
KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K'hal Adath Jeshurun

January 28"*,'21 x"Di2?n V'o Volume 51 Number 5


This coming Purim will mark the 26*'' Yahrzeit of our late, revered Rav, Rav Shimon Schwab, V'JtT, who was niftar on 14 Adar I, Purim Koton 5756.

Raised in Frankfurt am Main and a Talmid of the Hirsch Realschule and Frankfurt , Rav Schwab was steeped in the philosophy of Rav . When Rav Schwab then also became a Talmid of the Eastern European Yeshivos (in Telshe and Mir), Rav Schwab had the great Zechus to come into close contact with many of the Gedolim of pre-war Europe, including such luminaries as the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky, Rav Joseph Leib Bloch, Rav Yeruchom Levovitz, and Rav . Rav Schwab mentions some of these encounters in his Sefer on the Parashiyos HaShovu'o, Maayan Beis HaSho'eivo.

The popularity of this Sefer, as well as those published by his children based on Rav Schwab's shiurim on ,Tefilo, lyov, Yeshayo, Ezra-Nechemia, and the Hagada shel Pesach, is testament to Rav Schwab's influence still being strongly felt, both in our community and throughout the Jewish world.


The Kehilla and Yeshiva are very much looking forward to the 7I« Annual Dinner, to take place at a time and in a format still to be decided. We anticipate everyone's participation, this year more than ever, to make this annual event—^the main fundraiser for our Yeshiva—^an outstanding success. Please do your part, and solicit and contribute ads as soon as possible. Ads may also be submitted online at www.yrsrhdinner.org. To purchase your tickets for the car raffle, visit www.yrsrh.org The Dinner's Guests of Honor this year are Dr. and Mrs. Moshe Eisen. The Faculty Awardees are our Yeshiva's Pre-School Director, Mrs. Shani Plotzker, and our elementary girls' Morah and teacher, Mrs. Esty Rogin.


On Motzoei Shabbos of the Sedro in which we read fjOV nn""!, talmidim of Yosef Geldzahler '?"ST, were saddened to learn of the petiro of a beloved Rebbi. Besides for his shiurim on Gemara, Shulchon Oruch, and Chumash, the demeanor and nna of this unassuming DIK were in themselves powerful lessons, not only to his talmidim, but to all who came in contact with him, of how a Ben should conduct himself and interact with others. KAJ NEWSLETTER

Rav Geldzahler gave over the Hadrocho and style he had learned from his illustrious Rebj^eim, including Reb , Rav Reuven Grozovsky, Rav and Rav , as well as his late brother's father-in-law, Rav Eliyohu Dessler Rav Geldzahler joined the Kehilla's Rabbonim in farhering talmidim for Semicha, and is a signatory on the Semicha together with our Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva. Pictured following right, Rav Geldzahler with Rav Meir Levi D"n'7nT following left, with Chazon Robert R. Frankel, V'L

It was in 1963 that Rav Geldzahler first joined our Yeshiva, as a Rebbi in the . (His sister, Ms. Judy Geldzahler was. In fact, a Morah in YRSRH before this.) A few years later, he joined Rav Friedier as a Rebbi in the post-high-school Beis Medrash. With the departure of Rav Yaakov Lipschutz to Kashruth work, Rav Geldzahler assumed the responsibility of giving the Semicha . Rav Geldzahler retired in 1995, having for decades taught and guided Talmidim, and serving as an exemplar of Gadlus BaTorah.



The Kehilla and Yeshiva were very saddened by the petiro on X"D, January 4, of Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Hollander, Vr. Rabbi Hollander, who served as the seventh grade Rebbi in YRSRH, was KAJ's youth director during the years 1960-1963, and ran the KAJ summer camp,"Bais Kayitz," during those years, as well. Rabbi Hollander's tenure in the Heights saw the introduction of programs to foster additional Limud HaTorah for boys outside of regular Yeshiva times. A son-in-law of Phillipp Feldheim V'T, and a Talmid of Telz Yeshiva, Rabbi Hollander was deeply involved in Harbotzas HaTorah wherever he went. Rabbi Hollander was involved in Chinuch in Seattle prior to coming to Washington Heights, and, thereafter, was active in Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis and Chicago until he retired to where he continued to be involved in Bais Yisroel.

The family of Rabbi Hollander is compiling a book of memories and tributes and is reaching out to all people whom he impacted over the course of his life, to submit any written memories and tributes to [email protected].

