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3-6-1941 Spectator 1941-03-06 Editors of The pS ectator

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Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1941-03-06" (1941). The Spectator. 162. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/162

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. L 'MJLLLUL LIDIVUW SEATTLE COLLEGE SPECTATOR Z— 8«0 Vol. VIII.— No. 19 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941 PROF. BENSON OF Dean Up In The Air! AegisStaff Asks "The Show Goes On!"--Terhar; U. W. TO ADDRESS Cooperationof All Thespians Do NotBlink Blackout GAMMASIGPLEDGES Editor-in-chief Bill Ptottinger Will heaved a sigh of relief yesterday. Bill PIANO RECITAL FOR For yesterday saw the completion Offer Varied First Pledge Class of the task of getting the mem- Pins, of to "look at the The show must go on! Yea, all Will Receive bers the classes the TUESDAY AFTERNOON birdie" and "smile, darn you, ye olde beste traditions of Eat Ala Swedish smile!" theater insist that under all con- ditions the show must go on. And Next Tuesday, March 10, at 2:80 Organized to create a ripple in But, the cameramen are not to so be it. Tomorrow night, Friday, p. m. in Providence Hospital Nurs- journalistically inclined students, have the peace and— quiet they so March 7, at the Providence audi- es Hotne, Mr. Walter Aklin will Gamma Sigma Alpha, newswriting ardently long for at least, not torium, the Seattle College Thes- present his pupils in a recital. The honorary, willcause its first splash yet. For, now the group pictures pians will present the Blackout program is as follows: by formally initiating four pledges, of clubs will have to be taken. The Blink, a newly inaugurated act- In A Flat, by Moskowsky, pictures will be enjoyable Waltz preceded by a banquet in their schedule for these ivity, a sparkling and Nocturne in B sharp, Chopin, by honor tonight at "Little Bit of posted on the bulletin board. Of Variety Show. This entertainment release from JuanitaBrown. Sonata in C sharp Sweden," 1506 6th avenue. news to all is the has been written and put together Minor, Beethoven, by Jean Bedoin. Furthering that splash will be room 21 that all clubs with lim- by a group of enthusiastic stud- Fantasy Impromptu, Chopin, by membership in- Professor Merritt E. Benson, Uni- ited are to have ents, who have each contributed his Rosemary Bischoff. Losterland, versity of Washington journalism dividual portraits this year. The her own individual act to pro- sharp ap- or Scott; Prelude in G Minor. teacher, who will speak to the schedule for these pictures will vide a delectable evening for all Rachmaninoff, by Mary Spectator. Ellen Pet- group on problems that confront pear in next week's S.C.ers. As the show is being put rich. newspapers. at fun it," is modern Seated the All owners of snapshots of gen- on "just for the of it Valse, chy, by F. table with Benson will be open and all at no cost. Levit M. Prof. eral interest are asked to turn in to one Noonan. Scherzo in B flat Minor, Father Charles Keenan, S.J., mod- pictures to Bill Pettinger. As thename suggests, Variety is Aegis, these 20 big talent Chopin; Waltz Impromptu in A erator of the Spectator and Members of the hiking and skiing the keynote. Over flat, Schubert; Minor, Carmody, S.J., and Gre- presented; songs, Preludein A Fr. Robert clubs are particularly urged to acts will be Bach, by Betty Williams. Fantasy, gor MacGregor, president of the bring gag scenes. The theme, skim through the albumand music and Schuman, Bill Moeller. honorary. in those "treasures of art." "Life at I. O. U." indicates the American youth at Mr. Aklin promises this to be Tonight will pc the first formal The cost of publishing the book true spirit of by Sigma college a very enjoyable afternoon. Stu- initiation held Gamma is considerably over $1500 and on- dents, friends and relatives are Alpha, the charter group being or- entirely writ- ly one-half of this is paid by sub- The play has been cordially invited to attend. ganized only last year. scriptions. The other half must ten and producedby students under Pledges to whom pins will be Jack Terhar, Pat Recordings of several chorus be paid by the advertisements of the direction of by the being Riven include Bettie Kumhera, Ed , Murphy and Guy Trotter. It's numbers Glee Club are our friends. Business made. Those who wish to purchase "Doc" Schweitzer, Larry McDon- Tom Brennan, and advertising guaranteed to be a "whiz" (quote nell, and Bill Berridge. Member- at Blackout one may call at Father Reidy's manager, Dick Walsh, with the everybody), so be the office. ship in the honorary is open to help of the financial adviser, Fr. Blinks. upper classmen who are in the up- Beezer, S. J., and their commit- Coffee and cookies will be per third of their class scholas- working hard procur- at the intermission. journalistic tees are all served tically, have shown ab- ing the necessary Bedspread served on the edi- advertisemtns. Raffle ility, and have Those who have ads or names —of torial staff of the Spectator and potential advertisers are asked Aegis. Bill Pettinger Sodalists Give Building organi- nay, begged, to see To Aid Charter members of the THE REV. JAMES B. McGOLDRICK. S. J. or one of the staff in room 21 any zation include: afternoon. Just leave the name Interesting Gregor MacGregor, Jack Terhar, advertising staff Talks Upholding the fine spirit which and one of the has been displayed throughout the Barbara Jean Dunham, Mary Wil- call and secure the DeFelice, C. A. A. GROUND SCHOOL COURSE will make the College in donating funds for the liams.Hal Young, Abner ad. But names they must have. The last Sodality meeting of Eberharter, Bill Kelly, Marga- February held Thursday eve- new building, the A. W. S. C. have Joe The editors of the Aegis expect was ret Scheubert, and Bill Pettinger. IS STILL OPEN FOR REGISTRANTS ning at the K. C. Hall. In the ab- been selling chances on a hand- to have the first 50 of 120 pages crocheted bedspread, donated by Graduatecharter membersareTom the end sence of Prefect Bill Moran, vice 1' printers before purpose. Donohoe and Maurice O'Brien. Pranksters, maybe? being initiated, among into the Prefect, Betty Kumhera conducted Mr. Polsom for this "What Ho! ses are of week. great of Chairmen of the initiation and the meeting. Following the cus- Because of the success Thus quoted many astonished S. C. which will be the Civic Aeronaut- the sale, Stu- banquet, are Hal Young and Abner students Bevera) ago, upon ics Association, ground school. tomary meditation by Father Per- their last the Women wacks Fponsoc candied DeFelice. finding looking onteau, a short talk was given by dents will another the emaciated form This project, working in con- apple sale some time this week. of an airplane settled gently on junction the national defense Building Pledges Mary Ellen Petrich on the Pope's with March. the front lawn. drive, has been arousing much in- intention for the month of circles, especially latest compilation Roscoe Balch gave an inspiring "Aha! Could be the forebodings terest in civilian Below is the Spirit NAME greater among college students. The course the names of those who have discussion on "The of Lent Gavel Club Enjoys NO of the S.C.!" said the more of Days." Jane Marx learned and deep thinking minority is open to all registered sopho- pledged a contribution to the new in These Modern mores or to who have two building: spoke on the "Missal in the Mass" Liquor Discussion of the collegians. And thus in those again re- COLUMN truth it is. years of college work behind them. and the Sodalists were Ed Carney minded of the special classes be- uncovered; Classes were started last sum- The truth is hand in Pierson Deming ing held every Tuesday noon by Curious was the audience at the hand with the actual space en- mer, and are now held evenings on Tuesday, Late yesterday afternoon the Dick Greive Father Peronteau in one of the Gavel Club debate door of the women's lounge op- largement of S.C., many new cour- three times a week big rooms on the ground floor. March 4, to see how Joseph Swar- George Grebenieoff ened and out staggered two weary Enthusiastically showing his A lively discussion