THETWO TONTTUIT USLUMUTUSTA 20170319970A1 KORINTIN (19 ) United States (12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10) Pub . No. : US 2017/ 0319970 A1 Thorman (43 ) Pub. Date : Nov . 9 , 2017 ( 54 ) FANTASY SPORTS SYSTEM G06Q 50 /34 (2012 .01 ) A63F 13 / 30 (2014 . 01) ( 71 ) Applicant: David A . Thorman , Merrillville , IN (52 ) U . S . CI. (US ) CPC ...... A63F 13 / 828 (2014 .09 ) ; A63F 13 /65 ( 2014 .09 ) ; G06F 17 / 18 ( 2013 .01 ) ; G06Q (72 ) Inventor: David A . Thorman , Merrillville , IN 10 / 10 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A63F 13 / 798 ( 2014 .09 ) ; (US ) A63F 13 /30 (2014 .09 ) ; A63F 2300 /407 (21 ) Appl. No. : 15 / 589 , 580 ( 2013 .01 ) (22 ) Filed : May 8 , 2017 (57 ) ABSTRACT Related U .S . Application Data Fantasy sports systems and methods comprising receiving a fantasy lineup roster including a plurality of players , each (60 ) Provisional application No .62 /332 ,930 , filed on May player assigned to a playing position and one or more of the 6 , 2016 . plurality of players further assigned to one or more alterna tive positions , assigning scores to each of the plurality of Publication Classification players based on statistics derived from one ormore real life (51 ) Int. Cl. competitions, receiving a notification of at least one substi A63F 13 / 828 ( 2014 .01 ) tution event, each substitution event associated with one of G06F 17 / 18 ( 2006 .01 ) the players and also associated with a substitution segment A63F 13 /65 ( 2014 .01 ) within the one or more real life competitions , and calculating G060 10 / 10 ( 2012 .01 ) a fantasy lineup score by aggregating the assigned scores of A63F 13 / 798 ( 2014 .01 ) each of the players assigned to a playing position .


132 s League Commissioner

130 Sports Data Source

120 Team Manager Central Server Server Components 110 116 - 4 Processor Memory 111 - GU - 112 Network - Rosters -- 310 118 Interface - DCMV - 113 - ASM - 114 134 - 5 Team Manager - League Data 115 Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2017 / 0319970 A1


Commissioner|132League TeamManager ManagerTeam


CentralServer 110 FIG.1

-112 -113 -114 Memory111 -Rosters310 -LeagueData115 SportsDataSource 120 -GU -DCM -ASM ServerComponents Processor| 100 NetworkInterface

116 118 Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1


League Commissioner Sets League Settings 2201

Team Manager Sets Active Roster - 202

System Locks Rosters Prior to Competition ( s ) Start 203

System Monitors Competition Data - 204

205 Substitution Yes . Event Occurs ? Roster Updated R 206

No EnaEnd FIG . 2 . Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1

316 Injured No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No

315 RunningBack TightEnd WideReceiver1 WideReceiver2 WideReceiver3 Guard1 Guard2 Tackle1 Tackle2 N/A ??? ???N/A N/A N/A ActiveonRosterPlayingPosition

314 |No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No

310 FIG.3A 313 AlternativePosition ??? WideReceiver WideReceiver TightEnd TightEnd TightEnd Guard Center Tackle Guard Guard RunningBack WideReceiver WideReceiver Center Guard

312 PlayingPosition Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd WideReceiver WideReceiver WideReceiver Center Guard Guard Tackle Tackle Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd Guard Tackle

311- OdellBeckhamJr. PlayerName TomBrady MarshawnLynch MartellusBennett JulioJones AmariCooper TravisFrederick ZackMartin JoshSitton JoeThomas TyroneSmith RusselWilson JordanHoward TravisKelce T.JLand TerronArmstead Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1

r325 N/A N/A N/A Modifier ??? ??? ??? ??? NA ??? ??? ???

r324 S Points 2t 4 - - 01- - - - 0

-323 SubstitutionInterval Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1 Quarter1. Quarter1 320 FIG.3B

r322 PlayingPositiononRoster Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd WideReceiver1 WideReceiver2 WideReceiver3 Center Guard1 Guard2 Tackle1 Tackle2

321r PlayerName TomBrady MarshawnLynch MartellusBennett JulioJones OdellBeckhamJr. AmariCooper TravisFrederick ZackMartin JoshSitton JoeThomas TyroneSmith Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1

316r Injured No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No


315 PlayingPositiononRoster Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd N/A WideReceiver2 WideReceiver3 Center Guard1 Guard2 Tackle1 Tackle2 ??? WideReceiver1 N/AN N/A NAN/A

314r ActiveonRoster Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No NoNo

310 FIG.3C 313r AlternativePosition N/A WideReceiver WideReceiver TightEnd TightEnd TightEnd Guard Center Tackle Guard Guard RunningBack WideReceiver WideReceiver Center GuardGuard

312 PlayingPosition Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd WideReceiver WideReceiver WideReceiver Center Guard Guard Tackle Tackle Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd Guard Tackle

311r OdellBeckhamJr. PlayerName TomBrady MarshawnLynch MartellusBennett JulioJones AmariCooper TravisFrederick ZackMartin JoshSitton JoeThomas TyroneSmith RusselWilson JordanHoward TravisKelce T.JLand TerronArmstead Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 6 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1

336 PointsPer GameAverage ANO NW - - - Now -

ActiveonRoster Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoNo No NoNo No No

334 AlternativePosition Modifier ??? 0.6 9.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 9.0 0.90.9 0.9 0.9 0.50.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9

330 FIG.3D 333 AlternativePosition N/A WideReceiver WideReceiver TightEnd TightEnd TightEnd Guard Center Tackle Guard Guard RunningBack WideReceiver WideReceiver Center Guard

PlayingPosition Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd WideReceiver WideReceiver WideReceiver Center Guard Guard Tackle Tackle Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd Guard Tackle

OdellBeckhamJr. PlayerName TomBrady MarshawnLynch MartellusBennett JulioJones AmariCooper TravisFrederick ZackMartin JoshSitton JoeThomas TyroneSmith RusselWilson JordanHoward TravisKelce T.JLand TerronArmstead Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 7 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1

-325 345- Modifier NA ?? NA 0.7 NA ?? ?? NA N/A ??? NA Modifier ?? 7.0 0.7 A/N

-324 p344344 Points 2 HOMOL- - 0 0 Points

r323 SubstitutionInterval Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 Quarter2 r343 SubstitutionInterval Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4 320 FIG.3E 340 FIG.4 | 322 PlayingPosition Quarterback RunningBack TightEnd WideReceiver1 WideReceiver2 WideReceiver3 Center Guard1 Guard1 Tackle1 Tackle1 342r PlayingPosition WideReceiver1 WideReceiver1 WideReceiver1 WideReceiver1