IMi noT Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER

SPECIAL SHIUR Members enjoyed the third Shiur of the season of the Kehilla's special, legal-hollda/ Shiurim, on Friday, January I ".The ShIur was given In Shul, by Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal. Rabbi Lowenthal, who was the featured speaker for the prior ShIur as well, continued his In-depth discussion of Muktzeh. Due to the current situation, all the ShIurIm take place in Shul, at 10 AM—social distancing and masks required. The next Shiur will take place on Monday, February 15*'', and will be given by Rabbi Tzvl Richter.


Contributed by the Gabboim ofthe Fort Tryon Nursing Home Minyan

On the fourth day of Chanuka, the Washington Heights community suffered a huge loss with the petiro of Mr. Teddy Lomnltz, '7"T pns"' p p 'n. Mr. Lomnltz was a long-time member of KAJ. He was also a member of the Fort Tryon Nursing Home Minyan.

Our sages tell us Me'at VaAsel Harbeh - Say little and do a lot. This pisgam personified Mr. Lomnltz. In his quiet way he showed those around him In the Fort Tryon Nursing Home minyan what It means to be an Eved Hashem. For years he was the first one at the weekday Shacharls Minyonlm. He set up the chairs, similar to what Chazal tell us Yehushua, the future leader of Klal Ylsroel, did In the Bels Medrash of Moshe Rabbeinu. Mr. Lomnltz sat In his Mokom Kovua on the left side of the Shul and davened quietly, never talking during davenlng.

During the last two years of his attendance at the minyan he showed everyone how Important It is to push oneself In the service of the All-Mlghty: Mr. Lomnltz had trouble walking, yet despite that, he came on an almost dally basis.

There were countless times over the past ten years where we would not have had minyan had Mr. Lomnltz not come. His attendance was so much more Important because he helped make minyan for patients of the Nursing Home who literally had no other minyan option.

We must also mention the extraordinary efforts of his wife, Mrs. Eleanor Lomnltz who on many occasions brought her husband to the minyan. Mrs. Lomnltz was the quiet enabling force behind Mr. Lomnltz' attendance.

Mr. Lomnltz leaves behind a strong legacy. His two sons, YItzchok and Dovld, have been Involved In Klal work since they were teenagers and continually make a strong Impact on their respective communities.

We hope that Mr. Lomnltz will be a Mellltz Yosher for his family, the Washington Heights community, and Klal Ylsroel.


NEWS FROM OUR YESHIVA First Grade Bovs' Chumash Party Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman's first-grade class celebrated receiving their Chumoshim with their much- anticipated Chumash Party. On Sunday morning,January \7^l A Shevat, the boys, as well as their delighted families, gathered (or, rather, carefully spread apart) In the schoolyard for the event. With clear skies and relatively mild weather, by January standards, the event was enjoyed by all.


■ ■■



'S %(,/ It.

Rav Mantel addressed the audience, as did Rabbi Yehuda Moller, Menahel, and Rabbi Hoffman. The boys, after each reading and translating Pesukim from Bereishls Perek Aleph, then received their must- anticipated Chumoshim.



By Airs. Judy Fulda

Spotlight On: Dovid Herbsman—What is it like to... teach in your own alma mater?

KA]N: Hi, Dovid. Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. Where you are currently employed? Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER

DH: I am currently employed at YRSRH as the 8th-grade boy's history/ social studies teacher. I also work as a dorm counselor at Yeshiva Ohavei Torah of Riverdale.[Dowd—or Mr. Herbsman, as he is known to his eighth graders-is also pursuing a degree at Touro College, and is an expert KAJ Baal Keriah.]

KAJN: What is that like for you? What do you teach? DH: It is a bit of a challenge to teach a class on a regular basis though I love teaching U.S. history. I usually work better in a one-on-one setting so it is a new experience for me.

KAJN: Do the alumni teachers feel a bond? DH:There aren't any general studies teachers in the boys' division that are alumni of Yeshiva as far as I know. [There are, however, various female teachers in some ofthe other divisions who are alumnae; perhaps an upcoming Spotlights will profile one ofthem.]

KAJN: How is YRSRH different these days than when you were a student? DH:The Yeshiva is very different since when I was a student. Not only in the placement of the classrooms and the moving of the lower elementary girls' division to the former girls' high school building, but also the staff of Yeshiva, for the most part, has changed; different principals, teachers, and even many of the Rebbeim. Smartboards and marker boards were not used when I was a student; we only had chalkboards. It is also interesting how the middle school is more combined with the elementary division and is not in the high school division.