resulted from va would meet Stan Conroy on gentlemen. Slowly they descend- zeal as a leader of youth, Fr. Bettie Kumhera Father Peronteau's query on the the topic, "Should Liquor Be Sold ed the stairs, and stealthily we James B. McGoldrick, S.J., has also Russell Kent methods to be used in per- By the Drink in the State of up flying best Washington." The crowd left the crept after them. Down dark halls Man decided to take in order Keily suading high school seniors to se- Hunt!! Paul astonished, for never has to room 21. Sinking into their to be able to keep up with his lect Seattle College for their fur- debate chairs, they gasped, "It's over." students. This will literally "top" Gregor MacGie^or ther education. there been displayed in a debate Surprised,butstanding our ground, all his previousaccomplishments in Marx such minute description of the sub- Begun Jane Following the adjournment of ject managed to ask, "What's ov- 'JuneMad' is as shown by Swarva. we the scholastic line. The course Paquin the meeting the Sodalists were en- pictures. Done-fin- any Madeline It a er?" "Class still open to student interested. tertained by the popular caricatur- was known that Joe was ished." Before we could say "Is Foster Palmer reliable speaker but how would he busily employed ist, Peter Jepson, who drew cari- thatall?" we were But Where's Amado Quilantanir; various students uphold the affirmative against a catures of the fanning prostrateforms before as well-experienced the Jack Young present. man in debat- us. Who could have thought it FACULTY TEA HELD ing as the negative upholder, Stan wouldbe so hard to get people to Roger? Conroy. Swarva's discussion cov- "smile purty"?!* " " ered a vast field of Economics and showed how a man, to- Do you know Roger Van Vleck ? AT MCGOWAN HOME Yes, A Blackout Law. He same "Blackout? Oh day, must purchase a full bottle Things haven't been the He may be your pal, or then again "Spec" the last a - -" liquor whether he wants one around the office he may only be an acquaintance, The McGowan home afforded of for It, drink not, liquor were few days. No dramatic "you take or you may not even know him. lovely setting the Silver Scroll AsIRememer We or but if ... Sunday could it" and "no, you take it." At first Neither Fuller, di- Faculty Tea held las* from sold f>y the drink a man disconcerted, does Miss the to quench thirst without the temp- we were a trifle but rector of "June Mad." Last week four six p. m. The Rev. Father Interrupted in the blissful conduct of two simultaneous arguments, his then alarm took the place of our — Oorkery, S. J., Father McGold- Oh, Well chief tation of intoxication. His speech we did not know Penny Wood "Blackout?", said Fr. Moderator, "Blackout? Yes. my^ employment first feeling. Suddenly, werealized rick. S. J., Dr. Werby, moderator. to out." Fr. covered the increase now we know her as Rita Rae Mor- Bannon, president recollectionis that most of the time it was too black be tax many license re- ihe bitter truth and wept. For gan. Let's hope that Roger, too, Janet first of , blackout and question, face was found the Silver Scroll; Kileen Mcßride, Keenan spent the first year of the war in where the strictions were set down and a Bettie Kumhera's will soon be discovered. twenty-four. among the missing. Bettie has oresident of the organization; Na- sometimes lasted fifteen hours out of the general plan formed. He is very much like many of takena position in a downtown of- dine Gubbins, secretary-treasurer; "In fact," continued Father, "so Stanley Conroy chose a complete- you men students here at Seattle composed j style than He fice, and we wish her the best of and Peggy McGowan the far as Iwas concerned, the black-1 other sources was zero; so pedes- ly different Swarva. will succeed. College— 22 years of age, a col- receiving line out. appealed to the imagination while luck, and know she lege student, handsome, charming, . out was the chief inconvenience of) trians just had to look So empty space she left in the exquisitely feature many of didn't that in the at the same time setting forth his But the utterly sure of himself; but never Pouring .it the ap- the war." The outstanding them school is something that can't be pointed table were Mary Doherty, added, was black- first winter months the death roll points. His exceptionally well-con- annoyingly so. And why not ? of it all, he the filled by anyone. We miss you, Francps McGuire, Eisen, Stepping out ahouse was tripled. Pedestrians could see structed speech followed along just Roger has every reason to be sure Lorraine ness. of after oppon- Bettie. and Nora Keavv. Those serving night to step into a well of a car for blocks; for even the dim- the opposite lines of his * » " of himself. He is blessed with good was completely that I'osemary Weil, Ann Smith, darkness, p. durkness that be- headlight showed up well; but ent. Stun denied yoodlookli ftnd money. He has wren solid med in- 11pc dreams, fantasies of the grid liftty Germer. Aiding with gan just where your nose left off. it did not work the other way." there would be an employment — exam- been to Europe twice, lives in New cre&M, employment faney we calls 'em. For the reftvshnuMits were Betty Kum- City people do not understand what you think," Iasked, "that he itated thai for the York and Florida, plays the accor- "Do might shift to parties ple, the student pledge fund hera and Ida Ganzini. darkness is: even unlighted the criminal element are likely to different building. dion. real nn increase was not probable. new Seattle College Mlm Helen Panattoni anil Guy streets have some diffused light take advantage of the darkness?" but Where, oh where, and when, oh, He has taken it upon himself to thoroughfares, The debate was closed with ev- acquaint Mervyn Roberts, col- Trotter rendered several musical from the main from "It all depends," was the answer. when will that money be forth- the the windows, from passing cars. IJut — eryone murmuring about the in- lege freshman, and Mrs. Wood's ■elections. Both vocalists were "on the criminal element and on which each MCCrapanied by Rosemary Bisch- when all these sources are cut off, the police. Irather think that, at formative manner In (Continued on Page 4) brother, with the fundamentals of man presented his views. off. when darknesi absolute falls on first anyway, the crooks will be as wooing the girl! — Among present at tea the"city-born, he flounders around, much hampered by the darkness Roger not only acquaints those the Stady And Beezer, Wharton, and feels tfenerally like a man a darkness which it is a crime to "Diabetics" Mervyn ideas but he him- were: Fr. Fr. Fr. — Donworth with his lieidv, Mr. Murry, Father Gilmore, struck bliinl. Kven the denizens of tttempt to lighten p.s the honest Judge G. self a practical application makes Fr. Carmody, Fr. Keenan, and Mr. the outer ipacea <>f the rural areas men. And by the time they have At Mendel Meeting of these theories on all the eligi- — Weimer. do nut know just what it is like; figured out something to do about Presents 170 Books young girls Penny included. ble were Mrs. tot though they are accustomed to it, the police should have thought meeting tonight Roger Van Vleck i.s attending Also present Dr. and do TheMendel Club — I'erusse, unliithted roads, they not have up something better." of 17(1 books was pre- highlighted by Dr. Seattle College will you help us Rirkles, Miss Simeon, Miss A gift at 7:45 will be to find their way along amongst a blackout," library during the Palmer, guest speaker, who find him? Mlbi MeHugh, Mr. Volne, Mr. Ly- whom "The mused the Mod- sented to the Leslie nn-, Clarke, few hundred people, half of conclusion, 99 per by Judge George authority remainder of the cast in- Miss mid Mrs. Leon . erator in "had past"week Don- Is nn on Diabetes. Dr. The are going in the opposite direction. value jrift that Palmer, of Northwest- ard. cent nuisance to foe and worth. This is the second a graduate iludee: wise decision," se.icl 1-Y. friend. The one per cent wehad Judge worth has given to the ern University, will address the Chuck Harris (Juy Trotter "It was a to Don Bill Orland Natives of tin- San Agustin re- Keenan, "to ImmoblliM all cars on iin early fall