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5-17-1940 Spectator 1940-05-17 Editors of The pS ectator

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Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1940-05-17" (1940). The Spectator. 142.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SEATTLESPECTATORCOLLEGE VOL. VII.— No. 27 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, MAY 17, 1940 Z— Boo «4Jggte.M Commencement Gavel Club Indicts Transportation Plans Kelly Victory Plans Announced DeFelice For Fraud Made For Jr. Prom Climaxes

Miller, McHugh Speak; Exceeding the brilliance of the Realizingthatif theJunior Prom sensational Monkey Trial of Ken- is■to achieve the greatest possible Heated Battle tucky, nationally Political Bishop Awards Diplomas the famous Gavel success it will be necessary to ade- Club Mock Trial willcome to court quately provide for transportation, Friday evening, May 31, is the on Wed. May 22, at 8 o'clock at chairman Bill Kelly has placed Al date set for the annual commence- the College. Judge Maurice O'Brien Placnta and Abner DeFelice in presiding. charge transportation, Austin,Weil, ment exercises of Seattle College, Because of the universal of and these Berridge, Eberharter On that eveningsome sixty seniors interest in the case the doors to two students announce that a plan will receive their diplomas and the trial have been thrown open has been drawn up by which all henceforth willbenumberedamong to the public at large. In other students will be provided a ride words, Body the alumni of Seattle College. the school is invited to come to the dance. Occupy Other Student Offices Presiding at the exercises will and enjoy the action, the bailiff Transportation Arrangements be His Excellency Gerald Shaugh- has been directed to find seats for In order to facilitatematters for nessy,S. M.,Bishop of Seattle,who all. the committee, all those desiring Contestants Close lawyers plaintiff will present the diplomas to the'i The for the transportation are requestedto graduates. Mr. John E. Carmody,I and for the defendant have pre- give their names to either Al or Heavy Seattle attorney will be the guest pared their briefs and have prom- Abner, who will accept all requests As Balloting speaker, and the student speakers ised that justice, true justice, will at the table at the end of the will be Mr. William Miller and be reached. The dastardly culprit, hall, everyday next week from 10 Ends Campaigning Miss Ellen McHugh. although he is innocent until prov- to 11 or during the noon hour. Spring the en guilty, which he will be, is Ab- Each couple will be charged 50c. flowers will decorate In what was probably auditorium and incidental music ner De Felice, who has committed It is hoped that all students own- the most by the reprehensiblecrime of defraud- ing cars willco-operate in this re- thrillingpresidential electionin the will be furnished members of history of College, Department under the ing the GavelClub of one dollar. spect. Anyone who provides trans- Seattle Bill the Music TCelly was elected president. direction of Mr. Walter Acklin. To defend himself from the toils portation willbe fully compensated, Bill Berridge man of the Sopho- The co-chairman of Commence- of law and order, Defendant De and so it is hoped that all such .head Felice has employed Miss Janet persons will immediately give their more Class during the past year, ment Peggy Ann McGowan and Vice-president. Pettinger Wilson as his attorney, with Joe names to two members of the was elected . Like- Bill announced this week the. able Weil, to the McMurray acting in an advisory committee. Rosemary whose en- that admission exercises will f gaging smile and friendlinesshave be card only: Therefore all seniors capacity as the man behind the scenes. The Gavel Club has ap- (Continued on Page 4.) made her well-known at the Col- who want their parents or friends lege secretary. to in procure pointed Miss Ruth Brock, nation- Scene Of Huge Political Rally was chosen Phil be attendance must Austin was elected treasurer, cards for them. ally known politician and lawyer,I On Campus Tuesday; Presidential and cards, and Albert Plachta, as co-prose- the duties of sergeant-at-armswere Admission graduation an- Play Contest Date delegated to Joseph nouncements, personal cards cutors to bring the defendant his Candidates May Be Seen On Balcony Eberharter. and After more than are now ready for delivery on a rightful punishment. one week of strictly cash basis."There definite- The Mock Trial is an annual in- SetForMay23 continual campaigning by the can- stitution at Seattle College and didates and their supporters, in ly will be no execeptions" stated which the bulletin Mr. Pettinger. There will be no is one of the most enjoyable activ- Incoming Officers' board had be- By come decorated with posters, and charge, of course, for admission ities to take place during the year. Bob Irvine Campaign announcements President O'Brien joined with Mr. the students' ear drums had been cards. All should Today verbally riddled by be mailedtwo weeks prior grad- Murphy, S. J., moderator, in in- The date of the eagerly awaited, Installation advice as to to who, and who not to for, the urges viting all students who want to class play contest has been an- vote the uation so co-chairman Includes Band, student body elections finally came have a good time to come and nounced as May 23 by RobertIrv- all seniors to get there announce- At ASSC Meeting to an end Wednesday ments as soon as possible. watch the villian get his just des- ine, director -oi the contest. on afternoon. serts. Scene of competition for the Advisory Board Winners Speeches, A special student body assembly Elections advisory coveted $10prize Stunts toithe board willbe the Provi- will be held noon today in Auditorium, at the showed the following results: Se- dence where the cur- \ Casey hall by Addison Smith, for representatives; will at 8 p. upon On Tuesday noon, amid the nior Jack Robin- Department tain rise m. the j the purpose of installing the son, Hal Young, Defelice; Music dramatic presentations. blowing of trumpets, the blaring Abner newly-elected student body offi- Juniorrepresentatives:BettyKum- Interest among the students is of horns, and the beating of cers. Arums, the Seattle College elec- hera, Mary Doherty, and William Presents Concerts great as they look forward to an After calling the meeting to Sophomore torial campaign assumed a signif- Pettinger; representa- wt-rtaining evening, with no ad- ordpr, Smith, OMMENT icance 'such has Ad the retiring tives Mary Williams, Tony Buhr mission charged. as it never dem- president, will formally install CANDID The first of the series of spring in the past. Elections and Dick Walsh. By Larry McDonnell, director of the onstrated Bill Kelly, new president, who in concerts was presented by the Se- Junior play: "Suitable for Char- at this institution have always attle College turn will install the other new BETTIEKUMHERA Music Department on ity," Virginia been noted for the vivacity, and officers. Friday, 10, announces the case: May at ODea High Gemmill, Agnes Gallaher, Eileen for the keen interest shown in Following this there will school. The program included 6 them, but certainly student at be a Mcßride, Joe McMurray, Bill Mo- no style