KAJN: Are you working together with teachers who taught you? Can you tell me a bit about your relationship now as colleagues? DH: Mrs. Israel and Rabbi Hoffman are the only general studies teachers still teaching here that were my teachers, too. I had Rabbi Hoffman as my first grade Rebbi and 5th-grade general studies teacher, and Mrs. Israel taught 3rd-grade English (and still does). I have substituted for Mrs. Israel and it was an interesting experience to be a substitute teacher for my teacher in the same class. I have talked to Mrs. Israel a few times about how things have changed and how education has changed in the school and society.

KAJN: Thank you so much for your time, Dovid, and Hatzlocho Rabbo with all the many things you are doing!

NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Moriah's TOP PRIORITY this past month has been helping our seniors navigate the frustrating and confusing world of Covid-19 vaccine registration. After witnessing our seniors wait on the phone for hours, fill out numerous forms with no success, and have their previously scheduled appointments summarily cancelled, Moriah partnered with Columbia Presbyterian Hospital to coordinate dedicated slots for our members to receive their vaccines at the Armory in Washington Heights. We received confirmation on a Thursday evening, and by Friday morning, we had already scheduled over 50 seniors for the following week! At the time of this writing, over ICQ seniors have received appointments through Moriah Senior Center! Vol. 51, No. 5 I




Moriah Senior Center continues to service our clients by hosting a variety of Zoom activities. Our Wellness programming this past month featured a nutrition lecture, a medication safety for seniors' seminar, along with our variety of recurring exercise programs, including Zumba, Pilates, Tai Chi and Yoga.

Our Recreational programming this month featured a virtual tour of the Tiffany Lamp exhibit at The New- York Historical Society and a creative Personal Floral Arranging class.

With a nearly record-breaking attendance, Moriah seniors joined Karen Reb Rudel, an American expat living in Paris, for an entertaining and interactive Jewish Paris Virtual Experience. We learned a lot about current day Jewish life in Paris along with a very comprehensive history of the in France. Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER

Daniel Kestenbaum from Kestenbaum & Company, Auctioneers of Rare Books, Fine Art & Collectibles, regaled our seniors with a fascinating lecture on What Makes a Hebrew Book Rare. Among his vast collection, he showed us a first-printing Roedelheim in its original b/'nd/nyl Along with some more very interesting information, he closed with a truly poignant thought about historical family memorabilia and, regardless of dollar value, the inherent value therein.

Moriah's upcoming activities include a workshop dealing with online shopping and online banking, a tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute exhibit titled About Time: Fashion and Duration^ a talk by a naturopathic doctor, a lecture on Grandparenting During the Covid-19 epidemic, a Tuneful Tuesday "two for one" program, our Book Club's 100^ book selection discussion group & celebration, with a visit from the author, and a virtual tour of the City Reliquary Museum.

To keep updated on these programs and more, we would like to encourage everyone to join our email list. This can be accomplished by sending an email request to [email protected] We also distribute a "Daily Dose of Inspiration" via email to those who express interest in joining this additional email list._As always, Moriah continues to be available to help with other benefits, entitlements and insurance issues. Do not hesitate to reach out to us at the email above.Jf you are 60+ and currently not registered as a client with the Center, take this opportunity to join our programming anyway! We look forward to greeting everyone IN PERSON soon at Moriah!

Stay healthy and well.


Sunday NIgfht Mishno Beruro Shiur

Rav Mantel's Sunday evening Shiur in Mishno Beruro takes place in Shul after Mincha-Maariv.

Tuesday Night Minchas Chinuch Shiur

Rav Mantel's Tuesday evening Shiur takes place after 8PM Maariv in Shul.

Tuesday Morning Ladles NaCh Shiur

Rebbetzin Mantel's Tuesday morning shiur takes place at 10:15 AM in the Agudah Shiur. Masks and social- distancing required.

Thursday Night Chumash Shiur

The shiurim take place Thursday evenings, 8:30 PM, REMOTELY by telephone, call-in number 435- 777-2200 then enter code 85932#. Check the Kehilla's weekly Good Shabbos Email for speakers.

MIkro Lectures

These lectures take place in Shul following davening on Friday evenings.

January 29''' n'rwa Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer February 5''' TiJT' Mr. Dovie Lomnitz February 12''' Rabbi Elchonon Stern Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 8

Sisterhood Parashas HaShovua Shiurim

The shiurim take place REMOTELY by telephone, call-l number 435-777-2200, then enter code 85932#. Check the Kehilla's weekly Good Shabbos Email for speakers and times.


