Librascope Role Told LIBRASCOPE D.V.S.O*

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Librascope Role Told LIBRASCOPE D.V.S.O* Navy Unveils ASROC As "Deadliest Weapon"; Librascope Role Told LIBRASCOPE D.v.s.o*. The Navy has taken the security wraps off the ASROC pro- GENERAL PRECISION, ,„«=. gram, on which Librascope has been working for the past three years, and has publicly revealed it as its "newest and deadliest AN EXCHANGE OF NEWS AND KNOWLEDGE anti-submarine missile system." As defined by official Navy news releases, ASROC is "a weapons Vol. 8, No. 1 June, 1960 Commenting on the Navy's system designed to deliver a range- ASROC announcement, Presi- controlled, rocket-propelled ballis- dent Lewis W. Imm made the tic missile against modern, high- Blessed Quiet! following statement to Libra- General Electric Trio To Conduct performance submarine targets. De- zette: For the first time in years an livered from the firing ship through an aerial path, the missile enters "Just as the whole ASROC unusual quiet pervades the work- project was a team effort by the '"Value Analysis" Seminar Here ing atmosphere in Bldg. 3. The the water close to its target. Navy, the prime contractor and reason: loudspeaker paging for "THE ASROC system detects a the sub-contractors, Librascope's "Value Analysis and Engineering," a product improvement interplant and incoming tele- and cost reduction concept developed by General Electric, comes submarine at long ranges, quickly design and manufacture of the phone calls has been discon- computes its course and speed, and fire control system was a team to Librascope next month in the form of a two-week seminar. tinued. From now on, says Larry fires its missile from a 'pepper-box' Cahill, supervisor of plant com- effort, too. The course, running from Wed- launcher holding eight missiles. "It is impossible to name all nesday July 6 through 19, will be an effort to give a full evaluation munications, the paging equip- The launcher can cover almost a ment will be used only for emer- who made significant contribu- conducted by G.E. Analysis Spe- of each component under study. full circle about the ship, while the tions to our effort, but I want cialists Alan Taplow, John Wil- gencies and to transmit lunch vessel remains on formation course. The twelve selected from Ship- and coffee-break signals. The to thank everybody who took liams and Glen Hart. Thirty-one board will include: Mark Allison, "The missile can be either a hom- part in the design, manufacture Librascope employees will partici- sound-free air is welcomed by ing torpedo or a depth charge. Anthony Falco, Byron Hayworth, all! and support activities. By co- pate in the seminar. Herbert Hansen, Virgil Jewell, Paul Either follows a ballistic trajectory operation they succeeded in cre- FROM a rather broad approach, Kreinbring, Fred Kolm, Buzz New- after launching, shedding the rock- ating a design and overcoming Value Engineering is a process of man, E. P. Scleicher, Charles et motor on a predetermined sig- interim problems that led to a getting something less expensive— Sparks, Jim Studdard and J. T. Cowan Reveals nal, and its air-frame shortly be- Navy weapon system vital to the with the required reliability—to do Torbron. fore water entry. When the pay- safety of our country." load is a torpedo, a parachute the required job. For General Elec- Production's Industrial Engineer- tric, the pioneers in this field, it Relocation of blossoms in flight to slow its plunge ing Dept. will be represented by into the water in the target area." "The essential value of the digi- has a very substantial dollars and Donald Guy, W. T. Holmes, Leroy tal computer, in addition to its cents basis. Johnson, C. A. Keesling, Elmer Materiel Units REAR ADMIRAL P. S. Stroop, speed in processing combat infor- Using dozens of teams of com- Pfeiffer, J. A. Rossi, R. K. Smith, Chief of the Bureau of Naval mation, is the readiness with which Future geographical relocation petently trained Value Analysts, A. E. Thompson, Dick Walters and Weapons, described ASROC as "A it can be modified to accept new of various units of Materiel, to per- G.E. production is now geared for C. M. Watson. significant advance in the Navy's data. Freed of the necessity to per- mit closer integration and liaison anti-submarine warfare program." reducing the costs of a product to Materiel will send five men to the form mathematical calculations, between procurement, material and ASROC is the product of team combat personnel can devote full an absolute minimum with no de- seminar. They include: L. P. Fatz, inventory control, receiving and crease in quality. In more concrete Joe Frieberg, V. S. Gillette, Byron effort by the Naval Ordnance Test attention to the making of sound inspection functions in serving the Station at Pasadena and China military decisions." terms, G.E. has 120 full-time an- Roper