U. S. Calls Prisoner List Propaganda .WASHINGTON (AP) - Administtation
Asked to Begin Impasse' Job STIORY PAGE 3 Cold and Rainy THEBMLY FINAL Cold and rainy today and to- night. Cloudy, windy tomor- Red Bwik, Freehold 7 row. Fair and cool Friday, Long Branch EDITION <SM Detail!, Pijt 1\ 7 Monmouth County''« Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 126 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1970 18 PAGES TEN CENTS WINTER ARRIVES — This scant* on Nut Swamp Road in Middleiown yostforday indicates that winter 'has really Eve or Chrtstnat day, but say the probability of * lasting white Christmas is fairly remote. •arrived — with a snowfall, on the first day of.+he season. Rising temperature* throughout the 'aroa, 'however, (Register Staff Photo by Don Lord!)! washed away most of the snow. We*tfter fore«a*ter« don't discount the possibility of fflunri'os for Christmas ilHIK^ '•lllllllllliillllllilllllllllllllilSWiMSHBBB U. S. Calls Prisoner List Propaganda .WASHINGTON (AP) - Administtation. officials • say it made the list: the closest thing yet to an official Hanoi "Al we have is flie word of North Vietnamese officials," that they may have been lost when their planes were shot Hanoi's latest list of U. S. prisoners of war is old, inmm- accounting of POWs. • • one official said. v down. • plete and may be just Christinas propaganda. DISCOUNT IMPORTANCE One new element in the list,' however, was inclusion of Kennedy told a Washington news conference in an- This was the initial reaction from high officials to re- But the administration wasn't giving much importance the dates of death and/or capture. nouncing release of the list that he didn't know if it was ac- lease of the list that names 339 Americans held captive, to the North Vietnamese move.
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