Shock Devolatilization of Ci Chondrite Simulants. K

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Shock Devolatilization of Ci Chondrite Simulants. K 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020) 2061.pdf SHOCK DEVOLATILIZATION OF CI CHONDRITE SIMULANTS. K. Kurosawa1, R. Moriwaki1, H. Yabuta2, K. Ishibashi1, G. Komatsu3,1, and T. Matsui1, 1Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology (2-17-1, Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan, [email protected]), 2Dept. Earth and Planet. Sys. Sci., Hiroshima Univ., Japan. 3Int. Res. Sch. of Planet. Sci., Università d'Annunzio, Italy Introduction: C-type asteroids has been thought to nylon-slit sabot [9]. In this study, we conducted three be parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites, which in- shots (#440, #447, and #448) at nearly-identical impact clude a plenty of water (6–20 wt%) and carbon (~3 velocities vimp = 5.8 –5.9 km/s. wt%) [e.g., 1]. Thus, it has been widely considered that Calibration: We also conducted a series of calibra- C-type asteroids are among the main carrier of water tion experiments by using a gas injection device and gas and organics into the inner Solar System [e.g., 2]. mixtures with different mixing ratios of CO2 to Ar be- Recently, two C-type asteroids, Ryugu and Bennu, cause CO2 was the dominant detected gas in all the shots. have been extensively explored by Hayabusa2 [e.g., 3] A gas mixture between Ar and CO2 was injected into the and OSIRIS-REx [e.g., 4], respectively. The remote- experimental chamber with a short duration (~0.1 s) us- sensing observations reveal that Ryugu and Bennu have ing an automatic gate valve. suffered a number of impacts with a variety of impact Numerical simulations: Experienced pressure and energies [e.g., 5]. Shock features in recovered samples temperature in the target were estimated by the iSALE- will be identified and investigated extensively by min- 2D [10-12]. The Tillotson EOS [13] for Al2O3 and the eralogical, petrological, and chemical analyses. To max- ANEOS [14] for serpentine [15] were employed for pro- imize the scientific results from the returned samples, jectile and target, respectively. Serpentine is the main the knowledge about responses of C-type asteroid-like constituent of the CI simulant. The e-a porosity com- materials against impact shocks is necessary. paction model [12] was used to treat the porous target. In this study, we conducted hypervelocity impact The projectile was divided into 50 cells per projectile experiments using a simulant of CI carbonaceous chon- radius. The expected residual temperature of each tracer drite [6] as an analog of the constituent materials of C- particle was estimated by the entropy. The impact ve- type asteroids. We measured the amount and the com- locity was set to the same achieved in the experiments. position of shock-generated gas from the analog. Results: Figure 1 shows the time variations of the Experiments: The impact experiments were con- ion currents of selected mass numbers at shot #448. The ducted using a two-stage light gas gun placed at the hy- ion current for the mass number M/Z = i is denoted as Ii. + pervelocity impact facility of Planetary Exploration Re- We confirmed that I40(Ar ) is stable during the measure- + search Center of Chiba Institute of Technology ment. The rise in I4(He ), which is the driver gas of the (PERC/Chitech), Japan [7]. projectile, was not detected, suggesting that we success- Experimental conditions: We made pellets 54 mm fully excluded the chemical contamination due to the in diameter and ~30 mm in thickness from the CI simu- gun operation from the gas-phase chemical analysis. We + + + lant provided by Exolith (https://sci- detected sudden rises in I2(H2 ), I16(CH4 ), I28(CO ), + + The bulk density of the I44(CO2 ), and I34(H2S ), but did not detected the rise in 3 + pellets is 1.91±0.04 g/cm , which is close to the typical I18(H2O ). The contributions of the cracking of heavier density of carbonaceous chondrites. The porosity is es- species due to electron impacts in the QMS to the ion timated to be ~25% based on the grain density of currents for lighter species were investigated using Orgueil chondrites [6]. In order to investigate the devo- standard gases. For example, a certain fraction of CO2 latilization behavior of the CI simulant, we used the is decomposed into CO and O in the QMS measurement. two-valve method developed by [8]. The method allows We extracted such the contributions in Ii from the raw us to measure shock-generated gas in an open system, signals by using the cracking patterns obtained by the which is the same geometry of natural impact phenom- standard gases of CH4, H2O, CO, and CO2. ena, with a small risk of chemical contamination from the gun operation. In addition, we used He gas instead of usually-used H2 gas for projectile acceleration to ex- clude the possibility that the trace amount of H2 gas in- truded into the experimental chamber contributes to chemical reduction. A quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS, Pfeiffer vacuum, Prisma plus QMG220) was used to measure the shock-generated gas after each im- pact. An Al2O3 sphere 2 mm in diameter (Dp = 2 mm) Figure 1. The time variations of the ion currents of the was used as a projectile and was accelerated using a selected chemical species at Shot #448. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020) 2061.pdf Figure 2. The produced mole number. The error is ±30% and is come from the calibration experiments. Figure 3. (a) a provenance plot and a snap shot at t = 3 ts. (b) The cumulative mass as a function of specific en- We measured the produced mole number of the detected tropy. The expected residual temperature estimated by species quantitatively by integrating the time profile of the entropy is also shown as the top X-axis. the ion currents and by assuming the ratio of the inte- grated values for the species except for CO2 to that for the water loss is highly limited even though the CI sim- CO2 is linearly proportional to the molar ratios to CO2. ulant is mainly composed of hydrous minerals (~50 Figure 2 shows the produced mole numbers of H2, CH4, wt%). The stability of the hydrous minerals in the CI CO, CO2, and H2S. The main product was CO2 at all the simulant (mainly Mg-serpentine) against a high temper- shots. The mass of the CO2 production corresponds to ature is higher than the organics (mainly coal) [6]. 1–2 wt% of the projectile mass Mp. The amounts of the If the CI simulant is a good analog of the constituent reducing species (H2, CH2, and CO) were 10–50 mol% materials of C-type asteroids, our results are useful to of the CO2 produced. We found that the amount of S- predict the response of the C-type asteroids against im- bearing gases was only 0.1–0.01 mol% of C-bearing pact shocks as follows. gases although the sulfur content in the CI simulant is (1) The impact-induced volatile release is limited similar to the carbon one. We also found that the water only to 1–2 wt% of the impactor mass even at a rela- loss from hydrous minerals, which are the main constit- tively high-speed collision in the main belt (8.5 km/s). uents of the CI simulant, was not significant. The upper (2) The water loss due to impact shocks is not sig- bound of the released mole number of water vapor was nificant because post-shock temperature field is ther- roughly estimated to be 1.1-fold CO2 mole number at mally buffered by the decomposition of insoluble or- shot #448 using the ratio of I18 to the peak value of I44. ganic matters (IOM). Discussion & Conclusions: The peak pressure at (3) The devolatilization of S-bearing minerals at the the impact point was estimated to be 65 GPa by the typical collision in the main belt region is unlikely. iSALE-2D. The corresponding vimp of the collision be- Acknowledgments: This work was supported by tween two porous serpentine was 8.5 km/s, which is ISAS/JAXA as a collaborative program with the Hyperveloc- higher than the typical vimp in the main belt region (~5 ity Impact Facility. We appreciate the developers of iSALE, km/s [16]). Figure 3a shows a snap shot and a prove- including G. Collins, K. Wünnemann, B. Ivanov, J. Melosh, nance plot of the numerical results for shot #448 at t = 3 and D. Elbeshausen. We also thank Tom Davison for the de- ts, where t is time after impact, ts = Dp/vimp is the charac- velopment of the pySALEPlot. teristic time for projectile penetration. The color indi- References: [1] Baker, B. L. (1971) Space Life Sciences, 2, cates the expected residual temperature Tres at the time 472-497. [2] Hayatsu, R. & Anders, E. (1981) Top Curr. estimated by temporal entropy. Figure 3b shows the cu- Chem., 99, 1c-37. [3] Watanabe, S. et al. (2019), Science, 364, mulative mass experienced a Tres higher than the given eaav8032. [4] Lauretta, D. S. et al. (2019), Nature, 568, 55-60. Tres. According to a thermal decomposition experiment [5] Sugita, S. et al. (2019), Science, 364, eaaw0422. [6] Britt, using the CI simulant, the temperature required for in- D. T. et al. (2019), MAPS, 54, 2067-2082. [7] Kurosawa, K. et cipient volatile release except for desorbed water is al. (2015) JGR, 120, 1237-1251. [8] Kurosawa, K. et al. ~800 K [6]. The mass of the heated target with Tres >800 (2019), GRL, 46, 7258-7267.
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