HIGH TIDE • 4-20-69 r (),j I J J)1 5 7 at 0"48 4- (j-('j 4 5 at 1,000 at 1 (/ I -.tOURGlASS 1 ? at " )"

.I .... "" I ':;... - ~~ ... ""'''' !!

------VOL 9, No 3776 Saturdav AnrII lq lq~~ Soldier Escapes Today's News US Accused of fleeing Meeting After 14 Months As Cong Prisoner At a Glance Intelligence Flights Believed Resumed SEAPCH OFF -- DOD announe£ S( Q."c ~ SAIGO'J (UPI )-- A U S soldIer cap­ ,ASIII'IC'1'(,"l (TJFr)-- The search for SUrVIvors of the unarmed reconnalSSdncc d1.-scont1.-nuec. for EC121 sun) ,~) 0 tured by the CommunIsts 14 months ago a '( 1" d.ft S'lOt rlu..rn In 'Iorth Korea has ended the Pentagon arnounced toelav ~,c:.r_ operatlJllv were called off about 5 pm EST, a Department of Defense escaped and was rescued by an AmerI­ SURPRISE INVESTIGATIOMJ -- Scrut", SUOI ~~1""n v3.~d At the same t+me U S IntellIgence flIghts 'Iere apparently re­ can helIcopter, U S spokesmen saId &nvest1.-gators dropp&ng &n on 0, 1- ~UJnea 0,0 tl (0 3ea of Japan WIth the backIng of protectIve aIr and sea power today They saId hIS fIrst words to ta:ry pr&sons the 'copter crew were a happy shout 1, ~ t-y cl r e:tlcs1np "lew Jersey of "I love you' I love you'" 'Ih,- + crsp arl,ollncement at 6 30 pm EST saId that 'ShIPS and alrcra ft Involved WEATHER -- WHzter back C"l ma&nlar,d The GI was IdentIfIed as Spec 5 In tr~ sear _h are t'O'1 leaVIng the area " No rea"on ~as gIven for endIng the search operatIons However, a department Thomas H Van Putten, 21, of Cale­ Tl1.dJ'EL.. -- Senators and w./!p s"[ent donIa, MICh He had vanIshed and $226, 000 last year tra&el1-JZg riJJluad apparently been captured on Feb 10 Job (orps Supporters of last year, whIle guardIng a road CAMP DAVID -- N1.-xon JlW6 to leiY'c-at Complain to Congress scraper In Tay NInh PrOVInce near for the weekend the CambodIan border About Closing Centers Van Putten was spotted yesterday by CIVIL RIGHTS -- Mal C'h of 3CO Nu {'L'e a U S Army observatIon helIcopter ~ASH I' lI'Tl N ({lPl) -- Job Corps support­ protests fatal shoot1.-n0 about 71 mIles northwest of SaIgon prs CArrplallwd to Congress about the near Tay Nlnh CIty, spokesmen saId iJ lX(lll Adm] nlstratlon T s crlterla "for -lQJ3 CORPS -- CloS1-ng of Cal,)CIS hi 1. 21- ~loslng tr~lnInp centers today and saId He had escapea 18 days earlIer, he d&scussed House comnnttee ell", saId "e 01 th( mes+ ,'lle' esofu.L are due to TIle soldIer ImmedIately wa" hosp­ w1.-tnesses I t·, c::. ut dol-. n ItalIzed for treatment of what doc­ Avrpsr nJ be'orc ~ 00' crtJ t~sk force E{KAPCE -- A U C; soZ he!' C!J.l~t.A.1' ,J. tors descrIbed as malnutrItIon and (+ t't [louse Educqcl ·~nd Labor Commlt­ 01 er a year ago by the Reus e,r"ap" dehydratIon HIS weIght had dropped J t~~ Jeb Corpr CenLer ~lre0tors and a from 18~ pounds to 121 durIng cap­ l ~g:eE ~ar offerea a ~Idp range of tlVl+Y ST~t stlCS to how some rentprs marked But doctors saId today Van Put­ 101. 1..103l11t': ... ere performlIl5 above aver­ ten apparently WIll be well enough Weather is Unkind -rc to fly home Sunday to lll~ pdrents III aLL 'nne ur"~l1 cT01, "orps Centers In MIc1llgan ,.. J )0 1_ nSErvatloll (enters are due to The t-'lchIgan soldIer had one COrl­ To Midwest, New England I ' shut 'Lwn Tell v 1 'The Labor Depflrt­ plaInt about beIng back In freedom UPI -- Ihntoor-llke weather, 101~J'..J­ T nt, {fll"h tool< over ~dmInlstratlon of and that was that the bed "was Ing on the heels of stro~g north ea_t t 0 d, tlpo,erty program frlIT che OffIce Just too comfortable I Just keep erly WInds, today ro,erpd tlJe area of F"Onorfn c OJ::portur 1ty srortly after wdntlng to talk to people," he from New England to the cast,rr GrQlt TJycn tOOK ~fflce, orderea t~e closures added Lakes RegIe I l\.io 1 '"J"hes ,f ~n~..r j ~l~ 711~ L(rters attpmpt to g"ve under­ at both Cleveland a'1d ~!dnsf) old '-OlG Jrl/lJeged youn~ men and women readJng, Senators Spending Abroad Travelers wdrnlngs were 1n ~ff_ c ~rlth~etlc ann wor~ SkIlls so thev are fer portIons ~: westeJ! F~r~sYLvdl1d equlp~pd to get and hola Jobs Estimated at $266,000 near lake Erle wl~"""r L"(J +0 L>11J.r 1J1- ",avk TOe r ce RepubllCa'1S rprpatedly CDes of SP"W lL I r.L ea, lLlJ vomml-ctee Cha+rman Carl SEARCHING FOR DOWNED SPY PLANE--The

r WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Senators ard Many New Lrlg.L"--:11~ r:rvprs _ J [:1 C ___ dJl 1'01"1<. l ns, (T'em -Ky ), who 13.nt to KPep crew scrambles aboa:rd an A1.-r Force theIr aIdes travelIng abroad spent reachpi flood -Ldge today 'ifteor lO­ tIle l ["te~" c.pc..n C-130 Hercules at Tach&kwva A&Y' $206 000 l~st year In U S counter­ Ing pelt...:d ,\-y th ~l.::> TJluc..h as a J .<.-nr ~crhIrs ~a_d he was bew"ldered De­ Force Base, Japan, to J01.-n "n the part funas It was reported today of ralll In the past ?4 hOlr~ Cdl.s c Lhe I8L n DelJ&::' tmpnt had Clrcu- search for a U 5 Navy reccnna~s­ For~er Sen Edward V Long, (Dem - A f'la~" C'lood \.; Ll~t III was 1 11j~ ~lfferent sets of crIterIa for sa'1ce plane for Verrr0u.'1+, N~w Pl...ff.-J";> Jlr'2 anJ. l.-IL -'1A speclflc ..... ellters and It was Mo ), V1sIted the most spots--18 spokesman saId they are normally con­ southern MdIre 4t Ipast one derth Impo slcle -co tell wrat they really natIons plus Hong Kong--and spent tInued untIl "every reasonable hope was attrlb ,ted en ~ he storm wdltECd $1,,772, a tabulatIon In the Congres­ has faded" of fIndIng any surVIvors SIonal Record dIsclosed EarlIer today the WhIte House told Long made some of hIS trIps as a '1ewsmen tbat "tile llkpllhood of sur­ Itl=e " 3.fter 10slng d DemoLratlc Marchers Protest , Seek VI vors IS very poor" nearly fIve days prImary electIon In August He was after the InCIdent accompdIlled on hIS ttdvels by hIS The Defense Department refused to ::'XECut 1 ve c,ecretdry Hel en Dunlop, Dismissal of Two Police Officers comment ot< operatIonal aspects of i wno spent $3,845 POIT GIBSON, MIc" (up ~ , CI f _.1 rl iU v Co" (rc ~ ~s Evers led a march of the resumptIon of Irtelllgence flIghts Forty-two c,enators dnd more than 300 Negroes to the Ll~lborpe Courty Cou-t ,11 e tod"y to protest the facal shoot­ wl-ch protectIve covpr, but mIlItary 100 aIdes shared ln the counterpart Ing of a young I'legro and cd~led for 'the c lsrnls_al of the two polIce of11cers sources IndIcated PreSIdent NIxon's spendIng, WhICh means expendItures of wbo struggled Yltr the vl~tlm order to contln-, 10re~gn curr~nCles held by U S em­ CIty offJCla"s 'Jrdered a iusk-to-cH'm l'elrIE'W tod':!v after, \ lId brIck-throw­ ue the mISSIons bdssles '3.broad Ing d~monstratlon touched o~f b r err' "LJ('t lne was carrIed out I Under '3. speCIal ldw, Congressmen A hlgbwa:, patrolman and d 1 r, al F2gro PG~+ce'llan wert. wounded durIng the VIO­ promptly I and uenators can spend the counter­ lence wh+ch erupted la"t n~pllt I trl~ mall "'Juthwe,,t IfllSSJ SSlppl town Both About 100 Jet I part money WIthout repay~ng It to the offIcers were reporteJ J r IS ,~-! eel dtt ",r Senate Investl"gators fIghters, many tleasury or haVIng It charged agaInst Several (llgh.'lY patrol llnltc Wp1<- of them F4 Phan­ theIr personal or COmMIttee expense toms, capable I budgets called In by trre _,her+:!' '0 ('f' 'He tc Begl"n Surprolse V"ISI"tS hplp resto1 e c'nkr and -",meL t.t'.} oq of flYIng at The trIps must be authorIzed by a I standDy In the area to prev'-nt nev OlJt- 1,400 mdes per S~nate CO@11ttee or by the Senate It­ To MIOII"tary Prl"sons breaks l-la.{ol' W P Gordon lmpc.sed de 11Our, already I self as legItImate bUSIness curfew frem 8 pm untIl 5 3.D1 dA rJIIfGIOl'l (UFI )-- SV'8~e Investl- are on ImmedIate SlY teen Senators tapped counterpart AuthorItIes saId the trouble f~ared rators 0~ve ~laTt~~ aropplng In for call at bases Inl funds under more thar one commIttee when RO'Jsevelt Dusty Jackson, a 24- OL-JJI ~ 'n"p C l.Jr,v ~f mIlItary prl- South Korea asslg',ment year-old Negro, was shot and kJ] 1 ee' S01~ 1 n The '" an:e of comrlaints by 27 Radar surveIl­ durIng a strugble WIth two pollcpmen so~J t'rs c1-l arger} Nlth mutIny at the lance IS prOVId­ Tax Reform Expected who went to Ins house to arrec,t h~m PrpsIlIJ ~tockc-it. In CalIfornIa, It Ing the recon­ last rIght One of the offl cers, was dlsclosecl today nalssance To Benefit Nation's Poor Henry ~'cKewon, 3. I'legro, was S.llglJ" ly eot, Ch C' les E Goudell, (Rep -N fllghts wIth wounded by tre samp bulle t vf cit " J L, ) , 1 ~ 1 or Cran~ton (Dem -Callf ), qUlck warnIng TPURMONT MD (UPI)-- Presldent I Jackson ~ ~C C d tter they receIved from of any Nort0 NIxon flew to ~lS retreat at Camp Evers, who -Led l he narL.- ~g P 8+0-- f11 'It::'1 SerV.L"'es Chalrman John Korean Jet take­ DaVId for the weekend today to put downtmm area to the cOlJrt1YL u ~~i t rl}l.J "-"8/-,--rr! LlJ'TIJIlJttee lnvestlga­ CROSS MARKS "e t III the offs the flnlsb"ng touches on hIS tax Japan Sea wherL tIle Pentd for thp dl oml ~ sal of McKe oc. ~n'l rIc, "vI' dlreadJ had made "a few" sur­ North Korea gon saId a ~eal'ch \\"l ':! fln reform message to Congress ,hlCh LS prlS._ InSDectlon~ ard planned more pd.!"trcr for a US Navy plrl.ne .shot reJected as expected to gIve a rna,] or break to Evers, who led the march In it e near­ Gooie 1 3.nd Crdn ton also released down With 31 men lho lId "robber-lIke" the natIon's poor by town uf F2{Ccte, chargea Jdc1<.son a utter they wrote to Army Secretary North Korel. broddc l..,t th It today the U S He took along both forel~n ard was I shot In co Ld blooel, for co recc­ S-1nlpy Fe II urg ng hlr tL broaden It wa~ ..,hot down With '1 protest afalnst domestIC WhIte Pouse adVIsers to Single ",hot 'It }lIg-h lltJtlld( son at all" po I~ ~o )f a L I v ill an Lo nUll 1 t tee he ap­ Its downIng of keep an eye on the Korean SItuatIon ll He urged an "1.ntenslf ...Lea C ... l J UTilC DCi]r l d ch.J." week t L lnvestlgat.e Army the plane and dISCUSS other domestIC programs boycott of ..l..ccal merchant'" If' C""l..~ _!- ~lCK'3.dE..S The North Korean Central News Agency WhICh WIll begIn flow Lng to CapItol port of the demand for the dlc~ '.a2 1'ley suggested that the commIttee, broadcast the Pyo~gy~ng reJectIon In a HIll sometIme next week of the two offIcers ~ddo UD of SIX p~ndl exrerts, check statement attrIbuted to MaJ Gen RI The message on tax reform WIll be There were no lnclcLnts ,-,ur ",,[T 'II ~+ TJ~eO of ml]ltary pIlsons rather Choon-Sun, Its representatIve In meet­ maae publIC "1onday and IndIcatIons march, wb~ch began at a ch'~rc~ ancl ,1-at I clo t Arm;,. stockades, look Into Ings WIth U S and South Korean offl­ were It would lower thp level of moved to the rourtno~c, I rder ur­ nn 1 talY prl::,ons over...;,eas as clals at the FanmunJom truce vlllagp taxes on persons HI lower Income vellLance of ILeal of11cer" ~ J clGl 'I ~s l the UnIt, d Statps and make RI sa"d today, "When we brought the brackets There also were rej::orts way patrolmen su ""L.."I-:lat SerVlc.i::-ffiPn call "present U S ImperIa~lsts to task at the meet­ that the seven percent tax credIt ChIef Deputy O~n McLdY ~~,c '-'-,,_jL If.-> ar Lurrmlalllt.:;" confIden- Ing for the aggreSSIve act of InfIltrat­ now enJoyed by bUSInessmen for In­ crm,d of about 400 Negroes 'ndr<::h d t lOlJ 1\ Sor'c men, they saId, "fear Ing a spy plane lnto the terrItorIal vestments In equlpment--a YIeld of angrIly to t~e court [lo~"o 1 T:t I ~r: 11' ct..-=:i. '""l.-l':.n su r [ltJ r~luc..tl.:n In rdIlk aIr of North Korea, the senIor member i, about $3 blillon per year--would be after word "+ tre slo Lr, opreac or r J" 19nment co C,cutheast ASIa" If of thp enemy SIde tIed from the meetIng modIfied I thro~gh th" to..rn cD'" t L J\ to e ~'- 'Cpu"'of rePre- South Korea had been put on emergenc\ tax~s lowerIng the on the pour IS to the _ rC\Wl( bro! E. t,!:, af[~ n -,rt-lch tle ~o]dler- alert beglnnlrg today U S offICIal. Increase the standard deductIons on More tI- au hdo f t e nopil ,- t 'In prl.JJ lC"" tiff'"' d s~t--CJ.OWI st-rlke .ould not confIrm the report taxable Income blary I- --~-- HOURGLASS I I FM Sch dul Waving D monstratiQn SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, Apr1-l 19 & 20 The Marshallese weaving demonstration held at Emon Beach Pavillion last Tues­ SKY BOUND STEREO - Three hours of day morning and presented by the Ebeye Doctor Joins Kwaial in Hospital Staff un1-nterrupted muS1-C performed by Jerry Exchange Program proved to be an extr Butler, Clebanoff Str1-ngsJ Ray Dav1-e8 popular event Representatives of the Ebeye Women's Clubs demonstrated the art Unlike many new arrlvals, Louis C Spillman, Jr , M D , OrchestraJ Derek & RaYJ Horst Jankow­ lS no stranger to lsland life sk1-, Lennon S1-sters, GloT'1-a Lynn, paul of weaving baskets, plates and hats fro~ The latest addltl0n to the KwaJaleln Hospital staff MaUT"l-at OrchestraJ Roger M1-ller, Reg1-s the fronds of coconut palms has worked on Enlwetok and Johnston IslandJand he knows Ph1-lb1-nJ Smothers BrothersJ Spanky and It's surprising what can be done with about fifty lslanders from preVl0US jobs Our Gang and Frank1-e Vall1- palm frond--when you know how It looks Dr Splllman was Chlef Medlcal Offlcer on Enlwetok fro~ 7 30 pm so simple when you watch the Marshallese 1966-68 He held the same L1-sten to FM d1-nner muS1-C from 6 30 women whip together a basket in nothing posltl0n on Johnston Island - 7 30 each even1-ng All t1-mes l1-sted flat When you try it--you're all for seven months before com­ are approX1-__m_a~t_e~ ______thumb~, unbelievably awkward ones at lng here that Having watched the demonstration The native of Wlnston-Salem, YY Sat. Buffet the large audlence departed with a high N C , added, "Tom Hardlson, regard for Marshallese woven handicraft Helnle Kauuamo, Bob Harvey and Dlnlng and Danclng at the Yokwe Rex Matsuda are a few of my Yuk thlS Saturday nlght features the Danny LaVllla Trlo plus one' many frlends Tom was in­ strumental ln my comlng to ~!!!!II The buffet wlll lnclude the follow­ lng Kwa]aleln " As for hobbles, Dr Spill­ IJ Assorted Rellsh Tray man llkes to flSh He also Tossed Green Salad enJoys listenlng to mUS1C and taklng plctures "I did OR Roast Strlp LOln W/Wlne Sauce Bar-B-Q Sprlng Chlcken a lot of shell huntlng and tape making whlle on Enl­ Buttered Fresh Vegetable ( Baked Potatoe W/Sour Cream wetok We had a stereo-FM statlon there." Hot Dlnner Rolls Beverage Dr Splllman and his flancee, EID1l1a (pronounced REDSTONE ARSENAL, Alabama -- youth Emlly) Bourne, will be mar­ and opportunlty are the prlnclpal rled in June She wlll ar­ lngredlents In a program underway In rlve on island in July He ,. an Army Mlsslle Command Laboratory has five chlldren by a for­ Dr L C Sp1-llman A Mlsslle Command phYS1C1St, Dr mer marrlage Howard Foster, who also heads Ala­ One of hlS sons lS a Mar­ TAKDRIK KOk~K holds two woven sectlons bama A & M College's PhYS1CS and lne statl0ned ln Vlet Nam whlle Mlako Glaney (rlght) does tne fLn­ Mathematlcs Department, lS group al weavlng together to form a basket Dr Spillman met him in Japan last year while on vacation leader for flve of hlS stUdents who used for carrylng purposes Donna Brown Asked why he came to the islands, he replied, "I wanted work part-tlme In the Physlcal SC1- Ebeye Exchange Chalrman (seated at left) to cut down on the hours of work And I've always wanted ences Lat~ratory of the Research and and Rosemarle Giasolll, lntently watch to come back " Englneerlng Dlrectorate at Redstone the operatlon Allce KeJu, behLnd Mlako Dr Spillman was a fighter pilot ln the Paclfic durlng Arsenal prepares another frond for weavlng World War II He participated in the Gllberts, Marshalls H1S flve buddlng sClentlsts are em­ and Marianas campaigns ployed under the youth Opportunlty As for travel plans, Dr Spillman would like to ViSlt Sai­ Corps program, WhlCh allows stUdents pan again "Both Saipan and Guam are beautiful places," he to work part-tlme whlle attendlng recalled school Then in hlS Southern friendliness, Dr Spillman parted Because Alabama A & M and the M1S­ saying, "Take care " slle Co~and are co-located In Hunts­ ------vllle, the stUdents have an unusual For man Trades Racing for Fishing opportunlty to put classroom learnlng lnto practlce Around cars all hlS 11fe, Worklng as general laboratory aSS1S­ E A (Pete) Petersen lS stlll tants, they asslst professlonal SC1- concerned when an englne entlsts at lncreaslngly complex tasks plngs lnstead of purrs "As they progress In Skll1 and Global's Automotlve Maln­ knowledge," says Dr Foster, "the tenance Foreman was an el­ students have opportunltles to become ectronlc's technlclan elght more closely lnvolved In sClentlflc experlments " years In the Alr Force ~~------Plus, he bUllt and raced Petersen dragsters and street mach­ champlon In B Gas three years for the lnes Loulslana, Alabama and M1SS1SS1PPl " Whlle statloned In M1SS­ He plloted a '39 Ford coupe that was lSSlPP1, he took up loaded wlth port fuel lnjectlon, roller raclng "At one tune, I c:am and "the rest " was Nlnth Mr Ellmlnator Pete reported hlS best tlme was 111 for A fuel r~lls mph wlth an ET of 12 2 "Rlght now, My best tlme was 198 6 wlth the coupe lS restlng In at my folks an ET of 7 99," Pete re- called garage In Callfornla I doubt that I'll ever race agaln "I was also trl-state (Contlnued In column two; "You see, In M1SS1SS1PPl I not only ------~------took up raclng, but a~so qUlt there H bby Show Entries Needed One day I had an accldent In WhlCh the rall was destroyed I recelved sev­ ShaPe your hobby--show what you do to keep busy 1-n eral broken rlbs, and I declded then