Heartiest Mazel Tov to Rav and Rebbetzln Mantel on the birth of a grandson. Best wishes to the parents. Rabbi and Mrs. Yechlel and Shoshana Gerstel.

Mrs. Edith Eribach is happy to announce the birth of a great-granddaughter. Mazel Tov to the parents, Yonah and Rivka Hammelburger, and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hammelburger, and Rabbi and Mrs. Doniel and Naomi Greenberg.

Heartiest Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Weiman on the recent marriage of their son Mickey to Miss Ahuva Goldberg. Mazel tov to the parents of the Kallo, Mr. and Mr. Shioime and Amy Goldberg of Cleveland.

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Dr. Leon and Shiela Strauss on the marriage of their granddaughter Miss Ahuvah Strauss to Mr. Binyamin Greenblatt. All the best to the parents. Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham and Elisheva Strauss of Ramat Beit Shemesh and Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi Meir and Rachel Greenblatt of Rechovot, and to the other grandparents. Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia and Rheta Zabrowsky (Ramat Beit Shemesh) and Mrs. Rivka Rina Pinner (Rechovot).

Our sincere Mazel Tov wishes go to Mr. Nathan Hellmann on the birth of a granddaughter and a grandson. Our best wishes to delighted parents of the little girl, Moshe and Rochel Hellmann, and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Soloff. The happy parents of the little boy are Mr. and Mrs. Eli Simcha and Miri of Yerusholayim. We wish them, and the grandparents. Rabbi and Mrs. Shraga Soloveitchik, a very hearty Mazel Tov.

Heartiest Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. L. Leslie Weis on the recent marriage of their granddaughter. Miss Deena Weis, to Mr. Yisochor Enock. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Baila Weis and Mr. and Mrs. Nosson and Naomi Enock.

Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum is delighted to announce the birth of a great-grandson. Mazel Tov to the parents, Mordechai and Adina Berinstein of Yerusholayim, and to the grandparents, Yehoshua and Esti Berinstein of Lakewood and Rabbi Aryeh and Dr. Keri Adier of Atlanta. Special Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents. Rabbi and Rebbetzen Myer Schwab and Dr. and Mrs. Yosef AdIer.

Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael Weis happily announce the birth of a great-granddaughter. Mazel Tov to the parents, Sruli and Esther Brocha Hirschman,and to the grandparents, Yaron and Chavi Halbertal of Far Rockaway and Mordechai and Malkie Hirschman of Lakewood.

Mazel Tov to Mr. Norby Wartelsky on the marriage of his granddaughter Miss Ahuva Keilson to Mr. Yisroel Neuman. Best wishes to the parents Mr. and Mrs. Avi and liana Keilson of Far Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 9

Rockaway and Rabbi and Mrs. Nosson Neuman of Cedarhurst, and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kelison, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Neuman,and Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Yurmark. Our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Oppenheimer on the wedding of their granddaughter Miss Tova Oppenheimer to Mr. Ari Polter. Mazel Toy to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asher Oppenheimer and Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Polter. At the same time, we are delighted to extend the Oppenheimers our good wishes on the birth of a great-granddaughter. Mazel Toy to the parents of the little girl, Dovid and Nechama Oppenheimer.

Heartiest Mazel Toy to Ms. Chava Torand on the engagement of her son, Yechezkel Leibi to Miss Sarala Zabrowsky.

Our best wishes to Mrs. Agnes Goldsmith on the engagement of her granddaughter. Miss Sara Goldsmith, to Mr. Tzvi Galinsky. Mazel Toy to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pinny and Rivky Goldsmith and Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid and Chavie Galinsky.

Mazel Toy to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Shacham on the upcoming Bar-Mitzvoh of their son, Yaakov Mordechai.

Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas and Malky Katzenstein are happy to announce the birth of a granddaughter. Mazel Toy to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sender and Michal Katzenstein, the grandparents, Mr.and Mrs.Yanky Feiler and the great-grandparents, Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein, Mr.and Mrs. Barry Ray, and Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Feiler.

Mazel Toy to Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Dov Hellmann on the upcoming Bar-Mitzvoh of their son Dovid. Best wishes to the grandparents. Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Johny Hellmann and Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Kuperwasser.


• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night. • Mincha Gedola in Shul Sunday through Thursday: 1:30 PM through March 1 1.


We are pleased to inform our membership that the following matzo products have been baked under the supervision of our Rabbinate under the Haddar label: (As was the case last year, matzo was not baked under the Click's label.)

