacities including coping, courage, optimism, emotions, relationships, humour as a coping strategy and skills for countering bullying. Bounce Back also aims to develop empathy for others to reduce bullying. Kind regards, David Payne, Principal POETRY WORKSHOPS FOR POETRY SLAMMERS Cardinia Shire Council is holding two poetry workshops this coming school holidays in preparation for a poetry slam on Thursday 26 July at Pakenham Library. The first ‘poetry jam’ workshop is on Friday 6 July at Emerald Library from 2pm– 3.30pm. The second is on Friday 13 July at Pakenham Library from 2pm–3.30pm. The workshops would help young people develop skills and make friends in a space where they could express themselves in a safe environment before the upcoming slam. The poetry slam creates a chance for young people to express themselves and showcase their talents, passion and enthusiasm to the wider community. The April slam was jam-packed it’s back again for the school holidays. It’s a family fun event with awesome prizes to be won. To register for one of the poetry workshops, email [email protected] or call Youth Services on 1300 787 624. We are also taking expression of interests now for the slam via email [email protected]. Page 11 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 Computers -The Next Step If you’re feeling comfortable with computers and are wondering how to expand your computing and technology skills, this will walk you through intermediate level Microsoft programs and processes. Also includes backing up and restoring data, 24 Toomuc Valley Road, Pakenham computer maintenance and next Phone: 5940 4728 step file management. Thank you to everyone BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Tuesdays commencing 24 July for 8 weeks. 1–3.30pm. Cost: $40 Aspektism for Adults/Teenagers who attended the Learn more about how teenagers and adults on the Autism Spectrum are affected. Kerry Burgoyne of K-Talk examines how people and families are Bayles Biggest affected, contact with teens/adults, supporting the individual with ASD/AS and the importance of teaching life skills to encourage independence. Morning Tea Market Kerryn has Aspergers and enjoys sharing her experiences and expertise. Saturdays commencing 4 August for 2 weeks. 10.00am – 1.00pm. Cost: The organisers are pleased to $100 including a manual. SLR Digital Photo announce that they raised $880 Learn the fundamentals and how they work together, including composition, different light sources and creative posing for different for the Cancer Council. situations. A hands on class with plenty of opportunity to practice including a live model shoot at the end. Own SLR digital camera required. Tutor is an Bayles RPS also raised funds award winning photographer Clinton Plowman. Wednesdays commencing 8 Aug for 6 weeks. 7.00pm - 9.00pm Cost: $160 from their sausage sizzle.

Page 12 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 BAYLES REGIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOL Bendigo Bank Grant It was with great delight that our school council was informed last week of our successful grant application to the Bendigo Bank for the installation of a large interchangeable sign for the front of our school. This will be a fabulous way to keep everyone in our community informed of up and coming events occurring at our school and to relay other important information. I would like to thank the Bendigo Bank for their continued support of our school and we look forward to sharing our school news through this new communication “billboard”. Principal for a Day Last Monday I had all of our school captains join me in my office to experience being “Principal for a Day”. They learnt a great deal about the types of jobs that are required of a principal, ranging from clearing blocked drains to hosting the whole school assembly. During the day we brainstormed a new program called “Shining Stars” to reward children who continually work hard, behave well in the yard and who make an extra effort to help other students at our school. The school leaders will be responsible for nominating those children they believe fit the criteria and will enter their name as a “Shining Star” to be eligible for a raffle prize. This is a great initiative by our student leadership group and I am looking forward to seeing the smiles on the faces of those children who are nominated.

Liam, Jay and Keeghan celebrating their win Liam kicking forward to Jay to set up a goal Interschool Sports On Friday 15th June, we hosted St James Primary School (Nar Nar Goon) for an interschool sports day at our school. The grades 3 to 6s BAYLES FAUNA PARK were involved in a variety of friendly games including Football, Netball, and Newcomb Ball. Congratulations to all the children Working Bee involved for their sportsmanship and friendly rivalry. We concluded Sunday, 10 June the morning visit with a shared sausage sizzle which was enjoyed by everyone – luckily the sun shone down on us throughout the 9amto12noon morning! followed by a sausage sizzle Prep Enrolments: Our school is currently open for new enrolments and you are Next Meeting welcome to contact the office and arrange a personal school tour with myself at a convenient time to suit you. Simply call 5997 7261 to Monday, 25 June arrange a tour or if you would simply like to enquire about our lovely 7:30 pm school and all that we have to offer. Our motto at Bayles Regional Primary School is: Small School, Big Achievements and we would be Bayles Public Hall Kitchen very proud to show you around! Warm Wishes, Mrs Fran Van Lambaart, Principal All welcome

