

A Thesis Presented to the Faeultj of the Department of Radio and Television XJnivBralty of Houston . ■


In Partial Fulflllmnt ■ of, the lequiremnts for the Degree SSaster of Arts

by Sybil Rye son Solomon June 1955

122592 A StJBVrri t® SMfLOYKgST OF WO1SS II C SI TA IS MSES OF Tffimsios mm>wTios

An Abstr&ai of a Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Departnsat of Radio and Television University of fioustm

In Partial Fulflllmnt of the Requireffients for the Degree Meter of Arts

by Sybil Ryemon Soloznon June 1955 In tliy f1624 ©t television has beccsrae the s^>st prominent aourae ©f entertaisa@ste educ&tiGn and jUsif^raatiaie The grovjth > Sa @?Oer to get ttw inforaatim for this study it was . necessary to to the source of the©mploysent** television stationse A questionnaire listing twenty different jobs in > XsrMiS television production, was sent to all televislem stations in ©^ration In th® IMted States pyltir to -January lt 1955. la eMlfelcsi W listing the epeeifle Jatee# the ^xeetioKmaire requested the nmhw ef ma «md doiog these jobat the eelarj rcmge tw b@6h eamey my jbba that wmm are *held lag la fV predaetim that were aet itemized by th® *<$u@stlm aalre# md intesatlen m to m not the etatlma ware plmnlng to to their etaffa la the next six amths* the respmaes to the Queetl«malre are the basis for the following omelnaims te the etsweat eaplojuent of women in televlalm production# The televisim industry is definitely reeeptlve to fmale mployoese TMay wosan sre wmklng at e large number of dltrerent 3obs la *telewloion .they are doing Sobs that require ewlleetod te^mloel *towledge jobs that require creative and artietie *eMlity jobs that retire greet patimoe az^. endurMiee, md jobs that me mtrmely competi* tire# Worn «e boldly twenty emt of toe total number of jobs to televisito that ware itwaisod by the questicwmaire md listed by toe statlsm* I^sro wo®m me werMaj in *tele vision writing fibs dep®rtamts^tbm’‘to wtoer biases of TV productim#. BcwevsT# toere-'toe Wms wwhtog to all jobs Hated by toe (paeatlonaMre# with

CHA PCT , PAGE I, UHR(8X$CTI0I TO THS STCDY • 1 prctolea *• • • • • • »• •' e1 .• • • • • Statement ®f the problem • • • • • • • 5 Purple ©f the study ■ • «• • ,• • «■ •- .•<■ • • 6 Method ©f the w©eMw®- . •• *! •- •- *• ♦- 7 Deflaltltoa ©t teiror • • »■ • •' »■ •' * »- 8 II» TIIE mGASJSATIO® OF THS STOUT »■ .• •' <■ • •' • Hj. Hie AMLTSIS OF THE AJBfm TO W QUSSTIOSHAIRSw 16 IV• ADDlTIOSAh 5OB& SSU> BT WOMEK- »■ •' • .• . . $1 V» CQ11SSTS OF TO STATIC® SAHAOSRS •••, . • $8 VI. AMX.TSIS OF THE FIWISGS A® COKUOSIOSS . • 60 BisLiOGiurar .• • •• .• .• .■. ••. .• 69 APPE®IX A. Letter from author to stations • .■ . . 73 APPODIX B. Questionnaire ♦ •' • • . . . . • • .• • 7^ APPBMX Ce Letter fro,* station .■ . •- .■ . .• • 76 APPENDIX D. Letter from author to H.A.I.T.B. . . . 77 APPsron Ee Letter fro® H.A.R.T.B. to author ... 78 APPfflDIX F» List of statiom to i^loh questionnaires were sent *••.••«••••••• emPTSR I


"Spaee, imtil tM advent ef bad always placed a definite liaitatlOA ©n ®an*a range ©f cosmunleation, ladle abolished this *barrier With tM growth ©f broadcast* Ing, a mw revolution Is overtaking wi* Man la living in a new dimnsimeeeladl© and television, have eaptored the popular itoaginatlon etM have become doolmnt paatiB»s in our **Uvea i- 2* In the field of oowmloatlim' radio has relinquished Its top positlm to the new medlua called *televialon The \ saturation by television of urban, surburban, and farm eosoauiltioa, has ®&

i- Charles A* Sie^aan, Bad to Television aad Society (lew Torkl Oxford tMl vers 1 ty""'iws aJ " 1^ v, William Kaufaan and Bobort 3* Colodsln, Your Career in Television (lew York! Merlin Press, 1950) pp*‘irlx7' SOI. " 2 the that3nttos6^** it hoMe ter ell ages and both, as&esa has placad this ©sans ot earn* wmlaatlm In a eategory all lt» ©wb* Tela’ylsitm has the awld t@ ©w *doarstep "The alghb alub, the gridiroif the politleal arena# and the school have been breast te the. llviag. . Badio has becoene aeaetite1^* Televlalon new holds the nuiaber one foaltlm. at Is^ortanee in the tield ef *ec» *tounloation M the technical ebstaelae end p’obleras that televialea bought with It have be« ewaemted and resolved# the Industry Mm mvol^ed a greatw and greater portion of owr *population The peww of televlalon to eaptvre the interests of the entire nation has been demonstrated by several draaiatle events in the field of govmmmt end *pol itiese4

It la safe to say that television la here to stay# Its growth has been ph«&wnal» It will oontlime to grow la else end IsapwtsBee* It is firmly mtrenehed «d wntll some new# isw® powerful# mare dra®&tio Bedim of eommnieaticKi us-urps its plaae# television will reealn in the position of

^Charles y* Undsley# hadio and Televislm *Casyni oation (Sew Xcrht *®Orw»ailFvmp«ny> Tn

(CMC 3 prcEiinenc® tMt It wt < ef a better postwar werM have found tele* vlaieek baa a nwaber ef equally etriMag aspectse Itar example# this la the first tine la hletery that «a has had an eppor* tunity to tates a hl^ly developed but eonpletely unexploited selenee eM out ef it ereate a nee lndu8try««tm industry

*ieh is being built troa. ths ground tp and

As those hew |db» ocm Into bMngt the televisim Indiuitary la bW'Osing the field of w^plo'pMaat for mro end, acre *people Mtwtllyi televialw Is a blending of radio* the *stage and sot Im *pletwea It requires writ ere who ..ooi weato stcrleat aotora to pcnrtrey *rolea produotara and *diractors Bcenic sa^ oostwe *doslga^w oawra non* engin­ eers, *suaiol®M fila *Mltwa prop® end **oqulpomtall those people sre a n^essary part < the te« that enables

Hubbell, op* elt** p* K. 4 ua't© ®lt la our llvtog riroaa wb& ©ajoy toe £srog?sM *re celved ©a eur Tf setae ^^to am eM womu are entering - toe business televlaim aa • mem^s of earning a *llvell hitMe^z Woaei eare me eenfined. to listted fieMa of e^le^aes&t M are filling jobs to IMuatey of a 'widely dlverelfled ftatwe* . If a ve^m poesoaees toe yityatoel and smtal tollity to obtain «d retain a eertato job# there she will be focaad dotog that job* TMa trend of tofiltra* tim of women into highly teotoloal jobs was toe outcme of World ter Hj when it was aeeeaasry to mto use of toe weeaan poww of toe nation® w®tea proved towselwa to be eatable of *doing sod doing wll# jobs that had .previously been emalderod topoaslble *f« toea to *hold 8 9 feleviaim la a new exeittog field of employment tc® waasn* television is uninhibited and there la no *yre cedent to handie&p toe wc@m too seto employmnt* Th-e'ymy^ nowesa of^telovlslm mtoea^it a fertile field of employ* rnent *$« anyone having toe ability to ^rove himself *eapable 1,0

8 Bmam# et» ale# op* olt*# pp* 11*13* 9 tone K* Baetjer* Ja Industry (! W* B*. Saunders Gw«®y> leliTpp* 15^17^ 3,0 Kaufhan# et* al*# op* ©it** p* 173* *The sis^le but ©luslve fact it that television is neither stable nm? mature* Television is young, fluid and unpre- *dietable, 121