Shemurah Non-Shemurah.18-Minute Matzo

• Shemurah Matzo Shemurah Matzo Meal Matzo Matzo Meal • Chaburah Matzo Shemurah Cake Meal Whole-Wheat Matzo Cake Meal Chaburah Matzo Meal Farfel Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10

In addition, since Erev Pesach occurs on Shabbos this year, we are also offering Haddar egg matzo, aiso baked under the supervision of our Rabbinate. Please note that egg matzo may only be eaten until the sof z'man achilas chometz.

We encourage you to place your order online at http://matzo.kajlnc.org/. There is a discount for online orders. Please follow the directions on the website. You can view and repeat your previous order on the website. Alternatively, please complete the enclosed form or email our office. Please note that If you did not order from us last year, you will not receive a separate order form. Please place your orders early to ensure adequate supply. We will accept machine matzo orders until our inventory is depleted. If you wish to have your matzo shipped by UPS, please indicate so in the appropriate space on the order form. If you order online, the online system will compute the shipping costs. All shipped orders must be prepaid by cash, check or credit card when ordered. Shipping charges can be estimated as follows:

DELIVERY TO Downstate NY. NI. CT. MD & PA DELIVERY TO AL. FL. GA. lA. IL. IN. MN. MO. SC. TN. TX&WI Up to 10 pounds $14.00 Up to 10 pounds $19.00 Each additional pound $.30/lb Each additional pound $ .80/lb

DELIVERY TO MA. MI. Upstate NY. OH. RI & VA DELIVERY TO AZ. CA. CO. NV. OR & WA Up to 10 pounds $17.00 Up to 5 pounds $19.00 Each additional pound $.40/lb Each additional pound $ .95/lb

If our actual costs exceed these amounts, you may be billed for the difference. Matzos will only be available for pickup from our office at 700 W. 186th Street(between Bennett Avenue and Broadway) on two consecutive Sundays, March 14 and 21. If you are unable to pick up on those dates, please select shipping when piacing your order, as we cannot accommodate pickups on other dates. When it gets closer to those dates, we will publicize if the pickups will be with or without appointment.

The Matzo Order Form can be found on the next page. Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 11

K'hal Adath Jeshurun 700 West 186th st• New York, NY 10033 212"923-3582• Fax: 212-781-4275• E-mail; [email protected] MATZO ORDER FORM 2021



City State Zip,

Phone(s3 Email

18-Minute Matzo: lbs.@$5.50/lb.

18-Minute Matzo Meal: lbs.@ $5.50/lb.

18-Minute Cake Meal: lbs.@$5.50/lb.

18-Minute Farfel: lbs.@$5.50/lb.

Shemurah Matzo: lbs.@ $8.00/lb.

Shemurah Matzo Meal: lbs.@ $8.00/lb.

Shemurah Cake Meal: lbs.@ $8.00/lb.

Shemurah "Chaburah" Matzo lbs.@ $9.95/lb.

Shemurah "Chaburah" Matzo Meal lbs.@$9.95/lb.

18-Minute Whole-Wheat Matzo: lbs.@ $7.25/lb.

Egg Matzo (lO.S-ounce box) boxes @ $5.25/10.5 oz. box

INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate below if you will pick up your order or want to have it shipped. ALL SHIPPED ORDERS MUST BF PREPAID BY CASH.CHECK OR CREDIT CARD. If shipping, provide shipping information here.

Ship to:

D Please ship - please complete below D I will pick up

□ Check enclosed □ Cash enclosed Please charge:

Credit Card No.: Cardholder name Expiration date / Security Code (last 3 digits on back of card):, Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12


Matonos LoEvyonim donations may be made at httDs://www.kaiinc.oro/form/MatonQs-LEwonim.html


Purim Night:

With MInyan Not before 6:17 PM reading: 9:00 PM

Purim Morning:

First MInyan: Not before 6:45 AM Main MInyan: Not before 7:50 AM 2nd reading: 10:00 AM


Face masks must be worn—covering nose and mouth—at all times while In Shul, In all areas of the ladies' and men's sections, in addition to adhering to social distancing. A face shield Is not an acceptable substitute for a mask when entering Shul. Masks must continue to be worn, regardless of anyone's vaccination status, until the CDC gives Instructions otherwise.