evenings or early library, and he has swelled the club on the diagnosis, treatment Dr. Wood library, by gen- of Lucy Savage gion of Columbia, South America, the streets during Seattle's prac- 1 spring mornings, when we saw shelves of the his and pathology diabetics. Mm. Wood gener- According Berard, presi- Mr. Harris Jack Terhar tell the time of day by chewing! A tice blackout. It took months to :what had not been seen for erosity. Included in the donation to Bill — towers spires of set editions concern- dent, sent away for a Elmer Tuttle Joe Eberharter chewing of coca leaves mixed with hammer into people's heads in ations the and is a of de luxe the club has England they could not be Oxford, beautiful in the half-lights, ing the literature of . Some round movie on the physiology of Effie B. J. Dunham lime cooked in Hiigar water is that I Millie Lou Mary Ellen Gallevin called a Mamheo ,and lasts four seen by drivers of autos, until it with no interference from gas or of the authors are Dante, Petrarch the nervous system, which will al- felt Other volumes shown; which the meet- Mervyn KobertH Bill B«rridge noun*. NativeH divide their days was too late. Headlights were cut electricity. Then we almost and Machiavelli. so be after the tmch glimpse was worth deal with the rise of Fascism and Ing willbeturned over to themem- Shirely Wentworth Betty Weil into three Mambeon, and reckon down to about one-sixtieth of that one strength; illumination frewn all the groping." Mussidini. ber* for a general discussion. Ralph Wentworth Bill Moffat time by them. normal 2 THE SPECTATOR Thursday, March 6, 1941 THE SPECTATOR No See ... "Doc" Schweitzer... Official publication of the Associated Students of Seattle College. Founded December, 1932. Published Friday during the scholastic THE STUDENT They Recieved'Oscars' year. Business Address: Broadway and East Marion Street, Seattle, Writer Defends Athletics Washington. Subscription Rate: 60 cents per Quarter. Advertising OBSERVER For Acting— Not For Us Rates on applications. By Bill Kelly "1 just naturally have a one-track mind along that line," drawls Ed EDITORIAL STAFF Upon being given the rather in- "Doc" Schweitzer. "I've lived among athletes all my life. Mother con- — sounding assignment Gregor MacGregor Editor-in-Chief nocent of ducted a training table giving me plenty of opportunity to meet and Pledge Banquet roundnig up ten or Mary Williams News Editor ... between fif- know many players, ouches, and directors of physical You _ - Best teen rational* to interview on a education. Bob LaLanne Feature Editor Position ... — will find no finer men anywhere. All have lofty ideals, splendid dis- topic took our note- Bill Berridge Sports Editor certain we clean, Middle Way ... book and pencil (without any lead positions, and a healthy outlook on life." NEWS STAFF— Dick Bammert, Abner DeFelice, Mary Doherty, B. but with an eraser) and sauntered As you should know, "Doc" Schweitzer got his start doing sport? J. Dunham, Catherine McHale, Bill MoffaN Mary Ellen Nachtsheim, Dinner finished ... Alpha Sig- thru the halls betweenclasses. writing in Lincoln High School, then proceeded to the post of Sports Louise Smythe, Rosemary Weil, Betty Weil, Juanita Brown, Lois ma Nu members attentive . . . Now, all this sounds rather sim- Editor "Spectator." 1937, he, Words — for the In along with two good assistants, Ruddy, Betty Sullivan, Rodney Burgh, Gaffney, Mary of a fellow Catholic inspir- ple just to but you haven't Marx, Donohoe, University Jo Bernice ing us do — Bill and Ed now of Washington Campus to a life of study, of per- heard the worst We were noti- Hughes, Beverly Bell, Marielene McGinnis. sonal sanctity, of loyalty to truth Reporter for the "Seattle Times," was receiving publicity regularly fied by ye editor to find out from colleges throughout FEATURES— BiII Kelly, Betty Kunhera, Ted Mitchell, Mary Ellen and good, of sacrifice for others. people Ginger Rog- from over two hundred scattered the United downstairs, these whether University of Minnesota, Beyer, Margaret Scheubert, Frances McGuire, Catherine Mayer, Mar- From — rose the orches- ers and Jimmy Stewart were des- States. From the his sports sheet received jorie Staples, Pat Cramer. tra's music "My Country 'Tis of erving of Oscars for playing in a rating as one of the five best in the four hundred papers sub- — Thee". ... Everything seemed to respective flickers— "Kitty Foyle" mitted. SPORTS Bill Berridge, Doc Schweitzer, Bob Dempsey. fit together into a picture that is and "Philadelphia Story." This "Doc" grinned wrlj and settled into TYJ?ISTS— Lucy Savage, Ida Ganzini, Pat Murphy. never resnapped. — his chair. "Comments stated * * * does not sound difficult but! Mie sports' sheet perfect in every department except intra-murals... HEADLINE EDlTOR— Teresa Beyer. quizing 25 innocent- Since the governments as well After about and at that time we didn't have any to speak of," said Doc. "We looking personages still BUSINESS STAFF as individuals receive their rights we were emphasized pictures and country-wide reviews of college athletics. - - Manager left in a quandry. No one had Ted Blanchette - Business from God and are His wards, then High School sports have no place in a college paper; consequently, seen said pictures. Now this was Marjorie Staples Circulation Manager certainly the moral standard which we left them out as wellas miscellaneousoutside sports," he continued. binds men, binds nations. Religion rather peculiar for no one to have Tony Buhr - - Exchange Manager academy award winners "I wish we had more intercollegiate sports now. I'd like to see basket- can dictate to governments. Gov- seen— the — pursue policies but there was a reason both ball restored." ernments can which objectionable NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. may be contrary to or in accord- pictures were on the Attracted by intercollegiate basketball, "Doc" entered Seattle Col- CtlUtt PmUlihtn Rtpnuntatni ancewith rights and morals. Thus, list. lege in 1934 majoring in Sociology. Because he sustained a great 420 Madison AVI. New York. N.Y. This is a pretty good reason for " " Lot Arsilii ■ Sah Fbanciico man in considering the actions of interest in athletics, he developed quite an extensive correspondence Chicaco Boston staying away from such marvel- any government,can apply the mo- withmost of the better-known coaches at the big colleges and univer- He try decide, ous acting. If the Hollywood stars lal law. can to for sities. Not content with mere reading material, he traveled about a instance, what might be the best can win laurels for acting in ob- Jerks and — let great deal-. Jokes ... position for the U. S. to take in jectionable— pictures them do— — reference to the European* war. it we aren't missing anything Knows Coaches Writes For Daily * * in fact we are gaining a lot. "I've seen most of the good teams play," Eddie continued thought- Brother Buhr's The clergy of America, as ever, fully, crossing his knees. "And Iknow practically all of the high follow the teaching of the Catholic- school coaches in the state of Washington. Among other prominent clergy Church. No member of the leaders in athletics whom Ihave known the larger share of my life has pleaded us to fight on Brit- Dandelions ... Weekly Readers Dry Jest are: Ray Eckmann, Drrector of Athletics at the University of side, any huddled in Wash- ain's nor has ington; "Slatts" Gill, basketball Oregon State; his cell and declared for isolation. Spring, Oh Spring at Hubert Blonk. A. P. man, for Washington; Hamby, Publicity Are you ready? Well, hold on to your sides, nobody else will. The clergy have maintained their Eastern Bruce Director * * * * envied traditionof sticking to faith Oh, Spring— Yeah! of the University of Oregon; Chuck Lappenbush, Bellingham Normal; morals, and meddling in poli- Leo Nicholson, Ellensburg Normal, and Eddie Fitzpatrick, coach of In History class the teacher asked one of his brighter students to and tics only when it has been their the University of Portland." name two prominent ancient sports. The student deliberated for a — business, that is, when politics de- Iam Spring's confederate. With Having the necessary experience, knowledge, and interest required