Xe tbs raosm

EUtSSt St St . Si«c® tM* Wdlua is *still *relatively la its Infancy, mny things are yet to be established. This study la an investigation into the current employment of waen In certain phases of television production, Xheam Is no evidence' of any previous investl* gation into this probl® of w»n working in television production,1^ Wat |obs are w® now holding? What do they earn at these Jobst Wiat is the cowar at iv© ratio of to men working la the same specific Jobs la television produetion? The answers to these questions will give an insight into ^e fahrt f® ween in television. My attest at predietions as to the future possl* billties f® wcwen in the field of television production, must use as a basis for cu^>®lson* the salaries and the number of ®en doing th® s®s Jobs,

11 Bw to address by Oscar Kats* 0B3 Director of Pesearch* at the 19U9 Annual Luncheon of The Fulse, Inc, Personal CwresptodOiwe of the *Author Letter frtn Richard M, Allerton, Kanagor of Keseerc!^ Satioual Association of Radio and Television *broadcasters Iov®bcr *10 l^U, See Appendix E, e

,ix* ronrosi ® tes srax

the •.peeialltM eM technical talevislcm production beseems# sere highly sldllM pers^mel will be *needed Wwith belevlsim we have reached the end ef the rosd* All the tetibnleal reawureet ©t eeiMualeatien ere her® eyntheaised at *last Mateu natural and arti* e flclal *sowtid visual issgery, and color—all theae mat be blended Ante a etiaer^t pattera ®d eubordlnated* each tn Its plane* t@ the effeeta **Mslred 2^ ^Television ©f all the miern aeOla ©t ©ewmlea* *tl

13 Sle^MMke Ope ©it** *p SMe M **Ibid p* SM* slot


In ertw W gather the informatlm for thle etuay, it w®a neeesesry to go to the source of televleion ^ploy* ment# neaely# the televisim atattma# after Moeiaerehle research and eeisnltation with the heads of the various depertswnts at tnlwrslty of Boustm# * questionnaire was prepared# Thia queatlomalret along with a letter of ezplanatiGnf was sent to all television stations in *opera tlon In the United states ^l

xv» Dsnmces of tws

The tellwtog deflaltlms ©f tern® st© given in w^w t© elerify th* a®e ©f these terms in this study* *Dlreeter With a ^©gr« en the airt the director mst eoordlnat© ev®^ aetivlty in the studio, using every earoera wrement to convey meaning, motives and shades of ©motion, which will ©©avert dramatic value into their equivalent electrical terrese♦through* subtle and ekillful direction, he e®n eorrvey meaning® without the aid of spoken *words The success of the entire productions therefore, rests upon Ms knowledge ©f the mdim and its potentialities, Ms sense of good ShowansMp a®^ Ms good *taste Staff *Pirector The staff direetor works very closely with the director and does siuch of the detail work such as holding *d^ran rehearsals, ©hooking script material, music, jdaetos, *,©to for eleeranoe, and is a general assistant to th© *dlreetcr^ .

Other *director harge stations break down the job

Buth £ee Barringtoa, Xour Opportunities in Television (Iw Xorkt BedlU S^my, 10oT P* 18* Bros©®, *st al*, *op ©it*, p« MS* of dirwtw Inte wlmw *e®tegwlw For exoaple, there a&y be a filroGtor ef prope# director of suslCf casting directort or director of remote opersitlcms#17 tola general cates«ry wtn te&e late aecoxst dlrectlx^ jobs not *Indi Yidually Hetod to the *^ueetlosnaire iSMM *Wasisa ®f aaelatot director ie torgely detemtood W etaticn end the todivlduel Beroer to wMch the station la set up» This esy wry a great deal from one at&tiw. te anothw# but generally assistant dlrectcra do the routtoe worM of *srrsng tog fw the copies of the script> taking notes at rehearsals # giving dlreetlona^ and generally aldtog the director to any Bay that Is nec®s.8.ti?y»to Floor gfiPteWTS* Ms job is scmtlaes called studio supervisor^ end is wry stoilar to the job of the stage Mnager to the legitimate theatre* The flow manager la the @*director representative on the studio fleer during telecasts* ”1® is the liaisai during oewa rehearsal snd air performance* between control yoo»* *east end studio erw* The dire©to? cues the cast through toe flee *asMger and transmits *to atructlons torough him to the stage crew* The flow mana*

teitowm* *et al** op* **elt *pp 53«85t *Kauftero et* al** op* **cit p* 80* 10 ger e.®rries Ma fully »«rked script from which he checks’ title cardia for proper iiqueneei hold up cue cards» sees that props# guests# actors# »e properly positioned < and ready to take action cues# and other allied *duties#^ ®aketto* Artlstse Thia is •basically the same as it is for'the moriesi the-heightening and strengthening of certain facial features in keeping with the character end according to the mood of the play in order to make the production more effective* The duties of the job involve (1) the actual application of any intricate *makeup) '(2) ■ the supervision of. the actor1 s applicatim of straight up|make* (3) the maintenance of eqM.p»ent| (4) the selec­ tion of wigsj (5) the preparati

$1333. The associate producer works with the producer and often with the agencies in *connec tion with programs that are not produced by the stations

1© . /- Chy1,oa *?““»« tisSsstes 324 Xsze^aW- sion (»ew Xorki henry Molt and Company# 1903) p* 19* 20 * ‘ ‘ ’1 ■ • Barrington# op* cite# p« 41* 21 Ibid*# p* 43* ’ 11 theagelvese .Se«1.6. TM ®©®nl© design®? plana ®aai. de* eiyae eettinge ead bae^^-ewade for the pregms* #The set deelgiaer ehould have a gecd baehgrmmd la desig© > jperapee* live# color *demies interior deeoratlm wd *photography The euaeessfol deslgaer will be ©as whe has a sensitive awareness @f the possibilities ©t the stage set te produce draa&tie effeete te strengthen ehsreeterlsatlen end to hal^twa the mood

Mndsley.# op# cite# p« 113* 85 Km£wae et» al«# op* clte# pe 9Se Maas# op# Cite# pe Me 12 the all*ever tetimleal quality ef the >rogr«ra» Be te in charge ©f all technical personnel required for the pro* flue t lone Hews Men* Those whose wrM le concerned with gathering end preparing the new© aaterlal tw nee on the aire I2S& Mltorse The newe editor edits the new# sate* Ing the declelone as to what news stories will be used on the aire ♦ fin lews Cast.ere The eaaere1 news ©aster la the person idao actually ^pesents the nows on the air* Rewrite Idltor# Th® >«ps«a *@ takes th® news *In fomatlMk fr©» various sourees rod rewltes it for use on th® aire Film .Burer* The person in tiiarge of obtaining filffiS for use on the *air The film buyer also cheeks films tw their entrotaltoaent valwe®' Flla Mltfire It is the- |©b of the film editor to ©heok all'film for quality ylw to its being used on the alreM

©K *st >al* ope *#clt pw 12Se 26 XMdea pe 133e 13

SM predww creates apeciel film fw emBeralale# aliaes# film elipa# faatwraa or ahcrta, aa the station roy

81 *#XMd pe 'tot* mrm xx

Telwl alm Is a triMiliieaa sele w swiy *epealal Isod *jobs The tivlslm between *•technleal and *•pr-oduc tlon* persoimal Is largely arbitrary beosaae the areas have a strmg te ©vex-lap* Various etatlma break dam the jobs Inta eategmlee that best suit their indl* vidual eperatlms *set»^ At mail statlcms where the staff Is s&allt eaeh e^loyee will have a wide range ef *dtitles ♦Technle&l* people tftm pmfwsi production *func time# and tprodtictl©n* people Bay do jobs whleh me eon* siderod to be twohnie&le Telovisim>Mre than any other fieldf requires the utaost in ooopw^im between all ^poraaimel*

In fomxlating th® ^iiestlonnalre that la the basis for ttxls study# the fast that jobs la televlslen have a tendency to overlap# was taken into *emslderatlcn The listing of twenty different jobs by title was made la md«* to mke it poo slid® to t abulate and evaluate the reapmsese Each job is individually ohsrted so that the condensed figures are resdlly apparent to the readme The

