(Eottttprttrut Sattg (Eampttb Serving Storrs Since 1896 I O
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(EottttPrttrut Sattg (EampttB Serving Storrs Since 1896 I o VOL. LXXI NO. 109 &torr«. (Toanrrttral THURSDAY. APRIL 25.11968 CCC Three Days Away; Wiener-Jerman Bill Defeated Begins with Marathon by Dick Fi field defeated. The motion to postpone recommend that standards of The 20th Annual Campus sored by the Faculty Men's Club In a spirited debated marked was then finally defeated. At that dress n..t be made aprerequis- Community Carnival is now only and the University League of by delicate parliamentary man- point, Jerman asked to withdraw ite to attendance in class. This three days away. House Cam- Women will sell homemade cook- euverings, the Student Senate vot- the bill, but this was ruled il- bill was passed, but not until an paigns have ended, and plans for ies in the booth. ed last night to defeat a bill spon- legal. The Senate then proceed- amendment, offered by Senator the big events are all set. The Trophies will be awarded to sored by Senators Larry Wiener ed to defeat the bill on a roll-call, Ed Abrahams was defeated. The highlight of the Carnival, which booths in various categories: 1st and Tim Jerman to repeal a bill with only a few voting in favor amendment was to append to the begins with the 82 hour WHUS and 2nd combined booths; first approved last session which al- and Jerman himself abstaining. bill the texl of Bill 34-7, dealing Marathon on Sunday at 2 p.m., and second place women's booth; lowed the new ASC Constitution The Senate also completed with a discharge procedure, (goal: $4,000), is the Midway. first and second place men's to go to student referendum with- action on two additional bills. which had been bottled up in the This will be held Monday booth, Most Lucrative Booth, and out finst being approved by the One, introduced by Senator Ri- Steering Committee, evening, 7-11:30 p.m. in the F ield Most Unique Booth. Judges for Senate. Under the terms of the chard Fifield, placed the Senate Also passed was a resolution House. Campus residences and the awards include Mr. Clyde Wiener-Jerman bill, the previ- on rerord as favoring graduate offered by Senator Hick Savage organizations decorate booths, Richards, Mechanical Engineer- ous act would be repealed and the students being assessed the ac- and Chairman Aronovitz, sup- run games of skill and food ing department; Mr. Ronald Di- Senate would lie allowed to make tivities lee, and asking the con- porting Professor Colfax in his concessions. This year 30booths ekcrson, Registrar's Office; and substantive alterations of the do- stitutional convention to propose battle with the halt board. This have been accepted. For the first Miss Jacqueline Seide, Assistant cument. The vote to dete.it was an,| "equitable" system 01 grad- passed easily. time, a faculty booth has been Dean of Women. overwhelming, although there uate representation on the Sen- Debate over the rules erupted entered: "That's The Way the Voting for Parade Floats will were a large number ol absten- ale. Senator Klson moved to at- al the beginning of the meeting Cookie Crumbles". It is spon- also take place at the Midway. tions. tach lo it a rider which called when Senator Bonnie Bryan que- Jars will be found at the Midway When the measure came to lor a $10 student activities tee, stioned Aronovitz on the right of entrance, with pictures of the re- the floor, one of the sponsors. but this was defeated, Alter ad- the Steering Committee to pig- Turtle spective floats on the jars. The Wiener, was not present, anil the opting an amendment to the bill, eonhole legislation in itself un- Midway ticket tub will be used for other, Jerman, refused to call Offered by Senator Scott I- laser, der the Senate by-laws, which Tourney voting. In this way the student up the measure, Once called up, stating thai the bill would have to allow the Steering the power only bodv will vote this year, rather a motion to postpone the bill un- be approved by the Graduate to send bills to rominltti - May 1 than a small group of faculty til the new constitution wits print- Council before hccomiiir effect- to the floor with recommenda- members. Awards will be given ed was made. The motion was then ive, the bill itsell was approved. tions, Aronovitz replied tint the in the following categories:first, nude m table, but this was de- The other bin was submitted committee had not acted Impro- by John 'Aadsworth second and third place combined feated. Senator Roberl bison then by Chaltiiiaii nick Aronovitz, I 11- perly, AI the close oi the meet- float, men's float, women's float moved to postpone "until Janu- titled "Dress Code," it provid- ing, a petition