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t MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1068 PAGE TWEN7T £tirnht0 i^rralii Average Da&y Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Hnde6 Snow tonight. AccumudaUans March 9, 1968 A 'l l M. Tran«aUanUc Bride* and Tax Collections of moro than six inches Ukely. A i l O l l t l I O ^ y n I‘arent» A**ocl«Uon of Greater Temperatures in mid SOa. ^ Hartford wHl meet Wedneaday Reported at 96% 15,580 morrow partial clearing, windy. Ptttrtola Ouay a toaioh- 7t80 p.m. In Veteran* Memo- Manehetter— A City of Village Charm er« r* VC ?i£ JAUlOneVier S 2 t« r MrvmoI^Mi school,OU«Wl» ^al^ Clubhoiwe,— - Ea*truu a Hartford. Manchesterinaawicoi.EJi property tax waool- aad John AUtaon, dlreotor.of Robert Rowe of Bhst Hartford i^cuona, at the end of February, VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 137 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1968 (Olaseifled AdvertMng on Page M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ICSmtO, wfll apeak oa “Fam ^ ,1 gjiow a film. "A Year totaled $7,989,498------ - for .............96.8 per By life Bducation” at a meet Toward Tomorrow.” The a**o- cent of 1967-88 estimated reve ing of Bentley School PTA to clatlon 1* open to all Britlah- nue, according to a report by morrow a t 8 pjn. at the school. bom women. Collector of Revenue Ernest The pubUo la Jnvlted. Machell. The fiscal year ends Manchester WATE8 will meet June 30. The Board of Directors Orford Chapter, DAR, will tomorrow at the Italian Ameri had estimated $8,801,002 for a meet Thuraday at 1:80 p.m. at can Club, 138 Eldridge St. full year’s revenue. Voting t t r i i o m r ^ Mr;.' ; ; i a W c " e weighing in will be from 7 to 8 Rusk Can Offer ’The 96.6 per cent collection is N.H. Hope Rllcer. 880 Spring St. Mra. Rlk- P *". Last week, members of an exact repeat of collections on er will give an lUustrated talk the group voted to give a dona- the corresponding ‘ date last about the "Four Seasona." Host- tlon to the Heart Fund, year. eases are Mrs. Frederick Perry, ----- Collected taxes and fees as of Mrs. Mark mil, Mrs. Halstead The Junior Women’s Club of the.......... end..................... of February___________ to other Tiffany and Mrs. Raymond Manchester will sponror a sto ^ . ^ ^ te r Fund, $278.- Reported Light Wants Ppflppfiil Fnrl Oeorge. 848 collected, $417,944 estimated; CX)NC»RD,RD, N.H. (AP) —New Similar word came from Dov- Democratic votes inIn WatervUle B M M B M WW ■ E B | R/Rj. B J ■ B R R ___ tomorrow from 10 to 10:46 at Sewer FUnd, $168,860 collected* I\/I Hampshire voted beneath over er, near New Hampshire’s tiny Valley; New York Sen. Robert Chapman-Joy arcle of North Whlton U b r a . ^ cast skies' today on Richard M. slice of seacoBst. F. Kennedy two write-ins. John- (263,342 estimated; Town Fire' Skies were generaUy cloudy son’s name was written in on Methodist Church will meet Hose Co. 1, Eighth District District Fund, $896,006 coUect- ONCE-A-YEAR FACTORY-AUTHORIZED Nixon’s Republican presidential and there was a hint of snow the only Democratic baUot cast Wedneaday at 2 p.m. at the Fire Department, will meet to ed, $897,918 estimated; Special nomination quest and Sen. Eu ahead, but none fell during the at Hart’s Location. churCh. Hostesses are Mrs. night at 8 at fire headquarters, Downtown Taxing District Fund, gene J . McCarthy’s Democratic early voting hours and none was Even before the ballot casting Lester Dewey, Mrs. Laveme (24,736 collected, $28,800 esti challenge to President Johnson, expected before late In the day. began, Nixon acknowledged that mated; Dog License Fund, $16,- There were early indications ‘The first trickle of baUots "gamesmanship’’ would be a Secretary Kendrick. william O’Neill, director of 384 collected, no estimate made* the turnout might be light for counted in tiny towns in the major factor in determining public works, will Eq>eak about the nation’s opening presidential 'White Mountains sent Nixon and who were the winners and who ’The Licensed Practical Nurses "The CTean Water Referen ANNUAL SALE primary. McCarthy into miniature leads. the losers in the lead-off voting Break Reported Association of the Hartford area dum,” at a meeting of the with few exceptions the mom- Those ballots, from WatervUle of the 1968 presidential race. Balks at will elect and install officers at ^lancjjester Jaycees tonight at At Legion Home ing turnout at the polling places VaUey and Hart’s Location, Nixon’s only Republican chal its annual meeting Wednesday 3 In the Circuit Courtroom of was reported light in