(8« 15 nuEQb^r ©f mm ©nd woeasn doing each p^-ticulsr job Is listed In eetia. ©a©e# the hl^best salary, the lowest s&ler the e-rerage salary> «d the «ode» we ale© give® in each *in *etaoee Follewixig the IndlYiaual charts m each joh> any utnusxial ta the eatwy rrage and emy nmisual trends that are indicated the charts will he *diseusaed ^ie questionnaire wked the stations fer a Hat of jobs that wowm were holding la televlslm production which had not hem specifically itwlsed by the *queatieonalre This information will be dlsessoed in a separate chapter* The ccwsnts ©f the staticns s»a. the rroarks that wwe invited we the acwce ©f mtwial fw a *ch^ptw finally* th® ccwlwi<®e that wwe indicated by the lAfwsatim that was *gathwed the cwr«t trends of e®» pl^sMt* eM the,futw» fw in televial^ produc­ tion ecnatltwte th® final ^Mq»tWe Suggestions for further investigation into the eeplo^wit of waaen in televisicn we ®®de» CBOSA XXX


‘ The mew^re t© the questiom&ire were tabul&ted md put into iadlvlduel eherte teir eeeh. Jeb *listed These eharts give a coxidenaed w^rsim ©f the salaries earned by both Ban and wceene Th® average salary, the low salary# the Bode# and the highest salary we *Mated A eompariscn between the ewalngs of sum wX ween can be mde at a glanee* Following the tiwte tw both wm end ween In each apwlMe job there is a dlseusslm of the charts rod my edditlenel data that interprete rod elarlfies the *©harts The Information that is included su g&thwed frcsa the figures that are the basis t» the *ck^rts 17

Average Mmthly Salary...... e 4S0e00 lowest Salary Rea^FdM....,...... TOeOO Mode...... : ...... ;...___ 400.00 Highest Salary Reemded...... , .... WW_IW l,408e00 Total Himber of Male Direetors ______193


Average Monthly Saltt* y.;...... 4 356e00 lowest Salary Recorded...... 250»00 Mode...... ; ...... ;...... ;... ,.;...... 33S,00 Highest Salary Recorded...... 450.00 Total Striker ©t y«aale Direotwa . _ ~ 6

The mle aireetere Iwgely eetawber the fmole directors—•one hundred end ninety three to aixe Mare sole aireotere earn f»o» nonth— me hundred, md Torty tw fall in thia salary bracket. Just rifte«m iwn earn lees then |350»©0 per eaith. Twenty six Ban earn I601.00 through tSOO.OO and ten sen earn wer ^COO.OO per »onth. The range frm the low Male salary of <250.00 t@ the high ©f 11,408.00 ie very 18 lareade ' to tha ease ©f tMe the range la eeM14®rably n8rr@werf being t850*00 to. 1450e00 p®p montba The elnlM salary tor both males end females# ftoOeQO# was the awe* 19


Average Monthly Salary^ ____| 496.00 lowest Salary Reeorded... . . 97S.00 Mode______; ,.T; S00.00 Sliest Salary Reewded...... ,.. ; ...... 1,600.00 Total Mmhor of Male Staff Cirectors___ . ; 136

Ave-age Monthly Saleyw ...... t TC.00 Lowest Salary ReserdedL ____ 316.00 Mode . . _...... ______Hlgheet Baley Rooorded...... 1,600.00 Total Kumbsr of Femle Staff XSireotora ...... 3

The saale staff has a hl^ar awrage salary# a hl#w high salary# a hlg&er lew salary than that of the male directors* Male staff direst cars salaries span IVoe tCTSeCto to tl»^OO#

Average Monthly ■ Sti-er.s* _ ...... 7. _..,....v..... TI Jl 411»CX> lowest Salary ReeorML.,.- . *00300 Mode.______;______373* Eldest Salary Reo^aM.,. . . . 800*00 Total of Ottoar Male directors ; 16


Average Montlily SaX«ry t 313*00 lowest S^wy BeooraedL-.-.- . B^)eOO Moae;; ... ..;;...... 260*00 Hipest Salary Reeordea 4U*CX> Total lumber of Otlior Female llreeter<._ 4

In tills ease the salary r«®e for men is not as great as in the previous *eases consisting of a range from 4300*00 low* shlch is the second bluest of the lows recessed for men, to a of 4aX)*00 Twelve out of the alxtema wet earn between a>♦W*00**4373 Two sen earn 4300*00 and two earn the salary of *00 5Ms would indicate a fairly stable average for men# The voiwen registered a low of IttoeOOf Is the second hipest low 22

€w of all the jobs ehsrtede The faet that there are fmo* v»m to alxteen fiotog thia |ob ie *elgnl fleante toe range of toe e*w»« ealsries le ****Mrroww^StoeCX)'^!!^ to

Average Monthly _.™_t 449e00 toweat Salary R«»yd^...... ;; ...... 250#00 MMa : ...... :.... ,,..,...... ;...... ,...... ,.. ;...... 350,00 El^aeat Salary BeagardM ...... ;. ... . 1,080,00 Total SumbeF of Mala Assistant Directors _. to


Averag® Monthly s®l&3Kr.._...... ^ 257,00 Lowest Salary Roeoxded . 250,00 MoS>® Eldest 3Al«ry R^orAM ...... £65,00 Total Ittohar of F«al® Mslatant Direotcars.... . 2

The wsmimI fact notea in the char't of ass latent

director® la that alacat m sany of the »« fall into the salary teacMet aa fall into the loww a&lary bracket, Slxtem earn ff *lle eleven earn ffcsa |4toe00w*tl,to0,00. There are only two aen earn* Ing the low ealsry of ^250,00, The average eale salary of $400,00 1® the. third sal® average fthe Aole survey. 24

Sitose e*tt« ex®* xmXy ^wo fessle *dlTMtort w® have only a las aaA a hi^h salary ***<250figyra»Q0 and tseSeOO* .. ;. :..... 1..:...... ,...... i 490e00 lowest Salary lewrdM,..,.....:...... &7S«CX> «tiae_...... :...... 73S»00 Salary BaewdM ; ; ; ; 800*00 Total timber Ml® Tsohnlaal Blrecter® 122

Average Mutfely Mltfr....,.,...^...... ,... , .,.t Syseoo lowest Selery Recorded.., , ;...... 7 ._...... SSOeOO Md®,.. 7. , ; ,7 ? : •—*** Bluest Salary leeorled. ..7 : ; *00 Total Mrifter at Fwal® Tedtoleal Slreotora _...... 2

Toetmleal directors Mw th® fifth Mgheat male average »alia*y**490C©e eTh«* w«re *oa®Wmty sen earn* tog the Mde salary of W«tTSS* This mode was toe hipest noted to toe mtto® *ewvey Sixty*two Mn# slightly better than h.alf*one of toe one tarred and twenty two men worlritag w tetimtoal dlrwtora# earn frm **t800*00|425e00 per *wnto *stoF«-ty men earn froa 00*4051380 Just toe fact that there are w*en t if only two. 26 werMag m tMtalaal ie **murlMM One •eraa tSSOeW >w moth «©a th® ©thw earaa |400»(X> par 060 the £7 BOMSiaai


Avwetg® Msmthly Salary.—-^...... „._JI 524e00 Lowest Salary Xeocrdedl- r. 150*00 Hod®. ; ______SSOeOO Eldest Salary *datee d... SWeOO Total Emfeer of Male Flow 8*aajKer <. 198


Airwag® Monthly Salary^ 191*00 Lowest Salwy R®eord®d...... 165*00 Mod* .... , ...,T.,... .,, , ******' Ilghest Salary leowd®6.....,:... : .; 817*00 Total Staler of Fwal® Floor . . .. . 8

The ©hart of th® floor swagers indleates that the lowest sale salarye

Monthly Sal«rr„. „:._...^.^..._,_..^..^.._.^J leweaS Salary Reooraeft-...... :...... - 520*00 lode ; .,, , m


AYerag® MoatMly Xweet Salary RPoorded...... :..

