INSIDE THIS ISSUE Is Hawaii Ready for Our Aging Society?
March 2007 ■ Tony Baccay, Editor ■ Elderly Affairs Division Quarterly Publication Department of Community Services ■ Mufi Hannemann, Mayor ■ City & County of Honolulu By Shirley Kidani, Executive Office on Aging of Aging) joined forces to expand held a Conference on Designing Is Hawaii Ready the dialogue between public and Livable Communities for an Aging for Our Aging private sectors, non-profit organi- Society on November 15, 2006, at Society? The zations, and community. State and the East-West Center. Over 150 number and propor- county aging offices convened a individuals from across the state tion of older adults statewide planning team led by Co- attended, including representatives continues to increase in Hawaii. In Chairs Dr. Dolores Foley, Univer- from government, policy makers, 2000, there were 207,000 older sity of Hawaii Department of private sector, experts in transpor- adults, representing 17.1% of the Urban and Regional Planning, and tation, housing, planning, and the total population. By 2030, Hawaii Carol Kikkawa-Ward (Former community. is expected to have over 410,000 Chair, Plans and Project Review Sandy Markwood, CEO of older adults, representing 25% of Committee, Policy Advisory Board the National Association of Area the total population (1 in 4 indi- of Elderly Affairs). Members Agencies on Aging, served as viduals will be an older adult). The included: representatives from the keynote speaker and reviewed how aging of our population will pose State and Area Agencies on Aging, significant challenges to our the Department of Health, the Continued on page 4 economic, physical and social Department of infrastructures. Is Hawaii ready Photo (Left to Right): Pat Sasaki, Alan Parker, Karen Miyake, Business, Economic Sandy Markwood, John Tomoso, and Kealoha Takahashi.
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