your spare t1-me Enter the Hobby Show J May 18J sponsor­ to qUlt " ed by the Yokwe Yuk Women's Club and presented by the Pete seems to have abandoned the fast KWQJale1-n Atoll Art GU1-ld All KwQJale1-n res1-dents are Ilfe for good In fact, after more not only el1-g1-ble to enter but are urged to do so Help than three years ln Mlcronesla, he make th1-s show an outstand1-ng 1-sland event To enter plans to stay He and hlS wlfe, Norlko, Just f1-ll out the Exh1-b1-t appl1-cat1-on below and send 1-t Ilve on Ebeye He has a stepson, Her­ to KAAG Show Cha1-rman J Ann Fortner, Tr 758 J Box 518 man Norlko speaks Marshallese, Eng- no later than May 15 Add1-t1-onal appl1-cat1-ons may be 11Sh and Japanese She's from Arno USING TWO SEPARATE PALM FROND SECTIONS, obta1-ned from Ann Any quest1-ons? Call Ann Fortner Atoll and attended school on JalUlt Lleobl Drlbo weaves so rapldly one can­ at 82880 As for lnterests, Pete llkes to flSh not follow the actlon The Hobby Show W'i-ll be held 1-n the Banyan Room of at nlght "My nelghbors taught me the Yokwe Yuk ClubJ SundayJ May 18 from 3 - 8 pm how--though I'm stlll a steak and All 1-sland res1-dents are cord1-ally 1-nv1-ted to attend potato man "


NAME ? 0 Box ______of Your TELEPHONE ______

TYPE OF EXHIBIT(pa1-nt1-rIf], embr'01-dery, etc) ______Sunday APPROXIMATE DISPLAY SPACE REQUIRED ______

It 1-S understood that KAAG and YYWC do not assume respOnS1-b1-lL ty for the safe­ ty of any 1-tems exh1-b1-wd to Clean Up

ApplLcant's SLgnature "1 Appl1-cat1-on must be sent to KAAG Show Cha1-rman, Ann Fortner, Tr 758, POBox Kwaial in! 518 no later than May l5 HINA ASHRO deftly gathers the fronds 1 in one hand while joining the woven I piece together to form a round basket d ends will form the base Saturday, Aprll 19, 1969 pr r~G~ASS Page 3 ~~JOWS ~~n~"hr"rdSki~ -- -~~~~~~-J-u-~~W-i-II-D~ci-d-e-S-ir-h-a-n'-s-F-at~ Protests Halt at Fou r Campuses Ignorant of His Fath r's Boasts (UPI)--Week's end saw at least a tempor- partlcular federal troops, rna) enter the ~os Angeles (UPI)--The jurors who choose ary halt to student protests on four cam­ campus to deal wlth varlOUS aspects of the Ilfp or death for Slrhan B Slrhan wIll puses, Includlng a week-long strlke at Har­ Sl t Llatl on II make thelr declslo~ l~norant of hlS fath­ vard and a nlne-day Stanford Unlverslty The students sald they would hold a ~ass el 's "bOR.sts that the young Arab "dId well" slt-ln meetlng next Frlday to conslder further to klll Sen Pobert F Kennedy Harvard students Thursday voted 2,411 to actlon, Includlng posslble "reoccu-patlon" Nor will they know that Blshara Slrhan 1,129 to call off for a week a slx-day of a unlverslty bUlldlng yesterday threatened "revenge on AmerIcan strlke WhlCh kept about two-thlrds of the At ColumbIa Unlverslty In New York, 20 polltlclans" If lus son IS executed student body out of classes But they students voted to leave because they felt For the seven men and flve women who also approved by a 1,873 to 1,568 vote they dld not have enough support to con­ found SIrhan gUllty of flrst degree murder a statement of "no confldence" In Harvard's tInue In vlolatlon of the court ban last week thlS weekend dlffers Ilttle from admlnlstratlon because of a "deplorable Demonstrators at Queensboro Communlty the others they have spent for the last use of brute force" In brealnng up a Sl t-ln College In New York ended a slt-ln late three-and-one-half months AprIl 10 Frlday after theIr numbers dWlndled from StartIng Frlday they began the rltual of However, Students for a Democratlc Socle­ an orlglnal 650 to 50 Some 300 pollce famlly VISltS, bus excurslons In the coun­ ty, SDS, and the Afro-Amerlcan Soclety sald entered the campus, told about 50 hold­ try, and screenlngs of flrst mOVles they would contlnue the strlke desplte outs they would be arrested If they stayed, They looked at newspapers carefully the vote and watched them leave strLpped of the mlnutest reference to the The student vote to suspend the strlke A three-day slt-ln ended yesterda) at man who shot Kennedy and wounded flve other followed agreement by the Harvard Corp, La Salle College In Phlladelphla as unl­ persons last June 5 In the Ambassador Ho­ the school's governlng body, to make the verslty offlclals agreed to make ROTC tel Reserve Offlcers Tralnlng Corps, ROTC, In voluntary La Salle ~ad been one of a They ,ere not allo~ed wlthln slght of a effect an extracurrlcular actlvlty handful of schools In the country requlr­ teleV1Slon c t or earshot of a radlo aT The slt-ln WhlCh sparked the strlke re­ Ing stUdents to take the program any tIme when a newscast was occurrlng sulted from alleged faculty fallure to Elsewhere In Academe Monday they wlll be taken back to the reduce ROTC status wlth sufflclent prompt­ Callfornla - MInorlty stUdents at Mer­ Fall of JustIce for the death penalty hear­ ness rltt Junlor College In Oakland, angered lng, a pecullarlty In WhlCh Callfornla There were 184 arrests as pollce used by faculty crltlclsm of the manner In law dlffers from that of most states clubs In breakIng up the slt-ln The WhlCh the head of the new Mexlcan-Amerlcan The "second trIal" IS expec.ted to take admlnlstratlon later recommended charges studIes was named, yesterday ralded the only two days - Just about everythlng that agalnst students be dropped, but a judge bookstore and stole thGusands of dollars could be saId for or agalnst Slrhan already Jesterday refuseu to do so worth of textbooks School offlclals has been saId They may cor,slst of 11 ttle After the seven-day no-strlke perlod, made no attempt to stop the lOOtlng more than oral pleas from the prosecutlon students wlll vote on further actlon Maryland - Students at Mount St Mary's and defense Then the Jurors retlre to Several bundred Stanford Unlverslty stu­ College at EmmItsburg yesterday voted 412 dellberate dents cleaned up after themselves and left to 42 to contlnue 8 boycott of classes However, Slrhan's chlef defense counsel, the school's Applled Electronlcs Labora­ The vote also rejecL, i "commendatlons of Grant Cooper IS free to call more wltnesses tory, yesterday endlng a nlne-day occupa­ a faculty set " to deal WIth the If ne wants to, and some death penalty tlon students' demands Presldent Hugp Phll­ hearlngs have consumed more tlme than the Thelr declslon to leave was apparently lIPS sald there wlll be no further dlS­ trlals that preceded them Influenced by hlnts by Presldent Kenneth CUSSlon of the demands untIl the boycott If the Jurors choose death for Slrhan, S Pltzer and the student-faculty judlclal ends and he threatened suspenSlon or ex­ he IS on the road to Callfornla's lethal councll that federal troops mlght be used pulslon of those who contlnue It gas chamber at San Quentln prlson Ap­ to protect secret government flles In the Georgla - Students at Atlanta UnlversIty peals mlght easlly stretch that last Jour­ bUlldlng Pltzer also agreed to keep the yesterday chalned shut the doors to a D<~y out for months or years lab closed to all but malntenance person­ room where the trustees were meetlng wlth If ttey choose llfe, Slrhan technlcally nel for a week, and the protesters felt student representatIves, then locked them­ would be ellglble to apply for parole In the promlse was as good as a contlnuatlon selves In the buildlng The trustees, seven years The average "llfe" sentence of the occupatlon apparently ready to walt the mllltants out, for murder In Callfornla In the past Pltzer had vowed not to use force to end ordered securlty pollce out of the bUlldln~ meant about 12 years of conflnement the peaceful slt-ln, but the Councll warned and sald no pollce were to be called WIth­ there was "lmmlnent danger that external out thelr dlrect orders Students are de­ forces, beyond unlverslty control, In mandlng merger of SlX colleges Into one Am rican Sea, Air Convoy Forms