cities, gave Nixon 18 votes; New York lenge was the late-starting at 7 p.m. at Church Church the Police Station. A routine police check early That was the general report Gov. Nelson A. RockefeUer 4 write-in move for RockefeUer Consulting Cathedral, Hartford. A St. Pat from Nashua in the south to write-in ballots. and the only. real question for rick’s Day buffet'after the meet today revealed an apparent' Preceptor Gamma Chapter, break Into the American Le Magnavox INSTANT AUTOMATIC COLOR always brings you Berlin in the far north. McCarthy picked up eight the former vice president Is the WASmNGTON (AP) — Secre ing will honor Miss Faye Day, marg;ln by which he runs ahead. national president. Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, will gion Hothe on Leonard St. It tary of State Dean Rusk said to meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the was not known Immediately “I figure this,” Nixon said, "If perfect color pictures... INSTANTLY and AUTOMATICALLY! we win 2 to 1 I’ll be happy.” day he can offer no present Pvt. David P. Vlara, son of ^ rs. Albert Poet. 89 whether anything had been tak en. There may have ^en a bit of hope that Hanoi is interested In Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Vlara Ferguson R d .___ In a check of the building Choice Unanimous gamesmanship in tfSt By fore a peaceful settlement of tfae Of 99 St. John St., recently about 1:40 a.m., police discov casting RockefeUer would get 30 completed military police train- The American Legion will Vietnam war. ered a second story window SAVE per cent or more of the vote, He also balked, despite heavy Ing at the Army ’Training Cen- meet tomorrow at 8:18 ^m . at broken at the rear of the 560 Nixon was setting a target far ter, Ft. Gprdon, Ga. the post home. Refreshments pressure from Sen. J. W. E\fl- building and that access to the Elmira, N.Y., Man higher than, that chosen by the bright, at pledging consultation will be served after the meet building could have been made on each of New Yorker’s supporters. For ’The Permanent Memorial ing. with Congress prior to a presi ___ > from the roof of an adjacent mer Gov. Hugh Gregg, promot dential decision on whether to Day Committee will meet to shed. these fine ing the write-in, said 18,000 night at 7:30 at the Probate send more troops to Vietnam. The Daughters of Union Vet ’The building superintendent Rockefeller votes would amount There have been reports Pres courtroom at the Municipal erans of the Civil War will meet was notified, and an interior DKIAJXK To Succeed Curtis to success In New Hampshire. Building. ident Johnson is considering tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home check revealed only that a beer By BILL COE Nixon said that could not be sending up to 200,000 addlUonal 3f Mrs. Maude Shearer, 66 Cush cooler cover was ajar. ’There c<xisidered a serious estimate William A. Tanner, great French Provincial— model 748 CONSOl.KS Contemporary model 740 Donald James Hennigan, 39- and had to be rated too low. men. A total of 620,000 Is now man Dr. was still some beer In the cool authorized. sachem, and his board of great er, and nothing else appeared to year-old assistant superintend The same thing was going on chiefs ^11 make their official ent of the Elmira, N.Y., city Rusk told the Senate Foreign ’The Adult Study Class of have been disturbed, according N O W O N L Y in the Democratic race. I.Ic- Relations Committee: "There 1s visit to Miantonomah ’Tribe, to police. schools, was unanimously ap- South Methodist Church will pointed last nightfht byhv the Board earthy aaid he hoped to obtata room for indignation over the lORM, tonight at 8 at ’Tinker meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at 30 per cent of the vote and add Hall. Peter VendriUo, sachem, of Education to succeed WiUlam repeated rejection by Hanot of the church. H. Curtis as Manchester’s new ed it was "probably a little too even the smallest step toward is in charge of arrangements. much” to forecast a victory In Com amd venison will be ser- »565 superintendent of schools. peace.” ’The Ladies Bible Class of the Hennlgan’s appointment, for his campaign of protest sigalnst ed after the meeting. Johnson’s course In the Vietnam Rusk commented In his sec Church of Christ will meet to- Beautiful Mediterranean— model 744 on concealed swivel casters. three years effective July 1, ond day of testimony before the came on a 7-0 written ballot of war. Ruth Circle of Emanual Luth- morrow at 10 a.m. at the Johnson’s promoters said committee, headed by B^il- eran Church will meet tonight church.