and Dick Walsh. Engineering, Production and ad- alysts in its many plants, each of Lake; the Minneapolis-Honeywell The Navy's announcement, made THE BURBANK Branch will be ministrative departments, were an- Company of Minneapolis, as prime June 21, followed a successful com- wVii"h is expected to save his plant nounced this month by Marsh Cow- represented by Bob Curran, Leon- contractor and designer-builder of pletion of a two-month evaluation an average of a year. an, Materiel manager. ard Kulesa and Hugh Smith. Design the depth charge; the Universal program by BuWeps aboard the I HI- I- \\ H \l \ neer- Specialist Joe Riddle from Subroc ON JULY 25. the Purchasing and ing can do, but what is it and how Match Company's ordnance divi- Destroyer-Leader USS Norfolk. rounds out the roster for the two- Procurement Follow-up, and the sion designers and builders of the Librascope personnel from—£%w^- week course. L Value Analyst takes a long, hard tions will move from Bldg 1 to launching device; General Electric, board and Field Operations took look at a part or component in the Bldg 26, at 1000 Air Way. Pending which designed and built the hom- part in the tests and directed the light of these critical questions: hookup with the main plant switch- ing torpedo; the Sangamo Electric installation of the fire control ap- What is the part ? What is its func- Date Set for board, the units will be reached Company, which designed the de- paratus. tion ? What does it now cost ? What through a separate switchboard tection system; and, of course, else would do the job, and what with the number of CHapman Librascope's Shipboard Engineer- would that cost? 5-8792. ing department, as designers of the Hewitt Recovering Annual Picnic fire control system. The function of the group is dif- The Annual Precisioneer picnic On the same date buyers in the Following Stroke ferent than that of a cost-reduction for employees, friends and families, Model Shop area of Bldg 1 will "THE FIRE-CONTROL system operation in that it tries to analyze will be held Saturday, July 9, at shift to Bldg 17. During August the marks the first shipboard use of Leland Hewitt, veteran business and apply its critical procedure at Sunland Park, according to Pre- Materiel Control section, Receiving, a digital computer," the Navy's an- agent for Precision Lodge 1600, the point of design. The Value An- cisioneer President Jim Studdard. outside processing buyers and cleri- nouncement said. The computer, as International Association of Ma- alyst is expected to bring into a cal staff will shift from Bldg 1 to the heart of the system, "receives chinists, is recuperating at his project new information on mater- There'll be free rides on ponies, Bldg 2. electrical signals of target course home following a paralytic stroke ials, processes and functions. He ferris wheels, midget cars and sun- FINALLY, completing- the move and speed, wind direction and suffered several weeks ago. puts the dollar sign into value im- dry other entertainment devices for from Bldg 1, Cowan will shift his speed, and the attack-ship's course, A frequent visitor to Librascope, provement opportunities, with cost the youngsters — and free soft own office to Bldg 3, preparatory to speed, pitch and roll. where he represents union mem- advantages to the designer, the pro- drinks as well. Admission — by organizing divisional Materiel staff "These signals are used to com- bers in dealings with management, duction engineer and the buyer. badge—is free, too. functions and policies for use in pute future position of the target, Hewitt is a well-known and re- PRESIDING over the food de- future planning, to accomplish where the launcher should point, spected figure to hundreds of Libra- FOR THE JULY seminar, the branch organization objectives. participants will be divided into partment will be Master Chef John and how far the missile will fly. The scopers. teams of three and will apply this Buckens, Machine Shop, an expert computer-directed fire-control unit During Hewitt's illness his re- new concept of evaluation to a num- in the barbecue department. Co- aims the launcher, sets the missile sponsibilities are being handled by chairmen Charlie McKallor and Jim range and fires the missile upon Business Agent Al Hammond, a one ber of already existing Librascope- command." designed components on the basis Manley will host the beer bar, aided Airborne Group time Librascope machinist, who of a function — cost relationship. by a staff of willing volunteers. THE NAVY announcement, de- has been assigned to the post by The teams will be composed of per- A turnout of more than 3,000 is Transfers To scribing Librascope's fire-control District 94, IAM. sonnel from Engineering, Produc- expected. The gates will open at apparatus, declared: tion and Purchasing departments in 11 a.m.
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