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The BG News October 8, 1970

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 8, 1970" (1970). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2499.

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WASHINGTON (AP) - President suggestions will trigger a process of official indicated the pullout would be suggestions for a settlement that would, The chief executive said the In- that last April Deputy Soviet Foreign Nixon proposed last night a standstill exploration at the bargaining table. accomplished over a 12-month period among other things, rule out continued dochina-wide cease-fire he seeks "must Minister Jacob Malik talked approvingly cease-fire in Vietnam, Cambodia and In Paris, where it was early Thursday once an agreement was reached. officeholding by Saigon President be effectively supervised by in- of a possible new Geneva conference to l.aos. immediate release of all prisoners morning when Nixon spoke, the word Nixon called also for the "the im- Nguyen Van Thieu and Vice President ternational observers" and that ther deal with the Vietnam war. ant1, a broadened peace conference to from the North Vietnamese and Viet mediate and unconditional release of all Nguyen Cao Ky, he said: should be safeguards against violations. seek a settlement of conflict throughout Cong delegations was that there would be prisoners of war held by both sides"- "Let there be no mistake about one Said Nixon: all of Indochina. no comment until later in the day. declaring that such moves "could serve essential : the other side is not He put his suggestion in these terms: Departing in several major instances Nixon, declaring that his program has to establish good faith, the intent to make merely objecting to a few personalities. "An international conference Is from previous American initiatives, the "full support of the government', of progress, and thus improve the prospects They want to dismantle the organized "I propose that all armed forces needed to deal with the conflict in all Nixon said of his cease-fire plan: "My South Vietnam, Cambodia and I JOS, said for negotiation." non-Communist forces and insure the throughout Indochina reaae firing their three states of Indochina. This war In hope is that it will break the logjam in all in a national television-radio address: A fifth main point of the Nixon plan-to takeover by one party, and they demand weapons and remain In the positions they Indochina has been proved to of one the negotiations." "The time has come for the govern- be presented in Paris Thursday by chief the right to exclude whomever they wish now hold. This would be a 'cease-flre-ln- piece; It cannot be ruredby treating only However, an administration official ment of North Vietnam to join its neigh- U.S. negotiator David K. E. Bruce-calls from government. plare.' It would not In Itself be an end to one of Its areas of outbreak." who insisted he not be identified by name bors in a proposal to quit making war and on North Vietnam to recognize that there "This patently unreasonable the conflict, but it would accomplish one said the administration would be sur- to start making peace." are two sides to the conflict in the South demand is totally unacceptable." goal all of us have been working toward: Nixon said "the essential elements of prised if the five-point Nixon plan were The President asserted the United and that any meaningful settlement must While asserting that the United States an end to the killing." the Geneva accords of 1954 and 1982 immediately accepted by North Vietnam States is prepared to negotiate a com- satisfy both. is prepared to be flexible on many issues, remain valid as a basis for settlement of and the Viet Cong. plete withdrawal of American troops In this connection, he employed tough Nixon said: "We stand firm for the right Through diplomatic channels, the problems between states in the Indochina He said officials in Washington are from South Vietnam as part of any set- language at the only point in his address. of all the South Vietnamese people to Soviet Union was given advance word area" and that the United States would hopeful rather that the President's tlement. The anonymous administration Referring to recent Viet Cong determine for themselves the kind of earlier in the day of the general content accept agreements reached by those government they want" of Nixon's address. And officials recalled nations. Moore gives okay for athletic goals ByJackO'Breu go 'big time' and join the Western "Recently passed MAC legislation Assistant Sports Editor Collegiate Hockey Association, or to practically equalizes grants for each attempt to play an independent schedule sport among member institutions. The Athletic Director Screening until competitive teams in this area Bowling Green coaches within the past Committee's report of policy and am- {hopefully in the Mid-American Con- two years have had an ample recruiting bitions for athletics at the University was ference) are developed," explained the budget," stated the committee. committee in its report. "The Athletic released yesterday by President Hollis However, the report continued, some Committee has encouraged the ex- A Moore, Jr. coaches feel that they are handicapped Included in the statement is the sum- ploration of possible membership in the because of the lack of an assistant and of Western Association." mary of qualifications for the position of the conflicts of teaching assignments. athletic director, a review of all phases of "I've pushed joining the league ever athletics at Bowling Green and ambitions since I started my job," said Jack "Our recruiting program is without a of the department of athletics. Vivian, head hockey coach. "It's one of doubt hampered because of the lack of an The committee was necessitated last the best hockey leagues in the country." assistant," said Bruce Bellard, head spring when Athletic Director Doyt "We're about 8 to 10 years away from wrestling coach. "I really can't leave the Perry announced his surprise hockey being an official MAC sport," he campus too often because of the duties I resignation effective in January. added. "Even if we did apply for ad- have here." . Six points were listed by the screening mission into the Midwest Association committee in its summary of today we couldn't become a member The wrestling program at Bowling qualifications for the new athletic until at least the 1972-73 season." Green has really grown, he noted, adding director, including ability in public "We would be on a trial basis for one however that it's hard trying to supervise relations, managerial experience, year," explained Vivian."We would play 50 to 60 athletes all by yourself. academic preparation through a some of the members of the league and if "I jst year Ohio University had three master's degree and an age of under 55 the members decided we qualified for national champs as coaches," com- years. admission they would vote to admit us mented Bellard. "They could afford to President Moore approved of the into the league." send someone to all the big wrestling policy statement with the following "But I really can't see us joining the tournaments in New York, Oklahoma memorandum to the committee: Midwest Association until the 1974-75 and places like that to recruit talent. "I strongly endorse the continuation season," concluded Vivian. "We're the only school in the league of our broadly based athletic program One weakness noted by the committee with no assistant either a graduate or a here at Bowling Green, and personally in its statement was that the present six- full time one," he remarked. find more reason for pride In our member MAC was too small and thus Swimming and wrestling are the only program because of the large number of creates some scheduling problems. two programs noted by the committee sports in which we participate (12 on an "In the opinion of the alumni, BowUng that don't have good athletic facilities Intercollegiate basis, 9 on a club basis) Green should encourage the Mid- although it was made clear that overall than even our winning record, though of American Conference to expand by the physical education and recreational course I would like to see that remain addition of at least two teams with facilities are less than adequate for high also." national recognition and with similar present or future needs. One of the first items mentioned in the academic standards to the universities Ambitions for the department of policy statement concerned the ice now in the conference," wrote the athletics cited by the group were as hockey team and program. committee. follows: an aquatic which is now The committee noted student interest Another point brought out in the policy in the planning stages and is expected to and enthusiasm in hockey and felt that statement was the need for assistant be the first phase of a new health and the sport was "at the crossroads" of staff-members in the area of soccer, physical education complex; a con- expansion and development. lacrosse, swimming, wrestling, hockey and sports information. (continued on page •) "The specific problem is whether to N*waphm ky •»■« H»Hm THIS COMPRESSED view of the library baseball field near the ice arena by News and the Student Services Building was photographer Jim Fiedler. taken with a telephoto lens from the No news in okaying beer, students believe