show presented by students AnnualScholar- Who says that Seattle College numbers by the men's quartet, 2 ran, DeFelice, the College can recall such a spec- suartet, Abner and Frank through local advertisers. hasn't got school spirit? Who said selections by the mixed Ryan. tacle as was witnessed on Tuesday The retiring officers for the Collegians a vocal solo by Miss Barbara Fort- and Wednesday. that Seattle are indif- The Freshman play, "Babbitt's school year 1939-1940, are: Ad- shipExams ferent? Who claims that we are hoffer and piano solos by Miss Boy," codirected by Joan Sullivan|. High School Band Serenades dison Smith, president; Ellen Mc- uninterested in current affairs of Gertrude Gardiner and Miss Mary- At o'clock on the first Hugh, vice-president; Mary Buch- alice Geyer. and Betty McCarthy, is progress- twelve S. C? The enthusiasm of last ing rapidly, the cast being com- of these two days, twenty mem- anan, secretary; and Bill Kelly, Completed Tuesday proved a lot of things! The men's quartet consists of bers of the Broadway High school Warren West, John Dillon, Dixon posed of Mary Murphy, Lorraine treasurer. We were sitting in the quiet of band, gaily emanating The officials for 1940-1941 Erwin and Wayne Carter; the DeDonato, Mary Lucid, Alberta with music new The the Spec, office before the noon from their instruments, marched are: Bill Kelly, president; Bill two scholarships which are mixed quartet, Barbara Forthof- Grieve, Bill O'Brien and Trevor given year bell, trying vainly to find an in- through the main hall of the Berridge, vice- president; Rose- each to school students spiration to finish my 500 words. fer, Jean Ethier, Warren West Lewis. have been awarded, according to The director of the Senior play, school building and over to the mary Weil, secretary; Phil Austin, There was absolutely nothing do- and Dixon Erwin. K.C. Hall. There parade was treasurer, advisory Father McGoldrick, to Eileen Cam- The schedule for the remaining Mary Buchanan, and co-directors, a and board. eron, Mary's ing. Inspiration was nil. We were formed by group of the stud- of St. Academy, Win- concerts of season is as fol- Berridge, and Joe Deignan of a lock, Wash., disgusted andweregiving up, when the Bill College. ' and Katherine Heg, of Sophomore play report that ents who returned to the suddenly the blare of a trombone lows: the meantime student Everett High School, Everett, Academy, being practiced and will be main In the a large Tea blasted the quiet. tapping of Holy Angels Wednes- gathering had assembled the Girls Club Wash. Irene Weibler, of St. Jo- The 15, 1:00 p m.; Good the contest. on drums starteda steady rythm, the day, May . contenders in lawn in front of the building, seph's Academy, Yakima, rated Convent, Thurs., May and clatter of feet pounded down, the Shepherd's on their incessant requests, the third place in the competition, 16, 2:30 p. m.; Holy Names Acad- Honors Seniors while Annabelle Kough, Holy Ros- hall. The dash was on. m.; two presidential candidates were At last there was some real cam- emy, Friday, May 17, 12:45 p. Nora Brown and Eileen Mcßride ary High School, Seattle,andHow- Ridge Convent, Monday, Dancers Acclaim obliged to address them from the paigning Forest second floor balcony, the speeches were appointedco-chairmen of the ard.Scholl, West Seattle High ! p. m.; Seattle Prep, McMurray had a band! The par- May 20, 12:45 being attentively listened to by all. Girl's Club Tea, to be given School, filled fourth and fifth Wednesday, May 22, 12:45 p. m.: Wednesday, May 22 in the Nurses' places, respectively. ade ended with the candidates School, Friday, Cotton Hall Loud Speaker Used speaking from the first balcony Holy Rosary High Auditorium. The tea will be from Some forty schools, public and May 1:00 m. The greatest surprise, however, private alike, and swarms of Collegians on the 24, p. 2 until 5 o'clock. Invitations will took part in these BigSuccess occurred on Wednesday morning, be sent to the Senior girls of va- examinationsof May 10. The tui- grounds below. when eight o'clock class students They loved it. They ate it up! rious Catholic high schools in Se- tion scholarships are available to Sponsor were very much amazed to hear attle, Moxee, Spokane, Yakima incoming freshmen year at Which proves, above everything Sophomores Ball, per- each The A. S. S. C. Cotton new the sounds of sweet music and Everett. this time. High schools through- else, that S. C.ers have what it invitational College. Party and novel women's meating throughout the Those on the committees are: out Washington and Oregon were takes. Last Skating saw its on the Upon closer observation It was — dance fulfillment Invitations ■ Margaret Cutrone represented,some schools entering Now the battleis over.The ban- evening of May 11* as women and noticed that a loud speaker had propaganda — and Frances McGuire; refresh- as many as thirteen contestants. ners of have been torn Of Spring Season men students alike participated in been installed a very convenient — Subjects down. Congratulations to the vic- ments Ruth Sifferman, Mary D. for examination were one of the most successful of this device which entertained the stud- Sanderson, Rosemary Smith Flor- English, United States History, tors. It was a real fight. Never Tuesday evening the eds year's informal nets throughout the day, even af- many Next affairs. ida Perri, and Rosemary Weil; and Civics. A maximum of 100 before have there been so of Seattle College will bright candy stripes, fording them a little dancing at — points was given subject equally good candidates on the and coeds Coeds in decorations Donna Green, Iris for each bal- temporarilyforget thecalls of term full-skirted checks, plaids, polka noon time! Logan, Jean Paquin, and the top five totaled from lot. we're all worn out! Peggy Me- 271 Gee ... and final exams to attend dots, gay flowered prints and be- Roping Exhibition Gowan; floating— points down to 264 points. great papers Nora Keavey, You new officers have a informalaffair of the year, coming little-girl pinafores event, a Sullivan, "A great deal of enthusiasm was great thelast car- And to complete the Joan Betty McKanna, year ahead of you. With this namely skating party by DeDonato, shown by the schools taking part year, is bound to go work, worry, the roller ried out the cotton theme of the roping exhibition was given Lorraine Lorrayne Ei- Sophomore Class issponsoring. and B. C, whose sen, Mary Murphy, Lucid this year, and all students contest- and grey hairs but it will be worth the dance.' Multicolors of balloons Bob Hill of Clinton, Mary Kay Leonard and recessory by all. A pic- and Bettie Kumhera; — ed creditably," concluded Dean Mc- all. Installation today at noon Co-chairmen streamers added the feats wereenjoyed pouring it Stapleton this week background, large gathering of the Tot Forhan, Ellen Goldrick. regime Bill announced whileprograms in cot- ture of a McHugh, and will climax an old and be Playland Roller Skating prints by was taken, a picture Jane Marx. It is rather interesting to note the birthof a new. Partingis such that the ton were carried the students Rink at 115th and Aurora had been dancers. which will appear in all the Se- There will be a meeting of the that for the past three years, stu- sweet sorrow. a nat- committees, dents from