...... :...... r...... El^ioat Salary RMoasdeC...... total Rwabor < fwBle Artlata......

Io w520*00 per *eonth Swttely ...... J 442«00 Xewest Salwy ReearaM...... ,...... ;...... *OOtoO «0de ..;...... ,...., .... , ... .,. . .,...... 4R5eOO Ripest Sslwy Re&«d@a...... ;.,...... :...... 71S»00 Total of Male 70

Mmthly Saltfr.,...... ;.. ...,1 839e00 Xoaroat Ioeer

Thwo we aovmtj mm working aa procUwera. Only four earn less than t.8CK)e00 pw smtbe Thirty^three earn frosi t5SS00**|4S5»00* pw month# *twmtyalx earn **te00*«|71Se00e There are five we* wW'Mng a® yroduoerae Io two wown .are owning the ewe *ealsry The range ie narrow** frcn |CX>|S85e00***10 pw month* 51


Average Monthly Salary ...... t 406*00 leweat Salary BesorSea...... ; _, , . .... , ... . £50*00 Mode ...... :...... -. , .,?...... - 457*00 Ml^eat Salary dRee«* ri...... 550*00 Total limber ■ Male Msoei&te I^oduoera ...... 80


Average Monthly Salary... , ...... ;...... t 352*00 lowest Salary Keeorded :... . :...... 800*00 Mode...... ■...... :..,...,...... *870 Sl^sat Salary Reecsrded...... ; ...... , , „ 400*00 Total Himber of Fmalo Associate Frodtitoers ... 6

la an eodtremely hlsh ratio of wosaen to sen wrkiag ea associate ****^oducerslx wmen to twenty *men Salaries are v^ry near the s®e for both sexes* The female low of |200*00 eoBtraats with ths male low of f*00>250 and the female Mfh bf *CX>t400 emtrasts with the mala high of |®0*00 Twelve of the mm earn <400*00 er more per month* 88

fcwwege loathly Salary...... 415<00 Xw®«t Salary Reoardea...... 100<00 lode,..,...... ;...... ,, . , :...... 880^00 Bluest Salary ...... ,.... :...... 810*00 Total of Bale Stele Oeataaera...... ;.... . 46

Awrage Mmthly aMtfy.,r,...... :...... A 885*00 lewet Salary leecrled...... in. 850*00 Its®...... ;...... ,,...... ,...... v...... ;...... ;... . 803*00 Si^ieet Salary Beeora^ ...... 800*00 fetal Iwber ef FttiaX® Mele Deaisaea...... :..

Xa the eaee et tM aeel© *dwlgawe the «en earn eeslderM)ly sore than the *womi altfcHm^t they register th® Iwest of the Iw salery figeree> *00t!00 iw *wmth wtolle the fmale Iw salary figure le tt50*(X> The mle high Is *ItlOeW mA the fwale hl^h mly 1800*00 The Bale wag® rimge 1® very *«4010e00wiae«^4ia> atolle the feraale range Is just t3®*a>tt50 There ere fertywel^t men as empsred with few *wcwa 33

tfce largeefc ©f sea fall in ttoa salary traaket fr« **t330e W wato» Csoly ei^ht sen earn ever e4«)eoo# - M

Salary...... ,;t S70»00 leweat Salary RocordM...... 100»00 Mode,...... , .■.,.„...... '______,„_.t...... *00 e00 Blshest Salary leoorded ...... 65OeOO total ^iriber of Male ^rajMe Artiste. , . ... ,,.... . 4B

Average Monthly Mary...... :.. ,...... B 2S9*G0 Sweat Salary RooardedL.._._._.____...... *OOtoO lode., ,.....,...... ,,...... „.T.. toOeOO Bluest Salary Reoorded, . . ,...... , 300,00 total of Steal# OrapMo Artista...... T

the largeat grow ©t swa# twenty ont of *fortyelght, earn frea $400,|*0C« 500,00 yer aanth. Seventeen .mm earn from t8d0ew300,00,00** My six se earn ©v«r <500,00, the nnahw ©f wmen grwhle artists la very maall***sevansnd th® salary range Is nstTOWf ^5 SlMJSSIll

Averse® MmtMy Salers,,...,...... ,.t SISeOO Iciest Salary Reccr&edL .. .. . 7 ...... ;...... r ... Kod®. , .7;.;._.....:.,.:,:...<..: : .. .. .:,.,:v.,.7;...... a 450»00 Salary K®©®raM...... ,. .. .;.... 4S0e00 Total of Malt script wlt^s . , ...... 40

Average Koathly SalffirT...... S 272e00 lowest Salary . . ...;...... 18S»00 Mode.. ... _wewwwww_;... ;...... 7 SISeOO Hl^twat Salary HwordM...... 7...... :... .:.... 440*00 Total Ettiber of Feeble Script writers...... ,. 52

Th® chart® chaw that there sa?e alwat m la&ny women a® aen employed as script witerB^ *twotMrty women end forty *»«n Th® Meh. salaries for both are alsost Wmtl* forC®l*** the *am |450»00.* for th® w««t t44OeCX2e Th® low salary flares ar® quit® different9 with the wc®en getting tISdeOO «4 the sea receiving a low of tto0»00e Fifteen w@«®a earn from |300«Mt2W»00* t three women eem less than <200* (X) md fowteen earn from se eSOOeOO-e«Q,OOe* Of th.® *sen twents^flve fr^s **tS00#©Dt<50e00> and the rawlnlng flftem ®@» earn free *»tStoe00et2^0e Average Fionthly ...... ; , _ ...... , t ' 3M»00 twest S<opy leetopaei .... ; , .. , ; , ...„: l^»00 ...... ; . ,.v: ...... ' 300.00 Bluest Salary EaesMee . :. . . . ; .. It83,00 Total dumber of* MLe Continuity Wltera .. . 38

Average Monthly Salary... . ; . ; , t 263.00 Sowat Salaxy Heoortiet; :... ;; ... ;.. lT5e00 Moae:/.;.; . . , ...... ,...... ;:: ; 7 ’ . ' ^0,00 Higheet Salary ReeordeA.... ;...... ; .. ; ...... 667.00 Total Stiver of Fomle Contlnttlty Witerg 90

ContinMty writing Is the only Job listed la the swvey in whleh w«ea outawebor the sen, ninety women to tMrtyei#it* am. ©» low •eleri flg®re is identical for both sexes, 1175.00 >er Bwnth. The sea average more per ronthe but the highest salary registered Is-for a woman who earns #867.00 per month. Ths hlgliest male salary is just e^ss.oo. 38 the •tatlsties en the feaale aentlauity writers list 8®ve$i wo5.en eKralsg less than t-^OOeOO per month* The largest grew of i»®«******aer^t^<»ae^e^n fTm t200«00»** *00|300 p®? month. The rmaalnlng twelve weeen earn,from 1320*00 —*004837 *p« *month 39 IBMSJSt IMS

Average Monthly Salary t 447e00 XAieat Salary ReaertolL...... :...... IQOeOO lose . , ..., 423.00 Slghest Salary BeeerdaS ...... lf040.00 Total. Kimber of Male Mews Staff ...... 133


Average Monthly Salary.. ; _.t 293.00 lowest Salary Beccrdad. ...'. J . , 130.00 MMo...,...... ^...... ,...... 246.00 Ki^ieat Salary Bocor&oa 630.00 Total Kumber ©f femle Mews Staff . . .