321 OdellBeckhamJr. 341 PlayerName TomBrady MarshawnLynch MartellusBennett JordanHoward AmariCooper TravisFrederick ZackMartin JoshSitton JoeThomas TyroneSmith PlayerName JulioJones JordanHoward JordanHoward JulioJones Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1

OFFENSE Required Players per Position Formation QB RBFBTE WRC G Formation 1 1 0 0 2 3 1 2 2 Formation 2 | 1 | 1 0 |1 3 | 1 2 2 Formation 3 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 | Formation 4 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 2 Formation 5 | 1 |1 1 | 1 2 | 1 | 2 Formation 6 | 1 | 103 | 1 | 1 | 22 Formation 7 | 0 | 1 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 2 FIG . 5A DEFENSE | Required Players per Position Formation | DE DTOL IL CBS Formation 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 Formation 2 1 Formation 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 Formation 4 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 Formation 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 Formation 6 2 2 1 1 3 Formation 7 NNNN2 2 2 2 2 MMMMM1 FIG . 5B

SPECIAL TEAMS Formation KP KR PR or Extra 1 0 0 0 Punt 0100 Receive Kickoff 0 0 1 0 Receive Punt 10001 FIG . 5C Patent Application Publication Nov . 9 , 2017 Sheet 9 of 9 US 2017 /0319970 A1


Depth Chart Position Quarterback 1 Tom Brady 2 Russel Wilson 3 ?? Depth Chart Position Julio Jones 2 Odell Beckham Jr . Amari Cooper Travis Kelce 5 Jordan Howard 6 Martellus Bennett Depth Chart Position Marshawn Lynch Jordan Howard 3 Russel Wilson