few minutes and said, "Anthony and Cleopatra." Saghalie. clares for or against faith or mo- her Iam a fugitive from grubby, for writing ability, "Doc" frequently turns in articles for the "Seattle * c a ♥ " They middle way be- rals. take the stolidevery-day. Star," "Seattle Times," or the "Seattle Post-Intelligencer" on the Registration Officer (to Spinster): "Your name, please." tween two opposing camps of radi- points Spring, her strength cloaked be- Community Basketball League and the Community Football League Spinster: calism, seeing good and bad "Gallivan." let not thought, neath soft green lovliness and nod- of Seattle. He paused, and his brown eyes grew suddenly serious. Registration Officer: "Age." in each. But it be tiing fondling wind? from this, that the Catholic Church blooms and "You know ... I was greatly disappointed in the student reaction Spinster: the Hill girls, next door, given you snatchesaway myschool books and Ha>en't who live a perennial to the pledges for this vast building now underway. Ibelieve the is fence-straddler. tiresomethemes and hurls themfar their ages?" it should declare itself, it are the best fact, they my When across the purple hills. Jesuits educators in the world... in are Registration Officer: "No." does. lost England to Hen- chief reason for being here off and on all these years. Yet, Ithink Spring, crocuses and robins pre- Spinster: "I'm the same age as they are." ry VIII. A few years ago the that as long as the students are not showing the proper response in 1 way, and pink- Registration Officer (filling in particulars): "Miss Gallivan as old Church stood alone in condemning paring her sunshine flushed blossoms broadcasting her contributing to the College Building Fund (which, incidentally, is in- as the Hills."— Exchange. Communism. Today, she still condemning di- beauty beckons me to follow across dicative of the general attitude towards our school activities), the * # * # stands alone in vorce, free love, abortion and birth dandelion-spattered fields, through very patient and kind Jesuit Fathers should suspend all college ac- Joe College: "Do you like Kipling?" — control. grassy valleys, beside quiet brooks tivities for six months. It might open their eyes and revive the old Blushing Coed: "How do you kipple?" N. C. News. — watching and listening with her. college spirit." * * -*. * (Continued on Page 4) whispers urges Spring in silken He stopped with a quiet air of finality and prepared to leave. As love, promises brightly Father: "You must think cars grow on trees." me to and he collected his books, he hesitated, remarking reflectively, "Athletics — and with vernalboldness that love Daughter: "Silly! Everyone knows they come from plants." Rogers living. great game The Manchaser cannot fade or wither. contribute much towards harmonious It's a ... I'd get into coaching myself although young Record. Spring, pointing slim spears of like to I'd rather work with * ■■"" * * people juvenile delinquency. Song for a Manchaser or an old green to the sky of inspiration, ... or go into the field of I'd try sports First Coed: "Were you afraid to ask your boy —friend for money?" maid depending on which eye you signals me to the same. But my publicity, but it's a pretty tough life with its irregular hours, no va- Second Coed: "No, I was calm and collected." Exchange. look out of. pen can only dip into the sticky, cations and all ... but Idon't think a teacher's life can be beat!" * " * shimmering Betty Coed: "I thought you kicked the bucket." running sap, into the If Iwere a manI'd have a dog and into the first misty col- Joe College: "No, I just turned a little pale." dew — * * * With a plumey tail and a painted ors of the sunrise it cannot, like Invitation ... T nose spring, reach into the heart of Did you ever hear the story about the two dwarfs who went into a And I'd smoke my pipe and I'd things. funeral parlor and asked for two short biers.— Santa Clara. lounge around With Spring Iwalk in greengar- Co Nuts With An Expert * * * With a book, and my dog in my old sweet, new-plowed «. dens and across Icrawl out of the wastebasket and flop in front of the typewriter— worn clothes. furrows. With her Ilive in the — Before And After gleaming sunshine. And yet, with "Gotta write a column yeah, gotta tell all the Kiddies something this Girls when they went out to swim, once dressed like Mother Hub- If Iwere a man I'd follow the lier Imust grow and ripen into new —week." bard. But now today, they've greatly changed. They dress more like trails settled summer. Iwrite "There are fourteen mice in our house and one rat (he the cupboard.— Wildcat Lear. Of explorers though they are cold wears my shirts)." * * * And I'd always wish that I'd lived Ihit myself on the head with a wedgie decide nobody cares <■- age and in the or rats. somethin, anything— how Playboy: know, Blondie, only me is, I'm pirate ships gold Up Grade about mice Write about bubble "You the trouble with Of and The baths, color-blind." or nice fat bloopy blisters on workingmen's hands? "aw"! Girl: "Yo sho is. honeychile!" If Iwere a man and a bachelor nobody works in college. They don't care about blisters. t t t * I'd be free as the air is free I think that Ishall never see Ismile at myself, horrible as it is, and chew off my left hangnail. money lovely as a 'B done," Woodn't You And food and and other A 'D' as "This isn't getting your column I whisper in my ear, "and such things A 'B whose rounded form is you know how mean you get when stories don't come in." months after I became engaged to a To the Editor of Lovelorn:Six Would never worry me. pressed Ah! Write about little scraps of paper— hundreds and hundreds of young man Ifound he had a wooden leg. Should 1 saw it off?" Upon the records of the blest — ... them pink, blue and peroxide,all floating down from a high building. * 4: 9 j;t When tired of being a bachelor A 'D' comes easily and yet — forget Whee! Look at them fall! Look at them fall! As the man who liked nightmares said to his girl friend I'll see you And of my tieless life It isn't easy to 1 don't know a nicer girl than I D's are made by fools like me "Mary had a little lamb." If Ihad a lamb I'd eat it raw right this in my dreams. 1 — — Who would make me a better wife. But only pull can make a 'B1B minute. Nobody is so hungry as Iam unless it is my Uncle Louie he eats tin cans— he is my goat— if Ihad a goat. I'm going to write about Spring now. Are all you little Kiddies ready? Fine. INFORMALLY Spring. Reviews & Previews Now that we have covered the subject so completely Ihad better By Bill Moron better write the column. Let's Laugh ... Nothing is so impolite as "Burps," but nothing is so much fun, if you eat the right food. The Jug ... By MARY ELLEN BEYER It is the same way with dandruff only different. See! I'm scratching days, — Tis Spring. Outside the mellow noon is profaned by the rusty chit- The business of writing jokes has, like most everything these my head and it falls just like old snow not the head. popular ter of sparrows. Strictly corn. Father Nichols is again hovering pro- developedto a high point of scientific perfection. Contrary to Nothing is so big as feet, unless they are bigger feet which are tectively near his tulip beds. Those freshman lads and lassies in the opinion, a gag writer for a weekly radio program does not "think up" mine. "Throes," have regained that starstruck, faintly constipated air. Ia new set of jokes each week. He probably uses the card catalogue repeat: 'tis Spring. system, introduced by David Freedman, who is regarded as America's ace gagman. Freedman's personal catalogue contains 40,000 "terrific" The other evening IwasReviewing James Joyce's "Ulysses," which, jokes collected by his personal research staff. The jokes are then clas- incidentally Ifound to be written with a gloating preoccupation for sified and indexed in such a way that the user is able to secure a suit- Looking scatologicaldetail that made one wish, from time to time, that the poet Sideways joke ninety seconds. A joke catalogue must be constantly aug- had ceased from his labors long enough to wipe his chin, when the able in door burstopen and friend of mine, one McMurray, danced in waving mented. a "Where