By Marlene Rich not be on campus. Whoever wants to pressure as with the blacks' demands drink would ban or no ban. We're here to last year. The kids are the ones to make The "alcoholic illowance" learn and all other trivia should not af- it work." granted BG students Friday brought fect us. Our responsibility as mature Melih Tan-junior(BA)-"It's good but various opinions from them. The adults should not be questioned." they should go all the way with it. Why majority of students feel the ban had Bob Williams--freshman(Ed)-"The still restrict the students if they were been here too long. ban should have been lifted long ago. The thought to be mature enough to have the Sharon Nazor -sophomore*Ed)-"I town's people aren't for it at all. Their ban lifted in the beginning?" was really surprised that the ad- ideas of education are not like ours. They "I think this will relax the air between ministration would allow beer on cam- feel we should take notes, study on our pus. I'm glad they finally woke up to the the administration and the students. free hours, and then go to bed. They're Better communication seems to be fact that since we are supposed to be on afraid their businesses will drop, though our own we can handle ourselves." happening because this is an example of they won't because not many students student demands being heard." Pete Stein-senior(BA(-"There won't will drink alone. be much difference than before the ban On the other side of the situation some Lammert Holdijk-sophomore(LA)- students are objecting to the new was lifted. Alcohol has been on campus "It was long overdue. It takes Bowling for 15 years or so anyway. It seems privilege. Edna Brownlow, freshman Green much longer to get things to (LA), represents this group. redundant though; the ban Is lifted but happen. It should take a look at other there are still restrictions such as only universities to see how their policies have "I'm against the idea of having EGYPT'S NATIONAL Assembly three parties a quarter for the Greek worked instead of waiting to decide for alcohol here. The people who can't unanimously nominated acting President with Hussein el Shafei, a fellow member of houses." themselves." handle it would have greater access to it. Anwar Sadat (left) for a full six-year term. the "free officers group" that overthrew Kitty Ratchford-sophomore(Ed)- Bunnie Flickinger-«enior(LA)-"rm They would disturb others. Then the "I'm glad the ban was lifted. It is about administration would pass more Sadat is shown here at an earlier meeting King Farouk. glad to see President Moore get the thing time. There is no reason why it should lifted without much real strong student restrkttoas to curb thta." Pogt 2/The BG News, Thursday, Oclobtr 8, l"970 an open letter to students John Edgar Hoover, Director group; the communist Party's statements are issued as if they alleged sincerity of the perpetrator Federal Bureau of Investigation Young Workers Liberation League were the final truth. You should does not absolve him from ■ on kunstler United State* Department of Justice (YWLL). Or they may be associated carefully examine the facts. Don't responsibility. His acts may affect with the Student Mobilization blindly follow courses of action the rights, lives, and property of I The only reason William Kunstler was able to present Committee to End the War in suggested by extremists Don't get others. Just being a student or being his address to the University was because the ad- As a 1970 college student, you Vietnam (SMC), a Trotskyist- involved in a cause Just because it on campus does not automatically ministration was up against a blockade in its efforts to stop belong to the best educated, most dominated antiwar group. seems "fashionable" or the "thing confer immunity or grant license to sophisticated, most poised Many are not associated with any to do." Rational discussion and violate the taw. Just because you or delay his speaking engagement. generation In our history. The right to tree speech could not be denied in spite of national group. The key point Is not rational analysis are needed more don't like a taw doesn't mean you The vast majority of you, I am so much the identification of ex- than ever before. can violate it with impunity. numerous tactics used to discourage the defense at- convinced, sincerely love America 4. They'll try to envelop you in a 7. They'll ask you to believe that torney's speech. and want to make it a better coun- tremists but learning to recognize and understand the mentality of mood of negativisim, pessimism. you, as a student and citizen, are Any resistence by a University administration con- try. extremism which believes in and alienation toward yourself, your powerless by democratic means to You do have ideas of your own- cerning guest speakers is an impingement on the basic violence and destruction. school, your Nation. This is one of effect change in our society. rights. and that's good. You see things the most insidious of New Left Remember the books on American wrong in our society which we adults Based on our experience in the Kunstler didn't come to BG with the idea of inciting a FBI, here are some of the ways in poisons. SDS and its allies Judge history you have read. They tell the perhaps have minimized or riot, or to inspire students to take up arms and destroy the which extremists will try to lure you America exclusively from its flaws. story of the creative self-renewal of overlooked. You are outspoked and They see nothing good, positive, and Establishment. into their activities: this Nation through change Public trunk and hate hypocrisy. That is constructive. This leads to a opinion time after time has brought He was here to address the student body. To present his good too. 1. They'll encourage you to lose philosophy of bitterness, defeatism, new policies, goals, and methods. views. There's nothing wrong with respect for your parents and the and rancor. I would like you to know The individual Is not helpless or And 5,000 students were interested enough to go to hear student dissent or student demands older generation. This will be one of your country more Intimately. I caught In "Bureacucracy" as these him speak. And those 5,000 students now understand a for changes in society or the display their first attacks, trying to cut you would want you to look for the extremists claim. little more about the dynamic personality who defended of student unhappiness over aspects off from home. You'll hear much deeper unifying forces in America, 8. They'll encourage you to hurl of our national policy. Student about the "failures" and the Chicago 7 in one of the most publicized conspiracy the moods of national character, bricks and stones instead of logical opinion is a legitimate aspect of "hypocrisy" of your parents and determination, and sacrifice which argument at those who disagree trials of all times. One that severly damaged the image of public opinion in our society. their friends. are working to correct these flaws. with your views. I remember the American judicial system. But there is real ground for The older generation has made The real strength of our Nation Is the saying: "He who strikes the first There was a lot to be learned from listening to William concern about the extremism which mistakes but your parents and power of morality, decency, and blow has run out of Ideas." Violence Kunstler. If only to understand more about what makes led to violence, lawlessness, and millions of other adults worked conscience which rights the wrong, is as ancient aa the cave man; asup- such a rebellious man tick. disrespect for the rights of others on hard, built, sacrificed, and suffered corrects error, and works for equal faxtate as the Weatherman. Death If fhe administration had had a choice, he wouldn't many college campuses during the to make America what it is today. It opportunity under the law. and injury, fear, distrust, animosity, past year. is their country too. You may have come. 5. They'll encourage you to polarization, counter-violence-these The extremists are a small disagree with them, but don't disrespectthe law and hate the law arise from violence. The very use of minority of students and faculty discredit their contributions. enforcement officer. Most college violence shows the paucity of members who have lost faith in 2. They'll try to convert you to students have good friends who are rational thought in the SDS, its America. They ridicule the flag, the idea that your college is police officers. You know that when inability to come up with any in- national guard poke fun at American institutions, "irrelevant" and a "tool of the extremists call the police "pigs" telligent critique of our society. seek to destroy our society. They Establishment." The attack against they are wrong. The officer protects Personally, I don't think the are not interested in genuine reform. the college administration often is your rights, lives, and property. He outlook for campus unrest this year Ohio Adjutant General Sylvester T. Del Corso has They take advantage of the ten- bitter, arrogant, and unreasoning. la your friend and he needs your is as bleak as some prophets of announced that the National Guard will be provided with sions, strife, and often legitimate SDSers, for example, have sought to support. pessimism proclaim. The situation non lethal weapons when called onto college campuses to frustrations of students to promote disrupt the colleges by demanding 6. They'll tell you that any action at some colleges is serious, but quell future disturbances. campus chaos. They have no the right to select professors, is honorable and right if it's "sin- certainly not hopeless. This is very commendable; but there is one slight rational, intelligent plan of the determine the curriculum, and set cere" or "idealistic" in motivation. Along with millions of other raich. future either for the university or the grading standards. Here is one of the most seductive of adults, I'm betting on the vast Nation. 3. They'll ask you to abondon The troopers will also have at their disposal the latest in New Left appeals-that if an ar- majority of students who remain The extremists are of wide your basic common sense. Campus sonist's or anarchist's heart is in the fair-minded, tolerant, inquisitive, military weaponry-the M-16--along with ample supplies of variety: adherents of the Students extremism thrives on specious right place, if he feels he is doing but also firm about certain basic live ammunition. for a Democratic Society (SDS) generalizations, wild accusations, something for "humanity" or a principles of human dignity, res.ect One would have thought that General Del Corso would including the Weatherman; and unverified allegations. Complex "higher cause," then his act, even if for the rights of others, and a na.e learned from experience. And even if memories of members of the Young Socialist issues of state are wrapped in illegal, is Justifiable. Remember willingness to learn. I am confident the tragic past have not sunken into his head, it would Alliance (YSA), the Trotskyist youth slogans and cliches. Dogmatic that acts have consequences. The our faith has not been misplaced. seem that the not-to-gentle reminder by the Presidential Commission on Campus Unrest would have had some effect. -our man hoppe Unfortunately, General Del Corso-like Vice President Agnew -seems inclined to listen only to the portion of the study which is complimentary to his good name. As the report suggested, law enforcement agencies have no excuse whatsoever for going into civil dlstur middle east punditry bances armed for war...armed to kill. Their job is to news prevent violence, not cause it. By Arthur Hoppe Then she added with a smile: "Surely, Violence on any side is deplorable, whether it come - National Columnist we're entitled to decide on our own which from civilians or authorities. borders are defensible." But for National Guard troops -who apparently have Nor have I met an Israeli who is Lerrers Jerusalem neither the training nor temperment for law enforcement Every once in a while, I get an willing to give an inch on the other duties-to turn a college campus, or city ghetto into War overwhelming urge to be a news analyst. supposed subjects of the peace talks- Zone C is unthinkable. Usually, I satisfy it by going home and internationalizing Jerusalem and The Vietnam war has already spread to Cambodia. throwing the cat in the washing machine. readmitting the Arab refugees. Every Israeli I talked to considers Jerusalem Let's not brinq it here. But in Israel, that's impossible. For letter to mr. rorick one thing, every Israeli's a news analyst. the heart and soul of Israel and the Arab For another, I've accumulated a whole refugees as his sworn and deadly Marvin H. Rorick, President suitcase full of news-analyst-type notes. enemies. BGSU Foundation, Inc. And I can't bear to throw them away. So, as I asked my Israeli friend, new university For two weeks now, I've been touring Mordecai Shalom, what's there to talk Israel from Uie Red Sea to the Jordan to about? Dear Sir: For those disaffected anachronists of academe, the new the Mediterranean to the Golan Heights. "Oh, we'll make any concession they New University begins today. A listing and schedule of I've been lucky enough to talk to Golda want," he said, "as soon as we feel we Having just read the September "Alumni Newsletter" I am prompted to can trust our Arab neighbors to live courses appears elsewhere in the News. Meir, Ben Gurion, Cabinet ministers, reply to the articles concerning the CAVE request. generals, diplomats and, best of all, cab beside us in peace and friendship." Mr. Rorick, I live in Chicago. That fact provides me with an intimate When virtually all conversation among students and drivers. When wUl that be? knowledge of pollution. In this city, the rain is dirty before it ever reaches the faculty last May was issue oriented, the New U courses So with the whole world asking, "We don't care," said Mordecai with ground. To wit: Chicago is dirty. helped students find new information and ideas on theses "What will the death of President Nasser a grin, "If it takes 200 years." Bowling Green, however, is clean. I would like it to remain clean. It will not. issues. mean to the success of the Middle East Thank you. I will now pack up, fly It will not unless responsible persons ensure that possibility. Weighing the Now that the "emergency" is over, it's time to begin peace talks?" I'm delighted to be able to home and throw the cat in the washing available evidence, it appears that CAVE has demonstrated far greater machine. exploring avenues of making regular courses more in- supply the answer: responsibility than has the Executive Board of your organization. Not a damned thing. You refer to CAVE as a special interest group. And what, may I ask, is volved with issues that may be pertinent-ecology, racial There are two surprises that hit you in BGSU Foundation, Inc.? For the Foundation to divest its interests in a stock relations, and the whole of mass society and the problems Israel. One is the incredible cockiness of let's hear from yoi because the subject corporation is guilty of pollution is to pass the proverbial it generates. the Israelis. I asked an Air Force colonel The BG News welcomes all letters to buck. That, sir, is known as a cop-out. And for the Foundation to forego the No subjects are unrelated to society, but these relations how badly his planes were outnumbered the editor and your opinion column. opportunity to urge corporate responsibility is to encourage corporate must be stressed and made more clear. by the Arabs. "Oh," he said airily, "only Dae to our desire to bring you the irresponsibility and to share in the guilt. For example, a course has been started in the In- five to one." largest cross-section ef views aid I have never contributed to the Foundation. More properly, this is my first dustrial Education department dealing with the effects of Wasn't he worried the Arabs could opinions, however, we ask that letters be contribution. Now I might be inclined to provide further contributions, of a no more than 3M word*, typewritten, and big industry on the environment. overwhelm the Israeli pilots by sheer monetary nature, if the Executive Board were to reconsider its decision weight of numbers? He looked surprised. columns be a maximum of tour regarding the CAVE request. That, sir, is known as a bribe. Trusting that you Regular courses of this nature are the ultimate answer, "If I was," he said with a grin, "I'd get typewritten pages, "triple-spaced are sincerely interested, I remain rather than the semi-structured New U that will be an out my passport and head for America." added weight to students participating who are also We maintain the right to edit all Sincerely yours, True, the Arabs can kill Israelis in materials which exceed those limits, and carrying a regular course load. border clashes. And in this small to edit with respect to the taws of libel Janet K. McReynolds Class of 1967 country, every soldier's death hurts. So and good taste. 4180 Marine Dr. Apt. 906 most Israelis welcome the cease fire. Chicago, Illinois 60613 But peace talks? What la there to talk' about? THIS IS HORRIBLE-THEY TOOK AWAY YOUR KENT STATE MEDALS. BUT ALSO TOOK AWAY THe BG news We seem to think the Israelis will happily agree to withdraw to their pre- MY HALO!'