FIG . 6 US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017

FANTASY SPORTS SYSTEM these attempts have failed to allow for any sort of mean ingful strategy to be implemented since substitutions are BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION limited to strictly to player- for -player lineup swaps. By [ 0001] The present subject matter relates generally to a preselecting substitute players , a fantasy manager will fantasy sports system . More specifically , the present inven almost always select the positions that typically create the tion relates to both systems and methods for managing most points. If any other positions have the starting player fantasy sports rosters and scoring fantasy sports competi become unavailable , no substitution will be made. tions . 10006 ]. Another example of an issue with fantasy sports is 10002 ] Fantasy sports are extremely popular throughout that the level of skill of real world players is not accounted the world . Likely the most popular form of fantasy sport is for in current fantasy sports scoring schemes. While accom fantasy football with close to 75 million American ' s taking plishments in a game are attributed points ( e . g . , sacks , part in at least one fantasy football competition . Fantasy touchdowns , field goals , etc . ) ; current fantasy sports systems football competitions are typically set up in the form of a do not account for the relative level of difficulty of achieving fantasy league . Each league has a set of teams and such an accomplishment. A helpful example of this issue the managers of these teams select football players from the could be that of two running backs scoring three touchdowns National Football League (NFL ) to be assigned to their in a game. Normally , this would be a boon for the fantasy team . Usually when a player is selected by one team in a teams which have the running backs in their starting league , no other team may select that player and thus a good ups . However , if one of the running backs scored these deal of thought and strategy typically goes into assembling touchdowns against the NFL ' s toughest defense and the each team ' s fantasy roster of NFL players. Once team rosters other back was pitted against the NFL 's weakest , the diffi are established , the teams in a fantasy league are matched up culty of achieving the feat for the back facing a great defense in one - on - one competitions based on a rotating weekly is left unaccounted for. Additionally in fantasy football , a schedule , with a winner from each matchup being deter field goal scored in the first quarter is worth the same amount mined based off which team 's roster of players has scored of points as an overtime game winning field goal. This more fantasy points . These fantasy points are awarded for disconnect between fantasy points and the magnitude of real positively contributing (or decremented for negatively con life player accomplishments allows for fantasy football tributing ) during an NFL game ( for example , scoring a victories to be achieved by picking players with beneficial touchdown ) . The head - to -head matchups go on for a set matchups rather than based off their efforts in games . number of weeks and eventually a league champion is [0007 ] Accordingly, there is a need for systems and meth crowned based off either the best record in the league or by ods for managing fantasy sports rosters and scoring fantasy winning the league playoffs . sports competitions, as described herein . [0003 ] While fantasy football is very popular, as evi denced by the number of players in America alone , it is not BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION without issues and room for improvement. For instance , [0008 ] To meet the needs described above and others , the when a fantasy game is played , each team manager is limited present disclosure provides systems and methods for man to selecting a portion of the players from their team ' s roster aging fantasy sports rosters and scoring fantasy sports to create a starting lineup . A starting lineup consists of one competitions. player from the roster exclusively assigned to an available [00091 One embodiment of the invention is a computer starting position ( i. e ., quarterback , running back , defensive ized system which features an end - user interface which end , 2 or 3 wide receivers, etc . ). Only the players included allows fantasy sports ( in this embodiment fantasy football , in the starting lineup compete in the fantasy matchup and but the system may be used to create fantasy competitions have the opportunity to accumulate fantasy points . Conse for any professional, collegiate , or other form of sporting quently , all unselected players do not compete in the contest event) leagues to be set up and managed by users . This end and have no chance of receiving any fantasy points for that user interface may be a hosted website which incorporates game. real time data from a sport ' s data statistics source , either [0004 ] This restriction of only selecting game starters external or internal. The data provided to the system website becomes a much greater problem when a selected starter may include information on team rosters, game performance becomes unavailable . In the NFL , a player 's playing status statistics , and any other relevant data used for fantasy sports may change before or during the game. NFL coaches make scoring . pre -game , game- time, and in -game decisions that impact a [0010 ] This system embodiment also features an interface player ' s playing status. Further, player injuries happen fre through which users may draft teams of NFL players in the quently during an NFL game. When a player becomes previously mentioned leagues and manage these teams for unavailable , no fantasy points can be earned for that player. the duration of the fantasy league 's season . Management of Although a team ' s roster often includes one or more addi each fantasy team is carried out via the system ' s depth chart tional players that may play at the unavailable player' s manager (DCM ) , described here as an isolated system position , no substitution can be made during a fantasy function which in reality is seamlessly integrated into the competition . fantasy sports system . [0005 ] Although the available starting positions and the [ 0011 ] The DCM allows a fantasy team ' s manager to values for calculating fantasy scores may differ from league closely emulate the action that would be taken by an actual to league , the basic principles of setting a fixed starting NFL team ' s head coach during a game. Practically , such an lineup and calculating fantasy points remain fundamentally effect is achieved by the DCM providing the ability for unchanged across all fantasy football leagues . Some fantasy fantasy sports team managers to set a sequential queue games have attempted to allow players to be designated as (depth chart ) of players at every available position on a team possible substitution players if a given situation arises, but within a fantasy sports league. Therefore , every available US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017 player has the potential of participating in each game if a ducted as described herein , a default score of 2 fantasy certain player or players become unavailable . Like real- life points may be granted to a player who intercepts a pass teams, if a player becomes unavailable on a fantasy roster , during an NFL game. If advanced scoring is opted for by the the next available player is substituted into the game based league manager , the score of 2 points awarded for an on the player ' s placement in the DCM ' s depth chart . interception can be multiplied by any number of factors [0012 ] To further improve the realism of fantasy sports which account for on the field performance . If, for example , competitions, the DCM contains a positions matrix . The the quarterback intercepted was a star player , a modifier of matrix defines all valid playing positions and associated 1 . 2 may be applied to the score of two ; resulting in a fantasy alternate position ( s ) (if any ) based on a player ' s natural score of 2 .4 ( 2 multiplied by 1 . 2 ) being awarded to the playing position . Also , an rating ( percentage ) is intercepting player. Additionally , scoring modifiers may be defined for each position . A natural playing position is the compounded by the system to produce a higher combined position the real - life team assigned the player . An alternate modifier if , for example, the interception discussed above playing position is another position that the player is capable took place in the final minutes of a close game. Since the of playing ( defined in the matrix based off real NFL statis final moments of a game are typically very important, an tics ) . The DCM allows a player to be placed in the depth interception during this timemay be awarded an additional chart at the player 's natural playing position or at a defined modifier of 0 . 4 . This “ clutch ” modifier of 0 . 4 may be alternate position that the player is capable ofplaying . When combined with the previously mentioned “ star player " modi a player plays at an alternate position , it is assumed that the fier of 1 . 2 to award the player a fantasy score of 3 . 2 for the player will be less effective than at his natural playing interception ( ( 1. 2 + 0 .4 ) * 2 ). position . As a result , a player participating in an alternate [ 0017 ] In contrast, poor play on the part of a player or the position will have a reduced efficiency rating compared to entire team may also be accounted for by the advanced playing at his natural position . scoring matrix . For example , a penalty may result in a loss [0013 ] For example , an offensive tackle (player ' s natural of points . Using contextual modifiers, the negative score position ) may be played at an offensive guard ( valid alter may be greater magnitude if the penalty occurs in a more nate position ) . When scoring the player , assume that he important context. For example , a penalty at mid - field in the earned 30 points if playing at his natural position ( 100 % 1st quarter may be less critical than a penalty on the goal line efficiency ). However, if instead , the player participated at an in the 4th quarter. Accordingly, the point penalty may be alternate position , he was scored at 24 points (80 % effi greater for the penalty on the goal line in the 4th quarter . ciency ) . In this way , a player capable of playing multiple [0018 ] The systems and methods described herein can be positions can be compared and rated more fairly in relation implemented in any fantasy sports context. For example , to players who play the alternate position (s ) as their natural fantasy , fantasy basketball, fantasy hockey , fantasy position . golf, etc . In an example using fantasy hockey , points may be [0014 ] This embodiment and others may also feature a deducted when a player commits a penalty that leads to a point scoring system that provides modified scoring for power play for the other team . A power play is awarded player 's accomplishments on the field based off how difficult when one team commits a against the other team . The ( or easy ) it was to accomplish an achievement during the offending team is penalized by the removal of one player game. For example , points may be awarded using a sliding from the ice for a set amount of time and , when such a scale that accounts for the degree of difficulty of a given penalty occurs , the odds of the penalized team giving up a achievement. Modifications may be made based on an goal significantly increases . Such a detriment can be individual player involved in the play . For example, when a accounted for by negative points or, as an alternative, a point player intercepts a star quarterback , the intercepting player decrementing modifier can be used in a manner operate is awarded a greater number of points than for an ordinary inverse to the point incrementing modifier discussed above . interception . Similarly , modifications may be made based on For instance , if a player commits a slash ( or any other the team , or the specific unit of the team ( e . g ., nickel hockey penalty ) that results in a power play, their fantasy defensive unit ), involved in the play . For example , a touch score may be multiplied by a modifier of 0 . 