t MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1068 PAGE TWEN7T £tirnht0 i^rralii Average Da&y Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Hnde6 Snow tonight. AccumudaUans March 9, 1968 A 'l l M. Tran«aUanUc Bride* and Tax Collections of moro than six inches Ukely. A i l O l l t l I O ^ y n I‘arent» A**ocl«Uon of Greater Temperatures in mid SOa. ^ Hartford wHl meet Wedneaday Reported at 96% 15,580 morrow partial clearing, windy. Ptttrtola Ouay a toaioh- 7t80 p.m. In Veteran* Memo- Manehetter— A City of Village Charm er« r* VC ?i£ JAUlOneVier S 2 t« r MrvmoI^Mi school,OU«Wl» ^al^ Clubhoiwe,— - Ea*truu a Hartford. Manchesterinaawicoi.EJi property tax waool- aad John AUtaon, dlreotor.of Robert Rowe of Bhst Hartford i^cuona, at the end of February, VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 137 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1968 (Olaseifled AdvertMng on Page M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ICSmtO, wfll apeak oa “Fam ^ ,1 gjiow a film. "A Year totaled $7,989,498------ - for .............96.8 per By life Bducation” at a meet Toward Tomorrow.” The a**o- cent of 1967-88 estimated reve ing of Bentley School PTA to clatlon 1* open to all Britlah- nue, according to a report by morrow a t 8 pjn. at the school. bom women. Collector of Revenue Ernest The pubUo la Jnvlted. Machell. The fiscal year ends Manchester WATE8 will meet June 30. The Board of Directors Orford Chapter, DAR, will tomorrow at the Italian Ameri had estimated $8,801,002 for a meet Thuraday at 1:80 p.m.
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