An Independent Student VoiCe 1967 boundaries with only, as our Secretary of State, Mr. Rogers, put it, "minor rectifications." eill|0' tames b. smith This phrase brought a chuckle from managing editoi glenn d waggoner Mrs. Meir, a shrug from Mr. Ben Gurion news editoi nchard c bergeman and a look of pure disbelief from every editonal editor ba,baia | |acola other Israeli I talked to. issue ed't0' harold a. brown In the '67 war, Israel quadrupled its SPM'S editor . . . . <*„„,;. d. white territory in six days. But by ho, edll straightening its borders, it shortened P ° °' brian I stellens the lines its army had to patrol from 560 contributing editor james p. marino miles to 400. And in each case the new copy editor nchard w. price borders are easily defended. business manager tichawd a. reiter On the Golan Heights in the north, the advertising manager fred c. grulich Israeli guns now look down on the Syrians instead of vice versa. On the Editorial and Business Oftices 106 University Hall east, the line Is now the Jordan river, a Phone 372 2710 or 372-2819 natural barrier to Jordanian tanks. And to the south, the Israelis stand on the Th. tO N... Ii •■allahee Hondo, • rim "rHoye .Ming the ratal* Suez Canal Instead of the old arbitrary echeel roof. end o«c« o wee* outing the luwmer oeeeiene, oneer author- boundary drawn across the wastes of the ity of th* Pwellcetlona Committee of Bewllnf Croon Stoto Unlverelty. Negev. Opinions oapreoeed In editorial certoona or ether celwmna In the New* Mr. Nixon now feels the Israelis de net neceaeerily reflect the oplniena of the Unlvotalty Admlnietretlen letully er Moll er th. Solo el Okie. Opinion! oapreseed or celomnleta ee should have "defensible borders" with net necoeaerlly reflect the of the BG Newt. Editorials in the BG international guarantees. But after three New* reflect the eplniena ef the meierily ef mombera of the BG Newa EJi- wars, the Israelis don't trust guarantees. lariel Boero, And defensible borders are precisely what they have today for the first time. "We're on our own," amid Mrs. Meir. The BG News. Thursday, October 8, 1970 Page 3 Buckley not contacted Office dispels rumors By Chrti Flowers cover, but that it would be constructive comes out of it." speak on "The Genocide of the SUff Reporter concerned with political Speakers for that week American Indian" and a alternatives. include Vine DeLoria. Jr., a student production of the Despite rumors that She has been active in a lawyer involved in -Red broadqay satire. "Indians." William F. Buckley Jr. will new party movement with Dr. Power" and author of "Ouster on Friday and Saturday in the •peak on campus to balance Benjamin Spock and author Died For Your Sins." Student Sen-ices Forum will William Kunstler's Tuesday Gore Vidal as well as working Kahn Tineta Horn will conclude the week's activities. night speech, he has not been for the American Indian contacted according to the movement. Student Activities Sen-ice. November 16-21 is set for Authorities say 'white acid' pill Bob Yowell. program American Indian Week which coordinator. said the will include numerous misunderstanding probably programs and will hopefully may have killed OSU student originated during the con- feature Buffy St. Marie. troversy over Kunstler's Yowell said that Student COLUMBUS i API - Police billboard near the main en- appearance when someone yesterday were analyzing a trance of the campus by Activities is trying to book her pill called "white acid" which Jokingly said Buckley should for Nov. 16. but nothing unidentified persons. The sign come to debate Kunstler. definite has been arranged is believed to have been the says: "Warning. Bad acid on cause of at least one student Yowell said. "We'd like to yet. the streets. Don't buy white see Buckley come to Bowling He said the Indian Week death at Ohio State Univer- tablets. It's killed two so far." Green, and I'd bet he'd be a sity. Police said only one known evolved from discussion Police said the analysis good speaker, but there are no during campus unrest last death has been attributed to plans to contact him." May Yowell said "BGSU may should have been completed the pills, which they say- However, among the sometime yesterday on pills contains the same kind of be blazing a trail by- which reportedly caused the people who will be appearing recognizing the Indian strychnine used to kill rats on campus this fall is Jane problem." death of D. Dietrich, 18. Some 50 persons have Fonda. Yowell said it would be He added that he hopes of Berea Saturday. entered hospitals or gone to hard to predict exactly what "we just don't entertain the In response to the death, a the campus drug center for her Nov. 3 speech would students and that something sign has been posted on a treatment, authorities report.

EVEN TACKLE football is part of the WFAL-AM, the closed circuit radio station women's world today. Residents of Mooney on campus. The game was played last Hall engage in a contest with a team from Monday evening in front of University Hall. KAPPA DELTA WELCOMES ITS Speech dept. lists playbill 17 FANTASTIC NEW PLEDGES!!