In W st rn Pacific to Protect .. ~~i ~ Spy Flights Over Sea of Japan • Fully Automatic \1~lC\·"S .. Automatic Focusmg Washlngton (UPI)--A sea and alr convoy, • 500 watt Quartz Halogen lamp, 4 pm base Includlng the battleshlp New Jersey, began • PrecIsion projectIOn lens - 4" f / 3 5 formIng today In the Western Paclflc to anastigmat, coated and color correctf'd fulflll Presldent Nlxon's pledge of pro­ • 5 Shde Handlmg Systems tectlon for the reconnalssance fllghts he • Remote Control ordered resumed over the Sea of Japan The Defense Department conflrmed that the • Auto Timer New Jersey, the natlon's only actlve bat­ • Includes one Rototray and tleshlp, and an undisclosed number of other one Easy Edit Tray ShlPS and planes were belng "shIfted from their prevIously asslgned posltlons" to ROTOMATIC provlde "necessary protectlon" for recon­ 700A 86.50 nalssance mlSSlons Word of the new mllltary deployment came only hours after Presldent Nlxon's warnlng yesterday that AmerIcan lntelllgence-gath­ .. erlng planes - llke the Navy EC121 downed Monday nlght by North Korea - no longer would be "falr game" for enemy attack The Pentagon decllned to glve any de­ tall of the defensIve force It was as­ semblIng, other than to report that the USS New Jersey "has been dlverted from her scheduled arrIval at Long Beach, Callf , and IS returnlng to the Western PaclflC " But It was known that the USS Kitty Hawk, one of the largest attack carrlers In the U S 7th Fleet, had cut short a VISlt Wed­ nesday to Hong Kong and prepared to set sall A spokesman for the U S Consul General there sald one destroyer would leave WIth the Kltty Hawk and another would follow behInd Two destroyers, the Tucker and the Dale, already were In the area where remnants of SKv/YER':,) the downed reconnalssance plane were found fOCUSing and two other destroyers, the Sterrett and automatic prolector the Mahan, reportedly were on thelr way to JOIn them In the Sea of Japan At hIS news conference yesterday, Nlxon · M0 nd 0 y 0 t 5 P. M. saId protectlon for ShlPS and planes was belng ordered In response to the attack Page 4 HOURGlASS SPORTS Saturda Apnl 19, 1969 ~------,- AJBC Bowl rs Pr s nt d Tr phi s SOCCER ASSOCIATio'V The AJBC has just fInIshed another season on KwaJaleln The Soccer Assoclatlon's annual dance JunIor bowlers were presented trophIes at Emon Beach yes­ WIll be held at the MZC Club on May 10, terday by NICk Sparks, who spent hIS Saturday mornIngs at 8 pm All members and theIr guests WIth the Island youngsters NICk not only supervIsed the v are InVIted to dance to the mUS1C of the varIOUS leagues, he also Instructed the pee-wee bowlers Young HawaIIans TIckets are avaIlable In all phases of the sport Sunday, Apnl 20 from George St Charles or MIke O'Byrne Awards presented yesterday Included Dally FIeld * * * * * * FINAL L~AGUE STANDINGS 1 2 00 Meck Island vs Amerlcan Electrlc 8 30 League 10 30 League (Bolllan & Mlerk) Celtics Win 12th Titl TEAM CHAMPIONS TEAM CHAMPIONS 1 30 Kolohe Lounge vs Hawallanas The Boston Celtlcs always seem to come (Bryan & Colllns) Wayne Bouchard Allen Balley up WIth the bIg VICtOry "hen It IS needed 3 00 TItans vs Palm Terrace "B" Pat SchIpper Brad MIchel most Last nIght was no exceptIon when (GouveIa & Hults) Sam Jones poured In 29 pOInts to lead Llnda Chapman Dave Essner 4 30 HIgh School I vs COE Jeff Holderread Chuck Peterson Boston to a 106-105 WIn over New York (CorSI & Neale) for theIr 12th NBA Eastern Dlvlslon Sue Holderread Karen NIelsen Brandon FIeld MOST IMPROVED BOWLERS tltle 1 2 00 Have Falth vs Kool Kats The contest was close throughout and RICky KIker Ed ZUbl zaretta 36 plns (Tokuda & Mclnernev) Boston had to work for the VIctory 23 pIns Karen NIelsen Val Johnson 33 pIns 1 30 Wenoca vs HIgh School II Jones won the game for the Celtlcs by 20 pIns Vlckl Hansen (Watson & ChIng) makIng a free throw WIth one second re­ HIGH AVERAGE 3 00 Douglas vs Islanders maInIng to glve Boston a 106-103 lead Mlke Thomas 117 Chuck Peterson 152 (Dempsey & YamashIta) New York's WIllIS Reed dunked a shot at Debble Lennon 71 Kathy Sparks 113 Monday, AprIl 21 the buzzer to make the flnal score 106- HIGH SERIES Dally FIeld 105 In favor of Boston Trent Lyght 357 Allen BaIley 500 5 30 Marathoners vs ROI Namur Reed was the game's leadIng scorer WIth LInda Chapman 274 LydIa Ross 360 (Lynn, Pacheaco, Akana) 32 pOInts and Jones led the Boston HIGH GAME Brandon FIeld scorers WIth hIS 29 Boston won the Pat Schlpper 140 Scott Andrade 183 5 30 ROI Oldtlmers vs Range RIders best-of-seve·n serIes four games to two Cynthla Chapman - 95 Allene Dowden 152 (CollIns & Dempsey) and WIll now walt for a WInner In the SPECIAL AWARD Tuesday, AprIl 22 West between Los Angeles and Atlanta James "Jlmmy" Gavegan - Smallest Bowler Dally FIeld LAST PLACE CHAMPIONS 5 30 Ebeye Islanders vs Palm Terrace * * * * * * " Unpredlctables " "Unknowns" (Bolllan, GouveIa, Bryan) Today's Baseball R suits Ira Gordon Jack Bartholomew Brandon FIeld Ed DeFord Joe Hope 5 15 Sandbaggers vs AmerIcan Electrlc Oakland 2 Kansas CIty 1 (Laborte & Tokuda) Tad Cleszko Al Centrella MInnesota 6 CalIfornIa 5 Carol Reed DenIse Maged * * * * * * Seattle 5 ChIcago 1 Brad Wllllams Rowley Jackson Twilight Golf League NatIonal League BANTAM TOURNAMENT RESULTS Monday, AprIl 2.1 ChIcago 6 Montreal 5 Boys Teams MZC vs MashIes Atlanta 4 CInCInnatI 0 R Gatts, J Bartle, E Zublzaretta, M Darrell 1268 Sensea vs KMR III San franCISCO 5 San DIego 3 A BaIley, C Peterson, D Schatzer, S Andrade 1220 BTL-~eck vs Internatlonals WIth Sal Bando doublIng In one run J Bartholomew, J Hope, S Jazwlnskl, M McLemore 1216 Tuesday, AprIl 22 and scorIng the other, the Oakland Ath­ J Holderread, V Johnson, R KIker, E DeFord 1184 MarIne Dept vs KMR I letlcs celebrated theIr fIrst appearance C TaplIn, T Lyght, P Schlpper, M Thomas 1155 FIre FIghters vs KMR II In Kansas CIty SInce the franchIse was R Southard, J Gavegan, D Essner, R HIckey 1142 Wednesday, AprIl 23 moved WIth a 2-1 VICtOry A Peterson, R Lennon, A Chapman, L Lau 1111 SEM vs HawaIIans In the fourth, Bando doubled off Roger W Bouchard, K Taylor, G Bouchard, I Gordon 1103 Burns & Roe vs COE Nelson drIVIng In ReggIe Jackson who G Gregg, M Vandak, G Gregg, S Schatzer 1014 Thursday, AprIl 24 had opened the InnIng WIth a SIngle Glrls Teams AdmIn vs Palm Terrace One out later, DICk Green drIlled a L Ledbetter, J Page, W Irlon, M Bloedel 1171 MZC vs KMR III SIngle to left brIngIng In Bando WIth L Ross, B Darrell, L Conroy, K Sparks 1153 Fnday, Apnl 25 what proved to be the WInnIng run MarIne Dept vs COE K Redhor, A Dowden, D Maged, K Nlelsen 1092 * * * C Lyght, S Holderread, S Holderread, L Lau 1056 Sensea vs SEM Harmon KIllebrew slapped a SIngle D Lennon, CReed, C Chapman, L Chapman 1019 Saturday, AprIl 26 through the "KIllebrew ShIft" WIth one Boys Doubles (Top Flve) 4 45 pm HawaIIans vs Burns & Roe out In the nlngh scorIng Ted Uhlaender Steve Lee Guy Gregg 652 * * * * * * as the MInnesota Tvllns nIpped the CalI­ Mlke Thomas Val Johnson 626 Junior Soccer Schedule fornIa Angels, 6-5, for theIr fIfth Dave Schatzer S Jazwlnskl 623 straIght trlumph Dave Essner Brad Mlchel 604 A11 games start at 4 30 pm Uhlaender walked, stole second, and RICky Klker RICky Southard 599 Mon , AprIl 21 Harvard vs Santos Tony OlIva drew an IntentIonal walk GIrls Doubles Tues , AprIl 22 Spartan vs Matadors WIth the Angels overshlftlng to the left Llnette Lau Sue Holderread 604 Wed , AprIl 23 SaInts vs TrOJans SIde, KIllebrew drove the ball through Monlque Bloedel Wendy Irlon 582 Thurs , AprIl 24 Yale vs Wolves the open rlght SIde to gIve Ron Per­ Lydla Ross Kathy Sparks 578 Frl , AprIl 25 DolphIns vs Ebeye II ranoskl hIS thIrd VIctory Sat , AprIl 26 SprInts v~ ~eye I Carol Repd LInda Chapman 562 * * * Karen Nlelsen DenIse Maged 561 Yesterday's Results Tommy DaVIS knocked In three runs Boys SIngles GIrls SIngles Cramer led the SprInts to a 4-2 V1C­ WIth a two-run homer and a SIngle to Ed Zublzaretta 399 LInette Lau 337 tory over the TrOJans In JunIor soccer power the Seattle PIlots to a 5-1 VIC­ Scott Schatzer 348 Wendy IrIon 322 actIon yesterday He scored a goal In tory over the ChIcago WhIte Sox Chuck Swenson 342 Lydla Ross 322 the fIrst perIod on an asslst from Marty PattIn, who had a one- shut­ RICky KIker 337 Kathy Sparks 320 Arthur and scored three other goals out gOIng Into the nInth, allowed three RICky HIcke~yL-______~3~0~3 ______~S~u~e __ H~01derr_e_a_d _____ 304 Peterson scored for the TrOJans on an SIngles and then walked Buddy Bradford, Maior League Results aSSIst by J Chrlvla, and Chrlvla had forclng In the Sox' run one In the fourth DaVIS, whose hIttIng snapped a Seat­ Weather took a Yesterday's Results * * * * * * tle three-game lOSIng streak, clubbed heavy toll of AMERICAN LEAGUE Mountainball Results hIS homer In the SIxth off Gary Peters games In both BaltImore 6 WashIngton o after Harry Comer walked the AmerIcan MInnesota 6 CalIfornIa o 'HIgh School I defeated Douglas, 10-7, * * * In ten InnIngs at Brandon Fleld yester­ and Natlonal Boston 10 Cleveland 7 PInch-hItter JIm HIckman SIngled WIth day HIgh SchGol led 5-4 when Douglas baseball NATIONAL LEAGUE two out In the 11th InnIng to drIve In scored one run to tIe up the game In leagues San DIego 3 San FranCISCO 0 BIlly WIllIams today and gIve the ChI­ the Oakland- Los Angeles 5 Houston 4 the bottom of the seventh NeIther cago Cubs a 6-5 VIctory over the Mon­ Kansas Clty game and Seattle-ChIcago In the NatIonal team scored for two Innlngs untIl HIgh treal Expos and theIr 10th trIumph In School brought two runners across the League three games were raIned out PIttsburgh at PhIla- 11 games thIS season delphIa Atlanta at CInCInnatI and New York at St plate on errors Then Brewer hIt a WIllIams opened the InnIng WIth a three-run homer for the WInners Koller LOUIS SIngle and moved to second one out hIt a double for Douglas In the bottom Three games were completed In the AmerIcan League later on a walk to ErnIe Banks After the Boston Red Sox slammed fIve home runs on the way to of the tenth for two runs, but the next Randy Hundley flIed out, HIckman, bat­ a 10-7 Wln over the Ken Harrelson hI t batter hIt Into a double to gIve HIgh tIng for Al Spangler, delIvered the School theIr slxth VIctory two homers wlth Carl Yastrzemskl, RICO PetrocellI and game-WInnIng hIt Tony ConIglIaro hIttIng the others The game had plenty Dye, Koller and Glasolll had two hIts * * * of hIttIng WIth 25 hItS, IncludIng seven homers and elght each for Douglas Brewer led the HIgh PhIl Nlekro made It two shutouts In School team WIth a double and a home doubles a row over CInCInnatI, allOWIng only ~lnnesota won Its SIxth consecutIve home opener WIth a run four hItS whIle pItchIng the Atlanta 6-0 WIn over the CalIfornIa Angels RookIe Tom Hall * * * Braves to a 4-0 VIctory KMR edged COE, 12-11, at Dally FIeld pltched a two-hItter for hIS fIrst VICtOry of the year The VIctory was the thIrd of the sea­ yesterday COE led 10-9 gOIng Into the Baltlmore used four home runs to blank the WashIngton son for the knuckleballlng rIght-hander top of the SIxth when KMR scored three Senators, 6-0 Paul BlaIr hIt two solo homers and Frank and extended hIS strIng of scoreless runs COE hIt back, but could only RobInson and Elrod HendrIcks accounted for the other two InnIngs to 24 score one run COE led In hIttIng, It was the Orloles' fourth straIght VICtOry and theIr The Braves had SIX hIts, IncludIng fourth shutout In a row agaInst Washlngtol ll-q Orlando Cepeda's thIrd homer of the Lucero led the WInners WIth three The Los Angeles Dodgers and San DIego Padres scored season vlctorles In excltlng West Coast games last nIght hItS, Johnson contrlbuted two Bullock got three hItS for COE, Campbell and * * * The Dodgers rallIed for three runs In the bottom of WIllIe McCovey drove In four runs '1aged each had two the nInth Innlng -- the last two runs scorIng on two-out WIth hIS fIfth and SIxth homers to d bases-loaded walks to BIll Russell and Wes Parker -- an FAMOUS FIRST FACTS* *-- App~l* 19, 189? back the flve-hlt pltchlng of Gaylord overcame the Houston Astros, 5-4 , The f~pst annual Ame~can MaPathon Race Perry and carry the San franCISCO And the Padres defeated the , 3-1 fpom Hopk~nton, Mass to Exetep Stpeet, GIants to a 5-3 VIctory over the San as rookIe Frank Reberger struck out Wlllle Mays WIth the :Boston, Mass was won by John McDePmott DIego Padres McCovey has now drIven bases loaded and two out In the nInth o the Pastt~me Club of Nmu Yopk c~ tlJ In 14 runs In ten games thIS season c Saturdav Anrll 19 lQhQ HOuPl,LASS Page .2 Mon 21 Tue6. ...'::! Wed 23 Thurs 24 Fr1 25 Sat 26 Sun 27 'C/lopel Notes - nxl W.IIL~ mOllilld ¥ ~ --r-- -- RICHARDSON *STRATEGY * OF I SAW I-HAT ANYONE CAN COOGAN'S IRMA LA * FOR THE WINTER A * LOVE OF IVY GO-GO THEATER TERROR YOU DID PLAY BLUFF DOUCE 1 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 30