Page 13 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012

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Page 14 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 CRICKET HISTORY NEW TEAM ELECTED TO LEAD OUR BUSINESS ASSOCIATION INTO A NEW ERA OF The minor premiership was played between Lang Lang and Tooradin at KOO WEE RUP AND SURROUNDS Tooradin, March 1921. For some As our town grows and evolves, we need to reason, this match was played over 4 embrace change; the needs of our community and days and finished on a Monday. customers are changing like never before and we Tooradin won by 2 runs. need to ensure our businesses grasp that Lang Lang 1st Innings 95 all out opportunity. J Tibbes scored 17 After several enthusiastic meetings, a new executive team was elected to take A Duff took 4/17, McGill 4/41 the KBA forward into 2012/2013. The executive of the KBA as elected are: Tooradin 1st Innings Peter Smith – President 0427 841 096 3 wickets declared for 295 Damien Mathys – Secretary A Duff 137 not out Richard Roach – Treasurer 5997 2266 Lang Lang 2nd Innings 275 all out The next meeting is on 17 July at 5:30pm at Le Kandyan Restaurant, 279A W Tibballs 130 not out Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup. We would welcome anybody who thinks they can A Duff 4/37 contribute towards our town’s business future. RSVP to Ron Ingram 5997 1456. Tooradin 2nd Innings 77 all out The business association will keep up to date will things going on in all levels of G McGill 36 government that effect the way you do business and will lobby on behalf of the P Henderson 25 businesses. The association is your voice to council and will endeavour to E Donaldson 4/31 influence decisions that can change the way you do business or the local Tibballs 4/27 business environment. After the premiership match the The main aim of the group is to promote local business and increase customer Lasers (Lang Lang) challenged the loyalty. This will be achieved by organising regular promotions and activities to winners to a grand final match on the encourage the local community to shop at all members’ businesses. following Saturday (I wish this rule The group will work to create a positive image of business in Koo Wee Rup. was in effect in my time). Tooradin This can be achieved by keeping in close contact with the local media and scored 115 to Lang Lang’s 64. Some encouraging positive newsworthy articles about the business community. This really good bowling figures in this link with local media and other resources will help to source inexpensive joint match: M Glasscock taking 7/29 for advertising deals for our members. Lang Lang then Twyford wrecking By joining you can expand your network – by becoming involved and you can Lang Lang’s batting with 7/30. meet others with similar business experiences to you; share your ideas and Not sure why they played a grand learn new ones. Unite your resources – the business community is made up of a final when the premiership had variety of different people with a variety of different talents. The business already been decided. association gives people the opportunity to get together to make a real change. Yours in cricket, Ron Ingram By becoming proactive, you are doing something positive towards building business in Koo Wee Rup KARDINYARR - NAIDOC WEEK CELEBRATIONS 1-8 JULY 2012 NAIDOC week (1–8 July) will again celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In Cardinia Shire, the celebrations will be unique. Two film screenings are on offer to all interested people with drinks and Indigenous finger food provided by renowned Aboriginal Chef, Mark Olive from Black Olive Catering. The events are free and the films give insight into a diverse range of issues from an Indigenous perspective. The official launch of Cardinia Shire Council’s NAIDOC program will include the screening, of ‘A bit of black business’ (13 short films) on Tuesday 3 July, 7pm–9.30pm at The Gem Theatre, 19 Kilvington Drive, Emerald. The films canvas a range of topics and include Custard, Too late, Two big boys, The turtle and Days like these which is about Indigenous unemployment. The stolen generation is the topic of Back seat and Bloodline. Three more humorous films deal with super-grandmothers (Nana), ‘special’ businesses (Done dirt cheap and Hush) and racial reservations in Jackie Jackie. The second screening titled ‘The new black’ (seven short films) will be shown in the supper room of the U3A building, corner John and Henry streets, Pakenham on Friday 6 July, 7pm–9.30pm. They include Ralph, directed by Deborah Mailman, the story of 10 year old Madeline who needs more than dreaming to survive, she needs a friend. A second film is the story of Aunty Maggie and The Womba Wakgun as told by actor/director/writer, Leah Purcell. The week’s celebrations also include a strong library program, including Living books and storytelling on Friday 6 July at Emerald and Pakenham libraries. For more information, contact Council on 1300 787 624 or visit

