Congressional Record-House House Of
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1931 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3953 George B .... Reed ~ Lohn. _ j .. - :..- •• Make us· great -in mind, strong· in principle, pure· in spirit'" Nathaniel B. Spearman, Mount Pleasant. and, above all, enlarge our capacity for joy, for service, and Fannie M. Black, Perryton. for consideration of all men. Bless us with the virtues of Willie J. Allison, Pickton. resistance and with restraint, for these give form and force . Ethel Milligan, Pittsburg. to character. Dignify this day with duty wisely performed, , Simpson I. Dunn, Port Arthur. for herein lies true nobility of soul. In the name of Jesus. James E. Risley, Rockwall. Amen. Edward N. Mulkey, Sherman. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Hugh G. K-oether, Shiner. approved. Gladys M. Anderson, Snyder. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Albert E. Newman, Texas City. Surry S. Boles, Thorndale. A message from the Senate by. Mr. Craven, its principal . Dyde Manning, Wills Point. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the James R. Burras, Windom. following title, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: UTAH S. 5724. An act authorizing the George Washington Bicen Herschel E. Calderwood, ·Coalville. tennial Commission to print and distribute additional sets of Leon P. Ralphs, Ferron. - the writings of George Washington. Lydia R. Shaw, Huntington. The message also announced that the Senate had agreed · Aroet L. Harris, Richmond. l J to the report of the committee of conference on the dis · Alfred L. Hanks, Tooele. agreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the VERMONT Senate to the bill (H. R. 15592) entitled "An act making William H. Lang, Beecher Falls. appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in certain ap Flora S. Williams, Charlotte. propriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, and for Perley U. Mudgett, Johnson. prior fiscal years, to provide urgent supplemental appropria Lester E. Boyce, Ludlow. tions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, and for other C!_larles A. ~ourn, Manchester Depot. purposes." Alvi T. Davis, Marshfield. The message also announced that the Senate disagrees to William J. Wright, Montgomery Center. the amendment of the House to the bill <S. 2643) entitled Herbert L. Bailey, Putney. "An act to amend the joint resolution establishing the Vernie S. Thayer, Readsboro. George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission, approved William T. Mead, Underhill. May 23, 1928," requests a conference with the House on the VIRGINIA disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. FEss, Mr. HowELL, and Mr. McKELLAR to be the conferees Louis H. Stoneman, Columbia. on the part of the Senate. William H. Ruebush, Dayton. The message also announced that the Senate had agreed William G. Faris, Glade Spring. to the amendments of the House to bills of the following William H. Moatz. Round Hill. titles: Eugene C. Geary, Woodstock. S. 4665. An act extending the times for commencing and! WASHINGTON completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio 1 Stanley J. Slade, Bridgeport. River at Sistersville, Tyler County, W. Va.; and Walter L. Cadman, Dayton. S. 5776. An act to provide for the advance planning and Walter M. Hagenstein, Medina. regulated construction of public works, for the stabiliza Raymond M. Badger, Winthrop. tion of industry, and for aiding in the prevention of unem WEST VIRGINIA ployment during periods of business depression. Rita K. Petty, Belleville. DEPARTMENTS OF STATE AND JUSTICE, THE JUDICIARY, AND THE Patrick A. Brown, Camden on Gauley. DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE AND LABOR APPROPRIATION BILL Ernest E. Miller, Cowen. Mr. SHREVE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to , Nell Bennett, Pickens. take from the Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 16110) making WISCONSIN appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice Elsie 0. Barnes, Friendship. and for the judiciary, and for the Departments of Com Albert F. Hahn, Humbird. merce and Labor, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, Carrie K. Lehner, Juneau. and for other purposes, with Senate amendments, disagree Clarence J. Fieweger, Kimberly. to the Senate amendments, and ask for a conference. Winford Suits, Medford. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Alice M. Clinton, Sullivan. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. SHREVE]? REJECTION Mr. GARNER. Reserving the right to object, who is the ranking Democratic member on this committee? Executive nomination rejected by the Senate February 4 Mr. SHREVE. Mr. OLIVER of Alabama. <legislative day of January 26), 1931 The SPEAKER. Is this satisfactory to him? MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Mr. SHREVE. I am sure it would be. I have not spoken George Otis Smith to be member for the term expiring with the gentleman about it. June 22, 1935. Mr. GARNER. The gentleman from Alabama does not happen to be on the floor at this moment. Mr. Speaker, how long before the House will go into Committee of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES · Whole? WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1931 The SPEAKER. This being Calendar Wednesday, the Chair can not state. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Mr. SHREVE. The gentleman from Alabama [Mr. offered the following prayer: OLIVER] had a great deal to do with preparing the bill. I can not imagine the gentleman would have any objection. Touch that strange power within us, 0 God, that shall The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the steel our faith in Thee by a settled and a steadfast will. gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. SHREVE]? [After a Make us invincible in the presence of every temptation, and pause.] The Chair hears none, and appoints the following may we count no struggle too great and no sacrifice too conferees: Messrs. SHREVE, TlNKHAM, ACKERMAN, BACON, costly to fulfill Thy law and our· obligation to the Republic. OLIVER of Alabama, and GRIFFIN. - 3954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY ·4 .COL. FRANK E. EVANS, UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS books and documents, printing and binding, official cards; and/or such other expenses as the President and the Secretary of the Mr. COYLE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Interior may deem necessary, without regard to the provisions of submit a supplementary report to accompany the bill (H. R. any other act. 4906) for the relief of Col. Frank E. Evans, United States With the following committee amendments: Marine Corps, the original report being by me, and from the Page 1, line 5, strike out "$250,000" and insert in lieu thereof Committee on Naval Affairs. " $100,000." The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Line 8, after the word " Interior " insert " in codifying and CoYLE] asks unanimous consent to submit a supplementary revising existing laws relating to the American Indians and." report on the bill H. R. 4906. Is there objection? Mr. STAFFORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask for recognition. Mr. GARNER. Reserving the right to object, what is the Originally the bill provided for the authorization of an ap object of making a supplementary report? propriation of $250,000. The report states that as a prelim Mr. COYLE. The original report is not entirely adequate inary authorization $100,000 will be adequate. In making and does not entrrely cover the facts. As I submitted the that recommendation the department did not intend to original report, I am asking permission to supplement that convey the idea that the work would not cost $250,000. with further print. Now, I wish to inquire of the chairman of the committee Mr. McCLINTIC of Oklahoma. Reserving the right to what length of time will be required for the completion of object, what bill does the gentleman have in mind? this rather voluminous work? Mr. COYLE. The bill is for the relief of Col. Frank E. Mr. LEAVITT. It is my information from the Indian Evans, of the Marine Corps. Office that completion can be expected in two years, With , The SPEAKER. Is there objection? great progress in one year. The total period will possibly There was no objection. be two years. OUTDOOR SIGNS, DISTRICT OF COI.UMBIA Mr. STAFFORD. Has there heretofore been any· com Mr. HALL of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con pilation·of the Indian laws? sent to file a supplemental report on the bill <S. 4022) to Mr. LEAVITT. Not such as is contemplated here. The ·regulate the erection, hanging, placing, painting, display, laws having to do with the Five Civilized Tribes were com and maintenance of outdoor signs and. other forms of ex piled at one time and· made 587 pages for that one gmup terior advertising within the District of Columbia. The of Indians, but there has never been any general codifica reason for this supplemental report is that the clerk failed tion or revision of the laws having to do with the Indians to observe the Ramseyer rule. such as is contemplated here. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana [Mr. HALL] Mr. STAFFORD. Wherein will this codification differ asks unanimous consent to file a supplemental report on the from the codification made by the Committee on the Re bill S. 4022 to comply with the Ramseyer rule. Is there vision of Laws of the so-called United States Code? objection? Mr. LEAVITT. Of course, it will proceed from a some There was no objection. what different standpoint. The idea is not only to sys URGENT DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION BILL tematize and codify the laws as they now exfst with regard Mr. WOOD, chairman of the Committee on Appropria to the Indians but, from a study of the existing law, to tions, submitted the conference report on the bill (H. R. make suggestions as to amendments or new laws that should 15592) making appropriations to supply urgent defi be passed and to approach the entire problem of Indian ciencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending administration.