The Speech Department revolutionary, is. depicted by plays May 12-16. by calling the box office in ".' i). has announced its bill of plays the relating of events leading The final production of the University Hall at 372-2719 n. to the imprisonment due to season May 26-29. will be Bonus books for the season are Ae,'od Q for the 1970-71 theatre season. *«•/«-, VPts* The opening production of refusal to pay tases to support "West Side Story." the award- also available. «* the season is Eugene Ionesco's the United States' invasion of winning musical based on Admission is 25 cents for' s\«« "Exit the King." This French Mexico. Production dates are shakespear's Romeo and university students. 50 cents V author's commentary on Jan 20-24. Juliet. for high school students and Tickets for any of the $1.50 for the community. All death and how to face it will "Ride a Black Horse.'' a &« IfcMgric play Oct. 14-18 in the Joe. E. world premiere of Playwright productions may be reserved curtain times are 8 p.m. %. Kcvu'" Brown Theatre in University in Residence John S. Scott, is Hall. scheduled Feb. 3-6. This •We Bombed in New modern play looks at the INTERESTED IN 4, c neon Haven." Joseph Heller's play world of the -middle-of-the- to\\> *°* about ,-iolence and its place in road" black, who is caught 0> C William Gibson's 1958 and dramatized by Alvah % Broadway corned., -drama w ill Stanley, follows. Production BG News follow, running from So* ".'.- ttates_are feb ^0-21 itrtha D-Md.i of the House 9-9 Merchant Marine Committee agreed to back another Your Choice 37.50 - 45.00 measure with a construction ALL differential subsidy. Sup- lend any b!a_ It whit* or cole. , porters hope for action before >hotoupto8Kl0" Congress winds up its session no negatives NOW 20% OFF WEEK NOW 27.99 after the November elections. llease) to: RONALD JAYE Poster Service Sen. Marlow Cook > R-Ky.) P.O. Box 43 (O^OTOGITO author of the Senate amend- Plainview. NY. 11803 ment which would have fenclose cish. cheek or money order (no C.O.D.'s) in tbt amount allowed the exemption, also ol $3.50 'or uch blow-up. supports the new plan. MANY OTHER BIG FAT DEALS Original material returned un- Congress had given the damaged. Delta Queen a four-year Satisfaction guaranteed. Allow 30 Charge Accounts exemption from the 1966 law days for delivery. Add 45t tor Mastercharge postage & handling. Available which requires vessels BankAmericord carrying 50 or more overnight passengers to have metal superstructures. The Queen is Zfjt Ben (Accross From Harshmon) mostly wood. The exemption AODRESS- is due to expire Nov. 2. r~iTv Pag. 4 The BG Ntws, Thursday, October 8, 1970

4 Explana- 23 Hearing 41 Departed. tions. organ. 43 Small child. DeGaulle warned JFK in '61 PUZZLE 5 Climbed. 25 Brief. 44 Made a By Janet Learell 6 Employed. 26 Potn'oes. slight 7 Evening!. 27 Erie's nest. depression. ACROSS 59 Illustrious. 8 Loud noise. 28 Called by 46 Sugar tree. 1 Against. 60 Woody 9 Strews. name. 47 Made sales. 5 Lean-tos. flant. 10 Executive 29 Lathered. 48 Appeal. 10 Droops. athers. overseers. 30 Nutriments. 49 Heavy Memoirs resist U.S. policy 14 Check. 62 Avarict. 11 Particle. 31 Fashion. metal. 15 Of a city. 63 Dispatch. 12 Strong 32 Smile with 50 Infant. 18 Western wind. scorn. DOWN 51 I'nderdone. PARIS (AP) - Gen. Charles period 1958-62 with De with dynamism, surrounded and "made me understand this. Because, if you find in state. 13 Furnished 34 Trans- 17 Market. 1 Sleeves. 52 Level. de Gaulle told President John Gaulle's return to power, the by an atmosphere of lively with shoes. actions. that the affair was going to office government leaders 18.Sphere of 2 Tidy. 21 Rind of a 37 Sauce 53 Act. F. Kennedy in 1961 that any agonizing settlement of the curiosity, forming with his develop with a view to who, through their own in- activity. 3 Weary. fruit. added. 56 And not. intervention in Indochina Algerian war through a grant brilliant and cultivated wife a establishing in the In- terest, agree to obey you, the 19 Horseback game. would be "an endless en- of independence, couple filled with charm." dochinese peninsula a pier of people themselves will not 20 Church tanglement," according to his decolonization of the African But, De Gaulle recounts, he resistance to the Soviets." agree, and moreover, are not towers. 1 3 1 4 • 7 • • ,. 1 1 12 13 latest book of memoirs territories held by France and and Kennedy soon discovered calling for you. 22 Abounded. ; released yesterday. international conferences. that their policies differed on De Gualle replied: 24 Clarinet u The memoirs were started Titled "Memoirs of Hope- "For you, intervention in "The ideology that you tongue. many points. 25 Principal n immediately after De Gaulle the Renewal," the book tells of De Gaulle said that Ken- this region will be an endless present will change nothing. actor. " 1 left the presidency in April the arrival in Paris May 31, nedy explained the moves that entanglement. From the More than that the masses will 26 t'ndermined. 20 31 saw confuse it with you will for 29 Law officers. 1 1 1969. This volume covers the 1961 of Kennedy "spilling over had been made in Indochina moment when nations become awakened, no foreign power. That is why, the more 33 Oyster gem. ■ 34 Means of 1 authority, no matter how you get involved there against access. !« 37 31 30 31 32 great its means, has any communism, the more the Midday. chance of imposing itself. Communists will appear the Continuing 33 ■■ champions of national in- impulse. Darlings. " "You are going to realize dependence." 36 37 Ripped. " Food pre- SB 40 scribed. Engrossed. 43 43 ■ Golf club. Calntlv. ■ 49 ■ More ■ compact. 47 46 4t ■ _■ Throw. Repair. Divides 14 55 96 91 lengthwise. Hidiculed 91 96 66 lightly. Margarine. 61 63 63 Not suit- able. Hub of a * Field Enterprsej, 1Inc., 197" 1 wheel. H Incline.

"MULTIPLY AND SUBDUE SIGMA ALPHA ATA Solution to Yesterday's I'unle THE EARTH" Will hold a meeting for all interested in speech and CRYPTOGRAM — By F. H. Overdorf The film by Ian McHarg hearing therapy at 7 p.m. in will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in the Alumni Room, Union. 210 Math Science Bldg. The showing is mainly for students SAPPY PAR YOl'RS-YOl" A P P Y of biology 104, but all in- INKSTONE terested persons are welcome to attend. For 1971 is now organizing. Some editorial and staff positions are still open. Fill in Yesterday's cryptogram: Nature lover once BLACK STUDENT UNION an application to Inkstone in dubbed camp tires, "forests' prime evil." the English Dept. Will meet at 7 p.m. in 220 mailboxroom, 201A University Math Science Bldg. Hall. For further information please call John Gallo, 352- 0422. SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE Sabotage suspected in train accident ANACHRONISM, INC. VARSITY CLUB NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - coupling apparatus," a Jersey found by the U.S. Coast Guard Will hold a general meeting Sabotage is suspected by Central Railroad spokesman floating three miles from the at 7 p.m. in the River Room, Will hold a meeting to officials investigating the said. railroad bridge. They were Union. Sword and mace finalize the mum sale plans, at plunge of 17 freight and tanker The railroad, which has removed from the channel and practice and further planning 7 p.m. in 115 Education Bldg. cars and five locomotives been in bankruptcy since 1967, beached. of tournaments will follow. from an open drawbridge into estimated its loss at more than the Passic River. |1 million. A railroad official said the VETERAN'S CLUB The freight cars contained cars and locomotives were on STAtMVM "This was definitely a about $200,00 worth of refined three separate tracks about a Will meet at 7 p.m. in the deliverate act by one or more copper, officials said. The half mile from the Redwood Room, Union. All persons who know the tanker cars, carrying highly drawbridge, which is usually ADM: S2.00- Cinema 1*2) ex-servicemen are welcome. railroad's very complex flammable methylethyl left open so that river traffic '. lADlUrV PLA^A SMOPPlNI. C C N I [ R Bowl switching movements and ketone and cresylic acid, were can pass. 14 and under $1.00 WIZARD OF ID BCWLING GREEN'S NEW AUTOMATED TWINS by Brant pmrkor and Johnny hart AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL /*6T THIS Evenings ol 7:05, 9:30 Evenlnga ol 7:45 Sol. & Sun. Mol. ol 2, 4:30 Cinema! Sol. & Sun. Mol ol 2:15 $3.00 - 14 & Undoi SI 00 LCin@ind-2> S2.00 - 14 & Under S1.00 AT once'. THE ACCLAIM IS LOUD AND 2nd Week ONE WEEK ONLY 1 Ends Tues. - Oct 13 1 WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARPSI Www* HIGHEST RATING! METROGaDWYNMAYER nmmn ,NY DAILY NEWS A (M0 FKMI PRODUCTION "On A Clear Day You DAVID LEAN'S FILM i., i..*. -. Can See Forever' is an OF BORIS PASTERNAKS ill Extra Special Picture! Magical! It has an DOCTOR endearing out-of-the- ordinary quality!" P^A, ZHilAGO J MCTROMEDIA RADIO NEWSL--_l.Gfe»W-^4y»«*'*^/ IN P-NAVISI0N- AND METROCOLOR CLaSSIFIED