St. Mary's Academy ♥ * * procured for the evening. Skating Greenlake Fieldhouse, scene of attle dailies, and also In Tuesday, May 21, have been awarded scholarships. will be from 7:30 to 11 and ad- the affair proved highly satisfac- ionally known magazine. Room 6 at 12:10 o'clock. It is im- Plans for the Prom are com- portant that In 1938, Irene Movotany, and in Virginia mission is 10 cents at school and tory to the students and the music all attend. plete. Gemmill and Bill Playland. may 1939, Mary Irskine won the Kelly promise something gi- 27 cents at Tickets was well received. Miss Florida that Mary Ellen Bey- awards. gantic, something extra-exciting be obtained from Perri and Miss Julie Carmody, co- Mendel Elects Teams Debate; er, Barbara Sexton, Frances Mc- chairmen of the dance deserve a will explode as a result of con- any Cup Enough Guire, Marielene McGinnis or great deal of thanks and praise In Balance centrated concentration. to Sophomore competing Knights Pick Bader say that it is at the Englewood other member of the for making possible such a fine New Teams in the debate class. dance. The entire committeelike- Officers for the President's Cup were Dick Golf and Country club; the ideal special place to Very feature of the eve- wiseaided in assuring the success Bammert, John Dillon and Joe Mc- As Next Duke make we is prize which is Club elects their question heard. It's only two weeks ning the door of this activity. The Mendel The for debate was: have ticket to the Junior Prom. Co- officers Friday afternoon, "That away you know. a 1941 Resolved: medicine should * * " chairmen Bill Stapleton stated May 10 1940. President-elect is be socialized under the subsidy of Vice-president, Ray Speaking of the thirty-first of that every fellow in Seattle Col- ATTENTION STUDENTS! Bill Berard, Federal Government." At 5 o'clock this afternoon the lege should avail himself of the Mongrain; Secretary, Jane Beeson; winning formal Knights May, we suddenly realize that a The teams will have initiation of the opportunity of winning thiß worth- and Publicity, Bill Kelly. names engraved on the plaque in willtake place with the installation lot of things are going on for the prize having plays on while as well as an SpecialStudent BodyMeet- Thenewoffice of Publicity chair- the library. Winning speaker will of theirdulyelectedofficers: Bader last time. The class year. next Thursday evening will enioyable evening. men was created this After be given the President's Cup at the has been chosen The Duke; Tom The chairmen would appreciate ing Today To Install the election the newly elected of- Commencement exercises by Fr. Anderson, Sir Baron; Bill Staple- climax S. C.'s dramatics. Next anyone eagerness to Corkery, years officers will be elected at |seeing whohas room in his New Officers ficers stated their S. J. Judges will be ton.Scribe; Ray Mongrain, Chan- or her car for stud«nts who have conduct their duties as the 1940 selected from prominent lawyers in cellor of the Exchequer; and E. Continued on Page 4.) no means of transportation. I officers. the city. McKillop, historian. 2 TH L SPECTATOR Friday,May 17, 1940 THE SPECTATOR ■ Official publication of the Associated Students of Seattle College. Founded December, 1932. Published Friday during the scholastic GUFF year. Business Address: Broadway and East Marion Street, Seattle, By Washington. Subscription Rate: 60 cents per Quarter. Advertising Rates on applications. EDITORIAL STAFF PETT Gregor MacGregor '42 _ Editor-in-Chief Margaret Scheubert '41 Associate Editor Hal Young '41 News Editor Contrary topopular rumors, there is going to be a Gradua- Doris Chapman '42 Feature Editor tion at Seattle College this year. For several months it did Hugo Staake '42 Sports Editor - — - look as if the rumorists were correct in their pessimistic Joseph Eberharter '43 ....- .- Heads Editor Jane Beeson ..... Assistant Heads Editor presumptions. But now, with puerile glee quivering through Bammert, Mary Ellen Beyer, Sheila NEWS STAFF: Dick our every vein, we happily announce that those in charge Davis, Abn c r DeFelice, Marielene McGinnis, Francis McGuire, — Ted Mitchell, Peggy Rebhahn, Joan Sullivan, Rosemary Weil, Mary have found severalpersons thatneed graduation inagreat- Williams, Adele Campbell, Mary Masenga, Mary Doherty, Margie er or less degree. Scharm, Mary Cramer, Tom McGuire, Betty Germer, B. J. Dunham, Ted Blanchette. First there is Thadeus Pedigrew Mac . Thadeus P. FEATURES: Tom Donohoe, Bill Kelly, Lawrence McDonnell, Maurice finished four years of College in'96 after spending thebetter O'Brien, William Pettinger, Betty Salget, Betty Kumhera, Jack part years Terhar. of seven and eleven months about the premises. SPORTS: Ed Waite, Bill Berridge, Bob Dempsey, Tom Brennan, Bob He was a chemistry major; consequently he spent twenty Borrows. years following '96 writinga thesis, "Various Ways of Using TYPISTS: Lucy Savage, Marialice Geyer, Ida Ganzini. However, sadly BUSINESS STAFF H2O on Warm Afternoons." enough, his Dick Walsh _ Business work was not accepted and poor Thadeus P. went to war JimGarvin. Advertising Manager stillungraduated. Since 1920 hehasbeen workingon "Chem- Anne McKinnon - Exchange Editor "* icals in the War" or "What ISaw In Paris." And at last it MfMIINTID POM NATIONAL AOVUTtIIM NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. looks as if Thadeus PedigrewMac is going to be grad- C,IU,.PmUiMlun KtrmnlmtiPt — 4SO Madison AVI. New York. N.V. uated in a greater or less degree. - " " cams* SMToa u« *■"»■■ "«■ ruaciK* The graduates of this year's class number four. However, VOL. VII "FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1940 No. 27 25 per cent of the class will not be present for Commence- Last Wednesday the students of Seattle Col- ment Exercises; he doesn't feel well. lege (some of them) cast their votes for their The other two are leftovers from1909. It seems that they student body officers of next year. The selection have been too busy since they finished school to get around was, on the whole entirely satisfactory. Natural- to any Graduation Exercises. Clark Kent, alias Superman, ly, the defeated candidates don't look on the has been using them as assistants in cleaning up the rackets elections as too satisfactory, but that is within The Bunion Brigade in the Middle West. But now that Dewey is touring the their rights. The only complaint that The Spec- country there is an angelic lapse in their business.— Finally they are returning to S. C. to be graduated in a greater tator might have is the small number of votes for a week-end! packs that will look like back- Mountaineers or less degree. cast. It is true that the number is much greater That's the fate that awaits about breakers. 