have Iheen all my life?" asked the Feature Ed as he took a harried looking rose. Almost all the jokes in the cata- logue are old. The gag-writer's play, "'The Man Who Came to Din- one look at Mary Schiltz .. Joe Janikula is the object of some young Spring!" shouted, racing madly Spring! "Ah he about the room. "AH ■UCCMa depends more on his "abili- ner," dedicated it to Alexander thing's ardent but secret admiration.In fact it's so secret Joe doesn't Spring! Spring! ty to vary an old joke than on his Woollcott: "For reasons that are know who she is. In checking over her list Maxine Chevrieux has Woollcott, ... "Where," I asked with some amazement, "are your shoos?" catalogue collection. One stock nobody's business." it crossed off lid Flowers as No. lfi. It would take a numerologist to joke is known to have 5000 vari- has been said, was the inspiration "Isn't it glorious," he replied, "all of it?' Ah Spring! "A loaf of figure that one out. ... It's impossible to go any place this quarter ants. for the play. bread, a jug of wine and thou beside me in the wilderness ." * » * without seeing Mary Alice Huberts and Dick Grieve but if asked "Not me," I replied firmly. "What have you in that bundle under Dat Fweata if they're going steady the answer is a dreamy "No-o-o-o-o." Living on the memory of his one (We said one) date with Helen Panattoni, your arm?" "Aren't you wearing Tommy's Wind and Rain Fred Young carries her picture in his watch. McMurray ap- "The loaf of bread and the wine jug," he said running" up the wall sweater today?" asked a neighbor Iwent for a walk in the ruin last ... Joe and striking a pose. "I'm looking for the 'Thou,' now. of Betsy, aged two, who with Tom- night] — peared recently on Mr. Wyde-a-Wake's radio program as a salesman "Let's be practical about this," Ipleaded, looking through my pock- my, aged three, and one-year-old In the wind and the rain alone. for First Hill. We wondered why the disguise until it was learned ets for a gun or a sedative. "And come down from there. You're Elinor, was digging in a sandpile. I .saw such odd tsights in the rain that Joe lost thirty dollars on a very simple question. ... Carried leaving footprints." Tommy looked up solemnly and last night; away by visions of Adam and Kve's blissful state before Paradise was his sister: "Dat is I great trees sigh groan, "Never," he cried, impatiently pawing the paper with one foot. 1 answered for heur and lost, Ki.-.-m.n■> Weil dropped TWO apples before the astonished but Betsy's fweata, dat used to be 1 huw tiny revulets race down the wary wary eyes of the boys in her Lit. class. Emmett McKillop don't like your attitude." Tommy's fweata, soon that will be streets, ... Staring feigned rap- is being toy Init silent before the barrage of questions concerning the I had an inspiration. out of the window with Klinor's we islands fweata. Den willhave Around miniature of sand. may ture I whistled: anudder baby, and dat nudder baby Oh, I proof rose-tinted hue of his otherwise white collar.... It be the influ- need no that the wind impending thoughts "Look at that little dream walking across the street." will wear dat fweata." and the rain ence of Mr. Roosevelt or of the future but what- There was a crash as the door succumbed. Ispent the rest of the Moss Hart and G«orge S. Kauf- Are bestowed by an unearthly ever it is Lenore DeVoe keeps talking about firesides and nothing but evening repairing the hinges. man, authors of the successful hand. firesides. Thursday,March 6, 1941 THE SPECTATOR 3 Champion Basketball Quintet Spring Horse Show ON SPORTS Being Chieftain Chatter PreparesFor All Star Invasion By Planned By Bill Berridge Ed "Doc" By Riders SCHWEITZER " The big- all-star game has been i five men but for this game we Chitter Chatter postponeduntil Tuesday, March 18. felt we needed more. We feel that CATHOLIC COLLEGE Having graduated to more frisky " It was found that Garrigan gym Berridge will be able to work into BASKETBALL LEAGUE horses, the equestrians of Seattle Ballyhoo would be unobtainable the night our type of attack even though he A great boon to the Catholic col- College are now looking leges for new " originally planned so the contest .hasn't played withus before," said j in the Pacific Northwest |fields to conquer They are work- Softball I be organizing a has been put off until the follow- Little John in a recent interview. would in the of ing plans now for the horse show ing Tuesday. The starting lineup for the all- [basketball conference. This would plan to give spring quarter. ; Ithev This shouldn't hurt either team, stars will probably be: Ryan and serve to stimulate interest in the They hold their riding coast England to sunny winter pastime and would act as sessions From the rock bound of New the however, as it will give them a Riley, forwards; MacArthur, cen-I at the Olympic Riding Club and it ( ?) shores of it was heralded last Tuesday that at couple more days to practice. The ter, and Harcliman and Strickland, an incentive for the participants. is there that they plan The Angel to hold their all-stars particularly will profit by guards. former coach of Mt. show. After the show they plan last the "Mad Russian" had signed. College, Galer, your col- to this as they have never worked to- This aggregation should be plen- Fred and end the day with a in "And once again the power of publicity had been used to worked on the idea several social affair gether before. ty potent.They have height, speed,jjumnist the huge Olympic dining and danc- create a temperamental character. The probablestarting lineups for and some very good shooting eyesIIyears ago. Letters were written ing hall. two clubs are: for the Rats, containedon the above-named five.!primarily as "feelers," however, As most of you probably remember the "Mad Russian" is the response Hendry and Janikula, forwards; The Rats should go on the floorIIthe was not enthusiastic. favor the house by a hug-e margin none other than Lou Novikoff the former slug- j j werenot felt to be right Burke, center, Fujiwara and Mc- as favorites due to their ability I Conditions ... We have a couple of these ger. guards. Captain John McKay for team play while the all-stars ijat that time for such an under- houses in Seattle Kay, taking. and in view of also announced that he had picked will pc playing for the first time j the fact that they are carrying How many of youcan remember any crazy antics that he plan Gonzaga on up Berridge for this encounter. together. However, if the all-starsj Our was to have an illicit business, openly performed out in the outer orchards or at the plate last Bill University, University, flaunt- played the wholeseason onthe can click right off it can easily beI Portland ing the law, they should be prose- "We Angel College, St. Martin's year? Neither can this observer. Or can you remember of small K. C. gym floor with only ■ different story. IMt. cuted to the hilt and driven out of any time made print for any eccentric actions ? ICollege and Seattle College in what existence They are corrupting when he Ra- jwould be termed a Northern Cath- ... ther, don't big, good-natured fellow the law and smearing clean ath- you remember him as a ,olic College Conference. Sixteen letics with the stinking played by taint of whom all delighted inseeing take a powerful cut at the ball. BOWLERS RAPIDLY SPORTSHIGHLIGHTS |games would be each their filthy dollars ... They are But that wasn't enough for the majors. It wasn't enough team. The champion of the North- the guys known as the downtown ern Conference would then meet scum or synthetic college that he was a powerful hitter. He had to develop character. OFTEN OVERLOOKED of Cath- alums INCREASE AVERAGES the winner the Southern who raise the hue and cry to oust So they soon had his picture dotting everynewspaperin some Iolic College Conference in a play- a coach when he loses any- important for .. crazy garb They capitalized j While no tournaments or "j In the rush of more joff series the Pacific Coast ti- A word from a friend type of or other. on the fact that as yet,, be in Hono- thing have been started '!happenings interesting events of- |tie. The southern group would lulu is to the effect that the Coca he was big, and a