Zum Andenken an Frau Rabblner Rika Breuer, o.h.(Shevat) 173.40 Mrs. Soroh Stern for Yahrzelt of Liba Hinda bas R* Yeshaya, o.h.(14 Shevat) 50.00 Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum for Yahrzeit of her husband, Allen Nussbaum, z.l. (17 Teves) 18.00


We thank Mrs. Hadassa Brownstein and Mrs. Shuli Gutmann for the photographs featured in this issue of the KAjN Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 13




Showroom 1898 Flatbush Avenue, , NY I I210

Telephone: 718 375-5333 Fax: 718 252-9300

niV for Dipcoming n'

Thursday February 25 5:30 5:42 "inoR n'jyn Selichos Before Shacharis Friday February 26 6:10 □niD 1st Minyan Moller Hall Monday March 15 6:07 6:14 Tuesday March 16 6:05 6:12 Wednesday March 17 6:03 6:10 Thursday March 18 6:02 6:09 Friday March 19 6:00 6:07 Monday March 22 6:00 6:02 Tuesday March 23 6:00 6:00 Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

SHEVAT 11 David Rothschild-Fuerth 19 Trude Erlanger-Kitzingen- 1 Alfred Kahn-NY 11 Johanna Katzenstein-London Luzem 1 Martha Katzenstein-NY 12 Fanny Schwartz-Ffin- 20 Irma Katz-NY 1 Isabella Altheimer-Ffm Theresienstadt 20 Joseph Grebenau-Ffin 2 Max Stem-Ffm 12 Benno Stem-NY 20 Ludwig M. Bier-NY 2 Gustav Kirschhausen- 12 Carl Katzenstein-NY 20 Fanni Katzenstein-NY Schluchtem 13 Simon Reich-Leipzig-NY 20 Elias Slomovits-NY 2 Max Joshua-Hamburg 13 Emst Wertheim-Ffm 21 Pinkus Berlowitz- 2 David Oelbaum-Ffin- 13 Arnold Katz-NY Nuemberg-Berlin Dachau 14 Solomon Ullman-Hamburg- 21 Moses Halle-Nueraberg 2 Johanna Schuster-NY Ffm-Antwerpen 21 Paula Halle-Nuemberg 3 Joseph Wolf-Ffm 14 Anselma Frankenthal-NY 21 Hilde Halle-Nuemberg 3 Samuel Stem-Brueckenau 14 Josef Nussbaum-Fulda 21 Ester Miller-NY 3 Sophie Fulda-NY 15 Rosa Schwalm-NY 22 Marianne Moeller-NY 4 Roeschen Freund-Fulda 15 P. Gumpertz-Ffm 22 Joseph Singer-Lyon- 4 Rabbi Dr. Moses Marx- 15 David Wallach-Oberaula Villeurbanne Darmstadt 15 Manuel Dinkel-Koeln 22 Gretel Schueler-Berlin-Kfar 5 Leopold Halberstadt-NY 15 Rose Miller-NY Sava 5 Rebbetzin Hanna 15 Sara Freund-Kleinwallstadt 23 Siegfiied Naumann-NY Jacobovits-NY (Main) 23 Fanny Jacob-Grebenau 5 Hugo Herrmann-NY 16 Leon Weis-Ffin 25 Benno Walter-NY 6 Julius M. Bier-Ffm 16 Felix Lehmann-NY 25 Julius Klugmann-Nuemberg 6 M. Hausdorff-Rotterdam 17 Leah Sonder-Munich 25 Dina Eisenmann-Antwerpen 6 N. Goldberger-Nuemberg 17 Rosy Distelburger-Ffm- 27 Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein- 6 Hannelore Goldman-NY Chicago-NY NY 6 Paula Ratzker-NY 17 Moreinu Israel G. 27 Salomon Rosenfelder-Ffin 7 Emil Isaak-Ffin Rothschild-NY 27 Sila Seligmann-Koeln 7 Hannchen Hoenlein-NY 17 Julius Neu-NY 28 Helene Mosbacher-Ffin 7 Hansi Katzenstein-NY 18 Robert Dinkel-NY 28 Carl Andom-NY 7 Julius Schuster-NY 18 Samuel Gmenebaum-Ffin 28 Babette Gutmann- 7 Margot Schuster-NY 18 Minna Glauberg-NY Kleinsteinach 8 Bertha Katten-Kirchhain 18 Claire Wohlfarth-NY 28 Jenny Apelt-Ffin- 8 Babette Baumann- 18 Moses Bamberger-NY Copenhagen Gemuenden 18 Charlotte Eldot-Ffin-NY 28 Max Jeidel-Ffin-Munich- 8 Levi Kahn-NY 18 Marie Frisch-NY London 8 Aaron Levis-Ffin 19 Ida Singer-NY 29 Heinemann Abt-Angenred 9 Jacob Schuster-NY 19 Josef Schuster-Sterbfiitz 29 Jeanne Grebenau-NY 9 Max Lindner- 19 Emma Schuster-Sterbfiitz 30 B. Ettlinger-Fuerth Donaueschingen-NY 19 Julius Sichel-NY 30 Moritz Kaufinann-NY 9 Berta Michael-NY 19 Eda Freund-NY 30 Paul Wertheim-NY Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 15