OCEAN VIEW FOR THE COOGAN'S r SAW WHAT IRMA LA STRATEGY OF WINTER A ANYONE CAN THEATER LOVE OF IVY BLUFF YOU DID DOUCE TERROR GO-GO PLAY 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 (, 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 (, 12 30 7 30 (, 12 30 7 30 & 12 30


IVEY HALL COOGAN'S ANYONE CAN IRMA LA I SAw WHAT WINTER A STRATEGY OF FOR THE LOVE THEATER BLUFF PLAY DOUCE YOU DID GO-GO TERROR OF IVY 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 45 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30



CHURCH OF CHRIST Church BulIetIIl I STRATEGY OF TERROR ATC Color Serv~ces w~ll be held th~s Lord's Day <:'71 W. 1 Drama 97 Min U_nv Jh. IIl1k Hugh O'Brian, Barbara Rush, Harry at 10 am "n Tr 664 For> further> ~n­ {Jic 1 format~on call 82327 or 82531 les ~------=------A-" I-lug" O'Brian is a New York detectlve COOG~'S BLUFF caught up ln an assassinatlon plot of LATTER DAY SAINTS Dr~ma 107 Mln Color Unlted Nation delegates Serv~ces are held ~n the F~ne Arts Cllnt Eastwood, Lee J Cobb (ReI 1968) Bu~ld~ng Pr>~esthood meet~ng "s at ThlS wild pollce-crlminal melodrama 8 SO am Sunday School and Sacrament set In contemporary New York lS qUlte IRMA LA DOUCE A meet~ng ~s at 9 45 am close in sp1rlt to a Western'An Arlzona Deputy sherlff lS sent to New York to Farce Comedy 130 Mln Color-WS EPISCOPAL SERVICES br1ng back a man wanted for murder in Jack Lemmon, Shlrley McLaine, Lou Even~ng prayer and sermon ~s held everyJ Arlzona He lQcates the klller, Rlnger­ Jacobl, Herschel Bernardl The story lS about Irma La Douce, the Sunday even~ng "n the Chapel beg~nn~ng man, In Bellevue Hospltal recoverlng Parislan street-walker, and Jack Lemmon, at 6 pm Everyone ~s cord~ally "n­ froIT an overdose of LSD In dlsregard v"ted to attend these serv~ceb for the red tape Issued from Det Lee the cop-turned-boyfrledn of Irma The \ J Cobb, he bluff's hlS way Into d~alog is naughty, but never offenslve, CATHOLIC Bellevue, and hustles his man away the sltuations are laugh-provoklng and laced wlth hilarious slapstlck moments 7 am and 9 15 am ~n the Memor"al Chapel Plalnly thlS appeals to many plcture and at 11 20 on Ro~ Namur Da"ly peorle, Includlng Western fans, detec­ The Parlslan street settlngs, all re­ Mass at 4 45 pm ~n the Blessed Sacra­ t1ve story fans and Eastwood fans produced on a Hollywood lot, are daz­ m~rt Chapel Monday through Saturda~ (ReI 1968) zllngly photographed Lemmon lS the nalve policeman who gets fired from Confess~ons before weekday Masses and Saturday fr>om 4 to 4 45 pm c.nd from FOR THE LOVE OF IVY AT the force for arrest1ngthe police in­ 7 30 to 8 30 pm Sidney POltler, Abbev Llncoln spector by mlstake durlng a rald at ComLdy-Drama III Min Color a red llght hotel He then takes up EVANGELISTIC HOUR Plainly and slmply a love story told with Irma and becomes her new "mee," An ~nformal worsh~p serv~ce "s heZd wi tt sOire humor and firmly controlled or protector each Sunday ~v~n"ng ~n the Memor~aZ sentlment and acted with charm by (ReI 1963) Chapel beg~nn"ng at 7 pm There w"ll Sldney POltler and Abbey Llncoln Ab­ Ibe a song and test~mony serv~ce. clos­ bey is the mald and cook called Ivey IVEY HALL MATINEE ,~ng w~th a sermon 1n a wealthy Long Island household "EMIL AND THE DI:.TECTIVES" Emll lS whose members panlC when she announces put on the bus to Berlln wlth an PROTESTANT she wants to leave and go to the Clty envelope of money for hlS grandmother Worsh~p Serv~ces w~ZZ be held ~t 8 10 The teen-age daughter and son seem to He dozes off on the trlp and is robbed and 11 am at the Island MemonaZ Chapel haVE the answer by acquirlng a boy To recover the money Emll engages a Rev Elden M Buck w~ll preach tne ser­ frl£nd for Ivy POltler and M1SS sharp youngster, head of a detectlve mon ent~tZed "Forg~v~ Us What Debts?" Llncoln carry out thelr parts In great agency of small boys A Walt Disney based on Matthew 6 7-24 _ fashlon fllm of the flnest klnd West Berlln settings, and the klds are superb A nursery "s prov~dea "n the IsLand Day! (ReI 1968) Runnlng time -- 99 Min Nursery for ttte Sunday School and 11 I am Servwe - 9 15 to 12 45 pm I WINlER A GO-GO ATC - LTC Frank Thomas, chalrman of the Sunday School classes for all ages ,Muslcal Comedy 92 Mln Color Protestant Chapel AdvlSOry Board, are held at the Geor>ge Se~t3 School ~ James Stacy, Beverly Adams shares wlth us a letter he recelved at 9 40 am Adults are present to ; Lovely Peavenly Valley on the south recently from Dr Robert C Smith, who ass~st newcomers ~n f~nd~ng the"r> class shore of Lake Tahoe provides the preceded Rev Elden Buck as Kwajaleln r>oom Sunday School on Ro~ Namur ~s : spectacular, snow covered exterior for Protestant Chaplaln Dr Smlth at 9 am m the Corrunumty &nldmg I "Wlnter A Go-Go" James Stacy and wrltes from Ames, Iowa, where he lS The Worsh"p Serv~ce on Ro~ Namur w~ll J Wllllam Wellman Jr decide to open up teachlng 1n the Department of H1story, be held at 1 pm ~n the COmmun~ty Bu"ld- a skl resort at the lake The movie Government and Phllosophy of Iowa ~ng and w~ll be led by Rev Buck lS full of swinglng tunes, snow bun­ State Unlverslty nles, and a lot of youthful energy ant congregatlon go to Mrs Sparks "Our good frlends Bob and Pat Blalr (ReI 1965) came to V1Slt us over Easter weekend for the flne work she has done wlth They have been dOlng well Slnce thelr the youngsters ln the Cholr for the ANYONE CAN PLAY A return from Kwajaleln and Bob has past two years Drama 95 Mln Color bought half share of a hellcopter In An appeal lS belng made for a volun­ Ursula Andress, Caludlne Auger, Virna I Llncoln Both famllles have several teer to replace Mrs Sparks as Junlor LIS1, Marisa Mell , small chlldren and they all enj oyed Cholr dlrector If you are lnterested II J. th a marquee like this you can be a renewal of frlendshlp Then we all In worklng wlth thls group of approxl­ sure your eyes are going to be glued I attended Easter serVlces together mately 25 young people ln grades 5 to the Four luscious young "You and the others 1n the Chapel through 8, call M Scoutarls, 82471 Itdlian matrons have acquired problems, may be lnterested to know that I have The Chlldren's Cholr wlll change lts Ranglng from blackmallers to affalrs recelved a permanent appolntment as hour of meetlng from 4 pm to 3 pm on All ln all it has a touch of la dolce Asslstant Professor of Phllosophy at Frldays at the Flne Arts BUlldlng vlta wlth exotic clothes and furs and Trenton State College ln Trenton, N ThlS group, dlrected by MarJorle Hlrst, stunnlng shots of Roman landmarks J , begln1nng ln September Durlng welcomes boys and glrls lr flrst (ReI 1968) How to Peel a Sour Grape and Under­ t~ls year I have been Vlsltlng ASS1St­ through fourth grades standlng Parents, a gUlde for teen­ ant Professor at Iowa State U We The Senlor Cholr, under dlrectlon AT agers and theIr parents, are among the I SAW WHAT YOU DID are looklng forward to settllng down of Bruce Voran, has been enjoYlng a number of lnterestlng new books avall­ Drama 89 Min Black (, White ln the East and