Crime Gun Trace Reports (2000) Ppiittttssbbuurrgghhpa
Crime Gun Trace Reports (2000) PPiittttssbbuurrgghhPA The Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative July 2002 Department of the Treasury Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative 2001 Cities Seattle, WA Portland, OR Minneapolis, MN Boston, MA Milwaukee, WI Buffalo, NY Jersey City, NJ New York, NY Detroit, MI Newark, NJ Philadelphia, PA Camden, NJ Chicago, IL Cleveland, OH Gary, IN Stockton, CA Pittsburgh, PA Baltimore, MD Oakland, CA Indianapolis, IN Washington, DC San Jose, CA Denver/Aurora, CO Cincinnati, OH Salinas, CA Richmond, VA St. Louis, MO Louisville, KY Greensboro/High Point/ Las Vegas, NV Winston-Salem, NC Oklahoma City, OK Nashville, TN Albuquerque, NM Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC Los Angeles, CA Memphis, TN Anaheim/ Long Beach/ Santa Ana, CA Phoenix, AZ Atlanta, GA Tucson, AZ Birmingham, AL Dallas, TX Baton Rouge, LA Jacksonville, FL Austin, TX Houston, TX New Orleans, LA San Antonio, TX Tampa, FL Miami, FL Department of the Treasury Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms National Tracing Center Division Crime Gun Analysis Branch Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms . Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative Foreword by the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms This publication of crime gun data for calendar year 2000 marks the fourth annual compilation of firearms trace analyses since the inception of the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII) in 1996. As the number of communities involved has increased from the original 17 to 55, so has the value of this information as a relevant tool for law enforcement. With this knowledge, communities have formulated sound gun enforcement strategies for proactive use in firearms investigations.
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