ACN 004 444 419 ABN 46 100 632 395 ABN 75 274 949 866 16 July 2015 Committee Secretary Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600
[email protected] To the Committee Secretary, Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Re: Impact of the 2014 and 2015 Commonwealth Budget decisions on the Arts In May 2015 the Attorney General and Minister for the Arts Senator the Hon George Brandis QC announced that $105 million would be reallocated from the Australia Council to establish the National Program for Excellence in the Arts, a new funding program managed by the Ministry for the Arts. This submission to the Senate Inquiry from The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund focuses on the short-and-long-term damage to Australia’s culture caused by: 1. The lack of consultation with the sector regarding the nature and timing of the announcement, 2. The subsequent threat to philanthropic support for Australian cultural creation, 3. The absence of information regarding the government’s strategic imperative underpinning the reallocation of funds, and 4. The flow on effects of this announcement. The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund The Sidney Myer Fund was created in 1934 and The Myer Foundation in 1959. Together, the two philanthropic entities have distributed over $210 million (not adjusted to present day values) to Australian causes and activities. In the last four years alone, The Fund and Foundation have dispensed more than $15 million to arts-related organisations and activities. Both Fund and Foundation have made an indelible contribution to Australia.