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla ADAR 11 Sophia Bender-NY 21 Heymann Hirsch Nathan- 1 Michael Gruenebaum- 11 Simon Gruen-Berlin Hamburg Zuentersbach 12 Cilli Goldschmidt-Ffm 21 Leo Hexter-NY 1 Eva Salomon-Ffm 12 Babette Hochschild-Biblis 22 Meyer Straus-Berlin 1 Samuel Bierig-NY 12 Norbert Neuman- 22 Marcus Hirsch-Ffin 1 Siddy Walter-Ffm-NY Nashville,TN 22 Hugo Plaut-NY 2 Josefine Feldheim-NY 12 Dr. Julius Ochs-NY 23 Sidi Katzenstein-NY 2 Siegmund Levita-Ffm 13 Josef Kaufman-Ffm 23 Moritz Ascher-Ffin 2 Meyer Vogel-Aschaffenburg 13 Bertha Klugmann-NY 23 Henriette Goldschmidt-NY 2 Joseph Weissmann-Koeln 13 Hermann Strauss-Schmitten 24 Leo Gutmann-NY 2 Fradche Meyer- 13 Dr. Moses Breuer-Ffm 24 Isaac Frankenthal-NY Gelsenkirchen 14 Rav Simon Schwab-NY 24 Leon Hoffher-Leipzig 2 Jacob Blumenthal-Fulda- 14 Bertha Plaut-NY 24 Sigmund Wimpfheimer-NY Bergen-Belsen 15 Hermann Baer-Ffm 25 Liebmann Gutmann- 3 Lina Schapiro-NY 15 N. Bier-Koeln Kleinsteinach 3 Michael Gruenebaum-Ffin- 15 Naftali Stem-NY 25 Moritz Vogel-Aschaffenburg NY 15 Dr. Gustav Schlessinger- 25 Martha Schwab-Fftn 3 Isaac Seckbach-NY Mainz 25 Moses Schnerb-Ffin 3 Josef Rosenberg-NY 16 Frederick Nussbaum-NY 26 Regina Bodenheimer- 4 Samuel Stem-Koenigsbach 16 Amelie Rothschild-NY Darmstadt 4 Josef Alexander-Vallendar 16 Eric Goldschmidt-NY 26 Leo Homburger-Ffm 4 Jenny Hess-Fulda 16 Use Oppenheim-NY 26 Julian Lehmann-London 6 Adele Hirschfeld-Giesen 17 Hermann Reich-Buenos 27 Jeanette Dessau-NY 6 Leo Schachter-Ffm Aires 27 Dr. Salomon Goldsmith-NY- 7 Meinhardt Lemke-NY 17 Bella Moller-NY Jerusalem 7 Benzion Wechsler-Alzenau 17 Farmy Goldschmidt-Ffrn 27 Leopold Katten-NY 7 Sophie Wechsler-Alzenau 17 J. Katzenstein-Schmalnau 27 Saul B. Weissman-Queens, 7 Bella Schueler-Ffm-Prag 17 Julius J. Klugman-NY NY 7 Max Klein-Berlin 18 Therese Levita-Ffm 27 Rika Birk-Sterbfiitz 7 Salli Schuster-NY 18 Perez Lichtenstein-Ffin 27 Michael Plaut-NY 7 Amo Schweizer-Auschwitz 18 Emil Rothschild-NY 27 Johanna Nussbaum-Rhina- Death Camp 18 David Rosenstock-Eiterfeld NY 8 Dr. S. Dessau-Amsterdam- 19 Selma Rosenstock-NY 27 Felice Oppenheimer-NY Bergen Belsen 19 Jacob Luss-Eschwege 27 Lili Breuer-NY-Natanya 8 Theresia Moses-Ffm 19 Dina Weissmann-NY 27 Moses Fulda-Emden-Fulda 9 Fanny Strauss-Ffm 19 Emily Darmstadter-NY 28 Sophie Bodenheimer 9 Leo Stem-Fulda 19 Clara Klugmann-NY (Edinger)-NY 9 Antonie Ascher-Ffin 20 Simon W. Ratzker-Ffin-NY 28 Mathilde Gruenebaum-NY 9 Siegfried A. Loewenthal- 20 Isak Obemdoerfer- 28 Morris Katzenstein-NY Ffm-Tel Aviv Niederstetten-Ffin 28 Rose Goldberger-NY 9 Dr. Joseph Levi-NY 20 Helene Obemdoerfer- 28 Rosa Kahn-F^ 9 Hedwig Herrmann-NY Niederstetten-Ffin 28 Rebb. Ruth Glucksman-NY 10 Bertha Weisbecker- 20 Gertrad Lasser- 29 Leo Kruskal-London Fischbom Aschaffenburg 29 Joseph Ansbacher-NY 10 Clara Bechhofer-NY 20 Gitta Katz-Ffin 29 H. Gutmann-Ansbach-NY 10 Maier Mosbacher-Ffrn 20 David L. Baranker-NY 29 Rebecca Melchior- 10 Emanuel Silberman-Ffm- 20 Leopold Strauss-Ffm Kopenhagen(Denmark) London 20 Emily Darmstadter-NY 29 Hugo Bondi-Ffm 10 Herman Loewenthal-Bad 21 Regina Eis-Mainz 29 Dr. S. B. Bamberger-NY Kissingen 30 Else David-NY Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 16