2031 counseling Center 330 Francisco Rock Concert -MOW- CLA-ZEl -NOW- PORTAGE RIDES WANTED TELEPHONE din plugs included. Price new ThruOctl3 *•*■** ""- Student Services SURVEY GIRL. Full or part Posters Full color. Out of VUOO to 8429 will sell for 8225 Thru Oct 13 time in own home. Private print Full sue originals, from full warrantee Call 862-5375 KK» Needed to Fort Wayne Karen Williams please call the Fillmore Auditorium Ind. or Manchester College. line essential Write Box 1. evenings. this No after 3 p.m 3934131. Guaranteed highest quality or Box Ollico Opon 7:00 Cortoon 7i30 Fn. Oct 1 Call Cheryl 373- BG News Evo Al 7:00 S »: 15 Sal S Sun Mol Al 2:00, 4:30 money refunded. Originally For Sale 67 Flat ' 850" Spyder IN THE CAR HEATERS NOW AVAILABLE 3013. ■ WANTED COOKS: Everunt* hours. cost II SO ea. limited offer 6 red call 353-7700 after 6 30. for MM We pay postage Rider Wanted to Boston Howard Johnson*. S. At 7:50 Nursery School like Arbuckle Bros. 3171 Piedmont anytime. Call MM ReynoldsRd.Maumee Good 68 Chevelle SS w-vinyl top. 4 LIZA MINNELLI AT Nil IEST babysitting. Good references wages with meals included. Ave . OakUnd, ta Mil speed hurst. Mags. Polyglas. Phone 3924006 No experience necessary and more Call 354-3152 after B NA>^A'NAAi%i^A>^ i«><**i)SaVy« Phone 883-3341 and ask for Mr. 11 p.m. . eathers or Mrs. Smith. Needed Three Dog Night PERSONALS BUSINESS tickets Please call Rita 373- Sony TV works in home or car [Male Subjects Wanted 4855 K0 call Mike 353-5104 before 3 If ™ sniDENT NURSES OPPORTUNITIES ' Problem solving experiment. 'X X X X HIGHEST Will take approximately one '64 VW Camper for sale Call ; Congratulations Gary * hour Pay. 11.75 Sociology Better Business Machines Connie on your 1 week Typewriters, adders and Chris after 5 1353-7270) W W W W RATING! WANTED: Experienced Lead Small Groups Laboratory. engagement from Little Phone: 373-3394 calculators. Sales Service and Brother 4 Roommate. Player Call 333487. rentals. 237 S. Main 3SZ-7780 '63 Buick special conv . Cheap LIZA RATES OSCAR IN TOP DRAMA' 352-9260 after 5. — DAILY NEWS daily ttl 6 p.m Sat. til 5. DZ's congrats on a gnat Female Help Wanted-Must Pledge Class. Best of Luck 19 Austin llealy BRG. 3.000 work u to 30 hours a day In 1 MKIII. Well Maintained. CS.R. areas subject to zero cold, Watch Need Cleaning' Call RENTALS • SALES 3934393 or take to Apt. 321 Fostorta 439-4267 extreme heat, stench and Thanks Beta's-Horray for after 3:00 p.m. Greenview. various hazardous glass i No Girl's Ice skates sue 6 light second place. Delta -Seta's will deliver when finished liza vacations or tune off. Errors brown fall 319. Call after 9 will not be tolerated. Call 352- 3 men need off campus A NEW WORLD PICTURES RELEASE 393-7303. minnelli Delta Gamma's. ATO. Phi (334 housing winter k spring. 373- For Sale-Guild 13-String Plus At 9:30 Deiu.-Thsnlu for a great tea 1744. Guitar. 18 mo old In like new DZ's Need A Job' Sharp guys. condition 6400 new. First Salary of 390 week for 10-13 Need male lo share Green- offer over 3300 393-7049 LOST AND EOUND ken CONGRATULATIONS Cheryl nrs Must have car. Call 373- viewApt. Call 393-3(31 and Jell un your rnarrlage- 1166 Before Tues. Oct. 13. For Sale: or* aqua-rung 73 qu. your ZK Brothers For Sale Human Hair Wig. ft. J-reserve 66 tank NO. 353- howard 21 and over. Agresslve men EiceUenl Condition-low price 7»3» Gold Carvelta-inscnplion on An apple a day doesn't keep wanted Eiceptlonal op- Call 333-4164 bark. Contact U. Police. the maintenance man away. portunity Full or part time. For Sale: '67 Lemans, Con- Is 3rd floor Phi Mu all wet. Call Mr Wakeun 393-9311 eit Lost-Acusbnet bulls-eye DRUMS: Excellent Condition vertible 3 speed, good con- Hoynacke? 333 between 10:30-13 noon or 9- dition Call 177-0169 after (. putter w th torn grip 3! 6 p.m. Rogers make. 3300 or Bast reward. 393-6676. Offer Call Tom 393-7433 Congratulations Mike and Sue Gerbils tor sale. Contact and Jeff and Debbie on your RIMINUR GIRL WANTED FOR LIFE Vlcki Evans St 2-3632 Lost-Silver Watch J.C£. S-StV Sig-Chi O puinings. The WEEKLY CLEANING 3-4 Cedar Chest, veneer finish 340 67 on back. Return to Com- FILM (all 666-3006 after 10 p.m Brothers of Sigma Chi. hours SATURDAYS. Ph. 334- TOR SALE OR RENT cont. mons Dining Hall Chris rMTKM* linn -t> 3401 Fx*enroad 121 Palmer. Theory OP' OLD FASHION HAYRIDES WANTED: 3 tickets for Three for information call (K-a33 Eiperienced typist Theses, Dog Night Cincert-CaII Marc: For Sale: AKAI 1660SD Loat-Cocker-Collie Puppy 10 after 6 p.m. term papers, etc. Call 3S4- 393-7*09 wACC "Croat field head" .*,. old Contact Nancy 373- 7733. Brand new Walnut case tapes sjn John Cassavetes Persona are available Cell 3- POSTER COLLECTORS-San and cartridges, never used, The BG News, Thurtdoy, October 8, 1970/POQ. 5 Money goes fo charities Greeks sink floats

