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Agenda AGENDA for a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Hertford on WEDNESDAY, 20 DECEMBER 2017 at 10.00AM. MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE (10) (Quorum = 3) D J Barnard, S J Boulton, D S Drury, E M Gordon, J S Hale, A J S Mitchell (substitution for D Andrews ), M D M Muir (Vice-Chairman), S Quilty, I M Reay (Chairman), A D Williams AGENDA AUDIO SYSTEM The Council Chamber is fitted with an audio system to assist those with hearing impairment. Anyone who wishes to use this should contact the main (front) reception. PART I (PUBLIC) AGENDA Meetings of the Committee are open to the public (this includes the press) and attendance is welcomed. However, there may be occasions when the public are excluded from the meeting - for particular items of business. Any such items are taken at the end of the public part of the meeting and are listed below under “Part II (‘closed’) agenda”. MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 8 December 2017 (to follow ). PUBLIC PETITIONS The opportunity for any member of the public, being resident in or a registered local government elector of Hertfordshire to present a petition relating to a matter with which the Council is concerned, and is relevant to the remit of this Committee, containing 100 or more signatures of residents or business ratepayers of Hertfordshire. Notification of intent to present a petition must have been given to the Chief Legal Officer at least 20 clear days before the meeting where an item relating to the subject matter of the petition does not appear in the agenda, or at least 5 clear days where the item is the subject of a report already on the agenda. Agenda Pack 1 of 320 1 [Members of the public who are considering raising an issue of concern via a petition are advised to contact their local member of the Council. The Council's arrangements for the receipt of petitions are set out in Annex 22 - Petitions Scheme of the Constitution.] If you have any queries about the procedure please contact Deborah Jeffery on telephone no. (01992) 555563. MOTIONS (Standing Order C9) Motions may be made on a matter relevant to the Committee’s terms of reference (other than motions relating to a matter on the agenda, which shall be moved when that matter is discussed). Motions must have been notified in writing to the Chief Legal Officer by 9 am on the day before the meeting and will be dealt with in order of receipt. No motions had been submitted at the time of agenda dispatch. 1. APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH EXISTING RAIL AGGREGATES USE AND CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF AN ENERGY RECOVERY FACILITY FOR THE TREATMENT OF MUNICIPAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WASTES; IMPORTATION, STORAGE AND TRANSFER OF LOCAL AUTHORITY COLLECTED HEALTHCARE WASTE TOGETHER WITH ANCILLARY INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING ADMINISTRATION/VISITOR CENTRE; INCINERATOR BOTTOM ASH STORAGE SHED; GRID CONNECTION COMPOUND; CAR, HGV, BUS AND VISITOR PARKING AREAS; RAIL SIDINGS IMPROVEMENTS; WEIGHBRIDGES AND WEIGHBRIDGE OFFICE; 2 PORTACABIN OFFICES; SPRINKLER TANK AND PUMP ROOM; DRAINAGE CONNECTION TO RIVER LEE; SECURITY FENCING; LANDSCAPING AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO RATTYS LANE AT LAND AT 2, RATTY’S LANE, HODDESDON, EN11 0RF. Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment Local Member: Tim Hutchings Adjoining Members: Paul Mason and Eric Buckmaster OTHER PART I BUSINESS Such other Part I (public) business which, the Chairman agrees, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration. PART II (‘CLOSED’) AGENDA EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC There are no items of Part II businessAgenda on Pack this 2agenda of 320 but if an item is notified the 2 Chairman will move:- "That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph ** of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.” If you require a copy of any of the reports mentioned above or require further information about this agenda please contact Deborah Jeffery, Assistant Democratic Services Manager on telephone no. 01992 555563 or email: [email protected] Agenda documents are also available on the internet KATHRYN PETTITT CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER Agenda Pack 3 of 320 3 Agenda Item HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL No. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 20 DECEMBER 2017 AT 10.00 AM BROXBOURNE BOROUGH 1 APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH EXISTING RAIL AGGREGATES USE AND CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF AN ENERGY RECOVERY FACILITY FOR THE TREATMENT OF MUNICIPAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WASTES; IMPORTATION, STORAGE AND TRANSFER OF LOCAL AUTHORITY COLLECTED HEALTHCARE WASTE TOGETHER WITH ANCILLARY INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING ADMINISTRATION/VISITOR CENTRE; INCINERATOR BOTTOM ASH STORAGE SHED; GRID CONNECTION COMPOUND; CAR, HGV, BUS AND VISITOR PARKING AREAS; RAIL SIDINGS IMPROVEMENTS; WEIGHBRIDGES AND WEIGHBRIDGE OFFICE; 2 PORTACABIN OFFICES; SPRINKLER TANK AND PUMP ROOM; DRAINAGE CONNECTION TO RIVER LEE; SECURITY FENCING; LANDSCAPING AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO RATTYS LANE AT LAND AT 2, RATTY’S LANE, HODDESDON, EN11 0RF. Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment Contact: Rob Egan Tel: 01992 556224 Local Member: Tim Hutchings Adjoining Members: Paul Mason and Eric Buckmaster 1. Purpose of Report 1.1 To consider planning application reference 7/0067-17 for the proposed demolition of buildings and structures associated with existing rail aggregates use and construction and operation of an energy recovery facility for the treatment of municipal, commercial and industrial wastes; importation, storage and transfer of local authority collected healthcare waste together with ancillary infrastructure including administration/visitor centre; incinerator bottom ash storage shed; grid connection compound; car, HGV, bus and visitor parking areas; rail sidings improvements; weighbridges and weighbridge office; 2 portacabin offices; sprinkler tank and pump room; drainage connection to River Lee; security fencing; landscaping and highway improvements to Ratty’s Lane at land at 2, Ratty’s Lane, Hoddesdon, EN11 0RF. Agenda Pack 4 of 320 - 1 - Procedural matters 1.2 The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2011. 1.2 A Scoping Report was submitted to the Waste Planning Authority (WPA) of Hertfordshire County Council in April 2016. Following consultation, the WPA issued a Scoping Opinion in June 2016. 1.3 Further to the submission of the application, the applicant submitted addendums to the ES for the consideration of the local planning authority. These addendums primarily relate to the submission of a revised Flood Risk Assessment, together with changes to the highway access arrangements. In addition, the addendums also included further technical information that the WPA had requested under Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. The submission of the addendums necessitated a re-consultation exercise, with all original consultees being consulted on the details of the addendums. 2 Summary 2.1 The establishment of an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) at Ratty’s Lane will allow the County Council, in its role as Waste Disposal Authority, to deal with all residual Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW) arisings within the county. Residual waste is the element of LACW that is left after all re-usable and recyclable elements have been removed. At present, this waste is either sent to landfill sites for disposal, or is exported from the county for incineration at alternative facilities. The proposed ERF will allow the residual waste to be moved up the waste hierarchy when compared to landfill as it would facilitate the production of partly renewable energy. The creation of such a facility within Hertfordshire would also allow residual LACW to be treated much closer to its origins, cutting down on transportation costs and disposal fees. 2.2 Although the Ratty’s Lane site is not within any of the preferred areas designated by the County Council within its Waste Core Strategy, the site offers a sustainable location on Previously Developed Land that also consists of a designated employment site. Consequently, the location of the proposed development accords with the Waste Core Strategy. 2.3 The environmental impacts of the proposed ERF have been assessed at length. In terms of noise and vibration, it is likely that one nearby residential property as well as houseboats in the vicinity of the site will be adversely affected, but only during the period of construction of the facility. Once the ERF is operational, noise and vibration will not affect these. Agenda Pack 5 of 320 - 2 - 2.4 Other environmental impacts, including the likely impact upon air quality, hydrology and hydrogeology, and health, have all been analysed and assessed, with the conclusions being that the development will not result in significant adverse impacts upon these. 2.5 The primary significant impact of the development will be in terms of its visibility within the landscape and upon identified receptors within the vicinity of the site. Appropriate mitigation, primarily through landscaping, will assist in softening these impacts, but it is also proposed to seek further mitigation through the provision of financial contributions, by way of a Section 106 Agreement, to provide further mitigation through environmental enhancements of the adjacent water corridor and within the Lee Valley. 2.6 In addition, the likely impact of the development upon ecology has been thoroughly assessed, concluding that any such impacts will be adequately mitigated through habitat creation, with species being protected through the imposition of appropriate conditions.