9 . This would down scored by a running back against a higher ranked mean if the player had accrued 2 fantasy points, this number defense ( or, even more specifically, a defense ranked highly would be multiplied by 0 . 9 for a fantasy score of 1 . 8 as a against the run ) may be worth more points than a rushing reflection of the player ' s detriment to their team . The touchdown against a weaker defensive unit . advanced scoring matrix may also account for if the power [0015 ] In some embodiments , the modified point scoring play actually cost the player' s team a goal and , if such a system utilizes an advanced scoring matrix that need not be negative consequence actually occurred , deduct additional limited to just accounting for the quality of players and fantasy points from the penalized player. In this case , such teams. This matrix can also account for clutch plays ( deter an additional deduction may mean adjusting the modifier mined off the time left in a game, the score , etc . ) , weather from 0 . 9 to 0 . 7 , resulting in the fantasy points ( 1 . 4 , down conditions , or any other factors which can impact the from 2 originally ) earned by the player being reduced for difficulty of accomplishing an achievement during a game. poor play which resulted in a realized benefit for the other The scoring modifiers may also be awarded , removed , and team . modified by the system constantly throughout the game in [0019 ] The present invention may also be described as a response to positive or negative play of the players ( e . g ., fantasy sports system ( or method of carrying out the fol penalties) , changing weather conditions, the importance of lowing ) comprising a memory configured to store a set of the game ( e . g ., the game is to clinch a playoff spot ) , or any instructions and a processor configured to execute the set of other factors . instructions, wherein the set of instructions cause the pro [0016 ] As an example of the advanced scoring matrix cessor to receive a fantasy lineup roster including a plurality mentioned above , in a fantasy football competition con of players , each player assigned to a playing position and US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017 one or more of the plurality of players further assigned to [0025 ] Another goal of the present invention is to provide one or more alternative positions, each alternative position an advanced scoring system for fantasy sports . Current being a backup to a playing position or another alternative fantasy football scoring does not reflect the overall magni position , assign scores to each of the plurality of players tude of the play in NFL games . Instead , the same amounts based on statistics derived from one or more real life of points are awarded for the same type of plays ( e . g . , an competitions, wherein the assigned scores are segmented in interception ) and fail to consider factors such as: who was a manner consistent with a plurality of segments within the intercepted ( e . g ., a star player ) , where the interception one or more real life competitions, receive a notification of happened ( e . g . , within 20 yards of the other team scoring) , at least one substitution event , each substitution event asso when the play occurred ( e . g ., game winning play ) , and if any ciated with one of the players and also associated with a penalties occurred on the play . Such factors can be used to substitution segment within the one or more real life com assign point modifiers to fantasy points earned by players petitions, and calculate a fantasy lineup score by aggregating and make the overall magnitude of the play in the real world the assigned scores of each of the players assigned to a better accounted for in fantasy sports . playing position . When one of the players mentioned in this [0026 ] An advantage of the present system is that it paragraph is assigned to a playing position is associated with automates an extremely complicated set of substitutions and a notification of a substitution event, the step of calculating provides to the user an interface which allows for these a fantasy lineup score further includes substituting the substitutions to be quickly defined and updated . The present assigned score for the player assigned to the alternative invention accounts for player ' s natural playing positions as position that is the backup to the playing position for which well as others at which they are competent and allows users the notification of the substitution event relates for all to assign players to a user ' s fantasy depth chart according to segments within the one or more real life competitions that which players are likely to net them themost fantasy points . occur after the substitution segment associated with the Additionally , not only are players replaced automatically by substitution event occurs . the system on a fantasy team ' s starting line - up when they [ 0020 ] The real life competitionsmonitored by the system become unavailable injury or otherwise ) , but players are may include games with the segments also replaced who are on a bye week . This alleviates the within the competition being quarters and / or segments need to constantly monitor a fantasy team and allows users within the one or more real life competitions are time ranges to fully enjoy watching sports or doing other activities while related to a game clock . Baseball games may also be games are occurring . monitored by the system and the segments within the one or [0027 ]. Another advantage of the present system is that it more real life competitions are innings . requires a good deal of thought and skill to formulate a winning team . Fantasy sports are defined as a game of skill [ 0021] The system may also apply a score reducing modi and must remain so to avoiding being considered gambling fier to the assigned score for the player assigned to the in some places . A user creating a fantasy team using the alternative position that is the backup to the playing position present system is required to do use a good deal of skill when for which the notification of the substitution event relates . building depth at each position on a team ' s roster. Themagnitude of the modifier applied for the player may be [0028 ] Additional objects, advantages and novel features derived , at least in part, from at least one sports statistic of the examples will be set forth in part in the description which correlates to an aptitude required for the alternative which follows, and in part will become apparent to those position at which the player is assigned . skilled in the art upon examination of the following descrip [0022 ] A score modifier may also be applied to the tion and the accompanying drawings or may be learned by assigned score of a player, the score modifier being derived , production or operation of the examples . The objects and at least in part, from temporal data concerning when the advantages of the concepts may be realized and attained by assigned score was earned by the player during a real life means of the methodologies , instrumentalities and combi competition . A score modifier may also be applied to the nations particularly pointed out in the appended claims. assigned score of a player , the score modifier being derived , at least in part , from at least one sports statistic which BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS correlates to the relative aptitude of two or more players [0029 ] The drawing figures depict one or more implemen participating against one another in a real life competition . tations in accord with the present concepts , by way of [0023 ] The substitution event( s ) accounted for by the example only , not by way of limitations. In the figures , like system may include : injury , illness, ejection , suspension , or reference numerals refer to the same or similar elements . benching of a player which occur during a real - life compe [0030 ] FIG . 1 is a schematic overview of the fantasy sports tition . When a substitution occurs, the data regarding such an system . event may be derived from a sports data source . [0031 ] FIG . 2 is a flowchart of the fantasy sports system ' s [ 0024 ] A goalof the present invention is to provide fantasy depth chart management function . team owners with a more realistic playing experience than 100321 FIG . 3A is a roster set by a team manager user. what is currently available in fantasy sports . This is accom [0033 ] FIG . 3B is a points scored database for a substitu plished by placing an emphasis on the entire fantasy team . tion interval of a competition monitored by the system . Since each fantasy team in this system has more players than 10034 ] FIG . 3C is a roster automatically updated by the just starters , the depth of a fantasy team at every position is system in response to a substitution event. of critical importance since these players may enter a fantasy [ 0035 ] FIG . 3D is an Average database . lineup if a starter becomes unavailable (whether for injury or 10036 ] FIG . 3E is a points scored database for a substitu otherwise ). This mirrors the real life need for sports teams to tion interval of a competition monitored by the system have not only star players , but also capable backup players featuring a substituted player and points modifier. to fill in for players unavailable during a game. 10037 ] FIG . 4 is a position score database . US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017

