Terrace Hosts Major Northern Convention

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Terrace Hosts Major Northern Convention Legislative Library, Parliament Buildings, ~Le .~IX4Victoria, B.C. ....... I w • Golfer Terrace hosts major aces northern convention hole TERRACE--The annual convention of the North in, one Central Municipal They say that to get a Association was held hole-in,one in golf, you here last week. Nearly need a little bit of skill 200 representatives of andan awful lot of luck. local governments throughout northern Terrace golfer Leona Wilcox has had that skill B.C. gathered in Terrace and luck twice now at the to exchange ideas and ex- Skeena Valley Golf and periences, receive expert advice and examine cur- Country Club. Wilcox scored her first rent issues affecting ace on the fourth hole municipalities in the back in 1974. At that north. time, the hole was only The North Central about 120 yards long, Municipal Association and played from the top (NCMA) is a unifying of a hill to a sand green body for municipal Convention at the base. governments and The Honorable WIIIl~/m Ritchle (standing), B.C. Minister of Wilcox used a six iron regional districts in Municipal Affairs, was the keynote speaker at a luncheon to get her golfer's dream northern B.C., covering held during the recent NCMA convention in Terrace. 12 years ago. She had to a geographical area from wait until Tuesday, May ~eeAe~b~r~aabo°~::~t~th: Tral~aiaindwSark~nafiMnLanA..C~,~rtipgou°bS~rv;dto 13, to repeat her effort, and ironically it happen- and..... Kamloo P!s north,. .. to= cial report from Harald raise public awareness of ed on the same hole. me xuKon, ttsIunc.~to:i Hansen and a report what,l~al government This time the hole had is to promote tne weim :¢,.,-",: Dan Cummin,,, does. '~ ~ .... .... • ;- '.. • ~jW. IL.iv,ji R . ~ .'7 ~ " " ~ ' ':k "* "" • been incr~ed~to 175 of northern,~com- ~)resiilentof the Union of Attheluc~i~eonfol! °w- yards. Items Still a par munmes,• laenuw pro " B C Munlcinalities. ing the opemng thr~, but golfers were blems specific to the area • • . r • ceremonies, the relation- now using a sumptuous and lobby senior govern- Cummingsummarized ship of local govern- grass green. ments on northern the convention agenda, ments to the province When the gem occur- issues. The organiza- stressing the importance was the subject of a of informed and con- speech by the Hen. red, Wilcox was in a Spinner's yam tion's annual two-day hurry, playing alone in Ed Chapplow (right) Is often the recipient of wool clothing convention opened with certed action on issues William Ritchie, B.C. an effort to catch up his wife, Lena, makes from the raw fleece of sheep the mar- welcoming remarks by such as liability in- Minister of Municipal with a group ahead of rled couple own. See stow page 11. Terrace mayor Jack surance, tax assessment Affairs. her. Fortunately, four appeals and economic course groundskeepers development strategies Ritchie held up the were nearby.and witness- for communities. "Partners in Enterprise" ed the joyous occasion. "Municipalities are be- program as an example Ray Taft, Ed McKinnon, Early registration introduced ing given an expanded of provincial assistance Eric Buhr and 3ock role in responsibilites to the economic develop- Campbell will all tell the will be able to reach a far and decision-making," ment of communities, world about Wilcox's ac- TERRACE -- New at NWCC greater number of although he made no curacy. registration procedures students with the same mention of the fact that The odds against scor- being implemented at number of instructors," the enterprises ~involved Northwest Community tained well in advance of receive substantial tax ing a hole-in-one are terms to allow for plan- she said, "and still main' tremendous. We can't College will allow tain the quality and con- breaks at the ex~pense of students to register for ning. municipalites. On the even venture a guess at Patterson said that the tent of the programs." the odds on getting two academic courses several Patterson expressed subject of revenue shar- changes reflect an ad- ing, he announced to the of them in a lifetime. months in advance. Jo confidence in commun- Patterson, newly-elected minstrative reorganiza- group that the assess- If good things come in tion within the college ity demand for academic threes, then Leona head of the college's courses, raying that in ment terms of the uncon- academic division, says which amalgamates the ditional grant formula Wilcox hopes she doesn't academic, vocational spite of the disrepute in- have to wait for another that the advantages of to which liberal arts and are being changed "to and Adult Basic Educa- give greater recognition 12 years before she aces early registration are that sciences have fallen in re- tion divisions. "It will to small municipalities