'1.. 1[ DowLohnes Scott S. Patrick o 202.776.2885 E
[email protected] June 19,2008 VIA COURIER FILED/ACCEPTED Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary JUN 1 9 2008 Federal Communications Commission Federal GOllilllulI!~c1l1UlIS Commission 445 12th Street, S.W. Office of the Secretary Washington, DC 20554 Attention: Video Division Media Bureau Re: WHNT-DT, Huntsville, Alabama Facility J.D. No. 48693 Petition to Amend the DTV Table ofAllotments Dear Ms. Dortch: On behalfofLocal TV Alabama License, LLC, licensee ofcommercial television station WHNT-DT, Huntsville, Alabama, we hereby transmit an original and four copies ofa Petition for Rule Making requesting the substitution ofChannel 46 for Channel 19 at Huntsville, Alabama in the DTV Table ofAllotments. Ifany additional information is needed in connection with this matter, please contact me. Enclosure cc: Ms. Joyce Bernstein (via e-mail) Mr. Ron Graser (via e-mail) Dow Lohnes PLLC WASHINGTON, DC I ATLANTA, GA 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW. Suite 800 Attorneys at law Washington, DC 20036·6802 www.dowlohnes.com T 202.776.2000 F 202.776.2222 1 FILED/ACCEPTED JU~ 1et~~~ : FederaloCommmunlcations Commlss' Before the co of the Secretary fan, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Amendment ofSection 73.622(i) ) MB Docket No. ---- Post-Transition Table ofAllotments, ) RM- _ Digital Television Broadcast s.tations ) (Huntsville, Alabama) ) ) To: Office ofthe Secretary Attn: Chief, Video Division Media Bureau PETITION FOR RULE MAKING TO AMEND THE DTV TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS By its attorney and pursuant to Sections 1.401, 73.616, and 73.622(a) ofthe Commission's Ru1es, 1 Local TV Alabama License, LLC ("Licensee"), licensee ofWHNT-DT, Huntsville, Alabama (the "Station"), hereby respectfully petitions the Commission to institute a rulemaking to amend Section 73.622(i), the Post-Transition DTV Table ofAllotments, by substituting Channel 46 as theStation's post-transition DTV channel in lieu ofChannel 19.