It's that time of year again-time to let your friends,family and colleagues know you are thinking of them even if you physically cannot deliver Mishloach Manos to their door.

The Sisterhood of K'hal Adath Jeshurun is producing new beautiful glossy Purim cards (with envelopes) which will convey your Purim wishes to all those on your list. It is a mostfitting way to extend Purimgreetings while supportingourTzedaka Fund.

Artistically formatted in elegant gold, purple and lavender tones, with an attractive cluster of holiday-related items on one side(i.e. bowl of Hamentaschen, wooden gragger and sequined mask) and Purim wishes in both Hebrew and English, this is a card you will be proud to send!The other side of the card is decorated as well and lets the recipient know thatTzedaka was donated by you in their honor.Ample space for a personal message is provided.

Purim Cards can be purchased for only $3.00 a card by contacting Mrs. Breinie Gutman (212-928-4233) orbysendinghertheorderformbelowat729West l86thStreet#IK, New York,NY10033. Pick uporshipping details will bearranged.


Number of Cards

Address City State Zip

AmountEnclosed (please make checks outto Sisterhood ofKA) $ Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER

We are pleased to announce the publication by Feldheim Publishers of the Hebrew edition ofthe

Hirsch Tehillim

Copies may be ordered at $21/volume.

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To order, please click https://wvsrw.kailnc.org/form/the-hirsch-Tehillim%20in%20Hebrew.html Vol. 51. No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER


OCTOBER 17 24 31 2020 9:00pm

NOVEMBER 7 14 21 28 2020 7:30pm

DECEMBER 5 12 19 26 2020 7:30pm

JANUARY 2 9 16 23 30 2021 7:30pm

FEBRUARY 6 13 20 27 2021 8:00pm

MARCH 6 13 2021 6:30pm

MARCH As a reminder for those who have not yet registered for 20 29 2021 9:30pm Rabbi Yisroel Reisman's weekly Nach Shiur, the Shiur APRIL is now being given virtually. An audio and video link is sent 10 17 2021 10:15pm weekly to registrants. Anyone interested in participating, APRIL 24 2021 10:30pm and desiring information on pricing should e-mail MAY Dresident(5)kaiinc.ora. 1 8 IS 2021 10:30pm Vol. 51, No. 5 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19

SHAATNEZ Shaatnez(wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man's, woman's or child's garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez.

For information call: Mr. Dovid Brownstein -718-915-8837

Chevra Kadisha

When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately:


LEON GERSTLE —100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639

PINCHAS KATZENSTEIN —100 Bennett Avenue 201-399-4494

All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.


Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614

Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 OR 212-923-5936 Fax 212-781-4275 E-mail [email protected]

Rav Yisroel Mantel(Study) 212-781-1345 Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020

Rav Chaim Kohn 718—^252-3343, Email: [email protected].

Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089, Fax 845-356-2938, Email:[email protected]

Mikveh - 4351 Broadway -923-1100

Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867

Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected]

Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 www.moriahseniorcenter.org

HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750