20 S. C. coeds starting today. At before, climaxing their With the greatest of care we hold back a tear as we stand than ever but Seattle College is much about 1:30 o'clock this afternoon The hikers are year over- — indeed, the if any of you happen to be around, successful with this here in deep silence and shallow thought yes greater, too. night hike to Goldmire Hot come out front and watch this Class of nineteen hundred and forty will live forever! Notwithstandingthe small vote, the candidates slap-happy group depart. Springs, a beautiful spot tucked away deep in the Cascades. " job. men women You'll not only see a happy "'■'"" will do a good Out of all the and group, but you'll see the greatest Tonight they will sleep right out running for office there was a plethora of talent. conglomeration of hiking clothes under the stars on the top of Red "Ain't Nature Wonderful" has always been our battle-cry that anyone has everlaid eyes on. Mountain. Doesn't sound very ex- whenever melancholia threatened to overtake us. Last week, College wouldn't have lost no matter who citing you, one The You'llalso see some of the neatest to some of but no amazed, surprised, overjoyed to packs possible, but on the other that's leaving today would trade though, we were and see won. It is well believed that the officers-elect — cry. however, hand there will be some five-pound places with you believe it or not. Building Enginer Pro Magdael take up the Pro has won, because in winning they showed spent the last three weeks, unhailed,unhonored andunsung, that the College students are behind them in the acting as a fond guardian to a mother Robin and her now majority. Seattle College has, we hope, just THE STUDENT hatched brood of seveneggs. Like the father thatis missing, about stopped growing. It is now the time to TO THE Pro has protected the little nest-home of these birds, snugly gains. you hid under the rear fire-escape. consolidate our The officers have OBSERVER - take off on their first solo flights, workmanlike manner. Now as these little birds chosen will do their tasks in By MAURICE O'BRIEN POINT Pro stands quietly and watches with parental satisfaction. It is now up to you to prove the faith you have Too, he has converted the entire Spectator staff into en- put in the candidates by pledging,here and now, We Must Wait By Tom Donohoe thusiastic "Ain't Nature Wonderful" supporters. you! to support every activity they sponsor. It is a To Find Out Last Saturday His Excellency, Thank you, Pro, thank Opponents' Positions the Bishop of Seattle, paved the well-known military fact that no batlte can be road for several boys of his flock Almighty especially won without energetic men in the front lines as Many 01 us wonder as we read that God has the daily papers just what the out- chosen to do His work on earth. Reviews & Previews well as brilliant men directing the forces. General come of the present conflict will How proud must many mothers Pershing would have been hailed as the greatest be over in Europe. We see Hitler have been when their sons pre- By Margaret Scheubert making one coup after another sented them with the glad tidings world if his men they were to the first military fool in the history of the and there seems to be no end of. that take Bookshop located step towardpersonalsanctification. Books supplied through the courtesy of the Guild not carried out his brilliant strategy cor- it. Nearly everyone seems to be Washington Athletic Club. had of the opinion that Hitler is doing What a glorious Mother's Day on Sixth Avenue just opposite the Ways," by Greene, is a recently published rectly. all in his power to entrench his gift! The taste of sweets lingers iThe Labyrinthine Graham prematurely gray hair, it is that the Spectator, now that the fight forces in all the German speaking but a —short while on the delicate book which, while it is giving a few Catholics Thus countries as well as some of the palate the fragrance of carna- is causing othersto stand up and cheer. Personally, lam on the stand is past, can be glad for the victors and sorry for other smaller neutral countries be- tions soon passes to be replaced up and cheer list. , vanquished. Knowing the losers as we do, we fore the end of the summer. The by the— ordinary odors of daily Briefly, this is the story of a Mexican priest under the persecution. the idea that once settled there before routine but truly does the frag- only remaining priest in a large, scattered parish he is hunted priestly The certain that they will be the first to volunteer the bad weather sets in, the Allies rance of the vows of the relentlessly by the government police. Not having lived up to the are — never to be substitut- will be unable to rout the Ger- life remain priesthood he is hounded also by his conscience. With help next year. And you, you who have not ed by the harange of worldly ties. ideal of the to man peopleuntil the following year double-edged sword hanging above his head he goes about his by Tomorrow Holy Orders will be this had occasion to run for any office; you who have and that time the Germans will believing loss his soul does not matter if he can have been able to their de- administered to several young duties that the of rebuild of others. Knowing he is not brave,he thinks himself appointed to the few chairmanships; pleted to a greater men. Some majors, others minors. be the salvation not been forces even people, Church, and his God strength than before. They also recall vividly their ele- a coward, but his devotion to his his College is merely a place of the word he you who feel that the Both sides up to the present mentary setp from grade school to will make you think otherwise. In the truest sense to come and listen to lectures, and is not also a time have claimed huge victories seminary. They sought the ad- is a hero. the technique of Catholic leader- and they also claimthat they have vice of their parish priest who The suspense created in this story is sustained beautifully through- place to learn the best equippedarmies. We have urged prayer and sacrifice with -a out. And there are emotional high spots which are literally packed must now determine to get behind the heard so many reports on the su- king's ransom as its reward. How with dynamite. It is told simply but powerfully, and you won't want ship: you must to watch the highposi- periority of both sides that it ,is wonderful it be to miss it. officers next year and keep S. impossible to decide just how much the spiritual growth of the youthful tion that it has now reached. of it is true. Of course most think- aspirant. High school, philosophy, ingpeople discredita greatamount theology and then ordination. A of it, but even so, we aren't as- long and hard grind made easy To The Editor sured that we have the right in- only by the first advice of the Looking Sideways Letters formation then. parish priest, and the never for- Editor: blame KOL in the least for taking only way getful mother who lingers long Dear air; Iwas The we will be able never written a letter to-< our program off the to find out what really is taking with Dominic's beads tightly Ihave left it on this long. Election Notes: Tuesday's campaign was my idea of good publicity any before— probably be- surprised they place is all over grasped in filial devotion. paper is to wait until it Onions to the smart guy or gal who tacked up cause Icould never collect the The student body of S. C is, to and then find out the positions of Happy indeed is the mother who for the school ... candidates' signs beh ndthe front hall radiator. It wasn't necessaiy indignation and ambi- my mind, completely at fault for the respective forces. But we will can receive such a Mother's Day some of the That phen- this loss of a wonderful publicity gift; "Many funny Ed (Doc) Schweitz tion at the same time. continue to read the daily papers