[ 0038 ] FIG . 5A is a chart of valid offensive player posi - ( 0045 ] For example , in one embodiment of automated tions that may be chosen by a team manager as part of an functionality , the system 100 may take into account players embodiment of the fantasy sports system . who are cross listed with other positions at which they are [0039 ] FIG . 5B is a chart of valid defensive player posi competent. If an opening in a starting lineup occurs ( e . g . , an tions which may be chosen by a team manager as part of an injury occurs ) any player on a given roster 310 who is embodiment of the fantasy sports system . competent at a given position may fill the open spot. If [0040 ] FIG . 5C is a chart of valid special teams player multiple players on a fantasy roster 310 are competent at the positions which may be chosen by a team manager as part given spot ( e . g . , a starting wide receiver is injured and two backup players can play wide receiver) whichever backup of an embodiment of the fantasy sports system . player has a higher points per game average will be selected [0041 ] FIG . 6 is an example of a portion of the GUI that to fill the open slot. Such a substitution can occur in real time the system displays to team manager users . based off data regarding injuries, etc. obtained from sports data source ( s ) 120 . It should be noted the use of highest DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE points per average score is used here to highlight how the INVENTION system 100 may function , but the system 100 can use any [0042 ] FIG . 1 is a schematic overview of the fantasy sports number of data points and meta data about player perfor system 100 . As shown in FIG . 1 , the fantasy sports system mance , weather , game time, historical match - up data , etc . to 100 may feature a centralized server 110 which receives analyze and elect the best available substitution for a given sports data ( e . g ., statistics ) from a sports data source 120 and position . communicates with a plurality of end users 130 . The sports [0046 ] The system 100 may be set up to monitor for data source 120 may be external ( e. g ., a sports statistics substitution events ( e . g ., injuries , suspensions, ejections , website ) or internal ( e . g ., an inhouse statistics database ) . The illness, benching, etc . ) during a given competition ( e . g . , end users may be league commissioners 132 , team managers sports game, car race , golf match , etc . ) and , in the interest of 134 , or users acting as both . These users interact with the fairness , the system 100 may lock rosters 310 ( featuring centralized server 110 via a graphical user interface (GUI ) players designated as starters and backups ) prior to the start 112 which may be displayed to the user in the form of a of the competition at a third step 203 . Once a given hosted website , mobile device application , or any other competition begins , the system 100 , at a fourth step 204 functional means. The users may create and manage fantasy monitors data regarding the competition and if a substitution sports leagues and teams via the system ' s GUI 112 and the event occurs at step 205 , the system will act automatically league data 115 related to such actions is stored on the to substitute a backup player. centralized server ' s 110 memory 111 . Further shown in FIG . [0047 ] Such substitution may be set to occur based off 1 , the centralized server ' s memory 111 also stores depth whether a substitution event occurs within a given substi chart manager (DCM ) 113 and advanced scoring matrix tution interval or segment. For example , during a football ( ASM ) 114 functions utilized by the system 100 to enable game, there are several different substitution intervals (or support of more complicated fantasy sports competitions . substitution segments ) which may be elected depending on The central server 110 also contains a processor 116 which league and /or team settings . Such substitution intervals or enables the server to carry out commands based off auto segments may include each play of a game, each set of matic and manual command inputs and a network interface downs , each possession , each quarter, each half , or even on 118 which enables the central server 110 to communicate a weekly game- to - game basis . If a substitution event occurs with end users 130 and sports data sources 120 via the during a competition ( step 205 ) and a starting (or active internet or any other functional means. backup ) player becomes unavailable , the system 100 will 10043 ) FIG . 2 is a flowchart of the fantasy sports system ' s then substitute the next best available player on the roster 100 depth chart management function 113 . As shown in FIG . 310 ( step 206 ) . The system 100 will then continue to monitor 2 , at a first step 201 , a league commissioner user 132 sets up competition data (step 204 ) until another substitution event the league rules for a given fantasy sports league . These occurs or the competition ends . league settings define what rules and parameters the fantasy [0048 ] While the system 100 may be adapted to help each teams within a given league come under. These rules may team manager optimize their fantasy team 's performance , include what playing positions will make up a team ( e . g ., the the amount of thought, skill , and work required when number of running backs , wide receivers , etc . ) , if in - game building a winning fantasy roster should not be understated . substitutions are allowed and the scoring scheme to be used The system 100 merely maximizes a fantasy team ' s poten for league games. These settings are managed through a GUI tial, but each user is responsible for selecting players to 112 which may be utilized by a league commissioner user make up their roster whose performances will reflect posi 132 and any set- up or changes done through a league tively on each other . The sort of in - depth research required management page of the GUI 112 are implemented and to build a flexible and resilient fantasy roster mimics the reflected via the options selectable within the GUI 112 page work done by real world coaches and general managers and shown to team manager users 134 ( shown in FIG . 6 ) . will provide a steep increase in challenge to even the most [ 0044 After league settings are established , at a next step seasoned fantasy players . 202 , team manager user ' s 134 set up their roster of players [0049 ] FIG . 3A is a roster 310 set by a team manager user ( a roster 310 is shown in FIG . 3A ) . Team manager users 134 134 . As shown in FIG . 3A , a roster may detail various fields place players into a roster 310 which features both starting of data about a given player including, but not limited to : players and backups who will be automatically substituted Player Name 311 , Playing Position 312 , Alternative Position by the system 100 if the starter is unavailable . Such substi 313 , Active on Roster 314 , Playing Position on Roster 314 , tutions may be partially or fully automated by the system and Injured 316 . This roster 310 may be viewable by a team 100 . manager user 134 via the system 100 's GUI 112 . The field US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017