There are oae hundred aaS flfth»elght to aix women worklag on the awe staffs# The low eaale salary is 1100.00# *11© the ftmale low salary le flSO.OO. The salary range »« is great# tl00.00*-tl#040.00# 11©* the fenale range la tl50e00w|.650.00« Of ths one hundred and fiftyweight »« about *me third, ©era ear© thaa 1500.00 per soatb. Thirtymine aoa ©am fro® *-»t^0e00|400.00 pa? emth. There ere *sixty 40

am esdmtog less than t^0e00 Satis, ©t the six wmm sems a different salarg*** five are earning trm tlWeOO|iB80»00** >w smthf and the cm® ether woman earns t@W«00« Average Mc'athly Sal«3,_.v ; _ ,.....7... I4.92.OO lemst Salary Eeeex^M"...... ; S^OeOO Me ... ; ;; ..:7^ . ,...... , ...... 600«00 lighest Salary B.Mor

Average Monthly Salarr;.. ,. B S^O.OO Sweat Salary leeordeA...... 2^0*00 Mode ; , .. ; . . li^best Salary Recorded .. . , .. , . S^OeOO Total Sisber of Wmale Sowa Mitora

There is oaly ©no wrom westing as a news editor and she e®ma IM saae salary as th© lowest paid mle *editor Of the slxtywseven sale *editors **thirty-two- alwst one-halfemi*** 1^00*00 "or rore per Bonth* eighteen earn txw tU00»00-«4500*00 figures thmt add wp to fifty out of sixty-seven earning over tU(toeOO per Booth, 42

Awrese toathly ...... _ ..._,...... ,_.J8 591e00 Xovaste Salary Xa©»dLad...... „...... KX)eOO KaS*..._ ...... 400e00 Mg&asfc Salwy Basaraafl...... , ...... r 84S»00 Total Kimber af Bale Bewlte Mitera ......

Averse Mmthly Salarr...... ;1... . t *00246 Boweat Salary ;...< ; : : 225*00 Moda.... ?' ..... 225*00 Highest Salary Baeerded...... 510*00 Total Mwbar of Female Bwvrlte Mltora.. ..

Aa rewrite editors we have enother strong showing of women against aen* Fen® women md six wa .era *Hated The Ben earn wrof they average *00|S91 # a&ile the female average la *001246' The was® earn a higher low4225*00** Three eara thia *aalery The low sale salary is t200*00 t id th one b« earning thia *flgore Few of, the wen earn. 1400*00 per month «d the other man earns *00<545 43

Average SEmthly Salarr.,...... ,...... 402eCX) lowest Salary Eecordea, .. . MOeOO Ma_ . , . , <00*00 Eldest Salfiry Eecorded...... SS7e00 Total Iwbw ot Male lew Casters ...... 103

Awsrage Monthly S^.®ry.._r —... v.,.,...... -..—-1 485*00 Xoweat S&ley EeocydM...,...... 800*00 Mod®., / .,... ;...... -. ....—... ;v... :...-___ *00600 Highest Salary Keeordea.. _Z... 600*00 Total Mtaraber ©f Fomle lews Casters ..... 3

Thwe are erer^eteto^Ly ©or® mm than woa@a worlc* ing as news easters, me htsidred three to five* The f *ale awerage *yaal« la a good Mt hl^er than the sale awrage «al«7» t485*00**K08 The M^eat female salary is f600*00 j We hipest sale ealery is <867*00 Atxmt ei^ty par e«t ©r the e®rn *<400(X> ©r more per «toth* Only ftoxr men e®m less than *00(260 j eighteen earn fran <^0.00^575.00. 44

Cee wo««i eeima |200eCX) wsBtMe e®e ema *t5000C^ ©ne tS^SeOO# two eexn |6(X)e^>» <5


Average Hmthly Salsrs; > 549, Seley Ree©rOeSw „ 2^)»00 Me . S00*00 Bluest Belsry Keaerded^ el,C00.00 Total Jirnber ©t Kale Film Buyers S2


Average Monthly Salmr,;, , ..,...... , i;. \; . S 349*00 tovest Salary Recorded...... , ..... ; ;...... ,...... 00225* Mode . ; ; 350*00 filmiest Sal«?y Feoorded 380*00 Total Kisnber ©f Female tllffl. tovwa..,...... : ■...... 11

:. i.- - There are'*00

fXn *4to0e00»|4(X),00 lieht ©t the woswn wa tSOOeOO w we per month and the rwad-hlng three iw e«m hetveen iS25e00 end ’ 6280*00 pw *month Cl

Average Salary . ; ; •. 837»00 loweali Salary ReeordM..... 150*00 Kode ; .: . ; ,7.,...... <00*00 Kish eat Salary 1 ®e«dM.....:...... ;...... 68S#00 Total Mw&er of Male Film Buyers IM

Average Mmthly ...... „S 242,00 Lowest Salary EeecraedL_.„...-._...... r...... :____ 17S*00 Mofle...... ,., v. , ; , ,, 300,00 Bl^ieat Salary Reoorded...,...... SSOeOO Total Mmter of P®nde Film Bdltore 34

KK&etly mo»fowth as many wum as men are employed as film *editors toLrty»fo@r to on® hundred end thirty six men* The earn sore than the wccien* The male average salary is tW,C^ as against the fmale average et tS42*00, Ahout thlrdone* of the men earn *00<400 w more per smith. Only few earn leas th® *00t2Cto per month ■sdille five w®® earn .less than *(X>tSCO Most < the wwn earn, between tTO*00tow4&50 per 43 wmth with atoetem falling in *braeket Tm wm«i e«m IlSOtOO Bonth* Twatttytbrw* w» earn ft’ew N|290|200e00*00 and fcmr*81xtj earn *00^30Q t© *003380 49

Averse SalersL,.______*00340 lowest Salary BaeerdM .... . 190*00 Mode ; 315*00 Hlg^ea^ Salary ReewdedLr ..... 875*00 Total BsAor of Male Film ITodteeera...... 63


Average Monthly Stierv ...8 251*00 Iweat Salary Reeerded ; . .. ; : *00175 Mede . . .,....; 873*00 filtfieat Salary Reoorded.. ...v. 350*00 Total Mwtibw ©f Fwrie Flla frodMeera. , ...... 9

The eharta indloate and one earna t350*00 Twelve men earn *001250 or leaa* Five of the men earn hetwem <250*00 and *00,|300 and *fivethirty men earn frcsa 60 |320e00 te 1400*00 pw CKAPTBfi IV


A quest.Icm&lre was the heals for this study• It requested Infar-siatiou f^ca the telesdalon station *tcsa eeraing ®r^ Jobs «iat women were holding which were not sx>ocincally listed In the fem* The ceepiled list of these jobs consists ©f thirty-three different positions in various dopartoentae These Included progrrnaiaing, pro* diction, sales# tllm* news# male# ^iblie affairs# *ad vertislng and publicity# woserJg ^ewa# traffic# and children1 s *program There is a total of me himSred ard six woaea filling the jobs that wre iteadlsed by the statims* The wide range and the irariety of is w^y *Inter eating* In oi-S^p to indicate the m»ber and variety of these jobs the following charts ware *road.® to ass

RrogrsB ...... r„...... „ 2 fregrm SrowvXsa?^...... ______1 AsMstmt Bpogrsm X>ire6tor.______„... 1 fr@gr« ...... T...... X Aaalst«ta...... ;...... S I’otal IwW ef to yregriwntoM^....,.....^...... 10

Mto Malateata...... ;...... ,.... :...... _....._ 3 Film te&ffto. v. . . . ,...... \...... :...... ______6 Fito ...... ,...... ;...... 1 Total ,8»bW' ©f W»en to File...... ,...... ®

BIS® touii© Dtoeetc®...... 1 toausto ...... - .... . 8 Total Swabw ef. to tealft...... 3 CMef ...... , ., :...... ,.... 1 ' Assistant Xi®^er...... '..,..;...... ;...... _...___ 1 ProtoBtlm Asajstant;...... ;...... ;....3 frop^ts’ feamgey...... ______:__ ;...... 1 Audio BajKin


Worosa1 s‘ Blrootor...... 3 Msistast ...... _ ...... :... : ...... 3 Witlag ami Prodwlag *alama Stows...... 1 Woeen1# fiitow...... ;...... , ..;.... ~...... 3 Bow Kocmfflal8ta.....:...:...... ;...... 9 Total Busier of Womn la Woman’s ...... 21 Sewa Golsiaa ...... , S Swa Xlteerieii...... ,...... ;...... 2 flla MXtcr...... v ... _ ...... ;;...... 8