for are called but few ... lengthy taken place recently, outlet Your students wanted and Phyllis Van Driel were revi other item in a collection omenon has .. . practically the only means of judg- are chosen.'" * * * — Miller hasn't been however, and so I'd like to express the program, but when it came speculate ing old times last Friday or ? ... Bill ing we have and we will . . flying around so much since he my sentiments on a subject that down to the hard work that a outcome Last week Ipublished a letter Pro Magdael should be able o entailed, Irvine, on the until that time sprainedhis ankle It must be is near to my heart. good show Bob actually arrives. from Bob to Elmer. Now let's take throw some pretty good gossi i ... Last Friday Iwas sitting near Joe McMurray, Al Plachta, Ruth a gander at Elmer's reply. items together Announcemen that fatal smile of AlbertaGrieves At the present time it would ... that got her past Bud Bader (min- my radio, waiting for the College Brock and Larry McDonnell, with Dear Bob, that the Drama Guild picnic seem that the sea power of Great at over KOL. When the a few others, did it all. The situa- I got your note Sarah Hoffman's home on Lacc us a ticket) the Cotton Ball program Britain will be broken to a great from Jean. Monica Smeall carrying for the S. C. show, the tion was so bad that even I, who suppose Washington brings back a lot o ... Tom is still time came extent and also that Germany will I its all over creation that beauty announcer told of another pro- am not a student, was asked to you me that way any- swell memories of last year the torch for the blonde regain some of her former great- and ain't .. picnic gram. Icalled up the station and help. Naturally, Iwas glad of the more. Well, maybe you better The eve of the Cotton Ball 8a of the Mendel Club even if opportunity to help S. C, and ness. It wouldalso seem that there her heart belongs to someone else was Informed that the Seattle will be fewer small neutral na- go with your old man to play bingo Ruth Brock and Ted Mitchell ea College program was off the air what amazes me is that so few at joint. got worrying about transportation for .. . Rumor has it that Tommy tions in Central Europe. But it O'Toole's I a base- muchly Indefinitely. others had that feeling. career to They got there all Anderson is interested in cry about is certain that before this war is ball think about. After- each other. There Is only one reason why if- too late now to all, Toots, holding third right Jack Robinson specializes attending the Prom on the 31st. — that's gone, and forgotten, Europe will find that I'm down .. . our program wan cancelled: be- the radio show bankrupt. sack and Ican't let any love-sick in nurses. Jack has had four crush- There's probably more than one enough. And probably for good; but Ihope that she is practically A tax girl would be glad to see him cause it wasn't good generations get me down. Anyway, my es in that field since the first one who the reason your semi-lethargic student body burden for future is' dame neglected from where I'm Hitting, says the a month ago If Jean Pacquin there ... Phil Austin enough was will take heed, and put a little now being created by these hos- old man if Ican't make ... "McCarthy's" that It wasn't good team can get the h— out of the seems to snub you when you say to write down ad- didn't care about more time on something utteful tilities. I and that the students this house. He don't care if Ihit "hello," probably because you dress in his little black book had little something to do like the radio program, and a Just how Europe will handle it's completely. Poor Phil It. I a unknown. the boots but boy does he throw lost it — ... your show, and Iwas amazed little less time on putting over one situation is still Will haven't put the French on— How you again next week to say with and a wing-ding if don't a couple See coordination and of your numerous dances. Europe become centralized I you spoil it mow Jean Is goodbye long at the lack of doubles each game. He toldme he do ... for a time so I'll cooperation with which the pro- With condolences, form a union as has been fre- just try to make it good, DORIS. (Continued Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) Donna Green's frat pin an- gram was attacked... Idon't J. WILLIAM BATES on 3 Fridoy, AAoy I/, IJIU THE SPECTATOR Chieftain Chatter S-P-O-R-T-S TID-BITS By Bud Staake By Beasley Tennis BUD STAAKE Beasley " Softball Orchids, etc. Hikers Win Editor SophsWin " How It's Done Comment " St. Martin's Again Hikers Otismen Stopped Chieftains Stop Defeat Took tune out to view the ORCHIDS, ETC. Carnation 19-5 By Sophomores Ranger Netmen Panther-Irish mix last week Over and above everythingelse, the Maroon tennis squad and it was a swell ball game. is heading the parade as this year's most successful sport The sophomoreball club climbed Making it two straight, the Se- excellent, Boasting to be the only "travel- Friday College cleaned the The pitching was at College. Making it straight the Rangers back into first place last attle netmen Seattle two over ing team" in the Intramural with a 6-4 win over the Otis. St. Martin's series up last Friday the fielders on their toes and of St.Martin's helps to remove the sting of that pair of de- League, the Hikers journeyed to Tied now with the Hillbillies afternoon by handing the Rangers a couple of swell plays were and Knights the Sophs of at Montlake feats the Rangers handed us in basketball. The fine thing Camp Carnation last Friday and are sure a 3 to 2 defeat the made in the field. It is not gave came home with two victories a place in the playoff. courts. about the situation is the slim margin of victory that The win was sparkled by four surprising that the class of tucked under their belts. The Again Blugard showed his power the nodto S.C.inbothtennis matches, 4to 3 and3to 2. The double plays by the Sophs. Tom by stopping St. Martin's Al Blair ballplayedby Prepand ODea 'Billies took the first game 18 to Ryan at short, Dave Read at sec- Laceymen have a slight edge in having over-powered us by 6-0, 6-1, to start things off. Paul is,year in and year out, equal 5 in a batting spree, and practical- ond accounted for three of them every twenty points in the second basketball game. As you know, Blugard has won match he larger public ly duplicated the score in the next while Bill Swart picked a man has played so far this season. to that of much they by only points. off first after an outfield catch took the first two encounter, 19 to 5. "Larrupin Lou'" Sauvain added schools. For this we must But even at that the score is evened up a little bit with St. for the fourth. point by taking In the first game the Hikers Sophpitcher, gave up another a close one thank the parochial league reallycoming through. Stapleton, Art 6-4, 4-6, Martin's. Bader andhis buddies are showed great power at the plate, eight hits, but bore down In the from Luse 6-4. which boasts the only ball pinches and was never in trouble. Bader and Ed Donohoe battled all gathering twenty-five hits.The at- over the courts, but Donohoe car- league among the grammar tack was led by Beasley, AlBurke, The line-up: HOW IT'S DONE Sophs AB X ii ried the Martian colors over the schools of the city.Fromthese and Tom Brennan. In the field the line to win 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. and More intramural-softball games are wonby errors than by Stapleton, p 3 1 0 boys principally the Prep Hiker defense was flawless, Nace English, c 3 1 1 Dick Ross dropped the next recruited. Just Monday's game match, 8-6, ODea nine are earned runs. Take that last between the All- McHugh doing a stand-out bit at Ryan, ss 3 1 2 6-3, to tie up the score. 