the Skeena Valley Golf prospective students will cent years due to low be able to get into classes strengthen the college with weak tax bases". Club's fourth hole again. overall," she stated. employment potential 'A little sooner, if you before they are full and for graduates, employers No details of the changes that schedules can be ob- Changes in the are yet available, he said. pleasel delivery of instructidfi" are now beginning to has resulted in expanded •realize the importance of Ritchie also announc- Outside capabilities for the a diversified education" ed that the provincial Inside academic department, background for workers. government's recent OMe HI Lo Prec. She added that the Business Guide 20 May 12 7 310.8mm Patterson indicated. Arts review of the regional Church Directory 8 May13 9 2 1.0tr and sciences instruction NWCC will soon be of- district system is now Classified Ads 22 May14 11 3 3.6ram' will be introduced to the fering a tWo-year complete. "I am a strong Coming Events 18 May 15 12 3 0.Omm Associate of Arts degree Comics 21 May18 11 4 9.8ram Prince Rupert campus, supporter of the regional and university transfer program in addition to NWCC rep district system," he Crossword 21 May 17 14 7 1.8ram the university transfer Jo Patterson was recently Dlnlng Dlrectow 10 May 18 14 8 1.4 turn courses through new elected as head of the North- stated. "I am also a sup- Entertalnment 7 Forecast: Unsettled teleconferencing equip- courses presently west Community College porter of responsible Horoscope 14 weather conditions with ment will be available to available. Academic Division. Patter- authority; it is time for Letters 5, 15 clouds and showers. Further information is son succeeds Andre KIIng- Daytime high 14 or 15 regional centres at regional districts to have Oplnlons 4 Kitimat, Smithers, available from Jo Patter- ner, who has taken a year's Sports 6 becoming sunny later In the leave of absence from the clear parameters of ac- week, with daytime highs of Houston, Aiyansh, son or Brian Loptson at tion and greater Stork Book 14 17 and overnight lows of 4 Northwest Community school to work at the Skeena Talk of the Town 5 Hazelton and the Queen Mental Health Unit. condnued on pl|e S or 5. Charlotte Islands. "We College. 2 T~'rac~Revh, w-- Wednesday, May 21, 1986 Local resident TERRACE -- Vic Jolliffe, speaking on the forthcoming municipal in byelection by,election for Alder- man, remarked that this perience. He has served million dollar building five month term seems to the community of Ter- expansion program; four be tailor-made and fits race in various positions years on~ the Regional his qualifications to a including three years on District; 10 years on the tee. the Terrace Hospital Terrace Municipal Jolliffe went on to Board, two of themas Council, two of them as outline his previous ex- Chairman, during the six Mayor, and during this period of civic commun- ity work, he has been a member of all municipal Transfer program committees at various times. still an option The person elected in this by-election will only TERRACE -- Recent overall average of C + or serve for five months up publicity regarding the better would not be af- until the next round of Mike HIIIman of Pacific Congress Projects was In Terrace recently to brief NCMA delegates University of B.C.'s pro- fected by the limitation. municipal elections, on progress at the Northern Development Council's office, located in the World Trade posal to place limits on In fact; had the limita- Jolliffe noted. During Center. the numbers of students tion been in place for the this five months Terrace transferring from com- Fall of 1985 it would on- Municipal Council is go. munity colleges has caus- ly have affected about 50 ing to have to solve some ed some confusion in the transfer students in total peculiarly Terrace pro. Community development Northwest region. from all of the colleges in blems, some of which Norththwest Community B.C. are: Our roads, which highlights convention College (NWCC) UBC has also in- were first paved in 1970 registrar in Terrace, dicated that they are well and '71, are literally TERRACE--The heart potential or the potential with regard to the right Brian Loptson, points aware that the smaller worn out, the paving is of the North Central to replace import pro- and wrong moves in out that "~he Northwest colleges such as NWCC so thin that you can see Municipal Association ducts, and aquaculture marketing. "Marketing College University are only able to offer a the gravel base right function is economic enterprises. The usual is one prong in an overall Transfer Program is still full second year in a through the blacktop on development for method of assistance is economic development a very viable and limited number of major many of the surfaces.
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