Russian. He promptly held out for more rapidly moving along. composed of San Francisco, Santa bowling is ten pass by with hardly a word j Cola Company is doing marvelous money (more than likely a fake, too.) According to Manager Tom Bren- 'Clara, St. Mary's, and Loyola Uni- work in the field of athletics, spon- j said. A few of these happenings They Hegot a write up inone of the bigger weeklies telling about nan the men have improved about |versity would have a twelve soring a number of different teams thirty points per gameI that nearly escaped the eye in the Igame schedule. all of his idiosyncracies, about his craving for strange Rus- twenty to ... On their basketball team we while the women have increasedI last few weeks are such as: Cliff Eventually the idea could be de- find Ross Werner and Jack Gan- sian food, etc. And back east they're eating it up. They're their averages anywhere from ten|I1 Harrison entered the front office veloped whereby the winner of the non of Washington and Slim Win- going for a chance to look at this new showman, to twenty-five points. Catholic championship would meet termute of Oregon State crazy get a |and Mike Bird is now sports cdi-j College ... women first started other strong Catholic A letter now and then from said to be crazier than "Dizzy" Dean, funnier than Zeke "When the tor of the Seattle Star. tourney for the to bowl there were few who could teams in a national Tom Donohoe, '40, who gave his interesting this summer to sit back Hidden by the more highly ad-1 Catholic College championship of Bonura. It should be break a hundred. Now there are all on the Spectator and is doing and hear these riotous stories of the "Mad Russian" and feminine trundlers who Fail[.vertised sports happenings is the the United States. the same thing towards becoming few Ij that George Athans, Washing- This column would be highly regular buy earning to that score." ' fact a Paulist Father at Oak Ridge, know that really he's just a his cakes ton's high diver, has been unbeaten pleased to hear from the other Standish, powerful throw- New Jersey .. . Will soon go to and coffee by suddenly going slightly beserk. Nan a in three years of competition. schools, whether their reaction be University, Washington, ing Sophopore girl, ranks as tops Catholic well, said, "There's suck- is to re- good or bad. We visualize great C, work Oh wasn't itP. T.Barnum who a among woment She Bob Lindh said have D. for further ... the bowlers. shooting eye possibilitiesunder a conference ar- Ray Paglia, formerly er born everyminute?" quite regularly, and,Icovered that long lost of Santa " " " hits the 150's help special rangement and can hear the turn- Clara, St. Martin's, Bellingham bowling was a bit steadier,I|of his with the of a clicking regis- if her pair of glasses which he wears stiles and the cash Normal and who prepped at Ren- would be a first-rate trundler. clattering. Catholic Colleges CHITTER CHATTER while playing. We can see Friday ters ton and ODea will bring his wife Tom Brennan remains the top night. have been shunted around long and child with him when he en- You'llhave tolook alongtime before youfind a better deal Riley enough in hoop sport and this men's bowler although Dan I don't know whether Henry the rolls at Seattle College thiß spring than the golf setup recently announced ... Crowds of stu- and a few others are capable of would give them an excellent op- quarter A great, heady ath- MacLemore has been playing the independent of the ... dents are still packing the bowling alleys ... Cokes were on hitting high scores. horses a — portunity to be lete on the football field or the said,! lot of late and thus the other schools. (Mike) Monday. She bowled 115 In closing Mr. Brennan |iinterest in horses, or not, but I basketball floor was this boy ... Margaret Scheubert last PUTTING THE SPORTS SHOT Washington's "This week's bouquet belongs to wish he would write on a new One of most brilliant twice Following a crack-pot, but a popular one, will be sub- When we cast around for a new ... Margaret Scheubert. When she ject (Continued on Page 4) Archie, for awhile. name for our team to replace the hard on George who must replace Zeke Bonura ...started bowling less than three Wally MacKay, former Seattle ago out handle of Maroons it was Father The Knights should be able to field a powerful softball line- weeks she couldn't get College student, took over Jack suggested of the 70s. In the past week, Maurice Meagher who up this year ... The all-star, intramural champs game has Pyle's column as guest columnist the title of Chieftans It is a however, she has twice hit 115 and last Tuesday and did right well for ... been changed to Tuesday night, March 18th ... See by the rapidly improving." good name and certainly should be is himself. immediately that, conference officials, copyrighted ... papers in the vote by the Southern Bill Thomas, a star pitcher for John McGarry, class of '41 and every member of the Stanford basketball team was chosen San Diego would probably have former basketball impressario of on their all-star team Biggest reason why Joe McNamee's gone a lot further in baseball if the Chieftans, is now with the Lee ... SKIERS TRAVEL TO he weren't disliked intensely Douglas with Seattle, is that they want a good so in Loan Company in the chances arepretty slim every league in which he plays. building ... If you need any fold- mechanical catcher who can step in and catch a good game MT. HOOD AGAIN Even his teammates can'tget along ing stuff John will take care of after sitting on the bench days in a row. Few rookies catch- with him How many of you re-1[you... member the time tore Se- A few ago the Federal ers can do this Just a hunch,but Idoubt if Aldon Wilkie It will be a more confident ski he his months ... team which will journey to Mt. attleuniform to bits right in front||Bureau of Investigation threat- camp Pittsburgh Pirates ! gamb- will survive training for the ...Hood again on March 15, 16, and of Bill Klepper? ened to close down on the " Biggest factor that may hurt Seattle's chances at three 17. It was an inexperienced team The reason no Seattle high ling emporiums that operate pools of , straight many of players are getting to the with little confidence that went school basketball team plays in the end through the work the late is that too the ' Courtney Riley Cooper had pre- j easily crack suddenly Sports writers down to meet Portland U. two state tournament is the devilment age where they can ... weeks ago. However, when all the which used to go on between sumably collected a maze of cvi- j the dpnee will still be accepted if they willsee Editor Gregor McGregor ]snow had cleared, it was two Se- Seattle boys and their out-of-town against these shysters ... > College rivals. It was What happened? Nothing .. Of or yours truly. attle skiers who had won a common occurence empori-< the events; English, the sla- to. wake up and see the front a all the rotten chiselers the ' Joe of urns are the rottenest . . Odds leaguedue er in last year's league. lom, and Tom Brennan, the down- school painted by followers of the . With thesoftball hill. rival team. However, it would to start either the first or sec- Three of the best chuckers In the first meet no score was seem they havebeen punished long ond week of the new quarter, of last year have bid adieu to kept. It was more or less just a enough and should be allowedback plans arerapidly beingdrawn Seattle College and new hurl- trial meet to see if it could be in the tourney. \^m j When problems get ingmaterial mustbe discover- [done. Now that both teams haveI Frank Watson, ex-ODea High up. All who are interested in seen how successful it was, they're school star, practically Beaselydeparted can write knotty...pause and playing are asked to turn ed. for Ta- champing at the bit to get started his own ticket at Gonzaga, he is ft w*%w their names into the Spectator coma;Lou Sauvain took a trip |again For this meet times and doing so well. He has been high to Sheridan and stayed there; scores will be kept and the scores scorer for them for the past two office, and they will be placed will be added to decide a real win- years. and Frank Ryan is now work- on teams. Many students