was presented, The fastest turtles in the East and Queen's llo.it. ary 1. UIIM," l, H,lS was also ed that tin' Student Senate should will vie for honors at the New m signed by X< voting andsevenex- England Turtle Tournament, otticjo Senators, which rejected which will be held May 1 at 3 Ail-Night Teach-in Planned Tonight; this Interpretation. p.m. in the Field House. In Other business, the Senate President Babbidge's turtle, approved lour Uldgets and one "Blue Peddler," will lie running Precedes Tomorrow's Strike Activities new ox-ofliclo .Senator was sworn against turtles sponsored by area by Tim Strattner 111. Approved were the Ixidgots ol day, 1 15 67", about the April will then talk mi the "Historical the Class til 1970 $C , the Vice business men, administrators, There will be a 11 all . Ma n ii 111 New York lasi year, living units on campus, branches Background ol the Dr ifl," Next, President's ( ontliigeni j Fund TEACH-IN tonight In connection and "Boundary lanes", Nat Si heeler Of the I.aw School • 1 , the Senate Ol $1,620) and other colleges. He has not with the Student Strike Against adian Film Board picture piead- disclosed whether "Blue Ped- will speak on the "Problems in .ml Wilts f$4,-188,70 . Ml pass- War and Racism. Il will start at ::. for unity among peope. Our Cities'", follti 1 etl b) Stevi ed easily, Chuck Motes was sworn dler" is a light or heavy weight 8'p.m in SS 55 with l< ■tii!' The reach-in will then mine model or whether it.-, baske \ntlel. win, will talk "'I "1)1 ill II • ■ ' nit K jo Senator 1 rom discussion centi 1 round to the Community House, .'.here ( tmiiselini ". tall off during the running, fv- IIIIIPUS Council, which re- sDeeches byfivefacultj members coffee and dniiiits v.ill lie avail- 0UghOUl the nigl I, there ceived Its seat under a bill pass- eryone is urged to attend this and two movies. Professor Niel ible throughout the night, Pro- .' ill be tnik--.in in1. , Ha lulling a ed I.r,1 week.J thrilling spectacle of terrifying Littlefleld of the UConn Law ■ b and Coy ol the llls- folk-rock group, "Monroe's speed. School will speak on "The Need tmettl will lead a dis- " and other loik CORRECTION turtles will ho classified for I xtra-1 &ggl law In Si ciei 'us; ii Bank- 1 by size -- Class A turtles are to Professor Jack Thorkelst n m roil beginnin Finally, there will lie a movie, Yestei 1 onnei ti ul be those larger than the pel sti i the* economics department will midiu "Pent igon Protest", about the Dilll) 1 ainpils ai Mole i variety, while Class Bturtl discuss the "American Econ- Following the discussion, the anti-war demonstration at the in. the M' C pol n \ on placi - be pet-store size or smaller. omic Involvement in the War"; BBC document a o film Pentai on I isl (ictobor. iiieiit in the Union said "the People and turtles wishing to isor David Colfax will dls- nam: Journal of the War'' will be At 9 a.in. there will then be Student Union Hoard oi Gov- participate should contacl the cuss "Me and the Draff; Pro- Fred Wallace will then a march to the Student Union, ernors was given the respon- tournament chairm: i Jim Broit- fess ir Paul 1.,-arv of the Polit- present the ease against "Am- where there will lie 1 "memor- sibility oi determining the re- enfeld, at Box 62, IT i There ical Science department will talk erican Imperialism." William ial service" for the Class ol I9C8 cruitment policy ON CAMP- is a five dollar application fee US, The sentence should have on the "EffectsoftheWaronAm- Tabb of the economics lep irt- and first '.ear I r iduatc students. charged to all entrants. Admis- erlca" and Professor Robert ill then speak in defense Rabbi llers'h Cohen, Rev, Jack road that the student Union sion for spectators is 2". cents: Smith of thehistorv department 01 American imperialism. Allen, and ! ather / Board of Governors wasglven ul proceeds go to CCC, The event will give the "Historical Back- Another film on the Negro be the primary speakers, Cn ss the res] on ibil It) ol determ- is sponsored by Brian McMahon ground of Vietnam." Also, two plight, "Out From Slavery" will ining the placement policy in Hall and APO. es will then be planted on the movies will he shown: ' Satur- then be shown, Man Dambrov Mall. THE STUDENT UNION. Pseudo-Sailors'Protest Naval Recruiters, Sign Picketers for April 26 Strike b) ) ant llalbing Ami-war "pseudo- sailors" trast oi polished, well-printed daunted by the facl that the re- swarmed around a garrishly de- pamphlets on Navy benefits, the cruiters were actually naval-air corated sailboat yesterday, op- Strike organizers offered mlm- force recruiters, and quickly posite the Naval recruiter's table eoi raphed sheets proclaiming: made up a poster savin!' "If You in the Student Union.