ownlng our own home number of new members However, wlth able ln Father Boyle's offlce Stop Joan Crawford, John Ireland It wlll be the flrst we have ever summer and the "departlng season" by at your convenIence to look them Two teenagers and a little nine~ owned I would appreclate lt lf you comlng on, the group would welcome over IThe Chaplaln's Offlce lS open year old, alone for the weekend, play would extend our warmest greetlngs to addltlons Come to rehearsals on a telephone game, call1ng numbers and from 7 30 to 11 30 am and 12 30 to our many frlends on Kwajaleln " Wednesday evenlngs at 8 pm ln the 4 30 pm, Monday through Frlday saying "I saw what you did -- and I HOLY NAME SOCIETY ELECTS Chapel No try-out necessary The know what you are" But, this time CHOIR NEWS The Holy Name Soclety last Sunday Sen lor Cholr welcomes adults and they called a man whu just murdered The Junlor Cholr, under dlrectlon of elected and Installed the followlng , hlgh schoolers from 9th grade up hlS wife ThlS film was originally Jeanette Sp~rks, wlll have the mUS1C new offlcers Mlchael Austln, presl­ BUS SERVICE FOR SATURDAY MASS made as a televislon full-length for the entlre 8 10 am serVlce on dent, and Maj James Henderlong, V1Ce- Bus berVlce for the Saturday after­ Aprll 27, slnglng responses as movle presldent Dr James SlIver was re- well as noon Mass wlll be prov1ded through 1964) the anthem (Rel elected for a second term as secretary­ traller and houslng areas by the ThlS wlll be Mrs Sparks' last ap­ treasurer Transportatlon Department BUbes pearance wlth the Cholr, as she re­ HOUSEHOLD HINTS Retlr1ng presldent lS John Scannell, wlll depal t the Chapel follOWIng lldss SaVL old powder puffs Wash them and retlrlng vlce-presldent, Maj Robert turns wlth her fdmlly to Huntsvllle at 5 45 pm use f~l s~lverware polishers Mungovan on May 28 The thanks of the Protest~ NEWS OF FORMER PROTESTANT CHAPLAIN --Pat Cataldo-- Page 6 hOUB'Ll,,:=- Saturday, AprIl 19, 1969 rrv ------e.l_ IfV ,,_ ,- Library Week nORIZOl\oT~u 45 T, 1 On the 16 MIdday 1 Fest.val "'leltered 20 Twltchmg 5 The urial "de 21 MUSical BOOK BORROWERS 8 Flit J,,\er s " TIbetan time 12 --Kmg ad pnest deVice 13 House'! 1:1 ..1.G Insert 4 Blackbird 22 Cravat ARE AN ODD LOT utensll 50 Contll'ent 5 c'ame 23 Near the By JERRY KLEIN 14 Arabian 51 Wilham 6 Callt) stern Central Pre~~ A~~ocuttton CorTi 'ponil(nt ruler 7 Godd"s uf 24 Ocean S~~SSSSHHHHHHHH' Sunday April 20 ~tarh NatlOn,tl L1 15 -- 52 Organ of retnbutlOn 25 Equal Indian VISIon 8 Wme 26 Shell bl'lry Week so here are some lines about I'JOny library h tppCn 17 Yield 53 Fleet bottles 27 Shoshonean mg' 18 Legume animal 9 So be It Indian A man returned a book to the Brooklyn Public Library til It 19 NatIve 10 Journey 28 Fish was 18 year, oVEl'due The book ,------­ metal VERTICAL 11 Three eggs wa" called We For-get Because phone directory ,,"1St much of <1 20 Amencan 1 Pant spotted card 29 Fmlsh \\e Mu.t plot but what a cast' - ______31 Legal Junst Another How to Tram a And In Toledo OhlO the II 21 WItty Answer to yesterday s puzzle charge Dog WI·' returned bad I y brary receIved a book SIX weeks saymg 34 -­ chewed up The borrower ex past due It was The Art ',f 22 Stannum AS A_HO D. CA L F Lupmo Rapid ReadIng 23 Poplar RI S E.AlM A. OG E E 35 Shrub Such late returns don t plague tree ER IIN.GE T. NE E D 37 MOisten Just city hbrarles Even gov 26 PortraIt AT RE NT 38 Spanish emments can be careless In thl 30 ExplOIt SE S. paInter _E • • respect 31 Enemy AT DE RI DE• 39 Press • Iran for Instance once bor 32 Enghsh STAR TE R. BA TON 40 EXCited Corporate school TA CT .D UB .R END 41 Weakand rowed from the Bntlsh Embassy 33 Loitered AR EA S. BE TI MES small library In Teheran a book called 2 t---Hf+--+""';+4-H--+H-- Profits 35 Engender BA RI UM .T OW_ 42 Part of Protocol to Be Observed on the 36 Lyncpoem anRx plalned that hiS dog had beaten Severance of DiplOMatiC Rela After Taxes* hIm to the chapter on how to 37 Velucle C 10 IP E • ..J 0 Y SUR E 43 Lake-- tlOns 38 Itahan -NEAD'''S 44 Assume stop pets from chewmg things A Iv IE Rig R EEL I A goddess BANS 8.ES EEL 46 Scottlsh Checlqng- through the rec APP ARENTL Y the gUldc 41 Dance step explorer ord~ at thiS library an employe came In handy for soon after 42 MOisture ""era&e time or Bolat.ob 22 minutes" 47 Insane found that a book called Peo ward Iran dId break off rela pie Named Snllth wntten by tlOns WIth BntaIn When the H Allen Smith had been taken embassy remInded Iran to re I ~ ~ 4 7 q 10 \I 1965 1968 ~5 '" ~r> out by Mrs Helen Smith who turn the overdue book the lived on Smith Street Iranian foreIgn offIce rephed 11.. I"?> 14 • Excludes fmance msurance and real estate firms comparable We re ternbly sorry hut we ~ ~ AT THE IIbl ary m Orono can not return the book 1m sales figures not available Ib 15 11 Mame a unIversIty professor medIately We are still USIng Source Computed by Chamber of Commerce of the United ~ asked for VIctor Hugo s novel It 1& 20 States from data by U S Department of Commerce 19 Notre Dame de Pans What KillE, Mene~k of EthlOpl'l ~ ~ the hbrary gave him \Va. called wasn t much for returning By CARL H MADDEN, CHIEF ECONOMIST II 2l Notre Dame The T Forma Chamber of Commerce of the United States %~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tlOn HOW BIG ARE PROFIT MARGINS?-Flfty bllhon dollars Z?i 24 25' 2.b 21 21'> 29 The prtson library m Cleve ~ounds pretty big for business profits but sales are big land got a request for a book ~ from a convIct but refused to too Corporate profits after taxes have averaged only 3 to ~O ~I ?l2. lend It to him The pnsoner 4 per cent of Sdles dunng most years Since World War II ~ ~ wGnted to curl up WIth The 3~ 34 35 ThiS means a busilless firm had to ~ll about $25 to $35 of Greatest Pnson Breaks of All goods and services to retain $1 of profits after taxes Some ~ TIme people erroneously think profit margms on sales are 20 to 3b ~1 Another culprtt was seized 30 per cent because they confuse profit with mark up - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Just as he "as about to steal a books either In hiS later \ eal S the difference between sales pnce and cost These people !IS 3' 40 4\ 42. 43 <14 book from a Los Angeles store he took to ripPIng p'lge'-) OU t and eatmg them A hter'll be forget business overhead costs Profit margIns vary Widely ~ ~ The tltle of the volume being 45 40 41 lIever m the beneflchll propPl bet" een Industnes and tend to nse during perlOds of busl lifted" '1.. Ale'ltraz Pnson and , the Men Who Live There ties of the prInted word the ness expansion and fall dunng recessIOns ~ - 4S 49 50 For some strange reason the kIng dIed as a result of stuffmg ~ I ~ hbrary at Melbourne Australia hImself WIth the Book of Kmgs 51 S'L 53 S'lYs Its most popular Amencan from a heavy Egyptian editIOn ~ ~ book IS the Manhattan tele of the Old Testament 3-1 CRYPrOQUIPS HGME WEMYFQMYF J'EMBGH QOWA­ EMCIEB WGNIGS NIOJAS TJITCGCI Yesterday'. Cryptoqulp-GOLF CLUB t>ECOR FEATURED FINE GRASS GREEN BISTRO