Total letiw ©t towo la S«m...... 6

* Mk> 4e «h& aeet ie*rt«it <68 i8Sb««— _iatii n i. - ■ -hh ife* e? ©f* jWLV@yw*.S'SS5 IBS ...... t... [T. ■llr-r-1r-.T-.njj.ini-Wrm- ® rrowtim Mel»t«fct„.7.-.,...... 7...... 1 fatal Wemm la Mv®rti81Mt=...... 6


Ulreetor Affair* «©d gauaatlen ...... 1 Aaslstaat Mreetw ©f rabMe Affair* ... 1 fatal Kusner ef Weaei la Fublla AgMra ...... ;.. 2 58

Childrens Blreetcr,,,...... ;...... ;.... 1 fet&l Mwaber of Wmm in Chilteen® fresorimi...... 1


National Seles Benreesnt&tl^o..... r ...... r.. . ,.....,...... _,...... 2 Seles Beereseitatlve_...... :...... ;...... :...... ,.... 2 Total Bwher of Women in Salea,...... ;.. .. 4

Traffla ...... ,..... ,...... ;..... ,...... :...... 22 Traffic lasiatnata ...... ;...... ;...... 13 Total 8«iber of woam in WafTlo BeMrtmeat...... 3S 56

the ^©ceedins charta eubatstiatslate the ecmvietlm that woKian cm ere doins a wide variety of job a in telavlalm* There wmm de5ng the highly technical jobs of operations clxief# audio engineer, and production assistant* There gore w^en filling and. sign!* ficmt jobs in pro^p^wdng, doing desanding jobs in news and publicity, holding wltal jobs In public relations and public affairs, and Were are wesson in We extremely cce$» petitlwe jobs of *selling The replica to the question on staff Increase in the next six months reveal the followingi forty-nine per cent of the stations do not «pect to fidd to their per­ sonnel, thirty-six per ceat «pect to increase their staff, and the remaining fifteen pw cent do not imow whether they will add to their staff <» *not Of those stations planning to increase Weir staffs, twenty-five per cent win male pwsomel only, col the other seventy-flw pw ©mt will add both sen end. omen* Of all th® stations replying, six and me-half per e«d ©spicy no wosm in my of ths jobs listed on ths questionnaire and reoordod no wobab holding other *jobs On® station lists eighteen woram doing jobs listed on We nuestlcmalre, tw stations list fifteen w»eti, and one statlm registers thirteen womn *employees Most of th® stations list froro one to eight fmale *mployees SI A the r^liee to th® Indle&tee that wc®@m are holdtog twwaty oeat of the total of jobs covered, by the ^iesti


r®®p«a«w te t&e request for

MEty W twmX ® The res^is®® indieete i^i&t they would Xike t© see tiiaR^4 or is^weS, 8$^6L ocmb of their o«. ©i>lM©mi h&aM m their escperieneese Sine® the etetlms ere the s«ree of for s®st people in th® buslnesa of *telwiaim tMs® people *@ hire and fire and proaote m< edvsMe their pwemel ere well salified to epe^E ©n this erabjwt tMt ie tMlr every* dsy *problm

Another Interesting eaiEiient wm that ttie greatest need is fa* wcwn with exeellent sewetwial ead clerical ability ifc@ MH treak tote TV -progriassaing and production mil learn operations fr® tlai ground The aomlwi


5^e welistlm e£ telwlalm h&s bsen verj rapid, due te the rogteem-lltei grew^b of th® *ladustry M far we Maw wm the tsfmt begin to erwl and than *walk By thia tine teXwlsim baa established ita general direatim or .path* IW greatest jingle feater eaitrlbutlng to the *eua eess or faUwe of telsvlalon la the eeHber of the pro* grieaa* Sw responsibility ter prodMing good programs la on tlMB tistotiLSere of We ®®n end in th® pE^^,wtlon dei>artaient* M the telewialn industry e®ttou»s to grw end to mtwe it will dea®id mre and aore *w^rtapo Xt will also demand that Ita wor&era be better salified ter the *jobs Ctw emclssl® of this surv^ M that the television industry is reooptiw to feeaale sspldyeese Wmm are today worlsing at astonl^lns wriety of jobs in *televislm They er® doing jobs tiiat require e^pMeated teolsileal know* ledge# jobs that require ere&tlve rod artlstie ability# jobs that require infinite patl«twe $?nd rodwcme# rod jobs that are extremely ^repetitive M smlyais of the ^peswt sapl^ent trend indieatea 61 that wean we wwMsg to telwlslm wrlttog tod to tolCTlslm tS3a de^rtswats ttei to etow depwtewta* thtot^wato pw e p®p »»to as a . of toe news staff* No o e <4© XW 'jt9 H *81 ss ks wrais c.saMa mmux bmobs

6e9^ of the K«QBwa WU® ISSOeOO FW ElOiiith 12^3Q5< of the Km Kton t851«00 WroucJi tWOeOO <.MS^ of the I® S«m Kras 1301*00 Wmg^ 1400,00 3a»62X Of the Kmlem Bro®. t^Oletotl»600e00 64

$hl3 analysis SMieates Isrgeste grew of W3MB. 'WB IM S'SHllSSt l»g®8t gTOW am' earn Ssroa *t3Ql

■SAMLT B3 WCMS Kemiiag Xoa» tte t2S0#00 .Per Keeth <6»^ toelRX Sffiming t300e00*t251»00 t®r M«fch 31*17X 6S*83X EsmllBg t301e00*^400e00 t«- Imtil . toeOl^ Remlag e401»OOMXt«00«00 t« &mth OSe^M SeROX 66 The conclusion £raa these rati® figures Is that# slthou^i sorae vas« are well p®ia# the majority of womm working la telOTislm do ^©t earn as such as the ewn* M more and sore wmm heeme were of television as a eereer and train thmselves for eareers in television# the salaries paid to ween will xxndoubtedly *increase If a person# either mle «- female# has the training necessary to fin a certain job# h@ is in a posltim to demand and get a better salary* Wtxnen are eurrently holding twenty per eent of the total number of jobs in television that ware itemised by the ^uestloemaire and listed by toe stations# As to too possibility ©f fotwe esplojment for wown In telewislen# toe ontle©^ is good# Ssventyflve per ©ent of toe stations that are pinning to Imrease their staffs in toe next six samtos toaieat® toat they will employ both and. wc@«e Bmy of toe stations# in their ccmeitii state toat toey maJce no distlnetlen betweesi men and wmm toes filling a position tot JwSge toe Individual the basis of ability# toe wewn who are today working in television have pioneered toe field and have IMd toe ground work fear the *future toes© vemm haw fased toe obstacles that normally “* et W°B” Th., have prowd toy«M ®$y possible doubt toat woaon ©an do usmrtm Jobs' in television of a wMsly diversified nature* The w»n Who are goic^; to «iter the flelA of *tele vision in the future will find, that they are aoeepted aa an ispc^tant part of the peraormel required to build better televieion p‘©



Wry# .at.W«?ke Mirme&polisi Th® University • ©r limeoetaW^rB^* We *Bustler tom *M» -miMelghUi w«" B* Sabers *Co^ptoy . IHB* S44 pp»

*Settlor E©yi«a* ter" %$r&i perEM* aoA Sretb^a* ISi8*/ *pp Blmlcmship, Albert *|e ^|e.s»lie lew XcrKi *WfwiEswo®r5lM0i

Solen, Murray, ^ndK^ptnls pC.T.el^rtsloru HoUywnodl liGllywood ppe

Bmsell* S^^ee Faber ard *Faber Cantril* Jafiley* Frinee* ten teivwelly Ireas* 15We Hi>p*

DWMM2o2ui«n^^n^!J&,a^fij»t®25’ 8eW YOTk'

Sew Yorki



*Xistest$^r MMs See lelr«en Passing Radio in » (^EdX 4, 1949)p, 8, .. BestWe A»# “Xnald^ tV** Kolldaye WLwe 18 (October 1954) j^e 5M1* - -. Albert Bet ®Znfle«s©e et the Qnesii *Will felewielm Absorb Radiof* Advert *Is Usmisrs I960) »e WTU Gallup* George.* Qaestion* Trading in Publie Opinion Polla## SfiOi_WtST_e mwe 4 ((1941) .ppe B59*868e . Manchester# Ssrland# Televi8i«i* HU Change Youew *aWatlm taws 1949) pp< 40MB# Pitt# Cottrteey# •Wiat’a .Mead in Televiai^aT* Rbl^rt Morris ^at* ls Hext in Television^ *Xntcrvleww -Iwl XXXI (November 16, 1951)