ner. While talking of Watsons, Em- have already started signing ingwith the Navydepartment The same men's team that made mett, of the same name will be in Tacoma. the trip last time are scheduled sorely missed on the Washington players for the teams which to repeat They are Captain Joe Soeveryboy baseball club this year While few they plan to enter. who can throw English, Bill McGowan, Bill and realized it, Emmett was the brains or sock that apple is asked to Tom Brennan. of the outfit and it was through So far, the Knights are the women's turn out when the league No team will go this him that Coach Tuby Graves gave only team to hand in a com- time as the Marylhurst team failed starts in a few short weeks. out his orders. Besides, he was plete roster to the sports de- to show up. hitting that apple on the nose and partment. necessary would have been right in there Itis that fighting for days all-conference honors. Mr *? this be done four before Intra-Mural Golfing Especially, since John Leovich of the start of league play. To Be Added Oregon State turned pro. It was big John who Knights was all-star in that The should start To Growing Sports Curriculum position last year. Bill Marx who league play as overwhelming is being preppedto replace Watson favorites if pre-season build- is a powerful hitter, but not a par- For the astoundingly low cost of to take a few lessons before start- ticularly good receiver. ups mean anything. Last year 15 cents a game golfers of Seattle ing play on the courses. they drove to the final game, College will be able to play at any Announcement has also been only to lose out in the cham- of three public courses. These are made that equipment may be ob- pionship game Jefferson, tained through the school at a BADMINTON TOURNEY in an 8 to 7 Jackson and West Seat- considerable discount. Deals however, have thriller. This year, tle. been made at various stores and they have picked up four The courses will be open to col- sporting poods shops so that equip- FINALLY ENDING! players of the Sophomore lege students on Monday, Wednes- ment can be bought reasonably day, Friday and Saturday morning. enough to enable all with6ut clubs With the phTegmatic condition team which won the cham- The Raines must be startedon Sat- and balls to get them. of the badminton situation little 9;30 pionship. They are: Bill urday by in the morning. This newest deal of the revised better only one development could Stapleton, star second base-j The Park Board is also furnish- Seattle College intra-mura! pro- be announced in that sport's tour- Iing a professional to give lessons gram is the crowning tipment. That development is that man andlead-off hitter of last achievement Take minute to relax, to the beginners and those who of a year's building. First, horse- Fred Runnels and Tom Ward are a and /A M&. year's champs; Joe English, have played but need lessons. It the new men's doubles champs. KJ£^^S back riding, then bowling accomo- The things go smoother. Ice-cold /jPv^V^PvS^STj il| captain and catcher of the is asked that all who plan to make dations and now golf at a low finals Of the men's singles has use of these lessons bring a club price. These combined with the been scheduled for earlynext week. Coca-Cola adds refreshment to If Sophs of the past season;Ray on the days that This match to Ca££^ GffiTw/Mu the pro in here. sports already being played now is be between Alex relaxation.Its delightful,whole- H Sneeringer, who played third He will show how the strokes are gives every student in Seattle Col- Kerr and Tom Ward . base when he was able to done and then wants the class to lege a chance to participate in The only other champions to be sometaste has thecharmof pur- tKfftWfnßjSMßr practice under his watchful eye. so was make the game; and Yoursi some sport or other. The students determined far in the mixed ity. Sowhen you pause through- A physical no longer by Truly attempted pitch education credit will can say there is no sport doubles which was won Ted """"""''"W^r^ T* who to be given to each student who par- to suit their tastes. And it has Mitchell and Ruth Brock. outtheday,makeit thepause that a little last year on this same ticipates in golf oncea week Cards also been announced that if any Turnouts for this sport has in- r.fr.^.w«thic-coldCoca-Co.a. "U TA*TE ITS QUALITY Soph club. will be given out for all who wish sport is missing on the curriculum creased very little and the death to play to show at the clubs and and enough are interested in said knell which was rung by this paper Jack Hunt announced that gain admission. sport all they need do is contact last week seems to have rung1 true. Bottledunder authority of The Coca-Col* Company b/ heis enteringa team, as is Bill Those who are more advanced Father Gaffney and he will do all Unless interest picks up soon this will he to next power get COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Hendry, pitch- able start week in his to that sport in sport will be erased from the sports who was a star while the beginners will be asked 'action at the college. ; curriculum. SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 4 TH E SPECTATOR Thursday, March 6, 1941

HATS OFF TO MELODY No Name PledgesReceived BACKSTAGE Column By Phil Austin (Continued from Page I) By AlphaSigmaNu "The best-laid plans of mice and — " cunning sly men with much and ■coming. Or is it just a pipe The formal initiation of this manner we ambled into the SpecIdream. We hope and pray that it's year's pledges to Alpha Sigma Nu office a full day late with what Inot. Lent is here— you eds and co- took place in the Coral Room of uas to have been last week"s col- eds — so why not turn that "daily Seattle's New Washington Hotel, umn. But, true to legend, the dime for the delectable dog" in to last Thursday evening, February trusty Scot ruling as editor in the pledge committee.* * * 27th at 6 p. m. The impressive these parts was ready, willing, and — ceremony was conducted by the able to deny entrance to such a Spring is here or had you no- President of the honorary, John tardy piece. Since every plausible ticed? Crocuses, birdiesand all— Robinson, assisted by Joseph Mc- excuse was being used by some tra-la-la. And with spring comes Murray, Al Plachta and Larry Mc- other writer at the time, we re- June Mad, sweet and lovable, and Donnell, who readpapers on Schol- treated to a dark corner and blew her boy friend, not so sweet but arship, Loyalty and Service, the our brains out. The net result of just as lovable.And a hostof other three-fold standard of the organi- said extraotion being this column. characters. We'ie saving pennies Corkery, J., zation. Fr. S. Presi- Well, at least we're truthful. now so we canmeet you all at this dent of Seattle College, and Fr. Tuesday and Wednesaay of last ,'next Guild* " production." Beezer, S. J., Moderator, distribu- turnout days membership week were for the ted the certificates of Spring Quarter play "June Mad." We tried to get in a sneak pre- to each pledge. really Eds and view of.the "Varsity Varieties" the pledges' names were A swell group of' As the Coeds put in an appearance and other night. Well, we got the vari- called, each walked forward to re- did a beautiful job of thoroughly ety, but we didn't get the pre- ceive his certificate in the soft confusing by the abun- view. We did hear some pretty glow of a score of candles out- Miss Fuller of talent. Tuesday's group good lines, though. So we'll see lining the officers' dance auditor- tables. was the biggest first day turnout you all out at Providence Following the formal incorpora- ium tomorrow night. And this tion, retired to the — Miller, in the history of the Drama Guild. — — the members NO.1 BRASS HAT of the radio regiments is Glenn according to a recent poll of sincerely hope many time we hope we won't get Blue Room, where they enjoyed an We that — free, thenation's radio editors. Miller's special way of serving song and swinghas caught the fancy will accept our invitation to Ibounced on our ear. Gee informal banquet during which the — more | that. of American dancers more than any other band today, the editors agree. Nope those aren't join in the fun of putting on Se- too. Can't miss keys were