THE SMILING ENEMy--The Viet Cong s Mr, Nguyen Thl Blnh and chief negotiator Tran Bu\! Klem ~rtlv" With smiles for onlookers for a sessIOn of the peace t 11ks at the Inter natIOnal Conference. Center In Pan' RUNOFF IN LOS ANGELES-Mayor Sam Yorty lleft) ran far behind for re electIOn In Los Angeles but there Will be a runoff electron May 27 With 51 year old Thomas Bradley (nght) city counCilman and former pohceman Smce 1913 every mcumbent mayor forced Into a runoff electIOn has lost

APPOINTED - By B Jay Becker Otto Otepka suspended from (Top Record Holder In Masters' IndiVidual Champlon,hlp Play) a secunty Job In the Jolin ,on admInistratIOn ha, heen North dealer After opemng four hearts appointed by Pres dent NIX North South vulnerable Stayman became declarer at on to fill a $36 000 a } ear NORTH fIve hearts West. faced WIth a difficult openillg lead chose the post on the SubverSive Ac • KI07 kmg of dIamonds tlvltles Control Board Otep .9432 Stayman won With the ace ka wa~ suspended by former + 984 3 ",A6 cashed two trumps and led hIS Secretary of State Dean WEST EAST smgleton spade West went up Rusk for prOViding certam .AQ98643 • J5 WIth the ace and eXited WIth a mformatlOn to a Senate com .86 .10 spade Stayman dIscarded a dla mlttpe Without departmpnt +K +QJ762 mond on the kmg and contmued With the ten of spades authOl ",K93 ",J 108 5 2 SOUTH But mstead of ruffmg the spade he discarded the ten of In .2 BACK IN POLITICS New .AKQJ75 diamonds allowmg West to wm York IS former Mayor Rob +A105 WIth the queen In effect, de­ ert F Wagner trYing for ",Q74 clarer was d,scardmg a loser hiS old City Hall Job on a loser ThiS could cost him The blddmg nothmg smce the ten of dia­ North East South West monds was a lOSing trIck In any Pass Pass 4. 4. case 5. Of course when Stayman Opemng lead - king of dla made thIS play he was aware monds that West had no more d,a­ Practlcally everybody who s monds to lead It would have anybody knows what s meant made very htUe sense for West by an endplay to return a spade after taking An endplay can take many the ace If he had another dia­ dIfferent fonns .t may be an mond to play ellmmatlon play a loser on At the same tlme Stayman loser play or a forced and knew that West would have to dIscard but the general Idea m make the frIendly return of .. all cases IS to arrange to put eIther a spade or a club one of the defenders on lead at A spade return would auto­ ~- a tlme when he cannot aVOId matlcally give him the contract JET ASSIST An 11.000- costmg hiS Side a trick what­ because he would discard a club pound thrust JATO bottle ever he returns from dummy while rufflng In boosts Ryan s supersonic Fue­ Here IS a hand played by Sam hiS hand MECHANICAL HEART reCIpient Haskell K~rp 47 Skokie III IS VISited m the hospital by bee II aerial let target from Ita Stayman New York star m And agamst the actual low "Ife Shirley In Houston Tex while \\altlng for a donor of a re'll heart He IS the fll t launcb rail at the Naval MISSIle which - on one trick - he pro club return, Stayman played pat.ent to be Implanted With such a mechamcal heart (rIght) It IS called an OrthotopIC Center Pomt Mugu, Cahf Navy duced an ehmmatlOn loser on low from dummy and m thiS testmR' and evaluation will be CardiaC ProstheSIS and IS attached by tubes to '1. nearby console the powel 'ource loser and ruff and dIscard Sit \\ay avoided a club loser to conduded prIor to fleet use uatlon brmg home the contract ------, Saturday, Aprl1 19, 1969 Page 7 ------=====-=-=--=-=-=-:-==-=-======71 t Ratio's They'll Do It Every Time ® Ratio's Ihey'll Do It Every Time jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ G05~1 THERE'S BEEN A LOT OF C~ANGES AND I WAS ONLY OUT A I-IOWCUM'=> MONTI-! EVEN MOVED THE DEPART­ IN TI-'E MOVIES MENT TO Af,lOTf.!ER FLOOR I f.!AD OUR iJ~RO PJiS TROUBLE FIf,lDING IT ONLI '" SADDLE ON Oli I


GOOD (; ..n S H "',. ;-0 "30 YE.A.R CLUS' ,,90 s.o.NFO~P AYE NEWARK, N J

-~, ~ ~, -, ( BIG GEORGE! p ,~ ( 'L. .. e -" I a n u t s #19 L-.-__---::===-======-==-_:--=_= __ ---=-=-~ ______~------~-, '-AN6L~FOO'- A5K~D FOR 'lOUR HAND IN MARRIA65, SUi :r '-OLD HIM HE. WAS 0: -rOO SI-lOR-r F"OR " YOLl I