3 0 1 A ding-dob battle between Frank theother dayIsaw a familiar Stars and The Knights. A string of four straight All Star third base. Batteries for this game Berridge, Ist cf "3 0 1 Buty and Bob Wilson handed the coupe in front of the College errors spelled the margin of defeat for the AH Stars. Maybe and Rowe. Deignon, jwas Borrows Swart, rf 2 1 1 margin of victory to Frank Buty, and in it an entire team from the boys are thinking too much of batting averages and After a short intermission, in If 3 1 1 0-6, 6-3, 6-2 and to Seattle Col- Mortineau, Anne's.TomDonohue, the skimming over fielding ability. which the Hikers ate a very hearty McDonnell, cf 3 0 1 lege three matches to two. St. meal aaguests of Camp Carnation, Read, 2 0 0 Blugard-Blair Mulligan of this aggrega- This is not a slam aimed at the All Stars. It typifies our 2b Except for the Bill they again took to the diamond. Mosenga, 3b 2 1 0 match,the Ranger-Chieftainfracas tion, was in search of an um- whole league: In almost every game an error at a critical ensuing innings again showed The was close in every game, the close pire. Knowing well how hard moment has been a major factor in winning or losing the their superiority at the plate. The 27 6 8 score of 3 to 2 describing the Campsmen again put up a spark- AB i: H these kids fought on the game. The team that makes the fewest errors will be the Otis (match perfectly. ling battle but they wereno match Seljas, 2b 3 o 0 Editor's Note: Is this all right diamond and that this includ- championship squad, barring freak hitting, of course. College boys. Beasley kept 3 o 0 for the Hendry, p Donohoe? ed the umpire, too, when he Paul Blugard is the only man on the tennis team who the Campmen under control the J. Hunt, cf 2 l 1 game allowing nine hits. 2 0 1 didn't see eye to eye with the hasn't droppeda match In fact, this hasbeen going on a whole but Borg, 3b ... Bud Staake and Al Burke played Sudmelr, If 3 1 1 kids, Ithankfully declined. time It look like Frank Ryan will be the pitching 3 1 1Hikers By long ... a great defensive game and more Robel, ss Sneak Joe Deignan was a braver sensashe of theIntramural League ...The Slugging Hunts, than once cut down the Campmen Riley, lb 3 1 1 they beginning to get Degrossler, cf 3 0 2 soul. Ihope Big Joe called Jack and Jim, are really living up to their name ... Ed as were 1Knights, dangerous. Dempsey, rf 2 0 8 To 7 plays to the satisfaction Martin's owes me abucket of Pat'sbest on ac- 3 0 0 jthe Donohoeof St. The wholeteamplayedsuch good Ray, c of all concerned. Ranger net squadagain It's going ball that it was hard to pick out In a wild and woolly battle last count of S.C. took the ... 27 4 8 Just notice in the last list to be a three-way battle to see who ends up in first place in any t ne individual who starred in Wednesday afternoon, the slug- the games. ging Hillbillies outhit a fine of leading hitters in the ma- By and by you ball players will be the Softball league ... There may be a return gameas Knights of Wigwam aggregationin jors that neither the yanks Look around close. Campsmen would like to get inning rally, 8 to 7. This asked to pick an All Star team ... the Man of the Week a last nor the Reds have a man in candidate for the PoisonIvy Club is the gink who revenge for the double defeat.They puts the Hikers in a first place Another classy team and if a re- Sopho- first ten. Yet the Reds are a place honor tie with the high-riding the hashes out the whole game after it is played and points out turn obtainedthey willbe To this week's of match is Brandmeir, a man mores. are on the top of the heapand everybody's errors that probably cost the game ... he saw a much tougher team to beat. we elect Jack The Knights took a two run who has only been at S. C. for Yanks on the bottom. The the whole game from the grandstand. Box Score already lead in the first inning but lost two quarters, but who has second. From then on Reds are going to be awful First Game spirit by his it in the in i shown his loyalS. C. was tied and exchanged participation and accomplishment the lead hardto down whentheir slug- [illbillies .19 25 3- four times as both teams played one of the biggest of gers hit their stride, for the !am]4 Carnation - '.. 5 10 5' in activities superman ball. the year, the Aegis business com- is getting mid -season latteries: Borrows and Roe. this The seventh inningsaw the. score team mittee. Taking the helm of Knights lecond Game highly important committee with tied at seven all as the pitching from Walters and ST. MARTIN'S AGAIN R H E roared in with two runs in the confidence and enthusiasm, Jack Derringer.Ihavea hunch that [illbillies .18 21 2 his previous inning to knot the score. 4 worked mightily, and steered The last half of the saw Lombardi is d v c for a big lamp Carnation 5 9 committeenot only to success, but seventh The boys down at Lacey have banded together and or- latteries:Beasley and Roe. Bud Roe do a Frank Meriwell and year. The big, good-natured over the top. right ganizeda baseball club. Entirely on their own,the Rangers (bend ear, drive a hard double into cen- Italian was always a big fa- As for personals, an field scoring Big John Terhar gone ahead and have thus far succeeded in downing gals) way to ter mine, have the Jack's heart is game. voriteof andIthink the stomach, import- to end the Pacific Lutheran College five times, not to mention various Knights Overtake; through his via Big guns in the hitting side of sport writers gavehim all the ed 'spirits' and swiss on pumper- Olympia clubs. Their pitching staff is headed by Johnny the game were Larrupin Lou Sau- worst of the deal on the fa- nichkel. [vain. "The Sow" blasted out a Katica, andleading the hitters is a young man named Pres- majoring in MechanicalEn- "sleeper play" Defeat All Stars He's homer and a double in four times mous in the sentin. All in all they have a pretty good club. gineering, and is taking nineteen up. world series. Naturally theMartians issuedachallengeto Seattle College Pitchers ran for cover last Mon- hours besides his other successful day afternoon the Knights fi- activities. He likes gals who are up a ball team and play them within the next week. as personal- to make nally overcame the All Stars, 19 fair looking, who have Having talked it over with various students, we are going to to 15 in an extra inning battle. ity plus, andwho are good dancers. Congratulations,Jack, stab at picking up that challenge. There was a grand total of 36 for attain- have a ing Man of the Week honors. This is a call for all baseball players, ability to be decided, hits and 34 runs tallied as both teams batted at will, with Bill to come out of hiding. There is very little time. Time is Berridge playing with the All money. A quick response will mean a game, probably a Stars, leading the way with six double header. for six. Most thrilling part of the squab- ble was the red hot seventh in- ning, when the All Stars rallied to drive six runs accross the plate to knot the score at 15-alI. The eighth BIDS FOR FAME clapped on a fitting climax as the Going into the final round of the intramural league, the Knights turned on the power, aid- " standouts are really coming forth. As the boys gethot the ed by a costly All Star error, and .holding three teams counted four runs the los- league gets hotter and hotter. At the present ers scoreless. I CAREER I are tied for first place: the Hillbillies,Knights and the Soph- Box Score in Search of Men \ omores. 