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KWR NEWSAGENT 44-48 Station St. KooWeeRup Tel.59971456

Cnr Station Street and Moody Street (6 Moody Street), Koo Wee Rup 3981 Phone: 5997 1198 For all your Truck Spare Parts needs . Fleetguard Filters . Castrol Oil . Valvoline Oil . Coolant . Brake Parts . Lights . Electrical Wire . Globes All Stationery Requisites . Hose Clamps . Mudflaps Post Office & Tattersall’s Agencies . Brass Fittings . Mudguards . Gates Belts . Wheel Seals Newspapers and Magazines . Wheel Bearings . Mirrors . Premium Blue . CB Aerials Computer Accessories . Cat Oil & Filters . Batteries and much more Agents for Office Smart We are open from 9 to 5 weekdays and 9 to 12 Saturdays

Page 16 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (from Frank Crameri) At the June meeting of the Township Committee, we had as guests Charlie Broadhurst, Project Manager, and Rob Pearson, Project Delivery Leader, from VicRoads, who informed all present where VicRoads are currently up to with the planning, proposed land acquisitions, etc for the new bypass road around the KWR township. A large map was displayed outlining the proposed route of the road; all through privately owned farmland from KWR-Pakenham and Manks Road intersection to join up with Rossiter Road south of the Hospital. Acquisition of the required land is scheduled to take place from early to mid 2013; commencement of construction late 2013 with the project completed by late 2015. Many questions from the floor were asked to Charlie and Rob after their presentation. Well known local stalwart of our town, Jack Nunn, tendered his resignation from the committee due to ill health. Jack always kept a close eye on any small jobs that needed attention and urgent fix, like pruning shrubs, spraying weeds, painting of seats, etc around our streets just to name a few items. Jack had many contacts with the Shire, VicRoads and South East Water, just to name a few departments, when urgencies arose that he could not handle himself. I would like to thank Jack for all he has done for the community and hope his health improves, as we would sincerely like to see him back offering his wise input into the meetings. If anyone would like to take on the role as volunteer Maintenance Coordinator, please feel free to contact me on 0427 564 367. It was unfortunate that some of our residents on 21st, 22nd and 23rd June experienced severe flooding in and around their properties caused by overflows from the South East Catch Drain and Boundary Road Drain. I have resided in KWR all my life and I have never seen Boundary Road Drain overtop to the extent causing much anxiety to those affected residents when rainfall recorded at the Bureau of Meteorology weather station at KWR between 18th June and 23rd June was only 85.8 millimetres. Hopefully the authorities in charge of the drainage assets will carry out investigation to determine what caused the flooding so works can be done to try and avoid or minimise this situation in the future. An invitation was sent to our local member, Edward O’Donohue MLC, to attend the July meeting to update the committee, particularly on the subject of reticulated gas supply to the town but, unfortunately, Edward was unavailable to attend. As this subject is raised at most meetings, the secretary was asked again to write to Edward and invite him to address the August meeting. I have received a lot of good reports from residents about the construction of the rail trail and the off take links to adjacent footpaths. The original plan had an extra off take link from the footpath in Station Street near Woolworths across to where the remains of the old railway platform is located. No works on this path, which I believe is the most important link, particularly for school children requiring access to the swimming pool, has proceeded as yet. The township committee are currently trying to get answers from Council on when the path will be constructed. The KWR Traders recently held another meeting, which was well supported, and fortunately were able to form an executive committee. Bendigo Bank Manager Richard Roach is to be congratulated for his ongoing efforts and let’s hope this group can work towards trying to revitalise businesses in the town. KOO WEE RUP RED CROSS NEWS Annual Regional Luncheon 24 July Henry Dunant Region 8A invites you to their Annual Regional Luncheon at the Pakenham Golf Club on Tuesday 25th. July. The cost is $25 (covers a two course lunch, tea or coffee and a donation to Red Cross). Drinks at bar prices. The Guest Speaker will be Loren Hackett (Red Cross Emergency Services Recovery) Loren worked in the Christchurch earthquake emergency in New Zealand. RSVP is 12 July - please contact Lyn or Don Jewell on 5998 7734 Regional Raffle In support of the Regional Luncheon, we will be selling tickets for the Regional Raffle. Tickets are $1, and there are four prizes to the value of $745. First prize is a 80 cm Palsonic HD LED T.V. set Koo Wee Rup Red Cross Unit Annual General Meeting Would Red Cross members and supporters please note that the A.G.M. of the Koo Wee Rup Unit will be held on Tuesday 11th September, at the home of Mrs. Norma Dixon. This meeting will discuss the important question as to whether the Koo Wee Rup Unit change its status from a "Unit" to a less formal "Red Cross Group". Like many community organisations, we have had trouble attracting members and keeping up our level of activity. The Koo Wee Rup Unit will be 50 years old at the end of this year, but earlier Units operated during the two World Wars, going back to 1914. Long Service Medals presented Chairman Lyn Jewell recently presented Long Service Medals to three of our long serving members: Mrs. Joan Davey (30 years) Mrs. Norma Dixon (20 years) and Mrs. Pauline O'Brien (10 years) Further information from Don Jewell (Unit Secretary) 5998 7734 or [email protected] Page 17 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 Come and join us for a fun afternoon of