Van Berae® Sarriet, "Television la a Mg Boy Howe* . CXXXXVX (March SO, 1951) >• 405# . Weehaler, aM interview «d *interviewers# Public Opinlrai IV (1940) We BS8*m# . wllllcm, *Douglas •Basle Instructions tw Xntervlewera#* tBJ?«JL^MSl.S«ta.lX» VI (1MB) We *641#634 Mis®, J#G#f Th»* status of television#* RMle. A^e# VIXX (^11 1949) p# Ge



Dsar Sir$ . She encleeed questionmlre is beisg aent to all tele­ vision a tat lorn is operation at the present tlaia in the Xmlted States. The infora&tion requested will be compiled Into a report which will indicate the extent to which wos®n axw now being employed in certain ph&sca of television and also acne of th® potential jobs for town in the *future All the repl lee will be confidential and no epee ifio mention will be mde of any station or stations in the *report Tte findings of this survey will be available to you upon request* The University of Houston is very interested in the results of this survey in. order that tbs planning of courses for training woesn who desire to enter th® field of tele­ vision will seet tbs needs of the *industry We are emloslng a stamped return envelope* Your oooperation in answering and returning the questionnaire will be slneerely appreciated* Yours Truly,

Sybil Solomon Badlo-TV Dept* tmivarsity of Houston A Ama>IX B









swmrrarimm: 76 i waaix a


Wilder Building Charlette* Worth Carolina Weveoher 2, 195^

Mrs. Sybil Solewm ~ Department of Radio and Televieton Wivereity of Bouetm Houston, Texas Bear Soleeoni Thia will acknowledge receipt of your questionnaire being sent to all television stations'in operation in the United states* Rather thaa aoaplate the questionnaire, we suggest tMt you approach the latleasl' Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, 1771 W Street, H.W., Washington, 6, D« C« We feel sure' that this informtion is already on file with them.. We appreeiate your interest in surveying this field and trust that tbs results of your efforts will bring you the inforsiation *desired Very truly yours.

*W Chase Idol, *Jr Personnel Director ®2XjrtSBW APPENDIX 0

lovw^er 6, 195U

BatioaaX JLssoelatlaa ©f Ba4i© and Television lroadaastax», 1771 » 3treat, S.W., waBhlagton, D* *C ■ Oentleaaent "Sts® enelesed eepy ©f letter and qneatlennalre la being eent t© all televlalon etatlons new In opera tlen In the United States* One station suggeete that this requested informtion Is on file with the National Association of Badlo and Televislm Broadcasters and suggested «ry eontaot- ing you* If you have this Inforsation already on file there is no necessity to continue with the *survey A great anomt of time and expense has already been spent in the leaking up and sailing of these forms* Before eontinulng with the projeet I would like to hear frat *you X sight add that the responses eoalng in are extremely interesting and most stations are ©©operating very graciously If I have been Ms Inf ©med oomeming this mt ter, I would like to let the station in error know about It* Tours truly.

Sybil Soloaon Bad io-TV Department University of Houston 73 AFPBIOIX B

MTIOML ASSOCIATION OF HADIO A® KLSVXSION BROADCASTERS X771 S Str®®t, Mortiwest waahi^tma, y«C« OMAtor 2«93OO Rlcliard 1* Allerton Mmger of Research Bovessber 10, 19^, *Mrs Sybil Soloinon B&di©»TF Department Boat 273 University of Un*Sou Eeueton, T»xm Dear *Mrs solomont Vs asknowledge receiptof your letter of Soveaber 6 enoloelng eepy of yoor letter and questitomaire to all television stations now in opemtion in the United States* There are a nwriber of differences in the inforsatlon requested in your questionnaire and the inforeatlen whieh we have in hand in the areas you are *investigating For instanee, in our inforaiatieo wo do not distinguleh between non tad women employees, and we eover all employees, whereas your questlomalre is confined to the production and programing phase of television station . opwratim* I do not bellow that the informtion we have would quite serve ycrar purple—as I conoeive it to be both fro^i ytmr letter aM from the questionnaire **itself priesrlly to develop informtlon which will lead to proper flafining of ooursee for training wmsa who desire to enter the field of *television If the returns you got serve to give you a broad Industrywide pie tore la respoot to the esplopoBnt of women, X would be very Buch Interested la seeing how this shapes *up Sinoorely yours.

Biohard «• Allerton Manager of Research BMAtlf MOT CF .ST/gim TO «ICH gTBSTimrKAIFBS TOB s

WA® (Tr)> Alabma Blraln£j3.aSf Alabm mawtTf JReeatw# AltfMna IKMle# AMtwa • TV#wov* Alatea » OM (W># (fho^ix) Sees# .tetetma, « Whwaxe AriwM. TV#TO0* Ptealx, Arlsoim • aotowtr# WtaMesit ArlMm kova^iv, ^wam# Arisem e kiva (TV)# ^@e# Arisma « TV#jg^SA* fort Mtht Arkmsas • MMMV# Uttle BoeS# teteasae O$V (7V)#(Uttle Book) line Stett Arlans®# KBA&O# Bekerefleia# Califoxula mo^V# Balcersflsld, CaUforai* KBSI^CV# CUoo# CUl^mia B® les Aageles® Calif

Sub $y«els6©t Califwnla * KSAS^TX** Sas mciscoji Calif San IMs CtMp©> Calif«rai& * aS'(W)t &»ts CsHferaia OW (YV)# &to©ktma Calif ©mla # OW W)t steeMm# CsHf^mia

ova ($v), Tulwe# c@Hfamia O$V (TV)t Csl^sd© Sprtoyie CsMre&s ERDO»W# Coloredo *S^rMgs Celorado • mV (TV)t Denver, Cslwsi© CSWEWt. Demr# Colored© ■8M

e w m x '(M) to m 4 ®T©«XttX ♦oSsapo n o s n u • tM Y C Ta e w a r m ,eS«>w> ♦ o ^ C T t w « m #^ x W ^ R <(A5) 3 n M • e




/' ® ♦ e ♦ * * ♦ e S^V (TW)t Des IMnes, lew eiMV, Ms Mines t Xowe W't (TW)* Fwt Xwa

Smm Cltyt Icnra OTV WU SteB Citxe lorn BXV (TT>t Siem City# Xmm OtCt#

msXVt Kmituclcr MXWe AlsMmdriaa Im^siroa, WAFMrre MMn Wernle Imd-glsna » m£«

(W), Fernanda Maine

WMM (W), Baltlwsre, Maryland

« W2AL-TV, B<iffiore, tei^land «e Baltimore, MarjlaM W>reOG* Salisbury# Maryland « WIST (TV), (Fittafleld) ASa^i, Bassaebusetta » ®ZTV,* Mateu* Maaaeteaetta 1MC-TV, Baste®, Icassaahusetta WTAO»TV, (Boston) Cambridge, Masaehusetta WSWT»TV, (Holyoke) Spplngfleld, keassaehuaetts rwLF (TV), Springfield, &Easaehuaeit;a WW®»TV, Woreester, Maasaehuestta WPAO-TV, Am Arber, Mehigan WSCK-TV, Battle Creek, MleMgan WBgM-TV, (Saglnaer-lldland) Bay City, Miehigan *WTV (TV), Cadillae, Siehlgan w®K-TV, Detroit, Siehlgaa « 'OJ-TV, Detroit, MeMgan « mYZ-TV, Detroit, Miohigm « WOOD-TV, Grand Kapids, Mlehigan WKZO-TV, Kalamazoo, Kiehigan e- WIIS-TV# Lana tog, Wiehlgan WWIM-TV, Lanaliw, Siehlgan WDK-TV, (Bay City-Midland) Saginaw, Miehlgan 86