Interfraternity and meet tonight to decide the idea > at an IFC meeting because such a situation can Panhellemc councils have amount to be contributed and Monday night "lead to bitterness." decided not to build the charity to receive the At that meeting, Tim The individual fraternities Homecoming floats this year, money. Smith, IFC advisor and are presently considering the and instead will donate the IFC is also considering a associate dean of men, said he problems involved with the money to charities. proposal to open all greek liked the idea. He felt it would proposal, including handling This year's parade, on events for the remainder of help the greek system become the increased participation to Saturday, Oct. 17, will consist the year to independent living more integrated with the certain events. of "People's floats", with a units. independents on campus. IFC president Jim Widmer maximum of 20 participants Rick Harris, president of He said events really had no comment on when the per fraternity and sorority Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Mike shouldn't be exclusive to council may take action on the house. DeMario, president of Sigma either greeks or dormitories matter. Fraternity presidents will Alpha Epsilon, introduced the Cambodia seeks pullout Qoebec separatists hold Brifish n of all Communist forces MONTREAL AP) - A governments • "arc™ readyT to WASHINGTON (AP) - speech before the United ransom deadline set by explore all practical avenues Cambodia is asking for the Nations general assembly. Quebec separatists for the out of this impasse." unconditional withdrawal of It will be the first visit to freeing of a kidnaped British The separatists had said all North Vietnamese and Viet this country of the new diplomat passed yesterday that if the governments did not Cong troops before any cease- Cambodian chief of govern- and officials reported they had meet their demands they received no further contacts would kill the diplomat, fire affecting all of Indochina ment. WHO PULLED the plug in Lake Johnson? inches below normal, and this is what goes into effect. Ambassador from the abductors. James Richard Cross. One message spoke of a It was the lack of rain, of course, that left happened to the boats that were tied up. In Sonn Voeunsai said yesterday. The comments about Cam- Jerome Choquette, justice these fishing boats hanging from a dock at minister for the Province of deadline at 8:30 a.m. 1968, the lake level was down 100 inches. In an interview, he said bodia's position on the cease- the lake near Raleigh. The water is down 70 that any arrangement per- Quebec, appealed to the yesterday. Another men- fire were made following tioned 9 a.m. But officials said mitting the Communist forces reports from Saigon that separatists to free the the deadline apparently had now in the country to remain President Nixon's new peace diplomat because he "bears would be perpetuating no responsibility whatsoever been noon, EDT, because it initiative would involve was at noon on Monday that aggression. proposals for an Indochina for our internal problems." WSU plane fails test The Cambodian envoy also The separatists seek in- they had received the first cease-fire coupled with a new separatist demands for disclosed that chief of state Geneva-type conference to dependence for French- WASHINGTON (AP) - Two approved inspection in 1 as Chastain said the permits He said no valid air wor- Cheng Heng will call on speaking Quebec. ransom. Federal Aviation Ad- Vegas, where they had been in limit occupany to the crew thiness certificate was found settle the conflict in Cam- But government officials President Nixon on or about bodia. Loas and Vietnam Choquette said the ministration officials said moth balls for three years. necessary for the ferry flight. in the sister plane, which Oct. 21 after delivering a provincial and federal said they had received no yesterday the aging airliner Robert Kelly, chief of the In Washington. KAA in- landed safely in I.ogan, Utah, contacts from the kidnapers that crashed on Wichita State KAA's flight standards branch vestigation coordinator Ansel and was later slapped with an although the government was University football trip had in Salt lake City, said the two Tibbs said no documents were emergency grounding order willing to negotiate. not received a safety ver- planes were issued ferry found in the charred wreckage after the FAA said it found 16 Environment report goes The separatists are ification when taken out of permitsSept. 11. The permits, of the plane that KAA officials maintenance defects. demanding the release to mothballs less than a month good for 10 days, were issued say may have been 4,000 The only certificate found Cuba or Algeria of 21 men now earlier. so the planes could be flowr pounds overweight when it on this second plane had been in prison or waiting trial and The plane's owner had said elsewhere for maintenance crashed Friday in Colorado's issued to Ozark Air Lines, a i to Congress-Nixon approves $500,000 in gold. Tuesday that the ill-fated work, Roger Chastaine. FAA Rocky Mountains, killing 30 previous owner, prior to 1966 He said it was adifficult plane and a sister craft maintenance inspector in lai people. and was no longer valid. Pitts received annual air wor- Vegas, said. WASHINGTON .API - legislation requiring a permit provide for enforcement by decision foi the government to said. from the newly authorized make because a man's life was thiness certificates Sept. 8 President Nixon i-ndarsed the Coast Guard. after undergoing a major KAA y« st< relay commendations Environmental Protection The environmental quality at stake. from Ins Council on En- Agency for the transportation council, established last For The Very Best In vironmental Qiidiity urging or dumping of all materials in January to recommend en- strict regulation of waste the oceans, estuaries, and the ■ vironment policies to the Attention faculty-staff Homecoming Mums dumping in the oceans Great lakes. President, said its study In his message to Congress Nixon sent the ouncil's shows "that the volume of If you were listed Hall. The "tear-out" on transmitting the report. Nixon report to Congress and said he waste materials dumped in wrong in the temporary the back cover may be would submit specific said, "The oceans, covering the ocean is growing rapidly." Faculty Staff Directory, used, or call 2-2516. nearly three quarters of the Place Your Order At legislative proposals im- They include dredging please send correct Submit no later than plementing its plan to the next world's surface, are critical to spoils-the largest input by information to Per- Friday, Oct.9. Congress. Maintaining our environment, weight-industrial wastes, sonnel Services, Shatzel The council saui ocean for they contribute to the basic sewage sludge, construction MYLES FLOWERS cumping is not a serious oxygen-carbon dioxide and demolition debris, trash, 109 CLAY ST. problem yet but it may balance, upon which human explosives and radioactive Headquarters For become one qui>kiy unless and animal life depends." wastes. Phone action is taken V prevent it. Nixon said that in the All together, the council Free Delivery It recomm- IOPII an legislation to combat ocean estimated, some 48 million PANDORA AND 352-2002 outright ban Oil rean duiii- dumging "we will be acting- tons of waste materials were On Campus ping ..i materials KI I wn to be rather than reacting to dumped at sea in 1968 at about BOBBIE BROOKS 353-2802 haiinfal to the i...■!•.■>•• en- prevent polluution before it 250 offshore disposal vironment or to i ...i .oid She begins to destroy the waters locations. SPORTSWEAR phasing >ut of :.. • . .: .if that are so critical to all living About half of the disposal potentially nan.:: .. a.i.enals. things." sites are off the Atlantic STYLE CENTER Other types

THURS. 2 For I HAPPY HOURS SLIP-ONS, TIES FRI. 7-6 SAT. 7-6 AND BUCKLES Reg. $20. These shoes can't be topped. Made NOW PLAYING - WED. THRU SAT. in England by quality craftsmen with all the outstanding features you're looking for. Come in and see for yourself, you'll know they're t OTHER HALF shoes for you. Black and brown calf. 7-12 WITH NEW BRASS SECTION

(Association of College Unions International Region VII Traveling Exhibition mm^mau Student Photgraphy "ZTj Coitest 14.97

Deadline - Oct. 23rd Noon LASALLE'S Prize Money Awarded

For Mar. Mo 4 Entry Blank. Carried AUO (Mile. - 3rd Flaar Union Pag* 6 The BG News, Thursday, October 8, 1970 New University opens today; 5'college's' offer courses

relationship of the American PHILOSOPHY OF engage in encounter and College of Negro family to the com- VIOLENCE AND NON- confrontation with self and munity will also be in- VIOLENCE each other as a method for vestigated. increasing awareness of at- Minority William Reichert, Chairman, titudes, beliefs, and feelings Political Science Wednesdays which facilitate and or In- Group EQUAL EMPLOYMENT 4:00, 314 University Hall terfere with human REGULATIONS AND EM- relatedness. PLOYMENT TESTS Discussion centered Studies around such readings as "WHERE ir8AT" FAMILY LIFE OF THE Robert M. Guion, Chairman, Eldridge Cleaver's Soul on AMERICAN NEGRO Dept. of Psychology Mon- Ice, Tom Hayden's Rebellion Joseph Perry, Meredith Pugh, days, 7:30,314 University Hall and Repression, etc. Eldon Snyder. Instructors In Laura Douglas Kivlin, Assoc. Sociology Wednesdays 3:00- fProf/. Home Economics A detailed analysis of THE PSYCHOLOGY OF 5:00, 268 Overman Hall Thursdays 11:00, 109 Home regulations of the Equal PEACE Economics Building Employment Opportunity Discussion of readins taken Commission and of the Office J.P.Scott, Benjamin from sociological writing Course will investigate the of Federal Contract Com- Rosenberg, Profs., dealing with current social present status of the pliance; also Griggs vs. Duke Psychology Tuesdays 7:30, problems. American Negro family. Will power to be E heard inN 314 University Hall include study of the most October session of the common patterns of Negro Supreme Court, and related There is a tremendous need CITY GOVERNMENT AND COLLEGE STUDENTS family life at different socio- cases involving tests. to study and understand economic levels including: nondeviant behavior in man. courtship and marriage College of This course will consist of Charles Barrell, Prof, of patterns, family heirarchial study and discussion of the Political L Science relationships, financial non-agressive, fulfilling, Tuesdays 1:00, 310 University characteristics and Peace gratifying states of man as Hall management, and child normal human behavior. rearing practices. The EXPLORATIONS IN THE The relations of college N«-M.h.l. ky Jl- FlWtar students wth divisions of local WINTER SNOWS will soon be here, and the Indian summer days to lounge on the HISTORY OF RADICAL AND government. Included will be these University students take advantage of inner campus. ANARCHISTIC POLITICS IN the student voting situation THE U.S. and the stakes of students in local legislative, executive, Steve Myers Tuesdays 10-12 and judicial processes. Will "TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND OR CURE OF SOCIAL ILLS DRUGS ON THE COLLEGE A Study of existentialism. a.m., 102 Life Science discuss such student problems THE AMERICAN WAY" CAMPUS its proponents, and its as law enforcement, housing, Bob Warehime, Marv Kumler, relevance in the 1970's. Group Thomas Paine to Tom and pollution. Jim Holder Tuesdays and Assoc. Profs, in Psychology Ira Harmon Thursdays 6:00- discussion will play an im- llayden. Class will involve Thursdays 8:00-9:00, 402 Tuesdays 3:00-5:00, 102 Life 8:00, 402 University Hall portant part in the lecture individual investigation and University Hall Science Bldg. series. interpersonal interaction HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN Operated as a discussion An attempt to describe and rather than lectures and note- WITHOUT BEING group to help students become College of taking. RELIGIOUS analyse the concepts of more aware of drugs. People "work," "education," Critical examination of the will be brought in to speak College Suzanne Chesney, Darrel "religion," and "politics" in encounter group movement as both sides of the issue will be Ecology Fyffe Mondays 7:00-9:00, 402 the U.S. of the 1950's. A study a social phenomenon. This brought out. POPULATION CRISIS of the spiritual virtue of will not be an encounter group University Hall Ivan Hammond, Instructor, of today's parents and pollutions experience, but emphasis will be upon participation in the Music Conversation concerning through their art, literature, EXISTENTIALISM Monday, October 12 only, 7:30, Community form of evaluative discussion. all aspects of your relation- and propaganda. 401 University Hall ship wht Christ. Guaranteed Films and tapes of actual Thomas Clink, Grad. Student, Relations to bring you to the point of encounter groups and Political Science and A one-meeting discussion BLACK-WHITE-YELLOW "chucking" your religion. THE ENCOUNTER GROUP readings will form the basis of Education Mondays 8:00- group concerning the discussion. ENCOUNTER Informal and open discussion. MOVEMENT: SYMPTON 10:00p.m., 310 Mosley population problem. Mel Foulds, Counseling College with any PIZZA order Psychologist, Counseling Center Mondays 3:00 5:00, 320 Bolivia falls to leftist general; from Student Services of