Every Friday, 1-3 pm at KWR Senior Citizens $2 entry Great Prizes Tuesday Nights

Page 18 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 KOO WEE RUP BOWLS CLUB NEWS All the Winter activities at the Club have commenced Recently Peter and Sheila Stevens and are being well attended with fortnightly Tuesday and celebrated their 60th Wedding Friday Triples ensuring that bowls is now be played all year Anniversary. Peter especially is well round. Fortnightly Hoy afternoons and Monthly known around the town for his Luncheons are also in “full swing” and being well contribution to many organizations and is well supported attended. For further information on Hoy and/or by Sheila. Peter celebrated their milestone with a game of Luncheons contact Rosemary Read [5998 7356]. Bowls. Congratulations to both Peter and Sheila on Long standing former RVBA and Bowls Councillor reaching this outstanding milestone. Don Smyth after 26 years of service has decided that he The Annual trip to Deniliquin was held over the Queen’s would stand aside at the recent A.G.M. of the Peninsula Birthday weekend with a number of first time members Bowls Division. Don’s contribution to Bowls on the participating. All members thoroughly enjoyed Peninsula is greatly appreciated and was acclaimed by all themselves with most already indicating they will return at the A.G.M. Another not seeking re-election was next year. From all reports Bob Mason was probably the Secretary Ron Henderson who served both the P.B.A. & most successful on the Green and the off the Green stories P.B.D. for a number of years. Pam Dind has taken over the whilst unconfirmed will remain just as stories. position of Secretary. The Club is discussing the possibility of entering a 3rd PBD Treasurer Ian McKay in his annual report mentioned team in the Saturday Pennant competition. If you are that the increase of the membership fee to Bowls Victoria interested in playing and is someone who has played but this coming season will see that the Peninsula Bowls Assn. not for some time or someone who would like to give the currently having 2799 members will top up the coffers of game of bowls a go please contact the Club (5997 1266) Bowls Victoria to $111,960.00 for the Peninsula/Casey a.s.a.p. to register your interest. Division and wonders what value we are receiving in return. Hmmm … interesting question.