Player Name 311 notes the name of the player ( e. g ., Tom active . Much like the roster shown in FIG . 3A , the points Brady ) and the field Playing Position 312 notes the normal scored database 320 features fields for Player Name 321 and playing position of the given player ( e . g . , Quarterback ) . The Playing Position on Roster 322 . There is also a field which Playing Position 312 form may also be used by the system notes the Substitution Interval 323 during which the fantasy 100 to determine which player ( s ) on the roster 310 may be points were scored and the number of points scored ( Points slotted into each of the active playing slots available for a field 324 ) . There is also a Modifier field 325 which accounts given roster 310 . For example, in the roster shown in FIG . for points deduced from a player ' s score for being placed out 3A , there may be one quarterback , one running back , one of their natural position on the roster 310 ( e . g ., a running , three wide receivers , a center, two guards, and two back placed at wide receiver to cover an injury ) . tackles active on the roster 310 at given time ( 11 players [0054 ] FIG . 3C is a roster 310 automatically updated by matching the number of players allowed on an NFL team at the system 100 in response to a substitution event. As shown a given time) . Additionally , five backup players are allowed in FIG . 3C , Julio Jones, previously active on the roster in the to be designated on the roster 310 in the example shown . position of wide receiver, has become injured . The system [0050 ] It should be noted the number of active players on 100 will detect such an injury ( from a sports data source a roster 310 , number of players allowed to be active at given 120 ) and update the roster 310 to place an available player position at one time, etc . may be edited via team and/ or capable of playing wide receiver as active on the roster 310 league settings . The system 100 may also be configured to after deactivating the injured player. Such deactivation is receive any number of different roster compositions ( no d emonstrated by the roster record for Julio Jones having the limiting examples shown in FIGS. 5A - 5C ) . For example , as fields Active on Roster 314 changed to " No " and the Playing shown in FIGS . 5A - 5C , in the case of fantasy football , a Position on Roster 315 changed to “ N / A ” . In his place , roster may include offensive players , defensive players , Jordan Howard has been automatically selected by the and / or special teams players to more closely mimic a real system to be activated , with the corresponding database like NFL team 's roster of players. fields ( Active on Roster 314 and Playing Position on Roster [0051 ] The Alternative Position field 313 further enables 315 ) updated as well . the system 100 to substitute players present on the roster [0055 ] The system ' s 100 decision to place Jordan Howard 310 . Some players are capable of playing multiple positions in the game was made , in this example, based off the average in real life , and the present system enables such capabilities points per game scored by the various available players on to be replicated in fantasy sports by noting alternative the roster 310 . Such data may be stored in an Average Points positions for some players, enabling the system 100 to Per Game database 330 ( shown in FIG . 3D ) with the system substitute these multi -positional players on a roster 310 if an 100 not only determining which player scores the most active player becomes injured , etc . For example, Jordan points per game, but also how various modifiers applied to Howard is a running back in the NFL , however he is also a the points a player scores might impact that players ability somewhat skilled receiver. Although he does not play wide to score points when inserted as active on the roster 310 . For receiver in NFL , he could theoretically play the position if example , Jordan Howard was selected by the system 100 to called upon to do so . Accordingly , the system 100 notes in fill the Wide Receiver 1 position on the roster 310 . Exam the Alternative Position field 313 for Jordan Howard that he ining the Average Points Per Game database 330 Jordan may also be placed as active on the roster at the position of Howard scores an average of 5 points per game (Points Per running back . It is worth noting that not all players may have Game field 336 ) and has been assigned by the system a an alternative position , in which case the Alternative Posi points modifier (Alternative Position Modifier field 334 ) of tion field 313 may be left blank , noted a “ N / A ” , etc . 0 . 7 . Examining the rest of the available players on the roster [0052 ] The Active on Roster field 314 indicates just that, 310 (also shown in the Average Points Per Game database with 11 players in FIG . 3A being allowed to be noted as 330 ) Marshawn Lynch , Martellus Bennett, Jordan Howard , active at a given time on a roster 310 . The Playing Position and Travis Kelce can all be utilized as wide receivers on Roster field 315 notes the playing position of active through their ability to be assigned to an alternate position players. For example , Martellus Bennett is noted as playing (Alternate Position filed 333 ) . There are no available but at Tight End . If a wide receiver was to get injured , Martellus inactive wide receivers on the roster . Bennett might be moved from Tight End to Wide Receiver [0056 ] The system 100 could potentially place Marshawn ( since he is capable of being placed at both positions on the Lynch , Martellus Bennett , Jordan Howard , or Travis Kelce roster 310 ) , with the Playing Position on Roster field 315 in the place of the injured Julio Jones. However, Marshawn being updated accordingly . The Injured field 316 indicates Lynch is already playing his natural position and noted as were a given player has become injured and is thus unavail scoring an average of 6 points per game. A modifier of 0 .6 able and in need of substitution by the system 100 . Data is assigned to Marshawn Lynch if he was played at his regarding injuries may be obtained in real time from one or alternate position (wide receiver ) meaning the system 100 more sports data sources including : sports statistics data projects him to score 3 . 6 points per game when played at his bases or websites, RSS feeds, etc . alternate position for an entire game. This same calculation [0053 ] FIG . 3B is a points scored database 320 for a is made by the system 100 for Martellus Bennett ( 1 . 8 points substitution interval of a competition monitored by the per game expected ) , Jordan Howard ( 3 . 5 points per game system 100 . A shown in FIG . 3B , the system 100 may track expected ), and Travis Kelce ( 1 .6 points per game expected ) . the number of fantasy points scored for the active players on Based off these calculations, the system 100 determines that a given fantasy roster for a given substitution interval. In this it is better to leave Marshawn Lynch at his natural position example , the system 100 is monitoring NFL games and the (where is can potentially score 6 points per game) and then substitution interval is set at quarters, meaning after each substitute in Jordan Howard (at his alternative position ) to quarter of the game, if an injury occurs , a player will be potentially maximize the number of points a given roster substituted ( if available ) for any injured players noted as 310 might score. US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017