given and the new mem- sliphorn boys swinging, though army bers. The pledges received were: trench helmets the are the Miller band salutes the attle College's first Penthouse Tom Anderson, Bud Bader, Bill camps three times weekly on its "Chesterfield Moonlight Serenade." It's a C.B.S. program. show. Not only the actors, but More "On Sports" Berridge, Ray Mongrain, Bill Pett- anyone who has even the slightest inger, Bill Stapleton, Bill Moran, knowledge of lights and lighting Gregor MacGregor and Stan Con- Students Urged Photography Will effects would be welcomed to our (Conthroed from Page 3) roy. Just The fold with much bowing, scraping Besidesthe officers, oldmembers and courting. In fact, his or her hoop men. Ed Loverich would like To Write Essays Again Be Taught hoop present included:Bill Kelly, Larry Spectator slightest wish would at least be to take over the reins as Hoeschen, Bill Berard and Bob Hil- listened to. See what we mean? chief here, next fall... Possibili- Physics ty? We tenbrand. Ad Smith, former A. President Al Plachta announces In Lab We need technicians. We need ac- ... think so. .. managers. S. S. C. president, represented the that the annual Northwest Confer- Many anecdotes told on the an- tors. We need business MOST WILLING SQUAD MEM- make-up artists. We need Archibald alumni and charter members. ence of International Relations When you send'a roll of films to niversary brought back old We need IBER was Jack ... drugstore, pictures hike publicity men. We need propertyI"Archie" didn't see enough action Clubs will be held at Idaho the do the come the back duds? Are your snapshots memories to the Hiyu Coles. managers. WE NEED! Period. to receive his monogram but he State College on March 21, 22. (never Student Observer a disappointment? Do your friends Among them the mysterious case For a sure-fire evening of 24- missed a turnout ... Now Representatives from colleges of when you open your pho- of Alberta Grieve was again at Loyola Medical School in Chi- Idaho, Montana, Oregon Wash- rush off karat enjoyment, might we once and tograph album? If so, the next brought to light. Alberta, with a to Drama cago and one of the highest men in (Continued Page 2) ington, and British Columbia, Al- more invite yo-all the from paragraph will interest you. party of last year's overnight Variety Show tommorrow his class ... may argue, berta, and Saskatechewan, Canada, Guild's From the above, we College is offering a hikers, was climbing peacefully up Auditorium, BEST BUILDUP we ever re- Church must and will participatein this meeting. Seattle nite. Providence that the Catholic course in photography next quart- a trail when all of a sudden a (Heated), Friday, March 7 at 8 ceived was from the manager of does declare her stand when there This year, a new plan has been Physics Department has shrill shriek pierced the B>r. Al- the Marion Hotel in Salem . .. question and morals. College by er. The p. m. is a of faith devised at Seattle which just purchased a complete outfit berta was jumping up and down, Speaking Variety Show, The manager stating that the men has, through encyclicals, con- are to sent to of the She those who be the of photographic equipment and a screaming and making more noise gag was were the finest group that had ever many of ideologies only by the one little we offered demned the conference, willbe selected well-furnished darkroom has been than usual. The boys and girls why. It stayed at his hotel Said that rife in governments to- proved merit. Essays are to rejected and we wonder ... which are their constructed. The course will teach around her seemed very embar- witty driver who has the Oregon legislators could take day. be written on the subjects which concerns the representa- * * * you about exposure, lighting, com- rassed to think that she was try- a sign on the back of his car that jan example from SC will be discussed at the conference. position, film processing, print ing to get attention in such a Even went so far as to All interested students at the col- lights up when another is honking tives ... McGold- Perhaps we of today consider making, enlarging and developing. curious way. Alberta wasn't em- insistently to pass. Sign says, [write a letter to Father things light of to- lege are eligible to participate in floodlight for commending Father on his too much in the There will be indoor barrassed but her ankle was cer- "Tear on around brother, Hell ain't rick day and effects here and now laid the contest. The essays, however, trips for out- tainly eighteen boys lighting and field red where bees had half full!" fine ... upon us. The Catholic Church is must be handedin to the president photography. Emphasis will landed. Donohoe, '40, is a novice the end of this door Once again, we'll see you to- Tom like the veteran of Gettysburg of the club before on practical work, with Mt. Novitiate, Oak Ridge, quarter. Any student who is de- be placed morrow nite at Providence Audi- at Paul watching the screaming men at the just enough theory to make the my New Jersey Tom, a great sirous of obtaining more minute May be it was Scotch ances- torium at 8 p. m. and too, this . .. Hill, "This storming of San Juan processes understandable. try, bagpipes at 54th champion for college athletics, will You seen no- information is urged to see Al but the the same time, same place for Act I, ain't fightin'. ain't annual Robert Burns' concert held be a Paulist father who will strive yet." The Church has been Plachta,immediately . Scene 3. everybody thin' topics recently really made me 'vurra, for what is right for ... through a lot worse ,has seen a lot Following is the list of Spring Registration 'vura proud o' the men who ■wear But Istill got my greatest thrill worse. We today feel this is upon which students may write: of kilts. The skirling of the pipes and from a full unit of kilted men the worst world has seen be- 1. TheEuropean Theatre of War. RILTMORE FLORIST the Open Till March 12 the flashing feet as the band marching, accompanied by aj cause it is the worst we have seen. 2. Our Neighbors to the South. * ♥ marched made my heart jump to Iskilled pipe and drum band.! Former Hollywood Florist ♥ 3. Democracy. Registration is a new high. !There's nothing better. Christianity and its western civ- is the Spring Quarter Corsages and Flower The Northwest Conference close March 12, The bagpipes were not the only And if you have an idea that| ilization have been nearer death outstanding event of the year for now open, and will sissies, I Arrangements at times. An ill-equipped Don at 5:00 p. m. high-point in the evening's enter- those who wear skirts are the I. R. C. at Seattle College and look at their leg, Juan of Austria defeatedthe Turks No further registration will be tainment. Some wonderful singing take another Reasonably Priced Mr. Borzo, moderator, is confident muscles before you test your owni at the Battle of Lepanto with the large of accepted from March 12, 5:00 p. m. by tenor-Voiced William E. Mc- Sundays that a number students topped only by ap- brawn. Open Evenings and rosaries of Pius V and his flock. fully great oppor- until Monday, March 17, when the Laren was the will realize the pearance of Fields, English THE EDITOR, The mess following the French tunity which is extended to them, late registration penalty will be Gracie Cor. Spring at 12th EA. 9935 of Napole- commediene, singing Scotch songs. (and you know his name!) Revolution and the era and will participate in the contest. effective. on righted itself. The imperialism of Bismarck and the kaisers be- came its own cannibal in time. Sooner or later the evils of to- day will fall to the right and jus- tice. Truth will conquer. The Bishop of Rome will remain the Bishon of Rome. The Church will triumph. Christian civilization will emerge qualitatively if not .quantitively stronger. New evils willcome and new generations will feel more oppressed than any other age because they have never been oppressed. As long as man exists there is hope. Light will shine, though suffering and sacrifice may Christianity is Here's the W V be required. If \ worthwhile, it is worth defending ... propagating... practicing.

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