Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 5-17-1940 Spectator 1940-05-17 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1940-05-17" (1940). The Spectator. 142. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/142 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SEATTLESPECTATORCOLLEGE VOL. VII.— No. 27 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, MAY 17, 1940 Z— Boo «4Jggte.M Commencement Gavel Club Indicts Transportation Plans Kelly Victory Plans Announced DeFelice For Fraud Made For Jr. Prom Climaxes Miller, McHugh Speak; Exceeding the brilliance of the Realizingthatif theJunior Prom sensational Monkey Trial of Ken- is■to achieve the greatest possible Heated Battle tucky, nationally Political Bishop Awards Diplomas the famous Gavel success it will be necessary to ade- Club Mock Trial willcome to court quately provide for transportation, Friday evening, May 31, is the on Wed. May 22, at 8 o'clock at chairman Bill Kelly has placed Al date set for the annual commence- the College. Judge Maurice O'Brien Placnta and Abner DeFelice in presiding. charge transportation, Austin,Weil, ment exercises of Seattle College, Because of the universal of and these Berridge, Eberharter On that eveningsome sixty seniors interest in the case the doors to two students announce that a plan will receive their diplomas and the trial have been thrown open has been drawn up by which all henceforth willbenumberedamong to the public at large. In other students will be provided a ride words, Body the alumni of Seattle College. the school is invited to come to the dance. Occupy Other Student Offices Presiding at the exercises will and enjoy the action, the bailiff Transportation Arrangements be His Excellency Gerald Shaugh- has been directed to find seats for In order to facilitatematters for nessy,S. M.,Bishop of Seattle,who all. the committee, all those desiring Contestants Close lawyers plaintiff will present the diplomas to the'i The for the transportation are requestedto graduates. Mr. John E. Carmody,I and for the defendant have pre- give their names to either Al or Heavy Seattle attorney will be the guest pared their briefs and have prom- Abner, who will accept all requests As Balloting speaker, and the student speakers ised that justice, true justice, will at the table at the end of the will be Mr. William Miller and be reached. The dastardly culprit, hall, everyday next week from 10 Ends Campaigning Miss Ellen McHugh. although he is innocent until prov- to 11 or during the noon hour. Spring the en guilty, which he will be, is Ab- Each couple will be charged 50c. flowers will decorate In what was probably auditorium and incidental music ner De Felice, who has committed It is hoped that all students own- the most by the reprehensiblecrime of defraud- ing cars willco-operate in this re- thrillingpresidential electionin the will be furnished members of history of College, Department under the ing the GavelClub of one dollar. spect. Anyone who provides trans- Seattle Bill the Music TCelly was elected president. direction of Mr. Walter Acklin. To defend himself from the toils portation willbe fully compensated, Bill Berridge man of the Sopho- The co-chairman of Commence- of law and order, Defendant De and so it is hoped that all such .head Felice has employed Miss Janet persons will immediately give their more Class during the past year, ment Peggy Ann McGowan and Vice-president. Pettinger Wilson as his attorney, with Joe names to two members of the was elected . Like- Bill announced this week the. able Weil, to the McMurray acting in an advisory committee. Rosemary whose en- that admission exercises will f gaging smile and friendlinesshave be card only: Therefore all seniors capacity as the man behind the scenes. The Gavel Club has ap- (Continued on Page 4.) made her well-known at the Col- who want their parents or friends lege secretary. to in procure pointed Miss Ruth Brock, nation- Scene Of Huge Political Rally was chosen Phil be attendance must Austin was elected treasurer, cards for them. ally known politician and lawyer,I On Campus Tuesday; Presidential and cards, and Albert Plachta, as co-prose- the duties of sergeant-at-armswere Admission graduation an- Play Contest Date delegated to Joseph nouncements, personal cards cutors to bring the defendant his Candidates May Be Seen On Balcony Eberharter. and After more than are now ready for delivery on a rightful punishment. one week of strictly cash basis."There definite- The Mock Trial is an annual in- SetForMay23 continual campaigning by the can- stitution at Seattle College and didates and their supporters, in ly will be no execeptions" stated which the bulletin Mr. Pettinger. There will be no is one of the most enjoyable activ- Incoming Officers' board had