.1.0 I "If he pulls that two-heads-are-better-than-one bit once

- l more, I'll " ,j LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE

B e e t eI

utliWs.,.,.o 3USVJ g )I~OA M3N L 31l0l~ v 'aNno~ O~ A~~3W {; 331l r; ~3NV3lJ WnnJVA l-UMOG ~33aNI3~ 0 l '~31S00~ 6 IlID 9 '30NVJ ~ 13N~VW {;-SSOJ:>V S~3MSNV l I WISHING WELL~~I 8 3 6 4 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 3 5 A C H E Y 0 B T R 0 Q N E ~ 4 7 5 2 3 6 4 5 3 7 8 U E. E S T 0 S M R T I P I 5 8 7 3 6 7 4 2 3 6 5 8 7 E C 0 D E N N U E W R 1<. S 2 4 8 7 3 6 5 8 2 4 7 3 6 C A S E R 0 Y E A L T N E 8 6 2 5 7 3 2 4 8 5 6 7 3 T S N E 0 E W L T A E A W 3 8 7 4 2 7 3 5 6 4 7 3 8 I L L 0 I E D R N V T E E 8 7 8 3 7 5 4 6 3 2 8 7 8 M T E A E S E D S N N R T

HERE IS a pleasant little game that WIll gwe you a message every day It IS a numerICal puzzle des'gned to spell out · your fortune Count the letters In your flTst name If the num J ber of letters IS 6 or more subtract 4 If the number IS less l ....t than 6 add 3 The result IS your key number Start at the r : upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check everyone - - -J~ 01 yoU! ){~y numbers left to fight Then read the message ______-= __ '-"' ~ the lette" under the checked f'gure, g,ve you :3 -14 ======~======~------r------, Page 8 HCURG, I.~:' . ______~~~~~~~~~~~,~A~p~r~il:-1~9~,~::I~----~ KWAJALEIN TENNIS CI UB 14FYB'::RS -----MlIVIES PUBLISHED L A··SOCrATES TrF DIRECTION COMMANDING OFFICER, CLASSIFIED Please check your cale,do~ ord fe~u FOR SALE frIday, May 9 open, (not May 2) for K1;IAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL 1::;­ Tomght At LANDS CONTRACT DAAG-43-67-C-0001 KImball plano of excellent qualIty dInner and dancl~g at tre YCk1~ :Jk The HourGlass IS publIshed dally I~on­ and condItIon AvaIlable early I~ Club Invltatlons wlJl be sert oUT day through Saturday May Call 82703 WIthIn the next week Re~ember May ~ RICHA.RDSON Materlal for publIcatIon on the AROUND TOWN page must be submItted in Iroquolse bake & serve kltchen chlna, wrItIng to tpe HourGlass 72 hours 24 pIeces, burn+ orange pattern, ~12 ATTENTION GLOBAL EMPLOYEES Beach khn prIor to deSIred publlcatlon date Call 83663 aftel 3 pm party, lots of excellent food and good I MaterIal for the AD and SPORTS pages fun planned especlall; for JOUl "tar III must be In the HourGlass OffIce In Ten gallon aquarIum WIth new pump pleasure on Aprll 27 from? +0 6 pIT "lI1LLFJQ-ITERC;" wrItIng 24 hours prIor to deSIred Includes fIlter, pump, tank and over­ at Coral Beach Dependents are also [)rama Color-lvS I publIcatIon date head lIghts, $18 Call 83674 or see Invlted PrIzes for sack raLes, ctges AT( .., ")0 I Telephoned notIce:s and ads wlll not at 460-A up to 14, volleyball, and etc Good ~luslc 1-)e acceDted All copy and photographs fur~lshed by the Western Sw~ngsters I become th~ property of the HourGlass Seyel chIna, serVIce for 12, MaJesty TransportatIon WIll be furnished by Repubilcatlon of materIal contaIned pattern, whIte WIth SlIver band WIth the Ebeye Express (the schedule WIll ----':::;::O_..--~..,..,..".jll, hereIn lS not authorIzed WIthout prIor orIgInal packIng boxes, $35 Call be posted later, watch for Jt +n tn o aDproval of the CommandIng OffIcer, 82113 HourGlass) TIckets for admlSSlon IVEYHALL ~ KwaJalelP MISSIle Range should be obtaIned from any of tre If you have not reclved your Hour­ follOWIng Glass by 6 15 pm please call 83539 ComICS, 7¢ each, Splrograph game, $2, Fran Welch 82345 '<\REONA R!\If)! [/5" bet-reen the hours of 6 15 and 6 45 pm chlld's paper backs, 25¢, skate board, Najala McAvoy 83701 :feature" and a copy wlll be dellverea to you 2 1/2 foot, $4, pole lamp, $5, ChIld's KItty Stewart 84513 lV'l ~ \1ulpf; G jll,l_fJael DdJl+e EDITOR LarlY CorSI 4 speed LIonel record player, $12 Call, Colleen Crabtree 83475 ILstcrn Color-IvS 6 30 ~ STAFF Malc_a Chrlvla 83744 Doddle Peterson 82705 A1C 8 30 GInger Storme LeNay Russ~ll 82651 Lucy Bloedel "TIlt Lltt' JillLlG" 11111 also bE- shOlm Tlckets may be obtaIned at I-Iacy's Rudy BaldWIn CapeZlo T-strap sandals 1 1/2" heel porch on Saturday 9 am - 1 pm and In FEATURE WhIte kId, 6 1/2 M Ordered wrong SIze Monday from 4 30 pm - 7 30 pm HurlY ,mITER Bob PhllllPS Call 82664 there IS a llm+ted number 0f tIckets OCEAN VIEW CIRCULATION Pnll Pokoy Boy's bIcycle, 24", new seat, new ATOLL 8's SQUARE DANCF CLUB fenders, looks good, $10 Call 84302 The Square Dance class WIll ~eet < ~dl- F\ FOR CAI .:AR" Saturday, AprIl 19, 8 - ~O pm, at t~e IVIth an WANTED CommunIty Center The Sq~dre Dancp Jtalldn Ca<;t ~le tranSIstor radIO wlth short Club w1l1 be danCIng S~nday, Apr_l :::'0, Color 7 30 6 wave band Call 84326 or 81667 8 - 10 pm at the CommunIty Certer 12 30 IR GLOBAL ASSOCIATES To beg, borrow, or buy copIes of YOKW}o. YUK WOMEN'S CLUB LUNCHEON-AprlJ. .0'41 "ChrIsty" by CatherIne Marshall Program -- Marshallese MedlClle I______~~~--__ ___ ToastmIstress Club needs the books for Banyan Room, Yokwe Yuk Club OFFICIAL BULLETIN two months Please call 82826 SOCIal Hour -- 12, Luncn -- 1 p~ I For reservatIons cal~ Sue Weld ctt YOKWE YUK GIVE AWAYS 83635 or Judy Steele at 82267 Peserv~~ DATE DUTY OFFICER PHONE Two male klttens, 3 months old Call tlons must be made no lacer tra~ 10 &~, 82113 Wed , Apr11 ~3 CancellatIons ~ust 1: e 19Apr69 CPT J MetelskI 83524 called 1n by 10 am, Thurs AprIl 24 M .::llad Park" ~ !'uTI Margret 20Apr69 LTC F Thomas 83653 MembershIp ln the Yokwe Ylk wJillen'­ 1]1 21Apr69 MAJ S Hagenhoff 82785 LOST Club IS open to all women on KwaJ aleHl "B' J::, RILtY' S BACK IN TUliN ' 22Apr69 LTC R Leonard 81531 Would the person who took a new green Non-members may attend one meetlng, and Dramd Color I & 9 23Apr69 CPT G Flsher 84533 chIldren's poncho and chIldren's Ilbrary thereafter they are reqUIred to JOIn 24Apr69 LTC J Cooper 82838 book,"Screechlng of the Kliler Cat," "1\ NAfIG,", Of SPOILcR2>" h 111 also be the Club In order to take advantage of shown DurIng hours of 11 30-12 30, Monday and a man's Spauldlng rlght handed the actlvltles prOVIded The memoer­ through FrIday, phone 81419 for Duty baseball glove wlth name, Scott L ShIp fee of $3 entItles one to f~ll Offlcer MIller on lt, from bIkes parked at membershIp In the Club whIle reSJ

TRAILER - HOUSING/CHAPEL HOUSING/CHAPEL CHAPEL 1745 CHAPEL 1745 Movi es 9th & Lagoon 1746 9th & Lagoon 1746 6th & Lagoon 1748 Yokwe Yuk 1748 6th & Palm 1640 1749 Qtrs 490 1645 1750 Dependent' Pool 1647 H')2 Trailer 701 1642 1751 RIOiARDSO\ ------QUEEN FOIl. CAESAR ------7 30 758 1644 1753 Qtrs 102 1649 1753 nC1:AN VIEW------BUS RILEY------7 30 &12 30 909 1645 1754 Surfway 1651 175~ \O~lVE YUK------BARBARELLA------7 9 986 1647 1756 Yokwe Yuk 1653 & I\~Y 30 35 930 1649 1758 Bank l655 HALL------HEILrIGHTERS------6 &8 ~~TI\~E------BON Surfway 1651 1800 CHAPEL 1657 VOYAGE------l Runmg TDTIE 133 Mm Yokwe Yuk 1653 TRr\TlfVL~jJ::,--- moD BYE QIARLIF------8 Bank 1655 '111 f TSL/\ND------M:11L FLMIDERS------7 30 CHAPEL 1657 --- ~------______---1