This course will consist of unstructured, experimental cvitvr* promises popular government DOMINO'S sessions which will provide an opportunity for persons of ABSURD DRAMA LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) - embassy along with two Argentina, Paraguay and people massed along the different races to engage in Leftist Gen. Juan Jose Torres members of his junta. Brazil, where military rightist streets. Air force planes paid 352-5221 meaningful dialogue with one swept to power yesterday with Torres' government ap- regimes are in power him the honor of flying low a Bob YoweU, Student Activities another. Participants will a show of force that toppled peared to have solid support The Bolivian coup was over his line of march. Office Wednesdays 1:00, 410 his rightist opponents. He Student Services Bldg. from students, farmers, bloodless, although some of promised cheering crowds workers and powerful Torres' planes bombed the Ebullient Torres' sup- that as president he would segments of the armed forces. government palace Tuesday porters, including students Investigation of the plays give Bolivia "a popular Thus Bolivia followed the in a raid that caused little and workers, raced through of the absurdist school to nationalist government." pattern of a leftist military damage. La Paz, sacking the homes of include major dramatists Gen. Rogelio Miranda, the regime that took over in Peru After receiving the military men and civilians such as Becket, Genet, and conservative army chief of in 1968. And Chile's president- resignations of two junta suspected of being rightist and Ionesco. Discussion of plays staff who forced president elect is Salvador Allende, the members early Wednesday at occupied the buildings of three as literature and production Alfredo Ovando Candia to first Marxist to be elected in his air force headquarters leading newspapers. resign Tuesday, was said to possibilities. Latin America. Bolivia, Peru outside La Paz, Torres rode In a speech to cheering have taken refuse in » foreign and Chile are bounded by into the city to the cheers of crowds, from the balcony of the governmental palace after taking the oath, Torres declared his was "the revolution of the people, who manifest their unwavering will to take the route of national liberation." Torres said his government would rest on four pilllars, the peasant farmers, the workers, the students and the armed forces. All will be invited into the new regime, he added.

Torres gave among bis government's goals the creation of new Jobs with "fair salaries for workers" and the wSfflfaa ^W^o^Br 1 defense of the nation's natural resources. i / / V&ssarette® Lost in the day's succession of swift events was Ovando, 66 9 who took refuge in the $1.09 t* $1.99 %

By Donna Kirk to kicky pleats. Blouses go soft and puffy-sleeved, matched with skirts, slacks or any make-your-own look. The program was narrated by Dennis Middendorf, U-Shop From dawn to dusk, mid-morning to Ute afternoon, to the manager. early evening date, clothes make the coed, and the man as Intermission entertainment featured a singing folk pair, well. Dee and Candy. Sponsored by the Association of Women Besides providing the fashions, the U-Shop donated $100 in Students and the University Shop, "Fashion Flame-On" door prizes for both men and women. presented a whole day of complete ourfit changes. A special prize of a tea and fashion show will go to the In a casual atmosphere of soft lights and decorated dorm, sorority, or fraternity with the largest attendance. panels, eoilsgiate looks of the 1970-71 fall and winter season Winners will be announced Friday at 2:00 by the U-Shop, and • made their debut. will celebrate at the Northgate. For men, flared heel-toe slant slacks, and the body shirt AWS faculty adviser Barbara Keller said she felt there with a belted U-neck body sweater is the new vogue. was a need for such fashion shows. Different changes from mixing looks is the current "There Is'still a percentage of women who enjoy things fashion for women. Skirts are varied and short, from dirndl like this," she said.


Photos by J.D..Fiedler, Jr. DELTA ZETA PLEDGES i Welcome To Your Home By The Windmill WFAL I THE ACTIVES RADIO 680 AM Top 40 • Oldi.s - Co-p.s Ntws COED BOWLING LEAGUE

, Starts Tue. October 13 TTKTA RUSH 7:00 ***\* SMOKER $7.00 for 7 WEEKS for all interested men Sign Up Individually or By Couples In Thurs. Oct. 8 7:30 - 9:00 U.A.O. OFFICE 3rd FLOOR N. W. Contr N.w Row UNIVERSITY UNION Look For Oir Firatrick Or Coll 2-2343

- LEW ALCINDOR In Action I WANNA MAKE NEWS? -PLUS JOHNNYEGAN THE BG NEWS HAS -MANY MORE OPENINGS IN THE AREAS OF: VS. —Copy Editing --Reporting Sunday Oct. 11 8 p.m. --Assistant issue editing Anderson Arena B6SU Stop By The News Office, Tickets On Sab At 106 University Hall, to Apply Memorial Hall Ticket Office Lew Alcindor 7-1 Ctnttr Milwaukee Bucks 0>" WetMfjs I ■.■.-Moos, 1 p.m.-S P.M. Page 8/The BG News, Thursday, October 8, 1970 Bucks, Cavaliers invade Sunday