be- By come decorated with posters, and charge, of course, for admission ities to take place during the year. Bob Irvine Campaign announcements President O'Brien joined with Mr. the students' ear drums had been cards. All should Today verbally riddled by be mailedtwo weeks prior grad- Murphy, S. J., moderator, in in- The date of the eagerly awaited, Installation advice as to to who, and who not to for, the urges viting all students who want to class play contest has been an- vote the uation so co-chairman Includes Band, student body elections finally came have a good time to come and nounced as May 23 by RobertIrv- all seniors to get there announce- At ASSC Meeting to an end Wednesday ments as soon as possible. watch the villian get his just des- ine, director -oi the contest. on afternoon. serts. Scene of competition for the Advisory Board Winners Speeches, A special student body assembly Elections advisory coveted $10prize Stunts toithe board willbe the Provi- will be held noon today in Auditorium, at the showed the following results: Se- dence where the cur- \ Casey hall by Addison Smith, for representatives; will at 8 p. upon On Tuesday noon, amid the nior Jack Robin- Department tain rise m. the j the purpose of installing the son, Hal Young, Defelice; Music dramatic presentations. blowing of trumpets, the blaring Abner newly-elected student body offi- Juniorrepresentatives:BettyKum- Interest among the students is of horns, and the beating of cers. Arums, the Seattle College elec- hera, Mary Doherty, and William Presents Concerts great as they look forward to an After calling the meeting to Sophomore torial campaign assumed a signif- Pettinger; representa- wt-rtaining evening, with no ad- ordpr, Smith, OMMENT icance 'such has Ad the retiring tives Mary Williams, Tony Buhr mission charged. as it never dem- president, will formally install CANDID The first of the series of spring in the past. Elections and Dick Walsh. By Larry McDonnell, director of the onstrated Bill Kelly, new president, who in concerts was presented by the Se- Junior play: "Suitable for Char- at this institution have always attle College turn will install the other new BETTIEKUMHERA Music Department on ity," Virginia been noted for the vivacity, and officers. Friday, 10, announces the case: May at ODea High Gemmill, Agnes Gallaher, Eileen for the keen interest shown in Following this there will school. The program included 6 them, but certainly student at be a Mcßride, Joe McMurray, Bill Mo- no style show presented by students AnnualScholar- Who says that Seattle College numbers by the men's quartet, 2 ran, DeFelice, the College can recall such a spec- suartet, Abner and Frank through local advertisers. hasn't got school spirit? Who said selections by the mixed Ryan. tacle as was witnessed on Tuesday The retiring officers for the Collegians a vocal solo by Miss Barbara Fort- and Wednesday. that Seattle are indif- The Freshman play, "Babbitt's school year 1939-1940, are: Ad- shipExams ferent? Who claims that we are hoffer and piano solos by Miss Boy," codirected by Joan Sullivan|. High School Band Serenades dison Smith, president; Ellen Mc- uninterested in current affairs of Gertrude Gardiner and Miss Mary- At o'clock on the first Hugh, vice-president; Mary Buch- alice Geyer. and Betty McCarthy, is progress- twelve S. C? The enthusiasm of last ing rapidly, the cast being com- of these two days, twenty mem- anan, secretary; and Bill Kelly, Completed Tuesday proved a lot of things! The men's quartet consists of bers of the Broadway High school Warren West, John Dillon, Dixon posed of Mary Murphy, Lorraine treasurer. We were sitting in the quiet of band, gaily emanating The officials for 1940-1941 Erwin and Wayne Carter; the DeDonato, Mary Lucid, Alberta with music new The the Spec, office before the noon from their instruments, marched are: Bill Kelly, president; Bill two scholarships which are mixed quartet, Barbara Forthof- Grieve, Bill O'Brien and Trevor given year bell, trying vainly to find an in- through the main hall of the Berridge, vice- president; Rose- each to school students spiration to finish my 500 words. fer, Jean Ethier, Warren West Lewis. have been awarded, according to The director of the Senior play, school building and over to the mary Weil, secretary; Phil Austin, There was absolutely nothing do- and Dixon Erwin. K.C. Hall. There parade was treasurer, advisory Father McGoldrick, to Eileen Cam- The schedule for the remaining Mary Buchanan, and co-directors, a and board. eron, Mary's ing. Inspiration was nil. We were formed by group of the stud- of St. Academy, Win- concerts of season is as fol- Berridge, and Joe Deignan of a lock, Wash., disgusted andweregiving up, when the Bill College.
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