12345678 I.':'■.'■':"' is BillBerridge, Sophomore All Stars 3 0 0 2 0 4 6 o—ls Statistics show a decrease W: Leading theparade of bigboys - \:■:■:■■■■ ■ ■"■'■■ Knights 3800 10 3 4—19 ; hurler. He is batting at the top and is still the only pitcher among practicing dentists All Stars ab r h Kp in recent years while the his day last McKay jflS^Hh. ; * in the league to score a shutout. He had best 5 12 I number of professional lam /JKffil Wk Kx*rrrr' Jf^ All Star-Knight fracas. Hehit Hendry 5 12 I Monday asasubstitute in the men in other fields has ' BEKSJi^" M \\ Cannon 4 12 increased.This canlarge- mm\ w3^mwsmfJE f \- six for six. Seigas _.. - 5 11 ly be attributed to ad- Right Beasley, head man on the Hillbilly Ryan T - beside Bill is 2 10 vanced standards in Beasley -3 11|i:|| chucking staff." Cleanup hitter par excellence, is the Borrows - dental schools. Hunt M -. 4 3 2 main reason the Hillbillies are up there. -' Marquette Beasley -._ 4 3 4 , The University i catcher inthe Dental School is one of the I Bud Roe,another Hillbilly,is the number one Nault 4 11 18 dental schools of the ability is easily recognized,being Buty 4 10 United States whose diplo- league so far. His batting mas are recognized in all of 44 16 17 the states. lead-off man on his team. Knights ab r h Ryan, pitcher, but this time for the strong The close relationship of the Frank another Stapleton ■ 4 4 3 Dental and Medical Schools very dangerous, primarily as a Ryan at Marquette University is Knights team. Is considered F 6 3 2 an advantage to students. > No slouch as a hitter either. Sauvain 6 4 4 ) *r » hurler. Berridge _ 6 3 6 Entrance requirements: Two Mike Hunt, technically on the All-Star team but actually years in a recognized College Coca-Cola has the Hiltenbrand 5 0 0 of Liberal Arts with satis- r::..^m\ very good center field and a top man in the Masenga 4 factory credits in biology, ' a free-lance. A 2 0 : chemistry, and physics. J— charm ofpurity. Its clean, slugging dept. Powers 4 11 Bader 5 11 For complete information iA exhilarating taste never Herb Sudmeir, catcher or on the Otis squad, concerning opportunities in P^^^^n Walsh 5 11 dentistry, write to the Secre- ifgijr/jjAlMfj^tn loses the freshness of ap- A real hitter with good baseball brains. Sudmeir 3 tary, Marquette University ; 11 Dental School, Milwaukee, ll^g^^^jM^^^^B pealthatfirstdelightedyou. Ed Wooding, from the Marne outfit. One of the superior 48 19 19 fi\ Wisconsin. nL* ll br'n s a sackers in the league. Hits around the .500 mark. rM £ refreshed first LEAGUE vl bWW Hughes, Marne boy. Controls the hot corner STANDINGS feeling 'hat completely Bill another " W L MARQUETTE fj \fiE&oTVfflnli w for the Gas House Gang. Especially swell on deffcnse and a Hikers 3 1 H UNIVERSITY^ %fc^B WjoEr satisfies. consistent hitter. Sophs 3 1 Knights 2 2 p Tom Ryan, Sophomore choice for shortstop. Plays error- A US E THAT REFRESHES usually Otis 1 3 less ball and hits well. Throws right handed; bats Marne 1 3 Bottled under authorityof TheCoci-CoU Co. by left handed. All Stars 1 3 THE COCA COLA BOTTLING CO., Seattle, Wn. 4 THE SPECTATOR Friday, May 17, 1940 Special Rates S. C. GivesFinal Defy Elements; Merrily MothersInstall Radio Program Hikers For Prom Tux's Last week the final radio pro- New Officials OMMENT gram of the year was presented Slosh To PlacidLake Isabell (Continued from Page 1) IoverKOL. It was strictly musical By BOE EBERHARTER The Junior Mothers of the Mo- CANDID(Continued) with vocal selections by the mixed Gather 'round my little dears, take the wool out of your ther's Club are planning a break- to quartet and two solos by Barbara "Plans are being formulated Jean Forthoffer. Maryalice Geyer ears, and the wonders of the hills Iwill explain. You can fast for the Senior graduates on make this year's Junior Prom the the next and last meeting of our Sodality. picnic rendered a piano selection. tell Iam a hiker 'cause Iwear a bathing suit, and Ivery May 26 in St. Joseph's Hall after most elabortedance eversponsored A Drama Guild particularly emphasized Bill Sunday will write It was jthe baccalaureate Mass. Mrs. by Seattle College," states one week from that this announcement be made.|plainly haven't any brain. The Junior a "finis" to S. C. outings and then Packardinto thecracks inthe floor jSneeringer is general chairman for Kelly, co-chairman. The S. C. Radio programs were I 'Twas a typical dewy morning, Ithe breakfast. »rom dance will be held at the In- there are those inevitable exams twenty-five red-blooded Amer- and thus protected from the ele- on very satisfactory to the station land Mrs. Sauvain has asked that lewood Golf and Country Club which will write "the end" to the an youth cheerily gathered ments. and they were discontinued at ican were special attention be given to the May 31. scholastic year. early date because Daylight Sav- 'round "Old Faithful," the trusty After president Terharhad spent of " * " following announcement. The reg- Eileen Mcßride, who is head ing time disrupted the planned Hiyu steed, gazing happily, though forty-five minutes and three as- committee, has an- something more on the pirins assuring ular Mother's Club meeting will be he program A little schedule. apprehensively, out into the fil- the "tenderfeet" 23, instead of the first Thurs- the tickets will go class plays. The productions will sunshine, they that it never rains up in the hills, May ounced that tered as made the day in June. This meeting Is im- sale on May 20. The programs begin at eight o'clock at the Prov- customary preparations for an ex- and even if it did, the water al- n | THE Iportant and all Mothers are urged lave been designed in the form of auditorium. There hasn't TO peditioninto themountainous wilds waysruns down hill, and so it will scrolls and are made of idence meeting dry what, to attend. The incoming officers raduation been a Drama Guild for POINT surrounding Lake Isabel. be no matter the ex- installed at this meeting. naroon-colored suede with a gold a long time and all of you who pedition reached the beginning of will be price of these (Continued from Page 2.) Anne McKinnon almost put a It will be held in the K. C. Hall rest engraved. The made a habit of attendance remem- damper on the whole trip by hold- the trail. programs has been set at at 1:45. ovel berhow much fun they were.Don't played high school ball for seven ing out a timid finger to test the Leaping lightly with a thud from $1.50. forget next Thursday. .... years back in 19 something. And humidity and making the remark, the back of the truck, BJ Dunham, served, with Mesdame Nature Arrangements have been made know, little Indian that is, attending dance he says he led the league in hom- "You" Ithink it's going to she limbered pouring. o