[0057 ] The modifiers mention above may be predefined or Jones ( injured in the first quarter of his game ) with Jordan determined in real time and based off real life stats which Howard for the second quarter (Substitution Interval field relate to an aptitude required for playing the substitution 323 ) . In this substitution interval, Jordan Howard scored 2 position . For instance , if Marshawn Lynch begins catching points and thus a modifier of 0 . 7 (Modifier field 325 ) will more passes out of the backfield ( acting as a receiver ) his result in 1 . 4 fantasy points being awarded to this fantasy Alternative Position Modifier field 334 may be altered to team . deduct less fantasy points for him playing out of position . [0063 ] FIG . 4 is a position score database 340 . As shown Additionally, the points per game calculation mentioned in FIG . 4 , the position of Wide Receiver 1 ( Playing Position here is just one example of how the system 100 might field 342 ) was played by two players Julio Jones and Jordan determine which player should be substituted for an unavail Howard ( Player Name Field 341 ) . Expanding on the able one . For example , real time or historical game statistics example discussed above , Julio Jones was injured in Quarter can be used to determine if one player is having an unusually 1 (Substitution Interval field 343 ) and the system 100 good game and substitute that player instead of another replaced him with Jordan Howard in the Wide Receiver 1 player having a less productive outing . The system may also playing position . Julio Jones remained injured for the second generate an alert to notify end users 130 that the substitution and third quarters of his team ' s game, but was able to return has been made in the form of an SMS message , email, for the fourth quarter. Accordingly , the system reinserted smartphone notification , etc . Julio Jones into the Wide Receiver 1 playing position [0058 ] The score reducing modifier shown in this example because his points per game average is 4 ( as shown in FIG . is just one of many modifiers which the system 100 may 3D ) versus Jordan Howards 3 . 5 while playing at his alter utilize when calculating the fantasy scores for a given roster native position . Accordingly , the fantasy team is given credit 310 . For example , the system 100 may also be set up to for the points ( Points field 344 ) Julio Jones scored in apply a score enhancing modifier which accounts for clutch quarters 1 ( 1 point) and 4 ( 2 points ), and the points ( Points plays in a game. If Jordan Howard was to score a touchdown field 344 multiplied by the Modifier field 345 ) Jordan in the final seconds of the fourth quarter of a game, this score Howard scored in quarters 2 ( 1 . 4 points ) and 3 ( 2 . 1 points ) might be assigned a score enhancing modifier due to the for a total of 6 . 5 points at the Wide Receiver 1 position for temporal data related to this score . Other examples could this week 's set of games . include an interception by a defensive player at the close of 10064 ). After each week of NFL games concludes , the a quarter or game and the system 100 may also account for system 100 calculates which fantasy teams have won their the relative score between teams to apply other modifiers . If , weekly head - to - head matchup and updates the league stand in the examples above , the touchdown or interception late in ings to reflect this information . Also , worth noting is that the a game occur during a blowout ( with one team losing by a system automatically tracks positions at which players are large margin ) the score enhancing modifier may not be competent so , if for example , a quarterback switches to applied ( or reduced in magnitude ) by the system 100 . running back after injuring his throwing hand mid - season , [ 0059 ] This clutch play modifier may be further reinforced the system will automatically account for this change and by a choke play modifier which is applied to the player( s ) fantasy teams with the quarterback turned running back will that, for example , allowed the fourth quarter touchdown or now be able to play and substitute this player at both the interception to occur. This score reducing modifier may quarterback and running back positions. In one example , the interact with othermodifiers (as is the case with all modifiers player ' s position eligibility includes each position for which used by the system 100 ) to provide enhanced realism for the player has started a minimum of 20 % of the snaps taken fantasy football participants . by that player. However , the specific threshold for a given [0060 ] Still yet other modifiers may include metadata league may be configurable by the league manager . about the players which impact earned or surrendered fan [0065 ] FIG . 5A is a chart of valid offensive player posi tasy points , scores, etc . For example , if Tom Brady was to tions that may be chosen by a team manager user 134 as part be intercepted by a rookie , the score the rookie of an embodiment of the fantasy sports system 100 . As cornerback receives might be boosted given Tom Brady ' s shown in FIG . 5A , team manager users 134 may choose status as one of the best players in the NFL . Additionally , from any number of possible combinations of players to Tom Brady 's score might be reduced by a larger amount as place in their starting lineup . League commissioner users compared to giving up an interception to the NFL ' s best 132 may also determine what offensive lineups are allowed defender, the extra reduction justified by allowing an inex in their league; with the idea being each team manager acts perienced player to get the better of a seasoned pro . more like an NFL coach , choosing a lineup consisting of [0061 ] Another modifier may be awarded based off over lineman , backfield players, and receivers . Also noted in FIG . time play . In many sports competitions, over time scoring 5A , like real NFL teams, fantasy football teams in one may result in an immediate win for a team and is considered embodiment of the fantasy sports system 100 may have extra important. A modifier may be assigned which reflects three positional categories to account for : offensive players the extra importance of performance in this time - span of a (discussed above ), defensive players ( discussed in FIG . 3B ) , game. It should be noted that in some embodiments of the and special teams players ( discussed in FIG . 5C ) . system 100 , to access overtime points scored , the player [ 0066 ] FIG . 5B is a chart of valid defensive player posi must be substituted into the game prior to overtime, pre tions and formations which may be chosen by a team venting a fantasy team from unfairly benefiting from over manager user 134 as part of an embodiment of the fantasy time play after the fact . sports system 100 . Similar to the offensive positional cat [0062 ] FIG . 3E is a points scored database 320 for a egory discussed in FIG . 5A , a team manager user 134 may substitution interval of a competition monitored by the select for their fantasy team lineman , , and system 100 featuring a substituted player and points modi defensive secondary players similar to what a real NFL fier. A shown in FIG . 3B , the system 100 has replaced Julio coach would do . FIG . 5B further discloses a list of potential US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017 defensive formations which may be selected by the team Jordan Howard who , as discussed in FIGS. 3A -4 , could manager user 134 and / or pre -defined by a league commis potentially earn more points than Travis Kelce and is thus sioner user 132 . The defensive formation selected or man substituted over him in place of an injured Julio Jones . dated determines how many of each defensive position [0071 ] The depth chart displayed to team manager users player will be in a team ' s lineup . The formation examples 134 may vary depending on the league settings defined by a used are merely provided for illustrative purposes , it is league commissioner user 132 . For example , in some understood that additional formations and positions may be leagues , once rosters 310 are locked for a week of fantasy included . sports competition , team manager users 134 may no longer [0067 ] FIG . 5C is a chart of valid special teams player be able to adjust the players which they have set as active on positions which may be chosen by a team manager user 134 their roster 310 for the week , but the team manager users 134 as part of an embodiment of the fantasy sports system 100 . may be able to adjust back up players for the various active Much like the functionality discussed in FIGS . 5A - 5B , team positions post roster 310 lock . If a team manger user 134 manager users 134 may choose what players they wish to anticipates that a player has the potential to have a great insert into their starting lineup at various special teams week , the manager 134 would not be able to substitute the positions . Unlike the offensive and defensive playing posi player in place of a player marked as active on the roster 310 tion categories however, special teams has a set number of ( post roster lock ). However , if the backup players have yet players at each position ; there are no formation changes that to begin their respective real world game( s ) , the manager may be made . The rules surrounding formation and player 134 could move this player up to be the next in line to be position settings may change as the rules of the NFL (or any substituted as active on the roster 310 if an injury occurred . other sport which the system is tracking ) change and evolve . The system 100 may also automatically update the order of [ 0068 ] While the roster options discussed above allow potential substitutions in real time based off sports statics , players a good deal of control, in order to maximize realism , etc . The depth chart might also be set to not allow cross the roster settings for a fantasy team may be matched to substitution of players at various positions, adding more those of the active player requirements for a real NFL team . complexity and challenge to constructing a fantasy football Such rules may include the ability for a fantasy team to carry roster 310 . 53 players on its roster but have only 46 of these players [0072 ] The above figures focus on an instance of the active for each fantasy matchup . Additionally, information system 100 which monitors data from NFL (or college ) such as a fantasy league' s salary cap may be made to match football games , but the system 100 may also be used for the NFL ' s cap , as well as the rules around trades and the other types of fantasy sports . In the case of fantasy baseball , trade deadline . All of these rules and settings are configu the system 100 would again have a roster 310 of players , rable options when a fantasy league is set up and allow for some of whom would be designated as active players and the system to accommodate more traditional or casual some designated as back - ups . The system 100 would moni fantasy football competitions , while also supporting hyper tor each substitution segment ( or interval) of any number of realistic competitions which mimic the work a real NFL baseball games ( each inning being a substitution segment in front office undertakes . It should also be noted the number this example ) for the occurrence of a substitution event. A of players to make up a fantasy roster 310 can be altered substitution event could be an injury , ejection , etc . which from embodiment to embodiment of this invention , with the cause a player to become unavailable for play. If such a system 100 also being capable of monitoring and auto substitution event was to occur, the system 100 may sub substituting whole teams ( e . g . , Chicago Bears ) , portions of stitute in the next best available player on the roster 310 . a team ( e . g . , one hockey line over another ) , all the way down Like with the running back playing out of position example to the individual position level depending on the type of given earlier in this application , the system 100 may be fantasy sports competition . configured to apply a score reducing modifier if , for [ 0069] FIG . 