INTERESTED IN FUNDING SUPPORT TO IMPROVE NATIVE HABITAT ON YOUR PROPERTY? COME TO A LAND MANAGEMENT EXPO Landholders and residents in Casey, Cardinia, Baw Baw and Yarra Ranges are invited to attend a Land Management Expo held by the Port Phillip and Westernport CMA (PPWCMA) Saturday 4 August 2012 9.45am – 2pm Pakenham Cultural Centre This expo is designed to answer questions like: What is the Habitat Protection and Conservation Project? What land management actions are eligible for funding? What is whole-property planning and cross-property planning all about? What are the benefits of these planning strategies? You’ll be introduced to the practice of identifying the environmental values and threats for your property, and given advice on how to form an action plan and implement it. Speakers on the day will include the Project Coordinator from the PPWCMA, who will introduce the project, and your local Project Assessor, who will discuss funding opportunities for landholders and how to apply for funding. Your local Landcare group will showcase the benefits of being a part of Landcare. You’ll enjoy an entertaining presentation on the project from Vox Bandicoot (a community and educational theatre group dedicated to ecological sustainability) and you’ll hear from professional contractors working in the industry, providing materials, equipment and services in fencing, planting, and pest animal and plant control. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. To assist with catering, RSVP online as soon as possible and no later than Thursday 2nd August, at in the ‘events’ section, or for a registration form contact Adam Shalekoff. Email [email protected] or call 8781 7962. The first 20 RSVP will receive a giveaway. For more information about the Habitat Protection and Conservation Project, contact Adam Shalekoff (Environmental Projects Officer) (03) 8781 7962.

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NATIVE TREES A good selection of Native Trees can be found at Kooweerup Trees & Shrubs John & Maria Boekel 10 Bethunes Road, KooWeeRup Phone 5997 1839 Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Page 20 The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish July 2012 KOO-WEE-RUP TO STRZELECKI RAILWAY By Heather Arnold, on behalf of the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp Historical Society. It is ninety years since the Koo-Wee-Rup to Strzelecki railway line opened in June 1922 and this anniversary, coupled with the opening of the rail trail, makes it a suitable time to look at the history of this line. When it opened it was known as the Koo-Wee-Rup to McDonald’s Track Railway. McDonald’s Track had been surveyed between 1860 and 1862 by George McDonald. It ran between Lang Lang, Poowong, over Mt Worth to Moe with the aim of providing a stock route through to Sale. The through to Sale was completed in 1879 and early McDonald’s Track settlers, especially those around Poowong, soon began to agitate for a railway line to help ease their transport problems through the densely forested, damp hills. The 32 kilometres (20 miles) or so between Poowong and Drouin took over a day’s travel and all goods and produce were carted on pack horses or drays. Various routes for a railway line were suggested including one from Drouin to Welshpool via McDonalds Track or Drouin to Poowong via Longwarry. The Great Southern Railway line to Port Albert via Koo-Wee-Rup, and Foster was opened in 1892, by-passing Poowong. The opening of this line coupled with the draining of the Koo-Wee- Rup Swamp saw fresh demands from the McDonald Track settlers and the Swamp settlers for a new line. The Swamp was a large producer of dairy products and vegetables and there was also a growing sand mining industry. In 1912 a new Railway line was proposed from Koo-Wee-Rup to McDonalds Track via areas of the newly drained Swamp. The Koo-Wee-Rup to McDonalds Track Railway Construction Act was proclaimed on October 12th, 1914 and construction began on August 4th 1915. Construction of the line was slowed by the re- allocation of resources during the First World War and didn’t resume with any pace until 1919. Construction was carried out in three stages: the Swamp area from Koo-wee-Rup to Heathhill, the foothills area of Heathhill to Triholm and the mountain area from Triholm to Strezelecki. The finished line was 49 kms (30 and a half miles) in length and officially opened June 29th 1922. Unfortunately for the people of Poowong they were bypassed once again. The first timetable had three trains per week carrying both passengers and goods but lack of patronage saw the Strezelecki station close in November 1930 and less than 20 years after their opening Triholm, Topiram, Athlone and Heathhill stations were closed in August 1941. The passenger service also closed in August 1941. Yannathan was now the terminus. The farm produce, cattle and milk and the sand mining from the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp kept the Catani and Yannathan Stations open until April 1950 and Bayles to February 1959. The site of the Bayles Railway station is now the Fauna Reserve and various remnants of the Railway service can be seen there. There is also a display of vicki’s historic photographs. At the peak of the rail traffic in 1926 Koo-Wee-Rup “used to be new” Station had a staff of eleven and had 48 passenger and mixed trains and 72 goods trains per week. The Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp Historical Society meets on recycled books, the second Wednesday of each month at 8.00pm at Mallow house in Rossiter Road, corner of Henry Street. New members welcome. The Museum is open on the clothes and more second and fourth Sundays of each month from 1.30pm 286 rossiter road, koo wee rup, 5997 1483 until 4.30pm.

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