ByJackO'Breia managed to pull out a victory. would have never seen the basketball coach who guided rebounder as the team's assists per game five times er. Assistant Sports Editor "If we were playing using ball, but with the 24 second Bowling Green from a last record improved by 29 games route to becoming the all-time college rules we would have clock a team that's behind is place finish in 1966 to the Mid- before they were eliminated in leader in assists. Pro basketball will make won for sure," said Cavalier never out of the game." American Conference the finals of the Eastern Last year for the first time its campus debute when the coach BUI Fitch. "Milwaukee A former head Falcon championship in 1967, Fitch Division playoffs by the New in his pro career, the Big O powerful Milwaukee Bucks will put his record of never York Knicks, the eveentual failed to make the NBA All- meet the expansion Cleveland losing a basketball contest in NBA champion. Pro first team but rather Cavaliers Sunday at 8 p.m. in Anderson Arena on the line " He's going to be a great settled for a spot on the second Anderson Arena. Umpires agree to against the talent laden one," predicted Fitch in a team. Part of the reason for The game will be the final Bucks. recent long distance telephone this was his unhappiness in exhibition contest for both The dynamic duo of the Big interview. "He is great now, Cincinnati, especially with clubs. Milwaukee remains the four-yea r contract A and the Big O, Lew Alcindor but the thing that really scares coach Bob Cousy of the only undefeated team in pre- and Oscar Robertson, and you is that he can be even Royals. season play while Cleveland company should provide a greater." The Big O is in Milwaukee NEW YORK (AP) -Major St. Paul last Saturday before The other half of the now which is one reason why has won only three of its eight a temporary agreement was stiff test for Fitch's encounters. league umpires hammered achievement. dynamic duo is the Big O who the Bucks are rated as one of out a new four-year contract reached. Both squads have played Big Lew, all 7'2" of him, is recognized by many as the the top contenders for the yesterday with baseball of- Before last Sunday's greatest all-around player in NBA crown. each other on two separate second playoff games the was last year's National occasions with the Bucks ficials, paving the way for a Basketball Association the history of professional Cleveland's Cavaliers are troublefree World Series. umpires agreed to tem- "rookie of the year." He led basketball. one of three new expansion posting a 103-95 triumph in porarily accept 13,000 and the Bucks from a last place Robertson is the NBA's squads in the NBA. The other Milwaukee last Saturday and Under the new agreement $7,000 until a -permanent a 105-104 come-from-behind finish in 1969 to the second third leading scorer of all time two are the the umpires will get $4,000 per solution could be reached that and has averaged nearly 30 and the Portland Trail win in Cleveland the following would be retoractive to those place spot in the NBA Eastern man for playoff work and Division. points a game for ten years as Blazers. night. games. In Sunday's clash, the 17.500 for the World Series in Alcindor inspired the a professional. He is the one Coach Fitch admits that the first two-years. The new Bucks as their top scorer and who has led the league in the Cavaliers are nothing Bucks trailed by 20 points late contract covers the playoffs in the final period but Miami Uads latioi more than rookies and which ended Monday. castoffs that no other team in the league wanted. Also included in the •s but oi dUUise "There are no super stars Cavaliers beat package is a 1500 Jump in pay Rosters on this team," explained to $1000 for working the All - NEW YORK (API - Miami of Fitch. "There is no set lineup Star game. Ohio, a knuckle down team at from game to game." Royals, 125-116 the goal line, continues to lead "Whoever does good in the CLEVELAND CAVALIERS MILWAUKEE BUCKS Results of the contract the nation in total defense by previous game will probably were announced by baseball allowing 105.3 yards a game. Walt Wesley Center Lew Alcindor—Center get the starting assignment in in exbition test Commission Bowie Kuhn, The figure is the lowest by Luther Rackley—Center -Center the next contest," he added. capping a day of secret hard a leader since 1966, according McCoy McLemore—Forward Greg Smith Forward Fitch went on to say that COLUMBUS, OhiuiAPl- bargaining. the fans can't look forward to Rookie John Johnson and to statistics by the National Len < 'happen—Forward Bob Danridge—Forward too much for about the next center Walt Wesley scored 20 The settlement averted a Collegeiate Sports Service. John Johnson—Forward Don Smith Forward points apiece in leading the possible strike by the Major In scoring defense, San Dave Sorenson—Forward Gary Freeman—Forward couple years until the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 125- l«ague Umpires Assoication Diego State and Yale share Loy Peterson—Forward Mike Grasso——Forward Cavaliers finish their building 116 victory over the Cincinnati for the Series which starts the lead, each allowing 3.5 Guard Oscar Robertson-Guard program. Royals Tuesday night in a Saturday in Cincinnati. points a game. Yale took over Guard John McGlocklin-Guard "I can only promise three National Basketball the top spot after last weekend John Egan Guard Guard things," said Fitch in a recent Association exhibition game. National league umpires in rushing defense, with 35.5 Don Ohl Guard Mike Grosso—Guard NBA preview published in The Cavaliers led scheduled to officiate the best- rushing yards allowed a Bobby Smith Guard Virgil Fedricks-Guard Sport Magazine's 1971 Pro throughout the last three of-seven game series begin- game. Bob Lewis Guard Marvin Winkler—Guard Basketball Almanic. "We'll quarters. They were on top by ning Saturday in Cincinnati Georgia stayed No. 1 pass show up. We'll play. And, 16 points on two occasions, but are veterans Ken Burkhart, defense, allowing 57.3 passing we'll hustle." Pro ball's big bonanza is coming. saw that lead dwindle to just behind the plate, Tony Ven- yards a game, and Utah Uiree ponts. at 109-106 before zon. second base, and Billy remained the punting leader putting on a fast finish. Williams in left field. John with an average of 482 yards. Cincinnati's Connie Flaherty at first base, Bob- Petrasko parallels soccer's success Dierking took scoring honors Stewart at thrid and Emmett for the game with 28 points. Ashford in right field were Cleveland won the battle of named from the American By Joe Burchlck qualities like self discipline, recalled. "Soccer is a mighty has seen a remarkable change vances in the four years that I rebounds, 62-45, «ith McCoy League. Sports Writer maturity and love of that big sport in the east, com- in soccer throughout his four have been here. Mcl^more grabbing 12 to take particular field. parable to football, and to win years of participation. "When I was a freshman it game honors. The selections are a routine What is the key to success? Wolfgang Petrasko, a with that competion there, "When I first started seemed that everyone had to The Cavaliers and Royals procedure and apparently had Being exceptionally good in highly talented center half- was really great." playing here, soccer, and the jump on the bandwagon in will meet again Thursday no bearing on the negotiations. some particular field, whether back for the Falcon Soccer After high school, the next order to fit." The ideas of the night at Admiral King High it be a sport, an art or team, displays all these step in Wolfgang's life was team, was not that big. But as The commissioner's office the years progressed, the university were con- School in I.otain Cleveland 4? something else, helps. But characteristics and happens college. servative." had named umpires to of- winds up preseason play there is more to being a to be very successful in his Undecided where to attend, teams became better and ficiate the playoff games last better. In my sophomore Now the student is more Sunday against Milwaukee at week, only to have the um- success than just possessing particular field. Petrasko finally selected free to do as he wishes, and the Bowling Green State extraordinary talents It takes Wolfgang got started in Bowling Green. year, the team was 5-4 and last pires strike the first game in year our record was 7-3." administration is listening to University. Pittsburgh and Minneapolis, sporrs teamwork, and individual soccer in his home town of "I was sort of unsure of the students' ideas moreso Trenton, New Jersey where he Bowling Green at first," "I have to give Mickey now than before," continued played on the high school Wolfgang said. I did not even Cochrane a lot of credit Petrasko. soccer team. Playing on the know of it until Mickey though. He coaches this team "As for campus radicals, Ex-player returns as basketball coach team for four years, he had his Cochrane isoccer coach) well and has done a they are wrong in what they first big taste of success when came and told me of the tremendous Job recruiting do," he explained. "When I his school's soccer team won college and of the soccer players from all over the came here I wanted to get an By Dennis Leone three-tune letterman. McDonald, who resigned last Bowling Green will differ a the state soccer cham- June to take a similar position team." country to come here and play education," said Petrasko. "I Sports Writer But now Haley is back at little from what he did at pionship. at Toledo University. Petrasko has been playing soccer. decided to make a com- his alma mater with am- Dayton. He will be an in- "It was really great to win bitions of helping the Falcons After graduating from BG on the soccer team since his "This year the team is mittment to the university and Pat Haley U back! structor in Health and thai The last time that name lo win another MAC title, and in 1963, the Kettering native Physical Education here at freshman vear and admits he probably the best ever. All the to myself that I would do Just that and I feel that the student was well-known around the to make another NCAA trip. became the freshman BG, where also his recruiting players are skillful and Bowling Green campus was However, this time it happens basketball coach at demands will not be so primarily are unselfish with today should do the same. back in 1963. At that time to be from a coaching stand- Miamisburg High School, but strenuous. one another. There is Everyone should make a Haley played side-hy-side with point, and Pat Haley can now moved up to the head coach "My first year at UD, my closeness and unity here on committment to his school and All-Americans Butch Komives only participate from the side position only two years later. sole job was recruiting and this team which makes it so to his society so that he will do and Nate Thurmond as the lines, rather than on the floor Then in 1967, his team com- that was all" commented good." well." Falcons won the Mid- like he could years ago. piled a 17-4 season record, and Haley. "We recruited on a Petrasko's interests do not After college, Petrasko American Conference An assistant coach and top national basis, and therefore end with soccer. He is quite plans on attending graduate basketball title thai year, and recruiter at the University of 'I spent all my time with high interested in the happenings of school and studying ar- eventually went on to the Dayton for the past two years, school athletes." today's world. chaelogy if his draft status NCAA tournamenl. Haley has recently been ap- "It wasn't until my second In referring to Bowling allows. He is number 55 in the "Mj biggest thrill while at pointed as the vursity year at Dayton that I actually Green University and to draft and states, "the draft is Bil was playing in the NCAA assistant to head coach Bob started coaching there" he campus radicals across the my main concern at the tournament my junior and Conibcar. He has replaced added. "But boiled down, nation, Wofgang stated, present moment. Afterwards, senior years" recalled the former Falcon coach, Jim recruiting is a lot of work, and "Bowling Green has made I would like to be an ar- a lot of luck." tremendous gains and ad- chaeologist." Haley picks Ohio University and possibly Toledo as the teams to watch Committee seeks athletic head out for this season coming up, Pat Haley but also states that anybody could break through unex- (continued from page l) athletics at Bowling Green. This section of the report pectedly. vocation center which would Haley received the honor of "The big question for us," stated that students and being named the South- provide seating for 12,000 alumni "want expansion of Haley states, "is who on the parsons at various University western Ohio Coach of the team will step to the front and sports by continued com- Year. take the leadership, now that Auctions and serve as a petition, in basketball, He joined the Dayton basketball arena,; expansion baseball, wrestling, hockey, Penix and McElmore are and improvement of existing Flyers coaching staff in 1968 gone' One might wonder lacrosse, and soccer, with highways serving the athletic and last year finished just exactly how coach Haley teams with national ; complex, particularly the assembling a highly touted feels about the Falcons reputations, and the addition freshman squad there which playing Dayton this year? football stadium, thereby of a university with such he says, "could frequently When asked that question easing traffic flow and recognition to the football eliminating congestion, and beat the varsity." he simply replied, "I sure schedule." Haley's responsibilities at hope we beat 'em." (fee need for improved and On the Athletic Screening 3L expanded tennis 'acilities. Committee were Robert P. Cm**4W*isJk. Also listed in the report Beynon, associate professor of Earl were the results of a student education; Carl Hallberg, Applications for Wearer gets *—kedtata* whirlpool batk ta the Orioles opinion poll conducted by a professor of biology; S.M. dressing roam Monday after the Birds made a clean graduate student during the OUAJ Cooper, chairman of the sweep of the American League championship playoffs. spring quarter of 1970, in department of health and The Birds will face the "Big Red Machine" in the first which the students were asked physical education; Agnes M. Student Body Boards game of the "World Series" Saturday in Cincinnati. their sttitudes towards Hooley. professor of health and physical education; filth UJ*OLO*U&A*£' yood*J. * Donald E. Nehlen, head We Do More Thai Have Parties football coach; Sid A. Sink, University Committees senior (Ed); EWon E. Snyder, associate professor of ALPHA PHI OMEGA sociology; Thomas G. Stubbs, head swimming coach; Rich Are Now Available In... NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY Walker, senior (Ed.); Raymond Whittaker, dean of Room 405 students; E.P. Wolfram, Wo ilfit • Thirs. 8:00 lobl Hell alumnus, and K.H. McFall, . Student Services Building vice president for ad- (Interviews begin Oct. 7 IUSH SMOKER - Sn. 1:00 Cereetiee ROOM ministration and committee chairman.