6 is an example of a portion of the GUI 112 example , an outfielder becomes unavailable and is replaced that the system 100 displays to team manager users 134 . As on the fantasy roster with an infielder . Since the infielder shown in FIG . 6 , the roster 310 (shown in FIG . 3A ) of a could likely actually play the outfield in real life, but at a fantasy team may be manipulated through the use of a GUI reduced capacity versus a full -time outfielder, the score 112 . In this case , the GUI 112 features a breakdown of a reducing modifier acts to add realism to a substitution made portion of the roster 310 in the form of a depth chart . This on a fantasy roster 310 . portion of the GUI 112 enables team manager users 134 to [0073 ] Turning to fantasy hockey, the system 100 may set their preferred order of substitutions in the event an also be configured to monitor and automatically update a injury , etc . occurs to one of the active players ( indicated on fantasy hockey roster 310 . Again , similar to the football and the GUI 112 by shading in this case ) on the roster 310 . The baseball examples , a team manager user 134 sets a team system 100 may use this ranking in part or in whole to roster 310 with various hockey players . Some of these determine how substitutions are carried out by the system players are designated as active while others are backups. If 100 in response to a substitution event. for example , a goalie is injured in the third period (periods [0070 ] For example , if Julio Jones was to become injured , being the substitution segment in this example ), the system Travis Kelce is noted as being the next wide receiver on the will automatically substitute in a backup goalie and if one is depth chart and , if the system 100 was solely set to substitute not available , designated another defenseman as the goalie players based off the ranking set within the GUI 112 , would on the fantasy roster and apply a score reducing modifier to automatically substitute in Travis Kelce. Alternatively , the simulate the real -life effect of having a less capable player system 100 may also utilize various statistics collected about play the goalie position . the players on a given roster 310 to automatically substitute [0074 ] Still yet other sports may be monitored by the another, better performing player and override the substitu - present system 100 including golf. In the case of fantasy tion order set within the GUI 112 . One such example being golf , the roster 310 and number of active players therein US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017 might be much smaller ( even a single active golfer and one 7 . The method of claim 1 , wherein a score modifier is backup ) than a baseball or football team but the system 100 applied to the assigned score of a player , the score modifier can still monitor the performance of the active golfer ( s ) for being derived , at least in part, from temporal data concern injuries, etc . If such a substitution event occurs, the system ing when the assigned score was earned by the player during 100 may sub in another golfer and apply a score reducing a real life competition . modifier if, for example , the back - up golfer is notably less 8 . The method of claim 1 , wherein a score modifier is skilled than the originally active golfer. applied to the assigned score of a player , the score modifier [ 0075 ] It should be noted that various changes and modi being derived , at least in part , from at least one sports fications to the presently preferred embodiments described statistic which correlates to the relative aptitude of two or herein will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Such more players participating against one another in a real life changes and modifications may be made without departing competition . from the spirit and scope of the present invention and 9 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the substitution event without diminishing its attendant advantages . is an injury , illness, ejection , suspension , or benching of a I claim : player which occurs during a real- life competition . 1 . A method of scoring in a fantasy sports league com 10 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the notification of the prising the steps of: substitution event is received from a sports data source . receiving a fantasy lineup roster including a plurality of 11 . A fantasy sports system comprising : players , each player assigned to a playing position and a memory configured to store a set of instructions; and one or more of the plurality of players further assigned a processor configured to execute the set of instructions , to one or more alternative positions, each alternative wherein the set of instructions cause the processor to : position being a backup to a playing position or another receive a fantasy lineup roster including a plurality of alternative position ; players , each player assigned to a playing position and assigning scores to each of the plurality of players based one or more of the plurality of players further assigned on statistics derived from one or more real life com to one or more alternative positions , each alternative petitions , wherein the assigned scores are segmented in position being a backup to a playing position or another a manner consistent with a plurality of segments within alternative position ; the one or more real life competitions ; assign scores to each of the plurality of players based on receiving a notification of at least one substitution event , statistics derived from one or more real life competi each substitution event associated with one of the tions , wherein the assigned scores are segmented in a players and also associated with a substitution segment manner consistent with a plurality of segments within within the one or more real life competitions ; and the one or more real life competitions ; receive a notification of at least one substitution event , calculating a fantasy lineup score by aggregating the each substitution event associated with one of the assigned scores of each of the players assigned to a players and also associated with a substitution segment playing position ; within the one or more real life competitions ; and wherein , the step of calculating a fantasy lineup score calculate a fantasy lineup score by aggregating the further includes substituting the assigned score for the assigned scores of each of the players assigned to a player assigned to the alternative position that is the playing position ; backup to the playing position for which the notifica wherein , when one of the players assigned to a playing tion of the substitution event relates for all segments position is associated with a notification of a substitu within the one or more real life competitions that occur tion event , the step of calculating a fantasy lineup score after the substitution segment associated with the sub further includes substituting the assigned score for the stitution event occurs. player assigned to the alternative position that is the 2 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more real backup to the playing position for which the notifica life competitions are American football games and the tion of the substitution event relates for all segments segments within the one or more real life competitions are within the one or more real life competitions that occur quarters . after the substitution segment associated with the sub 3 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more real stitution event occurs . life competitions are American football games and the 12 . The system of claim 11 , wherein the one or more real segments within the one or more real life competitions are life competitions are American football games and the time ranges related to a game clock . segments within the one or more real life competitions are 4 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more real quarters. life competitions are baseball games and the segments 13 . The system of claim 11 , wherein the one or more real within the one or more real life competitions are innings. life competitions are American football games and the 5 . The method of claim 1 , wherein a score reducing segments within the one or more real life competitions are modifier is applied to the assigned score for the player time ranges related to a game clock . assigned to the alternative position that is the backup to the 14 . The system of claim 11 , wherein the one or more real playing position for which the notification of the substitution life competitions are baseball games and the segments event relates . within the one or more real life competitions are innings . 6 . The method of claim 5 , wherein the magnitude of the 15 . The system of claim 11, wherein a score reducing modifier applied for the player is derived , at least in part , modifier is applied to assigned score for the player assigned from at least one sports statistic which correlates to an to the alternative position that is the backup to the playing aptitude required for the alternative position at which the position for which the notification of the substitution event player is assigned . relates . US 2017 /0319970 A1 Nov. 9 , 2017

16 . The system of claim 15 , wherein the magnitude of the modifier applied for the player is derived , at least in part , from at least one sports statistic which correlates to an aptitude required for the alternative position at which the player is assigned . 17 . The system of claim 10 , wherein a score modifier is applied to the assigned score of a player , the score modifier being derived , at least in part , from temporal data concern ing when the assigned score was earned by the player during a real life competition . 18 . The system of claim 10 , wherein a score modifier is applied to the assigned score of a player , the score modifier being derived , at least in part, from at least one sports statistic which correlates to the relative aptitude of two or more players participating against one another in a real life competition . 19 . The system of claim 10 , wherein the substitution event is an injury, illness , ejection , suspension , or benching of a player which occurs during a real- life competition . 20 . The system of claim 10 , wherein the notification of the substitution event is received from a sports data source . * * * *