TilE• Publication of the Archaeological Society of British Columbia ISSN 0047-7222 Vol. 32, No. 2 - 2000 SERVICES RE!;IEIVED NO\/ 15 2~00 ., '0., .,c (.) Q) "' .,"Q) -E ~ ~ Richard Pearson "retires;" Goat Lake petroglyph site; Marjorie Halpin remembered; Permits 2000; Index Volume 31 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF A MIDDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published four times a year by the Dedicated to the protection of archaeological resources Archaeological Society of British Columbia and the spread of archaeological knowledge. Editorial Committee President Editor: Heather Myles (274-4294) Andrew Mason (874-9221)
[email protected] andrew_mason @golder.com Assistant Editor: Helmi Braches (462-8942)
[email protected] Membership Permit Lists: Richard Brolly ( 689-1678) Leah Pageot (687-7754)
[email protected] [email protected] News Editor: Heather Myles Annual membership includes a year's subscription to Field Editor: vacant Publications Editor: Monica Karpiak (215-1746) The Midden and the ASBC newsletter, SocNotes.
[email protected] Membership Fees Production & Subscriptions: Fred Braches ( 462-8942) Individual: $25 Family: $30 Seniors/Students: $18 braches@netcom. ca Send cheque or money order payable to the ASBC to: SuBSCRIPTION is included with ASBC membership. ASBC Membersh-ips Non-members: $14.50 per year ($17.00 USA and overseas), P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station payable in Canadian funds to the ASBC. Remit to: Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 Midden Subscriptions, ASBC ASBC on Internet P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station http://asbc.bc.ca Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 SuBMISSIONS: We welcome contributions on subjects germane to BC archaeology. Guidelines are available on request. Sub Affiliated Chapters missions and exchange publications should be directed to the appropriate editor at the ASBC address.