that those the not Igot (censored by the up a larynx and let loose with use of the club- ers. But I'm like him. a After eating heartily, the hikers illhave exclusive ambition. Iwant to be a pilot. Chamber of Commerce.) startling facsimile of a yodel, ef- louse and its facilities. poured (and how!) back down the Ma says I"m up in the air most But, disregarding such inane re- fectively awakened the numb (not According to Bill Kelly, tuxedos dumb) hikers from their lethargy [trail, consoling each other over the Sutherland of the time anyway. You didn't marks on the part of the intelli- fact that the coffee upset, putting may be rented at either go and give your ma that fudge gensia present, the usual unusual which the long ride in the over or Brocklinde out the "where there's smoke there ostume Company you made for aMother's Day pres- scramble for "eats with a view" stuffed truck produced. ostumes, Inc. A special price of is fire." to 1 ent? did you? Gosh, Toots, that'll took place, John Dignan, Bud Roe, Under such a stimulus as this, 3.50 has been offered the Col- Well, | Arriving at base camp, the by companies. kill her. Igot to get back Maryalice Geyer, Lucy Savage and the startled mob headed for tall! ge students these History. Gee, emerging triumphant, timber, only hardy hikers oozed into the truck nine-piece to my World its Tom Ward to find that a moun- to Camp Bob Dickinson and his tough way they're kill- to subsequent disgust. tain or two stood way and squished over Car- are sched- stuff. The much their in the of nation, where hot coffee and cake rchestra and vocalist ing everyone bet the over there I After everybody had ceased to such tall timber. Such trivuli didI Nature's ed to provide music for there be any world left to not dismay the stalwart hikers, Iawaited the 'drenched won't' wonder where everybody was, and noblemen. ance. study about Say hello to your noisily leaping lightly fromrivuli to rivuli, [ The overnight hike has created . were settled down in the | thoroughly dry, warm "Bring mom for me, and that red-head luxuriously appointed van, though Jane Beeson was heard to Now and a buzz of excitement. yourj Father toast, past tribula- was talking to fifth everyone stop exclaim. "I think Iwas cut out as trials and heavy shoes and extra sox and a I in the in- Logan ordered to away, ning go to to be a glamour girl and not a. tions laughed the hikers THE STUDENT sleeping bag and blankets and. ." doesn't Garfieldbecause dragging his feet, and the the mother, she's my cousin from Interbay. So muscle maiden" after sloshing|Iheadedfor home and with And what's more they are really expedition shoved off. proud fact secure their bos- there. If you can get your dad's just through the umpty umpth puddle the in OBSERVER going to hike. Father Logan has 'Twas about now that the soms, that "history has been telling people car we might be able to make it in battle for "Leiben which was doing a poor substitute been several that losers the made." (Continued from Page 2) they "Weren't the type" who would to Stub's clam bake next Satur- straum" began to gloat, for Dame for a trail. go for an overnight hike. Taint day night. See you at the ball Nature began to pelt the winners After reaching the goal, "Trail quently suggested in the past? the truth Father, taint the truth! game tonight. with a little of the aforementioned' blazer Prouty" made a fire for the Rememberlunch is served every Would this solve the question? » ♥ * Yours truly, "filtered sunshine," while the 1drenchedHiyus by rubbing twoBoy day in the school lunch room at could Perhaps it wouldif the union (ah yes, the annual) ELMER. losers were content to stuff Bill Scouts together, and tea was Casey Hall. abolition of The annual succeed. Will the will make its grand appearance the removal of boundries and thus next week. We have, as our reliable so many taxes, commerce in Eu- reference, Mr. William John Kelly, rope from one district to another Editor-in-Chief of the 1940 Aegis. couldbe profitablebut as it is now Get your pens filled, consult "Guff there is- little mutual advantage in by Pett's" advice in last week's it. Icontinues at the present time column, practice your signature or did until the commencement of and prepare for a deluge of Aegis. could not maintain their position We're all set, Bill.Shoot it to us. this war because some countries " * " countries but the advantage us- Sophomore skating party next M H|. CHESTERFIELD'S MARION HUTTON without the products of other \' Tuesday! It's the Playland ■ in GlennMiller'sMoonlightSerenade ually only way. With at |l:; |k went one Skating all Columbia Stations Tues., Wed., Thuri, haps get along financially. Rink. You know it's the f'> :*: ;/'?;, ... could last of the year, soooo, see you the formation of a union they per- they get there. Will along is another you next week; very See don't go question. Idoubt that much 'way. because it would seem to me that there is such a difference in their customs and their modes of liv- ing- that they never will get along Mendel Club amicably. Too, there is such a great difference in the tempera- ments of the various peoples in Mixer Profitable Europe that they could not for any length of time sit around a con- Jitterbugs, collegiate dancers, ference table and get anything and. lovers of the smooth style done. They could not pass legisla- mingled and danced to the strains tion that would be mutually ad- of the Modernairs at the Mendel vantageous and yet be generally Club Mixer last Friday at the observed because there is so much K.C. Hall. rivalry because of a difference in Mr. Richard Ross, chairman of racial or national origin that one the mixer announced that the group will not stand by and allow mixer was a financial success, and another group to prosper. Too, wishes to thank his committee there is such a great difference consisting of Fred Richardson, in the culturesof the various parts William Young, Jane Beeson, of Europe that it would seem al- Claire Kashmark, Peggy Keefe, most impossible to overcome the Bea Farrell and all those who difficulties. helped to make this mixer an out- One of the most difficult prob- standing event of the year. to adopt Miss Ruth Brock, of the at- n y"^ jf lems would be a uniform one f£& -^L .gmpV if language. Having a mastery of tendants at the dance said, "I ; * ' H^_^#& ;: r "jf:jiL many languages would not solve never had such a swell time in all iftsl I problem because it would be Imy life." >ssible to keep records in all languages not and it would be government with little or no before the system would fall and education in the more rural dis- "t if more than one officialj some of the countries it tlanguage were used. I'm sure the rticts of a along are ap- is hard to see how democratic difficulties this line form government could be suc- parentIdioms when translatedlose of some of their meaning and, too, cessful there. words carry different connotations in one language than they do an- We Deliver nother. It is toomuch to hopethat MAin 2871 the majority of people could learn be really adept with them. To PETS C H L'S languages anyway and Quality Meats *manyye a union of that sort it wouldrequire a democraticform of We Specialize in Institutions TEN--O--FOUR and Restaurants

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