WKI-W# Travers® City, Mlehlgaa (Tf), Austin, Minnesota # KDAL-3V, (Superior, Wisdonain) Duluth, Mlnneiota # wcqo»tv, *(St f&ul) Mlttsea$H>llst MJUmescita « WKS-TV, *(St Paul) Mnneapolls, Mmesota *KHOOTV, Boohaster, Ktonesota TfISTf* e (Mimaapolla) St. Fatal, Mnmsota WMIM-TV,' (Minneapolis) *St Paul, Minnesota # WJW (TV), Jaekson, Msslsaippl » WIST (TV), Jackson, Msslsslppl «» WSLI-TV, Jackson, WTOK»TV, Frisian, tississlppi KPVS-TV, Capa Olrardeau, Mississippi KOW-TV, Columbia, Missouri KHQA-TV, (Quincy, Illinois) Baxmibal, Mssouri B1JI-TV, Joplin, Mssmiri « *®MOTV, Kansas City, Missouri « K®C-TV, Kansas City, Missouri a WDAF-TV, Kansas City, Missouri » Km-TV, *St Joseph, Missouri 13D«TV, St* Louis, Missouri K1K-TV, St. Lcmls, Missouri KDRO-TV, Sedalia, Missouri KTTS»W, Springfield, Missouri « CT8W (TV), Springfield, Mssemri 87 # KOOE-TV, Billies, Montana Butte# Montana MXBF-W# Butte, Montsma- KFSB-TV, Great FaUa, Montana a mto-rr, Mlsaoula, Montana # KHOL-TV, Kearney, Hebi«aln KOL»»W, Uaealn, Nebraska KKFT (tV), *Ohi, Sebra aka WOW-TV, -Omaha, Nebraska KIM-TV, as*I Vegaa, lewte. « aw (TV), Bene, Nevada ♦ WWR-TV, Maneheater, Sew laspehlre mW (TV), Aabury Park, S-ew Jersey WAW (TV), Newark, lew Jersey K>GM»w, Albuquerque, lew Mediae » EOAT-TV, Albuquorqus, Sew Kexieo « KCB-TV, Albuquerque, lew Sexiee Bre-TV, Boswell, lew lexle® WROI-W, (Seheneetady-lToy) Albany, Sew Xork wax (TV), *(Sehen»et®dyTrey) Albany, Mew Tork -WSF-W, Binghamton, lew Tork »»•», Buffalo, Sew York « WBW»W, Buffale, lew Terk. ♦ ttl*TV, Suffalo, Sew Tork WCST«W, Carthage, lew Y.@rk 88

WTWS' (TV), Elmira, Saw Yark * WBY-TV, Ungs tan, lew Tark WABC-TV, lew York City> lew York WABD (TV), Sew York City, Sew Yerk WCBS-TV, Sew York City, lew:York WHBT (TV), Sew York City, lew York W®-TV, Sew York City, Sew York WPIK (TV), Sew York City, Mew York » SHAH-TV, Boolweter, Sew'York WHSC-TV, Seeheeter, Sew York WRKY-TV, Booheater, Sew York WVffl'-TV, Reoheetor, Sew York ♦ (TV), (Albany-Troy) Schenectady, Sew York waffl-TV, Syraeuse, lew York ' TOYR-TV, Syraeuee, lew York WKTV (TV), Utica, lew York WI3.1-TV, Aeheville, Sorth Carolina e WLCS-TV, Asheville, Sorth Carolina w# WAYS-TV, Charlotte, Sorth Carolina « WBTV (TV), Charlotte, Worth Carolina w WTVD (TV), Durtsam, Sorth Carolina # WFKY-TV, Oreensboro, Sorth Carolina # WICT (TV), Greenville, Sorth Carolina W1AO-TV, Raleigh, Sorth Carolina WMTO-TV, Wilmington, lor th Carolina

o o*

Pemsylvanla Pennsylvania


C astle,

Laneaster, Lebanon, lew

WIST*TV, W1BR*W, 91 SCAV*Tf» Fhlladelphia, r®amylwania w WFII^TV, Phlladelplxia., Pexmsylvanla WF$X-(/TV)# Philadelphia# Femsylvania ♦ ®TV (TV)t Fltteburghe Peanaylvania W25S (TV), Mttaburgh, Peomylvanla *WBUTV, Beading, Pennsylvania. # toUSMEV, Heading, Pennsylvania WARM-TV, Scranton, Pennsylvania ♦ WBGI-TV, Sainton, Pennsylvania WTW (TV), Scranton, Pennsylvania WBRE-TV, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania # WIM-TV, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania WIOW-TV, Terk, Pennsylvania WSM-TV, Xork, Pennsylwnia « WJAP-TV, Providence, Bhoda Island W®T (TV), Providence, Ehode Island 1AIW-TV, Anderson, Swth Oarolim W3C-TV, Charleston, South Carolina WUSS-TV, Charleston, South Carolina WCC8-TV, Colu^la, South Carolina WIS-TV, Columbia, South CarolIm WWOK-TV, Columbia, South CarolIm WB1W (TV), Flereme, South Carolina WHBC-TV, Greenville, South Carolina TOIL (TV), Greenville, South Carolina 3 e Dakota


P a lls,

Sioux 93 « KCBD-TV, tobbock, Texas Lubbcxsk, Texas ■ MID-TV, Midland, Texas KTXL-TV, San Angele, Texas KGBS-TV, San Antenle, Texas WQAI-Tf, San Antonie, Texas ECSS-TV, Temple, Texas ECMO-TV, (Texarkana, Arkansas) Texarkana, Texas (TV), Tyler, Texas » JH.W (TV), Tj^er, Texas KAia-TV, Was©, Texas KBOV-TV, WeMlaeo, Texas ETOX-TV, Wiehlta mis, Texas

KWPT-TV, Wichita mis, *T kss K3L-TV, Salt lake City, Vtah KTVT (TV), Salt Lake City, Utah a KT5V (TV), Salt Lake City, Utah WWT (TV), Montpelier, Vermont WBT1-TV, Danville, « WVKJ-TV, (Serfoik) Hampton, Virginia WSVA-TV, fiarrlsonbni^, Virginia WLVA-TV, Lynehburg, Virginia ms-TV, lorfolt, Virginia WT0V-TV, Sorfolk, Virginia WTVB (TV), Richmond, Virginia 8SIS-Tyt. Koanok®, ¥irglni& w Belllx^ae Washington KI®-Wt Seattle, WasUngte© « KOHO-W, Seattle, Washington OCHEV, Spokane, Washington KRSS-rr, Spokane, Washington IXi.T»W, Spokane, Washington K^O-TV, Taeosa, Washington EIM-TV, Yakima, Washington WCfS-Tf, Charleston, West Virginia » WK1U-TV, Cfearlestm, west Virginia WJPB-TV, pairnont. West Virginia ♦ WMX»TWt Suntingtsn, West Virginia WQ&Y-TV, Oak Hill, West Virginia

WTa? (TV), Parkersburg, West Virginia «« WTkF-TT, Wheeling, West Virginia WMO^TV, Sau Claire, Wlseonsln WBAY»TV, Oreen Bay, Wiaeonsia * ItoT (TV), Xa Crosse, Wisconsin VK(M«TV, kadlson, wisemsln « wrev (TV), maison, tlseonsin » WSBV-TV, (Green Bay) Mrinette, Wlsoonsln WCAI-TV, Milwaukee, Wlsemuiin WOKY-TV, Milwaukee, Wisemsln WTMJ-TV, Mllwatifise, Wlseonsin leenah, Wisconsin WSB-TV, Wisconsla

w 'wSKOwTr,. Wawftttt M«e«»sia

KFBC-Tv, Ch®y®m®t tfyoEing # OTA*W # Aa@Wag»e ilwka KWA (Tt)e. Aaehwsg@t Alaska,

Saoslulii* IscarajUL KOH. (If), Eonolulu, Etoaii KOXA-W,- Bmelaltte Sasmll

• These statlens retamd ee^letea questionnaires. w These, statlcas reWael ^Kstiwmalres vhleh were not rniy mie< ettt* «